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Lesson Plan Template

Date Subject Number of students Grade

Math 21 Kg2-4

Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order grow professionally?)

How to control and manage the behavior in classroom by putting rules.

How to make children excited.

Learning Outcomes: Materials

(Link to the ADEC K-5 curriculum document)
Students will be able to …… (Write the outcome word for word)
Student will be able to learn the add. Video
They will learn how to count. 3 several activities.
They will use in their lifes. Low level: they will put dots in butterfly.
Medium level: they will use cubs.
Hard level: they will find the missing addend and they will use
Lesson Introduction
Whole group activity: Time_______

Opening/Introduction: (Bullet points)

What will you do in order to introduce the concept to the
students? Question (Blooms Taxonomy)
 I will make the student to be curious about how to
find their answers by using their brains. Applying (low level):
Active Engagement: (Bullet points)
If i had a one apple and Meera has two apples what is
After you’ve modeled the concept, what activity will you
the total 1+2=
have the students perform while on the carpet to ensure
that they understand it?
Analyzing (high level):
I will review with them by asking them.
Link: (Bullet points) did you now the answer show me?
Remind the students in kid friendly language how they can
apply what they did whole group in their independent
learning centers

Can you all tell me what did you do in our adventure today.
Learning Center Resources or Materials
Learning Center 1 Learning Center 2 Learning Center 3 Learning Center 4
Finger paint Cubs Clay
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Small Group Learning Centers: Time______

Learning Center 1 Title: (Bullet points) Learning Center 2 Title: (Bullet points)

Explain step by step what the students will do Explain step by step what the students will do
they will put dots in butterfly. they will use cubs.

Learning Center 3 Title: (Bullet points) Learning Center 4 Title: (Bullet points)

Explain step by step what the students will do Explain step by step what the students will do
they will find the missing addend and they will use clay.

Closing activity: Time: ______

Allow children time to discuss how what they did during their learning centers and how it relates to the lesson outcome

“Remember that….” (restate outcome using kid friendly language)

Assessment for Learning: How will you determine if the students understood the learning outcome? What evidence will you
show to prove this? I will know by the paper works they did or the activities that I prepared for them.

General Comments

All students were excited and love the activity.

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