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TCNJ Lesson Plan

Properties of Matter: Pre-Assessment

Student Name: Kayla Taylor and Emily Anderson Grade Level: 5

Guiding and/or Essential Questions:

How can energy be transformed from one form to another?
How can we identify materials based on properties?
Where does electricity come from?
What is the difference between conductors and insulators?
How do circuits complete a pathway to produce light, heat or sound?
What are magnetic fields?
How do magnets interact with other objects?
Pre-lesson Assignments and/or Student Prior Knowledge
During 3rd grade, students completed a unit on properties of matter, specifically states of matter.
5-PS1-3. Make observations and measurements to identify materials based on their properties.
PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter- Measurement of a variety of properties can be
used to identify materials.

Learning Objectives and Assessments:

Learning Objectives Assessment

Students will be able to activate prior Teacher will assess for scientific terminology
knowledge to answer pre-assessment relating to thermal conductivity, electrical
questions. conductivity, and magnetism.

Pre-Assessment Worksheet

Plan for set-up/distribution/cleanup of materials:

The pre-assessment worksheet will be distributed and collected by Miss Anderson and Miss
Taylor. Students will be instructed to hold onto their pre-assessment until the 15 minutes is over
to avoid rushing other students.
Step by Step plan:
1. Lesson Beginning
a. Instructions for completing the pre-assessment
i. Teacher will advise students that they are to complete the pre-assessment
questions to the best of their ability. If they do not know a question they
are to make an educated guess and then move on.
2. Pre-Assessment
a. The topics on the pre-assessment include the main ideas touched upon throughout
the unit, such as thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, and magnetism.
i. Questions include what is a conductor and what is an insulator.
ii. Sorting parts include conductors versus insulators and which materials
conduct thermal energy, electrical energy or both.
iii. Diagrams include a basic circuit with a power source, switch, output, and
wires, and a magnet with the magnetic field, poles, and 2 objects that
would be attracted to the magnet.
3. Closing
a. Once students complete the pre-assessment, they will remain at their seats until
the 15 minutes is over to prevent rushing other students. After the 15 minutes is
over, Miss Anderson and Miss Taylor will collect the pre-assessment worksheets.
Students will be brought back to whole group for a discussion with Mrs. C.

Key Questions (that you will ask):

Key questions are shown on the pre-assessment worksheet.

Worksheets will be copied and printed before the class period begins.
20-minute lesson:
Beginning (Instructions)- 3 minutes
Pre-Assessment- 15 minutes
Closing (Clean-up)- 2 minutes
There will be no transitions during the lesson, but after the pre-assessment the students
will keep the worksheet at their desk until everyone is finished so no student feels rushed
to complete it.

Classroom Management:
All directions will be given before the students receive their materials or move locations. To gain
whole class attention, the hand clapping method will be utilized. Students are aware of the
classroom clean up procedures but will be reminded to hand their worksheets in before leaving.

S will be able to complete the pre-assessment on his Chromebook. Additionally, Miss Taylor and
Miss Anderson will walk around the room to answer student questions about process, but not
Name: _______________________________________ Date: ________________

Properties of Matter

1. What is a conductor? What is an insulator?




2. Are these materials conductors or insulators?

Wood _____________________ Plastic_____________________

Copper_____________________ Cotton_____________________

Glass______________________ Iron ______________________

Aluminum __________________ Rubber ____________________

3. Do these materials conduct thermal energy, electrical energy, or both?

Copper Thermal Electrical Both

Iron Thermal Electrical Both

Gold Thermal Electrical Both

Nickel Thermal Electrical Both

Steel Thermal Electrical Both

4. Draw an electrical circuit with a power source, switch, output, and wires.
5. Draw a magnet. Include the magnetic field, poles, 2 objects that would be
attracted to the magnet, and any other information that relates to magnets.

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