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case report

Persistent impairment of taste

associated with terbinafine
A. J. Duxbury,1 R. J. Oliver,2 and M. N. Pemberton,3

minor sinus operation as a child. She did

A second case of persistent taste disturbance associated with not smoke and drank alcohol only occa-
terbinafine is described. Taste disturbance associated with this sionally. On examination the oral soft tis-
drug is reviewed and a table is provided listing the more sues and dental hard tissues were all
clinically healthy and no abnormalities
common drugs associated with taste disturbance.
were detected. The ulceration noted by her
general dental practitioner had resolved
and did not recur during the follow-up

T erbinafine is an antifungal drug first

introduced in the UK in 1991. It is
widely used topically and systemically in the
generalised loss of taste and this was fol-
lowed by a persistent bitter taste.
Terbinafine was stopped some 2 months
period. The results of a full blood count,
random blood glucose, serum urea and
electrolytes and liver function tests, were
treatment of dermatophyte infections into a 12-month course of therapy in con- within normal ranges.
including fungal infections of the nails sultation with her medical practitioner.
where treatment for 6 to 12 weeks or longer During the past year her taste sensation Discussion
may be necessary to effect a cure. In general had partially recovered. Eating, drinking Overall 80% of all taste and smell disorders
terbinafine is well tolerated, but its side and tooth brushing however still triggered are said to have an identifiable cause while
effects include a disturbance of taste that in the current symptoms of a bitter after- the rest are considered idiopathic with no
a large surveillance study was found to be taste accompanied by increased salivation. discernable aetiology.3 There are close to
experienced by some 0.6% of patients.1 In On eating, the first few mouthfuls tasted 200 conditions that can lead to chemosen-
this study taste disturbance was reported as relatively normal before a bitter taste pre- sory disorders and these have been covered
being only transient with full recovery dominated. Prior to her loss of taste the in reviews.3 Medication is a common cause
occurring on stopping the drug. There has, patient had had an upper respiratory tract of taste disorders with more than 200 drugs
however, been one report in the literature of infection to which she ascribed the initial listed. A list of some of the more important
persistent taste impairment.2 In this case taste loss. Failure to recover taste subse- medications is given in Table 1.3,4
partial recovery occurred on stopping quently led to stopping terbinafine. Terbinafine (LAMISILR ) is known to have
terbinafine but there was still incomplete Medically the patient had been taking several side-effects, the most commonly
recovery 3 years later. We wish to report a medication for tachycardia (propranolol reported of which include headache, diar-
further case of persistent taste disturbance 10 mg) and acne rosacea (tetracycline rhoea, dyspepsia and abdominal pain,5
associated with terbinafine. 250 mg) on a regular basis for several years other reported adverse reactions include
including the period when she took taste loss. A post market surveillance study
Case report terbinafine. She gave a history of allergies of terbinafine involving 10,000 patients in
A 51-year-old woman was referred to the to penicillin, trimethoprim and ery- 1996 reported that all patients with taste
Unit of Oral Medicine by her general den- thromycin. She had no history of neuro- loss fully recovered this sensation and there
tal practitioner for the investigation of an logical or nasal problems apart from a was no evidence to suggest the effect was
altered taste sensation and recurrent ulcer- irreversible.1 Recovery times varied
ation affecting the lateral borders of her between 2–186 days (average 6 weeks).
tongue. The patient reported an altered In brief Recovery was usually gradual but could be
taste and the inability to taste sweet foods, ● Disorders of taste and smell are not abrupt. A review by Novartis Pharmaceuti-
including sugar. Symptoms had arisen 18 uncommon cals UK Ltd (personal communication) of
months prior to referral during a course of ● Medication is often implicated with more reported cases of taste loss found some 5%
than 200 listed drugs. Withdrawal of the
terbinafine prescribed for a toenail infec- of patients had had loss of taste for 12
offending agent usually results in
tion. Initially the patient experienced a weeks or longer.
alleviation of the problem but it may
Persistent loss of taste associated with
1Senior lecturer in Dental Pharmacology and ● Loss or disturbance of taste is socially terbinafine would however appear to be
Therapeutics and Oral Medicine, 2Lecturer in Oral disturbing, can make patients distressed, extremely rare. The only other recorded
Medicine and Oral Surgery, 3Lecturer in Oral and can lead patients to seek medical case of persistant taste loss we could find
Medicine, University Dental Hospital of Manchester,
and dental advice was a patient who developed an inability
Higher Cambridge Street, Manchester, M15 6FH
Correspondence to: A. J. Duxbury ● Once simple medical and dental causes to taste coffee or tea and required more
have been excluded investigation by salt in food some 6 weeks after commenc-
specialist departments is appropriate ing terbinafine.2 Shortly afterwards com-
Received 12.08.99; accepted 28.10.99
© British Dental Journal 2000; 188: 295–296 plete taste loss arose and terbinafine was


case report
Table 1 Drugs affecting taste and smell

Class of medication Drug (side effect)

Antidiabetics Glipizide. Biguanides (metallic taste)

Anticoagulants Phenindione (dysgeusia)
Antihistamines Chlorpheniramine
Antimicrobials Amphotericin (dysgeusia), ampicillin, cephamandole,
griseofulvin (dysgeusia), lincomycin, levamisole,
metronidazole (metallic taste), sulphasalazine,
stopped immediately. Recovery was par- streptomycin, tetracyclines, terbinafine, tyrothrycin
tial with continued difficulty tasting sugar
Antineoplastics and Bleomycin (sour and metallic taste and taste loss),
or salt in food some 3 years later. In com-
immunosuppressants doxorubicin, methotrexate (sweet taste), azothiaprine,
parison our patient described partial loss carmustine, vincristine.fluorouracil (altered bitter and
of sweetness with a persistent bitter taste, sour taste)
followed by a partial recovery over an 18-
Anti-inflammatories Salicylates (taste disturbance) phenylbutazone
month period. (hypogeusia, ageusia)
The taste disturbance associated with
Antirheumatics Allopurinol (metallic taste), colchicines, gold (metallic
terbinafine is thought to be associated taste), penicillamine (reversible loss of taste)
with taste receptor dysfunction through
Antiseptics Chlorhexidine (aftertaste), hexetidine, sodium lauryl
the inhibition of cytochrome P-450
sulphate (loss of sweet and salt taste)
dependent enzymes, although the exact
mechanism is unclear.2,6 Predisposing Antithyroid Carbimazole
factors have been reported as being a low Antihypertensives and Captopril (and other ACE inhibitors), diazoxide,
body mass index and advanced age,7 while diuretics ethacrynic acid
some patients have been found to have a Anti-arrhythmics Propafenone, amiodarone
reduced intake of protein and zinc. A Antipsychotics and Carbamazepine (hypogeusia, ageusia), lithium
higher tissue concentration of terbinafine anticonvulsants (dysgeusia), phenytoin, trifluoperazine, zopiclone
may occur in slim people and a reduction (bitter or metallic taste)
in taste buds with increasing age may Local anaesthetics Benzocaine etc.
exacerbate the problem. Zinc has been Muscle relaxants, Baclofen (ageusia, hypogeusia), levodopa (taste
reported to have a role in the normal antiparkinson agents disturbance)
appreciation of taste and smell and zinc
Lipid modulating agents Clofibrate
salts have been used in the treatment of
disordered function of these modalities, Opiates Codeine, morphine
but other reports claim this has not been Sympathomimetics Amphetamines
convincingly shown.3 The ability to taste
bitter and salty food is considered to be
lost more often than that of sweet and salivary flow claimed by the patient may be 1 O’Sullivan D P, Needham C A, Bangs A, Atkin K,
sour tastes because of the lower number of postulated as arising in response to the Kendall F D. Post marketing surveillance of oral
receptors related to the former two taste sour/bitter taste.8 Terbinafine in the UK: report of a large cohort
study. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1996; 42: 559-565.
modalities.2 In this case, the temporal relationship 2 Bong J L, Lucke T W, Evans C D. Persistent
Links between these factors and our between the onset of symptoms and the impairment of taste resulting from terbinafine.
own patient exist. Our patient was middle- prescribing of terbinafine, and the known Br J Dermatol 1998; 139:747-748.
3 Lamey P J. Salivary Gland and Chemosensory
aged and prior to exposure to terbinafine side effects of terbinafine make it likely
Disorders. In Millard H D and Mason D K,
she was under weight. At the time she took that the two events are causally related. (eds) Perspectives on 2nd World Workshop on
terbinafine her weight was 7.5 stones (47.7 The role of a viral infection at the time the Oral Medicine. Section 4. pp 273-360. Chicago:
kgs) while currently her weight at 9.0 loss of taste arose, or an interactive effect University of Michigan, 1993.
4 Duxbury A J. Systemic Pharmacotherapy. In
stones (57.3 kgs) is normal for her height. with tetracycline, however, cannot be Jones J H and Mason D K, (eds) Oral
However she ate a varied diet, there were totally discounted. We report this case to Manifestations of Systemic Disease. Chapter 11.
no chronic nasal or sinus problems, and draw attention to the rare occurrence of pp 411-479. London: Balliere Tindall 1990.
she was taking no over-the-counter drugs. persistent taste loss associated with 5 British National Formulary. No.38 p280. London:
British Medical Association and the Royal
Her medication then and now, was of pro- terbinafine and the overall problem of Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 1999.
pranolol and tetracycline. Propranolol is taste disturbance associated with a variety 6 Henkin R I. Drug induced taste and smell
not, as far as we are aware, implicated in of drugs that may be taken by patients disorders incidence, mechanisms and
taste disturbance. Tetracycline may cause attending the dental surgery (Table 1). management related primarily to treatment of
sensory receptor dysfunction. Drug Safety
stomatitis and has been reported previ- Loss or disturbance of taste is socially dis- 1994; 11: 318-377.
ously, as have other antibiotics, as a cause abling, can make patients depressed, and 7 Stricker B H, Van Riemsdijk M M,
of taste disturbance (Table 1). Our patient leads them to seek medical and dental Sturkenboom M C, Ottervanger J P. Taste loss
took tetracycline prior to the development advice. Once simple medical and dental to Terbinafine: a case — control study of
potential risk factors. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1996;
of her taste disturbance without any effect causes have been excluded further inves- 42: 313-318.
on taste; the involvement of this drug tigation by specialist departments is 8 Spielman A I. Interaction of saliva and taste. J
therefore seems unlikely. The increased appropriate. Dent Res 1990; 69: 838-843.


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