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First of all we would like to thank Jimma University forgiving us this golden opportunity to go
into the community and see good or bad of their livelihood and think of a better way to solve
their problems.
We also like to thank CBE office coordinator for giving us necessary equipment needed for our
work and transport services. Also we would like to acknowledge our supervisor Mr Shiferawu
Demissie and Mr Delelegn for giving us constructive ideas, suggestion which has made our
work easier.
Our greatest gratitude goes to community for their hospitality and cooperation. Ginjo Guduru
zone 02 should also be thanked for indispensable information they given us and for letting us use
their office. Finally we would like also like to thank our bus driver, cafe worker, the whole
community for their polite approach cooperation and our group members.

Table of Contents

Contents Pages

CHAPTER ONE.............................................................................................................................................................1


1.2. Background Of The Study.......................................................................................................................................3

1.3. Objectives................................................................................................................................................................4

1.3.1 General objectives.........................................................................................................................................4

1.3.2. Specific objectives.......................................................................................................................................4

1.4. Significance Of The Study.......................................................................................................................................4

1.5. Challenges Of The Study.........................................................................................................................................5

1.6. Strength of the study................................................................................................................................................5

1.7.Bodies Involved In Mobilizing The Activities…………………………………………………………………….6

1. 8 .Ethical Considerations……………………………………………………………………………………………6

CHAPTER TWO............................................................................................................................................................7

2. METHODOLOGY AND MATERIALS.....................................................................................................................7

2.1. Area of the Study.....................................................................................................................................................7

List of Figures

Figure 1. Area of the study……………………..............................................................................7

2.2. Period of Study........................................................................................................................................................7

2.3. Data Source and Materials.......................................................................................................................................8

2.4. Method of data gathering/collection........................................................................................................................8

2.5. Procedures................................................................................................................................................................8

CHAPTER- THREE.......................................................................................................................................................9

3. METHEDOLOGY……………………………………………………………………………...9

3.1 Interview…………………………………………………………………………………...9

3.2 Discussion…………………………………………………………………………………..9

4 .Revised action plan……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...............10

List of Table

4.2. Action plan of community problem identified from CBTP-II................................................10

4.3. method of implementation of the intervention


5. Conclusion And Recommendation...........................................................................................................................14

5.1 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................................14

5.2. Recommendations.........................................................................................................................................14


List of Acronyms

CBTP - Community Based Training Program

CBE - Community-Based Education

DTTP – Developmental team training program

TTP - Team Training Program

SRP - Student Research Program

JUH - Jimma University Hospital

TV – Television

NGO – Nongovernmental Organization

CNS – College of Natural Sciences


Community-based Education (CBE) is a means of achieving educational relevance to community
needs and consists of learning activities that use the community -oriented education
programmed to solve the difficulties of the society. The communities in different country have a
number of problems. Thus, the main objective of this CBTP-II was to solve the problems of
Jimma wereda Ginjo Guduru town/kebele/, Zone 02 community. Totally, 95 families were
interviewed. Among the problems of Bosa Kitto town Environmental sanitation and lack of
storage of disposal waste materials, latrine, low income, were the major problems in Ginjo
Guduro kebele /town zone 02. Eventually, the team had identified the Environmental sanitation
and lack of storage of disposal waste materials as the first problem that will need an
intervention. Hence, by the next year we intend to solve the problems identified. The major
purpose of our CBTP was to observe the community and to identify problems by conducting
socio demographic survey to achieve our objectives which was assigned to Ginjo Guduru
kebele collected appropriate data & draw an action plan. Interviews were made with the
selected community members by going house to house then the data where organized in table &
figures by categorizing in to topics like family head ,sex of family head ,occupation ,monthly
income ,marital status, religion of family ethnicity of the members households & sampling the
size of the population .


Community based training program (CBTP) is one of the components of the community based
education (CBE). This CBTP creates opportunity to students linkage & exposure to the
community .Indeed ,not only students but also everybody has to contribute something for the
society that he /she belongs to .This may become true when somebody tries to identify & solve
the privileged problems in the society .This community based training program (CBTP) has
different phases. Among this phases; phase II is done by year two students with the intention of
familiarized students solving problems in the communit. Especially this CBTP serves the society
where the investigation is conducted by solving at least one of the problems identified. Besides,
it equips students with the sense of responsibility to identify social problems & solve them by
different mechanisms like by creating awareness among the society by take part ourselves in the
environmental sanitation program.
Jimma University is a comprehensive public higher education institution engaged in teaching,
research and provision of service society embedded in line with its innovative community based
education philosophy. Community-based Education (CBE) is a means of achieving educational
relevance to community needs and consists of learning activities that use the community
-oriented education programmed. It consists of learning activating that use the community
extensively as a learning environment in which not only students but also teacher members of the
community and representatives of other sectors are actively engaged throughout the educational
experience. Jimma University entrusted with different community based education like CBTP
and DTTP others that will address current and future development problem/needs of the society.
Historically, universities were established as institution to solve social problems and generate
new ideas and technologies through their researches. However, most universities confined
themselves in more theoretical activities which isolated there from the real world that the society
lived. This strategy of education was challenged by progressive elements of the society.
Therefore, universities were challenged and pressed to break this isolation and taking their
education to the community level. Jimma University apply principles of community based
education program .This allows the students to reach the community and the total outlook the
problem of the society. In this discipline the strategy of CBE is
 community based training program (CBTP)
 Team training program (TTP)
 Student research program (SRP)
These strategies were all employed and provided with compressive knowledge. And also, it
provides the community with indirect and direct benefits. CBTP is a philosophy in Jimma
university community oriented practical learning right in the field. TTP/DTTP is the term
different senior of professional students working together in one place.
SRP is the program which is profound advantage of giving students experience allows to do their
own research project. On this programs all students submits a research paper in various topics
related to the course they study. In general, the aim of Jimma University at the end of all phase of
CBTP is to generate students which is not only found knowledge but also who has specialized

Shortly the activities involved in CBTP-II:

 Re-identify the study community
 Re-develop investigation tools
 Re-gather data
 Re-process and analyze data
 Revise action plan
Finally, we revised our action plan prioritized based on easiness and resource availability from
simple to complex.


Socio-economic impact assessment is complex, yet important aspect of development impact
analysis is necessary. The various changes in the social environment and social well-being of a
community that result from development may be significant, yet they are often subtle and not
easy to quantify. However, this does not mean that socio-economic impact assessment should not

be considered an essential component of the development impact assessment process (Therivel
et al, 2005).
Assessing socio-economic impacts requires both quantitative and qualitative measurements of
the impact of a proposed development. For example, a proposed development may increase
employment in the community and create demand for more affordable housing. Both effects are
easily quantifiable. Also of importance, however, are the perceptions of community members
about whether the proposed development is consistent with a commitment to preserving the rural
character of the community. Assessing community perceptions about development requires the
use of methods capable of revealing often complex and unpredictable community values.
Jimma university is known for its philosophy called community based education (CBE), this
training is important for experience in the learning process. The study was conducted in Oromia
region Jimma zone Ginjo kebele which is found 50m from Jimma University main compus. Ginjokebele
is located in oromia region Jimma zone jimma city woreda . This kebele bounded by different
neighbors located around it .That is Awetu mendera , Hirmata ,Bosa adis, Sato semero in East ,North ,
West and South respectively. According to the statistical data the total population of Bosa Kitto kebele
to be about 12462 with male about 6282 and female about 6180 .from this we can conclude that the
number of male population is slightly greater than the number of female population.
The boundary of Bosa Kitto kebele is bounded by zone 04 main road that leads to agriculture campus in
West, in North Zone-03(Agriculture campus), in South police station, and in East zone 01. The climatic
condition of Bosa kitto kebele zone 02 is Woina dega, and the total topology of the zone is dominated
by forest and plain. The status of the kebele /community is urban. The urban population is densely
settled. A means of livelihood of most people is trade and some people although their members is not
as such significance are involved in government jobs and small scale agriculture and irrigation in a
means of traditional farming system . The type trade that are the community exercising is retail .The
most widely spoken language in the community is Afan Oromo.


1.3.1 General objectives

 The general objective of CBTP phase II is to apply the refined action plan .

1.3.2. Specific objectives

 Conduct preliminary study:

 Revise the previous action plan (CBTP I)

 Reorganize the task force

 Work on intervention

 Collect evidences of outputs

 Prepare implementation report


 The study has the following significant effects:

 It helps the students to understand and know about the society better.

 It helps the students to know the existing social problems and think possible solution to solve
those problems.

 It promotes mutual understanding and team spirit among the group members.

 It enriches the students with the knowledge of how to collect analyze and interpret data.

 It improves problem solving abilities of the students.

 It teaches the learners how to collect, organize, present, analyze data and interpret or giving
inference of the data.

 It could prepare and give awareness for students on how to conduct research.


 Communication barrier (way of approaching the society)
 People (the society) consider us (the students) as political information gatherers.
 Lack of guiders (people from kebele) does not show us the exact boundary of our
 Reluctance of some of the members of the community to cooperate which are
attributed to:
Repetitiveness of program on their areas
Their belief that it is only beneficiary for students
Their lack of feedback from concerned body

 There is shortage of necessary documented background information about the study


As strength for the success of our mission we get different facility from different sectors and
individuals that enables us to identify the problem and to revise action plan. Among those
 Transportation services.
 CBTP materials such as: paper, pen and pencil.
 Some other basic needs like: food and water
 Presence of orientation providing agent
 The contribution of the community in material support


Different bodies have take part in the data collection materials supplement, in giving advice and
in mobilizing us the total implementation of our activities. Among these bodies were:

 CBE office- in giving orientation about how to act by giving us different

materials like report format, paper, pencils, pen, transportation and other
necessary things.

 Supervisors: they did a great contribution in giving advice and ordering us

what to do, and finding possible solution and new idea to the difficulties faced
us during our work

 Kebele administration and the community: the Kebele administration has

also helped us by giving general information about the boundary and facilities
found the community area. 1.8

As usual official letter from Community Based Education office of Jimma University was sent to
the kebele. Then based on the letter written consent was obtained from kebele. Permission of the
Kebele leaders was secured through Subjects

During the time of our study we faced with different conducts. Among those: some people are
impolite. In contrast some people gave respect for us with positives reaction to us.



2.1. Area of the Study

We have studied the Ginjo kebele zone 02 on 95 houses in zone two. Thus to gather reliable
information we use certain methodology to make our work easy and effective.. The following
sketch shows Zone 02 of Ginjo kebele including its territory.

Fig. 1. Map of Ginjo kebele zone 02

2.2. Period of Study
Our Community Based Training Program phase two (CBTP II) program was conducted from
March 04 /07/2009 to March 08/07/ 2009.

2.3. Data Source and Materials

As concerned in the data source it is obviously known that we have gathered our data from
community and from Kebele administrator, in the Ginjo Kebele .Firstly by introducing ourselves
and greeting them. We have recorded the information about the family from whom ever who
found in the house. That is family head, children and other who is able to analysis information
about the family. Materials which were used are: questionnaires (house to house and general),
pen,Pencil, paper, binder, bus, rubber and blade.
2.4. Method of data gathering/collection

The methods we used to collect problems identification was made in CBTP-I. Those are;

 Interviewing (personal)
 Direct observation
 Questionnaire

2.5. Procedures

Our department head communicate with kebele leaders officially.

We went to our zone together with our supervisors

Observation was made in the first day.

Previously prioritized action plan was converted into practice after some revision was made.



In order to perform CBTP program efficiently and effectively that in line with the action plan for
implementation, we have gathered data’s from selected areas like dirty material& governmental
and tuitions by making involve varmint of people and understanding the problem for the need of
the community through:

 Interview

 Discussion

3.1 Interview:

First we interviewed with the community by taking random selection. After that we interviewed
the leader of the Ginjo Kebele zone 02 by explaining the prioritized problem about the previous
study what we have got from the community then we got current information what is acted in the

3.2 Discussion:

On the discussion, we appreciate their strong side like the management try to report the problem
to the top administrative officials and try to check environmental sanitation and solve the
problem, But we recommended their weakness like less relation between community and leader
responsible for environmental clean. In addition we give advice it is better to have honesty
between them and try to avoid the communication barrier between them rather they should have
to be coordinate one another.


Revised Action Plan

Table 1. Action plan of community problem identified from CBTP-II

Problems What will be to done? Who will Time When will Satisfacto
do it? allotted it done? accompli

Students of JU, CNS, biology dep’t Group-2

This year in CBTP-II

Collecting waste 3 days
 Environmental
materials or dirty from
the surrounding and
giving awareness mental
Modeling us by digging sanitatio
 Lack of waste n and
the waste storage or removal
disposal weed
materials /garbage from the
------- road
storage /

Creating awareness on
 Addiction/ drug/
its effects


Before Cleaning

Picture 1.

THE road



5.1 Conclusion
As we have studied in this community we identified on the top lack of clean environment in
Bosa Kitto kebele zone 02 . we found out that the major problems in the community were
insufficient awareness to wards how to solve the problems of unclean environment .giving
awareness to the community on the issue of how to solve the problems of unclean environment
is one of the basic necessity for the community due to the existence of the problem we conclude

that dissemination of information of the community on the problems of unclean environment is
the essential way to solve the problem.

Generally, CBTP-II reflects that all our group members, community, and kebele leaders are
effectively participated with a golden interest. Therefore the problems of the community were
not all in all but, some solved easily per our revised plan and capitals.

5.2. Recommendations
Based on our conclusion on the revised action plan provided we recommended that Bosa Kittto
kebele zone 02 community should be provided information about the problems of having
unclean environment and the method to stay clean .

That includes ;

 Making discussion with community

 Making discussion with students

 Creating the awareness for the community through the community media and
organization (‘IQUB ‘,’IDIR’ ,’MAHIBER’)

 Giving training through extension program for household that can changes the
community problem.


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Therivel,R. Glasson, J. and Chadwick, A.(2005). Introduction To Environmental Impact

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