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​First Grade News ​  

Issue 28 March 29, 2018 
Reading  Writer’s Workshop 
This week in reading, first graders continued working  This week, first graders 
on making their reading sound great! They practiced  worked on saying “hello” and 
scooping up and  “goodbye” in their reviews. 
reading longer phrases  They learned that catchy 
in their stories. Some  introductions start with 
classes shared their  questions to grab readers’ 
storytelling skills with  attention, introduce the topic, 
the Kindergarteners or  and state an opinion. Endings 
their reading buddies.  restate your opinion, the BIG 
We read a Scholastic  reasons, and tell readers to go try something! The 
News this week titled  next and last part of our unit focuses on writing book 
“You Are What You Eat”  reviews! 
and learned about   
healthy and unhealthy 
  This week in math, first 
graders worked in Chapter 
Fundations  7: Working with Larger 
First graders finished the final week of Unit 10 this  Numbers. In this chapter, 
week and were introduced to two more common  first graders review place 
suffixes: -ed and -ing. We learned that when -ing is  value concepts, work with 
added to an action word, that means it is happening  two-digit numbers to 99, 
now. When the -ed suffix is added, it means it already  and explore three-digit 
happened. First graders learned three new trick  numbers. First graders 
words this week: ​out, about, our​.   had fun identifying “rules” when giving information 
about starting and landing numbers on the number 

​Save the Date   

  April 2nd​: Classes Resume 
April 10th​: Delayed Opening 
April 16th-20th​: April Recess 
April 23rd​: Classes Resume 
May 24th​: Early Release 
May 28th​: NO SCHOOL (Memorial Day) 


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