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Separation and Purification Technology 134 (2014) 241–246

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The size and performance of offshore produced water oil-removal

technologies for reinjection
S. Judd a,⇑, H. Qiblawey a, M. Al-Marri a, C. Clarkin b, S. Watson b, A. Ahmed c, S. Bach c
Department of Chemical Engineering, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
Maersk Oil Qatar, Doha, Qatar
Maersk Oil Research and Technical Centre, Doha, Qatar

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Produced water (PW) is wastewater generated from oil exploration, and requires treating for oil and sus-
Received 21 June 2014 pended solids removal. The viability of an effluent treatment unit process for this duty is dependent both
Received in revised form 11 July 2014 on its efficacy, in terms of oil removal and – for offshore applications especially – its size, in terms of its
Accepted 12 July 2014
area (FA, m/h) and volume (FV, h1) footprint per unit volume flow. The incurred footprint applies to both
Available online 29 July 2014
the individual unit (vessel, column or tank) and the collection (or array) of units/vessels in a skid.
An assessment of unit process footprint based on available information has been conducted, in partic-
ular to the case where high-quality treated water is required for reinjection. The analysis encompasses
Produced water
technical data from specific proprietary technologies as well as generic information for process technol-
Footprint ogy types. Technologies considered comprised hydrocyclones (HCs), induced gas flotation (IGF), media
Hydrocyclone (nutshell) filtration (NSF), and crossflow membrane filtration (CMF).
Flotation The analysis revealed the HC to incur the smallest area footprint, less than half that of an IGF, notwith-
Filtration standing only 0.15% of the total skid volume being used for the actual separation process. The CMF had a
slightly smaller area footprint and less than half the volumetric footprint of the NSF, if the requirement
for backflushing is considered. The fitting of the modular HC and CMF technologies to a skid incurs a con-
siderable increase in the footprint, particularly for the HC where the volume occupancy is increased by an
order of magnitude. It was concluded that spatial efficiency gains could be attained for modular processes
if spacing of the HC vessels or membrane modules can be reduced, contributing significantly to the via-
bility of CMF in particular.
Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the legislated limit for discharge or, if it is to be considered for rein-
jection (PWRI), the permeability of the oil reservoir. For PWRI, the
Produced water (PW) generated by the oil and gas industry rep- concentration of other suspended materials (i.e. the suspended sol-
resents the largest volume by-product of petroleum production, ids, SS) is also of significance.
with a water to oil ratio which increases with increasing well The technologies selected for PW treatment depend on whether
age. Current estimates of the average ratio of water:oil globally is the installation is based onshore or offshore (Fig. 1). For onshore
4:1 [29], with generation of produced water offshore likely to installations footprint is generally a less critical factor than off-
increase more rapidly than that onshore. The latter arises because shore. Simpler, low-energy/high-footprint technologies may there-
offshore wells are operated for longer to offset the capital invest- fore be employed, and these may target both the suspended and
ment, such that the water content is generally higher. Whilst PW dissolved oil depending on the target treated water quality. Such
contains a number of different chemical species which may be treatment processes can potentially include biological-based tech-
adverse to either environmental impact or oil platform/well nologies adapted from those routinely applied to municipal waste-
operations, the determinant of most importance is the residual water [16,23], more usually employed for ‘‘downstream’’ refining
oil concentration which is largely present in the suspended form. processes [12]. The large footprint incurred by biological treatment
The threshold suspended oil concentration is limited either by technologies, however, make them untenable on an oil platform
even when intensified as a membrane bioreactor (MBR). Aerobic
⇑ Corresponding author. biotreatment also introduces dissolved oxygen, which can be prob-
E-mail address: (S. Judd). lematic due to the corrosion incurred. Both aerobic treatment and
1383-5866/Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
242 S. Judd et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 134 (2014) 241–246

Fig. 1. Offshore produced water treatment.

advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are therefore only viable for Classical primary and secondary technologies normally com-
discharge purposes. prise a combination of gravitation, HC and flotation technologies
Environmental pressures have placed increasing emphasis on (Fig. 1); for such technologies the mechanism for oil removal is
PWRI, which is the only viable reuse option offshore and whereby based at least in part on the droplet buoyancy. The fundamental
discharge to sea can be avoided. For fractured oil reservoirs, where relationships for the design of these technologies are thus derived
water can flow more freely without clogging the reservoir pores, from Stokes Law [27], and contain the function d2Dq/l where d is
the water quality requirements are not onerous and the classical the oil droplet size, Dq the density difference between the oil drop-
two-stage process of hydrocyclones (HCs) and induced gas flota- let and the water, and l the water viscosity. It therefore stands to
tion (IGF) is normally sufficient (Fig. 1). The IGF may be substituted reason that oil removal by such technologies is highly dependent
with a simple degassing vessel in some regions (such as the North on d, as well as to a lesser extent on the oil fraction (heavy oil being
Sea), and degassers and/or surge tanks may also be used upstream the most dense and thus the least buoyant) and temperature,
of the HCs. For ‘‘tight’’ or low permeability reservoirs – normally which affects l. These factors may then be expected to also influ-
associated with carbonate strata – removal of particles down to ence the values of FA and FV. Pretreatment to chemically destabilise
3–5 lm in size may be necessary, demanding the use of filtration. the oil droplets (using flocculants) increases their propensity to
It is of interest to appraise the different suspended matter/ coalesce, and thus their removal by virtue of their increased buoy-
water separation technologies for PW treatment with specific ref- ancy. Against this, some production chemicals, corrosion inhibitors
erence to their incurred footprint with specific reference to off- in particular, tend to stabilise oil droplets making their removal
shore duties. These include both the classical primary and more difficult. Other key factors affecting process efficacy include
secondary technologies along with the tertiary processes of media the presence of suspended solids, which actually determines the
and membrane filtration. Media filtration, if used, is normally operating cycle for some unit processes (Section 3.1).
based on nutshell filters (NSFs). The more advanced emerging sep-
aration process of crossflow membrane filtration (CMF) provides a
more consistent quality effluent, but is generally considered to be
2.2. Data capture
comparatively large in footprint.
Very little useful data is available from the peer-reviewed liter-
2. Technologies ature. Data were captured largely from grey literature sources
(supplier information, internet and papers from specialist confer-
2.1. Fundamental parameters ences) as well as via personal contacts (technology suppliers, con-
sultants, contractors and end users) and text books (Table 1). The
Produced water is normally taken as being the water which technology volume in the analysis was taken to be based on either
exits the production separator (Fig. 1), whose primary purpose is its single principle component (column, tank, array, etc), or a skid/
to partition the oil and gas phases. Subsequent processes treating array comprising normally a number of such units or vessels. The
the water phase may recover oil within a concentrate stream, but inclusion or exclusion of ancillary equipment (pumps, control pan-
their primary purpose may be considered as being wastewater els, etc) was also considered, along with the requirement for duty
purification. and standby components (as would be the case for significant peri-
In terms of space occupancy the specific flow capacity is given by: ods of downtime). Finally, the sensitivity of sizing, and selection of
the unit operation generally, to technology-specific factors was
Capacity by area (flow/area) FA = Qave/A identified.
Capacity by volume (flow/volume) FV = Qave/V FA data for API (American Petroleum Institute) separator and
NSF units were obtained directly from design guidelines, reference
where Qave is the mean flow rate, A is the projected floor area of the texts [14,27] or technical papers. For these technologies the maxi-
technology and V is the technology volume (either the individual mum horizontal velocity Vh (FA = height  Vh/length) in the case of
unit/vessel or the skid). FA and FV thus respectively take units of the API separator [2] and approach velocity Va (or hydraulic loading
velocity and inverse time. FA equates to the approach velocity for rate, HLR), for the NSF [3] respectively indirectly and directly
column process such as media filtration or the horizontal flow equate to FA. Footprint data for all other technologies were calcu-
velocity for separator tank, such as an API vessel. FV is the inverse lated from their dimensions and flow capacities, as provided by
hydraulic residence time. It is most convenient for FA and FV, the the various information source types indicated in Table 1. This
difference between which is simply the height of the technology, includes data for skid-mounted technologies, as provided from
to take units of m/h and h1 respectively. product brochures and/or end users. Performance data (oil
S. Judd et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 134 (2014) 241–246 243

Table 1
PW unit operations considered and data sources.

Technology Specific type No. data Ref. booka Techn. suppl. End user Report/paper
Separators API separator 2 1 1
Coalescers Corrugated plate interceptor (CPI) 2 3
Hydrocyclones (HC) De-oiling hydrocyclone 5 2 3
Flotation, induced gas (IGF) Hydraulically-induced 12 9 3
Mechanically-induced 10 10
Compact flotation unit (CFU) 1 1
Filter, media Nut shell filter (NSF) 2 1 1 1
Filter, membrane Ceramic cross-flow (CMFb) 3
Cross-flow microfiltration or cross-flow membrane filter.

removal) was captured primarily from various conference presen- only one of those listed which provides minimal suspended
tations or company reports. solids (SS) removal, for which a dedicated de-sanding HC must
The ratio of the space occupancy of the NSF columns on the skid be used.
compared to the single column unit was assumed to be the same as The two filtration-based technologies (NSF and CMF) both offer
that calculated for an IGF skid and unit based on site data (1:2.3 for extremely effective removal (>98%) of both the suspended solids
FA; 1:6.9 for FV. It was further assumed in the analysis that the and free oil at very low particle and droplet size. However, both
water recovery from all processes exceeds 95% in all cases, such are constrained by the feedwater suspended particle and oil con-
that no correction was made for recovery. centration. The NSF is limited by the bed capacity for both the oil
(0.5–0.8 g per g media according to [26] and, more typically, the
3. Results SS. For a maximum solids loading of 54 kg/m2 and HLR of 64 m/h
[3] a PW containing 200 mg/L would require regeneration (by
3.1. Performance data (suspended oil removal) backwashing) every four hours. Halving the HLR to that normally
recommended [20] doubles the run time but also the footprint.
For the gravity separator, CPI, de-oiling HC and IGF data there Backwashing is a water-intensive process and incurs significant
is an expected relationship between performance and droplet downtime, such that standby capacity is needed which then fur-
size; data provided refer to removal without chemical pre- ther increases the process footprint. The membrane process also
treatment to enhance coalescence. There is also an impact of feed requires backflushing and is susceptible to fouling at high concen-
concentration, with % removal increasing with feed concentration trations of free oil, which then reduces the capacity of the process
– as arises with most water purification processes. For some tech- (via the permeate flux – the flow rate per unit membrane area)
nologies there is further variation due to other specific facets. consequently increasing the footprint.
Removal by an IGF is dependent on the total number of cells, with There are additionally enhanced commercial coalescence/
3–4 being the usual number employed. In the case of the HC the interceptor technologies which are claimed to provide very signif-
minimum size of droplet removed increases with operating pres- icant removal. These include CTour by Prosep, which can appar-
sure, due to the increased centrifugal force applied. For example, ently remove suspended oil down to levels of 4–5 mg/L [28] as
according to the data provided for the Enhydra HC [5] the small- well as some of the dissolved organics, and the TORR technology
est droplet removed decreases from 15 lm at 3 bar, to 8 lm at [18] which removes particles as small as 2 lm (68% removal) to
20 bar for >95% removal. The deoiling HC technology is also the 10 lm (90% removal).

Table 2
Data summary, single unit, PW treatment.

Technology FA (m/h) FV (h1) Cin (mg/L) Cout % (rem) Min. drop dia. No. data Source(s), see Table 1
(mg/L) (lm) and note 1 below.
API gravity separator 4.4 1.1 5000–20,000 50–100 80–90 150 1 [2]
Corrugated plate interceptor (CPI) 6.5–14 3.2 5000–20,000 40 90–98 20–40 2 [1,11]
Hydrocyclone (HC) 100–440 450 – 20–80 90–95 12–20 4 [7,8,27,19,25]
Induced gas flotation (IGF) 2.4–16 4–15 200–500 25–50 90–95 10–25 21 [27,19]
Compact flotation unit (CFU) 45–90 – 200–500 15–25 90–95 10–25 2 [4,6,13]
Nutshell filter (NSF) 27–37 13–24 20–50 2–5 99 2 2 [3,6,20]
Crossflow membrane filter (CMF) 312 136 20–50 0 99 <1 3 [15,17,24]

1. Minimum droplet size and other supporting data taken from [10,22,27,9,21].
2. API separator design data is based on the widely quoted maximum horizontal flow velocity limit Vh = 3ft/min. FA = hVh/L where h0.4 w and L > 5 w.
3. The IGF data is based on four units operating is series. FA = Va, the approach velocity (or hydraulic loading rate).
4. The minimum footprint for the NSF unit is based on duty/duty standby and an HLR of 33 m/h; the maximum is based on duty/standby and an HLR of 24 m/h.
5. The media column ancillaries are assumed to add 15% to the footprint and 25% to the volume; a column height of 4 m was assumed.
6. The membrane skid ancillaries are assumed to add 15% to the footprint and 25% to the volume.
7. The HC area-specific flow data varies widely, from 100 to 440 m/h depending on flow capacity [8] for the unit and from 8 to 29 m/h for a single-unit skid [7].
8. Siemens now Evoqua. EPCON now part of M-I SWACO.
244 S. Judd et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 134 (2014) 241–246

Fig. 2. IGF data FA and FV data [27]: (a) hydraulically-induced and (b) mechanically induced, listed in order of decreasing flow capacity.

3.2. Footprint data HC technologies incur the lowest footprint. The area-specific
flow capacity FA of an HC unit is up to two orders of magnitude
The footprint and performance data are summarised in Table 2 greater than that of an API separator challenged with the same
for published data. Data for IGF technologies specifically from a duty, and it is additionally more selective for smaller oil droplets.
single source [27] are shown in Fig. 2 (for both hydraulically and Whilst the process efficacy of HCs can be increased by applying
mechanically induced technologies). Mean FA and FV values for higher pressures, they are also perhaps the least tolerant of all
the four principal offshore technologies are depicted in Fig. 3a technologies to suspended solids, with moderate levels of SS
and b for the individual units/vessels and the skids respectively demanding pre-treatment post-treatment (often using another
for data captured from the various sources. dedicated HC).
There is a significant difference in the single unit/vessel and
4. Discussion skid data, as indicated in Table 2 and Fig. 4. The difference is great-
est for the modular processes, specifically the HC and CMF technol-
The IGF data set (Fig. 2) indicates the expected trend in increas- ogies, where fitting the modules within a skid increases the area
ing specific flow capacity with increasing flow, as demonstrated for footprint by between 7 and 60 times depending on the data set
both configurations alongside the HC data in Fig. 4. The trend exists used. Unlike all other technologies considered, these are not based
only for FA. The absence of any trend with FV is consistent with on a single flooded vessel (such as a separator tank or a media
performance being dependent on hydraulic residence time (HRT), column) but on passage of the water through a multiplicity of
which is dependent only on the target performance in terms of % channels under conditions of controlled forced convection. These
removal of a given oil droplet size and not on flow capacity. The channels – the HC liners or the CMF interstices – are then con-
decreased area footprint with capacity, on the other hand, reflects tained within a cylindrical pressurised vessel of some fixed size.
the presence of ancillary components which incur a certain space Dimensions of an HC unit are normally within the range of 0.3–
occupancy, such that the trends with flow have a positive intercept 1.5 m in diameter, and 1–2 m in length, whereas a ceramic mem-
in all cases. brane module is usually much narrower (0.15–0.3 m in diameter).

Fig. 3. Footprint data, site-based and other data, (a) single unit/vessel, and (b) skid-mounted units/vessels for end user site-based data and all other data (largely from
S. Judd et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 134 (2014) 241–246 245

for an induced gas flotation (IGF) technology. A crossflow filtration

membrane (CFM) filter module provides an FA of around 160 m/h.
The fitting of a modular technology to a skid incurs a consider-
able increase in the footprint. Only around 5% of the volume of an
HC vessel is dedicated to conducting the separation process, and in
a skid this figure decreases to 0.15%. For a membrane separation
technology the corresponding figures are around 80% and 4%.
Notwithstanding the loss of intensivity on skid-mounting, the HC
process yields the highest specific flow per unit area and per unit
volume of all the classical and novel technologies assessed. Given
that it also appears to achieve a similar performance to the IGF
in terms of the smallest droplet removed, it is postulated that
the most efficient PWRI design is one based on coalescence and
HC, with further polishing by CMF. However, a deoiling HC does
not remove suspended solids, such that a further unit operation
may be required as pretreatment (such as a desanding HC) incur-
ring additional footprint.
It is evident that spatial efficiency gains could be attained for
modular processes if spacing of the HC vessels or membrane
modules can be reduced. In the case of the CMF this must be
Fig. 4. FA vs flow for IGF and HC technologies. IGF data refer to single units and
coupled with the maintenance of the appropriate permeate flux.
multiple suppliers; HC data refer to a single supplier for each trend.

An HC skid will normally comprise 4–10 units/vessels; the foot-
print incurred will thus depend on how closely these can be spaced, The advice and information provided by Maersk Oil Qatar, Alan
which is often constrained by the pipework. In the case of the CMF Hunton of HTS Consultants and Hank Rawlins of eProcess Technol-
the skid might contain 20–100 modules held within a rectangular ogies is acknowledged and gratefully appreciated by the authors.
frame, the modules being fed from a common header and the per- The work was completed as part of project number QUEX-CENG-
meate collected in a common manifold. In this case the spacing is CHE-13n14-03, Qatar University.
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