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What does the Bible say? Questions to help you grow in your understanding of biblical Love.

The Bible speaks of love quite a bit, 361 times in the NKJV. In a way it is the underlying thread that runs
throughout the Bible connecting Genesis to Revelation. One of the main attributes of God is Love. 1 Jn 4:8
says "He who does not love does not know God, for God is love."
Unfortunately the word love is often twisted and used as justification for just the opposite of how
God intended it. Man cannot fully comprehend the type of love God demonstrates toward us for
we do not have the mind of God. His love is unconditional and eternal. The word love doesn't
appear in the bible until the 22 chapter of Genesis when He asks Abraham to sacrifice his only son
Isaac, a situation in which God would personally and fully demonstrate the extent of His love for
us quite a bit later.
The word love is not used in the Old Testament as a description of God's feeling towards His
people Israel in the first person. Moses tells the people that God loves them (Read Deut 7:7,9,13
10:15) and His love is certainly demonstrated throughout very early on. True Love without action,
like true faith without actions, is really absent from the scriptures.
Day 1
1. a) Read Gen 2:18-22. How did God provide for Adam?

2. a) Read Gen 3:22-24 (Read the whole chapter if you aren't familiar with it.) What happened
in these verses?
b) What would have happened if God had not done this?
We see this as a theme that had to be repeated many times throughout the scriptures. Heb 12:6;
For whom the LORD loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives.” The
discipline of the Lord is continually demonstrated to His people, along with His mercy as a result
of His love.
3. One could question God's love towards man when He brought about the flood, but what did
He do to rescue man from the wicked state that they had sunk to? Read Gen 6:5-8, 7:1, 9:1

4. Read the Ten Commandments Ex 20: 1-17. God gave Israel the Ten Commandments and
the Law so that his people would know His righteous requirements and not follow the
corrupt ways of the nations around them.

a) What are the two conditions they were to meet to receive God's mercy in Ex 20 verse 6?
(Also See Deut 5:10)

b) Why can't these be separated

c) Can love and action be separated in your own life? Why or why not?

Day 2
1. The Law is often seen as harsh and mechanical and awful to look upon as it was executed in
the Temple. But read Lev 19:18, 34, Deu 6:5, 10:19, 11:22.
What does the Bible say? Questions to help you grow in your understanding of biblical Love.

Jesus says the same thing that Moses is saying in Mt 22:36-39. What does this say to you
about the Law and Love? (See Gal 3:21-24, 5:22 for some hints)

2. In ancient Hebrew the word love is abstract; much like it is in English. Use a concordance
and write down what you learn.

3. The Psalms are laced with declarations of love. A few declare mans fleshly love for the
worthless (See Psalm 4:2) but mainly they are declarations of great passion for the Lord.
Search the Psalms and write down two verses (not the whole psalm!) that speak to your

4. Proverbs also contains many references to love. Describe what each verse below is
referring to.
Pro 8:17
Pro 9:8
Pro 17:9

Day 3
1. Though many may see Song of Songs as an allegory, on its surface it is a passionate display
of the sensual love a man and woman have for one another. Read chapter 1 (or all if it for
extra credit!). How does this poem relate to God's love?

2. Read Isaiah 63:7-9 Who is this referring to? What was done for us out of love?

3. Love isn't easy sometimes. It's easy to love the lovable. What does Mt 5:43-46 say about
loving others?

4. 12. Read Mt 22:37-39, we have two commandments regarding love, what are they?

Day 4
1. What do people tend to love other than God and others? See Lk 16:13 and Lk 20:46.

2. Compare Ex 20:6 with Jn 14:15, 21. Write out your thoughts.

What does the Bible say? Questions to help you grow in your understanding of biblical Love.

3. How did Jesus tell people to prove that their faith was genuine? See Jn 13:34-35, 15:12-13,
Rev 12:11.

4. We are supposed to love God, our enemies, those who mistreat us. What is the source of
this love we are supposed to have in us? See Jn 17:24-26, Rom 5:3-5, 8:39, Gal 5:22.

Day 5
1. Can we manifest the same kind of love that Jesus did for this lost world? See Jn 15:12,
21:15-17, 1 Jn 4:12. Use a concordance or bible dictionary and write out the two different
Greek words for love and how they differ.

2. 18. Jn 15:13 says “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his
friends". See Jn 3:16, 15:14-15, Jn 10:14-15, 1 Cor 15:3 how did Jesus demonstrate this?

3. Was this the end of love, if God is love, and Jesus is God? See Jn 14:1-3, 18-21? What did
Jesus promise?

4. Sum up what it means to love like Jesus did and how you can demonstrate it to others? See
Mt 25:34-40, 1 Cor 13, Mt 28:19-20

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