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Higher Cages of Techolony ‘Appendix 3: MSt/McT oBseavarion ron (©) Student Name: 4 244.0, seroat 5) mon Acadamy McTMST: Cg ote | Zag ee Num -Addihg dis pt2. Assessment of Teaching Competencies (Semester 7 and 8) ‘Commitment to the Profession ‘Students demonstrate consistent attendance and punctual Students acept and respect school sed wutory stores, and complete reasonable Teaue from school MST and leadershig : f S “Students are prepared and ready for each lesion ‘Students actively participate ina range of school activities ‘Students build postive relationships witha range of stakeholders across the school community, ‘Students accept responsiblity for resolving work based problems with a growing level of Independence: ‘Students demonstrate @ positive atthude towards feaching and learaing Commer, rezouces prepared «seth Fo- Ane besso Planning for Learning Completed lesson plan for every lesson, printed and available to MST and MCT upon request Ensure lesson plans have sufficient detallto secure effective delivery Lesson plans are linked to long range and unit plans, Learning objectives are testable and directly linked to curriculum outcomes ‘lesson plans have clear assessment which includes formative and/or summative activities Lesson plans are balanced securing lessons which are engaging, effective and student centered Siero hasbeen cerported i ssn plans whet appropriate and needed = a eS Rules lang tum pln. Uses cooperative learning as part oftheir learning environment, Uses appropriate classroom management strategies to secure a safe and effective learning ‘environment Establishes and ‘classroom routines and transitions Higher Colleges of Technology Tmplementing learn Implement strategies which continually motivate and maintain an elfecive cassroom presence Tnelude a range of ludent centred aciviies in the lesson eel AN eiaerenia nanan Brera ee ‘Sequences learning experiences logically Lessons are paced to ensure students are appropriately engaged and challenged Instructions are given at appropriate ines within a lesson and are clearand concise ‘Appropriately uses a variety of questions that fit appropriately within te lesson context implements differentiated instruction to lessons taught ‘comments: z a Ewrtnae. Aenuuy - Addidg cevns Gh pores was lovey | “Srudent are monitoring purposively in relation to learning and behaviour tiize a range of effective formative assessment strategies to gauge student progress implernent valid and reliable summative assessment strategies where appropriate system to effectively record student data and information fate manner Students have orgarized 8 Sere feedbacks provided to students Ina timely end por Sea ant datas used to inform panningand istucvon Comments oat cheered) TMHroLe ot sre lesso-. Reflection on Practice “fleck on wider educational matters such as ethics, morals, ctu these impact student learning leading to change of practice Reflect on student learnin fiect on their own practice leading to improvement of practice eee oe conducted and recorded consistently and ate accessble vo the MST and MCT Comment Feeback GER temghost tre ressor to Wade . Plan S pepreas Howjas PerScnol refte chon Ct jesse’ - Tistorical contexts end how

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