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Teks Contoh Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan dalam Bahasa

Jika Anda hendak mencoba melamar dan sedang membutuhkan format contoh surat lamaran
pekerjaan dalam bahasa inggris berikut contohnya:

Jakarta, December 20, 2010


Unitama Megatrading Corp

Human Resources Department

Puri Kembangan Street Kav.102

Jakarta Barat

Dear Sir,

I know that Unitama Megatrading Corp. is one of the biggest retail product distributors in
Indonesia, and I am sure it would be an excellent career opportunity to join in and work for
this respective company.

I would like to apply for direct marketing and sales officer position in your company. I am in
good health, willing to work, fast learning, and work well with others. I have my own
vehicle, driving license A and C. Also, I have good communication skill and speak English
fluently both oral and written.

I was graduated from Akademi Manajemen Perusahaan (AMP) YKPN Yogyakarta, majoring
in Marketing Management in December 2003, and have been working for Pratama Corp
Retails in sales and marketing department since January 2004. I believe my 2 years
experience in this related field would be useful for me to contribute your company better.

I would greatly appreciate an opportunity to convince you that my services would be an asset
to your company. I assure you that a high level of efficiency would be applied to any
assignment given to me. I hope my qualifications and experiences merit to your

Thank you for kind attention, and I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours Faithfully,
Abdul Malik

Surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa inggris ini harus dilengkapi cv berbahasa inggris juga,
berikut ini salah satu contoh dari CV (Curriculum Vitae):

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details

Name : Abdul Malik

Permanent address : Jend. Soedirman Street No. 2 Jakarta Pusat

Recent address : Mawar Street No. 3 Jakarta Barat

Faculty / Majority / intake : Marketing Management

Phone / cell phone : 021 – 012345 / 085123456789

Gender : Male

Place / Date of Birth : Banyumas, 29 April 1987

Email :

Religion : Islam

Hobby : Traveling, reading and writing

Job Preference

Department which chosen : marketing and sales officer

Reason : I have 2 years experience in the marketing and sales

Professional Qualifications

Skills : Work well with others, own vehicle, driving license

A and C, good communication skill and speak English fluently both oral and written.
English background : – Primaga Course for 2 years

– ELTU English Course for 1 year

Strength : Good communication and leadership

Weakness : I cannot control of my emotion

Disease (if any) : Stomach illness.


(3 x

Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris dan

Bandar Lampung, March 7 th 2016


: 1 (one) bundle
: Job application

Dear to.
at School.

Here undersigned :

Place/Date was born
Last Education
: Markonah, S.Pd
: Kedaton, July 22, 1990
: Female
: Islam
: Sarjana of Education
: English Education Study Program
: Bumi Manti III, Number 80. Kedaton. Bandar Lampung
: 0857 993 12345

Here, I propose to job application at environmentally at School who that conductive

of you, presumably gets to be accepted that at needs which is English Teacher. As
consideration of you, here I attach my qualification as follows:

1. Curriculum vitae
2. Copy of last education
3. Copy of Transcript Academic
4. Copy of Akta IV
5. Copy of ID card
6. Photo 4×6

I expect that you regards my application, thanks for your attention.

Held Me, Applicant.

( Markonah,S.Pd )


Bandar Lampung, 7 Maret th 2016


: 1 (satu) bundel
: Lamaran Pekerjaan

Yang Terhormat.
Kepala sekolah
di sekolah.

Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Tempat/Tanggal Lahir
Jenis Kelamin
Pendidikan Terakhir

: Markonah, S.Pd
: Kedaton, July 22, 1990
: Female
: Islam
: Sarjana Pendidikan
: Program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris
: Bumi Manti III, Number 80. Kedaton. Bandar Lampung
: 0857 993 12345

Saya bermaksud untuk melamar kerja di lingkungan sekolah yang bapak/ ibu
pimpin, Kiranya dapat diterima sesuai kebutuhan yaitu guru bahasa Inggris. Sebagai
pertimbangan, di sini saya melampirkan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

1. Daftar Riwayat hidup

2. Fotokopi pendidikan terakhir
3. Fotokopi transkrip akademik
4. Fotokopi Akta IV
5. Fotokopi KTP
6. Pas photo 4 x 6

Saya berharap bapak/ibu dapat mempertimbangkan lamaran kerja ini, terima

kasih atas perhatiannya.



Contoh Curriculum Vitae (CV) Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya

Curriculum Vitae

Full name
Place / Date was Born

: Markonah, S.Pd
: Kedaton, July 22, 1990
: Female
: RT / RW : 001 / 001
: Bumi Mantri III
: Kedaton
: Bandar Lampung
: 0857 993 53996

Work Experience :

1. PPLT at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan in 2011.

2. English Teacher at ESC (Education Smart College ) at Taman Fajar.
3. BTPN Bank as Sentra Worker in 2012
4. PSP3 Dispora of Medan in 2013
5. Primagama at Kotagajah in 2014
6. Tunas Dwipa Matra Honda as Cashier in 2015
7. Insantama Fullday School at Bandar Lampung in now

Seminar/ Training Experience :

1. Job Training For Business English at Victoria College in 2002-2003.

2. English Professional Skill Training at Atlanta Media Prima in 2005.
3. Participant in General Stadium on Specific Guideline of Undergraduate Thesis
Writing at UM Metro in 2011.

Skill :

 Speaking Active Using English Language.

 I can operate the Computer: MS. Word, Excel, PPT, and Internet.

History of my Education

1. TK Aisyah Bustanul Athfal Kedaton

2. SD N 1 Kampung Baru
3. SMP N 1 Bandar Lampung
4. SMA N 9 Bandar Lampung
5. Universitas Negeri Lampung

graduate 1996
graduate 2002
graduate 2005
graduate 2008
graduate 2012


Daftar Riwayat Hidup

Nama lengkap
Tempat / tanggal lahir
Jenis kelamin

: Markonah, S.Pd
: Kedaton, 22 Juli 1990
: wanita
: RT / RW: 001 / 001
: Bumi Mantri III
: Kedaton
: Bandar Lampung
: 0857 993 53996

Pengalaman Kerja:

1. PPLT di Pekalongan SMA Muhammadiyah 1 tahun 2011.

2. Guru Bahasa Inggris di ESC (pendidikan Smart College) di Taman Fajar.
3. Bank BTPN Sebagai Pegawai Sentra di 2012
4. PSP3 Dispora Medan pada tahun 2013
5. Primagama di Kotagajah pada tahun 2014
6. Tunas Dwipa Matra Honda Sebagai Kasir di tahun 2015
7. Insantama Fullday School di Bandar Lampung 2015 – sekarang.

Seminar / pelatihan pengalaman:

1. Job Training Bahasa Inggris di Victoria College pada tahun 2002-2003.

2. Pelatihan Keahlian Profesional Bahasa Inggris di Atlanta Media Prima 2005
3. Peserta Umum Pedoman Penulisan Tesis Sarjana di UMM Metro pada 2011


 berbicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris aktif.

 Saya dapat mengoperasikan Computer: MS. Word, Excel, PPT, dan Internet.

Sejarah pendidikan

1. TK Aisyah Bustanul Athfal Kedaton

2. SD N 1 Kampung Baru
3. SMP N 1 Bandar Lampung
4. SMA N 9 Bandar Lampung
5. Universitas Negeri Lampung

lulusan tahun 1996

lulus 2002
lulusan 2005
lulusan 2008
lulusan 2012

Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris dan

Bandar Lampung, March 7 th 2016


: 1 (one) bundle
: Job application

Dear to.
at School.

Here undersigned :

Place/Date was born
Last Education

: Markonah, S.Pd
: Kedaton, July 22, 1990
: Female
: Islam
: Sarjana of Education
: English Education Study Program
: Bumi Manti III, Number 80. Kedaton. Bandar Lampung
: 0857 993 12345

Here, I propose to job application at environmentally at School who that conductive

of you, presumably gets to be accepted that at needs which is English Teacher. As
consideration of you, here I attach my qualification as follows:

1. Curriculum vitae
2. Copy of last education
3. Copy of Transcript Academic
4. Copy of Akta IV
5. Copy of ID card
6. Photo 4×6
I expect that you regards my application, thanks for your attention.

Held Me, Applicant.

( Markonah,S.Pd )


Bandar Lampung, 7 Maret th 2016


: 1 (satu) bundel
: Lamaran Pekerjaan

Yang Terhormat.
Kepala sekolah
di sekolah.

Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Tempat/Tanggal Lahir
Jenis Kelamin
Pendidikan Terakhir

: Markonah, S.Pd
: Kedaton, July 22, 1990
: Female
: Islam
: Sarjana Pendidikan
: Program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris
: Bumi Manti III, Number 80. Kedaton. Bandar Lampung
: 0857 993 12345

Saya bermaksud untuk melamar kerja di lingkungan sekolah yang bapak/ ibu
pimpin, Kiranya dapat diterima sesuai kebutuhan yaitu guru bahasa Inggris. Sebagai
pertimbangan, di sini saya melampirkan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

1. Daftar Riwayat hidup

2. Fotokopi pendidikan terakhir
3. Fotokopi transkrip akademik
4. Fotokopi Akta IV
5. Fotokopi KTP
6. Pas photo 4 x 6

Saya berharap bapak/ibu dapat mempertimbangkan lamaran kerja ini, terima

kasih atas perhatiannya.



Contoh Curriculum Vitae (CV) Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya

Curriculum Vitae

Full name
Place / Date was Born

: Markonah, S.Pd
: Kedaton, July 22, 1990
: Female
: RT / RW : 001 / 001
: Bumi Mantri III
: Kedaton
: Bandar Lampung
: 0857 993 53996

Work Experience :

1. PPLT at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan in 2011.

2. English Teacher at ESC (Education Smart College ) at Taman Fajar.
3. BTPN Bank as Sentra Worker in 2012
4. PSP3 Dispora of Medan in 2013
5. Primagama at Kotagajah in 2014
6. Tunas Dwipa Matra Honda as Cashier in 2015
7. Insantama Fullday School at Bandar Lampung in now

Seminar/ Training Experience :

1. Job Training For Business English at Victoria College in 2002-2003.

2. English Professional Skill Training at Atlanta Media Prima in 2005.
3. Participant in General Stadium on Specific Guideline of Undergraduate Thesis
Writing at UM Metro in 2011.

Skill :

 Speaking Active Using English Language.

 I can operate the Computer: MS. Word, Excel, PPT, and Internet.

History of my Education

1. TK Aisyah Bustanul Athfal Kedaton

2. SD N 1 Kampung Baru
3. SMP N 1 Bandar Lampung
4. SMA N 9 Bandar Lampung
5. Universitas Negeri Lampung

graduate 1996
graduate 2002
graduate 2005
graduate 2008
graduate 2012


Daftar Riwayat Hidup

Nama lengkap
Tempat / tanggal lahir
Jenis kelamin

: Markonah, S.Pd
: Kedaton, 22 Juli 1990
: wanita
: RT / RW: 001 / 001
: Bumi Mantri III
: Kedaton
: Bandar Lampung
: 0857 993 53996

Pengalaman Kerja:

1. PPLT di Pekalongan SMA Muhammadiyah 1 tahun 2011.

2. Guru Bahasa Inggris di ESC (pendidikan Smart College) di Taman Fajar.
3. Bank BTPN Sebagai Pegawai Sentra di 2012
4. PSP3 Dispora Medan pada tahun 2013
5. Primagama di Kotagajah pada tahun 2014
6. Tunas Dwipa Matra Honda Sebagai Kasir di tahun 2015
7. Insantama Fullday School di Bandar Lampung 2015 – sekarang.

Seminar / pelatihan pengalaman:

1. Job Training Bahasa Inggris di Victoria College pada tahun 2002-2003.

2. Pelatihan Keahlian Profesional Bahasa Inggris di Atlanta Media Prima 2005
3. Peserta Umum Pedoman Penulisan Tesis Sarjana di UMM Metro pada 2011


 berbicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris aktif.

 Saya dapat mengoperasikan Computer: MS. Word, Excel, PPT, dan Internet.

Sejarah pendidikan

1. TK Aisyah Bustanul Athfal Kedaton

2. SD N 1 Kampung Baru
3. SMP N 1 Bandar Lampung
4. SMA N 9 Bandar Lampung
5. Universitas Negeri Lampung

lulusan tahun 1996

lulus 2002
lulusan 2005
lulusan 2008
lulusan 2012

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