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A Group Decision Model Based on Quality Function Deployment

and Hesitant Fuzzy for Selecting Supply Chain Sustainability Metric

Lauro Osiro, Francisco Rodrigues Lima-Junior, Luiz Cesar Ribeiro Carpinetti

The Authors told us that, nowadays Supply Chain Management (SCM) goals
have evolved to the next level. If the mainstream SCM refers to the integration of
planning, implementing and controlling of all the business processes related with
material transformation and information flow, the future SCM refers to evaluating the
sustainability performance of a supply chain involves the use of metrics related to
economic as well as social and environmental dimensions.

The Authors using Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Term Sets (HFLTS) with the prioritization
procedure of the house of quality of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method
to make an approach to do decision making.

Future researches can apply this model for selecting and weighting supply
chain sustainability metrics in different industry sectors and considering the opinion of
more decision makers. The proposed model also can be applied to selecting metrics
for sustainable supplier selection and evaluation.

Designing an Intelligent Decision Support System for Effective

Negotiation Pricing: A Systematic and Learning Approach
Xin Fu, Xiao-Jun Zeng, Xin(Robert) Luo, Di Wang, Di Xu, Qing-Liang Fan

Intelligent negotiation pricing and differential pricing are prevalent in retailing

and business-to-business (B2B), it needs high considering because its affecting to the
company like enhance a company’s profitability, balance supply and demand,
and improve the customer satisfaction.
The Authors using three different types of fuzzy systems (FSs) to provide
intelligent decision support for negotiation pricing. 1)The Standard FS 2)SFS-SISOM
3)Hierarchical FS.
The current prototype is not role-based and it does not distinguish different
groups of targeted users (e.g., data operators, model trainers, salespeople, and
managers). It is an important direction to improve the prototype by separating
different tasks for different groups of users and providing clear visuals that guide
users to the appropriate and applicable parts of the system.

A Bi-Level Fuzzy Analytical Decision Support Tool For Assessing

Product Remanufacturability
Thomas A. Omwando, Wilkistar A. Otieno, Sajad Farahani, Anthony D. Ross

This study presents a decision support system based on a bi-level fuzzy

computing approach that incorporates qualitative and quantitative product
attributes in determining the remanufacturability of a product. Remanufacturing is the
process of returning a used product or some of its components to “as-good-as-new”
condition. It is a restorative process that is most viable for products that have a high
replacement cost or valuable components that can be cost-effectively reused or
The model uses fuzzy inference approach in assessing four key performance
metrics herein referred to as sub models, namely; technological, economic, resource
utilization and environmental metrics that influence product remanufacturability.
In the model, two product families of control drives were evaluated to
determine their remanufacturability indexes. To ensure a comprehensive approach,
further research should be carried to incorporate other aspects of remanufacturing
such as reverse logistics, government legislation on product take back as well as
development in technology into the fuzzy inference based model for assessing
product remanufacturability.

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