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Career and Life-Planning Assessment

Careers play a predominant role in most people’s lives. Career development is a

continual process across the life span, and counselors have an important obligation to assess
careerrelated concerns and successes as part (or central) to the counseling process.
Counselors help clients with the process of making educational and career choices and
adapting to the challenges inherent in career development. Career and life planning involve
assessing both the process (i.e., attitudinal and cognitive readiness) and content (interests,
values, and abilities) associated with career development. This chapter focuses primarily on
career readiness, which includes measures concerning attitudes toward career planning and
career-planning competencies. In addition, comprehensive assessment programs are
introduced as a means for identifying academic, career, or social environments that would be
compatible with a person’s preferences and abilities. The measures of career choice and
development discussed in this chapter are important in determining appropriate counseling
interventions for clients.

Karir memiliki peran yang dominan dalam kehidupan individu. Pengembangan karier
adalah proses yang berkelanjutan sepanjang rentang kehidupan, dan konselor memiliki
kewajiban penting untuk menilai kekhawatiran dan keberhasilan yang berkaitan dengan
karier sebagai bagian (atau pusat) untuk proses konseling. Konselor membantu konseli
dengan proses membuat pilihan pendidikan dan karier dan beradaptasi dengan tantangan
yang ada dalam pengembangan karier. Karir dan perencanaan kehidupan melibatkan menilai
baik proses (yaitu, kesiapan sikap dan kognitif) dan konten (minat, nilai, dan kemampuan)
yang terkait dengan pengembangan karir. Bab ini berfokus terutama pada kesiapan karir,
yang meliputi langkah-langkah mengenai sikap terhadap perencanaan karir dan kompetensi
perencanaan karier. Selain itu, program penilaian komprehensif diperkenalkan sebagai sarana
untuk mengidentifikasi lingkungan akademik, karier, atau sosial yang akan kompatibel
dengan preferensi dan kemampuan seseorang. Ukuran pilihan karir dan pengembangan yang
dibahas dalam bab ini penting dalam menentukan intervensi konseling yang tepat untuk

Introduction to Career and Life-Planning Assessment / Pengantar Karir dan

Penilaian Perencanaan Kehidupan

Counselors may use career assessments for a variety of reasons as they select their
interventions.Herr, Cramer, and Niles (2004) identified four uses of career assessment:
prediction, discrimination, monitoring, and evaluation. With respect to prediction, results
from career assessments may be used to predict future career-related performance. Prediction
maybe clinical or statistical, although statistical prediction (i.e., predictive validity) is
preferred. The use of career assessments for discrimination refers to continually evaluating an
individual’s abilities as well as his or her interests. These areas are assessed to determine
likelihood of success by discerning which groups the individual is most like. This chapter
presents some assessments that measure confidence, barriers, and actual abilities; several
interest inventories are discussed in Chapter 12. Monitoring, the third use of career
assessment, relates to an individual’s career progress. In addition to tests that measure
readiness, those that monitor can also detect values important to a client (assessment of
values is discussed in Chapter 12). Inessence, monitoring refers to career maturity and
adaptability, with maturity related to readiness in younger populations and adaptability
concerned with coping with developmental tasks in adulthood (Super, Osborne, Walsh,
Brown,& Niles, 1992). The final use, evaluation, relates to the use of assessment tools to
measure how well individual career goals have been met. In addition, it can refer to how well
the career-counseling process relates to client outcomes (Herr et al., 2004)
Konselor dapat menggunakan penilaian karir untuk berbagai alasan ketika mereka
memilih intervensi mereka. Herr, Cramer, dan Niles (2004) mengidentifikasi empat
penggunaan penilaian karir: prediksi, diskriminasi, pemantauan, dan evaluasi. Sehubungan
dengan prediksi, hasil dari penilaian karir dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi kinerja yang
terkait dengan karir di masa depan. Prediksi mungkin klinis atau statistik, meskipun prediksi
statistik (yaitu, validitas prediktif) lebih banyak di pakai. Penggunaan penilaian karir untuk
diskriminasi mengacu untuk terus mengevaluasi kemampuan individu serta minatnya. Area-
area ini dinilai untuk menentukan kemungkinan keberhasilan dengan membedakan kelompok
mana yang paling disukai oleh individu. Bab ini menyajikan beberapa penilaian yang
mengukur kepercayaan diri, hambatan, dan kemampuan aktual; beberapa inventor dibahas
dalam Bab 12. Pemantauan, penggunaan ketiga penilaian karier, berhubungan dengan
kemajuan karier individu. Selain tes yang mengukur kesiapan, mereka yang memantau juga
dapat mendeteksi nilai-nilai penting bagi konseli (penilaian nilai dibahas dalam Bab 12).
Inessence, pemantauan mengacu pada kematangan karir dan kemampuan beradaptasi, dengan
kematangan terkait dengan kesiapan dalam populasi yang lebih muda dan kemampuan
beradaptasi yang berkaitan dengan mengatasi dengan tugas-tugas perkembangan di masa
dewasa (Super, Osborne, Walsh, Brown, & Niles, 1992). Penggunaan terakhir, evaluasi,
berkaitan dengan penggunaan alat penilaian untuk mengukur seberapa baik tujuan karir
individu telah terpenuhi. Selain itu, dapat mengacu pada seberapa baik proses konseling karir
terkait dengan hasil konseli (Herr et al., 2004)

There is a high demand in career and life-planning assessment for standardized career
assessments, particularly with the use of increased technology in counseling. Thus, the
majority of this chapter focuses on quantitative assessments that relate to the career devel-
opment process. As you may recall from Chapter 2, however, qualitative assessment tech-
niques may be useful as a stand-alone or supplemental tool when counseling clients. Qual-
itative assessment involves nonstandardized and often informal approaches to assessment that
can include self-estimates of ability, behavioral observations, interviews, biographical
measures, projective techniques, and other career-related activities. These techniques may be
quite useful to present a client with a holistic picture of values, interests, and abilities that
may not be captured by standardized assessments alone (Okocha, 1998).

Ada permintaan yang tinggi dalam penilaian karir dan perencanaan hidup untuk
penilaian karir standar, terutama dengan penggunaan peningkatan teknologi dalam konseling.
Dengan demikian, sebagian besar bab ini berfokus pada penilaian kuantitatif yang
berhubungan dengan proses pengembangan karir. Seperti yang Anda ingat dari Bab 2,
bagaimanapun, teknik penilaian kualitatif dapat berguna sebagai alat yang berdiri sendiri atau
tambahan ketika menasihati konseli. Penilaian kualitatif melibatkan pendekatan yang tidak
standar dan seringkali informal untuk penilaian yang dapat mencakup perkiraan kemampuan,
pengamatan perilaku, wawancara, pengukuran biografi, teknik proyektif, dan kegiatan terkait
karir lainnya. Teknik-teknik ini mungkin cukup berguna untuk memberikan konseli dengan
gambaran holistik tentang nilai, minat, dan kemampuan yang tidak dapat ditangkap oleh
penilaian standar saja (Okocha, 1998).
Counselors may use a vocational card sort, which can provide an informal
assessment of occupational knowledge. According to a procedure developed by G. W.
Peterson (1998), a client sorts occupational titles into separate piles on the basis of the titles’
similarity to each other. The client then labels and makes comparisons among the piles. He or
she is asked to name the attributes of the occupations in the occupational pile that he or she
believes most resembles him or her. Through out this process the client verbalizes the reasons
for decisions. This process provides helpful insights regarding the maturity of the client’s
knowledge and understanding of careers. This procedure can serve as a simple means of
evaluating a client’s career development and as a stimulus for career exploration.

Konselor dapat menggunakan semacam kartu kejuruan, yang dapat memberikan

penilaian informal tentang pengetahuan pekerjaan. Menurut prosedur yang dikembangkan
oleh G. W. Peterson (1998), konseli memilah judul pekerjaan ke dalam tumpukan terpisah
atas dasar kesamaan judul satu sama lain. Konseli kemudian memberi label dan membuat
perbandingan di antara tumpukan. Dia diminta untuk menyebutkan atribut pekerjaan dalam
tumpukan pekerjaan bahwa dia adalah orang yang paling mirip dengannya. Sepanjang proses
ini konseli menyatakan alasan-alasan untuk keputusan. Proses ini memberikan wawasan
bermanfaat tentang kedewasaan pengetahuan dan pemahaman konseli tentang karir. Prosedur
ini dapat berfungsi sebagai cara sederhana untuk mengevaluasi pengembangan karier konseli
dan sebagai stimulus untuk eksplorasi karir.

The Career Style Interview (Savickas, 1998) may be a useful tool for
contextualizing a client’s career development by clarifying self-concept through open-ended
questions. ne life roles, strategies, motivations, and desires related to careers (Taber, Hartung,
Briddick, Briddick, & Rehfuss, 2011). The interview begins with the opening question, “How
can I be useful to you in constructing your career?” Other questions elicit information about
leisure activities, interests in various media, favorite subjects, and early recollections (Taber et
al., 2011).

Wawancara Gaya Karir (Savickas, 1998) dapat menjadi alat yang berguna untuk
mengkontekstualisasi pengembangan karir konseli dengan mengklarifikasi konsep diri
melalui pertanyaan terbuka tentang berbagai peran kehidupan, strategi, motivasi, dan
keinginan yang terkait dengan karier (Taber, Hartung, Briddick, Briddick, & Rehfuss , 2011).
Wawancara dimulai dengan pertanyaan pembukaan, "Apa yang bisa saya bantu dalam
membangun karir Anda?" Pertanyaan lain menimbulkan informasi tentang kegiatan rekreasi,
minat di berbagai media, subjek favorit, dan ingatan awal (Taber et al., 2011).

Okocha (1998) presented four qualitative career assessment devices that counselors
may fi nd useful in the career development process: life career assessment interview, life line,
genogram/occupational tree, and Life Career Rainbow. The life career assessment interview
is a structured assessment containing four components: career assessment (client work,
volunteer experiences, education, training, and leisure), typical day (client personality items),
strengths and obstacles (barriers in career planning and development), and summary
(identification of life themes, interests, and skills). The life line tool is a graphical way to
measure a client’s life history events that have had a positive and negative significance. This
activity is useful to increase a client’s self awareness of values and needs. A
genogram/occupational tree may be useful in career and life-planning counseling by
representing graphically the careers of the client’s family across at least three generations
(however the client defines family). Several process questions accompany genogram
development. Finally, Okocha mentioned the Life Career Rainbow (Super et al., 1992) as a
qualitative assessment technique. For this tool, a client identifi es how nine life roles are
salient across the life span. In addition, a client notes possible barriers in attaining idea loles.
A more detailed explanation of this information is beyond the scope of this book; however,
you are encouraged to review Okocha’s article for more extensive information about these
Okocha (1998) mempresentasikan empat perangkat penilaian karir kualitatif bahwa
konselor berperan dalam proses pengembangan karir: wawancara penilaian karier, garis
hidup, genogram / pohon pekerjaan, dan Life Career Rainbow. Wawancara penilaian karir
adalah penilaian terstruktur yang berisi empat komponen: penilaian karir (kerja konseli,
pengalaman , pendidikan, pelatihan, dan rekreasi), hari-hari biasa (barang-barang kepribadian
konseli), kekuatan dan hambatan (hambatan dalam perencanaan dan pengembangan karir),
dan ringkasan (identifikasi tema kehidupan, minat, dan keterampilan). Alat garis hidup adalah
cara grafis untuk mengukur peristiwa riwayat kehidupan konseli yang memiliki signifikansi
positif dan negatif. Aktivitas ini berguna untuk meningkatkan kesadaran diri konseli tentang
nilai dan kebutuhan. Genogram / pohon pekerjaan mungkin berguna dalam konseling karir
dan perencanaan hidup dengan merepresentasikan secara grafis karir dari keluarga konseli di
setidaknya tiga generasi (namun konseli mendefinisikan keluarga). Beberapa proses
mengajukan perkembangan genogram. Akhirnya, Okocha menyebutkan Life Career Rainbow
(Super et al., 1992) sebagai teknik penilaian kualitatif. Untuk alat ini, seorang konseli
mengidentifikasi bagaimana sembilan peran kehidupan menonjol di sepanjang rentang
kehidupan. Selain itu, seorang konseli mencatat hambatan yang mungkin dalam mencapai ide
remaja. Penjelasan lebih rinci tentang informasi ini berada di luar cakupan buku ini; namun,
Anda dianjurkan untuk meninjau artikel Okocha untuk informasi yang lebih luas tentang
teknik ini.

Measures of Career Readiness / ukuran kesiapan karir

Career development involves assessing process and content variables in order to make
sound career decisions that are congruent with a client’s readiness, knowledge and skill set,
interests, and values, among others. This section focuses on measures of career readiness, or
the ability to understand and plan careers and other aspects of life across the life span. Career
readiness may also be referred to as career maturity and career adaptability (Superet al.,
1992). Career maturity, which served as the ultimate goal of career development in Super’s
early work, indicates a client’s readiness to accomplish the career developmental tasks
appropriate for his or her age. In later work, Super and others shifted the goal of career
development from career maturity to career adaptability (Savickas, 1997; Super et al., 1992).
Career adaptability, which emphasizes situational factors as well as developmental tasks,
refers to a client’s readiness to cope with both the predictable and unpredictable aspects of
career selection and participation. It broadens the criteria for evaluating career development
by acknowledging the client’s need to respond to new or novel circumstances. The concept of
career adaptability is more appropriate for nontraditional clients, for adults, and for
individuals from different culture (Vondracek & Reitzle, 1998).

Pengembangan karir melibatkan penilaian proses dan variabel konten untuk membuat
keputusan karier yang sesuai dengan kesiapan, pengetahuan dan keahlian konseli, minat, dan
nilai-nilai konseli. Bagian ini berfokus pada bagaimana kesiapan karir, atau kemampuan
untuk memahami dan merencanakan karier dari kehidupan di seluruh rentang kehidupan.
Kesiapan karir juga dapat disebut sebagai kematangan karir dan kemampuan beradaptasi
karir (Superet al., 1992). Kematangan karir, yang berfungsi sebagai tujuan akhir
pengembangan karir dalam pekerjaan awal. Super, menunjukkan kesiapan konseli untuk
menyelesaikan tugas pengembangan karir yang sesuai untuk usianya. Dalam pekerjaan
kemudian, Super dan lain-lain bergeser tujuan pengembangan karir dari kematangan karir
untuk adaptasi karir (Savickas, 1997; Super et al., 1992). Kemampuan beradaptasi karir, yang
menekankan faktor-faktor situasional serta tugas-tugas perkembangan, mengacu pada
kesiapan konseli untuk mengatasi aspek-aspek yang dapat diprediksi dan diprediksi dalam
pemilihan karier dan partisipasi. Ini memperluas kriteria untuk mengevaluasi pengembangan
karir dengan mengakui kebutuhan konseli untuk menanggapi keadaan baru atau baru. Konsep
kemampuan beradaptasi karir lebih tepat untuk konseli non-tradisional, untuk orang dewasa,
dan untuk individu dari budaya yang berbeda (Vondracek & Reitzle, 1998).

As indicated by the assessments included here, career readiness may entail examining
beliefs about careers, level of confidence, and degree of accessibility to information about
careers and self. Lack of readiness may create career indecision or blocks to career planning.
Table 11.1 presents a snapshot of 15 assessments. This list is not exhaustive, and you are
encouraged to review other available career readiness measures. Furthermore, only brief
descriptions of the assessments are provided here, and additional information may be found
using information sources discussed earlier in the text (see Chapter 1). A Counselor’s Guide
to Career Assessment Instruments (Whitfi eld et al., 2009) may also be a useful resource.
Content variables of career development (e.g., work and personal values, interests) are
addressed in the following chapter.
Seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh penilaian yang disertakan di sini, kesiapan karir
mungkin memerlukan keyakinan tentang karir, tingkat kepercayaan, dan tingkat aksesibilitas
terhadap informasi tentang karir dan diri. Kurangnya kesiapan dapat membuat keragu-raguan
karir atau menghalangi perencanaan karir. Tabel 11.1 menyajikan snapshot dari 15 penilaian.
Daftar ini tidak lengkap, dan Anda dianjurkan untuk meninjau langkah-langkah kesiapan
karir lainnya yang tersedia. Selain itu, hanya uraian singkat dari penilaian yang disediakan di
sini, dan informasi tambahan dapat ditemukan dengan menggunakan sumber informasi yang
dibahas sebelumnya dalam teks (lihat Bab 1). Panduan Penasihat untuk Instrumen Penilaian
Karir (Whitfi eld et al., 2009) juga dapat menjadi sumber yang bermanfaat. Variabel konten
pengembangan karir (misalnya, nilai kerja dan pribadi, minat) dibahas dalam bab berikut.

Adult Career Concerns Inventory / Inventaris Kepedulian Karier Dewasa

The Adult Career Concerns Inventory (ACCI) measures the career concerns of
adults at different stages in their development (Super, Thompson, & Lindeman, 1988). It
contains 61 items, which are scored in terms of four developmental stages (Exploration,
Establishment, Maintenance, and Disengagement) and 12 substages. Clients rate each item on
a 5 point scale ranging from no concern to great concern on the basis of their present
situation. Although most people obtain their highest score (indicating greatest concern) in the
stage that is most common for their age, adults who are in the process of career change can be
expected to recycle through some of the early developmental stages.
The Adult Career Concerns Inventory (ACCI) mengukur mengenai masalah karir
orang dewasa pada berbagai tahap dalam perkembangan (Super, Thompson, & Lindeman,
1988). Ini berisi 61 item, yang dinilai dalam empat tahap perkembangan (Exploration,
Establishment, Maintenance, and Disengagement) dan 12 substages. Konseli memberi nilai
setiap item dengan skala 5 poin, mulai dari tidak ada kekhawatiran sampai kekwatiran saat
ini. Meskipun kebanyakan orang memperoleh skor tertinggi (menunjukkan perhatian
terbesar) dalam tahap yang paling umum untuk usia mereka, orang dewasa yang sedang
dalam proses perubahan karir dapat diharapkan untuk mendaur ulang melalui beberapa tahap
perkembangan awal.

The ACCI clarifi es the nature of the developmental tasks of greatest concern to the
client at the present time. It can also be used as a teaching device to alert clients to future
career challenges. Cairo, Kritis, and Myers (1996) noted, “The ACCI remains one of the few
measures capable of illuminating our understanding of the career issues facing adults” (p.
200). For situations in which time may be of concern, counselors can use a shortened, 12-
item form of the ACCI consisting of 1 item from each of the 12 substages (Perrone, Gordon,
Fitch, & Civiletto, 2003).

ACCI menjelaskan sifat dari tugas pengembangan yang menjadi perhatian terbesar
konseli pada saat ini. Ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai perangkat pengajaran untuk
mengingatkan konseli mengenai tantangan karir masa depan. Kairo, Kritis, dan Myers (1996)
mencatat, "ACCI tetap merupakan salah satu dari beberapa langkah yang mampu menerangi
pemahaman kita tentang masalah karir yang dihadapi orang dewasa" (hal. 200). Untuk situasi
di mana waktu mungkin menjadi perhatian, konselor dapat menggunakan bentuk, 12-item
singkat dari ACCI yang terdiri dari 1 item dari masing-masing 12 substages (Perrone,
Gordon, Fitch, & Civiletto, 2003).

Figure 11

Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory/ Sikap Karir dan Strategi Inventaris

Like the ACCI, the Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory (CASI) was
developed to identify and clarify the career problems confronted by adults (Holland &
Gottfredson, 1994). The CASI consists of 130 items using a 4 point scale (1 = false to 4 =
true) that survey nine aspects of career or work adaptation, such as work involvement, risk-
taking style, and geographical barriers. As indicated by the item content, high scores on this
scale indicate the realities and some of the diffi culties of dual-role responsibilities. Scores on
the scales are correlated with other measures of career concerns according to expectations
(Holland & Gottfredson, 1994). M. B. Brown (1998) recommended that the CASI be used
primarily as a checklist to generate discussions with clients and to identify potentially
problematic areas for further assessment.
Seperti ACCI, Sikap Karir dan Strategi Inventaris (CASI) dikembangkan untuk
mengidentifikasi dan memperjelas masalah karir yang dihadapi oleh orang dewasa (Holland
& Gottfredson, 1994). CASI terdiri dari 130 item menggunakan skala 4 poin (1 = false to 4 =
true) yang menyurvei sembilan aspek dari karir atau adaptasi kerja, seperti keterlibatan kerja,
gaya pengambilan risiko, dan hambatan geografis. Seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh konten
item, skor tinggi pada skala ini menunjukkan realitas dan beberapa kesulitan tanggung jawab
peran ganda. Skor pada skala berkorelasi dengan ukuran lain dari masalah karir sesuai dengan
harapan (Holland & Gottfredson, 1994). M. B. Brown (1998) merekomendasikan bahwa
CASI digunakan terutama sebagai daftar periksa untuk menghasilkan diskusi dengan konseli
dan untuk mengidentifikasi area yang berpotensi bermasalah untuk penilaian lebih lanjut.

Career Beliefs Inventory

The Career Beliefs Inventory (CBI) identifi es beliefs that may block career goals
(Krumboltz, 1991). It contains 96 items answered on a Likert scale (strongly agree to
strongly disagree) that provide the basis for scores on 25 scales, such as Openness, Control,
and Taking Risks. Low scores indicate career beliefs that may be problematic depending on
the individual’s situation.
The Career Beliefs Inventory (CBI) mengidentifikasi keyakinan yang dapat
menghalangi tujuan karir (Krumboltz, 1991). Ini berisi 96 item yang dijawab pada skala
Likert (sangat setuju untuk sangat tidak setuju) yang memberikan dasar untuk skor pada 25
skala, seperti Keterbukaan, Kontrol, dan Mengambil Risiko. Skor rendah menunjukkan
keyakinan karir yang mungkin bermasalah tergantung pada situasi individu.

The CBI can provide valuable information for discussion purposes, but it should not
be used as a basis for decision making because of its limited psychometric properties (see the
CBI manual). Despite its limitations as a measurement tool, Hall and Rayman (2002)
concluded that the CBI has “great promise as a career-counseling tool” (p. 321) when used as
an interview or discussion aid. They pointed out that the CBI can be used effectively with
groups as well as individuals, that it can be used to discuss a client’s strengths as well as
problems, and that the instrument is accompanied by a large amount of user-friendly
materials that can be helpful in understanding the impact of career beliefs on career decision
making. Case Example 11.1 is a case discussed in the CBI manual (Krumboltz, 1991, p. 10).

CBI dapat memberikan informasi yang bertujuan untuk didiskusi, tetapi tidak untuk
digunakan sebagai dasar untuk pengambilan keputusan karena sifat psikometriknya yang
terbatas (lihat manual CBI). Meskipun keterbatasannya sebagai alat ukur, Hall dan Rayman
(2002) menyimpulkan bahwa CBI memiliki "sangat baik sebagai alat konseling karir" (hal.
321) ketika digunakan sebagai wawancara atau bantuan diskusi. CBI dapat digunakan secara
efektif dengan kelompok maupun individu, untuk mendiskusikan kekuatan konseli serta
masalah, dan bahwa instrumen disertai dengan sejumlah besar bahan yang mudah digunakan
yang dapat membantu dalam memahami dampak dari keyakinan karir pada pengambilan
keputusan karir. Contoh Kasus 11.1 adalah kasus yang dibahas dalam manual CBI
(Krumboltz, 1991, hal. 10).

Case Example 11.1


Ted, a college student, disliked his college major (premed) but did not believe that he
hadany other options. Ted obtained a low score on Scale 12, Approval of Others, which
indicated that approval of his career plans from someone else was very important to him.
When the counselor asked Ted about the possible meaning of this score, he said that he
wanted to please his father, who wanted him to become a physician. The counselor asked him
to discuss this matter with his father, which Ted did despite fears that it was a hopeless
matterIn so doing, he learned that his father’s actual goal was to be supportive, not
demanding, at which point Ted felt free to change his major from premed to art. Ted’s desire
to enter art had been blocked by his belief that his father would “simply die” if he did not
fulfill the ambitions he had for him, a belief that was at the root of his difficulties. Use of the
CBI helped to expose his thinking on this matter, which was then addressed in counseling by
encouraging him to gather further evidence to test the accuracy of his thinking.

Ted, seorang mahasiswa, tidak menyukai jurusan kuliahnya (premed) tetapi tidak
percaya bahwa dia memiliki pilihan lain. Ted memperoleh skor rendah pada Skala 12,
Persetujuan Orang Lain, yang menunjukkan bahwa persetujuan rencana kariernya dari orang
lain sangat penting baginya. Ketika konselor menanyakan Ted tentang kemungkinan makna
dari skor ini, dia mengatakan bahwa dia ingin menyenangkan ayahnya, yang ingin dia
menjadi seorang dokter. Konselor memintanya untuk mendiskusikan masalah ini dengan
ayahnya, yang Ted lakukan meskipun ada kekhawatiran bahwa itu adalah masalah tanpa
harapan. Dengan demikian, dia belajar bahwa tujuan sebenarnya ayahnya adalah mendukung,
tidak menuntut, pada titik mana Ted merasa bebas untuk mengubah utama dari premed to art.
Keinginan Ted untuk memasuki seni telah diblokir oleh keyakinannya bahwa ayahnya akan
"mati begitu saja" jika dia tidak memenuhi ambisi yang dia miliki untuknya, keyakinan yang
merupakan akar dari kesulitannya. Penggunaan CBI membantu mengungkapkan
pemikirannya mengenai masalah ini, yang kemudian dibahas dalam konseling dengan
mendorongnya untuk mengumpulkan bukti lebih lanjut untuk menguji keakuratan

Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire

The Career Decision-Making Diffi culties Questionnaire (CDDQ) is a 44-item

questionnaire that assesses a student’s ability to cope with different types of difficulties in
deciding on a career (Gati, Kraus, & Osipow, 1996). Gati and Saka (2001) offered an
abridged version with 34 items. The items are derived from a taxonomy of career-decision
diffi culties that distinguishes between diffi culties that occur prior to the decision making
process (lack of readiness) and those that occur during the process (lack of information and
inconsistent information). It is scored on three broad categories (lack of readiness, lack of
information, and inconsistent information) that are divided into 10 subcategories.

Kuisioner Kesulitan Pengambilan Keputusan Karir (CDDQ) adalah 44 item kuesioner

yang menilai kemampuan seorang siswa untuk mengatasi berbagai jenis kesulitan dalam
menentukan karier (Gati, Kraus, & Osipow, 1996). Gati dan Saka (2001) menawarkan versi
singkat dengan 34 item. Item berasal dari taksonomi perbedaan keputusan karir yang
membedakan antara kesulitan yang terjadi sebelum proses pengambilan keputusan
(kurangnya kesiapan) dan yang terjadi selama proses (kurangnya informasi dan informasi
yang tidak konsisten). Ini dinilai pada tiga kategori besar (kurangnya kesiapan, kurangnya
informasi, dan informasi yang tidak konsisten) yang terbagi menjadi 10 subkategori.

Studies indicate that the CDDQ yields reliable and valid results when used to identify
thedifficulties experienced by students and young adults in making career decisions
(Camp,2000; Gati et al., 1996). Some cultural, gender, and age differences have been noted.
Mau(2001, 2004) found that Asian American students reported more diffi culties in career
decisionmaking than did students from other cultures. Boys have reported greater diffi culties
thangirls in external confl icts and dysfunctional beliefs (Gati & Saka, 2001). High school
studentshave reported more diffi culties than older career deciders (Albion & Fogarty, 2002).

Studi menunjukkan bahwa CDDQ menghasilkan hasil yang andal dan valid ketika
digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kesulitan yang dialami oleh siswa dan orang dewasa muda
dalam membuat keputusan karier (Camp, 2000; Gati et al., 1996). Beberapa perbedaan
budaya, jenis kelamin, dan usia telah dicatat. Mau (2001, 2004) menemukan bahwa
mahasiswa Asia Amerika melaporkan lebih banyak kesulitan dalam pengambilan keputusan
karir daripada siswa dari budaya lain. Boys have reported greater diffi culties thangirls in
external confl icts and dysfunctional beliefs (Gati & Saka, 2001). High school studentshave
reported more diffi culties than older career deciders (Albion & Fogarty, 2002).
The CDDQ results can be used as a basis for deciding what type of intervention is
needed, for example, personal counseling for internal or external conflicts, testing for lack of
information regarding an individual’s interests or abilities, or referral to an occupational
library to address a lack of information about occupations (Gati et al., 1996).
Hasil CDDQ dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk menentukan jenis intervensi apa
yang diperlukan, misalnya, konseling pribadi untuk konflik internal atau eksternal, pengujian
karena kurangnya informasi mengenai minat atau kemampuan individu, atau rujukan ke
perpustakaan kerja untuk mengatasi kurangnya informasi tentang pekerjaan (Gati et al.,

Career Decision Scale / Skala Keputusan Karir

The Career Decision Scale (CDS) was developed by Samuel Osipow and his
colleagues to identify the antecedents of career indecision (Osipow, 1987). It includes two
scales: a 2-item Certainty scale and a 16 item Indecision scale. The 16 items on the
Indecision scale represent 16 reasons for career indecision based on interview experiences
with clients. For each item, clients indicate on a 4-point scale to what extent the item
accurately describes their situation.
Skala Keputusan Karir (CDS) dikembangkan oleh Samuel Osipow dan rekan-
rekannya untuk mengidentifikasi anteseden ketidaktepatan karir (Osipow, 1987). Ini
termasuk dua skala: skala Kepastian 2 item dan skala 16 item ketidaktentuan. Ke-16 item
pada skala Undecision mewakili 16 alasan untuk ketidaktepatan karir berdasarkan
pengalaman wawancara dengan konseli. Untuk setiap item, konseli menunjukkan pada skala
4 titik hingga sejauh mana item secara akurat menggambarkan situasinya.

Despite relatively low test retest reliabilities, results from individual items can be
helpful in suggesting hypotheses that can be explored in counseling. The CDS has been
widely used as an outcome instrument, often as a pre post measure in evaluating counseling
interventions. It has been used effectively in a wide variety of cultural settings (Osipow &
Winer,1996). Although it has some shortcomings, principally in clarifying the meaning of its
scores, it has been praised for its ease of use, its applicability in counseling and research, and
its extensive research support (Levinson, Ohler,Caswell, & Kiewra, 1998; Savickas, 2000).

Meskipun reliabilitas tes ulang relatif rendah, hasil dari item individu dapat membantu
dalam menyarankan hipotesis yang dapat dieksplorasi dalam konseling. CDS telah secara
luas digunakan sebagai instrumen hasil, sering sebagai langkah pra posting dalam
mengevaluasi intervensi konseling. Ini telah digunakan secara efektif dalam berbagai
pengaturan budaya (Osipow & Winer, 1996). Meskipun memiliki beberapa kekurangan,
terutama dalam mengklarifikasi makna dari skornya, itu telah dipuji karena kemudahan
penggunaannya, penerapannya dalam konseling dan penelitian, dan dukungan penelitiannya
yang luas (Levinson, Ohler, Caswell, & Kiewra, 1998; Savickas , 2000).

Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale / Keputusan Karir Skala Efikasi Diri

The Career Decision Self Efficacy Scale, formally referred to as the Career Decision
Making Self Efficacy Scale (CDMSE), assesses a client’s perceptions of his or her ability to
make effective career decisions (Betz & Taylor, 1994). This instrument has been developed
as a means of testing and implementing self-efficacy theory and, by extension, social
cognitive career theory (Bandura, 1986, 1997; Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994). According to
these theories, individuals who express confidence in their ability to perform a task
(independent of their actual abilities) show greater decisiveness, higher levels of
accomplishment, and greater persistence in that activity than do individuals who lack such

Skala efikasi diri Keputusan Karir, secara formal disebut sebagai Pengambilan
Keputusan Diri Skala Penghasilan Diri (CDMSE), menilai persepsi konseli tentang
kemampuannya untuk membuat keputusan karier yang efektif (Betz & Taylor, 1994).
Instrumen ini telah dikembangkan sebagai sarana pengujian dan penerapan teori efikasi diri
dan, dengan ekstensi, teori karir sosial kognitif (Bandura, 1986, 1997; Lent, Brown, &
Hackett, 1994). This instrument has been developed as a means of testing and implementing
self efficacy theory and, by extension, social cognitive career theory (Bandura, 1986, 1997;
Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994). Menurut teori-teori ini, individu yang mengungkapkan
keyakinan dalam kemampuan mereka untuk melakukan tugas (terlepas dari kemampuan
aktual mereka) menunjukkan ketegasan yang lebih besar, tingkat pencapaian yang lebih
tinggi, dan ketekunan yang lebih besar dalam kegiatan itu daripada orang-orang yang kurang
percaya diri.

The CDMSE consists of 50 items that represent the critical skills in career decision
making suggested by Crites’s (1978) model of career maturity. It can be scored on five scales
(Self Appraisal, Occupational Information, Goal Selection, Planning,and Problem Solving),
although it is best scored as a total scale (Luzzo, 1996). As predicted by self-efficacy theory,
individuals who score low on the CDMSE (indicating lack of confi dence in career decision-
making ability) are likely to have trouble in deciding on an occupation. CDMSE total scores
signifi cantly differentiate among college students with declared majors, tentative majors, and
no majors in the expected manner (Betz & Luzzo, 1996). The test authors have developed a
shortened, 25 item version of the CDMSE that has produced validity coefficients that are
comparable to or higher than those obtained with the full scale form (Betz, Klein, &

CDMSE terdiri dari 50 item yang mewakili keterampilan penting dalam pengambilan
keputusan karir yang disarankan oleh model kematangan karir Crites (1978). Hal ini dapat
dinilai pada lima skala (Penilaian Diri, Informasi Pekerjaan, Pemilihan Sasaran, Perencanaan,
dan Pemecahan Masalah), meskipun paling baik dinilai sebagai skala total (Luzzo, 1996).
Seperti yang diprediksi oleh teori self efficacy, individu yang mendapat skor rendah pada
CDMSE (menunjukkan kurangnya confi dence dalam kemampuan pengambilan keputusan
karir) cenderung memiliki masalah dalam menentukan pekerjaan. Total skor CDMSE secara
signifikan membedakan antara mahasiswa dengan jurusan yang diumumkan, jurusan
sementara, dan tidak ada jurusan dalam cara yang diharapkan (Betz & Luzzo, 1996). Para
penulis tes telah mengembangkan versi, 25 item singkat dari CDMSE yang telah
menghasilkan koefisien validitas yang sebanding dengan atau lebih tinggi daripada yang
diperoleh dengan bentuk skala penuh (Betz, Klein, & Taylor, 1996).

Career Development Inventory/ Inventaris Pengembangan Karir

The Career Development Inventory (CDI) was designed “to assess students’ readiness to
make sound educational and vocational choices” (A. S. Thompson, Lindeman, SuperJordaan,
& Myers, 1981, p. 7). Although the CDI was constructed some time ago, it “remains the pre-
eminent operational defi nition of career development during adolescence and young
adulthood” (Savickas, Briddick, & Watkins, 2002, p. 32).
The Career Development Inventory (CDI) dirancang “untuk menilai kesiapan siswa
untuk membuat pilihan pendidikan dan kejuruan yang baik” (A. S. Thompson, Lindeman,
SuperJordaan, & Myers, 1981, hal 7). Meskipun CDI dibentuk beberapa waktu lalu, ia "tetap
merupakan definisi operasional pengembangan karir yang terkenal untuk masa remaja dan
dewasa muda" (Savickas, Briddick, & Watkins, 2002, hal. 32).

Part I of the CDI, which includes 80 items, provides two scales each for career-
planning attitudes (Career Planning, Career Exploration) and career planning competencies
(Decision Making, World of Work Information). A Career Orientation Total score, which
serves as a comprehensive measure of career maturity, combines the scores for all four scales.
Part II of the CDI, which contains 40 items, evaluates the client’s knowledge of the
occupational fi eld to which he or she is most attracted. The Knowledge of Preferred
Occupational Group scale uses the same 40 multiple-choice items for each occupational
group. The correct response for each item (e.g., employment opportunities or educational
requirements) varies depending on the occupational fi eld. Part II differs from Part I because
of its emphasis on occupational knowledge that pertains to a particular occupational fi eld
instead of occupations in general.
Bagian I dari CDI, memiliki 80 item, menyediakan dua skala masing-masing untuk
sikap perencanaan karir (Perencanaan Karier, Eksplorasi Karier) dan kompetensi perencanaan
karir (Pengambilan Keputusan, Informasi Dunia Kerja). Skor Total Orientasi Karir, berfungsi
sebagai ukuran kematangan karir, menggabungkan skor untuk empat sekala. Bagian II dari
CDI, berisi 40 item, mengevaluasi pengetahuan konseli tentang bidang pekerjaan di mana dia
paling tertarik. Pengetahuan tentang Skala Pekerjaan Kelompok yang Dipilih menggunakan
40 item pilihan ganda yang sama untuk masing-masing kelompok pekerjaan . Respons yang
benar untuk setiap item (misalnya, peluang kerja atau persyaratan pendidikan) bervariasi
bergantung pada bidang pekerjaan. Bagian II berbeda dari Bagian I karena penekanannya
pada pengetahuan pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan bidang pekerjaan tertentu bukan
pekerjaan pada umumnya.
Savickas and Hartung (1996) noted that the CDI has been used successfully to predict
both career choice perseverance and academic success. Higher levels of career maturity on
the CDI are associated with higher levels of personal and social adjustment (Savickas et al.,
Savickas dan Hartung (1996) mencatat bahwa CDI telah digunakan dengan sukses
untuk memprediksi baik ketekunan pilihan karir dan keberhasilan akademis. Tingkat
kematangan karir yang tinggi pada CDI dikaitkan dengan tingkat penyesuaian pribadi dan
sosial yang tinggi (Savickas et al., 2002).

Career Factors Inventory/ Inventarisasi Faktor Karir

The Career Factors Inventory (CFI) is a 21 item, self scorable inventory that
provides scores on four scales: Need for Career Information, Need for Self Knowledge,
Career Choice Anxiety, and Generalized Indecisiveness (Chartrand, Robbins, & Morrill,
1997). The scales were designed to measure need for information (fi rst two scales) and diffi
culty in decision making (last two scales). It provides a relatively broad coverage of the
factors underlying career indecision (Kelly, 2002a).
The Career Factors Inventory (CFI) memiliki 21 item dan empat skala inventori ini
untuk Kebutuhan Informasi Karir, Kebutuhan Pengetahuan Diri, Kecemasan memilih karir,
dan Ketidakpedulian Generalized (Chartrand, Robbins, & Morrill, 1997). Skala dirancang
untuk mengukur kebutuhan akan informasi (dua skala pertama) dan kesulitan dalam
pengambilan keputusan (dua skala terakhir). Ini memberikan cakupan yang relatif luas dari
faktor-faktor yang mendasari keragu-raguan karir (Kelly, 2002a).

Research supports the structural and discriminant validity of the CFI results when
used with college students (Dickinson & Tokar, 2004). D’Costa (2001) noted that the CFI is
somewhat limited both in terms of score reliabilities and available normative data, but that it
is a “reasonable counseling tool” (p. 221). He described it as a “quick and simple tool
designed to do a simple job” (p. 220), that is, discern the client’s readiness for deciding upon
a career. It is a valuable instrument for this purpose.
Penelitian penndukung validitas struktural dan hasil CFI ketika digunakan dengan
mahasiswa (Dickinson & Tokar, 2004). D’Costa (2001) mencatat bahwa CFI baik dalam hal
reliabilitas skor dan data normatif yang tersedia, tetapi itu adalah “alat konseling yang masuk
akal” (hal. 221). Dia menggambarkannya sebagai "alat cepat dan sederhana yang dirancang
untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan sederhana" (hal. 220), yaitu melihat kesiapan konseli untuk
memutuskan karier.

Career Futures Inventory

The Career Futures Inventory is a newer, brief inventory that provides information
about career planning attitudes and competencies (Rottinghaus, Day, & Borgen, 2005). It
includes scales that measure attitudes (Career Optimism, 11 items), competencies (Perceived
Knowledge, 3 items), and overall career maturity or adaptability (Career Adaptability, 11
items). College students with high scores on these scales explore career options more actively
and report greater certainty in regard to their career plans than do those with low scores.

The Career Futures Inventory adalah inventaris baru dan singkat yang memberikan
informasi tentang sikap dan kompetensi perencanaan karier (Rottinghaus, Day, & Borgen,
2005). Ini termasuk skala yang mengukur sikap (Optimisme Karir, 11 item), kompetensi
(Pengetahuan yang Dipersepsikan, 3 item), dan kematangan karir atau kemampuan
beradaptasi secara keseluruhan (Karir Adaptasi, 11 item). Mahasiswa dengan nilai tinggi
pada skala ini mampu mengeksplorasi pilihan karir lebih aktif dan mampu merencanakan
karir dengan baik daripada mereka yang memiliki nilai rendah.

Career Mastery Inventory

The Career Mastery Inventory (abbreviated CMAS to differentiate it from the

Career Maturity Inventory [CMI] described below) was constructed by Crites (1993) to
assess the career development of adults in the same manner that the CMI assesses the career
development of adolescents. Part 1 of the CMAS consists of 90 items with a 7-point Likert
scale; this part assesses work attitudes and behavior. Part 2 contains 20 multiple-choice items
that measure skill in handling problems in one’s work situation.

The Karir Penguasaan Inventory (disingkat CMAS untuk membedakannya dari

Career Maturity Inventory [CMI]) dibangun oleh Crites (1993) untuk menilai perkembangan
karir orang dewasa dengan cara yang sama namun CMI menilai pengembangan karir remaja.
Bagian 1 dari CMAS terdiri dari 90 item dengan skala Likert 7 poin; bagian ini menilai sikap
dan perilaku kerja. Bagian 2 berisi 20 pilihan ganda yang mengukur keterampilan dalam
menangani masalah dalam situasi kerja seseorang.
For Part 1, clients receive a Career Development total score plus scores on six career
developmental task scales: Organizational Adaptability, Position Performance, Work Habits
and Attitudes, Coworker Relationships, Advancement, and Career Choice and Plans. For Part
2, they receive a Career Adjustment total score together with scores on three adjustment
scales: Integrative (reduces anxiety and solves work problems), Adjustive (reduces anxiety
only), and Nonadjustive (neither of the above). The test booklet, which has been uniquely
designed so that duplicate copies are provided by means of carbon paper, can be both self-
scored to provide immediate feedback and machine scored for aggregate data analysis and
program evaluation.

Untuk Bagian 1, konseli menerima skor total Pengembangan Karir ditambah skor
enam skala tugas pengembangan karir: Adaptasi Organisasi, Kinerja Posisi, Kebiasaan Kerja
dan Sikap, Hubungan Coworker, Kemajuan, dan Pilihan Karir dan Rencana. Untuk Bagian 2,
mereka menerima total skor Penyesuaian Karir bersama dengan skor pada tiga skala
penyesuaian: Integratif (mengurangi kecemasan dan memecahkan masalah kerja), Adjustive
(hanya mengurangi kecemasan), dan Nonadjustive (tidak menyesuaikan diri). Buku uji, yang
telah dirancang secara unik sehingga salinan duplikat disediakan dengan menggunakan kertas
karbon, dapat berupa nilai sendiri untuk memberikan umpan balik langsung dan skor mesin
untuk analisis data agregat dan evaluasi program.

The CMAS has been used primarily in business and industrial settings to help design
career development programs, to identify common problems among workers within the
organizational culture, and to diagnose individual career development task and job
adjustment problems. High total scores on the CMAS are correlated with worker satisfaction
and job success as measured by performance appraisals and standardized measures (Crites,
1993). Scores on the career development subscales are associated with an individual’s age in
the manner predicted by Crites’s career development model.

CMAS telah digunakan terutama dalam pengaturan bisnis dan industri untuk
membantu merancang program pengembangan karir, mengidentifikasi masalah umum di
kalangan pekerja dalam organisasi, dan untuk mendiagnosis tugas pengembangan karir
individu dan masalah penyesuaian pekerjaan. Nilai total yang tinggi pada CMAS berkorelasi
dengan kepuasan pekerja dan keberhasilan pekerjaan yang diukur dengan penilaian kinerja
dan ukuran standar (Crites, 1993). Skor pada subskala pengembangan karier dikaitkan
dengan usia individu dengan cara yang diprediksi oleh model pengembangan karier Crites.

Career Maturity Inventory–Revised

The Career Maturity Inventory–Revised(CMI-R) is based on Crites’s (1978) model of career

development. According to his model, career maturity encompasses a hierarchy of factors. He
hypothesized a general factor of career maturity similar to the g factor in intelligence testing,
several group factors, and a large number of specifi c factors. The group factors pertain to
both the process of career planning (attitudes and competencies) and the content of career
planning (consistency and realism of career choice). According to McDivitt (2002), the
revised version of the CMI “has greatly enhanced” (p. 341) its usefulness for teaching
students the process of career decision making and for helping them to gain career maturity.

The Career Maturity Inventory – Revised (CMI-R) didasarkan pada model

pengembangan karir Crites (1978). Menurut modelnya, kematangan karir mencakup faktor
hierarki. Dia menghipotesiskan faktor umum kematangan karir yang mirip dengan faktor g
dalam pengujian kecerdasan, beberapa faktor kelompok, dan sejumlah besar faktor yang
spesifik. Faktor-faktor kelompok berkaitan baik dengan proses perencanaan karir (sikap dan
kompetensi) dan isi perencanaan karir (konsistensi dan realisme pilihan karir). Menurut
McDivitt (2002), versi yang direvisi dari CMI "telah ditingkatkan" (p. 341) kegunaannya
untuk mengajar siswa dalam proses pengambilan keputusan karir dan untuk membantu
mereka mendapatkan kematangan karir.

The CMI-R resembles the CDI in its focus on the career-planning process variables. It
yields a career-planning attitude score, a career-planning competency score, and an overall
career maturity score in a manner similar to the CDI. It differs from the CDI in its brevity (50
items altogether) and its lack of subscales.

CMI-R menyerupai CDI dalam fokusnya pada variabel proses perencanaan karir.
Inventori ini menghasilkan skor sikap perencanaan karir, skor kompetensi perencanaan karir,
dan skor kematangan karir secara keseluruhan dengan cara yang mirip dengan CDI.
Pembedanya SMI menggunakan 50 item sekaligus dan kurangnya subskala.

Career Thoughts Inventory

The Career Thoughts Inventory(CTI), which is based on cognitive information processing

theory, assesses dysfunctional thinking in career problem solving and decision making for
adults, college students, and high school students (Sampson, Peterson, Lenz, Reardon, &
Saunders, 1996). It includes 48 items designed to measure misperceptions in eight content
areas related to career choice and development, such as self-knowledge, occupational
knowledge, and communication. It provides a total score and scores on three scales:
Decision-Making Confusion, Commitment Anxiety, and External Conflict.

The Career Thoughts Inventory (CTI), didasarkan pada teori pemrosesan informasi
kognitif, menilai pemikiran yang kurang mampu dalam pemecahan masalah karir dan
pengambilan keputusan untuk orang dewasa, mahasiswa, dan siswa sekolah menengah
(Sampson, Peterson, Lenz, Reardon, & Saunders, 1996 ). tedapat 48 item yang dirancang
untuk mengukur mispersepsi di delapan bidang konten yang terkait dengan pilihan dan
pengembangan karir, seperti pengetahuan diri, pengetahuan pekerjaan, dan komunikasi. Ini
memberikan skor total dan skor pada tiga skala: Pengambilan Keputusan Kebingungan,
Kecemasan Komitmen, dan Konflik Eksternal.

Counselors are urged to discuss high scores on any of the scales or individual items
with clients. Counselors help clients to reframe negative thoughts regarding the career
process into positive thoughts that are true for them.
Konselor dihimbau untuk mendiskusikan skor tinggi pada salah satu skala atau item
secara individual dengan konseli. Konselor membantu konseli untuk mengubah pikiran
negatif mengenai proses karier menjadi pemikiran positif .

Childhood Career Development Scale

The Childhood Career Development Scale(CDDS) is a newer measure of career

progress based on Super’s theory for children (Grades 4 through 6) that shows “excellent
promise” (Dagley & Salter, 2004, p. 108; Schultheiss & Stead, 2004). The CDDS is a 52-item
measure using a 5-point scale (1 = strongly agreeto 5 = strongly disagree) that provides
scores for eight scales: Planning, Self-Concept, Information, Interests, Locus of Control,
Curiosity/Exploration, Key Figures, and Time Perspective.

Childhood Career Development Scale (CDDS) adalah baru dari perkembangan karir
berdasarkan teori Super untuk anak-anak (Nilai 4 sampai 6) yang menunjukkan " sangat
baik" (Dagley & Salter, 2004, hlm. 108; Schultheiss & Stead, 2004) . CDDS memiliki 52
ukuran item menggunakan skala 5 poin (1 = sangat setuju dengan 5 = sangat tidak setuju)
yang memberikan skor untuk delapan skala: Perencanaan, Konsep Diri, Informasi, Minat,
Locus of Control, Curiosity / Eksplorasi, Tokoh Kunci , dan Perspektif Waktu.

Schultheiss and Stead (2004) designed the CDDS to serve both as a measure of career
program effectiveness and as a research tool to examine childhood career development.
Although psychometric information is limited on the CDDS, the measure represents an
important step in assessing career development for this population (Dykeman, 2009).

Schultheiss dan Stead (2004) merancang CDDS untuk melayani keduanya sebagai
ukuran efektivitas program karir dan sebagai alat penelitian untuk memeriksa perkembangan
karir masa kanak-kanak. Meskipun informasi psikometrik terbatas pada CDDS, ukuran
merupakan langkah penting dalam menilai pengembangan karir untuk populasi ini
(Dykeman, 2009).

My Vocational Situation / Situasi Karir Saya

My Vocational Situation(MVS) is frequently used as a screening inventory to detect

careerplanning concerns that need to be addressed in counseling. The authors of this
inventory attribute difficulties in decision making to three main factors: (a) problems of
vocational identity, (b) lack of information about careers, and (c) environmental or personal
obstacles (Holland, Daiger, & Power, 1980). The fi rst scale on the MVS, the Vocational
Identity scale, contains 18 items related to career choice uncertainty that must be answered
true or false. True responses suggest problems with one’s vocational identity. Each of the two
remaining scales, Occupational Information (OI) and Barriers (B), consists of one question
with four parts. The OI scale provides data concerning the client’s need for occupational
information (e.g., how to obtain training or employment in an occupation), whereas the B
scale points out barriers (e.g., lack of needed abilities or family support) that may be
impeding career development. These scales can be used as checklists to suggest specifi c
steps that counselors can take to assist their clients in the career-planning process.

My Vocational Situation (MVS) sering digunakan sebagai inventaris penyaringan

untuk mendeteksi kekhawatiran perencanaan karier yang perlu ditangani dalam konseling.
kesulitan dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk tiga faktor utama: (a) masalah identitas
kejuruan, (b) kurangnya informasi tentang karir, dan (c) hambatan lingkungan atau pribadi
(Holland, Daiger, & Power, 1980) . Skala pertama pada MVS, skala Identitas Vokasional,
berisi 18 item yang berkaitan dengan ketidakpastian pilihan karir yang harus dijawab benar
atau salah.. Masing-masing dari dua skala yaitu : Informasi Pekerjaan (OI) dan Hambatan
(B), terdiri dari satu pertanyaan dengan empat bagian. Skala OI menyediakan data mengenai
kebutuhan konseli untuk informasi pekerjaan (misalnya, bagaimana mendapatkan pelatihan
atau pekerjaan dalam suatu pekerjaan), sedangkan skala B menunjukkan hambatan (misalnya,
kurangnya kemampuan yang dibutuhkan atau dukungan keluarga) yang mungkin
menghambat pengembangan karir . Skala ini dapat digunakan sebagai daftar periksa untuk
menyarankan langkah-langkah spesifik yang dapat diambil konselor untuk membantu konseli
mereka dalam proses perencanaan karier.

Because of the MVS’s brevity, clients can easily complete it before the first
counseling interview, in the same manner as other screening inventories described earlier in
the text. Research indicates that the meaning of the scores on the MVS may differ somewhat
based on gender and race (Toporek & Pope-Davis, 2001). For this reason, MVS results can
best be used at the item level as a stimulus for further discussion to determine their
significance for the client, rather than as a means of identifying or diagnosing the nature of an
individual’s vocational problems.

Karena MVS singkat, konseli dapat dengan mudah menyelesaikannya sebelum

wawancara konseling. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makna skor pada MVS mungkin
berbeda berdasarkan gender dan ras (Toporek & Pope-Davis, 2001). Untuk alasan ini, hasil
MVS paling baik digunakan di tingkat item sebagai stimulus diskusi lebih lanjut untuk
menentukan signifikansinya bagi konseli, daripada sebagai sarana untuk mengidentifikasi
atau mendiagnosis sifat masalah karir individu.

Skills Confidence Inventory

The Skills Confidence Inventory(SCI; Betz, Borgen, & Harmon, 1996) was designed
to measure a client’s level of confi dence with skills related to the General Occupation
Themes described in the Strong Interest Inventory (described in next chapter). SCI scores
provide a comparison between a client’s interests and his or her perceived confi dence in
carrying out particular abilities. Thus, the SCI is used in conjunction with the Strong Interest
Inventory. Jenkins (2009) noted that the SCI is useful for exploring areas where a client has
both high interest and yet varying levels of confi dence related to career choices.

The Skills Confidence Inventory (SCI; Betz, Borgen, & Harmon, 1996) dirancang
untuk mengukur tingkat kepercayaan konseli dengan keterampilan yang lain mengenai
Pekerjaan Umum yang dijelaskan dalam Strong Interest Inventory (dijelaskan dalam bab
berikutnya). Skor SCI memberikan perbandingan antara minat konseli dan rasa tanggung
jawabnya dalam menjalankan kemampuan tertentu. Dengan demikian, SCI digunakan
bersama dengan Inventaris Minat Kuat. Jenkins (2009) mencatat bahwa SCI berguna untuk
menjelajahi area-area di mana seorang konseli memiliki minat yang tinggi dan tingkat
kepercayaan yang bervariasi terkait dengan pilihan karir.

Activity 11.1 Selecting Measures of Career Readiness / Kegiatan 11.1

Memilih Ukuran Kesiapan Karir
Select one of the assessments discussed in this section. Use assessment sources discussed earlier
in the text, as well as A Counselor’s Guide to Career Assessments (Whitfi eld et al., 2009), to collect
psychometric information on the assessment. Reflect on the following questions:

Pilih salah satu penilaian yang dibahas dalam bagian ini. Gunakan sumber penilaian yang dibahas
sebelumnya dalam teks, serta A Counselor’s Guide to Career Assessments (Whitfield et al., 2009),
untuk mengumpulkan informasi psikometrik pada asesmen. Refleksikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan

 What is the psychometric evidence (e.g., reliability, validity, standardization sample, scoring
information) for the assessment?
 Apa bukti psikometrik (misalnya, reliabilitas, validitas, sampel standardisasi, informasi
pemberian skor) untuk asesmen?
 How strong is this evidence?
 Seberapa kuat bukti ini?
 How would you use this instrument in your practice?
 Bagaimana Anda akan menggunakan instrumen ini ketika melaksanakannya?
 What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the assessment?
 Apa saja kelebihan dan kekurangan asesmen yang dipilih?
 Present the information to the larger group.
 Present the information to the larger group.

Introduction to Comprehensive Assessment Programs / Pengantar

Program Penilaian Komprehensif
The first part of this chapter focused on individual measures intended to evaluate various aspects of
career readiness. There are also comprehensive assessment programs that can serve as both an
assessment tool and counseling intervention to address readiness concerns. Comprehensive
assessment programs measure a combination of a person’s values, interests, and aptitudes. Individual
assessments that measure values and interests are discussed in the next chapter; however,
comprehensive programs are also popular because of their multipurpose function. Several
comprehensive assessment programs adhere to test standardization procedures that include systematic
item selection, establishment of representative norms, and ongoing studies of reliability and validity.
Only those standardized programs with objective tests of ability are reviewed in this chapter.

Bagian pertama dari bab ini berfokus pada langkah-langkah individual yang dimaksudkan
untuk mengevaluasi berbagai aspek kesiapan karir. Ada juga program penilaian komprehensif yang
dapat berfungsi baik sebagai alat penilaian dan intervensi konseling untuk mengatasi masalah
kesiapan. Program penilaian yang komprehensif mengukur kombinasi nilai, minat, dan bakat
seseorang. Penilaian individu yang mengukur nilai dan minat dibahas dalam bab berikutnya; Namun,
program komprehensif juga populer karena fungsi multiguna mereka. Beberapa program penilaian
yang komprehensif mematuhi untuk menguji prosedur standardisasi yang mencakup pemilihan item
yang sistematis, penetapan norma perwakilan, dan studi reliabilitas dan validitas yang sedang
berlangsung. Hanya program-program standar dengan tes kemampuan objektif yang diulas dalam bab

There are, however, some nonstandardized assessment programs to mention before reviewing
standardized ones. Nonstandardized programsuse self-ratings to help clients organize their thinking
about themselves and various opportunities and include computer-based programs and career
education workbooks. They have been validated primarily in terms of their success in encouraging
people to explore various occupations and in enabling individuals to make progress in their career
decision making.

Namun demikian, ada beberapa program penilaian yang tidak standar untuk disebutkan
sebelum meninjau yang standar. Program yang tidak standar menggunakan penilaian dari konselornya
untuk membantu konseli mengatur pemikiran mereka tentang diri mereka sendiri dan berbagai
peluang dan termasuk program berbasis komputer dan buku kerja pendidikan karir. Mereka telah
divalidasi terutama dalam hal keberhasilan mereka dalam mendorong orang untuk mengeksplorasi
berbagai pekerjaan dan memungkinkan individu untuk membuat kemajuan dalam pengambilan
keputusan karir mereka.

A number of computer based career and life-planning programs have been developed in
recent years. These programs assist clients in self-assessment, environmental assessment (i.e.,
educational and occupational information), and decision making. The self-assessment modules
usually ask clients to evaluate their interests, values, and skills. On the basis of the self-evaluations,
the computer generates a list of appropriate occupations. Two popular programs are SIGI PLUS
(System of Integrated Guidance and Information), a product originally developed by ETS, and
DISCOVER, a creation of ACT. Both programs are comprehensive, interactive, and simple to use,
and both are updated each year. Both programs are now available on the Internet as well as by means
of software programs installed on local computers. SIGI PLUS can be accessed on the Internet
through many schools, libraries, and community centers as SIGI-3, a Web version of SIGI that is
easier to navigate and that is updated more frequently than SIGI PLUS (Valpar International
Corporation, 2012). An Internet version of DISCOVER for Grade 9 through Adult is also available
for students at schools and colleges who subscribe to this service (ACT, Inc., 2012b). Both SIGI and
DISCOVER provide surveys of values, interests, and skills as well as occupational and college
information. In addition, these programs offer different tutorials on test taking, study, time
management, job searching, resume writing, and interviewing skills.
Sejumlah program karier dan perencanaan kehidupan berbasis komputer telah dikembangkan
dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Program-program ini membantu klien dalam penilaian diri, penilaian
lingkungan (yaitu, informasi pendidikan dan pekerjaan), dan pengambilan keputusan. Modul penilaian
diri biasanya meminta klien untuk mengevaluasi minat, nilai, dan keterampilan mereka. Atas dasar
evaluasi diri, komputer menghasilkan daftar pekerjaan yang sesuai. Dua program populer adalah SIGI
PLUS (Sistem Panduan dan Informasi Terpadu), produk yang awalnya dikembangkan oleh ETS, dan
DISCOVER, kreasi ACT. Kedua program bersifat komprehensif, interaktif, dan mudah digunakan,
dan keduanya diperbarui setiap tahun. Kedua program sekarang tersedia di Internet dan juga melalui
program perangkat lunak yang diinstal pada komputer lokal. SIGI PLUS dapat diakses di Internet
melalui banyak sekolah, perpustakaan, dan pusat komunitas sebagai SIGI-3, versi Web SIGI yang
lebih mudah dinavigasi dan yang diperbarui lebih sering daripada SIGI PLUS (Valpar International
Corporation, 2012). Versi Internet DISCOVER untuk Kelas 9 hingga Dewasa juga tersedia untuk
siswa di sekolah dan perguruan tinggi yang berlangganan layanan ini (ACT, Inc., 2012b). Baik SIGI
dan DISCOVER memberikan survei nilai, minat, dan keterampilan serta informasi pekerjaan dan
perguruan tinggi. Selain itu, program-program ini menawarkan tutorial yang berbeda tentang uji coba,
belajar, manajemen waktu, mencari pekerjaan, menulis resume, dan keterampilan wawancara.

Career and life-planning workbooks, the second type of nonstandardized assessment program,
play an important part in comprehensive self-rating programs used by counselors. These workbooks
usually include a number of exercises that can be used by clients to assess their interests, values,
personality style, and skills. Additional exercises aid clients in exploring the work environment by
means of informational interviews and reviews of career literature. The workbooks are well suited to
career education classes or career exploration groups. They often use a decision-making or problem-
solving model as a framework for presentation of the exercises.

Buku kerja karir dan perencanaan masa depan, jenis kedua dari program penilaian yang tidak
standar, memberikan peran penting dalam program penilaian diri yang komprehensif yang digunakan
oleh konselor. Buku kerja ini biasanya mencakup sejumlah latihan yang dapat digunakan oleh klien
untuk menilai minat, nilai, gaya kepribadian, dan keterampilan mereka. Tugas tambahan membantu
klien dalam mengeksplorasi lingkungan kerja dengan menggunakan wawancara informasi dan
tinjauan literatur karir. Buku kerja sangat cocok untuk kelas pendidikan karir atau kelompok
eksplorasi karir. Mereka sering menggunakan model pengambilan keputusan atau pemecahan masalah
sebagai kerangka untuk presentasi latihan.

Examples of effective career and life-planning workbooks include What Color Is Your
Parachute? (Bolles, 2011), Career Development and Planning: A Comprehensive Approach (textbook,
student manual, and instructor’s manual; Reardon, Lenz, Sampson, & Peterson, 2008), and Making
Career Decisions That Count: A Practical Guide (Luzzo, 2002). Exercises provided in the workbooks
are informal or qualitative in nature. They are meant to stimulate interest in career exploration by
offering a variety of assessment procedures in a systematic fashion.

Contoh buku kerja karir dan perencanaan kehidupan yang efektif termasuk What Color Is
Your Parachute? (Bolles, 2011), Pengembangan Karier dan Perencanaan: Pendekatan Komprehensif
(buku teks, buku pedoman siswa, dan panduan instruktur; Reardon, Lenz, Sampson, & Peterson,
2008), dan Membuat Keputusan Karier yang Berhitung: Panduan Praktis (Luzzo, 2002) ). Latihan
yang disediakan dalam buku kerja bersifat informal atau kualitatif. Mereka dimaksudkan untuk
merangsang minat dalam eksplorasi karir dengan menawarkan berbagai prosedur penilaian secara
Standardized Assessment Programs / Program Penilaian Standar
Although most standardized assessment programs use self-report inventories to evaluate
motivational factors such as interests and values, they vary in their approach to measuring abilities.
Assessment programs are likely to use self-reports to evaluate abilities when the results are used for
counseling. Many of these programs are best known for their interest inventory, which often serves as
the centerpiece of the assessment program.

Meskipun sebagian besar program penilaian standar menggunakan persediaan laporan diri
untuk mengevaluasi faktor motivasi seperti minat dan nilai, program ini bervariasi dalam pendekatan
masing-masing untuk mengukur kemampuan. Program penilaian cenderung menggunakan laporan
diri untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan dan hasilnya digunakan untuk konseling. Banyak dari program-
program ini paling dikenal untuk inventaris minat mereka, yang sering berfungsi sebagai pusat dari
program penilaian.

In contrast with the assessment programs that use self-ratings to measure abilities, a number
of programs use objective tests to assess abilities. Objective tests help ensure the validity of test
results in those situations in which clients’ responses may be biased or distorted, such as may occur
when tests are used as a basis for selection. Objective tests can also be used in assessing the abilities
of clients who may not have an adequate basis for judging their own abilities.

Berbeda dengan program penilaian yang menggunakan penilaian diri untuk mengukur
kemampuan, sejumlah program menggunakan tes objektif untuk menilai kemampuan. Tes obyektif
membantu memastikan validitas hasil tes dalam situasi-situasi di mana respons klien dapat menjadi
bias atau terdistorsi, seperti yang mungkin terjadi ketika tes digunakan sebagai dasar pemilihan. Tes
obyektif juga dapat digunakan dalam menilai kemampuan klien yang mungkin tidak memiliki dasar
yang memadai untuk menilai kemampuan mereka sendiri.

Each of the assessment batteries discussed in this section includes objective tests of abilities
in addition to inventories of interests, values, or experiences. In contrast with self-report ability
measures, objective tests assess the client’s abilities on the basis of actual performance in a test
situation. Six frequently used programs ACT Career Planning Survey, DAT Career Planning Program,
WorkKeys, Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, O*NET Career Exploration Tools, and
Career Occupational Preference System are discussed briefl y in this section. Some of these programs
supplement the objective aptitude testing with subjective (self-ratings) assessments to expand the
number of abilities taken into consideration for career planning. These batteries have been validated
most often in terms of their effectiveness in predicting educational or occupational membership and

Setiap penilaian yang dibahas dalam bagian ini mencakup tes objektif atas kemampuan selain
inventarisasi minat, nilai, atau pengalaman. Berbeda dengan pengukuran kemampuan laporan diri, tes
objektif menilai kemampuan klien berdasarkan kinerja aktual dalam situasi pengujian. Enam program
yang sering digunakan ACT Career Planning Survey, Program Perencanaan Karir DAT, WorkKeys,
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, O * NET Alat Eksplorasi Karir, dan Sistem Preferensi
Karir Pekerjaan dibahas secara singkat di bagian ini. Beberapa dari program ini melengkapi pengujian
bakat obyektif dengan penilaian subjektif (penilaian diri) untuk memperluas jumlah kemampuan yang
dipertimbangkan untuk perencanaan karir. Baterai ini telah divalidasi paling sering dalam hal
efektivitasnya dalam memprediksi keanggotaan dan kinerja pendidikan atau pekerjaan.
ACT Career Planning Survey

The ACT Career Planning Survey(CPS) is a comprehensive career guidance program

designed to aid students in Grades 8 10 in educational and career planning (ACT, Inc., 2000a). It
includes two self-report inventories and a pair of objective tests of ability: (a) Inventory of Work-
Relevant Abilities, in which students rate their skills in 15 areas that cannot be measured adequately
by objective tests; (b) Unisex Edition of the ACT Interest Inventory (UNIACT, discussed in the
previous chapter); and (c) Reading and Numerical Skills Ability Tests, which measure basic concepts
and skills essential in reading and mathematics.

ACT Career Planning Survey (CPS) adalah program bimbingan karir komprehensif yang
dirancang untuk membantu siswa Kelas 8 10 dalam perencanaan pendidikan dan karir (ACT, Inc.,
2000a). Ini termasuk dua laporan diri dan sepasang tes obyektif kemampuan: (a) Inventarisasi
Kemampuan Kerja-Relevan, di mana siswa menilai keterampilan mereka di 15 bidang yang tidak
dapat diukur secara memadai dengan tes obyektif; (b) Edisi Unisex Inventaris Minat ACT (UNIACT,
dibahas dalam bab sebelumnya); dan (c) Tes Kemampuan Membaca dan Angka, yang mengukur
konsep dasar dan keterampilan yang penting dalam membaca dan matematika.

The CPS differs from the EXPLORE and PLAN assessment programs also offered by ACT
(discussed in previous chapter) in that it places more emphasis on career development and less
emphasis on academic evaluation and planning. The CPS provides information on a much wider
variety of abilities (most of which are self-rated) along with career interests so that it can be used
effectively in considering a broad range of occupational opportunities.

CPS berbeda dari program penilaian EXPLORE dan PLAN yang juga ditawarkan oleh ACT
(dibahas dalam bab sebelumnya) karena lebih menekankan pada pengembangan karir dan kurang
menekankan pada evaluasi dan perencanaan akademik. CPS memberikan informasi tentang berbagai
kemampuan yang lebih luas (sebagian besar yang dinilai sendiri) bersama dengan minat karir
sehingga dapat digunakan secara efektif dalam mempertimbangkan berbagai peluang kerja.

ACT provides a Career Planning Guide to help students apply their survey results in career
exploration. The guide includes a Work-Relevant Experiences Checklist and a Job Characteristics
Checklist as additional assessment tools. Students use these instruments to review their work
experiences and to consider what characteristics (e.g., recognition, physical activity, or variety) they
prefer in their work.

ACT menyediakan Panduan Perencanaan Karir untuk membantu siswa menerapkan hasil
survei mereka dalam eksplorasi karir. Panduan ini mencakup Daftar Periksa Pengalaman yang
Relevan dan Daftar Karakteristik Pekerjaan sebagai alat penilaian tambahan. Siswa menggunakan
instrumen ini untuk meninjau pengalaman kerja mereka dan mempertimbangkan karakteristik apa
(mis., Pengenalan, aktivitas fisik, atau variasi) yang mereka sukai dalam pekerjaan mereka.

Clients can compare their self-rated abilities and interests with those typically expressed by
people in different career areas by means of the World of Work Map (see Figure 11.1). The map
shows the relationships among 26 career areas grouped into 12 interest and ability regions (Prediger,
2002). As indicated on the map, the career areas differ from each other in regard to two basic
dimensions: data versus ideas and people versus things. For example, career areas in Region 2
(Management, Marketing & Sales, Employment Related Services) represent occupations that are
people and data oriented.
Klien dapat membandingkan kemampuan dan minat mereka sendiri dengan orang-orang yang
biasanya diekspresikan oleh orang-orang di area karir yang berbeda melalui World of Work Map
(lihat Gambar 11.1). Peta ini menunjukkan hubungan antara 26 bidang karir yang dikelompokkan
menjadi 12 wilayah minat dan kemampuan (Prediger, 2002). Seperti yang diindikasikan pada peta,
bidang karier berbeda satu sama lain dalam hal dua dimensi dasar: data versus ide dan orang versus
benda. Misalnya, bidang karier di Wilayah 2 (Manajemen, Pemasaran & Penjualan, Layanan Terkait
Ketenagakerjaan) mewakili pekerjaan yang berorientasi pada orang dan data.

The CPS report shows the regions on the World-of-Work Map in which a student obtains his
or her highest interest and ability scores by means of a color code (abilities = gray, interests = red,
both abilities and interests = red–gray mixture). By inspecting this report, students can easily make
comparisons among their abilities, their interests, and relevant career areas.

Laporan CPS menunjukkan daerah-daerah di Peta Dunia-Kerja di mana seorang siswa

memperoleh minat dan skor kemampuannya tertinggi melalui kode warna (kemampuan = abu-abu,
minat = merah, baik kemampuan dan minat = merah-abu-abu campuran). Dengan memeriksa laporan
ini, siswa dapat dengan mudah membuat perbandingan di antara kemampuan mereka, minat mereka,
dan bidang karir yang relevan.

Differential Aptitude Tests

The Differential Aptitude Tests(DAT, not to be confused with the Dental Admission Test
discussed in the previous chapter) can be used together with the Career Interest Inventory (CII) to
generate educational and career-planning reports for counselors and students. The DAT, originally
published in 1947, was last revised in 1990 as the fi fth edition, Forms C and D (G. K. Bennett,
Seashore, & Wesman, 1990). The CII measures work and school interests.

The Differential Aptitude Tests (DAT) dapat digunakan bersama dengan Career Interest
Inventory (CII) untuk menghasilkan laporan perencanaan pendidikan dan karier untuk konselor dan
siswa. DAT, awalnya diterbitkan pada tahun 1947, terakhir direvisi pada tahun 1990 sebagai edisi
kelima, Formulir C dan D (G. K. Bennett, Seashore, & Wesman, 1990). CII mengukur minat bekerja
dan sekolah.

Figure 11.1
ACT World-of-Work Map (3rd edition – Conselor Version)

Note. The World-of-Work Map arranges 26 career areas (groups of similar jobs) into 12
regions. Together, the career areas cover all U.S. jobs. Most jobs in a career area are located near the
point shown. However, some may be in adjacent map regions. A career area’s location is based on its
primary work tasks. The four primary work tasks are working with DATA (facts, numbers, files,
accounts, business procedures), IDEAS (insights, theories, new ways of saying or doing something;
e.g., with words, equations, or music), PEOPLE (people you help, serve, inform, care for, and sell
things to), and THINGS (machines, tools, living things, and materials such as food, wood, or metal).
Copyright 2000 by ACT, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.

Both the DAT and CII include two levels of assessment: Level 1 for Grades 7 through 9 and
Level 2 for Grades 10 through 12. Both levels of the DAT and Level 2 of the CII may also be used
with adults. When the DAT and the CII are administered together, the results can be integrated by
means of a computerized educational and career-planning report.

The DAT contains eight subtests: Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning, Abstract
Reasoning, Perceptual Speed and Accuracy, Mechanical Reasoning, Space Relations, Spelling, and
Language Usage. The eight tests require 2.5 to 3 hours to complete. The CII provides scores for 15
occupational groups plus additional information regarding interests in school subjects. The DAT and
the CII have been normed jointly with students drawn from different parts of the country, different
socioeconomic classes, and different ethnic groups.

Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery(ASVAB) Career Exploration Program

consists of a multiple aptitude test battery, a career interest inventory, and career-planning materials
and exercises that aid students in identifying and investigating career possibilities. The ASVAB
(Forms 23 and 24) is administered and interpreted without charge by representatives of the Armed
Services (U.S. Department of Defense, 2005). Test results are used by the military for recruitment, for
assessing qualifi cations of students for different military occupations, and for research. School
counselors use the results to help high school students (Grades 10 through 12) and community college
students with educational and vocational planning. Testing time, including instructions, is
approximately 3 hours. More than one fourth of U.S. high school seniors participate in the ASVAB
Career Exploration Program sometime during their high school years (Baker, 2002).

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Program Eksplorasi Karir terdiri
dari baterai tes kemampuan ganda, inventaris minat karir, dan materi perencanaan karier dan latihan
yang membantu siswa dalam mengidentifikasi dan menyelidiki kemungkinan karier. ASVAB
(Formulir 23 dan 24) dikelola dan ditafsirkan tanpa biaya oleh perwakilan dari Angkatan Bersenjata
(Departemen Pertahanan AS, 2005). Hasil tes digunakan oleh militer untuk perekrutan, untuk menilai
kualifikasi siswa untuk pekerjaan militer yang berbeda, dan untuk penelitian. Konselor sekolah
menggunakan hasil untuk membantu siswa sekolah menengah (Kelas 10 sampai 12) dan mahasiswa
perguruan tinggi dengan perencanaan pendidikan dan kejuruan. Waktu pengujian, termasuk instruksi,
kira-kira 3 jam. Lebih dari seperempat siswa SMA AS berpartisipasi dalam Program Eksplorasi Karir
ASVAB selama masa sekolah menengah mereka (Baker, 2002).

The ASVAB includes the following eight individual ability scales: General Science (GS),
Arithmetic Reasoning (AR), Word Knowledge (WK), Paragraph Comprehension (PC), Mathematics
Knowledge (MK), Electronics Information (EI), Auto & Shop Information (AS), and Mechanical
Comprehension (MC). (The two scales that emphasized speed of performance—Numerical
Operations and Coding Speed have been dropped in the revised version.) Scores on these scales are
added together to form three composite scores, known as Career Exploration Scores, that are used for
general counseling purposes, and a fourth composite score, known as the Military Entrance Score
(also identifi ed as the Armed Forces Qualification Test), that is used to determine eligibility for
military service. These composite scores, which have been derived from factor analyses of the
individual scales, are calculated as follows: Verbal Skills = WK + PC; Math Skills = MK + AR;
Science and Technical Skills = GS + EI + MC; and Military Entrance Score = Verbal Skills + Math
Skills. The Military Entrance Score can be considered a measure of general academic ability similar
to the combined Verbal Reasoning plus Numerical Reasoning (VR + NR) score on the DAT. Only the
composite scores are used for counseling and selection purposes.
ASVAB mencakup delapan skala kemampuan individu berikut: Ilmu Umum (GS), Aritmatika
Penalaran (AR), Pengetahuan Kata (WK), Pemahaman Paragraf (PC), Pengetahuan Matematika
(MK), Informasi Elektronik (EI), Informasi Auto & Toko (AS), dan Mechanical Comprehension
(MC). (Dua skala yang menekankan kecepatan kinerja. Operasi Numerik dan Kecepatan Coding telah
dijatuhkan dalam versi revisi.) Skor pada skala ini ditambahkan bersama untuk membentuk tiga skor
gabungan, yang dikenal sebagai Skor Eksplorasi Karir, yang digunakan untuk tujuan konseling umum
, dan skor komposit keempat, yang dikenal sebagai Skor Pintu Masuk Militer (juga diidentifikasi
sebagai Tes Kualifikasi Angkatan Bersenjata), yang digunakan untuk menentukan kelayakan untuk
dinas militer. Skor gabungan ini, yang telah diturunkan dari analisis faktor skala individu, dihitung
sebagai berikut: Keterampilan Verbal = WK + PC; Keterampilan Matematika = MK + AR; Ilmu
Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Teknis = GS + EI + MC; dan Skor Masuk Militer = Keterampilan
Verbal + Keterampilan Matematika. Skor Masuk Militer dapat dianggap sebagai ukuran kemampuan
akademis umum yang mirip dengan Nilai Penalaran Verbal gabungan dan Penalaran Numerik (VR +
NR) pada DAT. Hanya skor gabungan yang digunakan untuk tujuan konseling dan seleksi.

In addition to the ASVAB test scores, the Career Exploration Program includes a new 90-item
interest inventory. This inventory, called Find Your Interests(FYI), consists of six scales to assess
career interests in the same six categories used on many other interest inventories. Work values are
assessed informally by means of exercises in Exploring Careers: The ASVAB Career Exploration
Guide. This guidebook is given to all students who complete the ASVAB, or it can also be accessed
on the Internet (U.S. Department of Defense, 2005).

Selain nilai tes ASVAB, Program Eksplorasi Karir termasuk inventaris bunga 90-item baru.
Inventaris ini, yang disebut Find Your Interests (FYI), terdiri dari enam skala untuk menilai minat
karier dalam enam kategori yang sama yang digunakan pada banyak inventaris minat lainnya. Nilai
kerja dinilai secara informal dengan menggunakan latihan dalam Menjelajahi Karir: Panduan
Eksplorasi Karir ASVAB. Buku panduan ini diberikan kepada semua siswa yang menyelesaikan
ASVAB, atau juga dapat diakses di Internet (Departemen Pertahanan AS, 2005).

The guidebook also includes OCCU-Find, a chart used to identify occupations that match an
individual’s abilities and interests. Research indicates that participants in the ASVAB Career
Exploration Program show reduced career indecision and increased career exploration knowledge
compared with nonparticipants (Baker, 2002).

Buku panduan juga mencakup OCCU-Find, sebuah bagan yang digunakan untuk
mengidentifikasi pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan kemampuan dan minat individu. Penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa peserta dalam Program Eksplorasi Karir ASVAB menunjukkan penurunan
ketidaktepatan karir dan peningkatan pengetahuan eksplorasi karir dibandingkan dengan
nonpartisipan (Baker, 2002).

According to numerous studies conducted with earlier versions of the ASVAB and the
General Aptitude Test Battery (upon which the ASVAB is modeled), the test scores are valid in
predicting training and job performance in a wide variety of military and civilian occupations (U.S.
Department of Defense, 2005). This research also indicates that the test scores predict equally well for
men and women and for different racial and ethnic groups.

Menurut banyak penelitian yang dilakukan dengan versi sebelumnya dari ASVAB dan
Baterai Uji Umum Aptitude (di mana ASVAB dimodelkan), nilai tes valid dalam memprediksi
pelatihan dan kinerja pekerjaan dalam berbagai pekerjaan militer dan sipil (Departemen AS
Pertahanan, 2005). Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa nilai tes memprediksi dengan baik untuk
pria dan wanita dan untuk kelompok ras dan etnis yang berbeda.

The WorkKeys system is a comprehensive work skills assessment program developed by the
publishers of the ACT tests (ACT, Inc., 2012c). The program is built around a common scale that
measures both the skills of an individual and the skills required for successful job performance.
Counselors and educators can use WorkKeys to help students understand their preparedness for
specifi c jobs and careers; employers can use it to establish selection and training programs.

WorkKeys may be used with either high school students or adults. WorkKeys measures
foundational skills (i.e., skills needed to learn other skills) in 10 areas related to work on the following
scales: Applied Mathematics, Applied Technology, Business Writing, Listening, Locating
Information, Observation, Reading for Information, Readiness, Teamwork, and Writing (ACT, Inc.,
2012c). The Readiness test, which assesses basic skills in reading and mathematics, can be used as a
screening tool to determine whether a person is suffi ciently prepared to take the other tests in the
WorkKeys system. addition to measuring foundational skills, the WorkKeys system has been
expanded to include two measures (called Performance and Talent) that evaluate attitudes and a third
measure (called Fit) that assesses how well an individual’s interests and values match those of a
specific job.

The skill tests were defi ned and developed by panels of employers, educators, and ACT staff.
All of the test items are based on work situations. They are designed to measure generic work skills
that pertain to a variety of work situations, not skills that are specific to a particular job. The tests
typically are scored in terms of skill levels ranging from Level 1 (lowest) to Level 7 (highest);
however, fi ner-grained scale scores with 40- to 65-point ranges have also been established for use
when it is important to detect smaller differences (ACT, Inc., 2012c). Depending on the nature of the
test, items are presented in a paper-and-pencil, computer, video, or audio mode with a multiple-choice
or constructed-response format. The 10 skill tests vary in testing time from 30 to 64 minutes.
Individuals, educational institutions, and employers select the tests most relevant for their particular
situation. The tests are usually administered and scored on a selected basis, not as a battery, by service
centers certifi ed by ACT, such as a community college.

WorkKeys enables students to assess their qualifi cations for different occupations by means
of eight skill areas (all but Business Writing and Readiness scales). Job analysts have collaborated
with subject matter experts (usually workers in the job under study) to judge the appropriate skill
levels for different occupations. With these data, ACT has prepared a table of occupational profi les,
which shows the median skill level in each of the eight skill areas for nearly 1,400 occupations (ACT,
Inc., 2012c). An individual’s skill levels are compared with the skill-level requirements for a
particular job or occupation by means of this table to determine whether he or she is prepared to enter
that job or occupation. For example, the occupational profi le for accountants shows that they obtain
their highest scores on the Applied Mathematics (Level 6), Locating Information (Level 5), and
Reading for Information (Level 5) scales. Individuals who obtain similar or higher scores would
appear to be good candidates for further training in this field.

WorkKeys differs from traditional ability tests in that it is criterion referenced, not norm
referenced. A test taker must correctly answer 80% of the items representing any skill level to be
qualifi ed at that level. For those cases in which a person does not attain the skill level required for a
particular occupation, the test report includes suggestions for improving his or her skills. In addition,
organizations endorsed by ACT, such as KeyTrain and WIN Career Solutions, provide interactive
instructional materials designed to improve the generic work skills assessed by WorkKeys (ACT, Inc.,

The WorkKeys system has been extensively validated by ACT, especially in regard to content
validity (ACT, Inc., 2012c). Outside consultants reviewed the test items for content accuracy and
fairness to minority groups. Statistical analyses were used to identify and eliminate items that
functioned differently for various groups of people, such as males versus females or African
Americans versus Whites. Subject matter experts confirmed that the eight skill areas adequately
represent the type and the range of skills required in the majority of jobs. Ongoing research studies
show that scores on the WorkKeys scales correlate signifi cantly with scores on comparable
instruments and with job performance ratings in related fi elds (ACT, Inc., 2012c).

Counselors will fi nd the WorkKeys system to be most valuable in helping clients to appraise
their basic work skills compared with those required in various occupations. Case examples
illustrating the use of the WorkKeys system in counseling and employment situations can be found on
the ACT website (ACT, Inc., 2012c).

O*NET System and Career Exploration Tools

The U.S. Department of Labor created the Occupational Information Network (O*NET), a
comprehensive career information system, in the 1990s to replace the Dictionary of Occupational
Titles (DOT). The O*NET system includes (a) the O*NET database, (b) O*NET OnLine, and (c)
O*NET Career Exploration Tools. The O*NET database provides extensive information about the
primary occupations found in the United States. By combining occupations and eliminating obsolete
and obscure occupations, the number of occupations included in O*NET was reduced from the 12,741
occupations defi ned in the DOT to 974.

Each occupation is described in terms of six content areas: (a) worker characteristics
(abilities, interests, and work styles), (b) worker requirements (education, knowledge, and skills), (c)
experience requirements (training, work experience, and licensing), (d) occupational-specific
information (job duties and tasks), (e) occupational requirements (work activities and work context),
and (f) occupational characteristics (labor market information). The fi rst three content areas describe
individual attributes. The O*NET database indicates the relevance and the importance of each of the
variables for the different occupations based on the ratings of experts, employers, and employees
(U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration [ETA], 2012). The database is
partially updated twice a year, with plans for it to be completely updated in 5-year cycles.

O*NET OnLine enables users to gain easy access to the O*NET database on the Internet.
Individuals can readily compare information gained from the Career Exploration Tools and from self-
estimates with pertinent information reported in the database for the various occupations (see Activity

The Career Exploration Tools have been constructed to measure an individual’s abilities,
interests, and values, that is, those variables that have been most valid in predicting occupational
criteria. The following three instruments have been developed for this purpose: Ability Profi ler,
Interest Profi ler, and Work Importance Profi ler. Although these instruments may be used separately,
the U.S. Department of Labor, ETA (2012) recommends using them together as part of a whole-
person approach to counseling. The tools’ psychometric properties (e.g., validity, reliability, and
fairness analyses) are reported in research reports, which are published along with user’s guides on
the O*NET Center website ( as they become available. These
reports support the technical quality of the instruments and allow confi dence in their use (Lewis &
Rivkin, 2004).

Ability Profiler

The Ability Profiler, which replaces the General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) for
counseling purposes, includes nine scales that are similar to the nine scales that appeared on the
GATB. The nine scales make up three cognitive factors (Verbal Ability, Arithmetic Reasoning, and
Computation), three perceptual factors (Spatial Ability, Form Perception, and Clerical Perception),
and three psychomotor factors (Motor Coordination, Manual Dexterity, and Finger Dexterity). The
GATB General Learning Ability scale has been dropped, and the GATB Numerical Aptitude scale has
been divided into Arithmetic Reasoning and Computation scales.

The Ability Profiler, yang menggantikan General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) untuk tujuan
konseling, termasuk sembilan skala yang mirip dengan sembilan skala yang muncul di GATB.
Kesembilan skala membentuk tiga faktor kognitif (Kemampuan Verbal, Penentuan Aritmatika, dan
Komputasi), tiga faktor perseptual (Kemampuan Spasial, Persepsi Formulir, dan Persepsi Klerikal),
dan tiga faktor psikomotor (Koordinasi Motor, Ketangkasan Manual, dan Keluwesan Jari). Skala
Kemampuan Belajar Umum GATB telah dijatuhkan, dan skala Aptitude Numerik GATB telah dibagi
menjadi skala Aritmatika Penalaran dan Perhitungan.

The Ability Profiler differs from the GATB in that it provides new items, revised instructions
and scoring procedures, new portions, fewer subtests, and more flexible administration. In addition,
time limits were modifi ed to ensure that examinees had sufficient time to complete subtests in which
speed of answering questions was not important to test performance.

The Kemampuan Profiler berbeda dari GATB karena menyediakan item baru, petunjuk yang
direvisi dan prosedur penilaian, lebih sedikit subtes, dan administrasi yang lebih fleksibel. Selain itu,
batas waktu dimodifikasi untuk memastikan bahwa peserta ujian memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk
menyelesaikan subtes di mana kecepatan menjawab pertanyaan tidak penting untuk menguji kinerja.

The Ability Profiler includes both paper-and-pencil (fi rst seven scales) and apparatus (last
two scales) tests. If preferred, the paper-and-pencil tests can be administered without the apparatus
tests. Total testing time for the paper-and-pencil part of the testing process is 1.5 to 2 hours. When
apparatus tests are included, total testing time is 2 to 3 hours. The Ability Profi ler has been designed
specifi cally for use in counseling and should not be used for selection or placement.

The Ability Profiler meliputi tes kertas dan pensil (tujuh skala pertama) dan aparatus (dua
skala terakhir). Jika disukai, tes kertas dan pensil dapat diberikan tanpa tes aparat. Total waktu
pengujian untuk kertas dan pensil bagian dari proses pengujian adalah 1,5 hingga 2 jam. Ketika tes
aparat disertakan, waktu pengujian total adalah 2 hingga 3 jam. Kemampuan Profesi telah dirancang
secara spesifik untuk digunakan dalam konseling dan tidak boleh digunakan untuk seleksi atau

The examinee’s scores on the Ability Profi ler are compared with the ability profiles for the
different O*NET occupations. Ability profiles for the different O*NET occupations have been
estimated by means of GATB validity data and occupational data from the DOT. The O*NET system
includes fi ve job zones that represent fi ve different levels of experience, education, and training.
Within each job zone (which the examinee selects), the computer uses a correlational procedure to
determine which occupations have ability patterns that most closely match those of the examinee
(U.S. Department of Labor, ETA, 2012).

Skor peserta pada Profiler Kemampuan dibandingkan dengan profil kemampuan untuk
pekerjaan O * NET yang berbeda. Profil kemampuan untuk pekerjaan O * NET yang berbeda telah
diperkirakan dengan menggunakan data validitas GATB dan data pekerjaan dari DOT. Sistem O *
NET mencakup zona pekerjaan yang mewakili berbagai tingkat pengalaman, pendidikan, dan
pelatihan. Di dalam masing-masing zona kerja (yang dipilih oleh peserta ujian), komputer
menggunakan prosedur korelasional untuk menentukan pekerjaan mana yang memiliki pola
kemampuan yang paling sesuai dengan mereka yang diteliti (Departemen Tenaga Kerja AS, ETA,

Interest Profile /Profil minat

The Interest Profilermeasures occupational interests in the same six categories used by most
interest inventories: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional (see
Holland, 1997). Both paper-and-pencil and computerized versions are available. It is designed to be
self-administered and self-interpreted. It requires about 30 minutes to complete.

The Interest Profiler mengukur minat kerja dalam enam kategori yang sama yang digunakan
oleh kebanyakan inventaris minat: realistis, investigatif, artistik, sosial, giat, dan konvensional (lihat
Holland, 1997). Baik versi kertas-dan-pensil dan komputerisasi tersedia. Ini dirancang untuk diatur
sendiri dan ditafsirkan sendiri. Diperlukan sekitar 30 menit untuk menyelesaikannya.

An individual’s highest scores on the Interest Profi ler are compared with the interests that are
most characteristic for different occupations as means of identifying compatible occupations.
Occupational experts designated the predominant interest fi elds for different occupations. Although
the expert raters used the same Holland categories to classify interests as those used by the Strong
Interest Inventory and the Dictionary of Holland Occupational Types, the agreement among the
Holland codes assigned to the same occupations by these three sources is only moderate (Eggerth,
Bowles, Tunick, & Andrew, 2005). Counselors should keep in mind that the interpretation of a
particular Holland code may vary somewhat from one source to another.

Skor individu tertinggi pada Profit Miner dibandingkan dengan minat yang paling khas untuk
pekerjaan yang berbeda sebagai sarana untuk mengidentifikasi pekerjaan yang kompatibel. Para ahli
okupasi menunjuk bidang kepentingan utama untuk pekerjaan yang berbeda. Meskipun penilai ahli
menggunakan kategori Holland yang sama untuk mengklasifikasikan kepentingan seperti yang
digunakan oleh Inventaris Minat Kuat dan Kamus Jenis Pekerjaan Belanda, perjanjian di antara kode-
kode Belanda yang ditugaskan untuk pekerjaan yang sama oleh ketiga sumber ini hanya moderat
(Eggerth, Bowles , Tunick, & Andrew, 2005). Konselor harus mengingat bahwa penafsiran kode
Holland tertentu dapat bervariasi dari satu sumber ke sumber lainnya.

Work Importance Profiler / Profiler Pekerjaan Penting

The third O*NET assessment tool, Work Importance Profiler, measures six types of work
values: achievement, independence, recognition, relationships, support, and working conditions.
Similar to the Interest Profi ler, the Work Importance Profi ler may be completed in paper-and-pencil
form (titled Work Importance Locator) or computer form in about 30 minutes. It is also self-
administered and self-interpreted. The relative significance of the different values in various
occupations has been determined by job supervisors. This instrument is described in greater detail in
the next chapter.

Alat penilaian O * NET ketiga, Work Importance Profiler, mengukur enam jenis nilai kerja:
pencapaian, independensi, pengakuan, hubungan, dukungan, dan kondisi kerja. Mirip dengan Profi
Ler, Pekerjaan Pentingnya Profesi dapat diselesaikan dalam bentuk kertas-dan-pensil (berjudul Work
Importance Locator) atau formulir komputer dalam waktu sekitar 30 menit. Ini juga dikelola sendiri
dan ditafsirkan sendiri. Signifikansi relatif dari nilai-nilai yang berbeda dalam berbagai pekerjaan
telah ditentukan oleh pengawas pekerjaan. Instrumen ini dijelaskan secara lebih rinci di bab

In addition to the individual attributes measured by the Career Planning Tools, the detailed
report for any occupation listed in the O*NET database also provides ratings for the importance of
other worker requirements (knowledge, skills, work styles, and an expanded list of abilities) and
occupational requirements (tasks, work activities, and work context). Many variables or elements are
rated in each category. For example, the relevance and importance of 52 abilities for each occupation
are rated by a panel of experts (Byrum & Tsacoumis, 2005).

Selain atribut individu yang diukur oleh Alat Perencanaan Karier, laporan rinci untuk
pekerjaan apa pun yang terdaftar dalam basis data O * NET juga memberikan peringkat untuk
pentingnya persyaratan pekerja lainnya (pengetahuan, keterampilan, gaya kerja, dan daftar
kemampuan yang diperluas ) dan persyaratan pekerjaan (tugas, aktivitas kerja, dan konteks kerja).
Banyak variabel atau elemen dinilai dalam setiap kategori. Misalnya, relevansi dan pentingnya 52
kemampuan untuk setiap pekerjaan dinilai oleh panel ahli (Byrum & Tsacoumis, 2005).

Career Occupational Preference System / Sistem Preferensi Pekerjaan

The Career Occupational Preference System(COPSystem) provides a comprehensive
assessment of interests, values, and abilities designed for use in a wide variety of settings. According
to one statewide survey (Giordano et al., 1997), the COPSystem was used more frequently by the
school counselors in that state than any other standardized test except for the WISC-R or the SAT
(with which it was tied).

Sistem Preferensi Pekerjaan Karir (COPSystem) memberikan penilaian yang komprehensif

tentang minat, nilai, dan kemampuan yang dirancang untuk digunakan dalam berbagai macam
pengaturan. Menurut satu survei di seluruh negara bagian (Giordano et al., 1997), COPSystem lebih
sering digunakan oleh konselor sekolah di negara bagian itu daripada tes standar lainnya kecuali
untuk WISC-R atau SAT (yang mengikatnya).

The COPSystem includes the following measures (Knapp-Lee, 2000): (a) the Career
Occupational Preference System (COPS) Interest Inventory, which assesses interests in 14
occupational clusters at different educational levels; (b) the Career Orientation Placement and
Evaluation Survey (COPES), which measures eight bipolar personal values related to the work one
does (see Chapter 12); and (c) the Career Ability Placement Survey (CAPS), which measures eight
abilities that are important for different types of work. The complete battery can be administered in
less than 2 hours. Answer sheets may be self-scored or machine scored.
The COPSystem mencakup langkah-langkah berikut (Knapp-Lee, 2000): (a) Sistem
Preferensi Pekerjaan Karir (COPS) Inventaris Bunga, yang menilai minat dalam 14 kelompok
pekerjaan pada tingkat pendidikan yang berbeda; (b) Survei Orientasi dan Penempatan Orientasi Karir
(COPES), yang mengukur delapan nilai pribadi bipolar yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan yang
dilakukan seseorang (lihat Bab 12); dan (c) Survei Penempatan Kemampuan Karir (CAPS), yang
mengukur delapan kemampuan yang penting untuk berbagai jenis pekerjaan. Baterai lengkap dapat
diberikan dalam waktu kurang dari 2 jam. Lembar jawaban dapat berupa skor diri atau skor mesin.

Several versions of the COPS Interest Inventory have been developed to take into account
clients’ different grade levels and reading abilities. The COPS Interest Inventory it self may be used
with seventh grade students through adults. The COPS-II (Intermediate Inventory) a highly visual,
simplifi ed version of the COPS Interest Inventory based on knowledge of school subjects and
activities familiar to younger students may be used with elementary school children or with adults
who have a limited reading ability (fourth-grade level). The COPS-R (Form R) differs from the COPS
Interest Inventory in that it contains sex-balanced items, combined sex norms, and simplifi ed
language (sixth-grade reading level). The COPSR more closely parallels the COPS Interest Inventory
than does the COPS-II. The COPS-P (Professional level) provides an advanced version for college
students and adults who may be considering professional occupations. Finally, the COPS-PIC (Picture
Inventory) uses only pictures to assess the interests of nonreaders or those with reading difficulties.

Beberapa versi Inventaris Minat COPS telah dikembangkan untuk mempertimbangkan tingkat
kelas dan kemampuan membaca klien yang berbeda. Persediaan Bunga COPS sendiri dapat
digunakan dengan siswa kelas tujuh melalui orang dewasa. The COPS-II (Inventarisasi Menengah)
versi yang sangat visual, sederhana dari Inventarisasi Bunga COPS berdasarkan pengetahuan mata
pelajaran sekolah dan kegiatan yang akrab bagi siswa yang lebih muda dapat digunakan dengan anak-
anak sekolah dasar atau dengan orang dewasa yang memiliki kemampuan membaca terbatas (keempat
tingkat -grade). COPS-R (Formulir R) berbeda dari COPS Interest Inventory karena mengandung
barang-barang yang seimbang seks, gabungan norma-norma seks, dan bahasa yang disederhanakan
(tingkat membaca kelas enam). COPSR lebih dekat dengan Inventori Bunga COPS daripada COPS-II.
The COPS-P (tingkat Professional) menyediakan versi lanjutan untuk mahasiswa dan orang dewasa
yang mungkin mempertimbangkan pekerjaan profesional. Akhirnya, COPS-PIC (Picture Inventory)
hanya menggunakan gambar untuk menilai kepentingan nonreaders atau mereka yang mengalami
kesulitan membaca.

Both the COPS Interest Inventory and the COPES were revised in 1995 (EdITS, 1995). Since
that time, extensive norms for the COPSystem instruments have been established based on large
samples of intermediate, high school, and college students (EdITS, 2004). Separate norms have been
prepared as needed for boys and girls and for high school students and college students. Research with
earlier versions of the COPSystem indicates that it can be used effectively to predict educational and
occupational status.

COPS dan COPES keduanya direvisi pada tahun 1995 (EdITS, 1995). Sejak saat itu, norma-
norma ekstensif untuk instrumen COPSystem telah ditetapkan berdasarkan sampel besar siswa
menengah, sekolah menengah, dan perguruan tinggi (EdITS, 2004). Norma yang terpisah telah
disiapkan sesuai kebutuhan untuk anak laki-laki dan perempuan dan untuk siswa sekolah menengah
dan mahasiswa. Penelitian dengan versi sebelumnya dari COPSystem menunjukkan bahwa itu dapat
digunakan secara efektif untuk memprediksi status pendidikan dan pekerjaan.
The COPSystem contributes signifi cantly to the counseling process by stimulating clients to
explore career fi elds from different viewpoints (Bullock & Madson, 2009). Eby, Johnson, and
Russell (1998) noted that “the COPSystem may be particularly useful as a career exploration tool for
diverse individuals” (p. 293) who have had fewer opportunities to engage in career planning. The
publisher has prepared a Comprehensive Career Guidebook and SelfInterpretation Profi le and Guides
to aid in the interpretation of the COPSystem assessments (EdITS, 2004).

The COPSystem memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan untuk proses konseling dengan
merangsang klien untuk menjelajahi bidang karir dari sudut pandang yang berbeda (Bullock &
Madson, 2009). Eby, Johnson, dan Russell (1998) mencatat bahwa "COPSystem mungkin sangat
berguna sebagai alat eksplorasi karir untuk beragam individu" (hal. 293) yang memiliki lebih sedikit
kesempatan untuk terlibat dalam perencanaan karir. Penerbit telah menyiapkan Buku Panduan Karir
Komprehensif dan SelfInterpretation Profi le dan Panduan untuk membantu dalam interpretasi
penilaian COPSystem (EdITS, 2004).

Chapter Summary/ Rangkuman

The career and life-planning assessment process occurs throughout the life span, and
counselors can help clients explore both the process and content of career development. This
chapter provided key career assessments related to career process, specifically aspects of
career readiness. Career readiness, also referred to as career maturity or career adaptability,
involves understanding and planning careers while exploring factors that inhibit or foster that

Proses penilaian karir dan perencanaan hidup terjadi sepanjang rentang kehidupan,
dan konselor dapat membantu konseli mengeksplorasi proses dan isi pengembangan karir.
Bab ini membahas mengenai asesmen karir yang terkait dengan proses karier, khususnya
aspek kesiapan karir. Kesiapan karir, juga disebut sebagai kematangan karir atau kemampuan
beradaptasi karir, melibatkan pemahaman dan perencanaan karir sambil mengeksplorasi
faktor-faktor yang menghambat atau mendorong proses itu.

Several instruments that assess career readiness were presented in this chapter. These
include (in alphabetical order) the following: ACCI, CASI, CBI, CDDQ, CDDS, CDI,
CDMSE, CDS, CFI, Career Futures Inventory, CMAS, CMI-R, CTI, MVS, and the SCI. In
addition to these qualitative assessments of career readiness, qualitative assessments are
available for use by counselors. Some of these include behavioral observations, interviews,
genograms, and card sorts.

Beberapa instrumen yang menilai kesiapan karir disajikan dalam bab ini sebagai berikut :
ACCI, CASI, CBI, CDDQ, CDDS, CDI, CDMSE, CDS, CFI, Inventarisasi Karir Berjangka,
CMAS, CMI-R, CTI, MVS, dan SCI. Selain penilaian kualitatif kesiapan karir, penilaian
kualitatif tersedia untuk digunakan oleh konselor. Beberapa di antaranya termasuk
pengamatan perilaku, wawancara, genogram, dan jenis kartu. Program penilaian yang
komprehensif mengukur kombinasi nilai, minat, dan bakat seseorang. Enam program
penilaian standar dibahas dalam bab ini: ACT Career Planning Survey, Program Perencanaan
Karir DAT, WorkKeys, ASVAB, O * NET Alat Eksplorasi Karir, dan COPSystem.
Comprehensive assessment programs measure a combination of a person’s values,
interests, and aptitudes. Six standardized assessment programs are discussed in this chapter:
ACT Career Planning Survey, DAT Career Planning Program, WorkKeys, ASVAB, O*NET
Career Exploration Tools, and COPSystem.

Program penilaian yang komprehensif mengukur kombinasi nilai, minat, dan bakat
seseorang. Enam program penilaian standar dibahas dalam bab ini: ACT Career Planning
Survey, Program Perencanaan Karir DAT, WorkKeys, ASVAB, O * NET Alat Eksplorasi
Karir, dan COPSystem.

The ACT Career Planning Survey and the DAT Career Planning Program can be used in
educational settings to help students choose an academic fi eld or training course based on
their interests and abilities. The ASVAB can be used to predict success in both military and
civilian occupations for students from a variety of backgrounds. The WorkKeys system
enables individuals to compare their basic work skills in eight areas with those required in a
broad range of occupations. The O*NET (Occupational Information Network) database
provides a means of directly comparing individual characteristics (as measured by the Career
Exploration Tools and by self-estimates) with requirements for more than 900 occupations.
This system may be easily accessed on the Internet at the O*NET OnLine website. Finally,
the COPSystem provides a systematic assessment of interest, values, and ability measures that
can be used in a variety of settings to assist individuals or groups in career exploration and

Survei Perencanaan Karir ACT dan Program Perencanaan Karir DAT dapat digunakan
dalam pengaturan pendidikan untuk membantu siswa memilih bidang akademik atau kursus
pelatihan berdasarkan minat dan kemampuan mereka. ASVAB dapat digunakan untuk
memprediksi keberhasilan dalam pekerjaan militer dan sipil bagi siswa dari berbagai latar
belakang. Sistem Work Keys memungkinkan individu untuk membandingkan ketrampilan
kerja dasar mereka di delapan bidang dengan yang dibutuhkan dalam berbagai jenis
pekerjaan. Database O * NET (Occupational Information Network) menyediakan sarana
untuk membandingkan secara langsung karakteristik individu (yang diukur dengan Alat
Exploration Tools dan dengan perkiraan sendiri) dengan persyaratan untuk lebih dari 900
pekerjaan. Sistem ini dapat dengan mudah diakses di Internet di situs web O * NET OnLine.
Akhirnya, COPSystem memberikan penilaian sistematis terhadap minat, nilai, dan ukuran
kemampuan yang dapat digunakan dalam berbagai pengaturan untuk membantu individu atau
kelompok dalam eksplorasi dan perencanaan karier.

In addition to these standardized programs, computer-based programs such as SIGI PLUS

and DISCOVER as well as career workbooks are useful assessment programs.
Comprehensive self-assessments based on computer programs or career and life-planning
workbooks can be used to stimulate career exploration and to improve capacity for career

Selain program-program standar ini, program berbasis komputer seperti SIGI PLUS dan
DISCOVER serta buku kerja karir adalah program penilaian yang berguna. Penilaian diri
yang komprehensif berdasarkan pada program komputer atau buku kerja karir dan
perencanaan kehidupan dapat digunakan untuk merangsang eksplorasi karir dan untuk
meningkatkan kapasitas untuk perencanaan karir.
Review Questions
1. What are the four uses of career assessment described in this chapter? How might each
relate to issues of career assessment and comprehensive career planning?

2. How would you differentiate the concepts of career maturity and career adaptability? What
are ways in counseling you can assess each?

3.What are some of the functions of career readiness assessments presented in this chapter?

4. What are the general components of comprehensive assessment programs?

5. What are the benefi ts and challenges of career and life-planning assessments discussed in
this chapter?

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