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i r7)

. f7ie~ent tn pa (ms
Ies. P
~ If C3{) rorrne() 0 t :

] ~idermiS
=l<erafini3ed str. 59. e ilh. formed of l<eY.;1lino~~el11 N\lld<eratinocgfeo.
[A] Keratrno t-eS
=~5% o~ celts o~ epidetmi~Jorm \'er6\tln.5 Lal:JefS :
1 BasC\ lea er - Strc1turn basale = ertninal L_
111.· j lB~er oP ~.9l~~~~~ _~~_H~, ("e~tl't9611 a pl~~r_!i.IA£~~l.f-basemen! rnemb.
- Have pasal ol!o11_n_~~I~1 w ShDW miJ~~l2._ri9l:£r~_rc;r renewal w tal<fM
- . place every :J_ 4 weeKs most& af ncsht. f)_ba~EhiJ"~_~!,c-p-(~c~ .
- -'1e!a~g~~sT tterKe\~ cells eyre preAen~ it') ihl's la~er .
. EJ:1.-- ~el~,C)re .(folneJ togefher by
~ rich 10 :Ib~om~ ~ po~so~~
to =rr-: =:
by, hemldesmosorJ1~.
- have cnfer,!,eoflal-e g.1C1ments=/~orilqll/9lfs
(p~.J<ert\lbrV In bundloo end In cl~mcJSome4 .

:J Inous La e( = ~t. s inosum =rp,.,·cK(e cell L. .

t.ti. Lt.8 laiJers of pol~hedrO)l cells e! cel1t(QI{ ,rou.nded nuclei ~ show mitotic f1JureJ:, ,
" l~ bs)sophiiit qjtopb~rr. :-fhCj hS)lle spme - h'ke pYbteSSe& indicatl~ sit~ or
cle..~mo~~ as cells shrinK d.~r~q pre-pareSti011'
- Lan~e.rhans cells are PfeAe.nt ro th\s l&~er.
i,M. T9!1pJil~~~t)ts
In 6u.nd les w end w, 4?AYrJ~S9t£lg!>_+ inrerdigi@fitJ c.el'-YlLelp~~.'

Kal~h(O\n La~ indud~: bass l /"'''er';'SiJII1ou.A laver: bolh
.U ¥ (J..
3 ~nu ~r a er =~rc. r,gnulosum: ,.
;~._ '2>-4 Ls~ers or·.spin e-shaped oe((se' Plat n(J.clf?l·f;l-b@~<;oph,·{,'c 8r;mu!e&.
€li.- .2 t~fes o~ <a\CH1u.l~ :
@. COOl ~d ,lsrnellar grsnu(e£ :
- -covered h" mem brarle•
~contain l.a~f{/ar diSCS:; {/f!id biLCUj.~r:s, {(l,et~_ Ct)ht~i1C torm e,tf,a s eels
L ~ L P IJ, I / h
.to ad CbS ~ (have ~e.8\1\1.5 e.Y-? 1/- aCL 0.5 barner.
~_ 'keratoh s\in-e., ranu.\e,t .. .
lar~e .'e& nob CQ)ueft bj tnembs I C1D'(}tll.ln pens e'me-In:] phosphafe fPt~
s() I basophi\\c b~ L H.; " -.

41 Clear La~k ~~(. Luc;dum:· C~)

lJ1. thin, homo8enou.s clear !.trjer flattened z: cells tluclei S[OlrC to cl.isaffl~~''''
I ."J-- .

fli- thicK cell mernbso (Joined bJ I7?rnnants of deornoson'lel> 0 [liat-HE~.f!U •

_ tVu.clelLl v o'3sneUa disappeOlr C lHsosomCll activit.!!)
- c lose ~ pa eked ~iIClmenfs of elec'ciiVl =immature .i<er61t/n emher.1ded in lna:
d&'}se m6Jtrix formed ':J +he f\eroJohy~llne !Jr~nuleb '
SJ I-Ior~= ~b-. Corneum: r
!J1o -!hicK a o.:dophilie ~er 0 S ('8/ e& /'CeGti n iJed 0~ dead ce" s 0

S:M.:_bC\~s o~ Rer8b"n e' no nudet' or C)~qanelleb

- h'ned e' ~tu.n? Kersf,h ~'{arnenl:s embedded"n dmorp'ho~ msiri» ,
- ~heir thl'd\' (ell memhI. are JDlned bj rernnCJ'r1L-s o~ desmosomes .

·M.1 [B~_
e ano
Qri8Jn :J~t~~!-~t
..'jl'te: cruse-WIder- ,of 6~l ~.:1e'
6r wbet. celli
_~:t1.;:;have, rounded cell bo~ e'pale (bunded nucleI, cannot be seen ~8/-IlIE".
. - ;hs~e~ f~ce£~e.!.a ~></;end bet. t<~ti~Or,y~€b :11le ~~pgof theu p~
. ;~nd~n ·ulva8Inat.cms th1 ce(l~ o~ M.a\pJ8hioni, t~ec. Gi_ve Oc>pa "",\Ie l&1~

~ •.1:1..:. Haue ~l!C~Q7~C!tic: ~, p(bminen~ nuclee (Ull .

_ chart.tuert o~ ph-.. formmj cells i.. e. . man~· b. , r_E.~ v weir develcfed G~A.

_ Wo damo~mn~. b~t- ~hetnv Kerbltino~teA hut aoined to b.m .~Aemik~

_ haVe melrmosvmes) .;(~g)~calleJ/~
FLtnc~ions :
-'{"'fo~~-~rosinase, ~;. eA&enti~l~r meL:w;n f9rmaticm . , '\
!L mela!')\", ( ..Q:la a60uc. the.. nude.uA to p(btecll:JtJA ~rn U V Rs(~ scatteflrlj/
~ID.~p-a~c~~" : , . thern
~ 3~ ~I'I",ISIncubated e ,?~Pftlif(tJSinase in t1'1.elano~tesC6Illlert .

;DOPA Into rnelantn . Irnpor~nce r to d(sbn3u;s~ loei. rnelanoUjtes l:f rnelanop~(VttfS

__ __ ,-...._ L." cotln~ melarto~te3 I area of SKl'n .
15'te~soLI'l1:e\anin sLtotnesls m me/ant)' tell:
1-sgnth~ts ~~~~ndse stc'lrb; JM [:Js,~gJ.!2.:fl.:
?com uJ ves(c(es~u~ G8l1edmer;;moscrnf~3 .
oHmer CtIrnp ~ete Fo(m.:at; oYl '" ~ me lar)Tn-;;;;-~--;J-
? jbe fJ<1Il~les
~ose t.:jrosloase. ----'7 J'!~Ei~,..s~t?~Jg~':" Ltf O~lJ~E!rste.t~,{ne
tir~ ~~~t-or!~~~~p~~-~§, .
'11. L~n~r hans Cet(s : r3 - 8 X 0 f e.p,'d. cell~1 .
On l'!,', &"" derm~1 bl.vs ---- eplerm IS [He$o&ermal],
",lis in b.m __
L.~, s~ellal:e. (elk beL celis o~ spinolU laser
.- .• --. ~a\lQ. dQdC.N. \' pa\e ~topl~yn ..
s to-\ned b~ 'Ii statn 5 .' ',' ta\' ,
~!t1:-i-:J ~;/ r.~ ~$Qsomes ,. toetl del/elope.J e.A. -+ mttGti lIai cu..(ar ~~ .
_ §1rbeck' ~ .~ri9nu.les = ten~is_ rOl~ei;- Sh9pd e: tJcrn-clear Pundian mO>J
Ummin ~clrb~hc MaS. lrre~lLl8r N'udOJA '
.: No N'o f\erdfill I No d.ebmoSOf'ne4 '" rlOJuncfi~ elkeGhho~fe&.
melanin Zjrcr>u.le.&J
f~t3~ljqtl:L Ad- ~ anh';roo. preoent,it] (el~ ~"pt!'l!sent antiaeJJJ w contac1 skin toT ~(15
So f\a~ 0) role,In a\\~~lc or immL<no{~ (cal re.acJ(onA .
___ ----==:...i.,:....... m8!{ QJnt(b ~ cell dilfisi6Yl in iaermts,
Color sifh..: depend em :
6. in bl. caps. o~ skin CreA). ~- Csrbtene f4JStet2t (c1!/Ou;).
3_Melanin p~tyIent (bo~ in bfiilc.k)
Apflt'Cdte'~ !'
·!tVRs speed .t(j(bSi12&se s gnthesiA --.~ 11 rneldn'm ~rrnati&J .
• ~ld~mlA .csJ~_nslusc..e~,e.2.p /)-) Ii<j;t; .~ r'lnJ (Je(8<:m, So, ~(e in f snemiR / !
b~ ~ heart or tu'5 t>d.;s. e' 11,w 0:2 En bi · 11 p',hk whde ~,nq ., ~
• Albl~'9.m ; a~sen~ e+ ~ieIClf)l() ':". 9-8fleti0 deiect in ~~I~CJSe.8J71heirf
•'Psol'tas~:Skm ths.QQ$~ Q. 'It, prbh fer.sti~ o~ c.e.!l~~~ ,M,alp13hBn~er !
--iI" 11 e.pide.rm~\ thlc.Kne.~'..c; }J r30nort/1.@l KerQ)hnBation~--+- r
de~e.c..tiJe '3f(l'y) 60)((ief. t

factors ~ix'h~jdermis to dermis:'
1.. basement mernb. 0 f epidermis. -
;). hem;d~rnosotneo bet. bOJsa( ceHs II b.m.
3. dermal FetpillQe \nterc{'8i~~~9 e' epiderm~l rI·qqe.!.c~.::.-0_~
De..rmo_€fidermal Junch'6Y) : .
Z;~a3 liKe, i!1tercJ-iA i tab'ems her. dermal raaP[{Jae tJ epidermal f',dge£.
r : r; ~lOv·id.e O)tt~tchmetlt of ~;d.erm"s [0 dermiS .
~ - t1' sLt(~ac..e a.1ecl ¥or nui'Fih_'Dn
__ o_F---!epL-...:...,cI_e_rm_is_, _
~~ ~Cf. ,,~sllin is c:&-e.. to &rRfh~ 6f e!6lSb'c ?S. 6)f c.t. derm~.
Rapid 8tre~/n ~ ('() of'1,'bres w
the def'mis-+ scar l,'ss~
~ whire, lines. In pre8n<9n~ = ~~ '

~nch'ons.o~ sk'tn: .' .' U.V.rBljl(6CjmR.tamn) ..

f- r(htechon; a ct ~s harr ie r ClgClU)S t 4ral<Jl'2" II"fe< iia» , deh[fdf<l' i~(h~ t<~(;}tit
Q. sens~ o:a~n~C recep{QrJ) .
3- rriufate hoclc! femp. (sweot+ Il-V_shunh)
~ - e:xcrece" WMte fi:- H z o (s vse»] 81.s) .
5_ S!}h thdis' 0/ V-Z'/-. L:J . 'I
6- Yhecl/co-le[};d (~prt~!:s)
{. c1.t'~JncrS~ c ~\SOi11.Q O£..seQ()eA ,e~EJ .measles , chlct.fen f~ I anernce ,JrMlndic.
.' \ Ct~e... , arr;h01L<J .

. .. ,

:. -.
C lhick' Sk'""V1 'h\~ s\(,n.
SlteS ~•.~l~ ~~()le1 . - !he ~~ o~ ~. t

_ h'p S "" s ideo e f Fl'1qeJ.S '" l'b~

- Ih,.iner.

.rl"idermis - thick
~ - ~i c.kel"Halpljhian l. - fh'nne( .
- ~hicf<e r Gnmulcn' L ( :t -4 Ls) - fhl1;ne( C ( L)
I. •. C(~r L freAent' ~ a,bJen {--.
•. lhl'cl< Horn..,....., L . - \-hinne( .
denYl~l - (~tJsr, YHlmeCbU4. h"q~ •. few, in"efju,(ar"sma I
pop H ltJ\
Appenda5el hair ~ll(d~
atfc-lcior fi\i Y}1.S
f aluent - freoent.
Se.btK.eOM Sl s . .
'More numetbus sweat H(' - Legs nUmetbtLO_
:'! I

j ,@ !he thi""e1~ sk':" ,n owr b0d.:i is ,;., ~ ~(j .

I [Epidermal fib cells] rs cells. .

I ; ~e? : -!he ~9lli..~Jar
b,L/.~. a ~qiorJ at ~e Uf.P~r part of esl.tooi sties]
where- the 8rrectot' (?I I rnusc.{e.. l-f> u1serf€.c/.?I- an assoeaate.. 0 ¥
unoli~efentt'8ted epirh. cells ES cells ~{des . (J
111ft) do net t011tri6l.tte. to 6~5dl stem c;.el(s: Df e.piJern2l's.
Func.h6i\ :
N;;;ll'lal~, E£ cells
o •.91:buJfh of hair follicles + sebaceous 31$ .
•l~~ider01is j.b inJured of .lbst} ES c.e1ls rn!3raie lowards the woufld
the 1nitia I hea{JnQ
the WOUn.d . or
. I
- _--._---_ ..-.-- -. __ .- .._. __ _._._------_..... .~ .. -_.

h!:J £h,'ck ~~llEJ~

blusH '~ emb .



".'-.~ ;I

, I

~:=<7~""a:EC:~~e~:~~ , ~~:~~~91
"j '-f / Si m p leo eo lIe.d 1:1.1 bu(~r 9 L ancl simple 0 r s.brclndJeJ <ll(feo~ I.'
,se.c.ntJn _ Me.rocrine (buJ e..?\ol'lI~os.i s) 1- tl~.~,neq.L(esex ~()st .e\se.t('e~i6h \) Holouift&: whole~II
se cref
~eh" (b~~e' -
I:. ~so~l-ed.
~ e.JX()JJ~(UI I +YlP.f'}"')rrulp(¥'III<:'l'l'-ll'Wdn

S1ce. I An ouer l~e bod~ e..?Ccee~IOr3 (d,n! pen\!' J - l-'Mih ski~ of a"lI(a, fll.lbit 1frerin~L e hair, foffic Ie! .

. h10~ \r1 u. ck SoL-'

. Ln\ run . )l hat t bed... ,are.~ . ILtret4 ebut
_ hwrs : ej.{e hd

ACini/: '5maller e'. narrow. lumen @ I Laraere' . lumen @ f or 2' fe8r:shapeJ dr~-~.
_ lined e' i lo..ue,(
0~ who idOl l cell s 'su((Ouhded
\fY\.<A 0
e..pilh. ce({j ~e.d e'
s- ~,~ \. basal ~~t ~te..mce1J.A Ii, ,'"
- more
0 '. _
m Srrtatl dark' (ell..
bl VaWD
Bfed q{t. (fal:)

- brt>o.d 6ase H narroL()'apt)C _ YlBrrolAl 6~e·llbr"Dad ap~.

- . ,,.Iale 4t rQr(aAm , 19~~or-em) . - dark arbln"d ar e'j.
l: (l ~ ,rf~~
~- 1~f:-(lv""fdl~iR ('~n~{"(/Jg, 'Clrb-AllfIfb(;jlhelJJ(J f}J{J)p n'1(;tl,

Duef"sl_ ~piral course 1M e.eiderrnis FJ 0 en il'lto" %or~.' o~e.n-,nto uprer h

~ e iderrnis ~ hair foU,.cle. o~ hcur T()\hde.
_ ~,ned_ e' ~ Lsuers 0 c..u.b i COlt cells i\inede' ,sr.. sq., (:6)'l/'J!1UOu..2 e'
I h
,' a, ' 'd
{t {.{ ;.rUAUPJ:f-,~ bet: ep" .cell«, _,_ .... i-hQ._ cn.,J:', '(bot' s/'W.Jlih .
, ".
c ~ ,
rune ~ C\ear wa~er~ swear I '- V'scicJ rn;JJ<~ swea~ N'ch )n ro,. £" secrnr-e. se.bum (oilS) 'I
[H20+ Ws cl ". urea-\oarnrnonia1 Od.ourless abt.\c.~ C6~~ensi~()d - fre\lenr c(a"k\·(t~o~ sK-in
. fu,ocu~ ~t p~Jt~ - -ant\ bac.t- f.1 anti fU~6l
ol\stllrbed secretion--lll'
cna eJ~

., .
..~.---- .r:'" I " ~•••••••••••i
Si m ple.. s. br~nch-;;JcJ[;e:t«g
c.olle.d l:L\bu.(~r 9 Lane! . . . -. sirn Ie ~~

~MOae. _ Merocrine (b ~ e?,o~ -:.' et:,ile Ill"e'll ~()S~ ,e >seCf'e~,iIJ}1 , Holotrinll.: ~r
~~~~ IIdie ~ &1 h
An over,the bad~ e.'Xce.f~ '~r5(;;I,n! penir - In ~kin 0~ a~iIl~,ptt it 7f~in~ ~e~fo·J~ll-ed~ eI hair, ~( JC (eJ..
, h'1oYe \() I.n\ck n
. . u. 1.,..'
rtln . 2t \"1m' be.d . are.QJ:.. 1Ltre.,l4 e'ouJ hw.r,S : e!-(e
' lld
LIAciO'.I_ ~rnall~r e'. narrow lumen, @ I le.reer'e' wide.rlum-en ,© ~I o,r 2' -rear-~hapeJ C11~- ~r;~
- lined e' i Lo.,ue,(
u o~ ,doll
c.e\\s 'surrol!hded bu~ V'
cells ~ede\ : Y1W~
'r ,,~-w(.
?}-r •.~ . \ _bMa i~
lc1l ~ te..m teJ1.A tt; .''' ~,
.r---~. ~
(t) Lar8e. ale Clec1r] cet(s /1W;\., (~JSmclfl dark' c.eHJ' .' ,Cf!nttal p- drd{ cdl& e'cmhc
- more nu.rnernlU ~ _less Yluclel1i VaC1J.D afed <1t (fa~)
- bi1?o.d base v narroL\.1 -.~ _ narrow 6~e '1/ broad ap0X.
- ''''dle u.JOb(~ (a(II(bOfw) d k (/J L ( l ,\rr.::~·
'. fdu()rl:>1i#JllfbpJII?Pfn - c9r~rblnu ar Ljl.· . 8.~[()pfn.,.3f\'·
bDut~l_ ~piraL Wt e..r=iclefmis f} 0eet'l into 9ho op'wlota uprer h
. '* epiderm-is I * hair foU,.cl.e.. o~ hC\ir ft)\li,(e.
-Ilned .. e\ :L La~ers of wbicC1l cells
;deetlf: ,
'- Visu:cJ miJ1<~ svJ~t N'Ch )n rtn. F secrere, ~eEf@(ojJg1
Odourless Clbt.\c.~ o5jf~ensi~ ad - f relJe nt- ~(cYcl<§)O~ S~Vl

, fltnct(~ Qt p~~ - -ant\ 6~c.rf7 gntTfu,~61

ot\s:tttrbed secretion ~
aCYl e. cJL-)

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