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Acrylamide in coffee: Review of progress in

analysis, formation and level reduction

Article in Food Additives and Contaminants · February 2007

DOI: 10.1080/02652030701243119 · Source: PubMed


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4 authors, including:

Elke Anklam Thomas Wenzl

European Commission European Commission; Joint Research Centre; …


Richard H Stadler
Nestlé S.A.


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Food Additives & Contaminants

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Acrylamide in coffee: Review of progress in analysis,
formation and level reduction
Helmut Guenther a; Elke Anklam b; Thomas Wenzl c; Richard H. Stadler d
Kraft Foods, Bremen, Germany
European Commission Directorate General Joint Research Centre, Institute for
Health and Consumer Protection, I-21020 Ispra, Italy
European Commission Directorate General Joint Research Centre, Institute for
Reference Materials and Measurements, B-2440 Geel, Belgium
Nestlé Product Technology Centre, CH-1350 Orbe, Switzerland

Online Publication Date: 01 January 2007

To cite this Article: Guenther, Helmut, Anklam, Elke, Wenzl, Thomas and Stadler,
Richard H. (2007) 'Acrylamide in coffee: Review of progress in analysis, formation
and level reduction', Food Additives & Contaminants, 24:1, 60 - 70
To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/02652030701243119


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Food Additives and Contaminants, Supplement 1, 2007; 24(S1): 60–70

Acrylamide in coffee: Review of progress in analysis, formation

and level reduction


Kraft Foods, Bremen, Germany, 2European Commission Directorate General Joint Research Centre, Institute for
Health and Consumer Protection, TP 202, Via E. Fermi, I-21020 Ispra, Italy, 3European Commission Directorate
General Joint Research Centre, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements, Retieseweg 111, B-2440 Geel,
Belgium, and 4Nestlé Product Technology Centre, CH-1350 Orbe, Switzerland

(Received 5 December 2006; revised 23 January 2007; accepted 23 January 2007)

This paper summarizes the progress made in understanding the formation of acrylamide in coffee, as well as potential
reduction strategies, as presented during the joint CIAA/EC workshop on acrylamide, held in Brussels in March 2006.
Currently, there are no concrete measures to reduce acrylamide concentrations in roast and ground coffee without
appreciably changing the organoleptic properties of the product. Certain approaches, such as steam roasting, have been
tried on a laboratory scale, albeit without affording a significant reduction. More work on the mechanisms governing the
‘‘loss’’ of acrylamide during storage of roast and ground coffee is warranted, and studies in this direction have been initiated.
Finally, risk/benefit analysis must be addressed in a complex food such as coffee, known to harbour numerous health
beneficial/chemoprotective compounds with antioxidant and antimutagenic properties.

Keywords: Acrylamide, coffee, mitigation, formation, analysis, exposure

Introduction practice for all stakeholders, i.e. consumers, manu-

facturers, retailers, caterers, etc.
After the first announcement in April 2002 of the
In March 2006, the CIAA, jointly with the
presence of acrylamide in cooked foods (Swedish
European Commission, convened an ‘‘Acrylamide
National Food Administration 2002), a number of
Workshop’’ in Brussels to bring risk managers,
research projects were launched to investigate the
academics, stakeholders and concerned food manu-
formation and presence of acrylamide in roasted
coffee and coffee products. Compared to potato- facturers together to review the status and progress
based products, only a few studies have been of the acrylamide programs with regard to (1)
published to date on the formation and reduction analytical aspects, (2) acrylamide formation path-
strategies of acrylamide in coffee. The CIAA ways, (3) academic research on reduction, (4)
(Confederation of the European Food and Drink industry efforts on reduction, (5) aspects surround
Industry) has contributed significantly to knowledge home cooking and catering and (6) risk assessment
on acrylamide formation in the coffee product considerations.
category, reflected in two peer-reviewed articles Within this context, specific working groups were
(Taeymans et al. 2004, 2005) and in a CIAA established and charged to discuss key information
Acrylamide Status Report (CIAA 2004). In fact, and achievements to date, encompassing results
the CIAA has since established a Technical Expert of completed and ongoing projects with a specific
Group, which, in 2005, presented a ‘‘Toolbox’’ focus on future opportunities, gaps, as well as
approach to identify common interventions and constraints. The ‘‘Coffee’’ working group here
measures throughout the food supply chain (CIAA reports on the outcome of these discussions and
2006). An important component of the ‘‘Toolbox’’ provides a review of the latest research results
is a collection of key guiding principles of good regarding acrylamide.

Correspondence: Richard H. Stadler. E-mail:

ISSN 0265–203X print/ISSN 1464–5122 online ß 2007 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/02652030701243119
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Acrylamide in coffee 61

Analytical methods and method performance was 858 mg kg1 and the range of reported results
was between 448 and 1481 mg kg1. Noticeably,
Many food analysis laboratories initially experienced
about 25% of the participants supplied with samples
major problems with the determination of acryla-
did not report any results. This percentage is similar
mide in ‘‘difficult’’ matrices, such as coffee (Roach
to that of the FAPASÕ study. However, the outcome
et al. 2003, Riediker and Stadler 2003), leading to
of these two proficiency tests was, in general, quite
a potential overestimation. It is important to note
similar. Although the majority of participants
that even today there is no agreed methodology
seem to apply adequate analysis procedures, a
to determine acrylamide in food, particularly with
considerable number of laboratories that returned
regard to clean-up procedures, which may result in
results reported problems with this type of matrix.
limited comparability of data.
The question as to why one-quarter of the partici-
Several laboratories have in the past 2 years
pants did not report any analysis results is still
presented methods of adequate precision and
accuracy to quantify acrylamide in coffee brew
(Andrzejewski et al. 2004; Delatour et al. 2004;
Granby and Fagt 2004; Senyuva and Gökmen 2005;
Aguas et al. 2006). These have shown that additional Exposure
clean-up steps are required to obtain an extract Acrylamide is a polar molecule and efficiently
that provides a mass spectral chromatogram free of extracted with hot water. Hence, the brewing
interferences in all pertinent mass transitions. process most probably allows full extraction of the
Moreover, it is highly recommended that labora- acrylamide present in ground coffee powder into the
tories (commercial, food control, industry) demon- brew. A limited survey of roast and ground coffees
strate their performance by participating in suitable and instant coffees in the USA revealed levels
ring-tests and provide validation data to support ranging 45–374 mg kg1 (n ¼ 31, powder basis) and
their proficiency in analysis. 169–539 mg kg1 (n ¼ 12, powder basis), respectively
The first proficiency test on the determination (Andrzejewski et al. 2004). These figures compare
of acrylamide in coffee was organised in summer well with other published data (Friedman 2003;
2003 by FAPASÕ . A total of 41 laboratories from Delatour et al. 2004; Murkovic 2004; Senyuva and
17 countries participated in the study. The assigned Gökmen 2005).
acrylamide content was 329 mg kg1, which is close Roast and ground coffee is not consumed as such,
to the median value from 300 monitoring results but prepared as a beverage. Coffee is prepared by
for roast-coffee samples in the EU database on the addition of hot water and subsequent filtration.
acrylamide levels in food. A satisfactory performance Thus, calculation of the acrylamide content per
in the study was reported for 27 of 31 laboratories cup is an important term of exposure level. For
that returned analysis results. example, assuming an average acrylamide content
Another proficiency test was organised at the end of 250 mg kg1 in the powder and a brew strength
of 2004 by the European Commission’s Directorate of 50 g l1 (5% in brewed coffee), then 1 l coffee
General Joint Research Centre (DG-JRC) together (6–8 cups) will result in an acrylamide uptake of
with partners from the German Federal Institute 12.5 mg (considering total extraction of the acryla-
for Risk Assessment (BfR) (Wenzl et al. 2005). This mide from the powder).
proficiency test aimed at studying primarily the Coffee has, in some cases, been reported to
analytical performance of official food control contribute substantially to the total dietary intake
laboratories within the EU. Forty-three laboratories of acrylamide, especially in Nordic countries.
subscribed for participation in the trial and were In Sweden, an early study showed that the mean
supplied with one commercial roast-coffee sample, intake from coffee was estimated at 12 mg day1,
one commercial instant-coffee sample and also with which is roughly 39% of the total dietary intake
a coffee surrogate and a cocoa-powder sample. (Svensson et al. 2003). These results are, however,
The roasted coffee sample contained acrylamide at based only on two ready-to-drink coffee samples
a level of 258 mg kg1. The target standard devia- (medium roast) containing 25 mg l1, which the
tion was set, according to the Horwitz equation, authors concluded is in the upper range compared
at 51 mg kg1. Twenty percent of the participants to other data. In the meantime, the calculations
that submitted results did not perform satisfactorily have been revised based on more reliable data of
for the roasted coffee sample. The range of reported acrylamide in coffee, now at an average of 12 mg l1
results was between 130 and 661 mg kg1. The and, consequently, lowering the contribution of
percentage of unsatisfactorily performing labora- coffee to 25% of the total acrylamide dietary
tories was similar for the instant-coffee sample. intake. Comparative figures have been reported for
The assigned acrylamide content of that sample the Swiss population, where the intake of acrylamide
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62 H. Guenther et al.

Monoacylglycerol Asparagine Asparagine/carbonyl
−CO2 Maillard
H /NH ion −NH3
∆T Wheat
Oxidation NH2
NH 3
∆T acrylic acid ∆T
β-Alanine Serine
Lactic acid
∆T Cysteine
Aspartic acid

Figure 1. Possible reaction pathways in acrylamide formation.

from coffee was estimated to be about one third of concerned foods – is the early Maillard reaction,
the total daily intake (Swiss Federal Office of Public initiated by the condensation of asparagine and
Health 2002; Similarly, reducing carbohydrates, such as fructose or glucose,
in Norway coffee was found to contribute to 28% or, alternatively, reactive carbonyls (including
of the total acrylamide dietary exposure (Dybing and -dicarbonyls, n-aldehydes, 2-oxo acids). However,
Sanner, 2003). Granby and Fagt (2004) provided a coffee beans are subject to relatively higher tempera-
first estimation of the contribution of coffee to the tures than other foods in that they are roasted in the
total dietary acrylamide uptake in Denmark, show- range 220–250 C. Under such conditions, more
ing that the mean exposure of acrylamide from than one pathway, beyond the commonly accepted
coffee is 20%. They also compared different asparagine/sugar (or carbonyl) condensation, may be
brewing types (filter and French Press), with no expected to furnish acrylamide via the Maillard
significant differences in the two. Brewed coffees reaction; an overview of possible routes is depicted
were also segregated into medium and dark roasted, in Figure 1.
showing mean levels of 9.1 mg l1 (n ¼ 21) and Following this scheme, several thermally driven
3.8 mg l1 (n ¼ 4), respectively. The maximum reactions are feasible and the salient intermediates
amount recorded for medium roast series was are acrolein, acrylic acid and 3-aminopropionamide
15 mg l1 and lowest concentration at 6 mg l1. (3-APA). Acrolein can be formed by different
An important factor to consider when comparing pathways, including the oxidative degradation of
data is the mode of preparation of the brew, i.e. how lipids, and could react further via acrylic acid to form
much ground coffee per liter of water is used for acrylamide. A recent report (Yasuhara et al. 2003)
brewing. In the USA study, 20 g was used, in the also illustrates that, under certain conditions, acro-
Danish study 40 g and in the Swedish and Norwegian lein together with asparagine may generate appreci-
studies 50 and 60 g, respectively, were used. able amounts of acrylamide. Acrylic acid can react
However, reports on the concentration of acryla- with ammonia – released during the thermolysis
mide in roast and ground coffee must be made with of amino acids – to furnish acrylamide by amino-
caution, as independent studies have shown that dehydroxylation, which is a well-known reaction
acrylamide is not stable in coffee, i.e. the concentra- of acids leading to amides (Yaylayan and Stadler
tion decreases over prolonged storage time 2005). An alternative route to acrylic acid is via the
(Andrzejewski et al. 2004; Hönicke and Maillard reaction, analogous to that described for
Gatermann 2005; Lantz et al. 2006). This aspect acrylamide In this case, aspartic acid would provide
has not been adequately considered in exposure the backbone of the vinyl acid (Stadler et al. 2003).
assessments and is elaborated further in the ‘‘Storage Aspartic acid can also release acrylic acid without the
time and conditions’’ section. involvement of sugars or a carbonyl source following
a concerted decarboxylation/deamination pathway
(Yaylayan et al. 2005). In addition to asparagine,
Mechanisms of formation
other amino acids, such as L-alanine and L-arginine
It is generally accepted that the main route for the are also capable of releasing acrylic acid
formation of acrylamide in coffee – as in most other at temperatures above 180 C, with yields within
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Acrylamide in coffee 63

the same order of magnitude as aspartic acid Interestingly, 3-APA could not be detected in any
(Yaylayan and Stadler 2005). Carnosine in meat of the roasted samples nor in the green coffee. This
products can release -alanine through hydrolysis suggests that biochemical pathways (decarboxylase)
(Yaylayan et al. 2005) and form acrylic acid and, are not relevant in coffee and that other reaction
eventually, acrylamide or its derivatives. pathways, not involving 3-APA, may be dominant
Even though several potential indirect routes during the roasting of coffee. Further work is needed
to acrylamide have been identified, the acrylic acid to elucidate the major reaction mechanism(s) that
pathway seems only of marginal importance in contribute to acrylamide formation in coffee.
foods, probably due to the limitation of free Measurement and quantification of the individual
ammonia and need of relatively high temperatures contributions of the various pathways, elaborated
for the reaction to proceed efficiently. above, to acrylamide formation in coffee will be
Pyrolytic reactions involving serine and cysteine difficult to conduct. To determine the contribution
can also be envisaged, through conversion via of asparagine, a possible approach is to extract
pyruvic acid to lactic acid. In the presence of the constituents at the green bean stage (similar to
ammonia, lactamide and acrylamide (subsequent decaffeination), subsequent treatment of the extract
dehydration of lactamide) can be generated with asparaginase under favourable conditions
(Yaylayan et al. 2005). The importance of pyrolytic for near complete removal of asparagine and then
reactions of macromolecules in the formation reconstitute the extract back into the beans. Roasting
of acrylamide has recently been demonstrated in the ‘‘reconstituted’’ beans and subsequent measure-
bread (Claus et al. 2006). In this study, the addition ment of acrylamide versus a control would provide
of wheat gluten to a bread roll product led to a some idea of the importance of the asparagine route.
20% increase of acrylamide. The authors could
show that acrylamide is released thermally by
-elimination from a defined amino acid sequence Green coffee
in the peptide. Theoretically, similar reaction
mechanisms may also be feasible in coffee where The two coffee species of commercial importance
temperatures are sufficiently high. are Coffea arabica (Arabica) and Coffea canephora
Another important intermediate suggested to play (Robusta). Arabica accounts for 64%, while
a role in the formation of acrylamide is 3-APA, Robusta accounts for 35% of the world’s coffee
initially proposed by Zyzak et al. (2003). Shortly production. Both species are chemically distinct
thereafter, the group of Professor Schieberle and characterized by different levels of minerals,
(Granvogl et al. 2004; Granvogl and Schieberle volatile substances, chlorogenic acids and caffeine
2006) suggested the possibility of enzymatic (Rubayiza and Meurens 2005).
decarboxylation of asparagine in vivo (potatoes, The key reactants that lead to acrylamide in the
cocoa) and its conversion into 3-APA prior to Maillard reaction are sugars and asparagine
thermal processing. During processing of the (Mottram et al. 2002; Stadler et al. 2002a). The
potato, 3-APA can be converted into acrylamide by free asparagine concentrations in green coffee beans
deamination, a reaction which gives excellent yields lies within a very narrow range, typically 0.2–1,
in model test-tube systems (60 mol%) and can be 0 g kg1, with, on average, slightly higher levels in
carried out in aqueous or low moisture environ- Robusta beans (Stadler and Scholtz 2004; Lantz et al.
ments. In fact, the same research group recently 2006; Murkovic and Derler 2006). An analysis of the
provided the first evidence that 3-APA is a key amount of asparagine in green coffees and corre-
transient intermediate in the formation of acryla- sponding acrylamide concentration after roasting
mide, using a cheese model. After administration of showed only a weak positive correlation (r2 ¼ 0.56
stable isotope-labeled asparagine [13C4 15N2] and for n ¼ 20, Robusta and Arabica coffees; Figure 2). In
subsequent baking, they quantified the amounts of fact, a plot of the five Robusta samples alone showed
the labeled and non-labeled reaction products and, no correlation. This finding is not surprising since the
essentially, found comparable ratios, unequivocally rate of loss of acrylamide far surpasses the formation
demonstrating a possible pathway to acrylamide via reaction(s), especially toward the end of the roasting
3-APA (Granvogl and Schieberle 2006). cycle (approx. 95% loss); thus, a relationship to a
Recently, Bagdonaite et al. (2006) addressed the natural reactant, such as asparagine, is practically
importance of 3-APA as a tentative intermediate impossible to establish (Lantz et al. 2006; CIAA
in the formation of acrylamide in coffee. First, they 2006).
established an analytical method to measure 3-APA Levels of reducing sugars in green coffees showed
in coffee. Arabica and Robusta coffees were then no correlation with acrylamide levels after roasting
roasted under laboratory conditions at temperatures (CIAA 2006). A recent study by Lantz et al. (2006)
ranging from 150 to 240 C for 5–15 min. reported the impact of moisture content of the green
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64 H. Guenther et al.

450 R2= 0.5602

Acrylamide / roasted coffee [mg/kg]

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Asparagine / green coffee [mg/kg]

Robusta Arabica

Figure 2. Asparagine levels in green coffee versus acrylamide levels in corresponding roasted coffees (Lantz et al. 2006).

beans. Modification of this parameter (high and low enzyme in coffee has also been filed (USA patent
moisture, 14% versus 7%, respectively) showed no application 200040081724) but a major obstacle
impact on the formation of acrylamide. is delivery of the intact and active enzyme to the
A factor that could contribute to relatively higher substrate. Some options are described in the patent;
acrylamide levels is the number of defective beans for example, pre-drying the green beans to facilitate
used in production. Defective coffee beans, in uptake of an aqueous enzyme solution, opening the
particular immature beans, are characterized by pores of the beans by steam treatment or treatment
significantly higher amounts of free asparagine under vacuum, chopping up the beans prior to
(42-fold) versus mature beans (Mazzafera 1999). treatment leading to an increased surface area, etc.
However, this parameter is a central component of However, it is difficult to assess the degree
quality control and, in most cases, the green beans of reduction that these measures may provide
are classified accordingly. and are dependent on incubation temperature/time
It should be noted that Robusta and Arabica and enzyme activity. Estimates are in the region of
coffees are botanically different species. Their a 10–30% reduction, but water addition or roasting
different chemical composition leads to distinctively of pieces of beans will have a significant impact
different flavour profiles after roasting. Any blend on the organoleptic properties of the roasted coffee.
change made with the intention to reduce the In this context, the effect of the removal of a
acrylamide concentration will significantly impact Maillard reactant, which contributes to the forma-
on the sensorial properties and, consequently, tion of flavour/aroma compounds, also needs to
consumer acceptance of the product. be assessed. Furthermore, coffee is usually described
as a pure product without any additives. As a
Use of asparaginase consequence of enzyme addition, coffee would
loose this important status.
Asparaginase is an enzyme that converts asparagine
into aspartic acid and, in certain food processes
(bakery products), this enzyme may be an effective
future tool to substantially lower acrylamide levels
(CIAA 2006). Some companies, e.g. Novozymes Acrylamide levels in roast coffee are determined
and DSM, are intensively working on the production by concomitant formation and reduction reactions
of a commercial enzyme to be employed as a food during the roasting process; the profile of acrylamide
processing aid. Currently, asparaginase is not formation reflects this effect very clearly (Taeymans
approved for food use. et al. 2004). Acrylamide formation reactions are
Several patents have been filed since the dominant at the beginning of the roasting cycle,
announcement of acrylamide in foods and a few leading to increased levels at this stage, 47 mg kg1,
encompass the application of asparaginase as a and then declining steeply toward the end of the
reduction measure. A patent for the use of the roasting cycle due to higher rates of elimination
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Acrylamide in coffee 65

(physical and chemical loss). In the commercial Bagdonaite and Murkovic (2004), using a labora-
roasting (colour) range, the acrylamide level was tory-scale roaster (batch size 80 g), observed that
reduced by a factor of 10 compared to the highest Robusta produced higher amounts of acrylamide
level recorded during the complete roasting cycle during roasting than Arabica coffee. In a second
(Taeymans et al. 2004). series of experiments, they employed pre-heated
Kinetic models and spiking experiments with glass dishes in a laboratory oven and showed that
isotope-labeled acrylamide have revealed that longer roasting resulted in lower acrylamide levels.
495% of acrylamide is degraded during roasting. For both series, there were no measurements of the
Therefore, light roasted coffees may contain rela- degree of roast reported. The lack of information
tively higher amounts of acrylamide than very dark on the degree of roast makes it impossible to
roasted beans. The temperature per se, however, compare the data with that of commercial coffee
did not show a significant effect in the formation products and to draw conclusions for actual coffee
of acrylamide. consumption.
According to the EU Commission database, roast In a detailed study by Lantz et al. (2006), the
coffee finished products have a median acrylamide combined effects of degree of roast and roast time
level of 265–290 mg kg1. Even when considering on acrylamide formation were studied. The roasting
that the final roast coffee levels are only 10% of the degree, measured by light reflectance and expressed
maximum acrylamide level, it has to be concluded in light reflectance units (LRU), spanned from
that only a minor portion of the asparagine in the the dark (41 LRU) to the light roasted coffees
green coffee (0.2–1 g kg1) contribute to acrylamide. (116 LRU). Their study showed that, except for very
Both the low yield of the asparagine/acrylamide short roast times, a prolongation of the roasting
reaction and the significant reduction (loss) of time (for example, in the range from 290–320 to
acrylamide during roasting may be the reason that 460–525 s) yielded no significant difference
the correlation between asparagine and acrylamide (e.g. change from 200 to 196 mg kg1, respectively,
in coffee is less prominent than in other foods. at a roasting degree LRU 75–85), in that the
Reports for commercial market samples of roasted standard deviation observed within the ranges was
coffee confirm lower levels of acrylamide for darker 20%. In practice, roasted coffees in Europe
roasted in comparison to lighter roasted coffees range in their roast degree from 55 to 105 LRU,
(Granby and Fagt 2004; Senyuva and Gökmen with a gradient from north Europe with typically
2005). Several research groups have studied the lighter roasted coffees to south Europe characterised
impact of roasting degree on the formation of by darker coffees. The colour bandwidth of roasting
acrylamide (Senyuva and Gökmen 2005; Gökmen in a specific country is usually about 10 LRU,
and Senyuva 2006; Bagdonaite and Murkovic 2004; whereas the sensorial bandwidth of an individual
Lantz et al. 2006). Senyuva and Gökmen (2006) brand of roasted coffee is not more than 5 LRU.
used fundamental test-tube conditions, heating Differences larger than that reflect products with
a headspace vial with a small quantity of ground clearly different sensorial characteristics. Therefore,
green beans (3 g) in a laboratory convection oven. the very narrow LRU window does not allow
The experiments were conducted at three different scope for potential improvement based on lowering
temperatures (150, 200, 225 C) and sampled at roasting time.
different time intervals (5–30 min) for measuring Moreover, darker roasting as a potential option to
acrylamide level and bean colour (Commission reduce acrylamide could potentially generate other
Internationale de l’Eclairage, CIE, L*a*b). Such undesirable compounds and will definitively impact
conditions clearly do not represent pilot- or indus- the taste/aroma of the product. Consequently, no
trial-scale conditions but provide a first indication practical solutions are available that would reduce
of the impact of thermal treatment on acrylamide. acrylamide levels and concomitantly retain the
Interestingly, they reported a good correlation quality characteristics of coffee, since the roasting
between acrylamide and CIE a* in the laboratory step cannot be fundamentally changed.
samples (non-linear function, correlation expressed
as r2 ¼ 0.9286) but showed a rather large discre-
Steam roasting
pancy when employed to predict acrylamide in
commercial samples (up to 59% difference to Roasting green coffee under a steam/pressure atmo-
predicted value). In contrast, hitherto unpublished sphere is an alternative roasting process – albeit not
work by Summa et al. (2006b) showed a linear ready for commercial application – that has recently
correlation of L* and acrylamide in both Arabica been assessed in a collaborative study between
and Robusta coffees, albeit with a different rate Nestlé and TNO as a potential measure to reduce
of ‘‘loss’’ of acrylamide upon darker roasting for the acrylamide (WO 2004/066751; Theurillat et al.
two species. 2006). Coffee beans were roasted in a rotating
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66 H. Guenther et al.

roaster equipped with steam injection over a the double bond of acrylamide. The fate of
temperature range of 200–240 C and water activity acrylamide in stored roast and ground coffee is
between 0.04 and 0.16. For all the roasting trials, currently under study by Professor Eisenbrand’s
the time was adapted to reach a CTN value of 90 team in Kaiserslautern and first results were pre-
(Colour Test Neuhaus, arbitrary colour units to sented at the 21st ASIC Conference (Böhm et al.
determine the endpoint of roast). Acrylamide con- 2006). The researchers administered radiolabelled
centration was determined versus conventional [14C]acrylamide to the coffee and measured the
roasting (same endpoint) and sensory evaluation amount of label at intervals in the brew, spent
was performed by comparative profiling using grounds (filter) and in volatiles.
conventionally roasted coffee as a reference. Results so far indicate that, at brewing, none of the
The results showed that steam-roasted samples reaction products responsible for the reduction of
required a longer roasting time to reach a compar- acrylamide during storage are actually extracted into
able colour endpoint and, thus, contained less the brew under typical drip-filter brewing condi-
acrylamide. At fixed colour and roasting time, tions. The radioactivity was shown to be bound
conventional roasting lead to similar acrylamide to the spent grounds, building up over time and in a
levels. The explanation is that longer roasting temperature-dependent manner (Böhm et al. 2006).
favours the degradation of acrylamide but has a Further work is ongoing to identify the components
significant effect on the sensorial properties of the involved in this scavenging reaction.
product. Consequently, the steam roasted products The reduction options and parameters that may
show more acid and less ‘‘roasty’’ notes. When impact on the formation of acrylamide in coffee,
comparing products similar in flavour profile, the studied at the laboratory, pilot or industrial scale,
steam-roasting process offers only a minor reduction are summarized in Table I.
potential of <10% (Theurillat et al. 2006).

Storage time and conditions Risk/benefit considerations

Acrylamide seems stable in coffee after brewing over Coffee is a food plant with a long history of safe use
a time-period of 5 h (Andrzejewski et al. 2004). and, in contrast to most other traditional foods,
However, several research groups have reported has been subject of extensive scientific research on
consistent data showing that acrylamide is not its potential impact on human health (Debry 1994;
stable in commercial roast and ground coffee Schilter et al. 2001, Higdon and Frei 2006). This
stored in its original container (Andrzejewski et al. information indicates that evidence supporting a
2004; Delatour et al. 2004; Hoenicke and Gaterman direct link between coffee intake and adverse health
2005; Lantz et al. 2006). Losses of 40–60% have effects is very limited and inconsistent. In fact,
been recorded in roast and ground coffees stored epidemiological studies strongly suggest that coffee
at room temperature over a period of 6–12 months. consumption may help prevent several chronic
(Delatour et al. 2004). Hoenicke and Gaterman diseases, including type 2 diabetes (van Dam and
(2005) reported a reduction of 30% after a 3-month Feskens 2002; van Dam 2006), Parkinson’s disease
storage period at 10–12 C). In a recent study (Ascherio et al. 2001) and liver disease (Tverdal and
published by the coffee industries (Lantz et al. Skurtveit 2003). Coffee consumption has also been
2006), the acrylamide reduction in a vacuum-packed associated with reduced incidences of several types
roast and ground coffee was measured over a of cancer (Tavani and La Vecchia 2000; Leitzmann
12-months period at four different temperatures et al. 2002).
(18, þ4, ambient and þ37 C). The rate of loss of Table II provides a non-exhaustive list of reviews
acrylamide was clearly correlated to the incubation and studies on the possible health benefits of coffee
temperature, i.e. the highest rates of reduction were and coffee constituents. It is beyond the scope of this
recorded at 37 C (47-fold reduction in acrylamide review to elaborate on this important aspect but
level after 6 months storage time versus initial it clearly warrants mention. In this context, several
concentration). studies demonstrate that coffee is a rich source of
The reaction mechanism(s) responsible for the compounds with potent antioxidant activity, attrib-
loss of acrylamide during storage has not yet been uted mainly to the abundance of natural polyphenols
elucidated. Acrylamide is comprised of an , and melanoidins (Yen et al. 2005, Anese and Nicoli
-unsaturated carbonyl function that can react with 2003; Delgado-Andrade and Morales 2005; Borrelli
nucleophiles to form a Michael adduct. Coffee is rich et al. 2002. An in vitro model study on the
in compounds that harbor amino and sulfhydryl relative antioxidant capacity of commonly consumed
groups, and that may react via direct addition to phenolic-rich beverages, estimated on a cup-serving
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Table I. Parameters studied at a laboratory, pilot or industrial level that may impact on acrylamide formation in coffee.

Study Scale Major finding Reference

Raw material
Asparagine (green beans) Pilot Weak correlation to acrylamide Lantz et al. (2006)
Carbohydrate (green beans) Pilot No correlation (glucose, sucrose) Lantz et al. (2006)
Decaffeination Pilot Done at the green bean stage, no impact on acrylamide levels CIAA Acrylamide Toolbox (
Roast degree Industrial Darker roasting of comparable blends leads to products with Taeymans et al. (2005); CIAA Acrylamide Toolbox
relatively lower acrylamide. Very narrow LRU window due ( Stadler and Scholtz (2004)
to impact on flavour profile does not allow scope for
potential improvement
Laboratory Linear relationship L* and acrylamide Lantz et al. (2006); Summa et al (2006b)
Laboratory Non linear relationship a* and acrylamide (r2 ¼ 0.929) Senyuva and Gökmen (2005)
Roasting time Pilot Longer roast times using lower temperatures tend to result in Lantz et al. (2006)
lower acrylamide levels compared to products with similar
degree of roast but roasted for shorter times. Impact on
flavour profile
Steam roasting Laboratory Main consequence is longer roasting time and, thus, com- Theurillat (2006)
parably less acrylamide due to enhanced degradation.
Impact on sensory properties
Asparaginase Laboratory Difficult to assess degree of reduction that can be achieved. USA patent application 200040081724
Major issues with (1) penetration of the enzyme into the
bean, (2) loss of definition as ‘‘pure" coffee, (3) approval
status of the enzyme
Storage of roast and ground coffee Industrial Losses of 40–60% have been recorded in roast and ground Delatour et al. (2004); Böhm (2006); Taeymans et al. (2005);
coffees stored at room temperature over a period of 6–12 CIAA Acrylamide Toolbox (
months. Fate of acrylamide under study and seems that it
binds to the spent grounds
Storage of soluble coffee Industrial No impact of storage time and temperature on acrylamide CIAA Acrylamide Toolbox (
Acrylamide in coffee
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68 H. Guenther et al.

Table II. Selected references pertaining to the health properties attributed to the consumption of coffee.

Reference Subject

General overview (health and safety of coffee, epidemiological studies)

Schilter et al. (2001) Review of human health effects including chemoprotective properties
Tavani and La Vecchia (2000) Review of epidemiological studies
Higdon and Frei (2006) Review of coffee and health
Antioxidant capacity and chemoprotective properties of coffee constituents
Somoza et al. (2003) Methylpyridinium identified as the key antioxidant in coffee
Borrelli et al. (2002) Antioxidant properties of coffee melanoidins
Mattila et al. (2006) Concentration of phenolic acids (comparison with fruits and beverages)
Delgado-Andrade and Morales (2005) Contribution of melanoidins to the antioxidant activity
Yen et al. (2005) Antioxidant properties of roasted coffee residues
Huber et al. (2003) Chemoprotective action of the diterpenes kahweol and cafestol
Antioxidant capacity and chemoprotective properties of coffee brew
Svilaas et al. (2004) Contribution of coffee to total dietary antioxidants (Norway)
Richelle et al. (2001) Antioxidant capacity of coffee versus cocoa and tea (on a cup basis)
Anese and Nicoli (2003) Antioxidant properties of ready-to-drink coffee brews
Summa et al. (2006b) Antioxidant capacity of coffee at different degrees of roast and comparison to
acrylamide formation
Pellegrini et al. (2003) Total antioxidant capacity of foods, including coffee
Somoza et al. (2003) Increase in plasma total antioxidants

basis, revealed that soluble coffee was more potent the detoxification mechanisms of the cell (Huber
than cocoa or tea (Richelle et al. 2001). et al. 2003).
In a survey of the dietary contribution of Acrylamide and melanoidins are both MRPs,
antioxidants in Norway, coffee accounted for 64% formed during the roasting of coffee, typically
of total intakes, followed by fruits, berries, tea, conducted at temperatures between 220 and
wine, cereals and vegetables (Svilaas et al. 2004). 250 C. Theoretically, any attempt to inhibit the
Pellegrini et al. (2003) reported similar results from Maillard reaction as a possible measure to minimize
a study in Italy that compared total antioxidant the formation of acrylamide would lead to a
capacity of plant foods, beverages and oils. Mattila reduction of the antioxidant capacity of coffee
et al. (2006), in Finland, measured the content (Summa et al. 2006b), as has been already observed
of phenolic acids in the most common fruits and in cookies (Summa et al. 2006a).
beverages and a wide range of berries. Coffee was
the best source among the beverages with 97 mg
per 100 g, while tea contained less than half that Outlook
amount (30–36 mg per 100 g). A recent cohort
study concluded that the consumption of coffee Based on data presented at FDA/CFSAN
may inhibit inflammation and, thereby, the risk (Workshop on Acrylamide in Food, 2004; http://
of cardiovascular and other inflammatory diseases, the
in postmenopausal women, attributed to antioxi- complete removal of acrylamide in coffee would,
dants present in the brew (Frost Andersen et al. in theory, reduce the average exposure from 0.43 to
2006). 0.40 mg kg1 bw day1, i.e. a 7% reduction. In the
In an in-vivo study performed with rats, it was 90th percentile group, this reduction equates to
observed that feeding rats with coffee brew resulted 4.3%. This illustrates that any meaningful reduction
in an increase of the total antioxidant capacity of dietary exposure can only be achieved by
of plasma (Somoza et al. 2003). A major contributor concerted efforts in all relevant food categories.
to the antioxidant activity was identified as Studies so far have shown that there are only
N-methylpyridinium, a recently discovered alkaloid limited options to reduce acrylamide in coffee
that is present in roasted coffee at concentrations (Table I), and none of the measures so far identified
of up to 0.25% on a dry weight basis (Stadler et al. can be implemented without significantly impacting
2002b). Other non-phenolic compounds that may on the organoleptic properties of the product.
exert chemoprotective effects are the diterpenes, Preliminary work indicates that the food matrix
kahweol and cafestol, acting through modification (i.e. insoluble coffee grounds) may play a role in
of the activity of phase II enzymes and expression irreversibly binding acrylamide, thereby leading
level of DNA repair proteins, thereby enhancing to a reduction in the stored product over time.
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Acrylamide in coffee 69

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