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Data 1.

Minimum stable wetted perimeter


Q DSWL Slope Afflux Pw Wa Wclear
cusecs Th. Try
Q120% 487260 599.5 0.0002 3 1860.975 2791.462 41 @ 60 2460
Q100% 406050 599 0.0002 3 1698.83 2548.245 37 @ 60 2220
Q50% 203025 596 0.0002 3 1201.254 1801.881 26 @ 60 1560
For retrogressed state- MAIN BARRAGE PORTION
Q120% 487260 595.03 0.0002 3 1860.975 2791.462 41 @ 60 2460
Q100% 406050 594.5 0.0002 3 1698.83 2548.245 37 @ 60 2220
Q50% 203025 588 0.0002 3 1201.254 1801.881 26 @ 60 1560
For Accreted state- MAIN BARRAGE PORTION
Q120% 487260 603 0.0002 3 1860.975 2791.462 41 @ 60 2460
Q100% 406050 603 0.0002 3 1698.83 2548.245 37 @ 60 2220
Q50% 203025 599 0.0002 3 1201.254 1801.881 26 @ 60 1560

For Normal State-Undersluice

States Q CR.L Bays b1 qwier qund f R Do Vo
Normal Q120% 583.812754 5 300 182.9054 219.4865 1.999551 26 25.994 8.443793
Retro. Q120% 579.312754 5 300 182.9054 219.4865 1.999551 26 25.994 8.443793
Accr. Q120% 587.812754 5 300 182.9054 219.4865 1.999551 26 25.994 8.443793
2. Calculation of
table wetted perimeter Lacey's silt factor

Wa USWL qabt qwier f H R Vo ho

2782 602.5 175.1474 198.0732 2.0363415534 22.22771 7.879686 0.964122

2514 602 161.5155 182.9054 1.9995510613 21.18725 7.6232425 0.902389
1777 599 114.2515 130.1442 1.8656471084 17.21369 6.6372476 0.684054

2782 598.03 175.1474 198.0732 2.0363415534 22.22771 7.879686 0.964122

2514 597.5 161.5155 182.9054 1.9995510613 21.18725 7.6232425 0.902389
1777 591 114.2515 130.1442 1.8656471084 17.21369 6.6372476 0.684054

2782 606 175.1474 198.0732 2.0363415534 22.22771 7.879686 0.964122

2514 606 161.5155 182.9054 1.9995510613 21.18725 7.6232425 0.902389
1777 602 114.2515 130.1442 1.8656471084 17.21369 6.6372476 0.684054

ho Max. USEL Max. USELEo h h/EO C'/C C' Q1 and Q2

1.107106 603.60711 604.5712 19.79435 16.7943520104 0.848442 0.73 2.774 146578.3
1.107106 599.13711 600.1012 20.78847 16.8243520104 0.809312 0.76 2.888 164241.3
1.107106 607.10711 608.0712 20.25847 16.2943520104 0.804323 0.76 2.888 158000.5
3. Fixation of crest level

HO EO DO E1 Lvl. Of E1 CR h h/EO C'/C C'

16.22771 17.19183 17.5 21.46412 603.4641 586.2723 13.22771 0.769418 0.8 3.04
15.18725 16.08963 17 20.90239 602.9024 586.8128 12.18725 0.757459 0.82 3.116
11.21369 11.89775 14 17.68405 599.6841 587.7863 8.213694 0.690357 0.865 3.287

16.22771 17.19183 13.03 16.99412 598.9941 581.8023 13.22771 0.769418 0.8 3.04
15.18725 16.08963 12.5 16.40239 598.4024 582.3128 12.18725 0.757459 0.82 3.116
11.21369 11.89775 6 9.684054 591.6841 579.7863 8.213694 0.690357 0.865 3.287

16.22771 17.19183 21 24.96412 606.9641 589.7723 13.22771 0.769418 0.8 3.04

15.18725 16.08963 21 24.90239 606.9024 590.8128 12.18725 0.757459 0.82 3.116
11.21369 11.89775 17 20.68405 602.6841 590.7863 8.213694 0.690357 0.865 3.287

Roll# 27
Qmain weir Total dis. % Error Passing DSWL USWL Efflux

325785.5 472363.8 -3.05714 36.09858 599.5 602.5 3

325785.5 490026.8 0.567823 40.44854 595.03 598.03 3
325785.5 483786 -0.71297 38.91159 603 606 3
Afflux 3f
P 6f
C 3.8
f 2
LLC 1.5
RBL 582
Afflux 2f efflux for under sluice
4. Determination of water levels and energy levels

qweir Qcal %d

20.24984 533079.4 9.403488

19.85919 446446.8 9.948718
17.13074 210436.7 3.650618

20.24984 533079.4 9.403488

19.85919 446446.8 9.948718
17.13074 210436.7 3.650618

20.24984 533079.4 9.403488

19.85919 446446.8 9.948718
17.13074 210436.7 3.650618

5.1 Check for main weir

For Normal State-Main Barrage portion
Q DSWL Afflux USWL qabt R Vo ho HO EO h h/EO C'/C C' qweir Qcal
cusecs ft ft ft ft^2/s ft ft/sec ft ft ft ft ft^2/s ft^3/s
Q120% 487260 599.5 3 602.5 175.147376 22.2277 7.879686 0.963823 16.22771 17.191533 13.2277102 0.76943169 0.8 3.04 216.693299 533079.438
Q100% 406050 599 3 602 161.515513 21.1872 7.623243 0.902108 15.18725 16.089354 12.1872458 0.75747265 0.82 3.116 201.096897 446446.771
Q50% 203025 596 3 599 114.251548 17.2137 6.637248 0.683841 11.21369 11.897535 8.21369369 0.69036937 0.865 3.287 134.891688 210436.668
For retrogressed state-Main Barrage portion
Q120% 487260 595.03 3 598.03 175.147376 22.2277 7.879686 0.963823 16.22771 17.191533 13.2277102 0.76943169 0.8 3.04 216.693299 533079.438
Q100% 406050 594.5 3 597.5 161.515513 21.1872 7.623243 0.902108 15.18725 16.089354 12.1872458 0.75747265 0.82 3.116 201.096897 446446.771
Q50% 203025 588 3 591 114.251548 17.2137 6.637248 0.683841 11.21369 11.897535 8.21369369 0.69036937 0.865 3.287 134.891688 210436.668
For Accreted state-Main Barrage portion
Q120% 487260 603 3 606 175.147376 22.2277 7.879686 0.963823 16.22771 17.191533 13.2277102 0.76943169 0.8 3.04 216.693299 533079.438
Q100% 406050 603 3 606 161.515513 21.1872 7.623243 0.902108 15.18725 16.089354 12.1872458 0.75747265 0.82 3.116 201.096897 446446.771
Q50% 203025 599 3 602 114.251548 17.2137 6.637248 0.683841 11.21369 11.897535 8.21369369 0.69036937 0.865 3.287 134.891688 210436.668



(a) Main Barrage section Blench Curve Method (d/s floor level)
(i) Normal state qclear USEL DSEL Hl E2 DSFL
120% 216.6933 603.4641 600.4641 3 20 580.4641 Q
100% 201.0969 602.9024 599.9024 3 19.1 580.8024 406050
50% 134.8917 599.6841 596.6841 3 15 581.6841
(ii) Retrogressed state Q
120% 216.6933 598.9941 595.9941 3 20 575.9941 406050
100% 201.0969 598.4024 595.4024 3 19.1 576.3024
50% 134.8917 591.6841 588.6841 3 15 573.6841
(iii) Accreted state
120% 216.6933 606.9641 603.9641 3 20 583.9641
100% 201.0969 606.9024 603.9024 3 19.1 584.8024
50% 134.8917 602.6841 599.6841 3 15 584.6841

(b) Undersluice portion Blench Curve Method (d/s floor level)

(i) Normal state qclear USEL DSEL Hl E2 DSFL
120% 312.7016 603.6071 600.6071 3 20 580.6071 Q
(ii) Retrogressed state 175893.9
120% 349.7638 599.1371 596.1371 3 19.1 577.0371
(iii) Accreted state Q
120% 206.0014 607.1071 604.1071 3 15 589.1071 175893.9
Crumps's curve Method (fixation of d/s floo
max. DSWL USWL USEL RBL Crest levelDSFL Dpool d/s velocitd/s V HeadDSEL
603 606 606.9024 582 586.8128 574 29 5.5695 0.481667 603.4817
min. DSWL USWL USEL RBL Crest levelDSFL Dpool d/s velocitd/s V HeadDSEL
594.5 597.5 598.4024 582 586.8128 574 20.5 7.878806 0.963906 595.4639

max. DSWL USWL USEL RBL Crest levelDSFL Dpool d/s velocitd/s V HeadDSEL
603 606 607.1071 582 587.8128 577 26 2.690991 0.112445 603.1124
min. DSWL USWL USEL RBL Crest levelDSFL Dpool d/s velocitd/s V HeadDSEL
595.03 598.03 599.1371 582 579.3128 577 18.03 3.88052 0.233827 595.2638
ethod (fixation of d/s floor level)|Check on Blench curve
20.08963 3.420722 159.345 9.238617 0.370263 2.2 0.235322 586.5774 16.90423 12.5774321
11.58963 2.938482 159.345 9.238617 0.318065 2.2 8.735322 578.0774 17.38647 4.07743207

19.29435 3.994662 293.1566 13.87121 0.287982 2 8.448076 579.3647 23.74777 2.36467856
19.82435 3.87328 293.1566 13.87121 0.279231 1.8 5.143833 574.1689 21.09491 -2.83107867
LG d/s LSP L d/s floor
37.7323 76.06906 40

LG d/s LSP L d/s floor

12.2323 78.23913 70

LG d/s LSP L d/s floor

7.094036 106.8649 100

LG d/s LSP L d/s floor

-8.49324 94.92707 105
9.1 For Normal Weir Section 9.2 For undersluice section
φ 1 φ
Floor level of Stilling pool 40 574 Floor level of Stilling pool
Q (Discharge in river) cfs 406050 203025 Q (Discharge in river) cfs

Q1 (discharge through the main 324840 162420 Q1 (discharge through the main
weir= 80% of Q Max. Min. Max. Min. weir= 80% of Q
USEL 606.9024 598.4024 602.6841 591.6841 USEL
E=USEL-576 32.90239 24.40239 28.68405 17.68405 E=USEL-576

q=inetensity of discharge on q=inetensity of discharge on

downstream floor=Q1/Wclear 182.9054 182.9054 91.4527 91.4527 downstream floor=Q1/Wclear
Dpool= DSWL-FLSPool 29 20.5 25 14 Dpool= DSWL-FLSPool
E 3/2
188.7301 120.5448 153.6246 74.36571 E3/2
f(z)=q/E3/2 0.969138 1.517323 0.5953 1.22977 f(z)=q/E3/2
z 0.129 0.21319 0.073 0.1679 z
z' 0.609772 0.7194 0.4869 0.6685 z'
d1=z*E 4.244408 5.202345 2.093936 2.969153 d1=z*E
d2=z'*E 20.06296 17.55508 13.96627 11.82179 d2=z'*E
Jump Submergency=Dpool-d2 8.937045 2.944922 11.03373 2.17821 Jump Submergency=Dpool-d2
Remarks Jump is submerged in all cases Remarks
For undersluice section
Max. Min.
606 598.03
32 24.03

182.9054054 182.90540541
26 18.03
181.019336 117.79603061 f z
1.01041916 1.5527297861 1 1.4576 0.7164
0.1354 0.21936 2 1.5527 0.725199
0.6198 0.7251 3 1.5592 0.7258
4.3328 5.2712208
19.8336 17.424153
6.1664 0.605847
Jump is submerged
used in
u/s Pile line Intermediate line d/s Pile line
ɸE ɸa 68% ɸL 43% ɸP 28% ɸA
ɸD ɸB 66% ɸM 42% ɸQ 23% ɸA
ɸC ɸK 65% ɸN 44% ɸR 60% ɸA
Assume 20 % concentration,
q 219.4865 cfs/f
R 25.99188 f

10.1 d/s scour protection

0.1 587 580 593 0.01 1
0.11 589 582 594 0.02 1
0.12 590.1 583 595 0.03 1
0.13 592 584 595 0.04 1
0.14 592.5 585 596 0.05 1
0.15 593 585.5 597 0.06 1
0.16 593.5 586 597.5 0.07 1
0.17 594 587 597.5 0.08 1
0.18 594.5 587.5 598 0.09 1
0.19 595 587.5 598.5 0.1 1
0.2 596 588 599 0.11 0.999
0.21 596.5 589 599.5 0.12 0.998
0.22 596.5 589.5 600 0.13 0.997
0.23 597 590 600 0.14 0.996
0.24 597 591 600.5 0.15 0.995
0.25 597 591.5 601 0.16 0.994
0.26 597.5 592 601.2 0.17 0.993
0.27 597.5 592 601.4 0.18 0.992
0.28 597.5 592.5 601.6 0.19 0.991
0.29 598 592.5 601.8 0.2 0.99
0.3 598 593 602 0.21 0.989
0.31 598 593.5 602.2 0.22 0.988
0.32 598 593.5 602.4 0.23 0.987
0.33 598 593.5 602.5 0.24 0.986
0.34 598 594 602.5 0.25 0.985
0.35 598.5 594 602.5 0.26 0.984
0.36 598.5 594 603 0.27 0.983
0.37 598.5 594.5 603 0.28 0.982
0.38 598.5 594.5 603 0.29 0.981
0.39 599 594.5 603 0.3 0.98
0.4 599 594.5 603 0.31 0.979
0.41 599 594.5 603 0.32 0.978
0.42 599.5 594.5 603 0.33 0.977
0.43 599.5 594.5 603 0.34 0.976
0.44 599.5 594.5 603 0.35 0.975
0.45 599.5 595 603 0.36 0.974
0.46 599.5 595.01 603 0.37 0.973
0.47 599.5 595.02 603 0.38 0.96
0.48 599.5 595.03 603 0.39 0.958
0.49 599.75 595.04 603 0.4 0.956
0.5 599.75 595.05 603 0.41 0.954
0.51 599.75 595.06 603 0.42 0.952
0.52 599.75 595.07 603 0.43 0.95
0.53 600 595.08 603 0.44 0.948
0.54 600 595.09 603 0.45 0.946
0.55 600.5 595.1 603 0.46 0.944
0.56 600.5 595.11 6003.5 0.47 0.942
0.57 601 595.12 603.5 0.48 0.94
0.58 601 595.13 603.75 0.49 0.938
0.59 202 595.14 603.75 0.5 0.936
0.6 602 595.15 604 0.51 0.934
0.52 0.932
0.53 0.93
0.54 0.928
0.55 0.926
0.56 0.924
0.57 0.922
0.58 0.92
0.59 0.918
0.6 0.916
0.61 0.91
0.62 0.905
0.63 0.9
0.64 0.88
0.65 0.87
0.66 0.87
0.67 0.87
0.68 0.865
0.69 0.865
0.7 0.86
0.71 0.86
0.72 0.85
0.73 0.835
0.74 0.83
0.75 0.82
0.76 0.8
0.77 0.8
0.78 0.78
0.79 0.765
0.8 0.76
0.81 0.75
0.82 0.74
0.83 0.74
0.84 0.73
0.85 0.71
0.86 0.7
0.87 0.675
0.88 0.6
0.89 0.64
0.9 0.62
0.91 0.6
0.92 0.57
0.93 0.51
0.94 0.5
0.95 0.41
0.96 0.37
0.97 0.3
0.98 0.2
0.99 0.1
1 0
15. Fixing the depth of sheet piles
16. Calculation of exit gradient
17. Ccalculations of uplift pressure after applying corrections
17.1 u/s pile line
(i) Correction for floor thickness
(ii) Correction for interference of sheet piles
(iii) Slope correction for ɸk
17.2 Intermediate sheet piles at toe of d/s glacis
(i) Correction for floor thickness
(ii) Correction for interference of sheet piles
(iii) Slope correction for ɸk
17.3 d/s sheet piles at end of impervious floor
(i) Correction for floor thickness
(ii) Correction for interference of sheet piles
(iii) Slope correction for ɸk
18. Calculation for floor thickness
(a) Thickness of floor at A
(b) Thickness of floor at L
© Thickness of floor at N
(d) Thickness of floor at P
€ Thickness of floor at crest
15 Fixation of depth of sheet piles

Scour deptR 21.18725

Depth of upstream sheet piles from highest flod level down to the point of 32
Rl of bottom of u/s sheet piles 574.9024
Depth below HFL for intermediate sheet pile 43
Reduce level of the bottom of the intermediate sheet piles 563.9024
Take RL of bottom of d/s sheet pile 550


16 alculation of exit gradient

Assume maximum retrogression 4f 4
Differential head causing seepage H 36.90239
Depth of downstream sheet pile d 24
Total depth of concrete floor b 188.6893
alfa 7.862053
1/(π√λ) 0.13
GE 0.199888
17 Calculation of uplif pressure afer applying

17.1 u/s pile line b1 50

b 188.6893
d 7.097611
u/s floor thickness t 2.5
1/alfa=d/b 0.037615
alfa 26.5849
b1/b 0.264986
1-b1/b 0.735014
ɸB ɸD 67
ɸA ɸC 64
ɸK ɸE 64

(I) Correction for floor thickness

Correction in Φk .\phi 1.056694
Correction in Φa 1.056694
(ii) Correction for interference of sheet piles
Correction in ɸK due to second pile =19[(𝑑+𝐷)/𝑏] √(𝐷/𝑏′)

d 7.097611
D 18.09761
b 188.6893
b' 39.68928
(iii) Slope correciton for ɸK

for 1:4 slope, Fs Fs 3.3
bs 19.25102
b1 39.68928
Hence, Corrected;
ɸA 65.05669
ɸB 67
ɸK 65.16921

17.2 Intermediate sheet piles at toe of the glacis

Assume floor thickness 10
d 10.09761
b 188.6893
b1 113.6893
b1/b 0.602521
1-b1/2 0.397479
alfa 18.68653
ɸL ɸE 45
ɸM ɸD 42
ɸN ɸC 36.5

(I) Correction for floor thickness

Correction in Φk .\phi 2.971
Correction in Φa -5.44683
(ii) Correction for interference of sheet piles
Correction in ɸK due to second pile =19[(𝑑+𝐷)/𝑏] √(𝐷/𝑏′)

d 7.097611
D 18.09761
b 188.6893
b' 39.68928
(iii) Slope correciton for ɸK
for 1:3 slope, Fs Fs 4.5
bs 19.25102
b1 39.68928
Hence, Corrected;
ɸL 36.55317
ɸM 45
ɸN 39.00147
17.3 d/s Sheet pile at end of the imoervious floor
Assume floor thickness as 7
f 606.9024 Energy level k table mein sy max upstream water level k against Q o f100
f 586.8128 Crest level
f 582 RBL
same C.Length 6

b1 50 u/s f l
b2 75 d/s f l
from khosla

length of the concrete floor upto the u/s sheet pile

from slope correction curve 3.2

f same

from slope correction curve 3.2

vel k against Q o f100
Calculation for floor thickness

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