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MLE MUVIAL JOUTEL OL 9 ISSN (Onlin Index Copernicus Value (2016): ence aNG Kesearcn (LISI) 319-7064 9.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391 Design and Implementation of Kanban System to Reduce Finished Goods Inventory Hasami Wakas Harahap!, M. Syamsul Maarif", Yandra Arkeman’ ‘Magister Management and Business Bogor Agricultural University, Gedung SB IPB JI, Raya Pajajaran Bogor, Indonesia 16151 Abstract: Lean manufacturing system principles that emphasize waste elimination and Just-In-Time have created new strategies to ‘optimize operational costs and improve manufacturing efficiency. The push system aimed at making large inventories for customers is ino longer done by Japanese companies. Most of them like Toyota use a pull system by using kanban to manage manufacturing control processes based on actual market demand. As a result, they are able to reduce their inventory and shorten lead time. Large inventories ‘an be aaributed to the amount of production that is notin accordance with consumer demand and excessive production will impact on ‘overtime production costs. Ths study covers pre-requisite activities in building Kanban systems, starting from designing kanban flow (value stream mapping), making heljunka, and calculating kanban population. This paper studied the design and implementation of anban system in local auto component company in Indonesia. The scope of the implementation was focused on the rear asle assembly ‘process or known ax rear-wheel drive. This paper concludes that implementarion of the kanban system minimiced inventory, reduced lead time, and minimized unnecessary overtime production cose. The purpose of this study is 10 show that Kanban system can reduce Finished goods inventory. inventory cost, and production overtime casts. Keywords: inventory reduction, ust in time, kaiban system, lead time reduction, 1. Introduction ‘Over production is producing something earlier or in greater ‘quantities than customer needs. Producing. earlier or more than is required creates other wastes such as excess labor, storage, and transportation costs because of excess inventory. [1]. There are several prerequisites for applying justin time / pull system, among others: following takt time, making stream flow of information and materials (Value, Stream Mapping), making heijunka, and calculating kanban population. Takt time is the speed of making the product in accordance with the speed of sales. Mapping the flow of information and materials serves to, map the problems that ‘occur and target improvements to be made. Heljunka is a JIT tool t0 produce goods evenly against the-amount and time, Kanban is a card that can be used to perform production command functions, prevent excessive production, visual control, manual process improvement, and, reduced, ‘management costs [2] In order to provide the right solution then need to formulated the existing problems, as follows: 1) How to manufacture or design a kanban system consisting of takt time, value steam mapping, heijunka, and kanban? 2) Whother the implementation of kanban system can reduce inventory and finished goods inventory cost? 3) Will the results of the implementation of Kanban system can reduce production overtime cost? Based on the background and formulation of problems that have been in the analysis will be formulated the purpose of this study as follows: 1) Designing kanban system consisting of takt time, value siream mapping, heijunka, and kanban. 2) Implementing Kanban system to decrease inventory and finished goods inventory cost. 3) implement a kanban system to lower overtime production cost 1.1 Just In Time Just in time is an internal driver for production and operation management, In addition just-in-iime is useful to reduce costs, improve quality, and shorten the lead time of manufacture, The new Toyota production system considers ‘How to) adjust production, schedules to market demand ‘changes at low cost, high quality, and delivery on time.(2] Here are some steps of applying Just-In-Time [2} 1. Implementing 5S as the basis for improvement ‘The basis for improvement in the workplace is the concept of $8: seiri (Sorting) seiton (structuring), seiso (cleaning). seiketsu (stabilization), and shitsuke (Gabituation). IF 5S has not been achieved it will often cccur slowdown and defective items. In such work areas, in general the spirit of the workers is low. Implementation of production evenly (heijunka) Here are the basic prerequisites for JIT: a. Make the layout of equipment and machinery in the order process. Connect adjacent provesses. Create U-shaped production line. Align process to every worker in production line. Change the seated workers into standing workers. Produce with small lot size and fix setup time method. Work according to cycle time. Make the product according to the speed of sale (takt time), i, Autonomation (jidoka) J. Use kanban cards International Journal of Developing and{fnerging Economies Vol.5, No.4, pf. |-13Becember 2017 Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK ( RELATION ANALYSIS OF INTERNATIONAL COCOA PRICES AND INDONESIAN COCOA FARMERS’ PRICE AFTER EXPORT TAX POLICY ON COCOA BEANS Andini Nisurahmah', Nunung Nuryartono?, Tanti Novianti? ‘School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia *Department of Economics, Bogor Agriculture University, Indonesia ABSTRACT: The government of Indonesia imposed export tax on cocoa beans since April 2010. This policy has objectives to guarantee the availability of domestic cocoa beans as raw materials for domestic processing companies at an affordable price. The aim of this paper is 10 analyse the relation of cocoa prices between international price and farmers’ price after export tax implementation. The method utilized in the analysis is Vector Autoregression or Vector Error Correction depending on the characteristic of the data. The results show that, in the short-run relation and the long-run relation, international price has a significant effect to domestic price. There is strong correlation between the export taxes to farmer's price as the international price is well transmitted 10 the domestic price. Farmers has the highest risk. Farmer encounter the uncertainty and it cause on decreasing cocoa beans production. Lack of cocoa beans supply impacts to cocoa processing industry. KEYWORDS: Cocoa, Relation, Export Tax, Farmers, Price INTRODUCTION Indonesia is the third largest producer of cocoa beans in the world, after Ivory Coast and Ghana. The majority of cocoa cultivated by small-scale farmers. Small-scale farmers contribute for 96.70 percent of total national cocoa production, and 3.30 percent comes from state-owned and private plantations. Cocoa beans is considered to be one of important product in Indonesian economy. Cocoa is the main source of income for more than 1.4 million rural household in Indonesia. Their income information could get from the price. Variability of cocoa beans prices can have impact on farmer’s incomes and farmers decision from making investment in agriculture especially cocoa (Anggraenie 2005), ‘The majority of Indonesian cocoa production is exported in the form of unfermented beans. Based on Indonesian Cocoa Association peak exports of cacao beans was approximately 81 percent of total national cocoa beans production in 2009. However, cocoa beans exports often rejected from several export destination countries due to their quality and standards that have not met the established requirements. Destination market considered Indonesian cocoa has low quality because farmer is unable to dry the harvest naturally so the price gets discount (ul Haque, 2004), The discount gave financial loss to traders and farmers. To decreasing the financial loss and to give value added of cocoa product, the government of Indonesia issued the Ministry of Finance Regulation No 67/PMK.011/2010 in April 2010 regarding implementation of cocoa beans export tax, Implementation a cocoa export tax policy has the effect of reducing cocoa beans exports significantly, by 46 percent. On the other hand, the implementation of the export tax also shifted the contribution of cocoa product exports from cocoa beans to be processed cocoa product 1 TRENT INSE-KORY (Print ISSN 7085-6N9R/Online INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR PERPUSTAKAAN JURNAL PUSTAKAWAN INDONESIA Kampus IPB Darmage Bogor 16601, P20> Box 199 Telp. (0251) 8621073, 8621625, 8627180, 8627853 Fax (0251) 8623166 E-mail: Perpustakzan@ipb acid SURAT PEMBERITAHUAN Kepada Yth. Sdri Yulia Dwi Indriani Mahasiswa Progeam Pascasayjana ‘Magister Manajemen Pendidikan Tinggi SB-IPB Institut Pertanian Bogor Dengan hormat, Bersama ini kami informasikan bahwa artikel ilmiah Sdr yang berjudul “SISTEM INFORMASI EKSEKUTIF MOBILITAS CIVITAS AKADEMIKA DAN PUBLIKASI ILMIAH INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR (Exevutive Information System Acudemisions Mobility And Seientipic Publication in Bogor Agricitura! Univer) * telah diterima oleh Dewan Redaksi Jumal Pustakawan Indonesia terbitan Institut Pertanian Bogor Kami menilai bahwa artikel tersebut sesuai dengan tema dan kajian penulisan Jumal Pustakawan Indonesia dan akan diterbitkan dalam Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia Vol 17, No. 1, Tahun 2018, Untuk menghindari adanya duplikasi tulisan dan pelanggaran etika keilmiahan, penulis tidak diperkenankan untuk mengitimkan dan mempublikasikan naskah yang sama pada penerbitan jurnal ilmiah yang lain. Demikian surat pemberitahuan ini kami buat, atas partisipasi dan kontribusinya, kami ucapkan terima kasih. Bogor, 31 Januari 2018 inan Redaksi &F Dade Hmawan, S.Sos., MJ. Kom SSE_BP-'19630201 1990031004 SISTEM PENDUKUNG INFORMASI EKSEKUTIF MOBILITAS SIVITAS AKADEMIKA DAN PUBLIKASI ILMIAH INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR (Eseeantive Information System Academisions Mobility And Scientific Publication in Bogor Agricultural Universit) Yulia Dwi Indriani', Kudang Boro Seminar’, Heru Sukoco’ 'Mahasiswa Program Pascasarjana Magister Manajemen Pendidikan Tinggi SB-IPB *Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian IPB » Staf Pengajar Departemen IImu Komputer IPB ABSTRAK Mobilitas sivitas akademik meliputi dosen dan mahasiswa serta reputasiilmiah merupakan informasi steategis yang dibutuhkan dalam pelaporan kinerja perguruan tinggi. Menampilkan informasi tersebut dalam sebuah halaman web dalam bentuk geafik akan memudahkan para eksekutif dalam menyusun ramusan strategi. Sistem informasi cksekutif dapat menjawab kebutuhan tersebut karena sistem informasi eksekutif sebagai bagian dari sistem pendukuag manajemen menckankan informasi yang strategis yang dibentuk bagi eksekutif, Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah sistem informasi cksckutif berbasis web bernama SIMORT yang dapat diakses di halaman hup://simori.ipb.acid dengan berbagai perangkat karena menerapkan responsive web design. Metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan pendekatan Executive Information System Life Goce (FISLC). Dati informasi yang ditampilkan menunjukkan rumusan strategis untuk menduicung perguruaa tinggi menuju kelas dunia. Kata kunci Sistem Informasi Eksekutif, Siklus Hidup Pengembangan Sistem, Mobilitas Dosen dan Mahasiswa, Reputasi Ilmiah PENDAHULUAN Reputasi internasional perguruan tinggi meliputi mobilitas dosen dan mahasiswa serta publikasi ilmiah merupakan bagian desi indikator kinerja institusi dalam perspektif stakebolders dan perspektif research and academic excellence Sistem ‘Manajemen Kinerja Institusi IPB dimana sasaran kinesjanya adalah meningkatnya peran dan citra institusi serta meningkatkan kualitas penclitian. Menurut Danilyuk 2012) babwa mobilitas akademis sebagai bentuk paling maju dasi internasionalisasi bidang pendidikan membantu integrasi individu ke dalam masyarakat pendidikan jintemasional. Sedangkan publikasi ilmiah merupakah salah satu pilar dalam ceputasi ilmiah perguruan tinggi menucut Burnham (2016) dimana empat pilar tersebut adalah 1) publikasi artikel Jmiah dengan pac‘ factor dan jumlah sitasinya, 2) besarnya angpacan yang diterima dalam penelitizn, 3) komersialisasi dan paten, dan 4) kemampuan Komunikasi dan interpersonal peneliti dalam menyajikan presentasi melalui kegiatan internasional. Dalam Rencana strategis IPB Tahun 2014/2018 dinyatakan bahwa salah satu indikator perguruan bertaraf internasional adalah jumlah mahasiswa asing yang belgjar di IPB meliputi mahasiswa asing yang melakukaa program pertukaran mahasiswa dengan IPB (inbound) dan juga mahasiswa IPB yang dapat berpattisipasi dalam pertukaran mahasiswa ke luar aegesi (atbond). Menurut Suyanti (2010) bahwa proses internasionalisasi pendidikaa tinggi dapat dilihat dasi pengembangan riset dan

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