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Table 12: MCT observation

RAKWC B Ed EPR Practicum 3b: MCT/MST Assessment Report

EPR Student Assessment Criteria:

This report is to be completed by the Mentoring School Teacher in consultation with the Mentoring College Teacher and refers
to teaching competencies in the High School.
Date: 06/03/2018
School: Australian American School Name of MST:
Name of Student: Fatima Bilal Name of MCT: Garnel Desravins

Please add specific comments about the student teacher’s observed strengths during this teaching practicum and identify areas
in which you feel further development is necessary.

Observed Strengths:‫ قوية‬/‫نقاط ايجابية‬ Areas in which further development is needed:

‫بحاجة الى تطوير‬
* Lesson’s objectives were clear. * Start engaging the students as soon as they enter the classroom.
Take full control of the class.
*great job connecting current lesson to previous lessons.
*Maximize the instructional time by being prepared. For instance, the
*Great job keeping the students on task. Very good computer should have already set up while you were waiting for the
classroom management. students.

*Great job incorporating technology into the lesson. *Deeper explanation is needed. You asked the student to define
sustainability and some answers were provided. However, none of the
*Very good questioning techniques answers were confirmed. Sustainability was not defined.

*Lesson was disjointed. You started with the key word sustainability
and you jumped to decompose. Lesson was not properly researched.

*Having students to simply looking up Sustainability and Decomposing

is not a high level inquiry activity. They could have, however,
researched ways in which we can become sustainable. In addition,
they could have been asked to prepare a public announcement, or a
flyer on what we as human can do to reduce the harmful effects done
to Earth.

*Lesson was too teacher centered. The amount of time given to

students to explore was minimal. Much of the questions that were
asked could have been structured an inquiry format and allow the
students to research.

*Elaboration lack rigor, in other words there was no challenge for the
students. There were no explanations as to why we need to recycle.
Some items such as bottle and glass should not be thrown away since
they don’t decompose

General comments

Topic: Sustainability

The classroom was very well managed, however, the lesson was not very well researched.

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