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Remote sensing and Geographic Information System have an important role in

monitoring the coastal dynamic included in coastline change, coastal hazard flood, tidal
inundation and land subsidence. One of the softwares that can be used in assessing the change of
coastal dynamic is ILWIS. ILWIS (Integrated Land and Water Information System) is a software
of Geographic Information System (GIS) that also has an ability in Image Processing. ILWIS has
been developed by International Institue fo Aerospace Survey and Earth Science (ITC),
Enschede, Netherland. Ilwis helps GIS user to input, manage, analyze and provide geographic
data in order to produce information about pattern and spatial and temporal process on earth.

One of methods to do the coastal flood area mapping is Slicing Method. Slicing method
is a representation of continuous data (gray scale) to non-continuous data (single colour). The
continuous (0-255) is changed to non-continuous data or single colour (0-2, 2-10, etc). It’s useful
to classify pixel values which are homogeneous to each class. With this method, we can modify
the values appearance by making classifications such as land use based on usefulness, elevation,
level of vulnerability and something else.

Slicing method needs a little longer time to do because we ourself do this processing. It
depends on how many classes we will create. Example in this case (coastal flood area), first, this
method begins to determine class features based on elevation. We have to adjust the land use
with the elevation. This process identifies a number of values representing each class or category
we want. However it has accurate result because it can classify many objects. Therefore, the
accuracy of slicing method depends on image quality we used such as less cloud image or other

Calculation or raster operation using map calculation is done by writing script which has
operation in command line or dialog box in ILWIS. Some available operations in map
calculation are arithmetic operation (+,-,*,/,^,a Mod b, a Div b), relation operation (=, <, <=, >,
>=, <>), logical operation (or, and, not, xor) and conditional function (iff). These operations can
be done with the requirements that map used in analysis uses same geographic reference, same
area, same resolution so that number of pixel, size of pixel, and coordinate system have the same
coordinate in all data which will be processed with map calculation. This Map calculation feature
is useful in analyzing the coastal flood susceptibility. We need elevation data which is got from
DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and tidal elevation. The deficiency of map calculation is that it’s
not user-friendly, and the advantage is efficient in iteration process.

Iteration method is a method which has principal in noticing neighborhood and continuity
between one pixel with around. Example, the 3 x 3 cell neighborhood has one center pixel and a
number of neighborhood pixel as consideration of 8 neighborhood pixel and this is the figure :

Center pixel
Iteration method refers to mathematical operation of iteration in a row using the result of
one calculation (one pixel value) to input in the next values.

These three methods, iteration method is more realistic method than slicing and map
calculation in modelling of coastal flood hazard. It’s caused by elevation values in pixels relate
to each other. It’s usefull while flood occurred so that iteration model will form flood flow based
on tidal elevation and location elevation. It will make an opportunity to modeling which will
applied in detail scale because local topography elevation will be able calculated.

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