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rr~~:~a i,sformed ~~~!m) , fii}$p·lra:to~.epU-h: CoU. cJ. e'3oblel- ce\\~ i«
L C. ~. Coriu,'" , lan"Oa pmpM n'eh I;' bl.vs, ns '" e las f:ic fib res. f i:
:3. c djamb;; = conaen:u:d e:.taS~ic is. :.. j:
~5~b~~a.! . ~
Poose ~.~. conl;~ bl.t/s, nerves, (ymfh folllcle~ .•. rnuco-Sefl)a1o slands. :.
~ _f{bTb .. c4rlr°ll!flliltJus C02 ~~ . t "':.
:20C.'~-h"f';JpTJesot h.~;;JJn~Cetrli1U{l': etn£'ed~eJ,;' a dflnse J7~u.!" !'
d.rn;;-~ore c(JlYIplefed postl!h!ar~ by' l:bro.elost.c ~ernl. (prevent .';erJ.lS~ l ••
. bJ smrot+i mLLs&.u c.;l\}ecJ,'..Jl,-s muscle 10 Cc;tlSrnct the lJ tf fr,r(,£ !:.::.
of om flouJ ~ COU.jhlOj v P~r~ ~pi,..ahbn. •.
.~~'V~4."~nli!iA;t,"se c· t .. .
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.b.J1y.,~~~_:~cu.adr smooH, ~c.t.s. ~canb1,i air P/Ou!~. (5) [::.:-.,:

P.. ~lt.~
C ••J\~'l! .: C. LeI n c.9rt.!
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t' ~ (cm.cL~~ no l(!mfOn _~{f,c.les . '
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Intra ulm .'brbnch . I,d}.

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- n~rrower i':::
- more Po Ide.d . i ,;
- same e' less 8()b(Grcei\i i".:~
_ No elastic memb . bu] t ..,
.t, rlch lh 'elastic ~ .
'c :,
- absent. ~',::

- rnultip Ie f latei ~ ,
- spira f l!3 CUffiYl.fJ ~ , . •. .
- .U1 adrle.n6'h's ..
11( ronchifis: inFlammah'oo t)~ mfJ.C{)sa of bronchi W are CC1rl.jesre.d e' :,,'
. Swol((U) mue.tJlLS. !!I/Otnds. .
,....- __ -:--_------.=0...-. ~---'-------=....!!....:..-~t--"----------'-&_~-__:__~~~.-.- !'., ;

1__ --I-_t~n~bi=-=Q___I.-p..::..:.:Iu!::....:...::..M::..:... -::..-.~..L;'-.::....:...: m:h~",~:::"U4~.~'

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.• ~~.~....:.:..J'I)~·no:....;.·_~~,' ~·~'Cl:{~e---,-;,.~::::::::::-----=-----l !"'.

hntn~ ~iHv '?seudo_~tr.~.c~.t~~~~l~,~l~{r~~in~,,;'c~;:~~:"~.~.'~'\.~(~~r~

~'((~4'~!§1~.r" .
M.~~sa ,~f\~~~alf,,",~d(~:i~~Jej~~~;i~·;t0~~ C1b:;~~~~Y7lhe:A)
Acl\Jtn\tIIe tonhXU1's .• ptolet.\ of c..-arh ~e, -' " . ,;. a.b-se.n~ , p
- rnu..tos~Wl 8\Qn~ ~ elJ~~etrlt," ",,;
l-=-:.,.-------L---=-_::--. ...."",-=.=~;.;}'md:;, p~h~n=o~~~'
~ __ .. =========.==
.I~---':o.b::;· ~s::::::·en=-=r=. ==._~. -:-::: .....-:-.----:-_-' (: ",

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.. 1W eI n~eJ~ e.A[S~lLmous1 Cfiii eJt=Great~\v.cens=Seueto ~.
:' ~ EJu: mcua ,eU~ (inillq £he CjJltJet>li '11 X • Less n(.UYJet1:)(.lS (3 /. ) "..
; .. Flat c.el\,£' ~lcJ nuc.lei ~ £nort tMicroVll, .. Cuboidal celb e' ~unJeJ Nudei & ~t- miG~lf1&· .'
H~e ~iJle ttJfof/~sm e' few OlJineUa AbUt)c.lan~ ~~op lash) e "m an~ !!,Iif., well '.
.. (JJu:;und thI rut.tle<,tt1 +pVoVJft'r. ties/des del/eloped f?:!3.. / !-:~gI ~tif8~ ~Ucit _~:: ,:
(turn ()(je.r 01 slPl;/~t v removsl (CtJtoSOMe.$) W Ctm~ sW'ljad:anf. ::
of 3m_II poN,J/e) &'m 1iI11I.~). (st-qi"t- kc G.ppe..r '" tcwf ~eKI ell ge&L?JJr' ,' .
.. j

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I' ..sJruct~LCha~ m u,e ~.airwa{1-!- (S)

! [1.}V!ucosa : r.. : ;

:'~Ep-lt~~yacLuaJ -t~ III thicKrJ:SS (p5"St.caf.~~S.cJ"

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cil.~s.~.C(e .
-+s. cub ~ .glv'~epdh.).
II Q~'~ !J_q~blet_c.~lls: .~e;b{e.t-cellv. are fost Pi~t. bu,t c.ilia 3Y'd.dua·l~
.J,~ ce clean. rnucous, .
it l~i!1~_f-I'Ap-r:!~.:,J.~
in t-hic.J<ness el t1' e,{cQ sric Ps.
~- 8eIb mu.eottS giEJnd5; ~.(,~ N~. No !3(8noLs in bronch ioles.
@]- fa r/;ils~: in trache» ~ C- shaped ri \1,qs . .•
u ~t1 bmn~i --+ plste3 W. kJra'clua 1!J tt.u7 SlOe. . ~
~-Smooth m/,.t1: bt1.mcillo/es ~ iVo(jgrblas<!.. [ f~vetl~Co(la~.
. - p'~jnent ih t-he lower po..rP oft 1-he c('5)Jduch~ forti612.
. ., less /~ ".1,/ rese" '" - ~hsent in. a Itt. LO~1l .
-In t('achea~h"achLatis ms , bet. ends o~ Carl. r1f~~ •
• ln bronchi: gpirO){~ QCCc;)r\Se.d·
QI In hn:mchioles ~ Ccmt/I1UOUS c0zcular Sm .ms .. - .

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