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Longswamp United Church of Christ, 200 Clay Road, Mertztown, PA CALL TO CONFESSION - Pastor: Just as we are we now come,

we are we now come, O God, pleading

September 19, 2010 … 17th Sunday after Pentecost … Holy Communion our need for your presence, mercy, and pardon. Hear your people as we join
Closure and Recognition for Interim Pastor & Search Committee … 610 682-6230 together in confessional prayer.
Confirmation - 8:45 Church School - 9:00 Worship - 10:15 A.M.
UNISON PRAYER OF CONFESSION - Pastor: Let us pray together;
Welcome all who join us for the Longswamp Church Family in worship. No matter who All: Forgive us, holy and merciful God, for how quickly we get used to the
you are or where you find yourself on your personal faith journey, the “The God Who is easy way, sometimes even overlooking the evil in our lives together:
Still Speaking” has called us to be at this time and place as his people. - for how easily we say yes when we ought to say no,
Please turn off any pagers or cell phones. - for how effortlessly we make compromises,
+ All who are able please stand - for how unconsciously we fall back into old habits. And
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - for how nonchalantly we feel we can serve two masters.
Rev. Katherine Brearley, Pastor Elect Rev. Wilbur C. Albright, Interim Sharpen our consciences and strengthen our wills, so that having
Pastor Ann Mabry Miller, Organist committed
ourselves to your way, we may follow without faltering. Amen.
ORDER OF WORSHIP [Followed by a time of silent reflection]
MUSICAL PRELUDE: “Voluntary in G Major” - Stanley arr. Wood THE KYRIE ELEISON:
“Prelude and Fugue in G Major” - Bach [Spoken by Pastor] [Sung by All]
“A Festal Fanfare” - Bach arr. Thompson Lord, have mercy upon us; Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ, have mercy upon us; Christ, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us; Lord, have mercy upon us.
ASSURANCE OF PARDON - Pastor: People of God, it is true and trustworthy -
+OPENING HYMN: “There Is a Balm in Gilead” there
is but one God. And there is but one mediator between God and humankind.
+CALL TO WORSHIP: Jesus, himself human, who gave himself as a ransom for all.
Pastor: This is the day God has made! Let us together gather in praise.
People: This is the day we have been called to sing, to speak, to listen, to
Pastor: The Peace of God be with you. People: And also with you.
[You are invited to rise and greet one another with words and signs of peace]
Pastor: We are God„s people, and we are not alone. God„s people can be found
People: We welcome all as we have been welcomed into the family of God!,
Pastor: Receive the redemption of God!
People: Let the redeemed of God call out in joy! Alleluia! Alleluia! SCRIPTURE READINGS: The Epistle Reading - 1 Timothy 1:1-7
>>>>> The Congregation may be seated <<<<< The Gospel Lesson - Luke 16:1-13
+PRAYER OF INVOCATION - Pastor: Let us pray. MEDITATION: “Not Just A Messenger”
All: As we enter into this service of worship, may we find comfort for our
sorrows, guidance for our problems, strength for our temptations, light for Page 2
AFFIRMATION OF FAITH - Pastor: Let us profess our faith:
Page 1 “The Nicene Creed” #15 - The Hymnal
our decisions, and soothing for our troubles. Grant these requests, we pray, HYMN: “God Will Take Care of You”
in the name of the one who has invited us here, Christ Jesus our Lord.
Amen. #619
PASTORAL PRAYER: community and church life. Others leave us, moving away to new places, new
experiences, and new opportunities. It is important and right that we notes these
THE LORD‟S PRAYER - [Sung; using Hymn #632]
times of transition, of endings and new beginnings. Today you and I share such
time of parting.
Leader: On February 1, 2008, this church entered into an agreement with Reverend
MUSICAL OFFERTORY: “The Hallelujah Chorus” - Handel The Loft Wilbur C. Albright to serve as our Interim Pastor.
Choir Pastor: I thank God and you, the members of Longswamp United Church of Christ,
(Dedicated to Pastor Wilbur Albright) for the love, kindness, and support shown to me during my tenure as your
+OFFERTORY RESPONSE - All: “The Doxology” Interim
Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here Pastor. I ask forgiveness for any mistakes that I have made. I am grateful for the
below; ways my leadership has been affirmed. As I leave, I carry with me all that I have
Praise God for all that love has done; Creator, Christ, and Spirit One. learned here, and the memories we have to share.
People: We receive your thankfulness, offer forgiveness, and accept that you
+OFFERTORY PRAYER OF DEDICATION - Pastor: now leave to minister elsewhere. We express our gratitude for your time
among us. We ask your forgiveness for our mistakes. Your influence on
INVITATION - Pastor: faith and faithfulness will not leave us upon your departure.
COMMUNION PRAYER - Pastor: Pastor: I forgive you and accept your gratitude, trusting that our time together and
CONSECRATION - Pastor: our parting are pleasing to God.
BREAKING OF THE BREAD & POURING OF THE CUP: Leader: Do you, the members and friends of Longswamp United Church of Christ,
SHARING OF THE ELEMENTS: Special Music: join me in releasing Reverend Albright from his duties as Interim Pastor?
Julianna Cirafesi People: We do, with the help of God.
COMMUNION BLESSING: Leader: Do you offer your encouragement for his life and ministry as it unfolds in
PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING - Pastor: Let us pray: ways?
All: We thank you, God, for inviting us to this table where we have People: We do, with the help of God.
known Leader: Do you, Pastor Albright, now release this congregation from turning to you
the presence of Christ and have received all Christ’s gifts. Strengthen and depending on you?
our Pastor: I do, with the help of God and bound by the ethics of ministry of our
faith, increase our love for one another, and let us show forth your denomination.
praise Leader: And, do you offer your encouragement for the continued ministry here and
in our lives; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen for the new Pastor who is about to begin serving this congregation.
Pastor: I do, with the help of God.
A SERVICE OF CLOSURE FOR INTERIM MINISTRY Leader: On behalf of the Penn Northeast Conference and the United Church of Christ
I witness to the words spoken today; words of thankfulness, forgiveness, and
Pastor: Our church is constantly changing. People come and go. Babies are born, release. We know the other member churches of Penn Northeast Conference
children grow up. People commit themselves to one another. Loved ones and hold
friends among us come to the end of their earthly lives. Individuals move into our faith family in prayer, as together we bear witness to the reconciling love of
our God through Christ Jesus our Lord.
Page 3 People: Thanks be to God.
area of the church school. This is hosted by the Consistory noting the close of Pastor
Page 4 Bill‟s time with us today.
Leader: Together, we now thank the members of the Search Committee for their Page 5
dedication and labor on behalf of us all in success of bringing a new Pastor to In inviting all to join us in partaking of the Sacrament, we ask that all present sign the
begin the next chapter in the history of this congregation‟s life and ministry. With fellowship pew pads found in the center aisle position of each pew, checking the
our deepest appreciation and thanks we release you from this responsibility and second column following your name for this becomes our record of those who
know you will continue to serve God here in other ways. commune. We also request that any visitors present also sign our Guest Register in the
Search Committee Members: We thank you for the trust you have placed in us, Narthex. Those visiting who desire notification of having communed to your home
and thanking God, accept this note and time of closure as well. church need to include the name and address of your Pastor or local church in order for
Leader: Let us join together in prayer; us to do so.
All: Most gracious God, whose everlasting love for all people is trustworthy,
help each of us trust the future which rests in your care. The time we have
been together in your name saw our laughter and our tears, our hopes On this occasion of the closure of my Interim Ministry time with you I would like to
and our disappointments. Guide us as we hold these cherished memories, share the following:
while moving in new directions, until such time to come when we are “The Ordained Minister’s Code,” which applies in full and without exception to
com- every United Church of Christ minister, establishes general parameters for the
pletely one with you and each other, through Jesus Christ, to whom we
pray. Amen.
in which a former pastor is to relate to the church[es] which he or she has served.
+PARTING BLESSING and BENEDICTION - Pastor Albright: The relevant ethical precepts are:
My friends there are two ways, a way of life and a way of death. Do not be
I will not, upon my termination and departure from a ministry position,
minded. Choose the way of life. And now, people of God, like trees planted near interfere with or intrude upon the ministry of my successor.
life-giving waters, drink deeply of God‟s words and wisdom as we go forward in I will not perform pastoral services within a parish or for a member of a parish
faith in the life giving kingdom of God. Amen. without the consent of the pastor of that parish.
+CHORAL BENEDICTION: “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” - Lutkin
I will deal honorably with the record of my predecessor and successor.
+PARTING HYMN: “O Jesus, I Have Promised” Pastor Bill
Today is the last Sunday for Pastor Bill to be with us. Pastor Kathy Brearley will
MUSICAL POSTLUDE: “March in D” - Bach arr. Blake
begin her pastorate with us tomorrow - Monday, September 20th.
Welcome to all here gathered as God‟s People in worship. As a congregation of the
“Thank You” to Julianna Cirafesi for her special music during the distribution of the
United Church of Christ we invite all present to join us as an Open Table Fellowship
Communion elements this morning.
celebrating the Sacrament of Holy Communion. On this day observing a sense of
closure in some aspects of our life and ministry together, we look forward with a sense
Today‟s Altar Flowers and Worship Bulletins are presented to the Glory of God and
of celebration as this church family moves into a new history. We will be including
are in memory of Loved Ones by Mr. & Mrs. Tim Long.
members of the Search Committee during our service in recognition of their work on
our behalf.
Attendance - September 12, 2010 - 81
Receipts: General - $2138.00 Maintenance - $438.00 OCPP - $114.00
All those present are invited to attend the fellowship time together in the multi-purpose
Mission - $5.00 Total Giving by Members - $2695.00
Page 6 Page 7
For parents with children up to and including age five a nursery is available in our Please give the Pastor a note on special prayer needs, and remember to notify the
Christian Education Building. church of any members hospitalized. Use our church codes for any hospital
admissions - Allentown Hospitals - 451; Reading - 802.
Participants in today’s service:
Greeters: Tina & Julianna Cirafesi Acolyte: Michelle Ludwig If you are Hearing impaired please see a Greeter for an individual wireless receiver.
Head Usher: Jennifer Kressley Reader: Bob Friedly
Preparers: Eddie Solt & Fran Zettlemoyer Servers: Search We will be celebrating the Festival of Harvest Home next Sunday, September 26th
Committee as part of our morning service. We thank the altar guild for the “Harvest Display” and
Nursery Hosts: Jill Shade & Nancy Snyder encourage members to participate. Canned and packaged goods may be brought to
Fellowship Hosts: Consistory the church on Friday, Sept. 24th from 9am to 5:30pm or Saturday, Sept. 25th at 9am.
Scheduled for next week - September 26th at 10:15am: These items will benefit the Brandywine Food Pantry. We would also invite anyone
Greeters: Dale, Jennifer, & Dale Loch, Jr. Acolyte: Matthew with fresh produce, pumpkins, etc. for a harvest decoration of the church to bring those
Masenheimer items as well.
Head Usher: Andrew Thomas Reader: Kim Jenkins
Nursery Hosts: Cindy Leamer & Kim Jenkins Local Food Pantry: Upon the dissolution of the Brandywine Ministerium Outreach
Fellowship Hosts: Still Available Fund, the assets were equally divided and distributed to participating churches to be
used at their discretion. Trinity Lutheran Church in Topton would continue to maintain a
Altar Guild Members for the month of September are Fern Fritz, Sue McElrea, & “Food Bank” to which and from which donations and referrals would be directed. Quite
Cindy Conrad. frankly those shelves are now bare and we appeal to all for help with either monetary or
an outpouring of food items as listed below. These donations may be brought to the
The Loft Choir would like to wish the best of everything to Pastor Albright and his family church on Sundays or during regular office hours. It is also hoped that we can count on
in his retirement. You are welcome to sing with us at any time. Thank You and God a volunteer to take food items to Trinity Church at times convenient for that staff.
Bless You! Special items needed:
Canned meats such as tuna, chicken, spam
We formally welcome Jeffrey Ehret into the fellowship of our Longswamp Church Toothpaste, soap, shampoo
Family as he comes to us by transfer from First Presbyterian, Hokendauqua. Other canned & packaged items such as potatoes, baby foods/formula, pasta
Please introduce yourself and warmly welcome him. products, specifically macaroni and cheese/noodles, cereals
Baking items such as flour, sugar, cake/pancake mixes, canned fruits
Members and Friends Prayer List: [As of Bulletin preparation time] Contact the church if you have any questions.
Active Members of Military: PFC Matthew Shade [USA], PFC Michael Xiques [USA]
Special: Beulah Harmony, Marlene Hamm, Ernest Conrad, Jared Toth, Alayna Biltcliff If you would like to sponsor Altar Flowers and/or Bulletins, please sign up on the
[10yr. old daughter of Topton mayor who has Leukemia], Olivia Radcliffe [9yr. old daughter of charts in the Narthex.
Drew & Sloane Radcliffe who was recently diagnosed with cancer ], Brandon Snyder [5 yr. old
grandnephew of Pastor & Phyllis Albright -patient at Children‟s Hosp. in Phila.], Pastor Kathy & You are reminded that Oct. 3rd is World Communion Sunday and the ingathering for
her husband, Tom [still mourning the death of their son and recent news coverage] our Neighbors in Need all church offering. This offering has been uplifted in the
Sympathy: Family & Friends of Ann Carr Ferry who died September 11, 2010 bulletin inserts and the September Newsletter which included an offering envelope.
Other: Ida Gehringer, Ruth Hertzog, Ernest Conrad & Corinne Reppert [Lutheran Home, See the insert for additional information.
Topton], Ruth Romig [Lewisburg] & Webster Heffner [at home]. Page 8
This Week at the Church:
Today: 8:45am - Confirmation Classes; 9:00am - Church School; 10:15am -
Worship: Holy Communion, Pastor Albright‟s Service of Closure & Fellowship; Your Church Staff and Information:
5:30pm - Bell Choir Rev. Katherine Brearley. Pastor Elect 610-776-8878
Monday: 6:30pm - Boy Scouts (cabin), 6:30pm - Elders/Consistory Rev. Wilbur C. [Bill] Albright, Interim Pastor 610 966-4176
Thursday: 7:30pm - Loft Choir Dawn Strunk, Church Secretary 610 682-0802
Friday: 9am - 5:30pm - “Harvest Home” goods drop-off Ann Mabry Miller, Organist 610 966-3160
Saturday: 9am - “Harvest Home” goods drop-off Vern Shade, Bell Choir Director 610 395-0970
Next Sunday: 8:45am - Confirmation Classes; 9:00am - Church School; 10:15am - Beverly Thomas, Learning Center Director 610 682-9750
Worship: Harvest Home & Anthony George Baptism; 5:30pm - Bell Choir Ron Newhard, Sexton 610 966-4298

Remember to check the calendar outside the church office for any schedule changes - Your Consistory and Church Officers:
but please do not change that calendar without the knowledge of the church staff. William Thomas, President [Elder] Coralie Eck
Jennifer Kressley, Vice President Kimberly Jenkins
Please note: Anyone hosting fellowship or other after church activities, is asked to Andrew Thomas, Secretary Timothy Masenheimer
please make sure that the church or Christian Ed building is locked, windows are Robert Friedly, Treasurer [Elder] Audrey Tucker
closed, and lights turned off before leaving. Thank you.
Our Church E-mail address is
Church Family Notes: Our Church Website is
Happy Birthday:
Sept. 23 - Erica Jones There have been occasions during my time with you since February 1 of 2008 when I
Sept. 26 - Geraldine Stoudt, Allen Oswald, Matthew Masenheimer thought this day was a long time in coming. I don’t know if Bill Thomas has shared his
Happy Anniversary: reaction to my telephone call after the committee met with me and offered the Interim
09/19/1964 Dolores & James Isamoyer Ministry agreement [December of 2007]. I was on the cusp of making a decision
09/23/1967 Ginger & Joseph Neuman between two such offers, and got back to him saying I was willing to enter an agreement
09/23/2000 Beverly & Timothy Long for one to one and one-half years with you all. The committee had already met with a
09/26/2004 Beverly & William Thomas couple of other Pastors and only they know what had them offering the position to me.
When I called him back agreeing to the offer, he said “you couldn’t have given me a
Remember we will be participating in the Crop Walk on October 17th at Fleetwood High
School. Details are available on a handout in the narthex or if interested, please see
better Christmas present.” Well it has been a bit longer than that time frame, and
Judy Koller to register. although I am ready to enter back into retirement, I shall miss many of the good
memories and great people who make up this church family. It is time to say so long
The October Issue of the Longswamp Beacon will be mailed out the end of this week with whatever that may mean to all of you. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
or early next week. Pastor Bill and Phyllis
Upper Room Daily Devotional guides are available in the Narthex, incl. large print, Page 10
for $1.
Page 9
Please remember to drop off your Redner’s receipts and Radcliffe’s receipts in the The October Issue of the Church Newsletter went into the mail yesterday. Make sure
marked boxes in the vestibule. This is a very easy way to assist your church. all members of you household get the opportunity to read it as we enter into a really full
church program year. Thanks to those who assist the staff in getting this assembled
For Your Information: Rev. Katherine Brearley:
and mailed. If a member of your family is no longer residing at home, contact the
church office and we will get that information corrected on our mailing list.

Next Sunday we will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion in observance of World
Communion Sunday. We also encourage the participation of all in our annual all-church
offering for “Neighbors In Need”. This offering has been uplifted in recent bulletin inserts and
the September Newsletter which included an offering envelope,

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