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Question 1:

Given that O (0, 0), A (–3, 4) and B (–9, 12), find in terms of the unit
vectors, i˜i˜ and j˜.j˜.

(a) −−
(b) the unit vector in the direction of −−

Question 2:

Given that A (–3, 2), B (4, 6) and C (m, n), find the value of m and of n such
that 2−− →AB+ −− →BC=(12−3)2AB→+BC→=(12−3)

Question 3:
Diagram below shows a rectangle OABC and the point D lies on the straight
line OB.

It is given that OD = 3DB.

Express−−→OD in terms of x˜and y˜.Express OD→in terms of x˜and

Question 4:
Diagram below shows a parallelogram ABCD with BED as a straight line.
Given that−−→AB=7p˜,−−→AD=5q˜andDE=3EB,express, in terms

Question 5:

Use the above information to find the values of h and k when r = 2p – 3q.

Question 6:
The points P, Q and R are collinear. It is given
that −−→PQ=4a˜−2b˜PQ→=4a˜−2b˜ and −−→QR=3a˜+(1+k)b˜QR→
=3a˜+(1+k)b˜ , where k is a constant. Find

(a) the value of k,

(b) the ratio of PQ : QR.

Question 7:

Given that x˜=3i˜+mj˜x˜=3i˜+mj˜ and y˜=4i˜−3j˜y˜=4i˜−3j˜ , find the

values of m if the vector x˜x˜ is parallel to the vector y˜y˜ .
Question 1:

The above diagram shows triangle OAB. The straight line AP intersects the
straight line OQ at R. It is given that

OP=14OB,AQ=14AB,−− →OA=8a˜.OP=14OB,AQ=14A

(a) Express in terms of a˜and/ orb˜:a˜and/ orb˜:

(b)(i) Given that −−

→AR=h−−→APAR→=hAP→ ,
state −− →ARAR→ in terms of h, a˜andb˜.a˜andb˜.
(ii) Given that −−→RQ=k−−→OQ,RQ→=kOQ→, state in terms
of k, a˜andb˜.a˜andb˜.

c) Using −− →AQ=−−
→AR+−−→RQ,AQ→=AR→+RQ→, find the value
of h and of k.

Question 2:
Giventhat −− →AB=(1014),−− →OB=(46)AB→=(1014),OB→=(46) and
−−→CD=(m7)CD→=(m7) , find
(a) the coordinates of A,
(b) the unit vector in the direction of −−
→OAOA→ .
(c) the value of m if CD is parallel to AB .

Question 3:
In diagram below, PQRS is a quadrilateral. PTS and TUR are straight lines.
It is given
that −−→PQ=20x˜,−− →PT=8y˜,−− →SR=25x˜−24y˜,−− →PT=14−→PSand−−
(a) Express in terms of x˜x˜ and/or y˜y˜ :
(i) −− →QSQS→
(ii) −−
(b) Show that the points Q, U and S are collinear.
(c) If |x˜||x˜| = 2 and ∣∣y˜∣∣|y˜| = 3, find ∣∣∣−−

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