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Most effecient (Effect per storage Cost):


Weapon Attack Up + 8 (21)

Critical Up + 8 (21)
Shockwave +8 (21)

Offensive Heal +7 and +8 basically same efficeiny.

Anti Chain Damage anything from +3 and up is basically equally efficeint.

Overclock +3 most effecient.
Taunt Up +3 most effecient.

Rare Enemies:
Factory: Medium Quadruped (Chapter 09-02_2. Play as 2B. While climbing a winding
spiral staircase, look for a gap in the stairs with another staircase below. Drop
down and enter the room at the bottom to kill this unique enemy)

Flooded City: Enhanced Reverse-jointed Goliath (Flooded City: It should spawn in

Route C (chapter 17-01 is confirmed, may work in earlier chapters), go straight
ahead and it should spawn where the two Medium Bipeds usually are, very rare spawn,
may need a lot of reloads).

Linked-sphere Type: Thorn-equipped (All Variations: Flooded City, during Route C)

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