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r Ilie Eat:] .r.

, ill£~~tfn~lEar
f - a r !!/'iel sh aped t;c cs r6'l:l8€) CD vered Qn bofltsicl eJ b~s l<if
2. ext. Q&.U.,c(i totJj mea~: -
- Il's ou.te.r ~ lS the. c.ontinua ~ion of th~ eu.u'ic[e &or Supported ':J elastic. csri
,~t's \YlV\er ~/a lS ~ 'oQl'\.j ~~a\. _
I -lined e'sKin e' hait Pol/icles, Sebdc.e.Ous 1;. CQtumir1bUS ~Ial')ds [a~rine
I swea~[1lan~s]~ ce~men", ~ellO"lish oi~/Ulax~ centains ptns.,F.As., s/ou.Ted
1 l(erahno~te.s , ~_n..c:.t-:prbre.crive. 1} ant;m"croEI~f.

3. tar rlrulT1 ~O\n'c membJ , _ _

=.2 Is o~ cO({.;l~en Ps (inner circ.vou.t.radi~l)+el~stic is + fibrobl~sts.
It'~ ouJu surfac.e is covered e' strcx.tified SCfiBmOl.LS epifh. N-
Il inl1e( /I IJ II /J cimfle C(.J./oo-r,dal 1;/ •

It'~ anterosu.fer~'o" ~dro1nt is ft'dccc"d JI tm.n~p~rent(e' no collagen H~res

\(~HeJ·Sho nd'.membfBn~ ['Eros Hacc.tda .
\ .... -. '.'

~ffor.Jt;6l'I of fJmpan;c memb._ tr<Jnsient Dr oermanent defiutille hearin .

, l[ Middle t f
Air ~'l\ed ca,,\~~ \~ -e, temp-orOll bone. lined e'
1t ~ lat. wan
.;: ear cl.rv.m '
It ~ INd. is in ctmtlJcr e..' fh! inner ear
I, l/lb the. (t>Ut1c1Jl oVdl w"ruJows,
~e_D~~tJ.~iD~QW.: closed b~ f'he. foo~()~ sb~ '. tmnStn'ttsvibr~t;on~ 1
. ear cLrutn to perl 'Hmfh In Inner ear.
closed hy e.lcuhc memb. (:;~ fgrnfcml'c mernb0~'
, dissip4h:..s sOllnd w~\fes after stimLL(Qh~~ the rec.eptofs
.~.t&tio'l"\,!: cenHnu.o\U.e' m~S!oiJ caviUes o~m<ls~oi.rair celts .
Ante.riorl~ ccnneC'.ceal to-- nasophCl~n")< bj fus{;;)c.hidn (audit0!3l)tuk.
It Con ~O:,!!!.~
1. 6cm~ Os.ielts ~): Malleus, Inc.LU 2J.gtClpes.
'lht handle o~ mQl\ev.A Is at.l:ac.he.d- be the. r~tnPQln(c tnern~. while.
~e ~·ts into the. oVo'\l wlhdow . Cih~ c1t-hwiOlte. b~
cs~novialdo~nts b' co\Jef"e.d e IS. cu~ . epi th . .
1. MUSti!!.: Tensor tijmEQni '(nsed,~ed',nto the fTlSlJeuS.'U
._. - 71i;~~~~~S ~!l~~tJ~::n~.~:r!~ds
refl~c6n tract~. -<0
to limit I.llbrl)tion of H1e ear dr-urn stsoe:
LL u b"'~Il!.ntdlJmf)a~ of~1p
• 1'9

3 .. Chorda man, · -&-

neSS : is dUD. to disease! of ext. su

.Fffi. EI-lSE beT: (cw.c!iI:bQJ

e ian tlL~)
- ~crn \($\''.9 . Conneds Iniddleeare'~he nasorha~nx. , .:
- O~ens durin.3 ~awnlt-to or SW6)(lOW1rl:q to ~a{l~e ~ress on ~ottJ ~HJ~ f. '
orIp ear d rc.c.m._ ,.\0 ed e' ~~
I"''''''st Cot ci]. eDi1h.
1.1 t are presenf tm[uJ toJio ,;
Goblet cells
~ At the har n e.aI si de, a \ Lonsi '''8 .resen. . ".
OMis m~·.a: in edicSl1 sprea rom the nasopha .. nx,to the 1"1 Ie ear vIa Br:%~~
I .

_c IrL~\13llLar gp~c.e .,fHled e' e,r1do (~mph yo ed to the saccule. Conn

- a$ ~looy = !Q~~i\~LJrL~r!Lq.;;. S. 59. e.pith. ~ b.m . .

- n's r'DO~ :: Y-~Ji.~!fl.llr -'L_ .. = :l -s= of S'S9' efilh. oOlneJ b~

tf,9ht JLmchcms t e fll!.Serve hi3h .I'6l1IC sradlent bet, feri~"'f'h

In sc.ala It end.C)l~rnph 'YJ H?e Coc.hlear. duct.
- H:$ tat. wal\.: ?Jr!~_V~~~~~~~~ :;:p::. .sl ,cJ. e.fjth(W1u.suOlI/~Yas~la(:
+ v<,c.uh,~ c.t . It \:he e.ndol~mrh ,\fie celldtave basali'iifold,"js
fort'YI So
--to'K<t" ~nto ~he cochleC)r In the form of endobmfh.

\ Or,san of Cor~i]. -, . ,
N Wbre.c.eptor for hes nng ern ~he bclS cl~r memb I InsIde C'oc.hlear
alu.~t. rorm ed 0 f :
(1) H(itr [~t"Sot'CJ1Cer",$.:
i. InY'ler htlir ee.\\s: i r'bw siAff'orl:ed ~ inner phalanJeal cells.
b.Ou.~ •.r II " : 3-lf rows outer IJ IJ 1/ 1/ 1/.

\)oth inner II ou.t"e.r c.e\\s ~te. ~'(Ovided e' Wnj mict'llVilii (
Iha ~ acl. aJ!, (ete.rro rs .1he~r bill; es are provid ed e nerve endlt18 I
= dendrites o~ bipolar spiral ga'Osh"
nerve, cel\s o~
'Ih~ ~picill 'S~ert.oc,d(a are embdde.d i~ ~ ~e(~hnc>us memb, ailed
Te~:Jl>rial Memhrane/? gl~coIDtn. + col/B3~n bundler1
a -,[nhel" , o;A:-er ph; loa n!;Jeal Ce(Is :
-~!J rest- Hle bas ilsr memb. tI- di(ect~ support the hair celk
- ~e ov.t. phalangeal cells Form 3- L, rows y each bove. 'Cup
ed ?-Fe" Vi su.rrou.nd !-he 6,asal V3 of /he outer hair cells
- e..-xtenrk 6Y1e yaha/,m'X LiJ is d"oll'leo fo the harf cell
qcSmplexes. . .
- ifle inn er ph~I.}hge~I 7e lis Form dYle rolv w c.urnp/e.fJ:J
~urrou.nd the Ih »er h cur cells,

:~-" :
.. ~ b. Inner ~ ou.ter pill., cell5 : -4.-
1he ou.ter cells h~ve. Ufper e,'Xp~nJed end w f,·r.s ,'n[0 f-he. upr
Cem ~Ve end o~ (he \Y)ner cells flform 6cu,ndaries of Tunne
0' Cor~i,''1Wey c~tail1 .-!<~r~f!~_~uf'2d{es
c. ,Hense.ns Ce.&.:, Corll
. '~ t;;It()s~el~.ton(sufport)
CD/. cells adJacent..t6 oub, ~halanBeal cells.
d .Cells ot Claudius: short" <111 out. ed3e. 0 f olJP~nor c,rl:i.
e.. Border Ce&.: SI.( ort the inner sl'de of 0 an of carti.

. . - .

- - e..
I~ •

1he Vest:i,bul £ -
- A b6l13 C~VitJ· ecmrcyn-rrjg .t:he· ulric! e:~ ssccule .
_ Both a(e formed of c.i. /tnee! e' 5- S9- epifh- 1he:JCtte connecltd
,~ /he perioscefJ.Yr}hy-c;f s/rdnds, J. s: J

-'lh~ hAve nuao ep' fh - siru duces cslle d !'J~~~'-~ ';1& Gr--J
_ (via cui;) otsaccule. ,is: perperidieuli1r Iblh~mo cula ollll:r/c lee ' -

- I 'e11ie' 'Semic{rc.u/ar Gnats

_ '3 66Yl~ seiniClrwilr c,;jnals' w'iisnlain-3memfarNn'o-UJ a>n61/s
S'u.r(oundecJ e ' peri (l{~~h ~ attOl ched Co th e laony _C8n~/5 b1 c. t:.strcJn~_
- tach ~'()O) \ hQS Cl C1d6d-e.J end cB({ed c9mf)(IJ1(}. 1. t cuntams nWlbepr/h
srnlcJure called ufsrn 'am Lt(&)rig - . .• ..

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