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The website I have found is https://www.icivics.

org/ and the teaching idea I have

selected is the American government and how the three branches of government, the

executive, legislative, and judicial function and relate to each other. Students should

understand how the government works and their place in the world. Learning how the

government functions is important for students and gives students a better sense of

their national pride and patriotic sense of being. I find the helps students and

adults learn and understand civics in America. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor created

the website in 2009 to help students learn and understand their civic duties. The

website is full of resources that help educators teach civics to their students and games

for students to get a better understanding of the functions of government.

The three branches of government, executive, legislative, and judicial and their

functions are important for students to learn and understand. Having the students form

a based understanding of the government at a young age will help them understand

their rights as they get older. Students with a greater understanding of their civic duties

will prove to be better Americans with a stronger sense of patriotic pride. Teaching

civics will improve their understanding of the laws of the land and what it means to be


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