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‘Skipping’ or ‘dumpster diving’ is when people look through supermarket and shop bins to see if they have thrown anything usable away. On a cold evening, JACOB JARVIS headed out with a couple who do this around Leicestershire, and he was taken aback by what he found

Plenty to give
PLENTY of us have morals we food. “The amount of bread. valuable resource for them, dispensable, is what keeps after a late shift. I suppose if
For a list of foods claim to uphold but, for most It’s criminal. If you look at the realistically they would like to businesses going, and keeps they stock too much, that
found on the night: of us, we do the minimum we cost of wheat and energy and see it stopped. And rather things being thrown away. means I’m never at a loss for
can to appease our con- water and in human labour. To than everyone rely on large “Waste is part of the pro- what I want. I don’t like the PICTURE: BETH WALSH sciences. think it’s just thrown straight in outlets for foods, for more loc- cess,” they say. “They (busi- thought of loaf after loaf being
When I sit with Michaela the bin,” Michaela says. alised outlets to be used or nesses) expect waste.” thrown away either, though. I
‘SKIPPER’: Michaela Smith, 57, I realise I’ve struck They regale me with some of more people to grow their own But then, they only expect suppose the trade-off

you food for

Smith, who has fed upon one of the few people the most unusual bin finds. fruit and vegetables. waste, because we expect between morals and conveni-
more than 20 people who said “enough is enough” These include a Christmas “I would like to see more everything we want there to ence is a hard one to balance.
with food she has re- and she meant it. She doesn’t tree thrown out at the start of people grow their own food. buy straight away. We don’t I admit this to Michaela’s
want to support supermarkets, December, a whole container “The miracle of growing and like to see empty shelves or partner, who seems at a loss
trieved from shop bins so she doesn’t. And, without of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, eating what you’ve planted stores out of the products we when he tells me: “It’s every-
them knowing it, the unwitting 300 eggs in one place, a skip benefits your body, as much crave. one’s fault, it’s not just the
businesses practically support so full of beer they could not as that sounds like crazy I cannot judge the waste, companies’ fault. People need
her. take it all and a bottle of Jim hippyism,” Michaela says. because I’m part of the prob- to change their consumption

This is because the majority Bean. That’s not all. As they Her partner explained how lem, I hate if there’s no bread habits. For the good of hu-
of her food comes from “skip- recall the list at points they this notion, that everything is when I turn up to the shop manity.”
ping”, where people head to seem irritated, others amused,
shops and scope out their and more often than not gen-
bins after hours. They then re- erally exasperated by the
claim any food deemed un- whole nonsensical situation.
worthy of the shelves but that Hundreds of pounds worth
is still, plenty of people would of clothes. Orchids, in pots,
agree, okay to eat. thrown out for being out of

ating food from out of a The lights are still on and the gloves and whenever we’re out- Michaela, with her partner, bloom. Bins full of crockery
bin. I mull the thought corrugated steel shutter is up side I regret it. has been doing it for two-and- sets, we assume deemed to
over and no matter how on the back of the store. With It strikes me, though, that the a-half years. They live in large be out of fashion. A power
I try to make sense of it, I the efficiency of a production first bins we went to, and all the shared accommodation in drill, with a tiny faulty sticker,
struggle to. line, Michaela’s partner lifts bins throughout the night after Leicester, and they have fed but that worked fine.
I’m wasteful with what I buy the lids, has a brief look and that, don’t actually smell. In huge groups of people from Sometimes, one broken item
from the supermarket, I have to drags out plastic sacks full of fact, because of the temperat- the produce they find. in a multipack can mean the
admit, and I throw away my food, repeats this and passes ure, the food we’re getting is “We’ve had times where whole thing gets binned, or a
fair share of fruit and veg. them to Michaela and me. practically refrigerated. we’ve had 23 people living dented bit of packaging war-
I buy it with the best inten- Then we look for anything us- I’m told sometimes in sum- here and we’ve all ate for free. rants chucking its contents
tions, eat one portion, then able. mer it gets bad but quite often “We have weekly house away, they tell me.
chuck because it goes mushy We get a few things then we it’s not actually as filthy as you meals and we try and cook The pair say that they go
and off. Some shops, though, realise we’ve been spotted. might imagine. with what there is,” Michaela skipping because they hate to
throw out a lot of food that’s I’m told security staff aren’t I ask how you know what to says. see the waste.
fine to eat, by plenty of people’s always hostile, but sometimes pick and what to leave. The most wasteful times are They hate to see the world
standards. it’s just not worth giving them “Use your nose and your eyes, around public holidays, “when and nature ravaged for pro-
That’s not me jumping on the the chance to be. So we load the like people did for thousands of the shops expect people to duce, which is then chucked
environmentalist bandwagon, few picks into the car and head years before industry invented stock up”, I am told, and away for no good reason.
and I’m not trying to shame to our next stop. sell by dates,” comes the re- bread is the most discarded Although it has proved a
conglomerates or shock you. It “The night manager (at one sponse which, really, I should
simply does happen. shop) can be a bit funny,” Mi- have guessed myself.
I know this because I went out chaela tells me. “She’s come I’m rifling through a bin again than you could probably grab the next day’s date on it. “Some- I tell the guys: “Before I came
with two “skippers”, who res- out and shouted ‘get away from and I start to realise how ri- in a store in that time, unless body not paying much atten- out with you, I honestly didn’t
cue castaway food from bins at those bins’ before, and she’s diculous this is. Pizzas, in their you were practising for an ap- tion,” Michaela’s partner says. think we’d find this much.”
shops before it gets thrown hidden behind a door and boxes, with yellow reduced pearance on supermarket But we don’t take them all, be- I mean it, I thought there had
away, and found plenty. jumped out at us. But some price stickers on them. Just a sweep. cause there isn’t an easy way to be a catch. I’d be crawling
It is 11pm when we head out. I don’t mind, we were hiding few hours before, they were I’m shocked at the amount we for us to store them, so they through gunk and muck, get-
jump in the back of a large es- from a worker before and they still being bought by people leave behind, too. I open one could end up thrown anyway. ting splattered by unknown bin
tate with Michaela Smith, 57, told us we could get on with it.” thinking they were getting a bin. It’s big and grey, not much Then there is the fish and juices for barely anything in re-
and her partner, who does not It’s a cold evening, I’ve a few bargain. Now I’m seeing this different to the sort of council meat we have to be wary of, turn. Actually it was more re-
want to be named, surrounded layers on, but I’ve forgotten my stuff in the bin, I realise how bins you see lining the streets who knows how long it’s been laxing than a busy supermar-
by a swarm of reusable shop- much they aren’t. on collection day. out of the fridge, so it’s left be- ket on a Sunday – no screaming
ping bags, before we head off to I’m finding plenty of expens- PICTURE: JACOB JARVIS It is full of sandwiches and hind, too. kids, no angry queue jumpers,
one of their regular spots. Leicestershire Police said ive stuff, too, brands, special ‘WASTE’: Some of the baps and wraps. We head home and start to de- no sinking feeling when the
When we park up I’m nervous “skipping” or “dumpster treats – all sleek black pack- food the skippers pulled All the deluxe breakfast ones, cant everything from the car. cashier reads out the price –
and, in my mind, it feels more diving” was not aging with silver letters. There stuffed with bacon, sausage We’ve got a shopping trolley and all I got was a little bit of
like committing a bank rob- something they had dealt are even flowers in here. I grab
from bins that night and egg, the sort of thing you and there’s enough to fill it grime on my fingertips. My
bery instead of a rummage with reports of, but if it at handfuls of daffodils that might treat yourself to on pay- twice over. comments merit the same sort
through rubbish. was reported to the force didn’t get the chance to bloom day. I nab a sandwich and a As we unpack it we spread it of smiles as my earlier shock
I find myself crouched behind as theft it would be before they were chucked away. lightly brushing against me, hind the driver’s seat. I can’t an skippers smile at my naiv- couple of pasties out of there for out on a table, then it starts to did.
bins, like I’m in some sort of looked into. I’m back in the car and what are stocked up sacks, slightly help but laugh when I say how ety. Within an hour and only a lunch the next day. overflow on to the floor as we I’m told: “That was a pretty
shootout. were initially empty bags, crushing my left leg as I sit be- ridiculous it seems. The veter- few stops, we’ve got more food And one of them actually has section it up. small night for us, really.”
ACCORDING to experts, a huge of our fresh produce, allowing through better forecasting and
amount of the food produced and encouraging customers to reducing prices on food near-
worldwide does not get eaten. assess certain products them- ing its expiry date at the end of
An FAO (Food and Agricul- selves. the day. Where we do have a
ture Organisation of the “Whie we reduce the price of a food surplus, we’ve connected
United Nations) report from range of products by 30 per cent stores to local food charities.
2011 stated some 1.3billion tons leading up to their expiry date, “Where there is any remain-
of food is thrown away annu- it is inevitable that there will be ing food waste, we send this to
ally. Studies by Wrap, an envir- instances where food items are energy (anaerobic digestion) –
onmental action group, estim- not sold and therefore have to nothing goes to landfill.”
ated that £13 billion of food was be redistributed.” CO-OP
chucked away in the UK in WAITROSE “We work extremely hard to
2015. “We’re dedicated to reducing cut down on waste. We are com-
After our night “skipping”, food waste and don’t send any mitted to working towards con-
every major supermarket was food to landfill. We want as tinuing reductions by raising
contacted and asked what their much of the food we produce to awareness, increasing educa-
stance on “dumpster diving” be eaten – this could be by our tion and changing people’s per-
was. Aldi, Asda, Morrisons, customers, partners (employ- ceptions.
Sainsbury’s and Tesco were ees) or those in need. If it can’t “Some of the ways we do this
contacted, but had not respon- be donated it goes to anaerobic include our distribution centre
ded at the time of publication. digestion, a last resort. in Leicester working closely
LIDL “Our shops donate surplus with Fareshare East Midlands
“Maximising efficiencies and food to a number of local charit- to make sure any foods surplus
reducing waste is a core part of ies and groups.” is redistributed. In terms of
our business model as a dis- MARKS & SPENCER people entering bins our to find
counter, and are continuously “Reducing food waste remains any wasted food, we would
exploring opportunities to a key priority. urge anyone, for their safety, to
drive waste down further. For “As part of our sustainability not engage in this practice.”
example, we choose not to print plan, Plan A, we’ve worked ■ For extended comments:
any ‘best before’ dates on much hard to reduce food waste

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