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Lesson Plan

Teacher Name Morgan Taylor Date March 21, 2018

Subject Area Science Grade 7
Topic Planet Earth - Fossils Time 50 minutes

4. Describe, interpret and evaluate evidence from the fossil record

General Learner Performing and Recording

Outcome(s) Analyzing and Interpreting
Taken from Communication and Teamwork
Alberta Program
of Studies Interest in Science
Scientific Inquiry
• describe the nature of different kinds of fossils, and identify hypotheses about
their formation (e.g., identify the kinds of rocks where fossils are likely to be found;
identify the portions of living things most likely to be preserved; identify possible
means of preservation, including replacement of one material by another and
formation of molds and casts)
• explain and apply methods used to interpret fossils (e.g., identify techniques used
for fossil reconstruction, based on knowledge of current living things and findings
of related fossils; identify examples of petrified wood and bone)
• describe patterns in the appearance of different life forms, as indicated by the
Specific Learner
fossil record (e.g., construct and interpret a geological time scale; and describe, in
general terms, the evidence that has led to its development)
Taken from
• identify uncertainties in interpreting individual items of fossil evidence; and
Alberta Program
of Studies
explain the role of accumulated evidence in developing accepted scientific ideas,
theories and explanations

• research information relevant to a given question

• interpret patterns and trends in data, and infer and explain relationships among
the variables
• work cooperatively with team members to develop and carry out a plan, and
troubleshoot problems as they arise
• evaluate individual and group processes used in planning, problem solving,
decision making and completing a task
Objectives Students will be able to:
What do you want 1) Identify and write what kind of fossils are in the fossil kits
your students to 2) Predict and research where the organism from the fossil lived (terrestrial, aquatic)
How will you
1. Identified and researched chosen fossils
know your
2. Verbally explain the different types of fossils
students have
Materials 
What resources  fossils brought in
 identifying fossil sheet
will you need?
 laptops

Defining Fossils
- Define the types of fossils –
- Students copy down the definitions
(attention - Petrified fossils
grabber) 10 - Carbonaceous film fossils
minutes - Original remains
- Trace fossils
- Mould
- Cast
Show and Tell
Body Some students have fossils they want to bring in to show the class – have them share
(Activity #1) - Teacher Actions
5 minutes o Have students present their fossils, what it is, where they think its from, what kind of
fossil they think it is
Identifying fossils
Students choose 10 fossils that interest them – write the scientific name, identify the type
of fossil, group research and copy where the organism lived and what era it lived in, draw
a picture of the fossil, draw a picture of the organism
(Activity #2) - Teacher Actions
30 minutes o Students are in their Science groups
o Each table has a set of fossils, laptop, handbook
o Each student has a fossil identification page

- Assessment Evidence
o Fossil Identification page is filled out in full
(consolidation of  Share their most interesting fossil identification with another table group
learning)  Desks go back to normal
5 minutes
Fossil Exploration

Fossil Name: ________________________________________________

Time Where it was found Type of Fossil (Circle)
A. Petrified fossil
B. Carbonaceous film fossil
C. Original remain
D. Trace fossil
E. Mould
F. Cast
Prediction – What was the organism? What type of ecosystem did it
live in? etc.


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