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Caroline Li, CFA

Executive Director
Global Investment Research
Beijing Gao Hua Securities, China

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*!$"+#"!#6+*#>$**+ "#:!;#&%#+=+>$".-+#/.*+>"!*#!7# “Without the CFA designation, my
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Wall Street–related jobs before.”
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AV."6!$"# "6+# 2)F# /+%.1 &".! 0# 38# >*+/+ - ity in setting her own work schedule, and she
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3& #G&>6%#"!#6.*+#3+#;+>&$%+#D# +-+*#6&/#& 8# For Caroline, the intellectual challenge of
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in that area, not only for networking opportuni- ;!"6# 7*!3# "6+# >!*4!*&"+# %./+# & /# 7*!3# "6+#
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+,$."8#*+%+&*>6#&7"+*#&#7*.+ /#:!. +/#M!'/3& # Indispensable hard skills include the ability to
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oline that her strengths and skills would be a and a deep understanding of the industry
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fast-growing industry that continues to chal- "& "#%!7"#%?.''%#&*+#%&'+%#&;.'."8#& /#&#>!33! -
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!7#! '. +#*+"&.'(## “I think the three-year test preparation for
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2014 61

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