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Argumentative Essay Title : Full Day School for Strengthening Character: Will you agree?

1. Introduction
A. Hook : (write 1 sentence only)
B. Background Information :
Why is the issue controversial? :
Who are pro to the issue? :
Who are against the issue? :
C. Thesis Statement : (write 1 sentence only)

2. Body 1 – Argument 1
A. Topic Sentence : (write 1 sentence only)
B. Supporting Details :
- Supporting Detail 1 (write 1 sentence only)
- Supporting Detail 2 (write 1 sentence only)

3. Body 2 – Argument 2
A. Topic Sentence : (write 1 sentence only)
B. Supporting Details :
- Supporting Detail 1 (write 1 sentence only)
- Supporting Detail 2 (write 1 sentence only)

4. Body 3 – Counter-Argument
A. Counter-Argument : (write 1 sentence only)
B. Concession : (write 1 sentence only)
C. Refutation : (write 1 sentence only)

5. Conclusion
A. Re-statement of the thesis statement (write 1 sentence only)
B. Suggestion/recommendation/prediction/warning for the readers (write 1 sentence only)

a. To train soft skill, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and financial intelligenc. The students are guided, invited to
think, not in dictation on every practice in the field in the context of social analysis around them
b. Time for students will be useful, than they fight each other or brawl, going to the internet cafe to play online games, better
its used at school, moreover there is a school supervise so parents will not to be worried
c. Train the students to be ready with the future. If the school 8 hours a day just can not afford, how later when they going to
be adult and will work more than 8 hours a day
d. 8 hours of school can familiarize students to increase learning in school. 8 hours during the night for resting sleep, and the
remaining 8 hours can be used to play and perform other activities. All can be well divided
e. teachers should be ready with their fields. Because teachers will provide character education that will support student’s
education, so the students will more advanced and developed. And the school facilities should be considered too.
f. If the student have studied 8 hours in school, then there is no more homework that makes students have to learn too at
home. Perhaps the teacher can provide homework but not too heavy, as long as its not disrupt the time for students to rest
at home

Cons :

a. the child's life in 1 day optimally is about 14-15 hours, if 8 hours used for the school will make the child become bored at
b. the weakness of this system is students become required to do all the homework from the teacher with a short time
because the school finished at 4 pm
c. The formation and strengthening of the character is the function and responsibility of the parents, while the school
provides a basic education
d. Character education of the child is not the responsibility of the school, but it is the responsibility of the parents. The
character of the child is formed good or bad in the family.
e. Sekolah 3 jam aja ditinggal gurunya..apalagi 8 jam..ngapain anak gw gentayangan disekolah gak jelas..mending dirumah bisa
istirahat tidur siang, makan dan main kekontro
f. pemerintah perlu pertimbangan dan kajian yg matang. Realitas di indonesia timur,cukup banyak SD dan SMP yg kekurangan
guru,apalagi guru PNS. Kalau memang full day school diterapkan,pemerintah tdk hanya sekedar memperhatikan siswa
tetapi para guru jga perlu diperhatikan,terutama guru honor. Selain itu,full day school sepertinya mengambil alih hak org
tua untk mendidik anaknya,sedangkan kta semua tahu pendidikan anak pertama dan utama terjadi dlm lingkungan keluarga

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