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Gainful Workers - those who usually worked most of the time during the past

twelve (12) months. (C-3)

Game Refuge or Bird

Sanctuary - forestland designated for the protection of game animals, birds
and fish and closed to hunting and fishing in order that the excess
population may flow and re-stock surrounding areas (PD 1559) (B-
8, E-7)

Garage – a building or portion thereof in which a motor vehicle containing

gasoline, distillate, or other volative, flammable liquid in its tank, is
stored, repaired or kept.

Garage, Commercial – a garage where automobiles, and other motor vehicles are
housed, cared for, equipped, repaired or kept for remuneration,
hire, or sale.

Garage, Open Parking – a structure of one or more tiers in height which is at least 50%
open on two or more sides and is used exclusively for the parking
or storage of passenger motor vehicles having a capacity of not
more than nine persons per vehicle. Open parking garages are
further classified as either ramp-access or mechanical-access.
Ramp-access, open parking garages are those employing a series
of continuously rising floors permitting the movement of vehicles
under their own power from and to the street level. Mechanical
access parking garages are those employing parking machines,
lifts, elevators, or other mechanical services for vehicles moving
from and to street level and in which public occupancy is
prohibitive above the street level.

Garage, Private – a building or a portion of a building in which only motor vehicles

used by the tenants of the building or buildings on the premises
are stored or kept.

Gender Sensitivity – a principle of sustainable development which means that we

should recognize the importance and complementary roles, and
the empowerment of both men and women in development. (E-24)

General Base Map - a map that reflects broad and more generalized information. It is
prepared in a smaller scale and reflects the boundaries of the
whole study area, the major roads, built-up area and the important
natural features such as streams, rivers and lakes. This map is
used for land use planning especially in the preparation of
analytical map, such as population distribution and density maps.

General Commercial
Zone - an area within a city or municipality for trading/services/ business
purposes. (G-7)

General Fund – fund that is the source of all expenditures and obligations within
the local jurisdiction other than education. This fund consists of
monies and resources not otherwise accruing to any other fund
and is available for payment of expenditures, obligations or
purposes not specifically declared by law as chargeable to or
payable from, any other fund. The general fund may cover current
spending for maintenance activities on roads, bridges, etc. The
general fund also covers an economic development type of
expenditure. (H-3)

General Hospital - a hospital that provides services for all kinds of illnesses,
diseases, injuries or deformities. (C-23)

General Institutional
Zone - an area within a city or municipality principally for general types
of institutional establishments, e.g., government offices, schools,
hospitals/clinic, academic/research, convention centers. (G-7)

General Land Use Plan - the planned distribution of land uses of the entire municipality. It
may also include areas for special use. (B-4)

General Map - a map that shows a complex of physical and cultural features.

General Medication
Consultation Rate - the number of general medical consultation in a calendar year
per 1,000 population. (C-23)

General Professional
Partnerships – partnerships formed by persons for the sole purpose of
exercising their common profession, no part of the income of
which is derived from engaging in any trade or business. (A-2)

General Residential
Zone - an area within a city or municipality principally for
dwelling/housing purposes. (G-7)

General Zoning Map - a duly authenticated map delineating the different zones in
which the whole city/municipality is divided. (G-7)

Geologic Hazards - volcanoes, fault lines, landslips, unstable/landslide areas which

pose risks to lives, crops, property and infrastructures. (E-21)

Geometric Correction - the third stage in the data input process that involves
maintaining geometric consistency among all data planes included
in the database. (B-4)

Geometric Growth Rate
of Population – see Mathematical Method of Population Projection (C-3)

Environment - all the physical and natural characteristics of the area resulting
from its specific geographic position on the earth's surface. This
includes the description of relief features such as topography,
elevation, slope, landscapes, soils and geology; the state of the
physical and natural resources in the area such as water quality,
minerals, land and marine use; as well as information on the
dynamic processes that are occurring like erosional features,
weather patterns, rainfall and pollution. (E-18)

Geothermal Energy - energy derived or derivable from and produced within the earth
by natural heat phenomenon; and includes all steam, and water
vapor, and every mixture of all or any of them that has been
heated by natural underground energy, and every kind of matter
derived from a bore and for the time being with or in any such
stead, water, water vapor, or mixture. (B-9)

Global Competitiveness - the ability to compete in terms of price, quality and volume of
agriculture and fishery products relative to those of other
countries. (D-12)

Goal Achievement
Matrix (GAM) - a plan evaluation method which is deemed superior to the cost-
benefit analysis and the planning balance sheet. It is highly
participatory. It allows various sectors of the community to
express their bias through the weighing of the objectives
according to their relative importance to their sectors. The rating
of alternatives according to their perceived contribution to the
achievement of each objective is quite simple: choosing an ordinal
number within a given range. Finally, the aggregate of sectoral
total scores reflecting their biases amounts to a social consensus.

Goals - the general direction and purpose which the town seeks to
achieve. (C-23)

Government Agencies - national, local and regional agencies and instrumentalities

including government-owned and controlled corporations. (E-12)

Government Center – an area within a province, city and municipality established

where offices, agencies, or branches of the National Government,
local government units, or government-owned or –controlled
corporations may, as far as practicable, be located. (A-2)

In designing such a center, the local government unit concerned

shall take into account the existing facilities of national and local
agencies and offices which may serve as the government center
as contemplated under Section 12, Chapter 2 of Republic Act
7160. The National Government, local government unit of
government-owned or –controlled corporation concerned shall
bear the expenses for the construction of the buildings and
facilities in the government center.

Government Hospital - a hospital operated and maintained partially or wholly by the

National, Provincial, Municipal or City Government or other
political subdivision, board or other agency. (C-23)

Government Lands - parcels of lands which titles are held by national government
entities or any of its subdivisions, instrumentalities, or agencies,
including government-owned or controlled corporations and their
subsidiaries and lands placed under the jurisdiction of the above
entities by virtue of proclamations signed by the President.
Government lands also include rights-of-way or road titles. (C-5,

Government Service
Insurance System – the government agency which is the primary provider of funds
for long-term housing mortgages for low and middle-income
government employees. (C-10)

Grade – the lowest point of elevation of the finished surface of the ground
between the exterior wall of a building and a point 1.50 meters
distant from said wall, or the lowest point of elevation of the
finished surface of the ground between the exterior wall of a
building and a property line if it is less than 1.50 meters distant
from said wall. In case walls are parallel to and within 1.50 meters
of a public sidewalk, alley, or other public way, the grade shall be
the elevation of the sidewalk, alley or public way. (B-21)

Gradient of Ramp – the degree of inclination of the sloped surface expressed as a

percentage or ratio. (B-23)

Graduated Amortization
Plan (GAP) - the mode of payment wherein principal payments are deferred
on the first few years of the term of the loan, designed to enhance
the affordability of the borrower through a mechanism of
increasing monthly amortization over the term of the loan. (C-18)

Graphical Scale - a line or bar subdivided into map distance corresponding to the
numerical scale. (B-4)

Grasslands - land with natural grass covers without trees or very few isolated
trees. (B-7, B-8)

Grasslands - forestlands predominantly vegetated with grasses, devoid of

trees or with very few isolated trees. (E-21)

Grazing Lands – that portion of the public domain which has been set aside, in
view of the sustainability of its topography and vegetation, for the
raising of livestock. (E-7)

No forest land 50% in slope or over shall be classified as grazing


- forestlands designated, in view of their terrain and vegetation, for

the raising of livestock. They are likewise known as rangelands.

Grazing Projects - the management of forest range resources for forage productivity
needed to support livestock production. Grazing projects shall be
considered critical if such will exceed the natural grazing
capacities of the areas involved (1 head per hectare). (E-15)

Grid Development - This form is represented by rectangular blocks of spatial

development. The agglomeration of development blocks expands
to occupy a sizeable space. This pattern allows easy access to
establishments because of the intersecting streets and the block
form of agglomeration. This is a variation on the concentration
theme. (E-18)

Gross Density - ratio of the total population of an area to the total land area. It
can be expressed as: (C-3)

Gross density = Total city/municipal population

Total city/municipal land area in sq. kms.

Gross Domestic Product - the value of goods and services with the exclusion of net factor
earnings from abroad. (D-15)

Gross Floor Area (GFA) - the total floor space within the perimeter of the permanent
external building walls, occupied by office areas; residential areas;
corridors; lobbies; mezzanine; vertical penetrations, which shall
mean stairs, fire escapes, elevator shafts, flues, pipe shafts,
vertical ducts, and the like, and their enclosing walls; rest rooms or
toilets; storage rooms and closets; covered balconies and
terraces; interior walls and columns, and other interior features;
but excluding covered areas used for parking and driveways,
including vertical penetrations in parking floor areas where no
residential or office units are present; and uncovered areas for air-
conditioning cooling towers, overhead water tanks, roof decks,
laundry areas and cages, wading or swimming pools, whirlpools or
jacuzzis, gardens, courts or plazas (G-7)

Gross National Product - the market value of all goods and services produced by
Philippine citizens and resources in the country or overseas. (D-

Gross Output - the actual market value of minerals or mineral products from its
mining area as defined in the National Internal Revenue Code. (E-

Gross Urban Density - the concentration of the total urban population over the total area
of identified urban barangays. (C-3)

Gross Value Added of

Agriculture - the total value (excluding value of non-agricultural intermediate
outputs) of goods and services contributed by the agricultural
sector to the gross domestic product. (D-15)

Gross Value-Added – the total value, excluding the value of non-agricultural or fishery
intermediate outputs, of goods and services contributing to the
agricultural and fishery sectors. (D-1)

Ground Floor – the storey at or near the level of the grade, the other storeys,
beginning with second, for the first next above, shall be
designated by the successive floor numbers counting upward. (B-

Ground Rupture - also termed as fracture movement and fissuring, this is the
creation of new or renewed movement of old fractures or cracks
on the ground surface. (B-6)

Ground Shaking - a hazard present during earthquakes characterized by disrupting

up-down and sideways motion. (B-6)

Ground Water – all the water in the zone of saturation below the water table
whatever may be the geologic structure on which it is standing or
through which it is moving. (B-14)

Ground Water Use

Restrictions - a map, which shows extremely severe to none, ground water use
restriction. (B-4)

Group Character Loan – a loan contracted by a member and guaranteed by a group of

persons for its repayment. The creditor can collect from any of the
members of the group which guaranteed the said loan, without
prejudice to the right of reimbursement of the member or
members of the group who had advanced the payment in favor of
the actual debtor. (C-24)

Group Land Acquisition

and Development (GLAD) - a regular program under PAG-IBIG which provides financial
assistance to organized groups of fund members for the
acquisition and development of rawland or partially developed
land which shall serve as the site of their housing units. The total
loan to the employee-group or community association shall be the
aggregate of the amounts extended to the individual member-
beneficiaries. (C-23)
Growth Center Strategy - a major urban development strategy which involves the identification
and/or selection of urban and urbanizing areas which are already
demonstrating economic potentials and capable of attracting and
absorbing population. (F-3)

The strategy aims to redistribute population and employment into

other areas of the country. The growth centers are generally
existing urban settlements with potentials of growth that can
provide economies of scale to industries.

Growth Pole Strategy - an urban development strategy which entails the introduction of
a development magnet, e.g., industry, university or training or
research center, outside urban areas to spur development thereat.
This strategy requires a parallel strengthening of the role of
infrastructure as a key actor in development. (F-3)

Guest Room – any room or rooms used, or intended to be used by a guest for
sleeping purposes. Every 9.30 square meters of superficial floor
area in a dormitory shall be considered to be a guest room. (B-21)

Gully – very narrow waterway with steep sides; the beginning of a

creek. (B-14)

Gymnasium – a structure that serves the athletic needs of most educational

institutions. Primarily used for physical education activities as well
as for public assembly. It may have minimal spectator's gallery or
none at all. (C-23)+


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