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In pairs or small groups, ciscuss the questions, and then share your answers wan the class 1. How does human life begin and what happens as the single-celled ile starts to cevelop in its mother's body? 2, What do you know about DNA, genes, and chromosomes? Fiead the two texts below. Then match the bolotaced words with their meanings. Humao life is the sum of many individual cells organized in specific ways, It begins with fertilization, when the nucleus of 2 sperm cell combines with the nucieus of an ovum (or exg). The result is a zygote, a single cell that contains hereditary (or genetic} material from both parents: 23 paiss of chromosomes, each of which | consists of a single, long, thin, wisting bit of DNA. DNA is an amazingly complex chain of chemicals that is | Uniquely different in each and every living thing. This is because the genes that we inherit from our parents are | incorporated inte the DNA molecule that makes up each cliromosome, How the zygote develops is determined | | by the unique combination of genes that are in its DNA. It's as if the genes carry with them a detailed genetic ‘blueprint” (or building plan) that controls what happens at every stage of the new organism's development. a decxyribonucletc acid t _ ~ baaby "starter" eal { > small unit of living enatter 6 _— ~ conception, start of new fe = formate reproductive cel h ~ central part ot cell | cs = male reproductive ost thin structures of DNA that ~ inherited, passed on j= subunits of DNA that contain inherited characteristics 2. About thirty hours afler conception, the single-celled zygote divides into two cells, which divide Inte four. then ight, and so on until a hellow ball of cells ealled a blastula is formed, ‘The blasiula attaches itself to the wall of the mother’s aterus, where it continues co develop: first into an embryo and Jater into a fetus, until itis born a8 a human infant nine months later, Development within the wierus ocews in the amniotie sae, through which the embryo ceveives nourishment frum its mother’s body via the umbilieal cord. ‘The process is nothing short of rmizaculous, Following the blueprint in the genes, the new cells are like “do tt themselves” tullding Blocks. By the second werk, they have already formed into groups and become specialized units known as tissues, from which the skin, bones, serves, muscles, bload, and ether parts of the body will form. By the end of the first month, all major organs have begun to develop. The eves are visible, arms and legs have begua to bud, and the heart bas already begun ta beat. baby — early prenatal! phase bbaby — later prenatal phase baby — birth to two years ood needed for growin ~ specialized masses of cells ~~ oan in which baby develops sac in {where baby develops ‘what "tos" baby fo mother 1 prema before bint al she uml Can you 74

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