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Substituting tn the equitton for gy as sven above, ay 2 = [ona (1800) = (0007 x eonoj]zna = [hove x ota ~ (-c017y(200 fy FONE Zak ~ 73,01 Fea a In ustap eguntion (2) te canguve the seve Tom jottern no W111 Inazine op rane a city thus smklng the enear flaw Qy = nora fm tuld punel, subt, in (a) ot 6.078 16 w 1 (5.888) ~ 75,92 x 1x = 449.78 L/In, cr 9,70 + 16 x .8 (8,558) - 72,91 x Ox (5.886) = - 100.05 100.06 + 416 x A x 10707 = 7 x 4 (45,805) = 75.00 a hg = 80 + 10 x x bx 2.07% x 20,667 ~ 73.91 a Fg, 415.04 shows tte plotted shoar flow results. This pattern satteties BF, = 0 and Wy = 0. To check cquilibriun of mints 000 V2 ag, 6-25 about a y axis 4 point de 9 y axl going throue By = 6000 x 8 ~ 1600 x 0 - 449.78 x 12 x 1G =~ 51160 tn.ib. ‘hus for equiltoriim a newont of plus 51100 tn.tD, to regulred, This 18 prumced by adding 3"constant shaar flow @ around the ee2l ralls, where su160 ONS, = 109.06 ab. (a= wren of gett = 160) ws Adding thle value of @ to those in Fig. 205,24 we obtain the final shear flow reststing patter tn Pig. a5.25, Solution 2, Prinzipel axas Math’ ‘the shear flow systen can of course be fount by vararring seetion prapert ing and ox ‘werna1 hear’ louis to the principal exoe of the beam caption, Tas squstion for shoar flow 18 (wee By. 15 of Chapter ale), % Es gyn Wenn ag ba a - pT (he susoript p rotors to prinetpat aro.) (3) ‘Me sectton properttes about the srtretont ‘axes nore computed Tor this sane bean ction fon page 18.6 of Chiptor ALS, Tho wiles are:= yp #75422, Ipp = 109.04 Fg, 415.26 wntch was algo taken trom mage 40845 snows tho Yeeatien of the princijal sree ‘and th dtstanees fron the four flange nombers to the prinetpal exes. pee Pig. A. 28 Betore subst tution tn equation (6) can be we, the given shear loads Vq © 6000, and Vy = 1600 mist'be resolved normal to tho princi yp = ~£000 sin 15°-15'-1600 cos 150-1! = 8121.8 hy 19.50 Sut, tn equation (8), Qy 2 -T8) Bayh + 19.50 B xh = - - (6) Ais.10__SHEAR_FLOW Assume gy = 0 in top panel ab, ae £1.91 x 4.45 x 14 19.69 x (26.74) x1 = 8,92 og = “15.82 = 71.21 (7.12),8 + 19,59 (-3.00).8 = = 99.41 = 941 = TLE (-2.90),4 + 19459 x 1L,00 x 45 78.55 10/10, yg F 75.65 = TL 2l (4482).5 + 19.59 x 9.75 x 45 = 0 (chock) ‘These sieer flows are practleally tho sumo 1s obtained in solution no, 1 as recorded tn Pig, A124, Discrepancies are due to slice tule nesizacy. . For equlltbrium of ouents, take nowents about (b). My = 6000 x 8 = 1600.x 0 ~ 448.02 x 12 x16 = 0008 10.1, A constant shar flow q around cold mast ‘ve adlod to produce 608%8 1n.2D, for equil- Torkun, ‘ts balancing shear Tow ts, nh , _so00s, a = 159.35 1b/in, 2x 160 sion 1s the samo as 1n solution no, 1, Beale Froblon Fig. 415.27 1Muustrates a typleal single coll wing teak with mtlple flange mentors. ‘re exterm] snear Load ot this bean saction 1s Vz = 1000 and Vy = 400 loosted eo snow. ‘ie Internal suear flow rosistine qattern WL vo caleulated, ‘This boam section {9 the eune as tat used {n exanple problen 5 of Chapter A3, whore tho eileulations of the section properties were mde, ‘Te results neres 1, = 41,7, yg * 9682 Hp opi yw op 5 ig. A627 SWEAR CENTER. IW CLOSED THIN-WALLED SECTIONS. Solution. be eet, ‘Tho K nothod of solution will 105.5 1 ielenlaa® * 75105 ay © eglark NIB = Cele JBcA 00288 Swstituttng 10 above equation, dy = ~{.000855-400- .0003600 x 1000) Ex ~( 006452 «1000 ~ 0008590 x 400)228 ‘Since the wluo of the shor flow 1s ut ‘nom at ary polnt on the coll walls, 1 wil bo assuted that the cell wali 18 cut’ between flanga nonbers 1 ad 10, thus mikine q zero on ‘tha sheet panel numbered (1-10). ‘Then using equation (7) the shear Tow Is calculated tn golng clockrlse around the junel. Columns 1 to 10 of Table 45.1 show the calculations in Solving equation (7}, For explanation on now ‘to cetenaine fanse of shaun fleas ay tn Columns By 20, and 11, review Art. A14.6 of” Ghaptor aM ‘Te shoar flow values tn column 11 would bbe the resulte if the external loads as piven were 80 looted as te aot through the controle fof this shear flow force systen, Since they o apt we mili solve for the unbalanced moment ‘on the beam section about potnt (0) the con ‘told of tho daan erocs-section. Tha nomont of ‘the shear flow force on a sheet” pene) botanan any t¥0 adjacent flange menbers 1s equa In magnitude to 9 tines double the oneloced area Tomned ty drawing Lines fron the moment center (0) and the ends of the particular sneet pine. Fig. 415.28 {lustrates this explamtion. The valle a In colum 12 of the table Lists the double areas of these various triangular areas, ‘aking monants of all forcos both external and tnterma} about point (0), Mig = 1000%2 + 400.x5+ 37128 = 20825 10.10. (17128 equuts eumatton of column 13) ‘tnus for equilibrivm a nogative xonent of 20825 1$ needed, This monont 15 provided by adding & Tie tt ee ee a [Am =aamlye-s20] tre, | = ea | Yaw] zen | ax CSET ESI S| lon see z 3 2.810] 9.1 = + L320] 5.44]-t = 381] 0.86] ar e 12] 3.14) ae H Sony a z aH a ore t r 15,30] a a va 2m i 33 Sat in e os Sc ca tr [=13.34] ote LJ i Bike SEH i : Tag] constant negative sheer flow around call where meritude equals Ty BB ogg as ds PR 00 w/in, (488 = araa of cell) Adding this constant shear flow to tout An column 1L, we obtain the fra) shear Ton tn colum 14. Pig. 815.29 shows true shoar flow attern. Vales fom eal, 4 ‘Table AB A1.8 Too Cell-Mlple Flange Beam, Symes ‘Aout Ore Axi Fig, 815,80 shows a two col) canttlover bean with 10 flange stringers. ‘Te eruss-see— ‘ton ts constant, Lat tt be rogutred to dater~ inine the interne} sheer flow in resisting the 1000 2b. load acting as show. Por simpliti= atton, the top and bottom shoot covering and ‘the thive vertical wets will be considered tne effective tn taking bendlng flesural loads, Since the bean section 1s symatrical about the Xaxls, the boam will bend about this axis In resisting tho givon oxterna load, Tho monont fof inertia of the section about the X axle ogails 250 in.* Solution 1 (without use of stear center) ‘Te internal shear Mow 1s statioadly tn ‘oterninate to the socond degree, since the A512 _ SWEAR PLOW shear flon at aay yolnt tn gach coli 18 uninom. Therefore, to mie tee tlearal stear Tow statlea2Ij determinate, 8 value Zor the shear flow qn each cet wil be casuod at com olny ani the flonural sear flow tor eich oI Will then be estostod, coutatont nth the essed conlttone, thee reouting state sheer fiom systs wil, in genera, yeentee 8 Seterot tobe sherrind Stan areunt tm forinetar 0° enc celly or tn ate wore, rote a differnt cold bicts ‘Snes full contiautty exists tetaeonevIls, ths condition canoot exist, ard thorofore an unkxom conotant shear tlon of qin colt (1) and q, te eel) (2) rust be atnd 14 ae tke twist of bot celts itontical. Tats fat gives us Yin ta tor dno eqasiion in tie obter equnbionnatossary for the solution ef the to wins g, and ¢, {8 given by tin requirenmnt of oquittetin, amy, eat the mote of tho extort and the infer skear forces etnie any pols fn the plana of tae cress section mist qual 200. Fig. AL tho flonural stear low has Deon assur as aera jst to the lett ct stringer © 48 eel (1) and ust rig of stringer ¢ in ee (2). Tho balanen of the femal shear ayoion cnsiscert ish thie asgurption in calculated follones U W#/in, Pe. A160, ‘The goeral sheer flow egution $3, Me pay = = 2000 20h * -ARah 250 Cait (2). Starting tn punol ob where te svar i toon assumed Zoro ard preceding sountar=ctoclrise around cell ep = 2er0 (assumed) yg = ~Aah 2 0-4x520,5 = 10 Ib, /in, 10-4x5x2 = 80 Lb./ins ea? daly) # H0~46x (8) 32 # 0 2ba/ine yet # 10-49% (-8) 10.5 = 0 TBA/In, We eanmot provost boyont stringer e! box cause thare ary bo connorting webs mith = Imam sisir tows, vo ext ga noun tats alrticalby by golas back to stringer ©, whore ‘the etear flor on each sido of ¢ vas acsuned IN CLOSED THIN-WALLED sEC Ws. _SHEAR CENTER. zero, ‘Thus the shear flox tn the vertleal web ce’ ts determined by the stringer ¢ ulone, manly deg! # ~it'ak # -0x1KG #80 IB,/n, scan now coat ima aru cet (2) starting with stringar c! where me mare previously ‘tonpoa. ‘i Meld Abner * Gog! > Myst F0-20-4x(-5)1 aie! £0~ 4x (-5) 0.5 = 10 10,/1n, elo #39- 4x (-5) 1 = 90 tba, deg # 804x517 1028,/i, Up = 10 - 4x51 0.5 = 0, which enecks ‘te assimed talus of q * 0 tn ponel ca, ‘The shoar flows In cell (2) could of course been found by starting in panel ed hare the shear hes deen assuned 2er0 and proceeding clockrlse around cull as for oxanple ye 2 0-425x.5 = -10 Ib,/tn, Gee! #210 -4x5x1 = -80 1b./In. Qelg! F804 (25) 1 5-10 1b. /in, Geter * 10 - 4x (-5) 0.5 = 0 Yossi ‘The mgnttuse of the results are the sane 5 previously calculated but tie slgns are opposite, As onpasized prevloucly te shear flow evlealated togetter with ite si-n is in thn y éirection or gy. The dlroetien of thy hear flow along the’ cel] walls in te 42 Plane oun bo detemtned by the siscte me a flvon tn Art. AMK of Shuster Ald. 79 S11ua- trate, nefor to tie tree bales tn Figs. A, By n1 €, ‘The shear Clow qy 28 panel bi mis ewlated to be -10.. This rilue 4s snoan tn Amith Its eneulates sense ana seta torard the Intersection petnt (0). Thon by the rile of art. ALE.6, dba, must also act torard point (0), thus etving the sense as snow th Pig. A ‘To obtatn the shear flow tn web gana cc", ‘ie calewlatione started at rotab © und wont tomard point ¢'. gy on thts panel ws lated to be ~20. The tree body in Fig. B shone Us value of gy = -20, acting with It tua sone or acting Lomra fatnt (0"). ‘Than deog MSE alto act Loraré pat (0"), 48 shoan In Pig. Ae The free Doty In hi. Shwe how the nso of gay aS mikatnet Fig, 415.82 INustrates the unknown con stant shear flow eystens q, and gy which mst fet on colts (1) ané (2) respectively ta prom fuce the sane cell teist whan adcea to tho saear flow eysten of Fig. 15.51. The sere of q, and gy fas been assumed clockwise oF posttive 12 Pig. A162 ‘Tea equation for tae angular twist @ per anit longth of bean Is, et ‘using the shear flow values in Figs. 415.81 ‘and 22, the angular twist of each eal? will be oeldulates by supstituting In the above squat ton. or ceil (2) 24,00, ag = 6670 2025 50x30 2015, 20110, 109, , Grater ae ile 30g. nose, £00,380, 885 @ spo MAGEE 885.34 32a, ence, 28500, = 8g, + 32509 ar 15.13 Since there 18 contimutty between celts, 8 = © «Algo since ares of each cell te the Sano, aust ing (2) and (2), 156g, = 15804, = 10040 # 0 - = = = = @ he other equation 18 nacossery to solve for ‘mines q, and gy, and it 1s given by the Torces about any point tn tho plane of the cross section, wich must equsl zero for equtltbrlius. ‘Take moments stout potnt (0) of the steer ‘low systen of Pigs. 415.31 and AIS.S2 and a180 {the externa) shear load of 1000 1b., which tn ‘hs oash has no nonent about our aasimed enon center. fy * -50x10x5+20"10%5 + 10x 0x16 +200, + 2009, #0 hance, 200g, +260, +000, w Serving equntions (8) and (4) for a, and as me obtain 4 = 4.07 tb./tne 4 F 10.90 1b./ia, ‘Te final or true interna shear flow 9yS~ ‘ten then equals f2at or Fig. A16,1 plus that of Fig, ALS.82 won q, = ~f,07 and, ¥ -10.60 20./ Ins, witch fhves the shear tlow disgran of Fig. 18/38, ‘aaa! (atues 1n 2b./in.) Fig A.a8 solution 2 use of shear canter) In this solution, wo find the flexural shear flow for Dending shout exis XE without fist, Tha centrota of this internal shear system 1oestes the shear contar. Ths manent of the extarmal soar lose shout the shear enter Dproduges pure torsion on he 2 eet? bean. Thus, Gating ene shear due to thie pure torsion to ‘tat oF pure bonding, we obtain the final re~ sisting Internal shear fon, mn benaing bout axts XK without vatst, ‘the shearing strain for each cell as given by ‘equations (1) and (2) must equal zero. keno: 6 6) 1200 g, ~22%g, = 6670 = “S55, 112505, +4170 Solving equations (5) and (6) tor q, 80d aay ve obtain gy =~ 2.0 2b./10, q, = 8.00 TbsJin ‘Therefore, Faking these valios of q, aNd Gy an Fig. al5.32 and adding the results to that of Fig. 418.31, ne obtatn the shear Tow pattern of Fig. A15.04 whch ts Up shear Com fystea tor bendtee without twist about X axior ‘Tho centroid of tis shosr system Leestes the In Fig. A15.28, B= 0 = -20x45- 1020-10227 = - 1000 Bos, mitch chock tha extermil shear of 7000 30." TUS 0 uy observation of Fier Alb.2t. (ates tn 10./30.} Pie A136 {o find the nortzontal pesttion of the centrota (of the stear Tlow in Fig, A19.34 take aoments about point Ba = 10x27 x10 110420120 + Sxax10-5x2x10 © 8600 4n.1D, x 8600 = ge ght of nob ea! once, % =-HE0 = a.6" to the right of mob aa! ‘Me extormal shear loud of 1000 1b. acts 6° to fhe right of aa', and therefore catisos a manant bout the shear Gantar equal to (8.69.0) 1000 = 2600 In.1b.. fo resist. tale torsional tanent, @ contant torstoral sheer Tow ag(1) and gta) must act oa cells (1) and (2) respectively. ‘eo vats of gp(1) ant oy) can be tved by using onuations {5)/ant (S8)"de Are. kent of Ghaptor hg Taue | 1 aks + al iE at ad 10, 300+ 38 200 (2) (29,2010 08) af ase2007, ~lg11000%9] ‘Sines the external torque equate $600 tn.20., IX CLOSED THIN-WALLED szerions, SWEAR cenren, the rostst ng interna torque met therecore fequil -3600. Thorefore, (x) = -00254(-2600) © -2.17 1B./in, Somving f0r ay/2) be + aah fists ¢ at"), see) asta a 2 ‘SHLSODNT f(a) = omens x-2600 = -5.05 Lb/In. Tueretore, if mo add to tho shoor row syo- tn of Fil. AlS.84,"a constant angst flon of 7 1e/ine to cot) (1) and ~8.05 Iba/tey to eit (2), wo wit ebtain the truo intormal ree Sistine thear flow of Fig. 415.85, wtlch chacks solution 1, any discrepancy teiny due to sliee rule aecurscy. Torsional vortections ‘Tee angular trist of cach colL to the etme. ‘mo value of the anlar twist @ per itt lent of the beun can bo Tound using the shear {oH pattern of Fig. 25455 mich te tke tro Terilt~ fant shear flon, or the pure teratoma) shear lows Of g(a) # Bei Bbe/ine and gb(2) = BAB 1D./ia. say bo soa 1 destted. ‘me malts will, of couse, be the sane. or exanp! For call (1) due to p(y) © 27 tb./ine and ap(a) = 8.8 Ib./in, 8) {on17x10) a Path, ACs) = 6000 cent (2) age Hh = {085210} ,, S210 2000 1710 oe etl (1) Pinet stresses = Fiz. 415.35, pou, oldhe (1427x512 , (407x512 , 54.1710 olga RO, elas SD 28.0019, £8:60810 « 000 (cont (2) Pina otrece 2004, =2GL OWES 2 (0.65 5}2, -19.18.x10 = 6000 ‘18.10 Tse Gl = Maple Mange Benn, Syme Pig. £25.36 show a $0011 tox bess ub Jected fo an external shear Toad of 1000 Ibs, i shown, “Tho boction 19 gymeteical about (he I.” tho area of Sta tna external lost of 1000 iba, will be calculated ascusiag that the webo and walls eke no bending loads, or, the strangers are the ony ‘effective material tn bending. Tne mcaent of {inertia about’ the 9X avla of oetactlve autora) ‘equals 250 tn +” itiote: thie dean settion t= Mdentics} to the two eoll besa af Fle. A15.£0 plas the leading edge cei (3). 10008 (ttnout use of shear ennter) ‘To systom ts statically indetarminate, vo the thind degree, since the value of tne sncar Tow q at any point {a each coll ts wiztown, ‘The vatup of the shear flow will be 25 fumed ct & point tn asoh eetl and tho flexural shear flow for bonding nboct the Xr as wil) Devdetarminud cenaiatent with this ascumpeton. A constant inknown shear ‘20K Gry ye OQ for eelis (1) ana (2) and (8) réopedtively ID) bo added tn the ctatie fecun shese flow 50 as to maxo the angular twist @ of each eet the samo, ofnee $f any twisting takes place, all coli muct sutcer the sume anount. Furcndenore, for aaui2torii, the moment. of the tnternal ghar flow aysten plus the mowent fof the external shoar load must egusl seror For bonatne avout axis 1%, the fexural ‘hour low Will. be suyunot ar dar at point ‘UME’ vo"the tote er eertager'a in call (2) ena Huot to the Lert and rigne or stringer o tn Gelie (1) ant (2) respectively. dhe might con Sldor the cells as out at these three potnts, Pig. 415.27 shows th floxutal shaar flow under ‘thoie assumptions. since the Tending odge cel] () has no stringere and the covering 42 Con- ‘sidered ineffective tm bonding, the shear flom WI be zero on the lauding ene portion since ‘ie shear flow mas assumed. sero. Juet to tho left ‘of stringer a. Tne resulting ¢lsseral ene ‘ow for the 3 cell section will eherstore be entice) to Fig. 425.31 and the calculations for the flexural shear fon wilt Oe idonelend to those In art. 10.7. oy, Pig. £15.28 show the unlnom constant ‘shear fons dy Gyy ant gy mien must be sada tothe flexural sidar T1oh of Fie. 418.87 to ako the trict @ of sath coll th sine. The Sense of such ne Seen assumed poritive tn each cat. ((eiaie tated | nied ~y Fre it at an) ty fo oe \ ‘ Neate alte = ‘ue angular Enet @ for etch cold ite @ ieee gt ae etng the waives of @ tn Plies A253? and 419,08, the value gi nil2 be computed far ene cali, a6 can (8) aug +H corso = 2320 Me OF @ = 10.5q4~2.58q,+127 ~~~ = ~~ ~~ a) oan (1 oe aaie = ino «290210, 2110%5), 30220, 110) bciescabeioer cee ao es ae + BB - 19a 106 nance oo = 64-44 1.5704 -mme ee @) can te) sane 2 HR = ais, ioe, SS “eB Liha 1 “6 ‘Taking monents of tho Interns shear flow ystems of Pig. 415.87 ang 416.88 and the ex= ‘arma? toad of 1000'Ibs. about stringer @ and equating to zero: Be = 10x20%10+ 10130x20-5x1000 "78.69, 2009, +2009, = 0 1000 + 78.54, + 2009, # 2003,20- - (4) Solving equations (1) (2) (8) and (4) for the iknow gy, ayy Gy aid & we obtain: 4 F +22 b/in. G4 = = 7.00 Ib./in, 2245 tb./in, & =~ 19.9 ‘Adding these constant shear flows to the fore ural shear flow of Pig. 415.37, we obtain the ‘rue Interval resisting shear flow as shown tn Pig, 815.39, SWEAR FLOW IN CLOSED THIN-WALLED SECTIONS Ag cuNTER Pip ast ‘A181 Shear Flow Doam wth Maple Cols, Metid of Stccessine Apronatin ‘The general trend tn atyptane strecturat estan appears to bo to tho uno of a relatively large muabor of celts, There are various ‘reasons for tits trond sone of whitch are: (2) using tipo Interlor webs, the detri- Bontal effect of shear deformation on bending stress distribution ts decreased; (2) the fa! safe characteristic of the ming Is increased Decause the wing 25 mace statically indeter- rninate to a high degroo and thus thslure of ndtvigual units due to fatique or shell fire ‘an tako place without greatly decreasing the over-all ultinate strength of the wing; (3) te uitimto compresatve streneth of wing Flange untts 15 usually increased because column action 18 proronted by the multi pio wobs smilen attacn te flange mots. In Chapter 46, Art. AS.18, the matted of fsuscosstve approxisation yas presented By de tamining the resisting shear Tow systex ation ‘a mitiple cou bean mas cubjected to a pure ‘orstonal nenent. This metiod of approach has how been extended to datonsiae the rerlsting shear flow when tho bows {9 cubject to flexural ending without twist", Using thaso two methods the shar flow 1a a beim wit a relatively Large huaber of cells can be determined rater rapldiy 8 compared to the usual nothod of solving @ number of equations, INBIOAL EXPLANATION OF THE MeETHCD Fig. £15.40 shows a 3-ceX) bean carrying and exterval shear load ¥ acting tkrougn the sear cantor of the boum section but ao yet ut ‘om tn location. In other words, the bean onus about the symmotrioal axis 12x without ‘wrist. Tho problea Is to determine the internat Teststing shoor flow system for bending without 4 Tbe aot iso bear Daten for Nut-Cell Beans fp Fe by Mean of Suceaste Nemec Aypeoie Sea." By'B Re SAMSON. Jura oe Boat "same Soiely, ab, 5, nist, In this exnmpto, it 18 assumed that the bonding owent 18 reststes entirely by the ‘lange neers as represented by the small circles on tho fleuro, which mane thet te shear flor wilt ve cofstant betaoen the flance embora, the structure statical2y detorminte relative {to sheer flow stresses for benlins withost Detst. In Pig. £15.41 tnagine each cel] eut at soints a, band c as sham, For the glvon Shear tend V, the stable oheur Clon @y cat be calculated, dssumine the moostted sack ten bonds aboot axis Kmith mo twist. Hg, Al6.42 shows the general stapo of thls Statie stent Clow rattern. v ae fa | cen ox for! Gr gay ug LO ef te] cat 8) — |x re ateo Pi alsaat Fie A1sAs ast Now constcer each cell as s soporste ool) ‘Te statte shoe? flew gy acting on ouch col nL emioe each celi toenist, Stace tr0, ‘ust te neceasery a constant shar flow Q) to atl (1), qy to cell (2), and 9} to colt (8) imist be 20004 a6 show. 14 Figs A15.42, and the Iapnitides of such valu at U9 mil tho twist Sriosen sea) zero, iowsvar, eh celle a aactunlly not separate but tive a eoman Wad be- toon adfacont esTis, thus te shetr flow 9: acts on mab 2-1 which So part of eei2. (1), did this causes ceit (1) to piist.. Ltkewise Gell ‘bristed by ay ana cell” (2) by both @t |. "Thoratore to eancel tate addtttonst elt tits, ma must aun aggdthona! eanstant ‘sar fond af, at and af «0-ahom Sn Fie, 115.48, and considering, daeh eal seperate again.” However, since the cells are not sener= ate these additional stoar flows etect tre torist of adjacont cells through the conan web. Ao store thts dicturvanee in cell triat te sr chested or sade gere by acéinr further losing hate fons q%, qty ae a6 shom fn Fig. Albt4, this orSgadie te repeatoa Until ‘ho closing’ shear rlos Yecone nerligtble. In general the converpiny, of tts syston 18 quite rapid and only a few cycles are necessary to nite the desires accuracy of results, ‘Te total erasing shoar flow 4,» 4, and 4g, are Bien equal to = acral tat tate---- +a ‘The find shear flow on any pened then quale, (See Pp, 415.48) Bey aera, ‘Tho controtd of this fina shosr ftom system loeatae the enear center of the section, relative to bendlne about the I axis. VATION OF SGUATIONS OR USED OD Fig, 415.45 shons cell (2) of the Soee2 beam shown In'Pig. 105.18, q, ts the static Soar flow ane @, and @ are the Po ‘uinaekt oF unions shosr flows,” Since elt (2) docs not twint Under theca toear fone we can write In gamers), abs o- Sutetituting the vart a Fa. Ab (2) ta Pigs AR.#8 tate 6a. (2), as beeepteg 2 braze Rebelo L Pont ® the saeript (0) on tke shat om tmpee sumationsioaotelyaroud ot) 2) shores tn eulscipt ve Sn aplien Sumunion cy along mee iodo 2 Peapect= fogs Ls te ings a cake pal et Tr iichates Solving equation (2) for q wen (Ra EE rea )s tree ©) rE \Pay"\Fs ‘To first torn in equitton ($) represents ‘tho proportion of tne static shear flor gg bien mst act 2s a constant shear flow afound cell (2) to cancel the valet dus to gq. The resulting value of this first term will be fivon te tem eye ‘Te socond and third terns tn (8) repre= sent the constant closing shear flons required tn eel] (2) to eaeel tte tase of cell (2) uo to tho tnfluonce of q, and q, tn tho ad- {tent cols acting on the connod webs Datween he celle, The rulio tn equation (5) before 4 ni] bo referred to as tho earry over Hrivereo factor from cei} (1) 98 e61% (2) and ‘Ill be elven the symbol C,_,, and the ratio before a, in equation ($), the carry over Influence factor from cold (8) to coll (2) and At mil] be glvon the syabol C,_,. Thus oquat lon (8) can now be written as, We TAC Coed = - to As oxplained above, a 1s tho value of the necessary closing shear” flew for zoro twist vaien the adjacent cell shear ions are 2070, Henge fret apprexizations to the final shear Flows in oach gel] can be taken as neglecting ‘the effect of asjacent celle, or In othar words ficn coll 1s considered sopafate, Hence the first epproxinatiens are, a=e a= ay ©) asa By substituting (b) tm (4) a secend ap- proximation for gy 18 obtlnod, anely, tla path == === 6) vere gf 1s the correction added to the first fapproxiiation. In 6 sintlar manor corrections Gf and qf are mide to tho approximtions ror @, aud gy , Thoresore as a third estinate for qs these further corrections should be added fant thus eguntion (7) becomes, Ga Weel t aD) tC ta =e) ‘Thus ty repesting Ue above procedure, pore gerles of the carry over tnfluonca factor fe obtalned. In jeneral the convergoncy ts apie ané andy a Pelatively fon cycles or opor= attons are neoded for su¢fictent accuracy for fina) shear flows, 4 solution of a problem WLID now be given to show now the necessary porations form a very siaple routine, ‘15.12 ample Probl Solution, Problem 8.1 Fig. 415.47 shows a col2ular bou with ‘tye calls. Tho flango res and thn meb and val tatcknesses are Tabeled on the figures ‘he problon will bo to éetoraine tho Internal shear flow prttern afen resisting an extorral ‘near load of Up = 1000 Ibs. without twist of te bean, Having doteratned this shear flow system the stesr center ovation follows as a slaple miter, Fig. £15.48 stots the assumed static eonattion for determining the shor flon syste fn carrying a Vg load of 1000 1b. without tnist ‘the statte condition ts that all nabs excopt ‘he PHent ond web have Yoon imaging cut 3¢ Sndteated thus naking the shoar flow gy at ‘hase ponte zero. In this example problen 1t WiLL bo assuaed tat the flange moubers develop all the bonding ‘trees resiotance, witch assumption makes the shear flow constant between adjacent flange romiers. ‘The total top flange area equals 5.5 int, land also the total bottan flange area. "Due to Suimtctry the eontroidal X axis Lies at tho nid-copth point. enc, ty = (6.SxENe #275 tne cu = Pha = = OB ah = 08 th starting at the lover Left hand comer, tino statie thoar flow gg will be cegputed going couster-cLosenie around beam, ap * = 5.686(-5)2 = 36.35 ID/tne Ae * $5.86 ~3.696{-9)1 = 04.95 1b,/in. og = 54.55 -3.6861-5)0.5 = 69.64 Continuing tn 1tke mamsr around the beax, the valuee of ag 88 stom in Fig. A1S.48 would be obtained. ‘mie souutton fron nts point onmard ts rao in tablo form ac show: in Table A15.2 Which enould be Toeatod below a drantne of the cellular bean as fMustrated, and the mnbers {n the Table should be 2ined up with respect to the calls ag indteated, ‘Te solution as prosonted in Table 415.2 43 carried out tn 17 simple stops, Tho first ‘step as piven in row 1. of the Table 1s to compute for ouen coll the value for Zan L t bare gg 18 the static shear flow on each sheet pine] of a cell; L the Length of the panel and t its thicktess. Values for gg are taken fron Fig, 415.48, For exanple, for cel 2 Fecbnal 1 ef = 2106.36 x 10)-2>= 18160 ‘he sign 13 posttive besause gg 18 post= tive, (Clockwlsa shear flow on a cell 18 positive.) Ron 1 tn the Tuble shore the values as calculated for the § cells. ‘Tue second stop ag indtoatea sn row 2 of the Table ts to calculate te value of the expression Z L/t for each cell, For example, for Gell 1, 2210, ole, 10. Pee can Sor tae = for oat 2, ‘Te third step as Indleated In row 3 te to taleulate the value for the L/t of the comon web between tio adjacent cells, For exanple, for web bb! between calls 2) and (2), ay &).. ‘he fourth step 4s ta determine the carry over fuctor fron ong call to tho adjacent call, ‘The results are recorded in row & of the Tables 2. = 200 Aeterrng to sqtien (3) toe gunern, expan tka ear ovr fuer fom ea]. {i} to ott 2) to, 1 @ Cae pte i 200 2005 2105, and the carry over factor from cell (2) to elt (2) equals, ais (Ph. a Conn OP ES 200 at Wo are now ready to start the olution proper by auecesotve approximations, In ro 5 ot the Table, the first appracination 1s te assume a velie g° added Uo each cell whieh wl11 cancel the twist duo to the statte shear flow When the cell webs are not cut, but each coll {8 considered separate or independent of the other. ‘hts constant closing shear fon a! caus, act TE. the aims stg 16 necesssry es Decause the twist under the statte shear ron must be canceled. ‘The valuos for q? are ro- Corded in row § or the Table, For eranple for colt (2), e180 eE For cell (2), t= 2B ae aeD Staps 6 to 18 ag recorded in rows 6 to 18 ot the Table aro identical in operation, nazely, the carry over influence from one cell to the adjacent cell because of the examen web betnoat the cells, As a closing shear Tow ts added to fact cell to make the cell twist zero wien they are considered soparate, this result 18 contin- ally disturbed because’of the caamon eb, Gradually these corrective shear floxs vecene fmller and spatler uit il te eels rosch their truo stato ant possoss zaro twist, in the ‘able, arrons have been used for two cycles te help clarity the operations, or exanple in row 6, the carry over shear ‘low fron cell (2) to cell (2) 18, = 6.700 x ,2105 =~ 1,444 Fran cell (2) to cell (1), the carry over value is (-4,480 ~ 8,380) 0.2886 = ~ 3,000 ron cell (2) to cell (8), {-4.400 ~ 6.990) 0,250 = 18.20 SHEAR FLOW SHEAR CENTER. se 5, y Fig. A1S-4T = - Yoo = wx |r aol thw a te 4 RRO OE ea gana Se ‘Crees ew cot dw eo ot Inf ‘Shear Flow qs YQ pe Pp ts) “ Ie o wep fe lem be | Tale A183 1 Pegi ter eke im zs oun ae 2 FW arch ea 3 0 ra 1a Total Ts AE aCe (Carey over) Ts =Iit iw a | -8 30ST =O eary oe) [S00 Sins [PS TE EC Gary over) Siar san See a Gorn ever Tare a. 0. To eaery er Toa 015 |-0A 3 Trp SS : Tatar er aon 0-0 |-016 0.087 Gary ver oat 0s | ok 0. Heaseee eg yer) | at ai. A itt Reerain Hen Se | [oe | a eg tron oe 3c aa Sa + SE A Teeter TES [Eo [eR a Bg hem sont fa a au suse ne. ae Ceog Seat Fone fbaie ca egal dere ie ea it i bg, ass0 eal Sie Flows, saat fisak 098 1048 ose (6 AB gas Pg 4.0) aa ai end 3 CALCULATION OF SHEAR CENTER LOCATION In Fig, 25.47 Tot % = distance fron left ond af boan to shear center, Taking annents about uppor Jett commer of tke shear flow forces in Pigs. 45,48 ard AIB,40 and equating to 1000 %, 100E = 10(46.96454, 55463, 64472.75481 .2)20 + 100 10x 80 ~2 x 100(88.51 + 52.40 ¢ 8.3 475.52 + L.89}, nonce Loook = 19i72 or X= 19,47 inches. In row 1 of the Tablo, the cerry over values are so smell that the process 1s termine sites. the fox] constant shear flew that must ‘be adted to each call to cancel the ewer due to the static stesr Tow pquals the algebrate ‘5a of the values from tha Reginninz Tov 5 0 Fon Wt, The rasulte are show 1a tow M4 of the ‘The results tn ron 14 are obtained after & considerable rumber of multiplications and asiltions of uumbers, thus 1% 48 eeny to make & merical mistake. fo choc whether any appraciable mistakes have been mada, we take the viluas tn row 16 and eonaider these ylues of constant shear flon tn each call as tet causing vero talst if cells aro soyerate, Then ringing the cells toxethor, tteougn the coma webs eauses a disturbance in bist end this 18 mmido sero by the carry over valusa, “This step 1h the Table 15 reforrod to ao a reiteration fang ts indicated tn row 15. Then adetng the values in row 15 to tho tnitie) approximation 4! In ron §, which value 1s repested 1n row 16, We obtain the fine) value of qin row 17. The ‘alone in row 17 are pravticalay the sane magnitude as in row 14, thus no apprecisble nlstakes tave been made. It the dtfterance ‘ass appreciable, then a second, ant if needed, even a greater huntor of refterations should Ye carried out. In tho Table a second retter- ston Is stom tn rove 18, 19, 20 and the results im ron 20 are practteally the wane as in row 17, Tt W121 be assunod that the solution ms stopped after first iteration, and thuf tho ‘values in row 1? are the constant shear flows at mst be added to the static shear fone to produce bending without twist. Fig. 415.49 sone these Tine) elosine censtaat shear flan, ‘ding these values to those in Fig. AIS.48 wo ‘obtain the fini] shoar flows tn Fig, A15.49, ‘Mo tetera] location of the shear center for this glvon 5 oT] beam cotneides with the centrotd of tho shoar flow forse system tn Fig. 415,50, The calculations tor locating the shear center sre elven below Fig. 415.50, Solution 2 of Provler 1 In solution 1, the assumes static condi lon fnvolved cutting ait vertical webs excapt ‘the right ond web, Thus the state Deas. section booute’en open etatel gecUten and the resulting static shear flors mut obviously de far dttforont ten, the final troe sheer £100 values, since the webs alvays carry the greater shear flors in bending without tatst. This fact 1s indtoated by the relatively large mune ‘er of steps raquired in Table 415.2 to Teach 4 state where successive corrections were snall ‘enough to give e desired accuracy of final re- sult, Thus 18 fe logical to accune 9 static ant condition where the static shear flone in the Weds should be much Loser te the CUnsl values fant thus hasten the conrergercy in the succes ‘ve agproxiaatton procedure, ‘Tus tn Fig, 425.52, ne have assumed the ‘top pan] In each coli at rut to gtve the static condition, "tha static shear flow ts non con {ined to the vertical webs and zaro values for top and bottom shest, ‘Table A15.8 shows the csloulations for carrying out th successive pproninstions sre nods no further explanation. Te smouté be noticed that after the Tiree ap- proximation mas made tn row 5, only three earry ‘ver eyeles wore noaded In rons 6,7 and 8 to ‘ntatn the sin depres of scouracy as required tn 8 cycles in Table Al5.2 for solution 1. Pig. ‘s.52 shone the final sae £lone wale equal ‘the constant shetr lowe In aaen ell fran ToH 9 of Table aoted to the static shear Tlovs In Fig, 415,51, Those values check the results of solution 2 as gtven in Fig. 415.50, within slide rule accuracy. In Table A165 no reiteration steps wore elven. Tho student should mike 1t a practice to use such checks. 15.19 Bump Problem 2, AL Mera Exetel Bending Resistance, ‘Tha gonoral tront tn suporsonte ming struc tural design 18 torard a large nimber of cells and relatively thick skins, thus in genera3, alt cross-sections] material of the wing 18 effective 4n resisting bonding stresses and thus the shear ‘low varies tn Intensity along the walls an¢ webs of the bean cells,” Fig, 415.53 shons a ten Gel2 team mith web and mall Entckesses 48 show, Tt will bo assumed that all bean mater- ial to effective in bending, The shear flow reotcting oystan for bending about the horigental axis without trist will be datarnined. The cen troié of this system will then Locate tho shear cconter, Fig, $15.54 shons the statie condition that tas been ‘sssuned, ranely, tat the upper sheet panol in eaoh gall tas teen imagined cut at ite Inigpoint, thus nang the statte shear flow zero ‘at these’ potnts, ‘The static shoar flow values jg a9 show on'Fig. ALS.54. To explain how ‘hwy neve cateulated, = Sample caleulatton wt) bo given. ‘ue moment of inertte of the entire cress soctton about tne horizontal controtéa) axts 15, ty for top and botton skins, = (sox0.1a5x2,5°2 = 78.0 Ty of all wads = (0,012x5")/12 =_9.5 ‘Total ly «Bb int For conventence an external shesr Loeé Vp. = 8750 1b, will be assumed acting on this oan section, 750 yy OS anon, 9 = YE 90 ae Fig A138 =o -a0ottea == 100%12.022,5 20.185 = 278 Ib./tn 78-100 (1.2542.5 18~20 =-98 1./tn. ag == 98-24% =~ 98-200 (-1.25)(2.5x 0.068) = ~98+ 20 = 78 fe #782818 = 78-200 (22.00 x 0.128 ~re70=0 Ate = 0-224 = 0-100 (42.5) (2.5 x 0.125) 8 . At point (f) there are two other conneoting aheot panels so no cannot process past thts Joint tn ealeulating the shear flow tn the bro comecting sheets at (2). ‘Taus we go back to potnt (a) and go cnostrise, a dua * D100 = oF 100 (.82.540.108) re aein vie to otter moe intersting at tnt (c) syed Hon natn cmt fortian Diae(éy,hoae no goto Dre fa) tn ost 2) whore sigar flew Ja tere due to the aesimed cut at point (2). aro fe + Osea == re0(,5x8.620.185) 2-0 Now ot Jotnt (h) wo have the shear tlow of 78 gz tude on each top panel, thus the sheer flow in the vertical neb at’ (n) equsle the sum fof these to shear fom or 256. Preceottog to (a) ae tg 1a = 5609 (29x26 004) = 158 +29. 265.4 ab./tne ‘te = 105.4 1000"2h = 285.4200 (-1.28) (28x 004) = 186 30.1, Atk * deg~Ste #=186 +78 ==78 aug = 70-s0nf #78100 (8.8)8-8% 0.125) men ° Pig. 418.86 shows & plot of these calcu lated valuss.” Tho arrote givo the senae of the ‘shear fons. i re wl awd |° ab — a Fig. £15.54 shows the caleulated static shear flow values for the entire 10 cells. The values are recorded at the onés of each sheet, pine and at the midpotnts of each shoot panel. Grockeise shesr tlow tn a cell 1s positive sh Th.” Since en Interior wab {8 part of to ag= Javan cols, the sien of the shear flow on Vertical woos 49 referred to the left hand In order to detormina whethor sonse ts postive or negative. aving determined the static shoar fons waten will be Toferred £0 a5 gg, We can now SUArt tho operations Table Aled, The f179t horiontal row gives the caleviattons of tho fulet of aach coll under the static shear flows, whieh 19 relatively secsured by the term tog tor eoh oot. with all material efreetive in bending the shar flow varies along each sheet. Fig. 15.56 shone this variation on the sheet panels of cell (1). The term Zag L/t 1s nothing gore than the ‘area of the shear lon diagram on esch sheot ‘ivicea by the sheet thickness, 70 11lustrate, consider coll (1) tn Pig. A1B.S6. Upper sheet: pane =(0+78) 2 is lett nie For lower sheet panel: = rye gE = 0 (Sane figure a5 tne upper sheot) For lett hand vertieal web: ~ ‘Treating the shear flow diseran as a rectangle with holgnt 70 and 2 parabola with helgnt 95~76 = 20, Ae g27Ax5(201530,867) « e000. ME For right hand web of cell (1), ‘ho shear flow clagran 13 Likewise mde up of a rectangle ant 2 parabola. Lex op e= MEAS 9.667 SEE (186.5 ~ 156 )6x feet = oe, Therefore for onttre cell (1) Beg E 2 7142+ 942 = 2200, wnteh ts the value tn row (2) of Table AlS.4 wider e222 (1). ‘Te results for the other nine eels as caleu lated In a slaflar manor are recorded tn row 1 of the Table, The procedure as folloned In the remaining rons of Table 415 tho sano as explained fn detail for exanple problen 1 ‘able 415.4 only one reiteration 1s carried ‘through af the values in the botton or last on are prackicatly the sano as arrived at after the fifth carry over cycle. Adaing the con stant shoar flow valuoe in’tho leet row In the ‘Table to the static shear Tlow velues 1a Fig. ‘415.54 mo obtain te fina shear flow values of Fig. al5.57. Toe resultant of tats sear flow pattern 1s a forse of 6750 acting down tn the Z direction. Ite looation would be through tne contrata of tho shear flow torce system, Lot X equal distance trom upper left hand corner of bess to lino of action of shear flow resultant force, tn ‘aking moments of shear flow force system of Pig. Alb.54 plus the constant shoar closing values tn each cell as given in the last row of Table AlS.¢ and equating to 6750 3, we obtain; Duo to untfora static shear flow on each rob: = M= (156x5)(5+10+15 + 204.25 +204 35 +40+45) +78x5390 = 175000 Duo to parabolic static shear flow in oach web: N= (29.4x5x0,667)(5 +10+ 15+ 20+25) + 25.3x5X0.657(30 #35) + 22.5253 0.557 (40-45) +20 5x 0.687 x60 © 72520 SHEAR FLOW IN CLOSED THIN-WALLED SECTIONS. ‘ue to constant closing shear flows as SHEAR CENT! sted tn last row In Table ALB4: = He 4{11.31 ~3.57-L.33-1.17- 4.27 ~ 8,015,554 20.61) 2x25 Total tment = 175000 + 22520820 honce & = 197000/5780 = 22.8 Ine, which ewiils the distance tron left end of beau Lo shear canter Location, Roforring to the final stear flow values 4m Tuble 415.57, 1 W111 be noticed that the ‘inal resulls ato rot meh different fram the assumnd statle staar flows with the possible excoption of the two end mebs. If we had assumed all the webs cut except ono to form the statie condition, then Table A26.4 would have required soveral’tines as many carry aver oycles to obtain the sane accuracy of Tina results, AS.14 Use of Successive Approxintin Met for Maile (Gell Beans win subjected a Combed eodag 2nd ‘Torsional Leads ‘Tho Internal shear flon resisting force system for a boun subjectod to tendiag and twist ‘ng loats at the saae tne 18 carried out tn two distinct steps and the results are added to fivon the true final shear flow eysten, First, the shear fon resisting systen 13 fowd for boing nithaut twist as ms explained in this shapter. The results of this first step locates the shear center. The oxtarsal load ysten 18 then transferred to the sneat center, wh{cn normally vould produce a torsional ndgent, about the shear center. Tee Internal resisting shear lon syatn to balanco vals toretona) momont 1s then tandled ty te suceasstve approximtton nothod as explalned and {llustratod tn detall fh Art. 46.18 of Chaptor 46. ‘AG.18 shear Flow in Gellar Beams wit Variatle Moment lets ‘The previous part of hts chapter dealt fonttrely wlth beans of constant annant of Jner= tla along the flange direction, In airplane wing and fuselage structures, the comnan case {sa bean of nonuniform section tn tie flange Atrection. In oases where tne ckango of the eroae-sncttonal areas te falrly woll dtstrfbuted betmeon tha various flange meabers which make up ‘the beak Tees sootLon, tho shear flow results as elven by the solution for beaas of constant nowant of inertia are not auch in error. For Yeaus vero this 15 not the case, the shear flon results may be consiiaratly afferent fron the actual shear flons. ‘This fact will be 111us~ trated Jater by the solution of & few example probleas. ‘MS.18 The Determetion of he Flea Shear Flow Disrtaton by Considering the Casges i Flange Leads, (The EP Metiod Figs A15,S9 shore a single colt aistributed flange born, constder tho been acts aa 4 cantt-| Jever bonm with the bending nomsat aulsting at Section (A) belog graster than thet extoting at section (B) and that the bending nonent rroduces compression on the upper surface,” By the use of ie flexural stress squatians, the bendtng Stress on each stringer ean be found, whten tf fmlttplted by the stringor ares gives the stringer axiar Youd. ‘Tru ae Daan section (B), 4, ete. represent the axial Toads dus tO'a Bandlng moment M, Tho exter bending| pepe fee ats Fi at5.59 ig A150 Pig A161 ‘onont at section (A) 15 M4 at, hence the stringer extol Leads st soctton (A) wll equal P+ 0P,, Ppt Oy, P, + aP,, ete. These strings? axial loids fre anbom on Pig. A15.59, Tnagine the upper sheet panel 2, 2, 3, 3 cut along line (aa), Furtheraore’cot= ‘sider stringer mimber (8) cut cut ané show ss 4 free body tm Fig. 415,89, Lot gy be the average shear flow por inch over the distance 4 on the shoot edge tb. It ms been essuned positive relative to sense alone y 2x38. For equttttrtin of thts free boty, By = 0, nonce OP, + gy = 0 once gy ¥ = aP,/d For s tee body tnetoding two stringers or 2, ‘lange members, 286 Fig, A1S.60, fentn By viene 2, + 0B + ay = ee, + 0R,) so or ay Moeretore starting at sny place were the value of gy 12 leon, tho chiuge tn the everase shear flow'to sone other section equils If tho summation 18 started share gy 18 zero ‘Buen equttion (1) will give the trad average shear flow gy. Fig, A15.62 shows sheet panel (5,3! 4,4") fsotnted as a free tedy. Taking nonents about corner 4" and equatine to gare tor equ! ltortun, 00 ng hence, gg ¥ AF, /t yr ° ‘Thus for ractanewiar shoot panels betwen ‘Monge mentors the ener fan gy oF g equals ‘the average shear ay. ‘Me sane rules 22 previously presented to etarnine the sense ot dy or gy after having dy an be used ant wiN1 not be repeated here. To show that equation (1) reduces to the shuar flow equation proviously derived and used, consider @ beam with constant crors-sectton and take a bern lagsh ¢ = 1 tneh. Then AY = Ved = Vel) = Vp se = Bag as nee 2 aes of ge eter Nnerl Pra equation (2) gy = ~ ZAP Substituting value of 4P found above, ¥, tem, gy =e hoar flow equation previously derived for beeas with constant moment af Inortia. = (8) winton 15 the AL.AT Bample Potten wo Cmgare Reel uations (0) ana (2). 9 aing Fig, 415.62 shows a squire stnelo colt dean itn six flange stringers. Getween potnts B and ©, the beam has a constant range section whten 18 stom sn Section BB. ‘The mumerals beside ach stringor roproseat ‘the ares of the stringor. Between potnte 8 end D, the fange material ‘tapers miitoraly with the (ange naterial at point a as indicated in Section a-A. It shoul be noticed that the increase in flatge area 18 as.26 SHEAR FLOW IN CLOSED THIN-WALLED SECTIONS. vnitn the snacr fon system of Fig. 425.65» witch Therefore ie the final shear flow systen tor thie aathod of solution. lz aft * ey Pig A166) Fi A Solution No. 2 Coustoartag 6P Land Stringers. (aque SECTION AA srerioy ep oce | sanding mont at coctton AA = 100080 = 0000 baat 50m! ieee a Pa aioe Bonéing nenent at section BB = 10002120 = 20000 contained by tneretsing only corner stringers & melds fd ¢. The shear flow on section A-k mill bo Computed using oquatten (3) nich applies only forteams with constant ection and elo by fguneion (L) widen appites to beane with vary- tng monont oF inertia, Wstng shear Flow Byustton for ‘aume-of Constane trose-SortLon, (Eaustion 3) ‘Since gy at any point on the ee12 1s un nom, ft ail be agoimed thst tho upper sur ice on Soction AA te cut Uarough the midpoint of flange stringer (a), thus waking the shear ‘low gy oqust to 20ro dn tate froo surfacr onechalt'of stringor (a) thus acts with each Side of the top surfaca. Ip this solution tre webs and naale will be aseuted Inorrective in Tosiseing bonding stresses, thus tho shoar flow 19 constant batwoon adjacent stringors. solution 1 Starting at midpoint of sbringor (a) and going counter-clecerise around colt, q #0 (assured cut) 10 w/t 50 20/in. Proceeding around the cell the Palanco of the ‘hour flow could be ealeulated, but due £0 sym otry snow values have been found for the Soa? tow ta dram the complete shear flow pte Eure for bending spout the X aeio moon ft 16 fomod that one-half of tho area of Stringer (e) acte with acon ségaeons ved. Pig. A13.63, Shans the resulting sheer flow dtagran. The Tecultant of this shoar flow pattern 19 a Yo00 1b. force tn the Z direction and tes Yooatlon through tho wiépoint of the box stnea ‘he flow fe eymetrical. Tho oxtemal load of Yo0o Ibs alse seu thraigh the migpotnt of wie Constaertng Section 8-3: SmSNSenilng sereas ineanelty at midpoint of ceria Of Oke rena fraa oy = Ya = SOHOES.« ono pt. sen one fon of om sringre 0, aml Pe aes Piet considering Seaton 8 Me» S0000%5, a = 50005 Axial lone tn stringor (a) = 1000%1 = 1000 1b, % + 1000 pet. axial Lond in stringer (b) oF (©) * 100022 = 2000 Ib. ‘mses raculting axial loads aro shom act~ tng on the portion between points A and B in Fig. Asses, whieh eguiae the results as shom tn FIE. 5.68 (s/f 7 at etes eythe found tho aP flange Leads over & ‘ongtt (@) of 20", the shear flow can bo eas putea by equation’ (1). it will bo eemaned that ono-neif of he AP oad in Seringer (a) NIL Tom to each adjacont ev. Honover, tore 19 no 4P Toad in otringor: TeV nonce dap’ Gye = 2 Then from equation (1), ot hence the extarmal lead ts in equitforian gy: = 0-2-ARien 0-2 - 50 28/ins wat Duo to symetry the ort sige of cel mould five tho sane rarults, The Tesulte sre plouted in Pig, als.oa. Since the inerease tn section Imonent ‘of thertia between beam points B and & 1s| Aneressing at tho sana rate aa the externa bending moment, tho average shear of £0 th./in. te constant bofwoen the two bean ection fan B. Comparing Figs. 68 and Gt, mo find the fret metnod gives’ a shwar flow oF 10 2b./In. 1m the top and botton webs, whereas actully tt 4s aero. This soens rossotablo since the eattro| ‘tnorease of flange area was placed in stringers bande, Branple Problow Wa. 2 ‘Tee sune beaa as In Problen 1 ILL be used encapt that the cross-sections at dean potnte fand A are as stom tn Pig, A16.67. ‘The’ Incteese 1m flange ares betneon beam points B ant A has been placed entirely in etringor (a) atch ehanges fron 1isq. In, at B to 3 sq. 12. at A, tan rid seco) aA Tae results of using equations (3) and (2) relative to tio shear flow pattern are iven in Pigs. 415.68 and A15.69 respectively. (Tie stutent snowd enack these results.) Ie ‘should be noticed that the truo shear Flow 19 freater tn the top and bottom skin tan thet ilven by equitior (2) which applies only for Yoans of constant crose-coction, Be Tiel ig 15.68 AL.18 Stear Flo in Tapered tet Pano, Mejor atroraft structural untts such ap ‘te wing, fuselage, etc., are tapered In both lan fork ant depth ana’tharetoro the sheet Janels Dotween flange members uoually are {tapered in width. Fig. AIS.70 shows a canti— ever beam taporos in depth’ end esrryinn a ond V at tts ent, “The Mange rections at the Lett end nave deen found by etatien, A treo body dtagran of the web 18 show 1a Fi, ‘AS.71. "Tako nents about point (0) and equata’to zero, i 5-08 Pip AT moonee ay rr rare. tian busting wee of @ te) e(tehe- “0 ‘Tus having the shear flow on the stringer tra of the sheet panbl, tho shenr Zon on the Tange end of the tapered panel ean be found ty austen (5). AIS19 Example Problem of sear Flow sn Taper DMalipe Plage Single Cell Bem Fig. 415,72 shows a tapered sinele coll eam with 6 spanwise stringors or flange onbors. ‘The beam 15 Loaded by a 1000 Tb, loud located a5, shou, Assusing tho wave Ineffoctivo in banding the titernal reststing stoar Tom pattern W131 be determined. In ths solution the shaar Now at station 220 will be determined ty considering tho AP ‘Tango loads oxor a loneth of 30" oF between Stations 90 and 120, Consider section at Station 120; nding stress op 22 = 00x B28 = 18.8 val. ‘Te hortzontal component of the axa? load ima stringer equals oy (were A = area of the stringer). ‘AIS.24 SHEAR FLOW IN CLOSED THIN-WA tee Pig A112 pa : ie E eS [ES ‘teled hhonco, the nortzontal components, of stringer onde a73, tte Py =A x 1EB.8 = 5805.58 Ib, Py £3 x 1858.85 = 4000 1B, Py £2 x 1SS8.55 © 2666.7 Ib. ‘consider voan section at Station 60: 1s pel. henee stringer 2024s are, , Py F 5.514115 = 4507.4 Pp # 2,50x 1411.5 © $528.7 Pe = 75x IMLS = 2470.2 ‘Tee charge in axial load 4P tn the ouringere between stations 00 and 120 oquels the difference between the above loids, wence APL = MG, AP = ATL, APy = 196.6 Fig. A16.78 shows these aP loads acting, on wing portion, Sines stear flon 13 know fat any point, assume q cquals zero in wob aat . ‘Teo avoroge choar flow in each shoot. panel ‘over a Tenth d = 30 inches.can now be calcu ated by using equation (2). yt tan BE, agg #8 (tonne = 2,87 1B./Ine Pip AIS SHEAR FLOW IN CLOSED THIN-WALLED SECTIONS. ‘Since panel ab 1s tapered tn width from 6* fat station 120 to 5.5" at station 90, the shear few dap) at station 120 can be foind tr equation (5). Aaygyy © = ET ESAA/G = - 23.2 Be/ine Ayjqey 2 = 207-50 # = 40.57 Gaye) = = AO.875.5/6 © = 87.2 Ayjgqt) # ~ 90.87 -106.6/00 # = 47.18 afees) # = #7-18X0.6/10 = ~ 40.0 19-/1R. Since the AP loads aro the same on the over stringers dut tension the shear flow cal~ cevlations 42 continued would give the sane valluos at found on the top surface. Pig. 15.74 ‘sions the shear Tlow pattern on station 120. 1 Plane pogops pRORUCRD oY INCLINATrON ‘OF FLAS BENS ‘Since the box tapers In depth and wicthy the ftange etringers are not novus) to section 120, ‘tus K and Z foree components ere produced on ection by tho stringer loaes. ‘Tese In plane foree components ares For stringers 5 and a’, Ry = 8888,85 12/220 = 08.9 Ib. Py, © S8S6.25x3/120 = 155.8 TD. For stringers b ond b! x # 4000 0/120 = 0 P, = 40008/120 = 100 1. For stringers © ant c, Py = 256,72 2/120 = 44.4 Ib. a = 2856.7x8/120 = 65.7 Ib. Fig. 416.7 shows these tn plane force ‘couponetts die to tho flange axlal lexis. ig A154 ‘To forces in Pig. 15.76 WII be checked for equnisetue, By = 1000~266.6 200-188. 10x40" 0 BF = 0 by ebservatton. ‘Toke aonents about strincer (2), iy =-8x 1000+ Beare + 188.4 x 12+ 10440 x12+(759,9=40,4)10+23.226310 +97.226410 = 8670 t1.1b. For equtt tbr nent of ~0670 ta Provided by & constant Shear flow q = EA Ses70/240"= 35,2 1b./10. ieatng thse condtant far sion to that of Fig. 415.74 eves the Final sheer Flow a show in Fig. 418.75. ig. A179 Souutton No, 2 ‘Tals sang dean and. Loading wi11 now be solved using the shear flow equation derived or beans ef constant cross-soction. Ince the stringers are not perpendteus to the basa ereas-costion shay nave a2 Tree Component wich enue agelets in cursing tho fextornal shear load 1n the 2 dlrection. These ‘componente et station 100 rave been calou Vived In tho other solution. By 2 (2185.5 +2 100+ 2466.7)= -600 10] ‘Total Ye (external) © 1000 2b. et Vayggey P@ sear Yoed to be taken by ott wails, Yeynoty = Ye-BPe * 100-400 = 40020. calntion of static stesr sion ssomine 4 an Stes patel at ie ere, yay * ioe) 2 = “2 xszce v7.8 ¢ 0 tan. ‘te corrosyends to valus of 28.2 In previous solution (soe Fig. AlS.74). $xoxs = ma w/in ype) £2728 4x58 = La basi. As conyared to 97.2 in Fig, 428.70. = saei@ssz2 = , eyfegt) = HLM xs xe = 40,0 1.1m. waten 19 the sano as tn Fig. 16.74. ‘aking monants about goin a of the torres tn Figs 415.74 Sut replacing tho shear flows In ‘the top end botton panels by the values found above, me would obtain an unbalanced noent of ‘7070 inviby ineteed of 8570 pravionsly fount. ‘Tho correcting. shear fiow would then bo a Srave/eao = 88.2 Instead 0f -28.1 48 previously Found, ‘The FimGl shoar flow pattern would be 4s show in Pig, 415.26, Whdeh valuse should be aya 1000, 4 2900 1 By Paine vot te 7 Pe em ae (2) Determine the restating shear flow pattern Zor tho Teaded single cell bacm as stow n Fig. 418.77. Assim load P= zero in thle robles,” Agswe 211 material effective tn bond ng, "Make no solution, ono of thaw Ineelving ‘the use of the haar conver. (2) Sane a¢ probten (2) but aad loud P = 1000 15, (8) Fig. 425.78 shows an unsymnetrical sing} el2 beim lotded as show. Assume all aatertst feffective in bending, Determine resisting shear ow atagran. vo bef “9 r a atsers (4) Fige. 415.79 and 415.80 show tro dosed, Single coli «2 flange boars. Assime the flanges develop all the bending resistance. neternine fhe steer fon reeistiag pattor® bj two soli famoly, without ang with use of shear (6) Fig. 15.01 shons a einglo coll - 3 range beau subgected to Loads az shown. Assume the & Aiha0 SHEAR FLOW IN CLOSED TH ‘anges dovolop the ontire venting reststance, Detersine the internal shear flon restet ing systan. 300 1b, e009" mm i 2 Lads thal pe oye {6) Pind shear center tocation for pons tn Fig. AlB.AL Uf the S Mangss provige the entire bending Fasistance, (7) Fira tis tntorm resisting saver fon fattern for tie 3 Tlanre-eingie esl bean of Fig. £10.02. fssune nabs of mall inet fort ve tn benaing. (8) Deternino sear center location for bean Of Figs 415.82. Keds and mills are inettost vo ‘i bering, a Yo st a LL S rns a5 —| (9) Pig. 425.68 shows © mutviple tlange-stngle cell bean section. “Find rosisting shosr fle systen If wabs and skin are ineffective in Teststing bending ctrosses, “All ein Tange ‘Bombers Mave area of 0,1 54, tn, ean, (10) rind shear centor Location tor beam Section im Fig. 419.66, {f weds and skin are Inettective in pending a D Fig. Als-04 LLED SECTIONS, SHEAR CENT! (21) rig, 415.06 shows a multipte ftones-etre Jar vean'section. Find the reststine shear Flom pattern when carrying tho external shear Joad of 5000 1b. as located in tieure, Aeome cell skin ineffective in meelsting tein bending stresses, eee - he ae ha i! oe is fanaa gta Hosting Taare | Pe As ie AIS (12) betertne the shear fou rectsting eyotem for tho bean sortion of Fig. 42540. Te 6 flanges havo areas of 0.2 @. 4m, each, skin 4s 062 tnlowmess, Assine skin ineffective Ln bending, (43) Find the shear flow resisting systen for the unsymotricel bean section tn Fig. 415.08, Flange areas and skin thicknesces are rtven of Figure, Assume skin ineffective tn bending. (14) Deterstne shear center location fer bean Section In Fiz. 415.85, ig s.80 (05) Pte, 225.87 shovs a 2 col2 youn ection, Consider alt material oftective in resisting Donsling surosses. Por the given bean Loudlag. Geteming the tntermal reeteting shear flow systen, (16) vind shear centor locetion tor beam section fm Pia, 415.87, All ueteriel effective tn bende tng. (27) For the 2 tlango-2 colt boas tn FIs. 415.98, deternine the reststing shear tow pattorn when bean section 19 loaded as shows, Webe are In effective in tending, (28) Fig. 425.69 shore a 4 colt team coction with 6 Flange soabere. Agcime walle and wobs Inoftective In bonding. (a) As a ttrst protien assume thst the Lett fand right curved sneot ranels are renoved, Pig, A109 Ieaving a 2 cell boum soction. Find the eststing shear flow system under the sven lowing, (2) ton 220 tae oft curred shoot ta fom colt (1) thus giving a 3 eet] beam. Find shear flow syste (c) Mon 28a tho right curved shoot to fom cell (4), thus etving « 4 cel bean section. Find the shear flow systen, = = 2001, Pig A190 (29) Fig. £25.90 shows 2 10 cet) multi flange dean suction. Area of wach of the 22 flange menbers equal 0.8 sq. tn. Assume weds and Skin ineffective in resisting banding strasees, Find intormal resisting shear flow systen for 2000 1B, shear Load acting through shear center of becn section. Find Location ‘of shear canter. For solution use msthod of ‘successtve approxinatten. apa El da — Teale Pa Pig A151 (20) Pind the tear center for the 7 call boa section of Fig. 415.81 for bending about x fixie without totet,” ALL bean material effect= ve tn bending. For solution use method of successive approximetion, (21) Fig. A1.22 short a single col1-8 tlange tapered bean carrying # 2000 1b. load as shown. Caleulate resisting shear flor pattern at section A-A by tho aothode. (2) By OP mothod lover a distance of 20 tnehos Between sections Ack and BoB, and (2) By using general shoar ‘low equation for boans of constant seotion, “Compare ‘the resilte. ALL elt Flange nunbers nave 0.2 89. In, area ‘eaen a section Ak and tapors unt foraly to ot ag. tn, At mig atse ae ae ii——4 Fi, +h ar (22) Add to tntertor wobs to the bear of Fig. 115,62, comecting flange nenbers t-2" anc b-b*, thus making it a 3 cell beam. Pind the snoar flow resisting pattern at seston AA by tho we netted, | ee a Mie A899 (23) Fig, A18.96 shone a etveular singe colt boa with 6 flango nambers. To aroa of each Tange menber 1s 0.1 89, 11. throughout she Deas ongth, For the given 400 ib. external loading ‘determing the rasioting shear Plow pattern at section RA using the AP nethod over a distance fof 2 Inches between sections AnA and Bed. ‘Assume cell wall tnesteptive tn resisting bende ing stresses,

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