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Selection by consequences
B. F. Skinner
Department of Psychology and Social Relations,
Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 02138

Abstract: Human behavior is the joint product of (i) contingencies of survival responsible for natural selection, and (ii) contingencies
of reinforcement responsible for the repertoires of individuals, including (iii) the special contingencies maintained by an evolved
social environment. Selection by consequences is a causal mode found only in living things, or in machines made by living things. It
was first recognized in natural selection: Reproduction, a first consequence, led to the evolution of cells, organs, and organisms
reproducing themselves under increasingly diverse conditions. The behavior functioned well, however, only under conditions
similar to those under which it was selected.
Reproduction under a wider range of consequences became possible with the evolution of processes through which organisms
acquired behavior appropriate to novel environments. One of these, operant conditioning, is a second kind of selection by
consequences: New responses could be strengthened by events which followed them. When the selecting consequences are the
same, operant conditioning and natural selection work together redundantly. But because a species which quickly acquires behavior
appropriate to an environment has less need for an innate repertoire, operant conditioning could replace as well as supplement the
natural selection of behavior.
Social behavior is within easy range of natural selection, because other members are one of the most stable features of the
environment of a species. The human species presumably became more social when its vocal musculature came under operant
control. Verbal behavior greatly increased the importance of a third kind of selection by consequences, the evolution of social
environments or cultures. The effect on the group, and not the reinforcing consequences for individual members, is responsible for
the evolution of culture.

Keywords: behaviorism; consequentialism; culture; evolution; law of effect; learning; natural selection; operant conditioning;
reinforcement contingencies; social environment; verbal behavior

The history of human behavior, if we may take it to begin could be strengthened ("reinforced") by events which
with the origin of life on earth, is possibly exceeded in immediately followed them.
scope only by the history of the universe. Like astrono-
mer and cosmologist, the historian proceeds only by
reconstructing what may have happened rather than by A second kind of selection
reviewing recorded facts. The story presumably began,
not with a big bang, but with that extraordinary moment Operant conditioning is a second kind of selection by
when a molecule came into existence which had the consequences. It must have evolved in parallel with two
power to reproduce itself. It was then that selection by other products of the same contingencies of natural selec-
consequences made its appearance as a causal mode. tion - a susceptibility to reinforcement by certain kinds of
Reproduction was itself a first consequence, and it led, consequences and a supply of behavior less specifically
through natural selection, to the evolution of cells, committed to eliciting or releasing stimuli. (Most oper-
organs, and organisms which reproduced themselves ants are selected from behavior which has little or no
under increasingly diverse conditions. relation to such stimuli.)
What we call behavior evolved as a set of functions When the selecting consequences are the same, oper-
furthering the interchange between organism and en- ant conditioning and natural selection work together
vironment. In a fairly stable world it could be as much a redundantly. For example, the behavior of a duckling in
part of the genetic endowment of a species as digestion, following its mother is apparently the product not only of
respiration, or any other biological function. The involve- natural selection (ducklings tend to move in the direction
ment with the environment, however, imposed limita- of large moving objects) but also of an evolved susceptibil-
tions. The behavior functioned well only under condi- ity to reinforcement by proximity to such an object, as
tions fairly similar to those under which it was selected. Peterson (1960) has shown. The common consequence is
Reproduction under a much wider range of conditions that the duckling stays near its mother. (Imprinting is a
became possible with the evolution of two processes different process, close to respondent conditioning.)
through which individual organisms acquired behavior Since a species which quickly acquires behavior appro-
appropriate to novel environments. Through respondent priate to a given environment has less need for an innate
(Pavlovian) conditioning, responses prepared in advance repertoire, operant conditioning could not only supple-
by natural selection could come under the control of new ment the natural selection of behavior, it could replace it.
stimuli. Through operant conditioning, new responses There were advantages favoring such a change. When

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Skinner: Selection by consequences
members of a species eat a certain food simply because A third kind of selection
eating it has had survival value, the food does not need to
be, and presumably is not, a reinforcer. Similarly, when Verbal behavior greatly increased the importance of a
sexual behavior is simply a product of natural selection, third kind of selection by consequences, the evolution of
sexual contact does not need to be, and presumably is not, social environments or cultures. The process presumably
a reinforcer. But when, through the evolution of special begins at the level of the individual. A better way of
susceptibilities, food and sexual contact become reinforc- making a tool, growing food, or teaching a child is rein-
ing, new forms of behavior can be set up. New ways of forced by its consequence - the tool, the food, or a useful
gathering, processing, and ultimately cultivating foods helper, respectively. A culture evolves when practices
and new ways of behaving sexually or of behaving in ways originating in this way contribute to the success of the
which lead only eventually to sexual reinforcement can be practicing group in solving its problems. It is the effect on
shaped and maintained. The behavior so conditioned is the group, not the reinforcing consequences for indi-
vidual members, which is responsible for the evolution of
not necessarily adaptive; foods are eaten which are not
the culture.
healthful, and sexual behavior strengthened which is not
related to procreation. In summary, then, human behavior is the joint product
Much of the behavior studied by ethologists - court- of (i) the contingencies of survival responsible for the
ship, mating, care of the young, intraspecific aggression, natural selection of the species and (ii) the contingencies
of reinforcement responsible for the repertoires acquired
defense of territory, and so on - is social. It is within easy
by its members, including (iii) the special contingencies
range of natural selection because other members of a maintained by an evolved social environment. (Ultimate-
species are one of the most stable features of the environ- ly, of course, it is all a matter of natural selection, since
ment of a species. Innate social repertoires are supple- operant conditioning is an evolved process, of which
mented by imitation. By running when others run, for cultural practices are special applications.)
example, an animal responds to releasing stimuli to which
it has not itself been exposed. A different kind of imita-
tion, with a much wider range, results from the fact that Similarities and differences
contingencies of reinforcement which induce one organ-
ism to behave in a given way will often affect another Each of the three levels of variation and selection has its
organism when it behaves in the same way. An imitative own discipline - the first, biology; the second, psychol-
repertoire which brings the imitator under the control of ogy; and the third, anthropology. Only the second, oper-
new contingencies is therefore acquired. ant conditioning, occurs at a speed at which it can be
The human species presumably became much more observed from moment to moment. Biologists and an-
social when its vocal musculature came under operant thropologists study the processes through which varia-
control. Cries of alarm, mating calls, aggressive threats, tions arise and are selected, but they merely reconstruct
and other kinds of vocal behavior can be modified through the evolution of a species or culture. Operant condition-
operant conditioning, but apparently only with respect to ing is selection in progress. It resembles a hundred
the occasions upon which they occur or their rate of million years of natural selection or a thousand years of
occurrence.l The ability of the human species to acquire the evolution of a culture compressed into a very short
new forms through selection by consequences presum- period of time.
ably resulted from the evolution of a special innervation of The immediacy of operant conditioning has certain
the vocal musculature, together with a supply of vocal practical advantages. For example, when a currently
behavior not strongly under the control of stimuli or adaptive feature is presumably too complex to have oc-
releasers - the babbling of children from which verbal curred in its present form as a single variation, it is usually
operants are selected. No new susceptibility to reinforce- explained as the product of a sequence of simpler varia-
ment was needed because the consequences of verbal tions, each with its own survival value. It is standard
behavior are distinguished only by the fact that they are practice in evolutionary theory to look for such se-
mediated by other people (Skinner, 1957). quences, and anthropologists and historians have recon-
The development of environmental control over the structed the stages through which moral and ethical
vocal musculature greatly extended the help one person codes, art, music, literature, science, technology, and so
receives from others. By behaving verbally people coop- on, have presumably evolved. A complex operant, how-
erate more successfully in common ventures. By taking ever, can actually be "shaped through successive approx-
advice, heeding warnings, following instructions, and imation" by arranging a graded series of contingencies of
observing rules, they profit from what others have al- reinforcement.2
ready learned. Ethical practices are strengthened by A current question at level i has parallels at levels ii and
codifying them in laws, and special techniques of ethical iii. If natural selection is a valid principle, why do many
and intellectual self-management are devised and taught. species remain unchanged for thousands or even millions
Self-knowledge or awareness emerges when one person of years? Presumably the answer is either that no varia-
asks another such a question as "What are you going to tions have occurred or that those which occurred were
do?" or "Why did you do that?" The invention of the not selected by the prevailing contingencies. Similar
alphabet spread these advantages over great distances questions may be asked at levels ii and iii. Why do people
and periods of time. They have long been said to give the continue to do things in the same way for many years, and
human species its unique position, although it is possible why do groups of people continue to observe old practices
that what is unique is simply the extension of operant for centuries? The answers are presumably the same:
control to the vocal musculature. Either new variations (new forms of behavior or new


Skinner: Selection by consequences
practices) have not appeared or those which have ap- saltum.) (iii) Social environments generate self-knowl-
peared have not been selected by the prevailing con- edge ("consciousness") and self-management ("reason")
tingencies (of reinforcement or of the survival of the without help from a group mind or Zeitgeist.
group). At all three levels a sudden, possibly extensive, To say this is not to reduce life, mind, and Zeitgeist to
change is explained as due to new variations selected by physics; it is simply to recognize the expendability of
prevailing contingencies or to new contingencies. Com- essences. The facts are as they have always been. To say
petition with other species, persons, or cultures may or that selection by consequences is a causal mode found
may not be involved. Structural constraints may also play only in living things is only to say that selection (or the
a part at all three levels. "replication with error" which made it possible) defines
Another issue is the definition or identity of a species, "living." (A computer can be programmed to model
person, or culture. Traits in a species and practices in a natural selection, operant conditioning, or the evolution
culture are transmitted from generation to generation, of a culture but only when constructed and programmed
but reinforced behavior is "transmitted" only in the sense by a living thing.) The physical basis of natural selection is
of remaining part of the repertoire of the individual. now fairly clear; the corresponding basis of operant condi-
Where species and cultures are defined by restrictions tioning, and hence of the evolution of cultures, has yet to
imposed upon transmission - by genes and chromosomes be discovered.
and, say, geographical isolation, respectively - a problem
of definition (or identity) arises at level ii only when Certain definitions of good and value, (i) What is good for
different contingencies of reinforcement create different the species is whatever promotes the survival of its
repertoires, as selves or persons. members until offspring have been born and, possibly,
cared for. Good features are said to have survival value.
Among them are susceptibilities to reinforcement by
Traditional explanatory schemes many of the things we say taste good, feel good, and so on.
As a causal mode, selection by consequences was dis- (ii) The behavior of a person is good if it is effective under
covered very late in the history of science - indeed, less prevailing contingencies of reinforcement. We value
than a century and a half ago - and it is still not fully such behavior and, indeed, reinforce it by saying "Good!"
recognized or understood, especially at levels ii and iii. Behavior toward others is good if it is good for the others
The facts for which it is responsible have been forced into in these senses, (iii) What is good for a culture is whatever
the causal pattern of classical mechanics, and many of the promotes its ultimate survival, such as holding a group
explanatory schemes elaborated in the process must now together or transmitting its practices. These are not, of
be discarded. Some of them have great prestige and are course, traditional definitions; they do not recognize a
strongly defended at all three levels. Here are four world of value distinct from a world of fact and, for other
examples: reasons to be noted shortly, they are challenged.

A prior act of creation, (i) Natural selection replaces a very

special creator and is still challenged because it does so. Alternatives to selection
(ii) Operant conditioning provides a similarly controver-
sial account of the ("voluntary") behavior traditionally An example of the attempt to assimilate selection by
attributed to a creative mind, (iii) The evolution of a social consequences to the causality of classical mechanics is the
environment replaces the supposed origin of a culture as a term "selection pressure," which appears to convert
social contract or of social practices as commandments. selection into something that forces a change. A more
serious example is the metaphor of storage. Contingen-
Purpose or intention. Only past consequences figure in cies of selection necessarily lie in the past; they are not
selection, (i) A particular species does not have eyes in acting when their effect is observed. To provide a current
order that its members may see better; it has them cause it has therefore been assumed that they are stored
because certain members, undergoing variation, were (usually as "information") and later retrieved. Thus, (i)
able to see better and hence were more likely to transmit genes and chromosomes are said to "contain the informa-
the variation, (ii) The consequences of operant behavior tion" needed by the fertilized egg in order to grow into a
are not what the behavior is now for; they are merely mature organism. But a cell does not consult a store of
similar to the consequences which have shaped and information in order to learn how to change; it changes
maintained it. (iii) People do not observe particular prac- because of features which are the product of a history of
tices in order that the group will be more likely to survive; variation and selection, a product which is not well
they observe them because groups which induced their represented by the metaphor of storage, (ii) People are
members to do so survived and transmitted them. said to store information about contingencies of reinforce-
ment and retrieve it for use on later occasions. But they
Certain essences, (i) A molecule which could reproduce do not consult copies of earlier contingencies to discover
itself and evolve into cell, organ, and organism was alive how to behave; they behave in given ways because they
as soon as it came into existence without the help of a vital have been changed by those contingencies. The con-
principle called life, (ii) Operant behavior is shaped and tingencies can perhaps be inferred from the changes they
brought under the control of the environment without have worked, but they are no longer in existence, (iii) A
the intervention of a principle of mind. (To suppose that possibly legitimate use of "storage" in the evolution of
thought appeared as a variation, like a morphological trait cultures may be responsible for these mistakes. Parts of
in genetic theory, is to invoke an unnecessarily large the social environment maintained and transmitted by a


Skinner: Selection by consequences
group are quite literally stored in documents, artifacts, amenities of civilization to the exhaustion of resources;
and other products of that behavior. what is good for the species or culture may be bad for the
Other causal forces serving in lieu of selection have individual, as when practices designed to control procrea-
been sought in the structure of a species, person, or tion or preserve resources restrict individual freedom;
culture. Organization is an example, (i) Until recently, and so on. There is nothing inconsistent or contradictory
most biologists argued that organization distinguished about these uses of "good" or "bad," or about other value
living from nonliving things, (ii) According to Gestalt judgments, so long as the level of selection is specified.
psychologists and others, both perceptions and acts occur
in certain inevitable ways because of their organization.
(iii) Many anthropologists and linguists appeal to the An initiating agent
organization of cultural and linguistic practices. It is true The role of selection by consequences has been particu-
that all species, persons, and cultures are highly orga- larly resisted because there is no place for the initiating
nized, but no principle of organization explains their agent suggested by classical mechanics. We try to identify
being so. Both the organization and the effects attributed such an agent when we say (i) that a species adapts to an
to it can be traced to the respective contingencies of environment, rather than that the environment selects
selection. the adaptive traits; (ii) that an individual adjusts to a
Another example is growth. Developmentalism is situation, rather than that the situation shapes and main-
structuralism with time or age added as an independent tains adjusted behavior; and (iii) that a group of people
variable, (i) There was evidence before Darwin that solve a problem raised by certain circumstances, rather
species had "developed." (ii) Cognitive psychologists than that the circumstances select the cultural practices
have argued that concepts develop in the child in certain which yield a solution.
fixed orders, and Freud said the same for the psychosex- The question of an initiating agent is raised in its most
ual functions, (iii) Some anthropologists have contended acute form by our own place in this history. Darwin and
that cultures must evolve through a prescribed series of Spencer thought that selection would necessarily lead to
stages, and Marx said as much in his insistence upon perfection, but species, people, and cultures all perish
historical determinism. But at all three levels the changes when they cannot cope with rapid change, and our
can be explained by the "development" of contingencies species now appears to be threatened. Must we wait for
of selection. New contingencies of natural selection come selection to solve the problems of overpopulation, ex-
within range as a species evolves; new contingencies of haustion of resources, pollution of the environment, and a
reinforcement begin to operate as behavior becomes nuclear holocaust, or can we take explicit steps to make
more complex; and new contingencies of survival are our future more secure? In the latter case, must we not in
dealt with by increasingly effective cultures. some sense transcend selection?
We could be said to intervene in the process of selec-
Selection neglected tion when as geneticists we change the characteristics of a
species or create new species, or when as governors,
The causal force attributed to structure as a surrogate of employers, or teachers we change the behavior of per-
selection causes trouble when a feature at one level is said sons, or when we design new cultural practices; but in
to explain a similar feature at another, the historical none of these ways do we escape from selection by
priority of natural selection usually giving it a special consequences. In the first place, we can work only
place. Sociobiology offers many examples. Behavior de- through variation and selection. At level i we can change
scribed as the defense of territory may be due to (i) genes and chromosomes or contingencies of survival, as
contingencies of survival in the evolution of a species, in selective breeding. At level ii we can introduce new
possibly involving food supplies or breeding practices; (ii) forms of behavior - for example, by showing or telling
contingencies of reinforcement for the individual, possi- people what to do with respect to relevant contingencies
bly involving a share of the reinforcers available in the - or construct and maintain new selective contingencies.
territory; or (iii) contingencies maintained by the cultural At level iii we can introduce new cultural practices or,
practices of a group, promoting behavior which contrib- rarely, arrange special contingencies of survival - for
utes to the survival of the group. Similarly, altruistic example, to preserve a traditional practice. But having
behavior (i) may evolve through, say, kin selection; (ii) done these things, we must wait for selection to occur.
may be shaped and maintained by contingencies of rein- (There is a special reason why these limitations are
forcement arranged by those for whom the behavior significant. It is often said that the human species is now
works an advantage; or (iii) may be generated by cultures able to control its own genetics, its own behavior, its own
which, for example, induce individuals to suffer or die as destiny, but it does not do so in the sense in which the
heroes or martyrs. The contingencies of selection at the term control is used in classical mechanics. It does not for
three levels are quite different, and the structural sim- the very reason that living things are not machines:
ilarity does not attest to a common generative principle. selection by consequences makes the difference.) In the
When a causal force is assigned to structure, selection second place, we must consider the possibility that our
behavior in intervening is itself a product of selection. We
tends to be neglected. Many issues which arise in morals
tend to regard ourselves as initiating agents only because
and ethics can be resolved by specifying the level of
we know or remember so little about our genetic and
selection. What is good for the individual or culture may environmental histories.
have bad consequences for the species, as when sexual
reinforcement leads to overpopulation or the reinforcing Although we can now predict many of the contingen-


Commentary /Skinner: Selection by consequences

cies of selection to which the human species will probably

be exposed at all three levels and can specify behavior Open Peer Commentary
that will satisfy many of them, we have failed to establish
cultural practices under which much of that behavior is
Commentaries submitted by the qualified professional readership of
selected and maintained. It is possible that our effort to this journal will be considered for publication in a later issue as
preserve the role of the individual as an originator is at Continuing Commentary on this article. Integrative overviews and
fault, and that a wider recognition of the role of selection syntheses are especially encouraged.
by consequences will make an important difference.
The present scene is not encouraging. Psychology is Skinner on selection - A case study of
the discipline of choice at level ii, but few psychologists
pay much attention to selection. The existentialists
intellectual isolation
among them are explicitly concerned with the here and George W. Barlow
now, rather than the past and future. Structuralists and Department of Zoology and Museum of Vertebrate Zoology,
developmentalists tend to neglect selective contingen- University of California, Berkeley, Calif. 94720
cies in their search for causal principles such as organiza- Ask yourself the following question: Would "Consequences"
tion or growth. The conviction that contingencies are have been published in Science in 1981 if the author had been
stored as information is only one of the reasons why the anonymous? The answer would be a resounding no, and it would
appeal to cognitive functions is not helpful. The three not be difficult to confirm this assertion experimentally now just
personae of psychoanalytic theory are in many respects two years later. Surely the editors of Science must have had good
close to our three levels of selection; but the id does not reasons for publishing his article. We can only guess the rea-
adequately represent the enormous contribution of the sons, but I doubt we would be far wrong.
natural history of the species; the superego, even with the First and foremost, B. F. Skinner is a major figure in modern
help of the ego ideal, does not adequately represent the psychology. Almost anything he has to say in the realm of
contribution of the social environment to language, self- behavior is of widespread interest whether one's opinion is that
it is right or wrong, and with or without adequate documenta-
knowledge, and intellectual and ethical self-manage- tion. He has made enormous contributions to the field and
ment; and the ego is a poor likeness of the personal demonstrated the awesome control the experimenter can have
repertoire acquired under the practical contingencies of over the behavior of an animal under specified conditions.
daily life. The field known as the experimental analysis of That very control seems to have shaped Skinner's perception
behavior has extensively explored selection by conse- of the biological world. It has also produced a vision of human
quences, but its conception of human behavior is re- behavior that can be disquieting. In "Consequences" Skinner
sisted, and many of its practical applications rejected, asserts that a person is not "an initiating doer, actor, or causer of
precisely because it has no place for a person as an behavior." He states further that it is possible to "construct and
initiating agent. The behavioral sciences at level iii show maintain new selective contingencies" by reinforcing the
similar shortcomings. Anthropology is heavily structural, "good" behavior of such a person. Taken at face value that
and political scientists and economists usually treat the sounds harmless enough, except for two things: Someone else
individual as a free initiating agent. Philosophy and let- decides what is good behavior, and we have no clear prescrip-
tion for how that decision might be reached or who makes it. The
ters offer no promising leads. definition of good behavior appears simply to evolve by trial and
A proper recognition of the selective action of the error at three levels, and perhaps it has. That is the major thesis
environment means a change in our conception of the of "Consequences."
origin of behavior which is possibly as extensive as that of Thefirstlevel is that of Darwinian natural selection. That kind
the origin of species. So long as we cling to the view that a of selection is treated superficially and conventionally. (I return
person is an initiating doer, actor, or causer of behavior, to his views on natural selection below.) The second kind of
we shall probably continue to neglect the conditions selection is that of operant conditioning, and the third is that of
which must be changed if we are to solve our problems cultural evolution, the course of both being molded by their
consequences. His treatment of the last two levels does not find
(Skinner 1971). universal acceptance.
I take exception to Skinner's portrayal of selection at the level
of operant conditioning. For one, I prefer to call this level that of
ACKNOWLEDGMENT phenotypic modification or intraindividual adaptation; the ter-
This article originally appeared in Science 213: 501-04, 3 July minology is not important. What is important is that individual
1981. Copyright 1981 by the American Association for the adaptability is a much richer set of phenomena than is even
Advancement of Science. Reprinted with the permission of the remotely embraced by operant conditioning.
publisher. Ectothermic animals, for instance, acclimate to the tem-
perature at which they are found; the thermal preferendum of
an individual depends on its thermal acclimation, which varies
NOTES with the season and microhabitat (Hutchinson & Maness 1979).
1. The imitative vocal behavior of certain birds may be an Sexual maturity, with its attendant changes in behavior, can
exception, but if it has selective consequences comparable with occur at radically different ages in platyfish depending on
those of cries of alarm or mating calls, they are obscure. The dominance relationships that are independent of the re-
vocal behavior of the parrot is shaped, at best, by a trivial spondent's behavior (Borowsky 1978). The maternal digger
consequence, involving the resemblance between sounds pro- wasp learns how much to provision her nest site in one trial,
duced and sounds heard. without the benefit of overt reinforcement, and the appropriate
2. Patterns of innate behavior too complex to have arisen as response is delayed several hours (Baerends 1941). Early expe-
single variations may have been shaped by geologic changes due rience appears to have pervasive effects on behaviors that are
to plate tectonics (Skinner 1975). first manifest only in adulthood. One such phenomenon is


Commentary/Skinner: Selection by consequences
sexual imprinting; attempts tofitit into a conditioning paradigm same theme as Skinner and is often cited. Pringle's and Camp-
present difficulties and suggest a procrustean resolution. bell's treatments are more sophisticated than the essay before
The manner in which Skinner contrasts natural selection and us. Skinner has also overlooked the literature on constraints on
conditioning as two distinct kinds of selection also has a major learning and the ethologists' resolution of the nature—nurture
fault. Genetic and experiential factors are conveyed as being issue.
fundamentally separate. This separation is inherent in the way Why, indeed, should Science have published this essay?
Skinner relegates biologists' interests to unlearned behavior and Perhaps the editors felt that we should know Skinner's mind
evolutionary phylogenies. The rigidity is also apparent in his well, including the box within which it operates, precisely
insistence that "most operants are selected from behavior which because his writings have been so influential, extending into the
has little or no relation to" eliciting or releasing stimuli. An sociopolitical arena. Skinner should respond to this type of
epigenetic approach provides a more realistic view. criticism and not just by asserting that he is not understood. He
Evidence is growing rapidly that there are evolved pre- should acknowledge these other fields by learning more about
dispositions for animals to learn to respond in particular ways to them than is found in the secondary literature. It may yet be
particular kinds of stimulation. The example most appropriate to possible to bring this great thinker out of the walls he has
Skinner's essay, and also the most debatable, is that of language. erected around his intellect.
People learn a given language, and conditioning doubtless plays
a role. But humans may also be predisposed to speak, and the On the status of causal modes
structure of language may have properties that transcend the
process of operant conditioning (Lenneberg & Lenneberg Robert C. Bolles
1975). This possibility is ignored in Skinner's essay. Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. 98195
The range of interaction between experience and species-
specific constraints on learning is nowhere better and more The modern Western world grew up being thoroughly familiar
convincingly documented than in the elegant comparative stud- with two traditional causal modes. We knew about the mental
ies on the acquisition of song among birds (Green & Marler mode, the world of ideas and feelings and the associations
1979). Likewise, sexual imprinting is proving increasingly to among ideas and feelings. We knew how to explain behavior in
involve both constraints and plasticity; recognizing one's species terms of ideation and volition. We also knew about the mechan-
is an ability that requires little experience. Rather, imprinting's ical mode, the world of machines and billiard balls, projectiles
function seems to be the learning of closeness of relationship (P. and things in orbit. We knew how to explain behavior in terms of
Bateson 1980). Finally, I disagree with Skinner's easy and neural impulses and muscle contractions. These modes were
almost casual equating of genetic with fixed behavior. familiar; they did not enjoy a great deal of practical success, but
I do agree with Skinner, on the other hand, that cultures have they were familiar.
evolved because of the consequences of their practices. Many Not so familiar were some other explanatory modes that had
will differ with us on this. been around since antiquity. There was Aristotle's fourfold
A major weakness of "Consequences' is that it has been approach, which showed up from time to time, and which is still
written in a vacuum. Skinner's remarks on natural selection fashionable among Jesuit scholars. And there was the empirical
show a lack of understanding as well as total isolation from the approach of Hume. Hume observed, rightly, that we really do
noisy arguments that have been heard throughout the land for not know how the mind works, or even what is really happening
the iast 20 years about group versus individual selection. It is on the billiard table. All that we can actually know is that our
almost embarrassing to read in a 1981 paper that "what is good observations are orderly and, with experience, predictable. If
for the individual or culture may have bad consequences for the we have observed this following that many times before, then
species." - or, when writing about the origins of behavior and we can count on this following that again. Psychologists have
clearly not about humans, "The behavior so conditioned is not never been very comfortable with Aristotle's approach, nor, for
necessarily adaptive; foods are eaten which are not healthful, a long time, did they take very kindly to Hume's empirical
and sexual behavior strengthened which is not related to pro- approach. In the heady days of early behaviorism, the mecha-
creation. " Lest I be misunderstood, let me point out that I am nistic bias precluded any alternative to a mechanical mode of
not saying that group selection is inconceivable (see D. S. causation. All other modes were dismissed, so that behavior
Wilson 1975; 1980) but that this loose application of the species- could be explained only in terms of neural impulses and muscle
benefit argument reveals a fundamental failure to understand contractions.
modern theorizing about natural selection. It is greatly to his credit, I think, that Skinner has always stood
This confusion is apparent in the conclusion of "Conse- opposed to this mechanistic bias. In one of his earliest publica-
quences." Skinner argues with regard to altruism that selection tions Skinner (1931) considered the question of how one knows
operates at three different levels, paralleling his opening re- that one is looking at a reflex. How can we tell that this regularly
marks. The three kinds of selection are (i) biological (here kin elicited reaction really is a reflex? Do we know this because of
selection), (ii) psychological (through reinforcement of indi- our underlying knowledge of the neural mediation involved: the
vidual behavior), and (iii) cultural, (as in inducing heroism). He afferent, the synapse, and the efferent? No, not at all. We know
claims that "the contingencies of selection at the three levels are we have a reflex for simple, empirical, Hume-like reasons: The
quite different, and the structural similarity does not attest to a stimulus regularly elicits the reaction. Back in those days, back
common generative principle." at the beginning of Skinner's career, such an empirical orienta-
What we have here is a failure to distinguish between proxi- tion was not very popular, but he stuck with it, defended it ably,
mate and ultimate mechanisms (E. O. Wilson 1975). The hero is and continued to promote it. And gradually the empirical causal
taught to behave that way, which is the proximate mechanism. mode began to catch on.
In the small societies in which heroism must have evolved, the But meanwhile subtle changes could be seen in Skinner's
hero's kin enjoyed improved reproductive fitness superior to behavior. He pointed out that just as an elicited response is
that of individuals who were not so easy to train. This is kin perfectly well explained by citing the antecedent eliciting stim-
selection, the ultimate causation. A common generative princi- ulus, so an emitted response can be perfectly well explained by
ple is reasonable. citing the consequent reinforcing stimulus (Skinner 1937). Only
I was equally taken aback by the absence of references to a mechanist would insist upon the emitted response having an
highly relevant literature closer to home for Skinner. In a classic elicitor. Deny the mechanists their fundamental assumption,
paper Pringle (1951) explored the parallels between learning and you have behavior explained by its consequences. Adhere
and natural selection. Campbell (1975) has written on almost the to a purely empirical mode of causation, and you have operants


Commentary/ Skinner: Selection by consequences
being explained by their reinforcers. If you have a stream of popular works and the present article, "Consequences." It is
operants, and a stream of reinforcers, these streams turn out to only by the clear statement of current images and subsequent
be so well correlated that you do not even have to have a testing by critique or experience, however, that knowledge
"theory" to explain the correlation (Skinner 1950). If the stream becomes more perfect. The following is my current image,
of reinforcers really controls the behavior, then you have the subject to future revision.
behavior under control and you do not have to be bothered by 1. I still have to be persuaded that experimental psychology,
the question of how it is mediated, because you have your own especially with animals, has contributed much even to the
kind of causal mode. understanding of animals, still less to the understanding of the
It may be noted that there is nothing teleological about immense complexity of the human organism. The experimental
control by consequences, because by the time you actually get method is useful only in a very limited area of scientific inquiry,
behavior under control there will be a history of reinforcement where systems are simple and repeatable, as in chemistry. It is
for it, and if one were interested in questions of mediation then on the whole an inappropriate methodology in developing
that history could be assumed to be acting proactivcly. But the improved cognitive images of complex, unstable systems with
question of whether the past acts proactively or the future acts changing parameters and cumulative structures, where rare
retroactively hardly ever arises when one is committed to events are significant. Humans are a supreme example of sys-
Skinner's kind of causal mode. tems of this kind.
For some years now (e.g. Campbell 1956) parallels have been 2. The whole black-box, input-output, behavioral approach
noted between the selection of responses by reinforcement and strikes me as having very limited value in understanding behav-
the selection of species by evolutionary processes. In "Conse- ior, even of animals. In the case of humans we have a key to
quences" Skinner has elaborated some of these parallels. Thus, opening the black box of our minds in our capacity for reflection
he proposes that causation by consequences is the proper and communication. It seems the height of absurdity to dismiss
explanatory mode for both evolutionary scholarship and the this as "operant control" of "vocal musculature."
experimental analysis of behavior. And he extends the argument 3. Skinner's basic theoretical concepts, such as reinforce-
to include a third area, social organization and evolution. Per- ment, rest ultimately on a largely unexamined selection of
haps it was thought that the emphasis upon a common causal mental images out of a potentially very large and unexamined
mode for these three areas would help to legitimize one or repertoire. It simply assumes that there is a valuation structure
another of them, or the causal mode itself. However, this within the organism which, for instance, can distinguish, and at
emphasis overlooks a fundamental point. One can understand least rank, pleasures and pains, and this assumption presumably
that a theorist would want to push an idea as far as it can go, is derived from human introspection and then applied to rats
particularly when it is a good idea. But we also have to under- and pigeons. Valuations, however, although they are in part
stand that parallels may be no more than parallels. genetically created, are also, even in animals, learned, and in
The problem is this. Although it is quite true that evolution- humans the learning process is very large. The evaluative
ary theorists like to think of consequences (the survival and structure, for instance, by which we learn to speak and write
prosperity of a species) selecting genotypes, very little of the "correct" English is wholly learned - we have a genetically
explaining they do takes this form. Evolutionary theory is produced potential for the learning of language, but there is no
constantly on the search for mediating mechanisms, for the gene for English or Chinese.
antecedent conditions that present challenges to animals' sur- 4. The evolutionary theory, as expounded in "Conse-
vival, and to the complicated interactions between animal and quences," is a middling first approximation, but quite inade-
environment. In short, the great bulk of evolutionary schol- quate even for the complexities of biological, much less for
arship involves itself with proximate causation and mediating social, evolution. It neglects the complexity of ecological selec-
mechanisms. And the great overriding principle of ultimate tion, and even more the complexity especially of societal muta-
causation, the causation by consequences, although very widely tion, which is often highly teleological and much influenced by
believed in, is rarely cited as explaining anything. In Skinner's the capacity of humans for images of the future. Together with
analysis of behavior the situation is very much the opposite. He the sociobiologists, Skinner neglects the process of transmission
tends to rely on reinforcement as an explanatory principle, and of learned structures from one generation to the next by a
to dismiss mediating mechanisms (for example, when there is a learning process, which I have called "noogenetics," and which
discriminative stimulus that might be thought of as eliciting the is of some importance even in animals, and of overwhelming
operant, it is not allowed to do anything, it merely "sets the importance in humans. Skinner does recognize, however, that
occasion"). So the selection by consequences idea has to carry selective processes that lead to the spread of a particular muta-
the whole explanatory burden. tion (and this goes for the noogenetic as well as the biogenetic)
The problem is that different explanatory modes should not through the field of a species may be adverse to the survival of
compete with each other, they should complement each other. the species itself. The reverse may also be true - that obstacles
Aristotle was basically right, I think, in that we should use a to the spread of certain mutations through the species may help
variety of explanatory modes rather than trying to rely on just the survival of the species itself.
one. Perhaps if one is only interested in controlling behavior, 5. With Skinner's protest against crude applications of classi-
then Skinner's causal mode suffices. But a lot of psychologists cal mechanics I have a lot of sympathy; the very success of
want to do more than control behavior. The truth is that the Newtonian and Laplacian mechanics has had a most unfortunate
mind is full of ideas and feelings and associations; the head is full effect on those sciences that study complex systems with unsta-
of neurons and synapses. And a lot of psychologists want to know ble parameters, where whatever "laws" there are change all the
how these things work, and in their searches they will, no doubt, time. He constantly seems to be slipping back, however, into
be using the familiar, traditional explanatory modes. the quasi-mechanical determinism the theory of operant condi-
tioning represents, which is inappropriate to biological and
especially to human and societal systems. Skinner, and many
other psychologists, have trapped themselves in a methodology
B. F. Skinner: A dissident view inappropriate to the system they are studying, so much so that it
is hard not to feel that we can learn more about human structure
Kenneth E. Boulding and process from the poets than from the psychologists. It could
Department of Economics, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. 19081 be, of course, that when and if we ever find out the actual
I write out of an imperfect and probably biased "knowledge of processes in the nervous system by which images are coded and
changed, this could lead to a radical change in the understand-
Skinner's work, my reading not extending much beyond his


Commentary /Skinner: Selection by consequences
ing and practice of human learning. This, however, requires example of an attempt to assimilate selection by consequences
observational and descriptive science, guided by fine instru- to the causality of classical mechanics. It appears to convert
mentation, rather than experimental science. Here again the selection into something that forces a change. In his book About
principle that nothing fails like imitated success seems to apply; Behaviorism (1974) he raises the same complaint and adds that
the success of experimental science in its appropriate fields, the notion that the "pressure" is exerted primarily by other
which are quite limited, has led to its extension into fields in species is erroneous. The definition of selection pressure with
which it is not appropriate. The psychologists, and Skinner in which I am familiar is: the degree of systematic bias or enhanced
particular, seem to have been caught in this trap. probability in favor of increase, from one generation to the next,
of the frequency of a given genetic factor or type of genetic
system (Jepsen, Simpson & Mayr 1949). I do not see how this
concept could be considered to be an attempt to assimilate
Behaviorism and natural selection selection to the causality of classical mechanics. Perhaps the
term "pressure" is too reminiscent of physics, but the actual
C. B. G. Campbell definition gives no such impression. Skinner does not reveal the
Division of Neuropsychiatry, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, origin of the idea that selection pressure is exerted primarily by
Washington, D.C. 20307 other species. I do not believe that such an idea is common
Much of the content of "Consequences" has appeared pre- among biologists.
viously in other publications of Professor Skinner. I have taken Skinner clearly believes that the concept of selection by
this opportunity to read some of them also. It is interesting to consequences is an explanatory scheme or causal mode with
see so much emphasis on evolution and natural selection in the more explanatory power and verifiability than some of the more
work of a distinguished experimental psychologist. As he him- traditional schemes. As he indicates, natural selection occupies
self points out, few psychologists afford selection much atten- a very special place. Although Darwin was able to persuade
tion. Surely one of his many contributions has been the stressing many that evolution had indeed occurred, he had more diffi-
of selection and the role of behavior in it. Nevertheless, there culty convincing them that natural selection was and is the
are some elements in the paper with which I disagree.' creative force of evolution. Certainly it can be said that among
Although Skinner inserts the disclaimer that his three levels biologists its validity is reasonably well established now. The
of contingencies are ultimately all a matter of natural selection, punctuationalists are, however, currently contending with the
throughout the bulk of his discussion here and elsewhere he gradualists concerning the temporal relationships of its actions
treats them quite separately. Further, he emphasizes their (Eldredge & Gould 1972). The evidence for social and cultural
distinctness by his statement that each of the three levels of change brought about by changing environments is all about us.
variation and selection has its own scientific discipline: biology, These changes result less from alterations in the physical en-
psychology, and anthropology. He suggests that operant condi- vironment than from human activity. I am not convinced that a
tioning, the second level or kind of selection by consequences, strict analogy with natural selection is possible in all instances.
could supplement natural selection or replace it. It is my My value system tells me that many of these changes arc
contention that subsuming these three entities - natural selec- deleterious. Operant conditioning is certainly a very powerful
tion, operant conditioning, and social environment or culture - tool for understanding and in many cases controlling behavior.
Where it is appropriately applied it is vastly more useful than
under the umbrella of "selection by consequences" is mislead-
the invention of forces, essences, and deities.
The modern definition of natural selection stresses reproduc-
tive success. The genotypes of a species possess a large pool of NOTE
1. This material lias been reviewed by the Walter Reed Army
variation. This produces phenotypic variation in the populations Institute of Research, and there is no objection to its presentation or
of the species, some of which is morphological and some behav- publication. The opinions or assertions contained therein are the private
ioral. Natural selection is a statistical concept. The better gen- views of the author and are not to be construed as official or as reflecting
otype has a better chance of surviving long enough to reproduce the views of the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense.
itself and add some of its genes to the next generation. It should
be remembered that natural selection favors or discriminates
against phenotypes, not genotypes. When genotypic dif-
ferences are not expressed in the phenotype they are not Skinner, selection, and self-control
accessible to selection. This process is said to be selective
Bo Dahlbom
because some genes increase in frequency while others
Department for the Theory and Philosophy of Science, Umed University,
901 87 Umei, Sweden
Operant conditioning or contingencies of reinforcement may
be said to select for increased or decreased frequency of some Recognizing that Skinner wants us to accept the metaphor of
form of behavior in the repertoire of individuals. Such behaviors "natural selection" as the exclusive metaphor for theorizing in
might become shaped in such a way as to be appropriate for psychology, we can simply retort that wefindthis metaphor not
novel environments and lead to differential reproduction. For helpful enough, that wefindhis arguments and facts supporting
this to occur these behaviors or their possessors would have to the role he wants to give this metaphor not convincing enough.
be acted upon by natural selection. Operant conditioning is here Outstanding examples of this line of criticism are Chomsky
acting much like mutation or gene recombination, producing (1959) and Dennett (1978b).
new variation on which natural selection may act. It does not The problem with this criticism is that however convincing it
have a power equivalent to that of natural selection insofar as is to most of us, Skinner himself does not seem to give it much
evolution is concerned. The evolution of social environments or weight. His view seems to be that whatever critics profess to
cultures is perhaps analogous to biological evolution. Certainly show along this line, it is still the case that his choice of metaphor
it has had an impact on human evolution. In my view, classifying is superior and exclusive. But if Skinner's reason for his choice of
natural selection, operant conditioning, and the evolution of metaphor is not its proven value, what could his reasons possibly
culture as three "kinds" of selection by consequences is akin to be? Well, one might think that Skinner does not really think of
classifying a child's ball, the planet earth, and an orange as "selection by consequences" as a metaphor at all. There are
spheroids. indications of this in "Consequences." Current theorizing in
In "Consequences" Skinner again deplores the use of the cognitive science is characterized as operating with "the meta-
term "selection pressure" because he considers it to be an phor of storage," but selection by consequences is said to be


Commentary! Skinner: Selection by consequences
"first recognized in natural selection" (my italics) and "dis- failure to procreate will there be any "consequences" to consid-
covered very late in the history of science" (my italics). But there er. This was the very important truth that Darwin learned from
should be no doubt that the idea of natural selection is a Malthus. His theory of evolution rested squarely on the premise
metaphorical extension of a notion used to characterize the of there being a struggle for survival. But this necessitates an
human practice of animal and plant breeding ("artificial selec- interest in the characteristics of organisms determining their
tion"). In some of Darwin's forerunners (see the discussion of conditions of survival.
Wells and Matthew in Mayr 1982) this was explicitly indicated. 3. Natural selection favors organisms with adaptive traits.
Darwin himself was immensely happy with this analogy, and it Traits, however, are not adaptive as such, but only relative to
colored his language to the extent of describing nature as a other traits of the organism. What good will the long neck do the
selecting agent on a par with a human being. He viewed giraffe if its teeth are not strong enough to chew the leaves, or its
"artificial selection" as an experimental verification of his theo- stomach not strong enough to digest them? Selection by conse-
ry, but more important, I think, is the vestige of "goal directed- quences is not a process determined by the environment alone;
ness" assigned the process of evolution by this metaphor. it is the combination of organism and environment that does the
The obvious problem we still have in understanding Darwin's selecting.
theory is to a large extent attributable to difficulties in sorting 4. Organisms with their behavioral repertoires are selected
out what should be taken literally and what should be seen as by their environment. But there is an opposite process of
only metaphorical in this notion of "selection." What does it selection by which organisms select their environment. This is
mean to say that "nature selects"? In what sense is the process of perhaps a more important process of adaptation in cultural
evolution a matter of "selection"? In view of this it is unreason- species. Thus, organisms adapt by changing and by changing
able to treat "selection by consequences" as anything but a their environment. Indeed, the latter process is central to
metaphor. This is not to degrade it: Theorizing thrives on good Skinner's program of education and social reform. Just as we can
metaphors. But it leaves us with a substantial problem of learn about a well-adapted organism by studying its environ-
analysis: What does "selection by consequences" mean? And is ment, so we can learn about its environment by studying the
this metaphor good enough? To say that "selection by conse- organism.
quences " was recognized or discovered may seem harmless 5. Romantic Europeans in the early 19th century dreamed of
enough, but it can convey a seriously misleading impression. the liberation of nations, the usurpation of the power of despots,
Now, I don't think that Skinner really wants to convey this of self-rule and democracy. Darwin's theory of evolution
impression, and this is indicated by claims like the following, usurped a "very special creator," to use Skinner's phrase. But
when he is comparing the "prescientific " view of persons with Skinner doesn't see that this liberation of nature involves a
his own (Skinner 1971, p. 101): "Neither view can be proved, transfer from outside control to self-control. The very essence of
but it is in the nature of scientific inquiry that the evidence Darwin's "Copernican revolution " is, I think, the idea of nature
should shift in favor of the second. " as a self-regulating, self-controlling system. But if control can be
Thus, another reason for Skinner's confidence might be found transferred from a creator to the system of nature, it can be
in "the nature of scientific inquiry." Skinner derives his views delegated from nature to its subsystems.
on psychology and anthropology from the field of biology. And Afirststep toward the liberation of nature is made possible by
he seems to be taking the development within biology as an viewing nature as a machine, which once started will run by
indication of what direction "scientific inquiry" will take. Just as itself. This mechanistic view was central to 18th-century deism.
biology, with the aid of "natural selection," has done away with a The idea is that a rigid universe needs no controller. But a
"prior act of creation, ' "purpose or intention," "certain es- flexible, evolving nature must be controlled to be protected
sences," and "certain definitions of good and value," according from destruction. Nature controls its own flexibility by con-
to Skinner, so will psychology and anthropology as they mature. straining it - "Natura non facit saltum" - and its consequences -
This brings us to a second line of criticism of Skinner's position. through immediate, constant, and relentless selection - accord-
This line is more interesting if one really wants to disturb ing to Darwin.
Skinner, something the first line obviously hasn't been able to In an evolving nature there is flexibility, variation, in the
do. Let us then tentatively accept Skinner's claim that "selec- reproduction of organisms. Darwin's theory explains how such a
tion by consequences' is the supreme and exclusive metaphor flexible reproductive system can survive through self-control.
for theorizing in psychology. Is Skinner's understanding of this But for the system to survive its organisms must survive long
metaphor, his understanding of Darwin's theory of natural enough to reproduce. This, again, can be ensured by the
selection, accurate? Specifically, does the acceptance of this organisms being rigid, like machines. But if an organism is
metaphor, the extension of Darwin's theory into psychology, flexible it must be protected. Darwin was struck by the enor-
commit one to a view of persons as not "initiating agents" mous waste in nature, by the fierceness of the "struggle for
("causal forces")? [See also Dennett: "Intentional Systems in existence." Nature is very different from the benign environ-
Cognitive Ethology" BBS 6(3) 1983.] There are at least five ment of the Skinner box. It must therefore be possible for a
aspects of Darwin's theory that point to negative answers to flexible organism to avoid self-destructive behavior by self-
these questions. (Dennett 1978c, which arrives at a similar control, rather than by environmental control, since the latter,
conclusion using different arguments, is an admirable example in a harsh environment, is equal to destruction. Responses must
of this line of criticism.) be killed off without killing the organism. If the organism can
foresee the consequences of its behavior, it can avoid self-
1. Darwin's theory of evolution has two major components: a destructive behavior. Selection must be delegated from the
principle of variation and a principle of selection. Skinner is environment to the organism itself. Rather than taking a step
influenced by the synthetic theory of evolution and its simplistic over a cliff and dying, a human being can let the step die instead.
view of the first of these principles. But once the processes of In this way, nature can admit flexibility in its subsystems by
variation are taken seriously, and recent trends in evolutionary delegating control. Organisms too, must be liberated.
theory indicate that they again will be, the organism itself
becomes an important object of study. This means, among other As this liberation of subsystems proceeds systems will appear
things, an interest in embryology and morphology (epigenetics). with goals that, temporarily at least, may conflict with the goals
A consequence of this interest is a questioning of the hegemony of the total system. From the Darwinian perspective it is clear
of adaptationism in favor of "structural" considerations (Gould & that the behavioral capacity of a human being is part of a
Lewontin 1979; Grene 1959). functional system in which the goals themselves areflexible,and
2. Obviously, natural selection works only if organisms are only indirectly related to survival and procreation. But even to
mortal. Only if organisms are threatened by destruction and the extent that the goals of human beings can be related to goals


Commentary /Skinner: Selection by consequences
in systems of which human beings are subsystems, it is still quasi-Darwinian processes that Skinner lists, on the other.
interesting to pursue the functional analysis at the level of Konrad Lorenz (1966) reached similar conclusions about the
human beings. Even if, as Dawkins (1976) has put it, human relationship between natural selection and reinforcement learn-
beings are only "survival machines" for genes (which seems ing. But I believe it is important to be even clearer than Skinner
clearly spurious), this does not make a functional characteriza- and Lorenz were about exactly what the entities being selected
tion at the level of human beings uninteresting or mistaken. (To are, and exactly how they are to be distinguished from their
believe so is to commit a very simple reductionist mistake. See consequences. The entities that are selected, at whatever level,
below.) must be "replicators," entities capable of forming lineages of
Together these five points encourage an interest in the study duplicates of themselves in some medium. At Skinner's level i,
of the internal structure and functioning of organisms, and a the ordinary Darwinian level, the replicators are genes, and the
view of human beings as self-controlling. There are, I think, consequences by which they are selected are their phenotypic
three ways for Skinner to avoid this conclusion. effects, that is, mostly their effects on the embryonic develop-
1. He can claim that his theory of selection by consequences ment of the bodies in which they sit. A gene affecting running
stands by itself without the support of Darwin's theory. But then speed in an antelope, for instance, survives or fails to survive in
he can hardly defend the exclusive supremacy of his choice of the form of copies down the generations, by virtue of those
metaphor. If it is in the "nature of scientific inquiry" in biology consequences on running speed. Genes whose consequence is a
that human beings are self-controlling, his case will be lost. slow gait tend to end up in predators' stomachs rather than in the
2. He can rely on reductionism and argue that since organisms next generation of antelopes. Individual organisms are not
and their behavioral repertoires can be studied in the process of replicators: They are highly integrated bundles of consequences
evolution, we should study this process rather than the organ- (Dawkins 1982).
isms. There are hints in this direction in "Consequences": "It is A case can be made for generalizing the idea of consequences
true that all species, persons, and cultures are highly organized, to "extended phenotypes," to consequences of a gene upon the
but no principle of organization explains their being so. Both the world outside, for instance consequences of a beaver gene upon
organization and the effects attributed to it can be traced to the dam size and hence lake size. Such consequences could be
respective contingencies of selection." But so what? The theory important for the survival of the gene itself. Be that as it may, the
of evolution is a theory of change, and it helps us understand the important point is that the distinction between "that which is
origin of the characters of organisms, but this does not mean that selected" (the gene) and "the consequences by which it is
our study of these characters is best pursued in terms of their selected" (phenotypic effects) is stark and clear, and is made
origin. Nor does Skinner really want to be committed to such an particularly so by the central dogma: There are causal arrows
extreme version of reductionism. Observing that human behav- leading from genes to phenotypes but not the other way around
ior is ultimately "all a matter of natural selection" he still wants (the other way around would constitute the well-known
to pursue psychology and anthropology as separate disciplines Lamarckian heresy). I would like to know whether the equiv-
rather than reduce everything to biology. And his argument for alent of the central dogma holds at Skinner's other levels.
this move reveals his understanding of the business of science At Skinner's level ii the replicators are habits in the animal's
("operant conditioning, occurs at a speed at which it can be repertoire, originally spontaneously produced (the equivalent
observed from moment to moment"), namely, to produce re- of mutation). The consequences are reinforcement, positive or
sults. But the same argument can be directed against Skinner's negative. The habits can be seen as replicators because their
impossible dream of gaining complete control, both the- frequency of emergence from the animal's motor system in-
oretically and practically, of the environment. creases, or decreases, as a result of their reinforcement conse-
3. Finally, Skinner can accept that human beings are self- quences. Note that, in their role as replicators, if habits are
controlling systems, but claim that this does not make them analogous to anything in the Darwinian scheme, it is to genes,
"initiating agents." He has left the notion of "initiating agent" so not to individual organisms. But they are clearly not very close
vague as to make this move possible. But such a move seriously analogues of genes, and this makes the whole application of the
limits the force of his position, making it no longer incompatible Darwinian analogy at this level difficult.
with the current paradigm of cognitive psychology. Something like level ii selection by consequences can go on in
The Darwinian solution to the problems facing our species imagination - simulation in the brain. The animal sets up a
amounts to increasing the knowledge we as human beings have simulation in its head of the various actions that it might pursue
of our place in nature so that we can increase the level of self- and, importantly, their probable consequences. The simulated
control of our interaction with nature. To increase our self- consequences feed back and influence the choice of action. The
control means to increase our liberty. The Skinnerian solution is process can easily be described in subjective shorthand - "If I
radically different. Skinner's program for education and social do P, I can see that the consequence would be X, so I had better
reform delegates no control to human beings, except to the do Q instead" - but there is nothing mystical or necessarily
cadre of educational officers working on how to control us (and conscious about it: It goes on in electronic computers all the
themselves) by controlling our environment. My point is only time, and the computer programs that do it are not necessarily
that this program, with its views of human beings, is in no way very complex, although the more interesting ones are. This
supported by the Darwinian theory of natural selection. process should probably not be lumped under level ii, but given
its own level ii-Vk
I have a misgiving about Skinner's level iii, the cultural level.
This is not because, as we shall probably be repetitiously told by
Replicators, consequences, and other commentators, he is "reductionist" (whatever in the world
that may mean), but because he is insufficiently clear about
displacement activities exactly what the entities are that are being selected, and what
the consequences are by which they are selected. Is it the
Richard Dawkins cultural practices themselves that replicate, that survive or fail
Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, Oxford 0X1 3PS, England to survive in the milieu of a single society in virtue of their
I find Skinner's article "Consequences" admirable. Selection by consequences (Cloak 1975)? An example of this might be a hit
consequences is a good phrase, which puts a correct emphasis tune that survives in the milieu of American society in virtue of
on the radical difference between active selection by a choosing its catchiness. Here the tune (or, more strictly, the representa-
agent on the one hand, and the blind - I almost said inconse- tion of the tune in people's brains) is the replicator; it replicates
quential! - mechanical purposelessness of the Darwinian and itself when its engram is duplicated into a new brain, when a


Commentary/Skinner: Selection by consequences
new person learns the song after hearing the pleasing acoustic problem it is attempting, say pecking at the glass, is not work-
consequences of the engrain. Society is the medium within ing. There may in fact be a good solution to the problem - hook
which the duplication, and hence survival, of the tune, takes the beak under the glass and tweak it off the food - but the
place, but the survival, or otherwise, of the whole society is not, pigeon cannot be expected to know this, since neither it nor any
on this view, at issue. of its ancestors has met the problem before. Reinforcement
Alternatively is it, as Skinner seems to suggest for level iii, learning is designed to discover the solution to such problems by
whole societies that are the entities that survive or fail to its special application of the general method of selection by
survive, bag and baggage with all their cultural practices? I consequences, but it cannot go to work unless there is "muta-
object to this suggestion on various grounds: It is factually tion" - random production of spontaneous behaviour. No doubt
implausible, and it probably suffers from analogues of many of such "mutations" may be produced at any time. But there is
the notorious theoretical difficulties of "group selection" obviously something to be said for boosting the "mutation rate'
(Williams 1966): An awful lot of societies would have to go at particular times, times when there is a problem at hand and it
extinct for even a modest amount of evolutionary change to is not being solved: times, in other words, of thwarting and
occur. But all I want to do here is to point out that, logically, the frustration. So the pigeon boosts its rate of spontaneous be-
application of the model of selection by consequences to the haviour production during times of frustration, the very times
cultural domain has no necessary connection with group sur- when displacement activities are said to occur. If the resulting
vival or extinction in a metapopulation of groups, as Skinner behaviour should happen to be the correct solution to the
implies. Similarly, if - which I doubt - group survival or problem, the watching ethologist says "clever bird," and the
extinction were an important kind of "consequence," it might thought of displacement activity does not cross his mind. It is
operate at the level of genetic replicators no less than at the level only when the bird does not immediately hit the solution, when
of cultural ones. it preens itself instead, say, that the ethologist says "Aha,
I would not dare to criticize Skinner on his own territory of displacement activity. ' But as far as the bird is concerned, both
reinforcement learning, but may I close by briefly offering what may be manifestations of the same thing: turning up the spon-
I hope is a constructive suggestion? It concerns that ethological taneous random "mutation" generator in response to thwarting.
chestnut, the "displacement activity." Why does an animal, Just as most mutations are failures, so too, by definition, arc
when "frustrated," "thwarted," or "in conflict," perform an displacement activities. It is only the failures that qualify to be
irrelevant act, scratch its head, say, or preen its wing? McFar- called displacement activities. But that there should sometimes
land (1966) reviews the theories, including his own ingenious be failure is of the essence of selection by consequences.
theory of attention switching, which seems to me to lead to the
following functional hypothesis: Displacement activities may be
to Skinner's level ii what mutations are to level i.
If a selective process is to result in improvement it must have
variation upon which to work: genetic mutation in the case of Skinner - The Darwin of ontogeny?
ordinary Darwinian selection. The variation offered is random
with respect to improvement. The Darwinian theory predicts John W. Donahoe
that, since mutation is a recurrent phenomenon, the mutations Neuroscience and Behavior Program, Department of Psychology,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. 01002
we see should mostly be deleterious - the good ones having
been already selected into the gene pool long ago — and the Skinner proposes that the contemporary environment has a
prediction is fulfilled. But it is still true that although particular selecting effect on individual development (i.e. ontogeny) in a
mutations are nearly all deleterious, the phenomenon of muta- manner that is functionally equivalent to that of the ancestral
tion itself is vitally necessary for continued evolution. It has environment on species development (i.e. phylogeny). The
therefore frequently been suggested that mutation rates them- principle of reinforcement is intended to describe the environ-
selves might be adaptive, boosted in evolution in the interests of mental control of ontogeny, the principle of natural selection
providing raw material for further evolution. This would have to that of phylogeny. The arguments invoked to support Skinner's
work by selection favouring "mutator genes," genes whose and Darwin's common claims appear to be fundamentally sim-
consequence is to raise the general mutation rate of the animal. ilar. Additional evidence of similarity are Darwin's frequent
Mutator genes exist, but for various reasons the theory is remarks on the special difficulties in understanding natural
probably wrong (Williams 1966): The optimal mutation rate selection encountered by those trained in mathematics and
favoured by selection on mutator genes is probably zero - an physical science. In pointing to limitations in "the causality of
optimum fortunately never reached. But the boosted optimal classical mechanics," Skinner has isolated the locus of the
mutation rate theory is wrong only at level i; maybe an analogue problem.
of it is valid at Skinners level ii. Skinner and Darwin are also alike in provoking fundamentally
Consider a pigeon in one of Professor Skinner's boxes, under identical counterarguments from their critics. Leaving aside
an extinction regime. It has been a statistical law of its world that those criticisms that could only have arisen from failure to read
if you press the red key you get food, and now the law is being the original writings - and this is a substantial portion of the lot -
violated: No food is forthcoming. What does the pigeon do about both Darwin and Skinner have been charged with asserting just
it? It preens its feathers, and if an ethologist happens to be about every absurdity that they did not specifically deny. As a
looking he will label the movement a displacement activity historian of biology has observed, selectionist theory "is so easy
because it is obviously irrelevant to the task in hand: Any fool almost anyone can misunderstand it" (Hull 1972, p. 389).
can see that you cannot get food by preening. But wait. Any fool The differences among scientists regarding natural selection
might have said that you can't get food by pecking at bits of red have been "to a large extent determined by ideological factors"
plexiglass, and yet the experimenter set up a world in which that and have centered upon "the fundamental scale of values"
was precisely how you did get food. In the world of nature, the (Ellegard 1958, pp. 8, 197). So too with the reinforcement
big Skinner Box out there, a bird cannot predict what will be principle. Chief among Darwin's and Skinner's shared dif-
good: If it could, it wouldn't need to learn what to do, it would ferences with nonselectionists are the attitudes toward essen-
just get on and do it. The whole point of level ii selection by tialism and teleology. Skinner notes these ideological factors
consequences is that it can solve problems that level i selection here, and they had been previously identified in accounts of
has not solved. natural selection (Mayr 1976b). The critics concur that the
If the animal is frustrated or thwarted, say, because it can see dispute involves basic philosophical issues, as when the ap-
food under the glass, it is clear that whatever solution to the proach to language by transformational generative grammarians


Commentary /Skinner: Selection by consequences
is self-described as a "triumph of rationalism over empiricism" regarded as simply different procedures for studying behavioral
(Katz & Bever 1976, p. 10). change, procedures that are potentially understandable in
The arena in which these values most openly conflict is, as terms of a common reinforcement principle (see Donahoc,
Skinner notes, the treatment of complex human behavior - Crowley, Millard & Stickney 1982). Skinner was prudent to
especially memory and language. (It should be noted that even have focused initially on the implications of reinforcement
Wallace, the cooriginator of the theory of evolution through rather than the microbehavioral and physiological mechanisms
natural selection, demurred in its application to the human that subserved the process. (Darwin's ill-fated theory of pan-
species.) That philosophical differences are at stake is illustrated genesis will be remembered as his attempt to identify the
by comparing the treatment of reinforcement by a modern mechanism of natural selection.) Nevertheless, it is also well to
linguist (Chomsky 1959) with that of natural selection by a 19th- recall that the scientific acceptance of natural selection as the
century linguist (Miiller 1872). Present-day generative gram- primary principle of phylogeny did not occur until over 75 years
marians posit universal linguistic rules of such an abstract later with the modern synthesis of evolution and population
character that their origins are claimed to be beyond the im- genetics (Mayr 1982).
poverished input afforded by the contemporary environment. The assessment of reinforcement as the fundamental princi-
Reinforcement is therefore said to be incapable, in principle, of ple of ontogeny will probably follow the steep and thorny path
engendering language. In its stead, an appeal is made to a taken earlier by natural selection. To quote Darwin (1888, pp.
genetically based universal grammar resulting from natural 148-49) in a letter to Huxley, "It will be a long battle, after we
selection (Chomsky 1980a, pp. 263, 321; 1980b, pp. 3, 9). are dead and gone." Let us hope that the matter is resolved
Nineteenth-century linguists also characterized the defining before our species is "dead and gone" from the potentially harsh
features of language as universal and abstract. Moreover, the verdict of natural selection.
same philosophers - Plato and Kant - are favorably cited by
both generations of linguists (Chomsky 1966; Weimer 1973).
Although their characterizations of language were highly sim-
ilar, 19th-century linguists reached a very different conclusion: The wider context of selection by
They concluded that language was, in principle, beyond the consequences
reach of natural selection! What is common to both eras is a
resistance to selectionist thinking for as long as the evidence Thomas J. Gamble
permits. [Cf. Chomsky: "Rules and Representations" BBS 3(1) Department of Psychology, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 06520
Although most apparent in the treatment of complex human Many of us in the social and behavioral sciences welcome and
behavior, nonselectionist thinking also continues to leave its applaud Professor Skinner's continual attempts to clarify the
mark on the interpretation of simpler learning processes in nature of causation in "purposive' systems. However, a reader
animals, albeit more subtly. Consider an influential current unfamiliar with current extensions of Darwinian models to
account of conditioning with the Pavlovian procedure in which nongenetic aspects of adaptation (i.e. learning or social evolu-
the conditioned response (e.g. salivation) is said to be acquired tion) may get the impression that this work is being done
when there is a discrepancy between the asymptotic association primarily by the field known as "the experimental analysis of
value supportable by the unconditioned stimulus, or reinforcer behavior." This is not the case.
(e.g. meat powder in the mouth), and the initial association In psychology the analogy between trial and error learning
value of all contiguous environmental stimuli, notably the con- and the selection of unforesightful variations has long been
ditioned stimulus (e.g. a tone; Rescorla & Wagner 1972). This recognized and developed. Campbell (1956; 1974b) traces the
description of the conditioning process has an implicit tele- trend back to Baldwin (1900), Thurstone (1924), Tolman (1926),
ological flavor: A future event, the asymptotic association value, Ashby (1952), and many others. Work in this area continues
is required as a reference point from which the discrepancy is unabated in traditions other than that designated by Skinner.
measured. Even if the learner were endowed by natural selec- An especially relevant introduction to such work is available in
tion with "foreknowledge" of the asymptotic association value of the exchanges between Michael Ghiselin and his commentators
all potential unconditioned stimuli - a large order in itself- how in this journal (BBS 4(2) 1981). Important psychological work on
such information would be available for all potential learned selection by consequences by Campbell (1956), Pulliam and
reinforcers remains a puzzle. Dunford (1980), Ghiselin (1973; 1981), Simon (1966), and many
Although I believe that a precise parallelism exists between others should also be consulted by those interested in the
natural selection and reinforcement as selectionist accounts of model.
organic change, Skinner's article "Consequences" contains two In sociology and anthropology the situation is much the same.
potential impediments to the acceptance of reinforcement as the Aspects of these fields are characterized by vital and growing
transcendent principle of ontogeny. First, although culture is a communities of scientists working with extensions of the Dar-
crucial influence on human behavior and reinforcement contrib- winian model. Mathematical formalisms attempting to model
utes centrally to an understanding of that influence, the mode of the nongenetic diffusion of cultural traits have been developed
action proposed by Skinner is problematic. The appeal to a new and tested by Boyd and Richerson (1980) and Cavalli-Sforza and
"kind" of selection involving an "effect on the group, not the Feldman (1973; 1981). Other important work in this area in-
reinforcing consequences for individual members" seems un- cludes that of Waddington (1968) and Plotkin and Odling-Smee
necessary. The proposal is reminiscent of the generally un- (1981). Hence the behavioral sciences at Skinner's levels ii and
helpful concept of group selection (Wynne-Edwards 1963) and iii may not be as limited in this regard as he suggests.
might better be replaced by a treatment analogous to kin Skinner's article may also give the impression that modern
selection (Hamilton 1964) or reciprocal altruism (Trivers 1971) selection theory generates a relatively unproblematic research
in sociobiology (E. 0. Wilson 1975). Second, although the program. This is not the case. Although many of us find it the
distinction between respondent and operant conditioning prob- most promising among current alternatives it is inundated with
ably served an important function historically, it would no conceptual and empirical puzzles. Some examples include
longer seem best to describe them as different "kinds" of whether one-trial learning is not a more appropriate analogue to
selection, or different "processes" of behavioral change. After the Darwinian model than is the model of gradual approxima-
all, the selecting environment responsible for conditionability tion. Another has to do with how to conceptualize units of
included neither Pavlov's conditioning frame nor Thorndike's variation. Are they specific movements? classes of functionally
puzzle box. Respondent and operant conditioning might best be or conceptually similar behaviors? mental representations of the


Commentary/ Skinner: Selection by consequences
opportunity space? There are also questions about the mode of a species, they are integral parts of it. The author may die
retention of selected variations, and concerning conflicts be- without biological issue: Yet his literary child may endure for
tween individual selection and group cooperation. Another of ages. In this sense, at least, culture may be said to have a life of
these important issues is whether all selection takes place in its own.
regard to direct contact with contingencies or through vicarious On the other hand cultural entities, like organisms, do form
selection systems such as thought trials. These are all important parts of environments in both biological and cultural evolution.
challenges to the research program that the interested reader A myth can function as a selective influence just as much as a
should be aware of. predator can. We fear both, and act upon it. When we consider
how the nervous system operates, it is not clear how we should
extrapolate to it from other entities subject to selection. That
The emancipation of thought and culture some kind of parallelism exists, as Skinner maintains, seems
eminently reasonable. We might nonetheless ask just how far
from their original material substrates the genes possess hegemony over the intellect. The automaton
theory of behavior would have it that the soma is a mere puppet
Michael T. Ghiselin to the germ - or to some antecedent condition of the soma. Yet if
Department of Invertebrates, California Academy of Sciences, culture can be autonomous - and a selective agent in its own
San Francisco, Calif. 94118
right - why not thoughts? Is the mind nothing more than the
We should be grateful to Skinner for his attempts to purge slave of the gonads? We cannot evade this issue merely by
psychology of unnecessary metaphysical encumbrances. Get- complaining about the metaphorical language. However we
ting rid of a vital principle of life and its analogues is conducive to choose to express it, we have a substantive issue about how
clear thinking and to the effectual solution of legitimate scien- behavior relates to that which behaves. Skinner may have gone
tific problems. Yet, especially in the light of developments in too far beyond freedom and dignity.
evolutionary biology over the past few years, I wonder if some of
his efforts have perhaps led to oversimplification.
For one thing, those of us who have been working on adapta-
tion over the last two decades have learned not to ask what is Fitting culture into a Skinner box
good for the species or anything else. It was long forgotten that
what organisms do happens because of differential reproduction C. R. Hallpike
among other organisms in ancestral populations. Right thinking Department of Anthropology, McMaster University,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4L9
means asking, not what is good, but what has happened. Other-
wise we are apt to misconstrue the underlying mechanisms, As an anthropologist, I would like to address those aspects of
with unfortunate consequences. This should apply to natural "Consequences" that seek to apply the notion of "selection by
selection, learning, and cultural transmutation. consequences" to social and cultural evolution.
Skinner's analysis of cultural evolution is a case in point. He The first and perhaps most fundamental objection is that,
treats culture as if it were identical with verbal behavior, whatever "consequences" may mean, something has first to
implicitly embodying it in the organisms who behave verbally. come into existence before it can be "selected" by them. The
This implies that the culture is those organisms, and that sources of novelty are just as important as the success or failure
anything exterior to them constitutes part of the culture's social of novelty, but Skinner has nothing to say about the sources of
environment. The organisms themselves, and groups composed social innovation except that they are variations that are rein-
of such organisms, would be the replicanda which, by analogy forcing to the individuals who introduce them. This attitude to
with ordinary biological evolution, are selected and evolve. This innovation is not, of course, surprising in someone who believes
gives us a model of cultural evolution that links the survival of that creativity is nothing more than random variation of existing
the culture to the survival of its biological substratum. Evidently procedures, and who is trying to show that a simple model -
Skinner wants to treat culture as a class of verbal behaviors, "variation proposes; environment disposes" - will apply equally
inseparable from a class of verbally behaving organisms. Unfor- to biological evolution, individual learning, and social evolu-
tunately "culture" is a mass noun, and it is not clear what the tion. The model, however, is totally inadequate in the face of
individuals are. As I see it, culture is a class of cultural indi- social reality. For example, the supersession of stone tools by
viduals, such as words, sentences, and languages. Its connection metal tools is a clear instance of "selection by consequences,"
to organisms is accidental, not necessary. (See Ghiselin 1980; but the reasons for preferring metal to stone tools are perfectly
1981; 1982.) obvious: Metal tools do not break, can be easily resharpened,
Just as the gene (in two senses) is the replicandum and also the and are far more versatile in shape than stone. The real problem
lineage of replicated genes, and just as the species is the nexus of is not to explain why metal was preferred to stone but to
successive generations of parents and offspring, so the culture is understand how and why metal technology originated in the
the totality of replicated individuals and all of their descendants, first place, and it is therefore sheer mystification to treat innova-
which itself forms a larger individual, lineage, and whole. In tion as "random variation."
other words, culture is made up of everything that is produced Unlike biological mutations, which do not occur as responses
through behavioral replication and its indirect consequences. It to the environment, and are not under the control of the
evolves through selection of those products, not necessarily of organisms in which they occur, social and cultural innovations
their producers. These products include artifacts. For example, are conscious responses to certain aspects of the organisms'
someone writes a book. It is copied, revised, duplicated, cited,
social environment. In the case of social evolution, therefore,
perhaps translated, imitated, and even plagiarized. It might
spawn a lineage of similar works - a genre even. At any rate, the we cannot operate on the basis of that neat separation between
book is not dependent upon any particular piece of matter in variation and selection that is favored in neo-Darwinian biolog-
which it happens to be embodied. Equating culture with verbal ical theory. Although social innovations are initially produced
behavior is like failing to distinguish between literature and by individuals, individuals do not innovate in a vacuum, or in
publishing. The medium definitely is not the message. An some entirely private and idiosyncratic world of their own, but
element of a book (a copy) is no more a receptacle for culture as members of a particular society at a particular period in
than its author is. The cultural whole is incarnate in both. By the history.
same token it is erroneous to claim that the artifacts are the Again, although organic mutations do not change the physical
"environment" of the culture. Like the organisms that make up environment of the organism, social innovations very definitely
do change their social "environment" - printing, the steam


Commentary/Skinner: Selection by consequences
engine, and universal suffrage being obvious examples. Here, tainly possess structural properties, as objective as those of the
too, the desired analogy between social and biological evolution natural world, and it can easily be shown that some institutions
breaks down because in the case of social evolution there is a will not fit with others, or can be elaborated in certain directions
dialectical interaction between innovation and society, by which and not in others. In the same way, belief and value systems
innovation is a function of society, and in turn changes society. have an internal logic of their own, and certain innovations will
For this reason to talk of "selection by consequences" fails to not work because they are inconsistent with the basic principles
grasp that "consequences" not only "select" but can provide of these systems. Social evolution is, among other things, a
new opportunities and new problems as the basis for further process of exploration of the objective properties of social and
change, and are therefore themselves an integral part of the cultural structures. By ignoring the objective properties of
process of change, not simply the conclusion to change, as structure, Skinner deprives himself of any means of bridging the
Skinner presents them. gap between the characteristics of individual behavior and those
With these considerations in mind the apparent emptiness of of society.
what Skinner has to say about change and stability becomes The statement by Skinner in his abstract that "social behavior
especially clear: is within easy range of natural selection, because other members
Why do people continue to do things in the same way for many years, are one of the most stable features of the environment of a
and why do groups of people continue to observe old practices for species" is therefore profoundly incorrect, because it totally
centuries? The answers are presumably the same: Either new varia- ignores the dialectical interaction between individual behavior
tions (new forms of behavior or new practices) have not appeared or and sociocultural structure.
those which have appeared have not been selected by the prevailing Skinner maintains that "selection by consequences" is superi-
contingencies (of reinforcement or of the survival of the group). . . . or to other theories because it refutes "the supposed origins of a
change is explained as due to new variations selected by prevailing culture as a social contract or of social practices as command-
contingencies or to new contingencies.
ments" and also disposes of theories of "group minds" and
In short, either people go on doing what they have always done, "zeitgeists." Must one point out that relatively few of us in the
social sciences believe that societies were created by wild men
or they do not, and innovations may occur in existing circum-
emerging from the forests and shaking hands, or by the fiat of
stances or in new ones!
culture heroes, and that theories of group minds and Zeitgeists
Another fundamental defect in Skinner's account of social
have long gone the way of the Absolute as serious subjects for
evolution derives from his failure to come to terms with the
debate in social evolution? Not only is it unnecessary to use
notion of structure or organization. On the one hand he seems to
Skinner's theory to refute these ideas, but it is far from obvious
resort to individualism, as when he says that the evolution of that "selection by consequences" could refute them anyway.
social environments or culture "presumably begins at the level
The search for parsimonious and general theories is all very
of the individual. A better way of making a tool, growing food, or
well, but such theories must also be adequate to the facts, and
teaching a child is reinforced by its consequences - the tool,
the facts of biological evolution, individual psychology, and
food, or a useful helper, respectively." He also denies to struc-
social evolution are so vast and diverse that there seems no good
ture or organization any causal efficacy, and says that "organiza- reason to believe that any general law could encompass them
tion and the effects attributed to it can be traced to the respec- all. As the law of "selection by consequences" illustrates, the
tive contingencies of selection." It should also be noted that result of such an endeavor is likely to be a combination of the
although he frequently refers to contingencies of selection, and trivial and the profoundly misleading.
to circumstances that "select the cultural practices which yield a
solution" to a problem, and to a situation that "shapes and
maintains adjusted behavior," and says that after introducing Group and individual effects in selection
"new cultural practices . . . we must wait for selection to oc-
cur," in all these cases the circumstances and situations which Marvin Harris
are presented so impersonally actually consist, causally speak- Department of Anthropology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fl. 32601
ing, of the behavior and dispositions of people.
But, on the other hand, he wishes to treat cultures or societies Anthropologists would benefit from arguments on behalf of
as real entities that are comparable to biological organisms, selection by consequences as a metaprinciple for explaining
some of which are more effective than others and which will cultural as well as biological evolution and the acquisition of
therefore be subject to natural selection. Thus he says "it is the individual response repertories. Contemporary anthropology
effect on the group, not the reinforcing consequences for indi- (with the exception of archaeology) is not only "heavily struc-
vidual members, which is responsible for the evolution of . . . tural" as Skinner states, but heavily ideographic, emic, volun-
culture." One can appreciate that even Skinner might shrink tarist, mentalist, and even mystical or obscurantist (Harris
from "explaining" slavery by claiming that owning slaves is 1979). Since I wish to be none of these, the critical remarks that
reinforcing for the masters, and that submitting to slavery is follow should not be viewed apart from my fundamental agree-
reinforcing for the slaves. But having dispensed with the notion ment with Skinner's positivism and materialism and my own
of structure as a distinct factor in social evolution he seems to be intellectual grounding in reinforcement principles as taught by
left with nothing better than the old structural - functionalist, William Schoenfeld and Fred Keller (Keller & Schoenfeld 1950)
holistic notion of societies as real entities with goals and needs of many years ago.
their own distinct from those of their members. So cultures can, "Consequences" is flawed by the slipshod manner in which
for example, "induce individuals to suffer or die as heroes or Skinner characterizes the contingencies responsible for cultural
martyrs." selection (iii) and the nature of behavioral selection (ii) as it
The solution to this dilemma is to recognise that although of applies to the human case. The author states: "It is the effect on
course structure or organization cannot by itself do anything, the group, not the reinforcing consequences for individual
and that only real, individual people have any causal powers in members, which is responsible for the evolution of culture."
space and time, the individual members of a society are not This is both an epistemological lapse (unoperationalized entity)
causally autonomous. That is, what they do and why they do it and counterfactual. Effects on the group are aggregate effects on
are also expressions of the institutions, categories, rules, beliefs, the individuals in the group (Harris 1964). This is not to deny the
and values of the particular society into which the individuals occurrence of group selection in cultural evolution, but to
composing it have been socialized, which they did not create as identify it exclusively with extinctions of regional or local reper-
individuals, and which will outlast them. Now, while these tories caused by war, famine, and other catastrophes. Group
institutions and cultural forms cannot do anything, they cer- selection is only one of two forms of selection by consequences


Commentary/Skinner: Selection by consequences

that characterize cultural evolutionary processes. The other, successful changes are selected in an anticipatory fashion.
selection of behavioral innovations in individual repertories is Genetic alterations are not decided in advance by environmen-
far more common. In fact, group selection is merely the limiting tal pressures; the strengthening or weakening of behavior is not
case of individual selection in which the consequences are carried out in anticipation of its outcomes; social structures are
catastrophic for all group members. Sociocultural systems usu- not established with the intent of effecting social change. Where
ally change well before catastrophic consequences lead to group there is an apparent anticipation of successful change, this is
extinction. One has merely to cast an eye at the rapid pace of owing to biases (of the form of responding, for example) or to
changes in technology and domestic life to get the point. Auto- "rules" that have themselves been selected in retrospective
mobiles and electric lights were not selected for as a conse- fashion. In fact, much of Skinner's argument was anticipated in a
quence of their contribution to group survival (cf. "contingen- provocative article by Donald T. Campbell (1960), concerning
cies . . . promoting behavior which contributes to the survival variation and selective retention in cognitive and creative
of the group") but because they constituted reinforcements for behavior.
specific individuals whose behavior was thereby shaped. While we recognize the retrospective action of the conse-
When we say that behavior has been selected for as a result of quences of genetic or behavioral or social variation, we must also
its favorable consequences for a group, we can only mean that it note that these changes each incorporate mechanisms for sta-
has had favorable consequences for some or all members of the bility that oppose further change. In the case of evolution, this is
group sufficient to outweigh its adverse effects on some or all of perhaps a trivial point; a morphological change is permanent
the members. The cumulative shaping of individual behavior is until modified by a further, presumably random, successful
precisely what cultural evolution is all about. Of course, these mutation. The change is "stored" genetically. Social change is
behaviors are interrelated and in conjunction with various "codified" and transmitted as law or tradition (Tevye's sons in
environmental and social feedback processes possess systemic Fiddler on the Roof), and the retrospective origins of the change
properties that are the logico-empirical basis for the concepts of are readily forgotten by those who are controlled by social
society, culture, and sociocultural systems. For an an- institutions. But how is behavioral change "fixed" and used by
thropological behaviorist, events on the sociocultural level are individual organisms? Skinner is, as ever, silent on this ques-
necessarily abstractions (concrete and real) derived from the tion. The functional definition of reinforcement as a retro-
observation of behavioral changes in individuals, and the evolu- spective process cannot at the same time explain the action of
tion of sociocultural systems is necessarily the evolution of such reinforcement in fixing behavior.
behavior. Skinner suggests that the reinforceability of behavior is itself a
Thus human behavioral repertories consist overwhelmingly consequence of evolution, because adaptiveness of behavior
of operantly conditioned responses that are at the same time enhances survival value. It is equally reasonable to suppose that
culturally conditioned responses, that is, responses shaped in animals evolved mechanisms for rendering the selected behav-
conformity with culturally determined reinforcement schedules ior resistant to change. The physiological forms of such mecha-
and contingencies. Therefore Skinner's claim that "the con- nisms still need to be identified, but students of animal learning
tingencies of selection at the three levels are quite different" is seem generally to agree that "associations" are formed either
incorrect in the human case as regards levels ii and iii. In the between the behavior and its consequences (instrumental con-
human case the contingencies of selection are not random but ditioning) or between an initial signal and a primary or uncondi-
occur in conformity with programs encoded primarily in the tioned stimulus that elicits a response (classical conditioning).
brains (or other neural pathways as distinguished from the The nature of association as a psychological concept has been the
genes) of enculturated individuals (and not, as Skinner pro- object of intense study in recent years. Much current evidence
poses, merely in "documents, artifacts, and other products suggests anticipatory mechanisms both in instrumental learning
o f . . . behavior"). and in classical conditioning. For example Breland and Breland
Behaviorist principles can tell us how these individuals shape (1961) showed in their study of the "misbehavior" of organisms
each other's behavior, but they cannot tell us what behavior that the instrumental response would "drift" toward the con-
they will shape. Skinner's criterion for separating levels ii and iii summatory response required by the reinforcer that follows the
in the human case obscures this problem and deters fruitful response. Likewise, in autoshaping (a classical conditioning
collaboration between materialist, behaviorist, nomothetic an- procedure) the responses elicited by the conditioned stimulus
thropologists and like-minded psychologists. take a form that is appropriate for consumption of the reinforcer
(Jenkins & Moore 1973). In fact, classical conditioning is gener-
Practitioners of the science of culture need to know more from ally viewed as the development of an anticipatory process.
psychologists than the general laws of operant behavior. In Skinner has never claimed that the change of behavior that is
order to predict or retrodict favored or unfavored innovations in part of classical conditioning results from selection by reinforce-
cultural repertories and hence to understand the divergent and ment following the conditioned response.
convergent (not merely unilinear) trajectories of sociocultural
evolution, we need to be able to measure cost-benefit conse- Many other findings suggest the importance of anticipatory
quences as "currencies" relevant to the biologically determined mechanisms in learning. The "blocking" of conditioning when a
discriminative stimuli and biologically determined reinforccrs second CS is redundantly added to an established CS (Kamin
that underlie operant conditioning in the human case (i.e. 1969) is usually explained by the fact that the UCS can be
innate biopsychological drives, needs, instincts, etc.). Without anticipated from the latter; only when the outcome of the trial is
such knowledge we cannot specify the consequences of behav- "surprising" does the second CS gain control of the conditioned
ioral innovations and hence cannot operationalize the principle response. Likewise, the "value" of a reinforcer can be enhanced
of selection by consequences. or reduced "off baseline," and this will subsequently be re-
flected in the performance of the acquired response that pre-
cedes the reinforcer (see Adams & Dickinson 1981).
On the stabilization of behavioral selection Similarfindingssupport anticipatory processes in the produc-
tion of established behavior; in particular, animals seem to
Werner K. Honig anticipate temporal durations and delays (see Honig 1981, for a
Department of Psychology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S., review). In "short-term" memory procedures, performance
Canada B3H 4J1 based upon an initial stimulus in a trial is markedly enhanced
The processes of change described by Skinner in "Conse- when different outcomes can be expected following different
quences" are clearly 'retrospective'; neither successful nor un- initial stimuli (Peterson, Wheeler & Trapold 1980). Evolution


Commentary /Skinner: Selection by consequences
may well have selected a capacity in animals for developing theless do not lead to homogeneous or random phenomena.
anticipations that guide appropriate behavior and enhance the Instead, natural selection results in certain particular, complex,
likelihood of survival. The maintenance of behavior through and well-organized phenomena. Here, in fact, is the apparent
anticipatory and associative mechanisms may well be parallel to paradox: How can undirected causes produce apparently di-
the genetic template, and to the maintenance of social custom rected effects?
through rules, codes, and other directives. There are a variety of ways in which direction is built into the
process of natural selection in the biological realm. Let me just
mention two of the most fundamental directional forces. First,
Cause and effect in evolution there are the nature and the specificity of the operative match-
ing test. The particular matching criterion that determines
Michael J. Katz survival can strongly shape the form of the surviving population.
Department of Developmental Genetics and Anatomy, Case Western Even homogeneously or normally distributed populations can
Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 be drastically restructured by certain matching constraints (Katz
& Grenander 1982), especially when the sequence of existence,
Professor Skinner argues that the analogy between evolutionary testing, existence, testing, . . . is very long. For example,
processes in biology and learning processes in behavior is a good when bacteria are forced to match very peculiar environments,
one, and, along the way, he bares a number of epistemological natural selection can readily produce homogeneous bacterial
assumptions common to biology and to psychology. Central to populations with very peculiar biochemistries.
his discussion is a particular sequence of causes and effects, the Second, there is the intrinsic nature of the precursors them-
unfolding of which produces "selection by consequences" - an selves, which can strongly direct the step "change to A,."
overall effect with a somewhat peculiar flavor. Perhaps a more Intrinsic constraints mean that A can change into only a certain
extended analysis of this idea can be even more revealing. select set of AjS. Although certain matching tests can produce
"Selection by consequences" - generally called natural selec- unusual bacterial populations, these populations are only ampli-
tion - is the broad-scale effect generated by a particular under- fications of the limited potentials of the bacterial genome. For
lying sequence of events. What exactly is this sequence? Usu- example, it appears that bacteria do not have the intrinsic
ally, natural selection is thought of in terms of populations, but potential to develop mitochondria; therefore, it is unlikely that
for simplicity let me begin with the existence of a single animal, natural selection can readily produce bacteria with mitochon-
A. Next, we introduce a test - does animal A match some dria. Moreover, although almost any part of the genome of an
necessary requirement of its environment? If the match be- organism can, in theory, change, many of the potential muta-
tween animal and environment is appropriate, then the animal tions cannot actually be incorporated into a viable organism.
survives. If the match is not appropriate, the animal dies. Thus, And of those mutations still compatible with a viable organism,
the basic sequence of events is: existence of A, test of matching, some will be otherwise detrimental and others will be effective-
existence (or nonexistence) of A. ly invisible.
Natural selection is most often envisioned as a continual In most biological situations, natural selection operates on a
process. This means that natural selection consists of an ex- complex precursor. Complex precursors have, by definition, a
tended iteration of the basic sequence of events, namely: . . ., great many possible features to change. However, the highly
existence of A, test of matching, existence (or nonexistence) of interactive nature of most complex biological entities further
A, test of matching, existence (or nonexistence) of A, test of constrains the actual changes that can be successfully instituted
matching, . . . . Furthermore, in the biological world there is (Katz 1983). Although not preplanned, all of these intrinsic
one additional step added to each iteration of the basic se- constraints end up channeling and thereby giving direction to
quence: Animal A may change. Therefore, the full sequence is the overall effects that are produced in long causal sequences of
really: . . . , existence of A, change to Aj, test of matching, natural selection.
existence (or nonexistence) of A1; change to A2, test of match- Sometimes the intrinsic constraints are readily apparent in
ing, existence (or nonexistence) of A2, change to A3, test of the systems that are undergoing natural selection. Frequently,
matching, . . . . however, the intricacy and the complexity of biological systems
Where is the cause and effect in this sequence? At any one make it difficult to distinguish immediately the inherent direc-
time, the direct cause of the existence (or nonexistence) of A is a tional effects. This is especially a problem in those cases, such as
preceding test of matching. Conversely, the direct effect of a most multicellular organisms, in which the systems are com-
test of matching is the existence (or nonexistence) of A. This posed of a great many different interacting elements, all bal-
appears to be entirely consistent with the classical notion of anced in a dynamic equilibrium. Here it is necessary to perturb
cause and effect - in other words, a sequence of events can be the system in a controlled manner to reveal many of the influ-
defined such that the preceding event can be considered to be ences that direct the causal sequences of natural selection.
the direct cause of the next event, which, in its turn, can be These controlled perturbations are actually "evolutionary
considered to be the direct effect of the preceding event. experiments," because the causal sequences of natural selection
In addition, the statement "change to A2" contains another - composed of the repeated iteration "existence of A, change to
implicit cause and effect relation. Although I have not specified A,, test of matching" - are synonymous with "evolution." As
it in this abstraction, the common presumption is that changes Skinner has emphasized, essentially the same evolutionary
in A are effects directly brought about by mechanisms (causes), process found in the realm of natural selection among organisms
such as mutations, that are entirely consistent with the well- can also be seen in the realm of behavior and in the realm of
understood laws of the physical world. culture. Such evolution is not peculiar in its cause and effect
On the other hand, as Skinner points out, the idea of natural relations. Rather, it is peculiar in its apparent directedness.
selection includes something a bit peculiar, something that Evolution is truly directed, in the sense that it flows along in
appears different from the traditional notions of cause and effect only certain channels. Professor Skinner reminds us that al-
as they are usually applied in the physical world. If this new though the complex order that is thereby created is wonderful,
something is not the cause and effect relations themselves, then it does not countermand any natural laws.
what might it be? Perhaps it is the highly ordered nature of the
overall effect that is produced. Specifically, the new idea in
natural selection appears to be that although they lack ra- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
tionality, forethought, or purposive organization, the standard Preparation of this commentary was supported by the Whitehall
cause and effect relations operating in the natural world none- Foundation.


Commentary /Skinner: Selection by consequences
A one-sided view of evolution development does not happen, or that the structure of organ-
isms does not place constraints on future evolution. In the same
J. Maynard Smith
way, it may sometimes be fruitful for psychologists to treat the
brain as a black box, but that is no excuse for claiming that the
School of Biological Sciences, University of Sussex, Falmer,
Brighton BN1 9QG, Sussex, England
box is empty.
Skinner's second analogy is between biological evolution and
Skinner draws an analogy between evolution by natural selec- culture: "It is the effect on the group, not the reinforcing
tion and both learning and social change. This raises two ques- consequences for individual members, which is responsible for
tions. How adequate is his picture of evolution? How good are the evolution of. . . culture." For this to be true, we must
the analogies? suppose the following. There are a number of different human
On the first point, I agree that life is best defined by the groups, each with a different culture. The culture of a given
possession of those properties - multiplication, heredity, varia- group changes from time to time, in ways unrelated to the
tion - that make evolution by natural selection possible, and overall trend of cultural evolution (just as mutation causes
indeed inevitable. The other properties of living things, and in changes unrelated to the trend of evolution). The cultural
particular their apparent adaptedness, follow necessarily from changes that do occur alter the chances of extinction, survival,
these three. I agree that there is no need for a "vital principle and splitting of the group. The overall trend of cultural change is
called life." Yet I think Skinner's view of evolution is one-sided. determined by this differential survival. Groups will therefore
This comes out when he rejects "a species adapts to an environ- tend to have cultures that ensure their survival.
ment, " in favour of "the environment selects the adaptive I have spelt out this argument more explicitly than Skinner
traits." has done, because I want to be sure I understand him. I'm not
The environment can only select traits that arise in the first sure he would go as far as I have gone, but unless the assump-
place, and hence the course of evolution depends on the reper- tions of the last paragraph are correct, then the analogy between
toire of variation. For example, palms grow intermingled with evolution and cultural change is a misleading one. In prehistoric
broad-leaved trees in the same forest, subject to the same times, when there may have existed a number of culturally
environment, but their forms are characteristically different. isolated groups, the process outlined may have played some role
This is because their mode of growth is different: Palms have in directing cultural change. As a causal explanation of, for
never evolved the device of "secondary thickening," whereby example, the change from the feudal England of the Middle
the trunk thickens by the addition of annual rings of growth. So Ages to the England of today, it will not do, if only because the
far as we know, there is little limitation on the kinds of changes requisite group structure has not existed. For example, during
that can occur by mutation in the sequence of DNA in the my lifetime there have been dramatic changes in attitudes
genome. But changes in DNA have their effects (which are towards birth control and abortion. For these to have been
naturally selected) by influencing a complex developmental brought about by a mechanism of the kind Skinner proposes,
process. Consequently, only certain variations are possible to a society would have to consist of a series of groups, some practis-
given kind of organism. For example, no vertebrate has ever ing birth control and others not, the former being more suc-
evolved six legs, handy as an extra pair would sometimes be. cessful in dividing to form new groups: This is manifestly not the
For these reasons, I prefer to think of species as adapting to case.
their environments. I am also puzzled by Skinner's objection to To sum up, Skinner's analogy between natural selection and
the "storage " of genetic information. As it happens, I dislike the operant conditioning is a close one, but it is made possible only
claim that "genes . . . contain the information' needed by the by the one-sided nature of his pictures of evolution and learning.
fertilized egg in order to grow into a mature organism," but my His analogy between cultural and biological evolution seems to
reasons are different from Skinner's. I object because the phrase me to be of little value.
suggests that we understand the process of development and its
genetic control, when in fact we do not. However, the statement
"genes contain the information needed to make all the proteins
of the mature organism" has a precise and quantifiable meaning, Linear and circular causal sequences
and is correct (except, perhaps, for antibody proteins). Of
course, insofar as there is information in the genome, it is there H. C. Plotkina and F. J. Odling-Smee"
only because of past natural selection, but it is still there. 'Department of Psychology, University College London, London WC1E
Thus I think Skinner's picture of evolution is correct but one- 6BT, England, and "Departments of Applied Biology and Psychology,
sided, because it ignores the structure and development of the Brunei University, Uxbridge UB8 3PH, England
organism, and the resulting constraints on the repertoire of Skinner seems wrong on almost every point that he makes in
variation, and it ignores the mechanisms whereby genetic infor- "Consequences," with one important exception. That is that
mation is stored and transmitted. I suspect that this one- selection is the basis by which living systems gain knowledge of
sidedness reflects an analogous one-sidedness in his concept of themselves and their world. Selection operates at the genetic,
learning and behaviour. Thus in his theory of learning, there are developmental, individual learning, and cultural levels (see
no constraints on the kinds of actions an animal may try out, so Plotkin & Odling-Smee 1981). How then could he be wrong
that the end result depends only on the pattern of reinforce- about everything else? It is, we think, because he makes a
ment, just as in his picture of evolution there are no constraints fundamental error in asserting that selection by consequences is
on variation. Similarly, in Skinner's theory of behaviour, there a "causal mode" (whatever that is) which is somehow different
seems to be nothing in the animal's head, just as there is no from other causes - indeed he contrasts it with "the causal
storage of information in his picture of the genome. pattern of classical mechanics." It is hard to know what Skinner
Thus his analogy between natural selection and operant means by this because he is not explicit, but the implication
conditioning is a good one, but it is an analogy between a one- seems to be that causation in biology and the social sciences is
sided theory of evolution and a one-sided theory of learning. I somehow different from that in the physical sciences. He is, of
can understand the wish of psychologists to study behaviour course, in very good company. Mayr's assertions (1961; 1982)
while ignoring neurophysiology. Analogously, Weismann's that ultimate causes (changes in the genetic program brought
(1889) concept of the separation of germ line and soma made it about by natural selection) and proximate causes (the expression
possible to study genetics and evolution without understanding of the genetic program in phenotypic form) are different, con-
development, and considerable progress has resulted. But it stitute a similar claim. But it seems to us that causation cannot
does not, or at least should not, lead biologists to think that be arbitrarily divided in this way. The causation of the physicist


Commentary/Skinner: Selection by consequences
cannot be different from that of the biologist. What is different is tion, however, is that learning as a more subordinate process in
that causal sequences in physical systems are typically linear, the hierarchy can never be decoupled from the less subordinate
whereas causal sequences in living systems are invariably cir- processes in the hierarchy. Learning of any and every sort must
cular. The circularity, however, is not static. Living systems are be primed by more fundamental processes, be they genetic or
a set of processes moving in time and tied together by a nexus of developmental. Skinner's is the erroneous thinking that under-
causal sequences. Each process is a causal influence on some pins general process learning theory with its now invalidated
other process, and in a system with a limited number of such notion of stimulus, response, and reinforcer equivalence. This
processes, each eventually feeds back on itself. Such circular same erroneous idea of a single and unencumbered learning
causal sequences might more accurately be labelled as spiral. process is what underlies Skinner's continuing and astonishing
The failure to note this difference leads to a failure to see the assertion that language and its social correlates are "simply the
reasons and consequences of such spiral causal sequences. The extension of operant control to the vocal musculature." Oh
error then ripples through the whole conceptual structure that Chomsky, where are you now! Writing, we hope, a commentary
Skinner attempts to build in "Consequences." for this BBS issue. [See Chomsky: "Rules and Representations"
There are at least two reasons for this pervasive circularity of BBS 3(1) 1980.]
causal sequence. One is that phenotypes are not mere passive There is an unsettling similarity between Skinner's levels 1,
vehicles for genes and victims of natural selection. Phenotypes 2, and 3 and our levels 1, 3, and 4. It is unsettling because
are operators (Waddington 1969) in that they alter their environ- Skinner does not arrive at his levels by analysis, and as a result
ments in many different ways and hence change the selection they appear to have very little in them and the structure as a
forces that act upon them. This is how the differential propaga- whole has no conceptual force. By his own assertions, his levels
tion of genes occurs. It is pointless to ask which is prior, the contain no stored information (actual or metaphorical) and no
nature of the environment or the activity of the organism. They organization. How, then, are they to be explained and what do
are inextricably bound together in what Lewontin (1982) calls they explain? According to Skinner "at all three levels the
the "interpenetration of organism and environment" (p. 159). It changes can be explained by the 'development' of contingencies
is simply incorrect to offer a dichotomy of either "a species of selection." Can they?
adapts to an environment" or "the environment selects the Our challenge to Skinner is to abandon easy assertion and take
adaptive traits." The error is compounded by asserting that the up some kind of analysis of his levels in terms of their interela-
latter is correct. Neither is correct - nor are any of the other tionships and their processes. If he can do so without having to
alternative interpretations that Skinner offers for a range of have recourse to concepts of information, storage, and organiza-
biological and psychological issues. What happens is that a tion then all the more interesting. The point, though, is to show
species, in adapting (it is never adapted) to an environment us, not just tell us.
changes that environment, which then requires further pro-
cesses of becoming adapted, which in turn imposes more en-
vironmental change, and so on. Exactly the same applies to the
individual learner. Thus learners are doers, and sometimes Contingency-governed science
what they do occurs largely in their heads. In doing they change
Robert R. Provine
themselves and their worlds. Piaget's dialectic of assimilation
Department of Psychology, University of Maryland Baltimore County,
and accommodation captures this endless interplay more nearly
Catonsville, Md. 21228
than any other formulation. Skinner's static view doesn't begin
to approach the complexity of living things. Skinner has provided an insightful and useful analysis of con-
The other source of circular (spiral) causal sequence is the tingency-governed phenomena in the biological and behavioral
hierarchical organization of living systems. Genes partly deter- sciences. "Consequences" is more than a clever attempt to build
mine phenotypic features, and phenotypic fitness determines bridges between operant psychology and indifferent or often
the differential propagation of genes. Several different hier- hostile disciplines in the biological sciences such as ethology. It
archies are available in the literature. A serious problem for reveals a common, unifying theme that runs through most of the
theoretical biology is that the obvious phenomenological, struc- biological and behavioral sciences, the notion that selection by
tural hierarchy (macromolecules, organelles, cells, tissues, consequences, in some form, is a feature of all living things. The
organs, organisms, ecosystems), which everyone recognizes, organism is viewed as a theory of its environment. Skinner does
may not match the hierarchy of dynamic processes that embod- an admirable job of developing his argument. I would like to
ies the functioning of living systems. A similar point has been comment on a complementary issue, the role played by con-
made by Dawkins (1978), Hull (1980), and ourselves (Plotkin & tingencies in shaping an operant science of behavior. The focus
Odling-Smee 1979), and it is not trivial because the obvious on contingencies encourages self-correction by investigators, a
hierarchy may get in the way of our seeing the functionally characteristic that may be the most powerful recommendation
important one. An example of a nonobvious hierarchy is the one for the operant approach. This property of contemporary oper-
we have put forward. Genetic processes, variable development, ant psychology may be a surprise to those who confuse the
individual learning, and socioculture at no level map out in any behavior-analytic approach with the radical environmentalism
simple way onto an organism. Each level partitions individuals of a half-century ago.
or aggregates them. This conceptual difficulty aside, if one If an operant psychologist finds that contingencies under his
attempts to analyse such hierarchies in any depth, circular control fail to influence the behavior of an organism, he may
causal sequences immediately become apparent in the form of conclude either that the behavior is refractory to contingencies
"upward" and "downward" causation (Campbell 1974a). An or that the wrong contingencies were tried. In either case, the
example of two-way causation in such a hierarchy occurs when investigator is forced to reexamine and adjust his method and
genes are important and inevitable determiners of how and what approach. Recent challenges to the operant position usually fail
is learned, but what is learned is often an important determiner to consider this property of self-correction, and that operant
of what genes are fed back (downward) into the gene pool. psychology is not a form of environmentalism. Three such
The interconnectedness of living systems may be complex, challenges are the discovery of "biological constraints on learn-
but interconnected they are. It is the characteristic and essence ing," "feature detectors" in sensory systems, and "pattern-
of living things. The levels never become decoupled. Skinner is generating circuits" in motor systems. All would structure and
in error when he writes that "operant conditioning could not therefore restrict the ways organisms learn, perceive, or move. I
only supplement the natural selection of behavior, it could presume that Skinner would say that all three evolved in
replace it." The logical requirement of hierarchical organiza- response to the contingencies of natural selection. The discov-


Commentary I Skinner: Selection by consequences
ery of behavior that seems refractory to contingency manage- spawned by definitions of fitness or adaptation as whatever
ment or is amenable only to highly specific contingencies is increases subsequent reproduction.) Of course, the actual labo-
hardly a defeat for the operant approach. The constraints on ratory practice of operant psychologists in uncovering particular
learning and perceptual or motor processes simply define the contingencies of reinforcement leads them to identify particular
context and limit the degrees of freedom in which operant reinforcers independently of the change in the frequency or
learning may occur. character of particular operants. Thus they have produced
In conclusion, the operant analysis of behavior provides rapid quantitative instantiations of the law of effect for small numbers
feedback and encourages one to "go with what works." This of organisms in specific experimental settings. But to unify and
basically atheoretical approach is itself sensitive to contingen- theoretically substantiate thesefindingsunder a general theory
cies and seems quite adaptive. we need to find a feature common to all reinforcers, aside from
their operant consequences. Without one we cannot identify
and measure reinforcers independently - and therefore we
cannot use the general version of the law to explain and predict
Fitness, reinforcement, underlying anything. Independent identification of reinforcers is needed to
mechanisms link the law to something not already identified as a reinforcer or
an operant, and such linkage is required for the provision and
Alexander Rosenberg improvement of explanatory and predictive content. Despite a
Department of Philosophy, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y. 13210 great deal of contemporary research, no feature common and
Skinner is right: Natural selection and operant conditioning are peculiar to reinforcers has so far been found. This is because
two versions of the same phenomenon. This fact explains not what makes a contingency reinforcing must ultimately be some
only their form, content, and relations to findings in biology and common effect of reinforcers inside the body of the organism.
psychology, but also the complete parallel in their respective This common effect, or disjunction of effects, will be the inter-
intellectual histories. In particular, their relation to these find- mediate links, the immediate causes of subsequent emission of
ings both explains and enables us to refute persistent though operant behavior. (Compare evolutionary theory's need for a
mistaken charges made against the two theories. It also points to common denominator of fitness independent of the reproduc-
the direction in which both of these theories must be extended. tive effects fitness is intended to explain.)
Skinner's account of the identity of selection and reinforcement, Now, looking for the causes of behavior inside the body is not
however, blocks the explanation, the defense, and the elabora- by itself under Skinnerian anathema. As Skinner (1964, p. 84)
tion that the two theories require. has written, "The skin is not that important a boundary. " But
The most venerable charge against the theory of natural looking for causal mechanisms is excluded. Finding the proxi-
selection is that it is unfalsifiable: Its claims about differences in mate causes of behavior inside the body is not only demanded by
fitness can only be substantiated in the differential reproduction the defense and the development of operant theory, but is an
it cites fitness to explain. The way to refute this charge is to exemplification of the "causal pattern of classical mechanics"
specify the mechanisms that characterize differences in fitness which Skinner rejects. It is also in his view the first step toward
independent of their effects in differential reproduction. The "mentalism."
practical difficulty of specifying these mechanisms on which The signal accomplishment of the theory of natural selection
fitness supervenes arises because they involve an over- was not to supersede classical mechanics, but to show how the
whelmingly large number of disjunctions of physical factors that physical sciences can be expected to subsume biological phe-
differ from ease to case, so that no general characterization of nomena. It relies on this relation between selection on heritable
fitness combining precision, manageability, and truth can actu- variation on the one hand and the forces and factors of physics
ally be constructed. However, once it is seen that in principle and chemistry that fitness consists in on the other, to defend
this independent specification of fitness can be accomplished, itself against charges of vacuity. It dispenses with creativity by
the charge of vacuity is easily undercut. More important, by appeal to prior noncreative phenomena; it accords to living
exposing the underlying factors that make for fitness differences systems the same essence it accords to physical ones. If, as
from case to case the explanatory and predictive power of Skinner rightly claims, operant theory has all the strengths of
applications of the theory of natural selection is increased (see natural selection, it must have these properties as well. Just as
Rosenberg 1983). evolutionists have progressively found the required causal in-
By reflecting on the relation between fitness differences and termediaries between selection and evolution, so operant psy-
their underlying mechanisms among organisms in environ- chologists must find causal intermediaries between reinforcers
ments, we may put to rest the venerable charge's latest versions, and operants. Only such intermediaries can satisfy the physical
like Gould and Lewontin's (1979) complaint that the adapta- requirement of no action at a (temporal) distance, and provide
tionist program is but a sterile Panglossianism ("everything is for the linkage to nonbehavioral factors that entrench and substanti-
the best"). It is therefore ironic that, as Dennett (1983) has ate the law of effect. Operant psychology mustfinda mechanism
shown, Gould and Lewontin's unavailing arguments against parallel to the physical factors on whichfitnesssupervenes. This
adaptation ism are identical to Skinner's arguments against men- is the course of development that Skinner wants to exclude,
talism. It is even more deeply ironic that extending operant however. He rejects the "attempt to assimilate selection by
theory and defending it against accusations that it mirrors the consequences to the causality of classical mechanics." "People,"
alleged Panglossianism of evolutionary theory requires that he writes in "Consequences," "behave in given ways because
operant theory be developed in a direction Skinner has cate- they have been changed by . . . [reinforcing] contingencies.
gorically abjured: the direction, if not of mentalism, then of The contingencies can perhaps be inferred from the changes
"centralism," taking seriously the psychological states that in- they have worked, but they are no longer in existence." But the
tervene between initial reinforcement of emitted behavior and direct inference back from changes in behavior to prior con-
its subsequent recurrence. tingencies of reinforcement is too easy to have much content; in
Skinner's critics have long chided the law of effect with this respect it is like facile inferences from current adaptation to
vacuity, on the grounds that the only general characterizations prior selection, inferences that the opponents of adaptationism
of reinforcers available make the law an empty tautology. The have seized upon. In both cases, causal intermediaries are
criticism has warrant in texts that define a reinforcer as "any required.
stimulus which if presented (or withdrawn) contingent on an What will these intermediaries look like? Some of Skinner's
operant, increases (decreases) the probability of the occurrence arguments against mentalism are good ones, and suggest con-
of the operant." (Compare criticisms of evolutionary theory vincingly that we should not look to "folk psychology" for these


Commentary7'Skinner: Selection by consequences
intermediaries. On the other hand, if the only other source for mutation. Consequently, it is improbable that we can anticipate
manageable classes of identifiable intermediaries (the common or define for an array of diverse societies all of the conditions that
effects diverse reinforcers share, which enable us to explain and will prove requisite to acceptance of the principles of behavior as
predict the behavioral consequences of reinforcement) are to be articulated by even the ablest scientist; however, and this is
found in neuroscience, then the entrenchment and further consonant with Skinner's view, their acceptance should be
development of the law of effect will have to be postponed, enhanced to the degree they are viewed as complementary to
pending the establishment of a neuroscience with the desired ultimate survival.
manageable classes. The discovery of biochemical mechanisms Skinner notes near the end of "Consequences" that the efforts
of synaptic transmitter modulation by classical conditioning of those who have made experimental analyses of behavior have
(reported in Kandel & Schwartz 1982) may justify some opti- been rejected. The reason, he states, is that this approach has
mism in this regard, but what it shows is that the elaboration of a "no place for a person as an initiating agent." To hold that
psychological theory of selection by consequences must, like its individuals' behavior is attributable solely to the contingencies
evolutionary big brother, proceed in the direction of a molecular of reinforcement of those individuals' lives as the contingencies
biological, that is physical, theory. have shaped and changed their beings to the present is, from the
Of course, there may be intermediaries of the required sorts individuals' perspective, to deny responsibility and control over
at higher levels of organization than those treated in molecular their lives. On the contrary, societies have generally fostered
neuroscience. This is the hypothesis of the cognitive psychol- perspectives that do attribute control to the individual, or,
ogist, among others. There is, moreover, some reason to sup- rather, societies generally have been selected for espousing
pose that if such intermediaries exist, their behavior is shaped such perspectives, probably because they have strengthened
by selection for consequences as well (see Dennett 1978a). If so, their bases for holding individuals responsible for their behav-
Skinner will have been vindicated in spite of himself, for the iors in the framework of what is presumed to be "good and bad"
fundamental units of an operant psychology will be the kind of for the well being and the survival of those societies.
ghostly intermediaries he has so long condemned. But given the On the other hand, the possibility should not be ruled out that
parallels between operant psychology and evolutionary biology, the trend of human evolution has included selection for those
this should come as no surprise, for just as the units of selection individuals whose views were readily shaped by environmental
and evolution are in dispute among biologists (see Ghiselin contingencies to the conclusions (i) that as individuals they live
1981), we should expect that in the parallel science of psychol- in a cause and effect determined world and (ii) that their
ogy, the units of selection may not, as Skinner blithely supposes,
behavior can be self-controlled and used causally to achieve
be "selves or persons." In either case, the future direction of
development for a psychology of selection by consequences reinforcing effects (i.e. goals).
must be away from behavior and its environmental conditions, Clearly, persons persist in perceiving their actions as efforts
in the very direction Skinner has so sternly enjoined. to transcend their environmental pressures and crises so as to
become controllers of these forces and thus avoid being con-
trolled by them. Even Skinner asks whether we can "take
explicit steps to make our future more secure?"; and he then
Perspectives by consequences asks if to do thus "must we not in some sense transcend
selection?" Skinner clearly hopes that success will be obtained
Duane M. Rumbaugh through certain steps, which would include "showing or telling
Department of Psychology, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Ga. 30303 people what to do with respect to relevant contingencies - or
and Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center, Emory University, Atlanta, [how to] construct and maintain new selective contingencies."
Ga. 30322 Sadly, there is little empirical evidence to warrant optimism
for success through the initiation of such steps. Such methods
Skinner argues persuasively that behavior is selected by conse- have been relatively ineffective to date in building a world in
quences and that contingencies of reinforcement shape operant which peace, safety, security, health, and happiness are en-
responses. Consistent with this principle is the conclusion that sured. Quite the contrary has prevailed, and the picture grows
perspectives on behavior held by scientists are themselves less bright each year.
formulated or shaped by contingencies of reinforcement, by In short, though many are ready to join Skinner in such steps,
consequences. Skinner himself recognizes this congruence and the fact is that we do not know how to incorporate behavioral
has on several occasions denied that he is to receive any personal science into the operations of society so that it will be a powerful
credit for his contributions to science: Those contributions have contingency of its present and future. Surely the appeal of a
been beyond his personal control in that they have been shaped cognitive psychology, lamented by Skinner, is in part based on
and articulated by the same set of principles that he attempts to its assumption that some control of behavior is retained by
define as sufficient for the entire behavioral domain. intraorganismic operations, though those operations are not
It is concluded that the formulation of the laws of behavior by held to be apart from the prescriptions of natural laws.
scientists will be dictated by those same laws; however, only if One hopes that scientists will unite quite involuntarily in
validity is reinforcing will their articulation eventually be er- support of a perspective of behavior to the degree that it is valid.
rorless and complete. By the same reasoning, those laws and Only if we are educating scientists improperly should it be
principles will also serve to shape acceptance, or rejection, by otherwise. Even so, the question remains, Why should a society
the scientific community and by the public at large of the laws want to incorporate a perspective of behavior that places the
and principles as articulated. It is to be hoped that the responses control of behavior, not in the individual, but solely in the
of acceptance by scientists will become increasingly enthusiastic contingencies of reinforcement as they have brought change in
as the articulation of the principles or laws becomes increasingly the individual to the present point in time? To be zealous about
sufficient. But will this be the case? If so, will it also be the case doing so would seem tantamount to justifying efforts to preserve
that societies at large will respond with increased acceptance as life, as we know it, only to the end that the contingencies of the
scientists more closely approximate the translating of natural environment will continue to have something on which to
law into the language of humans? operate and to shape - a somewhat less than compelling raison
Skinner argues in "Consequences" that society is selected for d'etre.
and shaped by "whatever promotes its ultimate survival." Each Paradoxically, a valid perspective of behavior, whether at
society has had its own set of characteristics shaped by con- hand or to be obtained in the future, might inherently be
tingencies spanning millions of years, and no radically new unpalatable to society and be viewed as antithetical to its welfare
characteristic can accrue to a society as though it were a biologic and survival. It might prove to be the case that for a valid


Commentary/Skinner: Selection by consequences
perspective of behavior to be incorporated into the fabric of that mental processes underlie voluntary behavior. But if we
world societies it will have to be coupled with a social philoso- abandon the idea that physical realizability precludes mentality
phy, not yet in hand, that will provide or define a "purpose" for then we are free to get on with the business of using selectionist
existence for the individual. principles to explain behavior and cognition in initiating agents,
Whatever our individual perspectives regarding behavior and without binding ourselves to the facts of life and mind.
the future, we have been very fortunate to have the brilliant This is not to say that any of us initiating agents are unmoved
contributions of B. F. Skinner. His contributions to psychology movers, only that we, and our feelings of causal efficacy, are
will serve in perpetuity as part of those contingencies that will worth attending to. An example which Skinner ought to accept
continue to bring it to new states across time. It has been a might help us make this point. The initiating conditions of the
personal privilege to be challenged by his life and perspective evolution of new behavior patterns are woefully neglected in
through the 30 years of my own career. biology because biologists tended to shy away from phenomena
in which the achievements of individuals could instigate evolu-
ACKNOWLEDGMENT tionary change. Such phenomena are suggestive of pur-
Preparation of this commentary was supported by National Institute of posivism, Lamarckism, and other bugaboos, and have therefore
Child Health and Human Development no. 06016 and National In- been eschewed. However, one of the few recent discussions of a
stitutes of Health Animal Resources Branch no. RR-00165. probably important phenomenon of this sort comes from none
other than Skinner himself. In a note on the phylogeny and
ontogeny of behavior Skinner (1969) [see "Phylogeny," this
volume] supposes that an ancestor of the modern dog had no
Selectionism, mentalisms, and behaviorism instinctive tendency to turn around as it lay down, but learned
the behavior as an operant reinforced by the production of a
Jonathan Schull
more comfortable bed. Once instigated, however, the behavior
Department of Psychology, Haverford College, Haverford, Pa. 19041 might have had adaptive consequences (permitting quicker
"So long as we cling to the view that a person is an initiating movement in emergencies, etc.) which could select for genes
doer, actor, or causer of behavior, we shall probably continue to that promote the behavior. If so, "Dogs in which the response
neglect the conditions which must be changed if we are to solve was most readily conditioned must have been most likely to
our problems." No wonder Skinner finds the "present scene" survive and breed," and the behavior may have "eventually
discouraging. Species do adapt to an environment and the become so readily available as an operant that it eventually
environment selects adaptive traits; individuals patently do appeared without reinforcement" (Skinner 1969, p. 204). Evo-
adjust to situations and situations maintain and shape adjusted lutionarily speaking, that first creative individual was an initiat-
behavior; groups of people do solve problems, even as circum- ing agent even though its behavior (like all events) had causal
stances do select cultural practices that (sometimes) yield solu- and selective antecedents. The example suggests (1) that species
tions. The problem with Skinner is that he has always insisted with some developmental plasticity may be able to "experi-
that recognition of the importance of selection would require ment" with potentially adaptive traits for many generations
abandoning any appreciation of purposes or persons as causal before they become "committed" to the relatively "expensive,"
agents. The problem with the present scene is that it has taken slow, and hard-to-reverse process of genetic institutionalization
him at his word and chosen dignity, purpose, and the acknowl- of the trait; (2) that recognition of initiating agents need not
edgment of cognition over behaviorism and selectionism. entail neglect of selection by consequences; and (3) that interac-
The cultural practice we should all consider abandoning is the tions between the kinds of selection Skinner mentions bear
premise that selectionism necessarily implies behaviorism. That further discussion (Baldwin 1896; G. Bateson 1963).
Skinner would resist such a move is not surprising, given his In a similar manner, intelligent agents (like ourselves, for
history of reinforcement. His position was shaped at a time example) "experiment" "mentally" with potentially productive
when cogent arguments against a scientifically sterile and meta- courses of action (rehearsing various scenarios, envisioning their
physically dubious mentalism were amply rewarded, and with probable consequences, and selecting the one that has pro-
good reason. But today, disciplined analyses of cognitive func- duced the most desirable imagined consequence) before com-
tions in psychology, biology, and cognitive science are among mitting themselves to the relatively expensive, slow, and hard-
the most fertile approaches, and they are implicitly or explicitly to-reverse process of behaving. If the imagined consequence is
founded upon the rejection of the vitalistic mentalism that so in fact experienced, their "foresight" is rewarded - which is just
incensed behaviorists. Perhaps the time has come to try to to suggest (with James 1890, Dennett 1978, and others) (1) that
understand the cultural context that selected for behaviorism, to thought processes themselves involve selection by conse-
understand why selection by consequences remains an under- quences, and are selected by mental and environmental conse-
appreciated causal mode, and to understand how the cultural quences; (2) that the parallel between selection in individuals, in
(and probably innate) tendency to impute purpose to biological species, and in cultures goes deeper than Skinner permits
phenomena can persist in a world that is (undeniably and himself to imagine; and (3) that imputing a causal role to
crucially) produced through selection by consequences occur- thought, purpose, and goals does not force one to abandon the
ring at many levels. ideal of physiological realizability (or physical determinism, for
In the context of a Cartesian dualism which said that phe- that matter). The investigation and exploitation of the neural
nomena were caused either by mindless, mechanical, material, and environmental process underlying such phenomena would
and scientifically explicable processes or by nonphysical, scien- proceed more rapidly if Skinner's habitual linkage of selec-
tifically inexplicable mentalities, William Paley's (1836) pre- tionism with behaviorism and antimentalisms were rethought.
Darwinian review of the otherwise inexplicablefitnessof organ- Selectionism does not preclude mentalism, and I believe Skin-
isms to their environments was justifiably taken to provide ner has made it clear that mentalism requires selectionism. [See
strong evidence for the existence of an intelligent, purposive, also Dennett: "Intentional Systems in Cognitive Ethology" BBS
divine "designer" of the biological world. Paley argued for 6(3) 1983.]
Descartes' god. The theory of "natural selection replaces a very On the other hand, it should be noted that if a materialistic
special creator" precisely because it explained adaptedness in cognitivism is permissible in contemporary psychology, it may
terms of purely material processes. The mind of god was there- not be excludable from evolutionary biology. The parallels
fore expunged from biology. Skinner's and Thorndike's (1911) between evolution, learning, and thinking in species and in
own advancement of the physically realizable principle of rein- individuals serve to make another point. If species are hier-
forcement was similarly taken to be incompatible with the idea archically organized selection-by-consequence systems (as


Commentary /Skinner: Selection by consequences

Skinner has insightfully argued), and if selection-by-conse- in which they make contact with the environment, and in the ways in
quence mechanisms provide the modern explanation for intel- which they act upon the environment, what remains of their behavior
ligence and purpose (as Skinner affirms), and if such mecha- shows astonishingly similar properties. (Skinner 1959)
nisms need not be seen as denying the existence of the pheno- In addressing language and biological predispositions for
mena they explain (as many modern mechanistic mentalists learning Skinner appears to have accommodated the concerns of
maintain), then on what grounds do we dismiss the possibility many biopsychologists. But what about Skinner's treatment of
that evolving species are not in some sense individuals (Ghiselin the brain? Many have accused Skinner of treating the brain as a
1981) of limited but genuine intelligence and purpose (Schull, in black box and simply ignoring it. This, of course, is not true.
preparation)? The very question is enough to drive one back to Rather, Skinner has asserted that the brain should be studied in
behaviorism. much the same way that all other events are studied - by
examining observables. Skinner therefore soundly rejects the
notion of the "conceptual nervous system." He argues that a
Bridges from behaviorism to biopsychology conceptual nervous system cannot be used to explain the behav-
ior from which it is inferred (Skinner 1974, p. 213). Many
Paul R. Solomon behavioral neuroscientists would disagree with this statement.
Department of Psychology, Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. 01267
The conceptual nervous systems generated to help explain
sensory (Helmholtz 1852), motor (Sherrington 1947), and asso-
It would be difficult to overstate the magnitude of Skinner's ciative (Pavlov 1927) processes were all inferred from behavior,
contribution to psychology and related disciplines. Many of the and each has served a valuable heuristic role in subsequent work
approaches to the study of behavior that we take for granted can on the neural aspects of behavior. To deny the value of such
be traced to his initiative. Yet Skinner has not been without his models is to dismiss the basis for substantial progress in the
critics. On the one hand there are those who express moral or neurosciences.
philosophical outrage at some of his ideas about the control of Skinner also rejects the notion that behavior can be com-
behavior. At a more concrete level, there are those who have pletely understood by understanding the brain and nervous
criticized specific aspects of Skinner's views. Some of the most system. Instead, he has argued that the goal of neuroscience (he
severe criticisms have come from biopsychologists and neuro- calls it the promise of physiology) is to describe how the nervous
scientists. Skinner has often been criticized for his treatment of system mediates the contingencies between a discriminative
the biological aspects of behavior. This is especially true con- stimulus, a response, and a reinforcer. In doing this, Skinner has
cerning his treatment of language and the predispositions for argued that it is behavior that neuroscientists must strive to
learning, and his general views on the brain. And although some explain. It is this adherence to the notion that behavior is the
of the tensions between radical behaviorism, biopsychology, phenomenon that neuroscientists must consider focal that forms
and neuroscience will not be easily resolved, in "Conse- Skinner's most valuable contribution to the study of the brain.
quences," Skinner appears to be building some bridges. Through this argument he has suggested that a theory of brain
One of the most stinging criticisms of Skinner's work concerns function can be meaningful only if it is posited in the context of
his view on language. The major thrust of this criticism is that behavior.
Skinner has ignored the biological aspects of language. A second Consider, for example, how neuroscientists study memory.
point of contention between Skinner and his critics concerns the One approach is to understand the anatomy, physiology, and
apparent incompatibility between Skinner's views on the ac- pharmacology of the nervous system with the hope of eventually
quisition of operantly conditioned responses and the work understanding how various neuronal processes combine to code
showing that certain associations are more easily learned than memory. The goal here is to uncover mechanisms of plasticity
others (e.g. Garcia, McGowan & Green 1972). Here Skinner has that might be responsible for coding memory (see, for example,
been criticized for ignoring biological predispositions which Swanson, Teyler & Thompson 1982). As those working in this
either facilitate or hinder learning. A third criticism leveled by field recognize, much of the work using this approach is both
biopsychologists and neuroscientists concerns Skinner's treat- elegant and important. Yet because it divorces itself from
ment of the brain. To some, Skinner's assertion that it is not behavior, I doubt that Skinner would favor it. Skinner's ap-
useful to study and model the nervous system through inference proach is better reflected in the model systems approach to
from behavior ignores many of the insights obtained about studying neural mechanisms of learning and memory (see Kan-
brain-behavior relationships using just this strategy. del 1976; Thompson 1976). Here the beginning point, the
Skinner has not ignored his critics. In "Consequences' he incontrovertible evidence which must always be considered, is
both revitalizes earlier arguments and marshals new ones to the behavior of the organism. All attempts to understand possi-
answer these criticisms. Yet the tone of this article seems more ble mechanisms of memory must stem from and be consistent
compromising than that of earlier treatments. In discussing with a particular learned behavior. This seemingly simple point
language, Skinner seems to have modified his earlier views that many of us studying brain-behavior relationships now take
somewhat. In considering the importance of language he notes for granted has its foundations in the work of Skinner and other
that "vocal behavior can be modified through operant condition- behaviorists.
ing, but apparently only with respect to the occasions upon In "Selection by Consequences" Skinner has built bridges
which [the various kinds of vocal behavior] occur or their rate of between the often separated approaches of behaviorists and
occurrence." With this statement, it appears that Skinner has biopsychologists. This is especially true in his treatment of
made room for the biological aspects of language, while at the language and biological constraints. There still appears to be
same time providing an important role for operant conditioning. some tension between radical behaviorism and the neuro-
In "Consequences" Skinner also attempts to accommodate science community concerning the relationship between brain
the compelling data concerning biological predispositions for and behavior. Yet behavioral neuroscientists in particular
learning. For example, he notes that a duck may follow a large should take note of Skinner's basic contention: Behavior is the
moving object (in this case its mother) both because it has been starting point for studying brain function, and any final under-
selected to do so and because of "an evolved susceptibility to standing of brain function must be commensurate with the
reinforcement by proximity to such an object. ' This is a far cry behavior it is evoked to explain.
from Skinner's earlier statement:
Pigeon, rat, monkey, which is which? It doesn't matter. Of course, ACKNOWLEDGMENT
these species have behavioral repertoires which are as different as I am grateful to Andrew Crider for helpful comments on an earlier
their anatomies. But once you have allowed for differences in the ways version of this paper.


Commentary /Skinner: Selection by consequences

Selection misconstrued learning and the impact of learning on evolution than are
suggested by Skinner's straightforward analogy. What things
Stephen C. Stearns are easy to learn, what things are hard to learn, and why did that
Biological Laboratories, Reed College, Portland, Oreg. 97202 distinction evolve? Skinner passes that essential question by.
Skinner's final notable point is that selection processes are
Skinner makes at least three claims that attract the attention of blind mechanisms, and that too much attention has been paid to
an evolutionary biologist: (a) that conditioning works on indi- the object selected and not enough to the process of selection. I
vidual behavior in a manner strictly analogous to the operation completely agree with his denial that organisms can be con-
of natural selection in evolution; (b) that this analogy sheds light strued as initiating the process of adaptation, and with his plea
on the evolution of learning and on the impact of learning on that more attention be paid to the process of selection, but I
evolution; and (c) that more attention needs to be paid to the cannot countenance his decision to treat the organism as a black
process of selection and less to the objects selected. How far do box and to concentrate solely on the external circumstances
these insights take us, and are they new? affecting the organism. We must understand enough of the
Lewontin (1970) stated quite clearly that as long as things vary internal structure of organisms to explain how they interact with
in a heritable manner and undergo differential survival and their external circumstances. That internal structure can make a
reproduction, those things will evolve, whether they be orga- critical difference to the predictions one would make both about
nisms, ideas, or cultures. Dawkins (1976) has taken the conse- the direction of evolution and about the development of
quences of that idea much farther, and it is now a familiar, if not behavior.
universally accepted, part of evolutionary biology. Thus Skin- In summary, Skinner's analogy between evolution and learn-
ner's first claim is not new. ing is apt but hardly new, and his picture of evolution errs in its
I question his repeated presentation of natural selection as details. The questions Skinner states explicitly do not seem
designing traits for the benefit of species. Skinner seems to be likely to lead to productive new lines of research, but the
unaware of the controversy over group selection, individual questions he states implicitly are loaded with significance: How
selection, and gene selection that has occupied the attention of does learning evolve? Once evolved, what implications does
evolutionary biologists for the last 20 years. It has considerably learning have for subsequent evolution? Does it uncouple phe-
clarified the way we think about natural selection (see Maynard notype and genotype, as suggested by Huxley (1942)? What
Smith 1964; Price 1972; Wade 1978; Williams 1966). Although things are hard to learn and what things are easy to learn?
the debate is not over, it seems safe to say that only under special Biology and psychology can interact productively in these areas
circumstances could one conclude that a trait had evolved for (see Kamil & Sargent 1981). Skinner enters a final plea for an
the benefit of the species. In nearly all cases, traits have evolved objective assessment of the causes of human behavior. Although
because they increased the fitness of genes, individual organ- I do not think his scheme of selection by consequences is
isms, or both. There is some persuasive evidence that certain adequate to represent causation, I do agree that we must
behavioral traits have evolved because they increased the in- understand the biological basis of human behavior and the limits
clusive fitness of individuals, that is, fitness gained through it sets - if any - on what can be learned. That knowledge would
relatives (Hamilton 1972; Sherman 1977), and some evidence make it easier to solve problems caused by our own behavior.
indicates that certain traits, such as female-biased sex ratios
(Colwell 1981; Hamilton 1967) and recombination itself (May-
nard Smith 1978), have evolved in part through group selection.
However, biologists continue to produce alternative explana-
tions based on individual selection or gene selection (e.g. Selection by consequences: A universal
Felsenstein 1974; Hamilton 1980; Rice 1983) for even those causal mode?
traits, such as recombination, for which the evidence is most
consistent with group selection. Skinner also seriously under- William Timberlake
estimates the rapidity of evolutionary change. Significant Psychology Department, Indiana University, Blocmington, Ind. 47405
changes can occur in ecological time, on the order of tens of For some time it has been customary to attribute human behav-
generations (Kettlewell 1961; Stearns 1983). Skinner's view of ior to a combination of the effects of biology, individual learning,
natural selection is badly out of date. and society. Though it is clear that these determinants are
Skinner's most constructive point is to call attention to the related, experience has taught most of us to consider them
interaction of selection and learning. I particularly appreciated separately rather than to ignore divisions between disciplines
his description of how the evolution of learning could lead to and suffer the cross-fire of individuals defending their turf.
nonadaptive or even to maladaptive behavior. However, he Skinner has frequently crossed such disciplinary boundaries, in
again falls disappointingly short of the sort of analysis that would the present case by arguing that selection by consequences is
be suggested by recent developments in evolutionary biology. the key causal mechanism in all three areas. Though I admire his
Learning is a sophisticated form of developmental plasticity. bravery and have sympathy for his goal of integration, I think the
Ashby (1956) has suggested that plasticity in some traits may resemblances Skinner sees are overstated and his emphasis on a
buffer other traits against the force of selection, and Caswell common causal mechanism interferes with rather than facili-
(1983) has developed this idea in the context of the evolution of tates analysis of the relations among natural selection, individual
reproductive traits. Charnov and Bull (1977) have argued that learning, and culture.
labile sex determination is favored by natural selection when an What Skinner calls attention to is that changes in evolution
individual's fitness - as male or female - is strongly influenced (new species), individual learning (new behaviors), and culture
by environmental conditions and when the individual has little (new societies) typically occur in the context of some alteration
control over which environment it will experience. Stearns and of the environment. On the basis of this resemblance Skinner
Crandall (1983) have extended this argument to traits and argues that the changes are based on the common causal mecha-
environments that can vary continuously. These analyses of nism of selection by consequences. The fundamental problem
nonbehavioral traits provide a prototype for a biologically based
with this argument is that a consequence is by definition an
analysis of the evolution of learning. Cavalli-Sforzaand Feldman
(1981) have recently published an extensive discussion of the outcome that follows necessarily from a set of conditions. By this
interaction between genetic and cultural evolution. In all these definition only operant learning can be a product of selection by
biological discussions there are many more concrete points for consequences; examples of natural selection and cultural evolu-
departure and suggestive hypotheses about the evolution of tion do not follow from any set of prior conditions that can be
specified. I develop and add to this argument below. Since


Commentary/Skinner. Selection by consequences
Skinner considers operant learning a microcosm of the other two gene pool to be depleted in two ways, it will be depleted in two
phenomena, I consider it first. ways. In learning, if conditions are generally appropriate for
In operant learning selection is judged by a change in proba- behavior to be altered in two ways, it is more likely that only one
bility of responding that occurs when an environmental con- way will occur. This need not imply a homunculus decision
tingency links responses and outcomes. Though this statement maker, but simply a mechanism for integrating possible behav-
seems simple enough, there are critical qualifications on the iors that compete for a final common path. Finally, although
nature of contingencies and outcomes. Selection of a particular evolutionary change has a functional "memory" of past suc-
response occurs when: (1) there is a contingency relation that cesses in terms of the elements available in the gene pool, this
produces temporal and spatial conditions that support the de- memory is quite different from what occurs in learning. In
velopment of a representation of the relation among environ- learning, the animal learns not to emit a particular unsuccessful
ment, behavior, and outcome (such a representation need not response in particular stimulus circumstances, but the response
be "cognitive" or complete, but it must be present in some form; is still available in other situations. In evolution, if genes of a
without the linkage provided by this representation there is no type that have been selected against are gone from the pool,
consequence); (2) the contingency relation involving a particular they are not available in any situation, and if a few examples
response produces a stronger representation than any other one remain in the pool, they will be expressed independently of
related to the same outcome; (3) the outcome is a reinforcer (that their failure to produce survival in a particular circumstance the
is, an event or circumstance capable of producing learned last time.
changes in responding); and (4) the reinforcer is the most In short, in natural selection there is no a priori environmen-
important one available at that time. What constitutes a rein- tal linkage of gene pool and survival and thus no representation
forcer has been a point of contention, and Skinner initially of the relation among particular stimulus environments, genes,
settled for a definition in terms of its effect, later arguing for a and survival. Since consequences as used in operant learning
basis in natural selection. However, it appears that a reinforcer require an environmentally defined linkage, it follows that
is most reasonably seen not as an event, but as a circumstance natural selection is simply selection, not selection by conse-
produced by a challenge imposed by the contingency on the quences. Changes that occur in the gene pool are not condi-
regulatory systems underlying behavior (e.g. Hanson & Tim- tional, reversible, or functionally related to characteristics of the
berlake 1983). outcome or the contingency. Outcomes are not remembered
Not only are contingencies and outcomes subject to qualifica- conditionally. Furthermore, much of a given change in the gene
tions, but the nature of selection also has particular qualities. pool is completely unrelated to the particular circumstances of
First, the level of responding under a contingency is func- individual death or survival. Finally, there is no momentary
tionally related to characteristics of the outcome (e.g. quality of integration of possibilities in terms of efficiency or importance.
reward), and the relation prescribed by the contingency (e.g. In the case of culture, Skinner's focus varies between social
fixed ratio schedule). Second, selection is conditional in that it reinforcers of individual behavior and the role of selection by
applies primarily within a particular stimulus setting. Third, consequences in the survival of cultures; however, the last
selection can be reversed (at least partially) by omitting the seems to be the most important to his argument. Skinner treats
outcome. cultures as combinations of elements in a sort of cultural gene
In short, the key elements in selection by consequences in pool. Changes in the pool occur as a consequence of differential
operant learning are: (1) an environmentally based linkage survival of cultures. Most of the objections raised to viewing
between behavior and outcome that supports the development natural selection as selection by consequences apply here as
of a representation of the relation among the specific stimulus well. Again there are no consequences, just effects. Skinner
environment, the behavior to be changed, and the outcome; (2) seems to see that in terms of selection by consequences the
an outcome (circumstance) that contributes to this linkage and interesting phenomenon is the way in which individuals con-
motivates its expression in performance; (3) a comparator that tribute to culture through learning and innovation, but this
determines which of the available behaviors and linkages to interaction is more illustrated than analyzed.
pursue; and (4) the possibility of removing the environmental Skinner has contributed uniquely to the continuing struggle
linkage and reversing the selection effect. to develop models of learning and behavior largely free from
In biology, selection occurs as alterations of the gene pool stultifying concerns with imaginary causal agents. I believe he is
when genetic or environmental change results in differential right in his concern that we not slip back into inventing causal
survival of individuals. Presuming that it is possible to treat the concepts that depend almost exclusively on our private models
gene pool as analogous to the potential repertoire of individual of how we behave. However, in the present case I think his
behaviors, there are still major problems in applying the con- concern with general mechanisms has led him to ignore critical
cept of selection by consequences. The most fundamental diffi- differences among phenomena. He has generated parallels
culty is that the contingency or link between selection and among natural selection, learning, and cultural selection that,
outcome is not defined before the fact. The absence of an a priori although initially thought provoking, are without much long-
linkage means there are no characteristic relations between the term heuristic value. His insistence on a common causal mode
gene pool and survival that produce selection; in the language of has not promoted a more complete analysis of these phenomena
operant conditioning, one cannot specify reinforcing circum- or their relations. In some ways this work is a mirror image of
stances, or relations between reinforcing circumstances and recent sociobiological explanations of behavior. Sociobiologists
changes. Even after the fact of survival is established, the attempt to explain everything at the level of gene survival;
changes in the gene pool are complex. Genes both relevant and Skinner attempts to explain everything at the level of a common
irrelevant to survival will meet a common fate because they are general mechanism. What is needed at present is an approach
grouped by individuals. This is a fundamental fact in biology, that captures, expands, and integrates these levels of explana-
and only a side issue in the case of learning and behavior. tion.
Essentially, the absence of linkage means there are no specifia- The beginning of an integrative approach lies in the assump-
ble consequences, just events that change the gene pool by tion of evolutionary biology that all behavior, including learning
eliminating some of it. This removal is neither conditional in the and elements of culture, is based on the differential survival of
sense of occurring only for particular stimulus conditions, nor genes promoting these phenomena. However, the local basis for
reversible. an integrative approach must be in terms of local mechanisms.
Further, there is no integration of possibilities of action in An analogy may be useful in clarifying the situation. Suppose
natural selection. If conditions are generally appropriate for the that we have a large computer that has the single function of


Commentary /Skinner: Selection by consequences
assembling chess-playing programs from a pool of program free to choose a course of action, justly punished if we make the
elements. (The assembly actually takes place probabilistically wrong choice. The main thrust of Skinner's position, ex-
by sampling without replacement from smaller subpools of the emplified in "Consequences," is that voluntary behavior is not.
program elements, so that individual programs may have similar Various forms of behavior arise, some are strengthened and
elements and all programs are complete.) Periodically the com- some not, and we are left with some subsequent distribution of
puter puts together a new group of programs and sends them behavior.
through a series of tournaments before returning the elements The parallel between evolution and behavior allows the deri-
to the pool. The elements of the most successful program are vation of a number of strong conclusions. Ernst Mayr (1976a, p.
doubled, and the elements of the least successful program are 28) contrasted the view that a species consists of afixedtype with
removed. This process is roughly analogous to natural selection. the more scientific view that a species consists of a distribution of
There is no a priori linkage between particular aspects of the organisms:
gene pool and survival, and there is no conditional memory for The ultimate conclusion of the population thinker and of the ty-
success or failure. Given that the elements remain in the pool, pologist are precisely the opposite. For the typologist, the type (eidos)
the same unsuccessful program can be assembled again. is real and the variation an illusion, while for the populationist the
To add learning by consequence we must allow the programs type (average) is an abstraction and only the variation is real. No two
to profit from experience with local successes and failures in ways of looking at nature could be more different.
each game. To facilitate learning it will be useful to provide a Following up the parallel with regard to human behavior
representation of the relation between stimulus conditions, could lead to a profound change in our views of individuals.
behavior, and outcome, to evaluate the importance of any What we call our identity may more properly be described as an
outcome in the context of the game, and to allow the representa- average form of behavior maintained by a relatively constant
tion to be conditional and reversible. Finally, to add culture we environment. Although it may be painful to give up the position
must allow some of the programs to have access to past relations that each of us is, or has, an integrated self or identity, in the
between behavior and outcomes compiled by previous pro- long run the closer we are to the true state of affairs the better off
grams of a similar sort. Competition between cultures would be we will be. [See also Ghiselin: "Categories, Life and Thinking "
based on survival of particular kinds of elements in the pool. A BBS 4(2) 1981.]
simulation of such a system might provide further insight into
the relations among the levels and effects of biology, individual
learning, and culture in determining behavior.
Natural selection and operant behavior
I thank Don Gawley, Ted Melcer, and especially Gary Lucas for Wanda Wyrwicka
comments. Preparation of this commentary was supported by a grant Brain Research Institute and Department of Anatomy, University of
from the National Science Foundation. California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, Calif. 90024
Skinner's article "Consequences" offers the reader a fascinating
intellectual adventure. In a few pages which contain enough
material for several large volumes, the author presents his
Giving up the ghost complete concept of the origin and maintenance of behavior of
animals including, specifically, humans. The "selection by con-
William Vaughan, Jr. sequences," as Skinner calls his concept, operates on three
Department of Psychology and Social Relations, Harvard University, levels: natural selection, individual behavior, and evolution of
Cambridge, Mass. 02138
cultures. As the phenomena of at least two of these levels cannot
We may construe the history of science in part as consisting of be directly or easily observed, the concept must, nolens volens,
three major revolutions which have radically altered man's view be based on suppositions and simplifications. This gives the
of himself. Prior to the Copernican revolution, the fusion of reader an opportunity to ask questions. Here are some of them.
Christianity and Aristotle taught that the earth was the center of Does the development of behavior really resemble the process
the universe, that we had been created in the image of an of natural selection? Are the consequences in each case of the
omnipotent and omniscient being, and that, governed by rea- same nature?
son, we could act to save our immortal souls. The work of Let me concentrate first on natural selection. According to
Copernicus led inexorably to the view we now hold of the Darwin's theory, only those individuals and species survive that
universe: Our sun is a star of a fairly common variety, situated have a genetic ability to cope with the changing environmental
about two-thirds of the way from the center of one of many spiral conditions. This results in the development of new variations
galaxies; our local group of galaxies is in turn part of a larger and new species, in other words, in evolution by natural selec-
grouping, the Virgo cluster. The universe at large is indifferent tion, a process characterized by Skinner as "selection by conse-
to mankind. quences." This process, completely passive, occurs without any
Darwin ushered in the second revolution, arguing that we interaction from the individual organism. But the inborn fea-
were not created by an omniscient being. Rather, by means of tures critical to survival are transferred to the next generations.
the joint action of variation and selection, plants and animals The evolution of the aniinal world does not seem to be a
had, over millions of years, gradually become better adapted to straight-line process. Insects, for instance, are admittedly much
their environments. We were the product of that adaptation. lower in the evolutionary hierarchy than vertebrates, but their
Dawkins (1976) gives us a contemporary picture of where central nervous system, although different from that of verte-
Darwin's position led. Constructed by genes, we are machines brates, is quite extensive, and their motor abilities (relative to
that tend to act in such a manner that more of the genes that the size of the body) and the sensitivity of certain sensory
created us are in turn created. Other organisms within our systems (such as olfaction), at least in some species (e.g. ants),
environment are not indifferent to us, but rather act to bend us surpass those in vertebrates. And, among vertebrates, birds (for
to their aims. instance) have better vision than mammals. Birds also have a
Selection by consequences is one step in the third, Skin- differently developed muscular system. The pectoral muscles
nerian, revolution, which will have far-reaching implications supporting the action of the wings are enormous compared to
regarding our very identities. Previous revolutions left basically corresponding muscles in mammals. Humans who consider
intact our assumptions that we are moral, responsible beings, themselves as being at the top of the evolutionary scale, not only


Response/Skinner: Selection by consequences

have poorer vision than birds, but also a poorer muscular system
than other mammals of similar size. In fact, humans would not Author's Response
be able to defend themselves against predators if they were not
equipped with more efficient brains. The development of the
large cerebral hemispheres with their associative cortex com-
pensated for the deficiencies of other systems of the body, and Some consequences of selection
not only resulted in the survival of humans but also secured
them the highest position among living beings.
B. F. Skinner
Let me turn now to individual behavior consisting, for the
Department of Psychology and Social Relations, Harvard University,
most part, of operant behavior (using Skinner's terminology).
Cambridge, Mass. 02138
Does the development of operant behavior in an individual
resemble the evolution of life over millions of years? It has been Why has the role of selection by consequences appeared
asserted that the successive stages of ontogenetic development so late in the history of human thought? It is a principle
roughly approximate the successive stages of phylogenetic de- found only in living things and that is no doubt relevant,
velopment (Gould 1977). This process occurs mostly during the but people have been interested in living things as long as
prenatal period and continues for some limited time after birth. in nonliving. A more likely explanation is that the effects
Then operant behavior starts to develop in response to environ- of selection are somewhat delayed. We see the products
mental conditions.
The development of operant behavior and the evolutionary of selection but only some time after we have seen the
process are similar in that they are both based on selection by selection itself. The difference in time may have led to the
consequences and both become gradually more and more com- search for current surrogates. We look for operative
plex. But there are also big differences between them. By features in the product rather than at the selective events
contrast with natural selection, (1) operant behavior is an active responsible for them.
process capable of producing permanent changes in inborn Purpose is such a current surrogate of past conse-
reactions and complicating their patterns; (2) its development quences. Cognitive psychologists speak of operant behav-
seems to be quite a straight-line process unless slowed by ior as goal-directed behavior. Goal-directedness is a cur-
adverse conditions (including aging); and (3) it is not genetically rent property which replaces a history of reinforcing
transferable to later generations.
But there is still another important difference between natu- consequences. (The word operant alludes to an observed
ral selection and operant behavior. Although in both cases property of behavior - namely, the effect on the environ-
selection by consequences is the basic principle, the conse- ment. Whether the effect changes behavior is not men-
quences are different in each case. In natural selection the tioned.) The intentionalism of modern philosophy also
consequence is survival. But is it also that in operant behavior? springs from a search for a current property of behavior as
Let us take, for instance, feeding behavior. It has been reported a surrogate for history.
that 6-7-day-old rat pups prefer nonnutritional 0.1% saccharin The temporal subtleties of selection could in turn be
solution in water to 2.8% lactose solution corresponding to the responsible for the invention and subsequent flourishing
sweetness of mother's milk (Jacobs & Sharma 1969). Adult rats, development of a simpler cause, following the push-push
even when hungry, prefer nonnutritive 0.25% saccharin solu-
tion to nutritive 3% glucose solution (Valenstein 1967). Other causality of daily life. Thus, life on earth has simply been
experiments have shown that hungry rats, offered a choice created and behavior is simply intended, chosen, and
between food and intracranial self-stimulation, prefer to self- willed.
stimulate, although this leads to death from starvation (Routten- The reasons why selection by consequences was so long
berg & Lindy 1965). Excellent examples of behavior contrary to neglected are probably the reasons why it is still so badly
survival are also provided by drug addiction and dangerous misunderstood.
sports. It seems, then, that the consequences of operant behav-
ior must be not so much survival as sensory gratification. It can
be supposed that what is called "reinforcement" in operant I am sorry that in the four or five thousand words that
behavior is sensory satisfaction or, in other words, improvement were available to me when I wrote "Consequences" I
in sensory state resulting from the presence of unconditioned have not covered the field of natural selection to Barlow's
stimuli in approach behavior, or from the absence of uncondi- satisfaction. I am also sorry that he appears not to be
tioned stimuli in avoidance behavior (Wyrwicka 1975; 1980). aware of the extent of current research on operant condi-
So far, there is no objective and direct evidence that improve- tioning. I am happy that he agrees with me on the
ment in sensory state is the main causal factor in operant
behavior. Still, can we be sure that animals living in their natural evolution of culture, but he seems to miss its relevance to
environment do not care about the taste of food and eat only in the question of who is to decide what is good behavior.
order to survive? Or that they mate only in order to produce So far as the point of "Consequences" is concerned, it
progeny (that way securing the survival of the species), and not does not matter in the least whether any of the behavior
in order to get sensory satisfaction from mating? Of course, Barlow mentions is the product of natural selection,
there exist behaviors where survival is in stake. These include operant conditioning, the evolution of cultural practices,
fights with competitors for territory, food, or mates. But is or any combination thereof. The same issues arise: the
survival the real "purpose" of the fight? It may be so, but on need to abandon the concept of a creator, purpose,
condition that survival means experiencing sensory gratifica-
essences like life, mind, and Zeitgeist as contemporary
surrogates of histories of selection, and values. I repeat:
If the above supposition is correct, this means that the All these issues demand attention regardless of whether
survival of the species is secured only when sensory satisfaction
obtained from operant behavior goes together with survival. On the consequences are found in natural selection, operant
the other hand, in cases in which it works against survival, the conditioning, or the evolution of cultures. Although there
whole species can perish. This especially applies to humans, is lively controversy at all three levels, the basic notion of
who have developed such a variety of means to provide sensory selection by consequences survives and raises the ques-
satisfaction. tions I addressed.


Response/ Skinner: Selection by consequences
Bolles gives 1959 as the date of the first observation of system has come into existence it can be studied in other
similarities between operant conditioning and natural ways. I would not look for much help, however, from
selection, but in 1953 in Science and Human Behavior (p. processes in the nervous system by which images are
430) I wrote: "We have seen that in certain respects coded.
operant reinforcement resembles the natural selection of
evolutionary theory. Just as genetic characteristics which Unlike Campbell I believe it is correct to classify "a
arise as mutations are selected or discarded by their child's ball, the planet earth, and an orange as spheroids"
consequences, so novel forms of behavior are selected or and conceivably useful to do so in raising the question of
discarded through reinforcement." And I went on to say why things so diverse are nevertheless roughly spherical.
that "[t]here is still a third kind of selection which applies I think it is useful to point out that the four issues I raise -
to cultural practices . . . [a] practice modifies the behav- origination, purpose, essences, and values - are due to
ior of members of the group. The resulting behavior may the nature of selection as such and not to any particular
affect the success of the group in competition with other variations or selected consequences common to the three
groups or with the nonsocial environment." levels.
In his last paragraph, Bolles brings up an interesting Campbell seems to feel that all selection must be due to
point. As an explanatory mode, selection is responsible genetic change. Thus, in discussing operant behavior he
only for novelty, for origins. That is the way in which it says that "behaviors might become shaped in such a way
differs from the causal mode of physics. Once a given as to be appropriate for novel environments and lead to
structure has been selected by natural selection and once differential reproduction. For this to occur these behav-
a bit of behavior has been shaped by operant reinforce- iors or their possessors would have to be acted upon by
ment, selection as a causal mode has done its work and a natural selection" (my italics). But the italicized phrase
mechanical model may suffice. A survey of the current had nothing to do with operant conditioning. The process
state of the organism - the responses in its repertoire, the has presumably evolved because it led to differential
relevant reinforcing consequences, the controlling stim- reproduction, but it operates through consequences of its
uli - need not involve selection at all. Nor will the own.
neurological account of how these variables are interre- I have no objection to the definition of selection pres-
lated. Only if these structures are still changing will sure that Campbell cites. My objection is not that it is "an
selection need to be considered as a causal mode. So far as attempt to assimilate selection to the causality of classical
they are the products of selection, a "mechanical" mechanics" but merely that, as Campbell says, "the term
causality suffices. 'pressure' is too reminiscent of physics." By saying that
selection pressure is not necessarily exerted by other
species, I meant merely to defend evolution against
Boulding has offered an image to be corrected "so that Social Darwinism. Such an idea may not be common
knowledge becomes more perfect." A few corrections: among biologists, but it has been vigorously discussed.
1. There are many fields which now lie beyond predic- I believe that operant conditioning supplements natu-
tion and control. Evolution is one, plate tectonics an- ral selection, but I did not suggest that it could replace it
other, and astronomy beyond the solar system a third. Do completely. A far greater fraction of the behavior of a
we remain silent about them? No, we interpret observa- species like Homo Sapiens is due to operant conditioning
tions in those fields by using what we have learned from than is, say, that of an insect. The human species has
research in which we can predict and control. Most shown a much greater capacity to adjust to novel environ-
educated people accept such interpretations in lieu of the ments by turning to operant conditioning as the principal
explanations which have come down to us from folk source of its behavior.
culture and religion. Human behavior is such a field, and
I am confident that an experimental analysis has contrib- I did not, as Dahlbom implies, choose "the metaphor
uted much more to understanding it than Boulding says. of natural 'selection'" to describe operant conditioning. I
2. The experimental analysis of behavior is not a "black had done research on the selection of behavior by conse-
box, input-output . . . approach." (See "Terms" and quences for many years before the similarity to natural
"Problem Solving.") Input-output suggests a stimulus- selection suggested itself. Selection is not a metaphor,
response formulation to which operant conditioning and model, or concept; it is a fact. Arrange a particular kind of
an emphasis on selection by consequences were correct- consequence, and behavior changes. Introduce new con-
ives. sequences, and new behavior will appear and survive or
3. Reinforcers are not defined in terms of pleasure and disappear. Individuals gain the "flexibility" that
pain. They are defined in terms of their effects in Dahlbom regards as essential precisely from the fact that
strengthening behavior. How we come to talk about them their behavior is modified by consequences in their
and call them pleasant and painful is mentioned in lifetime rather than through natural selection. Thus, I can
"Terms." claim that my "theory of selection by consequences"
4. I had no space to expound evolution fully. But I did stands by itself without the support of Darwin's theory,
explain the transmission of learned structures from one and there is no "exclusive supremacy of [my] choice of
generation to the next in the discussion of imitation and metaphor" to defend.
related topics. Dahlbom may be surprised to learn that my Science
5. Operant conditioning is not quasi-mechanical. It is, and Human Behavior (1953) is said to be the first text in
as I point out in my paper, the clearest evidence we have psychology to have a chapter on self-control. We do
of the process of selection by consequences. As I say in my control ourselves, but not as initiating agents. We control
reply to Bolles, selection is concerned with origins; once a ourselves as we control the behavior of others (by chang-


Response/Skinner: Selection by consequences

ing our environment), but we do so because we have been the discovery of new practices and their transmission to
exposed to contingencies arranged by the social environ- other (especially younger) members of a group. But one
ment we call our culture. may still identify variations (new practices), reproduction
Organisms avoid self-destructive behavior without (the transmission to others), and selection through conse-
foreseeing the consequences, but, as I explain in "Prob- quences, whether for the individual or the group (and
lem Solving," people no doubt do so more effectively that last phrase distinguishes between the evolution of
when they have analyzed the contingencies and, in that cultural practices and the evolution of cultures). For
sense, have foreseen the consequences. example, the use of a new food or a new way of planting or
I agree that any dream of gaining complete control of storing it will be transmitted to other members of a group
the environment is "impossible," but from what we learn because of its reinforcing consequences for individuals,
when the environment is reasonably well controlled, we who are thereby more likely to escape hunger. The group
can at least interpret what is happening under more may then compete more successfully with another group
chaotic conditions. (say, for available land). In neither case is a special genetic
trait at work, as in kin selection. The evolved process of
I thank Dawkins for his refreshingly helpful commen- operant conditioning is a sufficient explanation.
tary and confine my remarks to questions he asks about I do not agree that respondent and operant condition-
levels ii and iii. ing are best regarded as "simply different procedures for
I do not know whether an "animal sets up a simulation studying behavioral change." As Ferster and I pointed
in its head of the various actions that it might pursue and, out in Schedules of Reinforcement (Ferster & Skinner
importantly, their probable consequences," but people 1957), a term like "conditioning" or "extinction" is tradi-
do something much like that when they examine prevail- tionally used to refer to two very different things: (1) the
ing contingencies and construct rules to be followed to role of the experimenter or the environment in bringing
respond to them effectively (see "Problem Solving"). about a change, and (2) the resulting change in the
Dawkins's suggestion that displacement activities at level organism. Donahue seems to add a third, "procedures for
ii may have the effect of mutations at level i throws light studying behavioral change." We are concerned here
on creativity - another chestnut in evolutionary theory with behavioral processes as they must have existed
closely related to this paper. Creative artists know how to before anyone promoted them or studied them. Whether
create mutations from which they then select those that there is a neurological principle common to respondent
are beautiful in the sense of reinforcing to them, greatly and operant conditioning is a question that will presum-
increasing the chances that their work will be original. ably be answered by neurologists; the two types of condi-
My only trouble with Dawkins's suggestion is that dis- tioning are still clearly distinguished by the contingencies
placement activities tend to be stereotyped, but - who under which they occur.
knows? - mutations may be, too.
There is clearly a question about what exactly is being I certainly do not claim, as Gamble implies, that
selected and what are the selecting consequences. With- experimental behavior analysts were the first to suggest a
in a given group, the answer seems to be practices - parallel between Darwinian selection and "trial and error
better ways of hunting, gathering, growing, making tools, learning," but I contend that the experimental analysis of
and so on. The practices are transmitted from generation behavior is by far the most detailed examination of the
to generation when those who acquire them under the contingencies of selection responsible for the behavior of
contingencies arranged by one generation become the the individual. I also believe that selection at level iii does
transmitters for the next. There is no competition be- not require a process different from natural selection or
tween cultures, no Social Darwinism, in such a formula- operant conditioning. I certainly did not mean to suggest
tion. But cultures as a whole have also come into exis- that very much has been done in those fields by operant
tence and perished. As I point out in my replies to Harris conditioners. Indeed, I regret that more has not been
and Maynard Smith, the evolution of cultural practices is done.
like the evolution of heart, stomach, eye, ear, fin, leg, I do not see the relevance of Gamble's comments on
wing, and so on. The evolution of cultures is like the one-trial learning. As I showed more than 50 years ago
evolution of species, each of which may have a particular (Skinner 1932), an operant like pressing a lever is easily
kind of heart, stomach . . . , and so on. It is clear that conditioned by one reinforcement. I do not suppose
cultural practices do not evolve because of successful Gamble means that a complex bit of phylogenic behavior
competition between cultures, except where the prac- (say, building a nest) once occurred in that form as a
tices have to do with conflicts between cultures - for variation and was selected by its consequences. It must
example, the invention of more powerful weapons. A have been the end result of a long process of shaping. I
culture which strengthens itself by developing new meth- have reviewed a few established geological processes
ods of agriculture, new social systems, and so on is more which could have supplied conditions for a gradual ap-
likely to compete successfully with another culture, but proach to complex phylogenic behavior (Skinner 1975).
the practices themselves evolve because of contributions
to the group that would also prevail if there were no I do not treat culture, as Ghiselin claims, "as if it were
competition with other groups.
identical with verbal behavior." I said that verbal behav-
ior (which I had just discussed) greatly increased the
Donahue wonders whether cultural evolution, or the importance of a third kind of selection by consequences.
evolution of cultural practices, is a different kind of Other ways in which new forms of behavior are transmit-
selection. I think it is, although I see in it no new ted to new members of a group include imitation and
behavioral process. I think operant conditioning explains modeling. I would define a culture as "a mass noun " as a


Response/Skinner: Selection by consequences
social environment. Children are born into a culture smelting and use of metals came into existence through
simply in the sense that their behavior will be shaped and entirely accidental contingencies, and I do not think the
maintained by contingencies of reinforcement in which account would be mystification.
other people play a part. If a group of people is confined to I do not see that the analogy between social and
one locality, its physical features may also be included as biological evolution breaks down because of "dialectical
part of a culture. A child's behavior is the result of both. interaction between innovation and society." Certainly
Features ot a social environment (separate cultural changes due to natural selection alter the contingencies
practices as variations) come into existence for many for further selection.
reasons which need not be related to their effects upon A current problem in evolutionary theory has to do
members of a group. They are transmitted to new mem- with the fact that some species do not change during very
bers when the members learn either by imitation without long periods of time. I thought it worthwhile to mention
modeling or by explicit modeling, or through advice, the parallel in human cultures, but Hallpike's summary
warnings, maxims, rules, laws, and other verbal devices, ("In short, either people go on doing what they have
and when those who have thus been changed become in always done, or they do not, and innovations may occur in
turn those who compose the social environments of existing circumstances or in new ones!") is "emptier" than
others. what I said. If cultures do not change, it is either because
Ghiselin reports that those who have been working on new variations have not appeared or because those which
adaptation have "learned not to ask what is good for the have appeared have not been selected for by the prevail-
species or anything else. " In the experimental analysis of ing contingencies.
behavior, a specific example concerns what is reinforcing. I can understand why Hallpike may regard my neglect
I might paraphrase Ghiselin by saying "Right thinking of structure or organization as a fundamental defect, since
means asking, not what is reinforcing, but what has he is apparently a structural anthropologist for whom
happened." We discover what is reinforcing to an orga- those are fighting words. But I should want to underline
nism; we do not predict it. Things do not reinforce his admission that "of course structure or organization
because they are good or feel good. I believe the same cannot by itself do anything." Hallpike's solution - that
point can be made for natural selection and the evolution although only real, individual people have any real causal
of cultures; I discussed the issue briefly in "Conse- powers in space and time, the individual members of a
quences" under the heading "Certain Definitions of society are not causally autonomous - is my own. They
Good and Value." are not causally autonomous because their behavior is
I am not sure that Ghiselin is characterizing my posi- controlled by a social environment. (Naturally "even" I
tion as "the automaton theory of behavior," but automa- would "shrink from 'explaining' slavery by claiming that
ton suggests the classical mechanical causal mode, which owning slaves is reinforcing for the masters, and that
I am suggesting is not applicable. I cannot say "how far submitting to slavery is reinforcing for the slaves;" The
the genes possess hegemony over the intellect," but in word "slavery" suggests different contingencies.)
"Consequences" I said, "Ultimately, of course, it is all a Of course I do not say that societies are "real entities
matter of natural selection, since operant conditioning is with goals and needs of their own distinct from those of
an evolved process, of which cultural practices are special their members" except in the sense that a social environ-
applications." I do not believe that there is something ment is distinct from the individuals whom it affects.
called "intellect" or "thoughts" which belongs in a differ- Hallpike misunderstands my point that social behavior
ent world. is within easy reach of natural selection because other
members are among the most stable features of the
Hallpike lists his objections in very strong terms. I environment of the species. There is a reason why so
have "nothing to say about" A; my model B "is totally much of the behavior studied by ethologists emphasizes
inadequate"; C is "sheer mystification." I fail to grasp that courtship, mating, nest building, and the care of young.
D . . . ; there is "apparent emptiness" in E; F is a In addition to their obvious relevance to individual sur-
"fundamental defect"; an important point G is ignored. H vival, these classes of behavior could evolve because
is "profoundly incorrect, because it totally ignores . . . " mates and offspring are necessarily constant parts of the
Yet I do not see any great difference between us except in environment - unlike, for example, a particular food
Hallpike's understanding of what I have written. supply or nesting material, where phylogenic behavior
"Something has first to come into existence before it has a lesser chance to evolve. To call that point profoundly
can be 'selected.'" Of course. It is an old problem in incorrect because it totally ignores the dialectical interac-
operant behavior: A response must occur before it can be tion between individual behavior and sociocultural struc-
reinforced. Cultural practices no doubt have many kinds ture is putting it rather strongly.
of origins. Some may be accidental, some may be de- I am glad that Hallpike does not believe that societies
signed ("conscious?"). Design may take selective conse- were created by wild men emerging from the forest and
quences into account (see "Problem Solving") but even so shaking hands. I did not say that selection by conse-
may be random with respect to the evolution of the quences is superior to all other theories, but I do wish
practice. Both accidental and designed practices are ef- that it were true that "theories of group minds and
fective first in reinforcing people. They become practices Zeitgeists [had] long gone the way of the Absolute as
only when they are transmitted as parts of a social en- serious subjects for debate in social evolution."
vironment. I do not know how metal tools were dis-
covered, but the advantages Hallpike singles out all have As Harris points out, I defined "a third type of selec-
to do with contingencies reinforcing the behavior of an tion by consequences" as "the evolution of social environ-
individual. I can easily compose a scenario in which the ments or cultures." The examples I gave, however, -


Response/ Skinner: Selection by consequences
better ways of "making a tool, growing food, or teaching a The Breland and Breland (1961) report is now more
child" - are far from the "extinctions of regional or local than 20 years old and, in spite of the attention it aroused,
repertories caused by war, famine, and other catastro- it has not, so far as I know, been analyzed in controlled
phes," which sounds more like Social Darwinism. I said scientific research. Most of the instances reported were
quite explicitly that, as Harris insists, the first effect not examples of a " 'drift' toward the consummatory
occurs "at the level of the individual," but there is response required by the reinforcer that follows the
another effect which can be stated only at the level of the response" but a sudden intrusion of phylogenic behavior.
group in spite of the fact that it is always an individual who I myself did experiments on what Jenkins and Moore
behaves. If the evolution of a culture could be said to (1973) called autoshaping as early as 1946 and referred to
correspond to the evolution of a species, then the evolu- it in my notes as the classical conditioning of a stimulus
tion of cultural practices corresponds to the evolution of eliciting an exploratory response (Skinner 1983a; 1983b,
eyes and ears and hearts and legs and wings. p. 134). If Honig is using the word "anticipatory" in its
It is not hard to define a cultural practice, but what is a dictionary sense, it is a problem to explain rather than an
culture? It is more than a group in the sense of the explanatory principle. How can an anticipated event
inhabitants of a given place. To speak of their common affect behavior?
values is simply to appeal to common selective contingen-
cies, as I note in "Consequences." I have taken a culture Katz gives a useful statement of natural selection,
to be a social environment, the contingencies of rein- emphasizing that it is "brought about by mecha-
forcement maintained by a group which, in addition to nisms . . . entirely consistent with the well-understood
the physical environment, are responsible for the reper- laws of the physical world" yet containing something
toires of new members of the group. Harris puts it this new. What is new is appropriately enough called "novel-
way: "Human behavioral repertories consist over- ty. " The key word in Darwin's title was "origin." Selec-
whelmingly of operantly conditioned responses that are tion is creative, in spite of the fact that, as Katz points
at the same time culturally conditioned responses, that is, out, "although the complex order that is thereby created
responses shaped in conformity with culturally deter- is wonderful, it does not countermand any natural laws."
mined reinforcement schedules and contingencies." But
a culture is transmitted (and the mode of transmission is at Maynard Smith is right in saying that I am not in-
the heart of selection) when individuals who have been terested in the structure and (physiological) development
changed by the contingencies maintained by a group of the organism, but I believe it has a structure and that
become part of a maintaining group. That process re- that structure develops. I simply think that structure is
quires operant conditioning, but it is a different con- appropriately studied by those who possess the proper
tingency of selection. instruments and methods. I have objected only to theo-
I did not say that contingencies of selection occur ries of structure and development which put researchers
merely in "documents, artifacts, and other products on the wrong track. I would cite "information" as an
o f . . . behavior." I was speaking of the metaphor of the example. I do not believe the genes "tell" the fertilized
storage of contingencies of selection in genes and the egg how to grow. Perhaps that metaphor will cause no
nervous system, and I said that the social environment harm, but it has caused a great deal of harm in the field of
could be regarded as an exception because "parts of [it human behavior. People are changed by contingencies of
were physically] stored in documents, artifacts, and other reinforcement; they do not store information about them.
products of that behavior" (italics added). Maynard Smith seems to feel that the evolution of
When Harris writes: "Behaviorist principles can tell us cultures must be very close to Social Darwinism. There
how these individuals shape each other's behavior, but must be many cultures, and they must compete, and
they cannot tell us what behavior they will shape," I some must survive and some perish. But, as I have said in
would put it this way: Individuals shape each other's reply to Dawkins and Harris, I am concerned with the
behavior by arranging contingencies of reinforcement, evolution of cultural practices - with features that would
and what contingencies they arrange and hence what correspond to heart, stomach, eye, ear, leg, fin, wing,
behavior they shape are determined by the evolving and so on - features characteristic of many different
social environment, or culture, responsible for their species as cultural practices are characteristic of many
behavior. different cultures. A man may invent a quicker way of
making afirebecause of the consequences for him. If that
I have not read Campbell's 1960 paper and, as Honig is imitated and transmitted, it becomes a consequence for
says, it may well have anticipated the argument of "Selec- the group and survives as such. It is the practice which
tion by Consequences." But I had already made my point survives, not the group. The practice may well contribute
in Science and Human Behavior, published in 1953. As I to the survival of the group in competition with other
said in my reply to Bolles, I wrote on page 430, groups or in "competition" with the natural environment.
We have seen that in certain respects operant rein-
forcement resembles the natural selection of evolution- Plotkin & Odling-Smee nicely define their position by
ary theory. Just as genetic characteristics arise as muta- • appealing to Piaget and, with rather more passion, to
tions and are selected or discarded by their conse- Chomsky. The question is not whether learning is doing,
quences, so novel forms of behavior are selected or whether learners are doers, but whether they are ini-
discarded through reinforcement. There is still a third tiators. Selection is a causal mode only in the sense of
kind of selection which applies to cultural practices. causing novelty - whether in the origin of species, the
A rather elaborate analysis of survival value and its rela- shaping of new operants, or the invention of cultural
tion to other kinds of value then follows. practices.


Response! Skinner: Selection by consequences
What can I reply to commentators who say that "the this treatment to the possibility of intervening in selec-
point . . . is to show us, not just tell us?" True, I am not a tion by design. The evolution of domestic animals has
biologist or an anthropologist, but as a psychologist I have been altered for centuries, and genetic engineering now
certainly published more than most of my contempo- appears as a much more effective discipline. We have
raries, and there is a very extensive literature in the designed individuals through the special contingencies
experimental analysis of behavior which does show arranged in education, therapy, and other fields, and we
Plotkin & Odling-Smee what I am talking about, if they have proposed and tested new cultural practices. We
care to look. ("Methods" is one place to start.) have even altered selective contingencies to permit
cultures to survive that would otherwise become extinct.
"Consequences" is, in a way, an answer to the three But, as Rumbaugh points out, even with these inter-
challenges Provine mentions. One might as well speak of ventions the prospect of effective action with respect to
biological constraints on medicine as on learning. We the frightening problems faced by the world today is not
study the effects of drugs, surgery, and other therapeutic promising. Would there be more survival value in the
practices on the organisms which present themselves for traditional view of man as originator and creator? Are we
treatment as we study the learning processes in the worsening our chances by taking a view which so many
organisms in which we are interested. In neither case is people find hard to accept - namely, that our behavior is
anyone claiming a universal science of medicine or learn- determined by our genetic and personal histories? Two
ing. That a given species is predisposed by its genetic points are relevant: (1) Man the initiator, the master of his
history to see particular stimuli in preference to others or fate, has been the established view for several thousand
to behave in particular ways in preference to others are years. Perhaps he can be given credit for the human
facts of the same sort. A different kind of selection has achievement, but he is also responsible for our problems.
been at work. (2) The alternative view seems to me to be promising
because it points to something that is more easily
I see nothing tautological about the definition Rosen- ' changed. Rather than save the world by changing how
berg gives of a reinforcer as "any stimulus which if people feel and think about it, it may be possible to create
presented (or withdrawn) contingent on an operant, in- an environment in which they will acquire more effective
creases (decreases) the probability of the occurrence of behavior, work more productively, treat each other bet-
the operant." It is no more tautological than the definition ter, and take the future more effectively into account.
of an allergen. One may guess fairly accurately that Is there a word or two missing near the end of Schull's
certain standard things will be reinforcers, but beyond first paragraph? I am puzzled by his statement that "the
that one must find out what is reinforcing to a particular problem with the present scene is that it has taken [me] at
person. The unconditioned reinforcers gain their power [my] word and chosen dignity, purpose, and the acknowl-
from phylogeny. Susceptibilities to reinforcement have edgment of cognition over behaviorism and selection."
had advantageous consequences and have evolved as "My word" is that doing so raises problems, and I have
traits. certainly not counseled doing so.
I agree that no feature common and peculiar to reinfor- Cognitive science is most "fertile" in breeding prom-
cers has so far been found, and I shall be surprised if one is ises of great achievement, such as the "disciplined analy-
ever found. I also agree that reinforcers have a common ses of cognitive functions" Schull mentions. The achieve-
effect inside the body. But that is not the centrism to ments have yet to be realized. Most of what is called
which I object. We commonly say that reinforcers feel cognitive science is work that was carried on in more or
good, taste good, look good, and so on, but as I suggest in less the same way before that magical term was added.
"Consequences," "good" appears at all three levels as
more or less synonymous with selective advantage. I am all for feelings of causal adequacy as I am for
feelings of freedom and dignity. I want people to be
I would certainly reject any "attempt to assimilate adequate, unhampered, successful, and aware of the fact
selection by consequences to the causality of classical that they are so, and I have suggested ways in which that
mechanics." Selection is responsible for novelty, but as may be brought about - by changing their environment.
something new comes into existence the structures in-
To shift the origination of a genetic trait to something
volved obey the laws of classical mechanics. I have not
that happened in an individual is perhaps to make the
"categorically abjured" movement in the direction of
individual an initiating agent for the genetic trait, but we
studying the "states that intervene between initial rein-
have still to explain the origin of the behavior of the
forcement of emitted behavior and its subsequent recur-
individual. We have only moved a little further along in
rence." I have simply left that to those who have the
the search for the initiating agent. As for "experimenting
proper instruments and practices. Introspective men-
mentally," rehearsing, imagining, foreseeing, I am in no
talists simply put the neurologist on the wrong track, and
better position to say what is happening than anyone else,
so I believe do cognitive psychologists. It is the function
including cognitive scientists. An answer will probably
of a science of behavior at the present time to give
come from neurology, but only in the distant future.
neurologists their assignments, as it was the function of
Meanwhile, we can approach these activities without
genetics prior to the discovery of DNA to give modern
committing ourselves to any position as to their nature by
geneticists their assignment with respect to the gene. I
looking, for example, at how we teach children to experi-
look forward to a comparable development in behavior,
ment mentally, to rehearse, and so on, and how to know
though I do not expect to live to see it.
that they are doing so.
I found two points in Rumbaugh's commentary partic- Solomon quotes my statement that vocal responses can
ularly interesting. Not much attention has been paid in be modified through operant conditioning "apparently


Response/Skinner: Selection by consequences
only with respect to the occasions upon which they occur of the environment." "In the context of" does not mean
or their rate of occurrence. ' The statement was about "because of," but Timberlake writes as if it did. Thus, "in
species below the human level. The human species be- operant learning selection is judged by a change in
came preeminent when its vocal musculature could be probability of responding that occurs when an environ-
much more readily modified, particularly with respect to mental contingency links responses and outcomes." I
its topography. I have not changed my position on lan- should have said that it occurs when some variation
guage. Certainly no one will argue that there is an innate occurs in the behavior of the organism, quite possibly in a
disposition to use a particular set of speech sounds; stable environment. Evolution may be accelerated by
languages differ far too much to make that plausible. As to environmental changes, but the essence of evolution is
the universals of grammar, they are, I believe, merely the variation and reproduction in whatever environment
universal uses of verbal behavior by language commu- presents itself.
nities. In all languages people give orders, ask questions, Having misunderstood operant conditioning, Tim-
describe situations, and so on, and different languages berlake naturally cannot see the parallel with natural
work out different ways of doing so. selection. He seems to suggest, though here the language
is difficult, that nothing in natural selection corresponds
I have answered Solomon's other criticisms in Skinner to stimulus control in operant conditioning. But if the
(1983a). The Garcia effect is punishmenf ot reinforce- long neck of the giraffe, to use an outworn example, was
ment, and operates precisely as I described punishment selected in terrains in which there was an advantage in
in Science and Human Behavior in 1953. When I said being able to eat leaves high on trees, the trait is adaptive
"pigeon, rat, monkey, which? It doesn't matter," I was only when tall trees are available. Timberlake also sug-
referring to schedule performances, not to entire reper- gests that there is nothing in natural selection corre-
toires. I doubt that the conceptual nervous systems con- sponding to extinction, but I should have supposed that
structed to explain sensory, motor, and associative pro- the legs of the whale would qualify as an example.
cesses have a valuable heuristic role. Instead, they have Timberlake says that I "initially" defined the reinforcer
generally led the neurologist to look for the wrong thing - in terms of its effect but "later" argued for a basis in
for example, the supposed copies or representations natural selection. I still do both. A susceptibility to
which are said to be constructed in the nervous system reinforcement by a given substance or event is an evolved
when a person perceives a situation or remembers it later. trait.
Although Timberlake says that a representation of the
I am not an evolutionary biologist, but I have been at relation among environment, behavior, and outcome
least aware of most of the issues Stearns brings up. Many need not be cognitive, he does say that it must be present
of them have parallels in the field of operant conditioning, in some form. "Without the linkage provided by this
but a consideration would have taken far too much space. representation there is no consequence." But all one
I do not think that a more accurate account of the present needs to say is that the organism is changed by the
position on natural selection would have made much of a relation; the change need not be a representation of the
difference for the point of my paper, the four kinds of relation. What is wrong with cognitive science is not
concepts which have usurped the role played by selec- dualism but the internalization of initiating causes which
tion. Evolutionary theorists may not appeal to concepts lie in the environment and should remain there.
like life, mind, and Zeitgeist, but behavioral scientists, in
the sense that includes economists, political scientists, Vaughan accepts the general argument of "Conse-
and anthropologists, do so, and so do philosophers, the- quences" but adds a useful point about the individual and
ologians, and many others who have an effect on what is his place in population studies. The individual is dis-
happening in the world today. Creation science may be tinguished as such by the variations that have occurred at
easily dismissed by the evolutionary theorist, but some- all three levels, and these are his potential contribution to
thing very much like it is a problem for the behavioral the future of the species or the culture.
scientist. Even biologists are not free from the misuse of
the concept of purpose, and the role of values is still Wyrwicka has misunderstood the parallel I drew be-
widely debated. These are the main issues in my paper, tween natural selection and operant conditioning. Oper-
and my lack of expertise in evolutionary theory is not, I ant conditioning is an evolved process. Part of it includes
think, a serious threat to the validity of my argument. an evolved susceptibility to reinforcement by foodstuffs.
We, too, have dangerous susceptibilities to reinforce-
Timberlake's paper is in many ways a puzzle. First of ment - for example, by sweets. Until very recently, most
all, there is its terminology. I found it hard to think of "a sweet things were in short supply but highly nutritious.
contingency relation that produces temporal and spatial With the discovery of sugar cane and other sources of
conditions that support the development of a representa- sugar, not to mention saccharin, we have constructed a
tion of the relation among environment, behavior, and world in which there are altogether too many sweet
outcome" or to see "a reinforcer . . . as a circumstance things to reinforce our behavior. We do not die of starva-
produced by a challenge imposed by the contingency on tion; we grow fat.
the regulatory systems underlying behavior." But more The effects of operant conditioning are "transferred"
puzzling was Timberlake's apparent belief that evolution only to the same organism at a later date, not, of course, to
occurs because of variations in the environment rather the species.
than the organism: "Changes in evolution (new species), I think we can decide whether "animals living in their
individual learning (new behaviors), and culture (new natural environment . . . care about the taste of food [or]
societies) typically occur in the context of some alteration eat only in order to survive." We have only to discover


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