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Basrah University For Oil And Gas

Oil And Gas Engineering Department

Reservoir Simulation
Solution Of Eclipse Tutorial 1

Done By
Abdullah Abdalrazak Hasan
Tutorial 1 A
 Long-term behaviour (0-2000 days) :

Figure 1 : BHP of both wells (WBHP) vs. time and the field average pressure (FPR) vs. time

Figure 2 : the water cut (WWCT) of the well PROD and the field oil production rate (FOPR) vs. time
From figure 2 we show the cumulative oil production at start of injection it is
10000 bbl per day but after 400 days the amount of oil production reduces that is
because the water break through occurs early in this model because of high
injection rate of water that is obvious from the behavior of water cut in the figure2.

 Short-term behaviour (0-10 days)

Figure 3 : the BHP values for the first 10 days in the range 3,500 psia to 5,500 psia.

At start of injection the bottom hole pressure in injection well will increase to
reach about (4900 psi) in the first day that is increase in BHP of injection well lead
to decrease the BHB in producer to about ( 4100 psi) as shown in figure 3
Tutorial 1 B
 change the time steps ( TSTEP = 15*200 ) instead of 10*200
 operate the injection well at a constant flowing bottom hole
pressure (BHP) of 5000 psia, instead of injecting at a constant
11,000 stb water/day (RATE).
 Add field volume production rate (FVPR) to the items already
listed in the SUMMARY section

Figure 4 : both well bottom hole pressures and field average pressure vs. time, showing pressures in the
range 3,700 psia to 5,100 psia
Figure 5 : field water cut and field volume production rate vs. time

the differences between the pressure profiles in this problem and Tutorial 1A:
In Tutorial 1 A we set the control mode for injection well a liquid rate at 11000 stb
water/day , so the pressure of injection well change with time and because this high
injection rate of water the water break through occurs early and effect on both
reservoir pressure and bottom hole pressure of producer as we showed in figure 1.
But in Tutorial 1B we set the control mode a BHP at 5000 Psi so the BHP for
injection well remain constant with time as shown in figure 4 .
Calculation of total mobility as a function of water saturation :

kro(Sw) krw(Sw)
MTOT(Sw) = +
o w
Assume the viscosity of water remain constant = 0.8 cp ( because we don’t have
another values )
Viscosity of oil :
P (psi) µo (cp)
300 1
800 1.1
6000 2
At, 300 Psi

At, 800 psi

At, 6000 psi

 The total mobility decreases as the reservoir pressure increases

Tutorial 1 C
Modify the keyword (WCONINJ)
 from BHP to reservoir rate (RESV)
 use the voidage replacement flag (FVDG) in item 8
 Set the upper limit on the bottom hole pressure for the injection well to
10,000 psia .
 Set
item 6 to 0, and
item 7 to 1
the grid cell oil saturations

Figure 6 : oil saturation profile before the injection

A high oil saturation in layer number 2 ( middle layer ) it is about 0.85 , and the
low oil saturation at top and bottom layers it is about 0.70 .

Figure 7: oil saturation profile at end of injection

At end of injection we show at middle and bottom layers all of moveable oil have
displaced from the layers but some of oil at the top layer remain in the reservoir
and not produced that is because the effect of gravity
Tutorial 1 D
The data file should be adapted to include the following features:
 Porosities varying according to layer (PORO in the GRID section)
 NTG varying according to layer (NTG in the GRID section)
 Water saturations that can go up to Sw=1 should there be an oil-water
contact introduced into the model

Figure 8 : BHP of both wells (WBHP) vs. time and the field average pressure (FPR) vs. time

Figure 9 : the water cut (WWCT) of the well PROD and the field oil production rate (FOPR) vs. time

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