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Comparatives, Equatives and Superlatives

Complete the following sentences using a superlative.

_________is one of the________________(friendly)people you know.

The____________(good) thing about you is:______________________
The ________(wonderful) song you’ve heard is:_____________________
The___________(less interesting) subject in university for you is:________
The_______________(inspiring) person you’ve ever met is: ___________
The_______________(disgusting) thing you’ve ever eaten is:___________
The_______________(amazing)book you’ve read is: ________________
One of your____________(big) fears is:__________________________
____________is my_________________(favourite) scent.
One of the things I find ____________(irritating) is:_________________
Your room is the________________(messy) in the entire house.
The _______(bad) thing about you is:____________________________
_____________was the__________ (expensive) object you’ve ever bought.
___________________is one of the__________(sad) things you’ve seen.
You always tell the _______________________ (fun) jokes.
My__________(less) preferred meal is___________________________

(Complete with an appropriate comparative, superlative or equative using

an adjective of your choice)

I am the________________in my family.
I am definitely the most_______________person you will ever meet.
I am_____________than my best friend.
I am less______________than my parents.
My brother/sister isn’t as____________as me.
I am not as__________ as my teacher.
My classmates aren’t as___________as I am.
I will be _________________when I am older.
I will be less______________when I get married..
When I was a child I was more_________than now.
I am the___________at karaoke in my house.
I am one of the____________in my class.
Someday I will be the__________person in Chile!
I am _____________than many people I know.
I am the least______________________in my family.
My best friend is the most_____________person I know.

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