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-2_ :

Cort~ He~,
art~ ftbpU_~r&~ D/ ••.~ meJ~l~,!!f'Cuj
~to--- meclu.\~~ 6.

Co lu.mns o~




.' ,;
-'TIle. strtAvttlfD\l \f. ~undion ~l un] t Q the K'(dne:1 .
• e.aeh k'l'dn~ conhtins 1-IJi mi/l"11l1 nepht'bns.
• fach rte phYbn Is ~ormed J fMQ\Figh tan renall
P'(1)?c\01.~\~dis~~!c.~hvo{uted ~u.bu.(~.
",p, I -. t ' loop o~ Henle.
• C( a.5S1t"lea In 0 :
a, CorhcOlI neFhfbns: ~I shorr ~aop (J ~ Henl~,
b. 'Ju.i):t8-medLll\~ ne.phr'bns: e I ~ loop e ~H en le .
1. Mal - niAn'R~nal· r UJC e :
• Ci\bolL~ !lo~ f-tm m di~rnehar, FOrmed_~'i ir1vaainaci<m
the sfherical o?
b\ind end 6~ 8 tvJt of cafil[ar{~ LCilomene.lus]--.. BOlUrnank capsule.
'. H~s 2. r 0 Ies : , '
a_ Vaseu\ar pot~ ! where. ao ~ ~F~r~t1r
a.rfeno[e enrerl !:; e~~e~nt a.r~enoJe Leaves.
b. Urin~ ~o\e i conHnuOlLS ~' the ffbXi~~\ c.o\1~olu.ted lu.bu.le;
• E ach rena I corfu-sel e '1S }o rmed 0 F gJomerulus fj. SolltJrlan s apsu Ie..
I_At ~he vascu.lar pole, 8~~er€nt ..'~l.\·tn,\~~iLrered blood]
c1i\1id.~ re,pe.atecU~---t-ocaril(s':1 tuft-+ cl~(lfn IrJi-o eWerenr a.rrer(ale[c8rnr
filt~ bloot!1· _me
Cl¥~eren t ~rterlol £ haVe lQ~~r ~me rer It thicKer
l11eet,a than the e ~¥e(en b o..~te.rt0 le._[to crea I::e ~\'13hjlom~rtL(ar p(1e~.
tv pa:Ju.c.e.. larqe ~mo_u.nt-0 ~ l1\omerLll~r f,-lrrOlrij.
L. M. - \ined e' ¥enestrClfe.d e.ndof-heli'um
_ the. b~se.rYlent mernbfome is ~.thjck s- LQnHnuotLS .( PAS4Vt,).
E.M,:ffie et\doM1e1~Mhas pore.!. ( -too nm in diameter) tJoteoVefed
b~ dl~hrd:Jms.
--rnt Glomerular Basement membrane{GSM):; .
. •.~o.·rme.d o~ s ld~: (]. lamina rafd [lucida]e.'Xterna= ou.t.elec.trtm lucentl
. b_ tamina rar'aflue.icJo] intera = innec -'/ ~J"
c. Lamina aensa ;: cent('~1 electron 4ense L.
i Bowman s C8Fu(e •
t A ~_~ a II CM.f - :>haped ep iIh . CD ~ul e.Fo fll1eJ v# :2 eoufirlUflUll.Qa~
, hHrrted o~ ~ l~~C?~ " .

!a Ou.rer pClriecdt la~e,r : lined e l

simFIe. s'V'-smotts eplth.
jb - Imler 01\ LQ~ er : Iil;les ~s ~he. ~!omerltiollr Clip 11lariel. ro rrn ed of;
he . modi~'ed ce.lIs caHed 'FQ~t~-i '.
, \~c VIS~~\ ~ pClJiet~t nre se.pC1r~te.d bu' 1'4I!tJll~~.A~J9. 7./'01.', •. t : ••
'Podol te.! .
de. .= me -i~ied 'Sc;u.gmoLtS cells 'in'~3 the v,'scer~l la~er o~ 8o~lncml cafsule.
E.M.=_sh!.llQre. shape.d cells sepa.ft}tea ~(hm the. slOmfru.tar Clipillarl'e4 6~
- "6u6Fo&b~tit ~PQC.e..• H~H/e. ~It_b&.tJ.~.ffbm LJ .p'!~~r -p-r;o-~
arise. - tfbm MacrC( protesse1, m.t.t'~r -tm'c.~~
ctr(se lr ere \m,;lan fd
ar inrervafs em fhe glomerular captll:Jrl es ol'he minor ffbCe.&SM
D~ adacenP podo4:lre.! interd~9itate.- Le.g\Jit1Cf Scps be.t. t-hern
ll1e LqaFs are. ';Lt(a~;tWt slits, co~ t>j Bernipermeable
memo. caUed CfiLlYatr'd11 slit oliaph"~3rnsJ. .
4h~ Viltrsti61\ slir cU8~hra,Hm s.::; t(~ns memb, [UtOtein nephrin
•..•..Zippet -like £h~t. It'tlas cenbrc9\ dense.. core e poreJ f

61\ 60th sicA es .

: ..,...c.\h~ ~·ro~t~1m.c.onta.\Os mgn"tj ribosomes, cER, ~\t'l 6o{ai Ct:lmp[e,xgt

.- :" ;ac.t\'l\ m,c{b~ l~rn en.r.s C poclo~l~ C\(e c.ontril\ct, le ')
1. Involvedin rCJrmari~ or- the blood renal barrier,
2. feneW8l o~ ~hQ. btlsement mernbrsne 01 910merular ctlpillaY'ti?!.
~ Blood Wen~lBgrriet :G/ornerular Rlt(OJ~ Barrie(
1t is fue bt\r,tler bfc)Od in the s\omerl((ar capl Heu·tes fl1JYn the
liT 5~rclra~es
~ \omuu..lar ~d~r~re.\n tht. c.sps.u.{ar SpBC.e. t,. ~roU.9h w ~{I~r~b'Ol1o~ blood
ecc UX5 • ~r me.d 0~ :

.Q)-fttlt$~(.1~e.d!ddo:~:tliurncI'lfi! 9fom,{!!pil~ ~ .
depends en mo!ec:tJar wefJhf ~S!3e.If dll()w~ passa3e ~f moJe~
sma He.r-- fhan bl. ce lls ~ 1;)[Q[ela-s e-a.' _f?lcasrna pruf::e.i.nA
®G DmUltlar base.ment memb. CG6M
- tbQ afaosr e. ee~i~e barri~r. the c61JrrnUOus l51')~ [Q!:Jer. depends sn s r We-<.tJ.b-t: ." :.,\.
h p~ven~ passas e 0~ l.arje. mol eoJe!. (>-/60,000 Da Ibm) e.~ . r!as!nil rams
- a\\ 0 uJS II q ShltJ II )/ e.s.
Su.scl~ ~ a. as . J
b.~olec.u.lQ(' chargu~
'1he -ve cha~e& 611 both Laminae rarae preven t- passage
o~ -v«
c.ha~eA moleCUles e·s, albumin (altholf9h its MW is bqJ~'D~lton)
®fHtr~ti6l1fIlii di~phr.~: .
- Cover t-he F£tks bet. bile feet o f'odoC'eJle!.. def~ em :
(;1. Mo\ec.u.\a.'(w~ht: aUcws passase o~ mo/ecule.s e' MW-< l,l9/~ID
b M 0 Ie.wi

1~is -ve3 chs r3~go prevent p~sa~e. of
chd~· h\o\euJ~ .

l.H.o~ -3-4 C&\\s .- (up to !lo I'n mQcu.~dens:.
5_2 c.e16
\\nI'nj - hi g'n CM.'ooiJ~t (6.) cells - \cw c.ubi~l c.e\\l , "
.e.pi'rn. •. ncrn.dear bOLlttcbries · i' clzar r.mundsri ~ . :::.:~::.
- ApJ'Ch11 6ru.!h border. - Less 6r'U!h border. ;.:.
• b~'~laMo~hHic. stn~b·ons. .•
Les~ 6as;;l/ strt'atiOYlS.
1_ dee.r\~ Sc.U!oph't\\C \J. ~~opkh1 - less acldophn(c tJ !ess granu.\&r,
i - rouncfcad ~ k>~sDlI nu.d el _ fl9unde.d y. centrB) nuc.le.l.

~'\i tre.BbSOf?t\O-n or ~\.u.cose.b"~,~1.. [·(e~bg.c'ffiO'Y\ of N.:.1f)t H70

··u.Y\e Q~ re~b~or~t\mt o~ Nd+,. cl -,K-+~ I' I.Hlcler, l'.JSr1t-co\ o? aldoS~t(bneb' AD!-{
, rho. . . " t'XC(e.hcm o~ \-\1. yoN ~ '=\ '. .__:--
In !),C\'oet't neph~pat-h~ ~ GIDrtlefLC,Jor1ephritis: the 3lomeruJ1" are
::.:''a~fe.tJed 9l-~ k~rfier is disfU(Jte..d ir dlbttm'lnllri~ o~ ht:'marUrtA
• U.shet.ped
o~ Henle
the "PCT e''D
I CT..
• pte.H.n~ ,'n medu./l~~ Cor-rex v- 'm ed-un a .
('o.~ \'V\

• Corh'~1 t1eph(bn~ have snorb {oop of Henle l.4lhilQ.

-JU.'Xtf mer1uJla~ J/ JJ ~6'r13 J.,. IJ " •

• FOf'm!~o~ :
lfil:~kde.~cend,nj parr;
... similar ro rpCT, 1,'neJ e' c-u.b:rcc1al epith .
- tnl,n IJ. limb: \i'r1ed e ' simple S~l)1ou.s epi~ .
- 'I: O\.~c:.e'(\dlnj /J I, If ~J .J/ 1/

. .. - thlC~ J] Fo.rt : similar to P CT; It'ned e' ~. c.ubic.;1 epi fh .

, FU.netims:
Ccm(,~ cr tlra'ne (HtlFui:cmic Urine) ""C6'llS<uvi~,, H20,
! J3-tp;; ~lltt.t;'11Tubu.le!
_'Jh;: e-:tc'rerot':1 pat-t ~ fh~ u.r;njle~us tubules.
- a 3,.0 w.p 4/ ne fhrans drain Ihfo 1"to~ecf(n!JMule (k'ned e' s. CJ.J1x;idal )
- each 6"- g small col/ec,tlnJ tubules draIn /l1fo srn:vshl- colleeffkJ duel:
= cluct c~Be/lln; (fined e' S .·c&!' epitn) W 0fsn into !-hi! ops 0 ~
fh~ med«)Jo.r;y f!Jr~m /cls
h<ncht'cm: ~OJ1C E. of urine under C6}1trol a fi ~ 0 H
lfie coIiectins, lu.bu/es $Ie/fActs nave fJ {;r!;Jf€S o~ cells ~ _
: \ ? in · _~ e\\s. rn~erc.ala~eJcefts
· .. . l",,~tQ.(;1"fI1~(ar A-I?esrat.ts ":
de~.: ClSmfh sfruet:'re at- lhe /f",Scedsr fole ,,/ same rens! tdl"p!J..!de;
formed ft :
~~ (J .
t oJtt~t8. lome-ruls'f ce Us:. ~.G.cetls)
r{)odi~;~ srllooth· museles ~.~ the. ~unia1mediJ ~, fh~
e"eret?~t1rteriole.ShouJs tit e foUo~'(va~ c:.hol~e.A:
:1. nucle! become NJIJllded. 2. Ctfh:>p};;isrn hSI/€. Pf6+ve 8ecreb!jJ~nu!e
tunctlCSfJ: sec,~be.f'BlJin en,,- (renlty)
.2 ..Ma~\a de ;. ,
~We Pc;l(t o the. neT that ~fts be t , the- a ~fer:ent)loe~ferent arrm'o reA
a~ ~ va~~l~~ fO\~, It ehoios the. ftllloUJ\Vl5 cha\\3e..1 ~
- Gus 1'1 i'l W~o /Jo he~ht (betOme columnar) Ii their nu.clei oet:lJl'J'leapj,Q}/,c/ark
t? c.lose0· packed $0 appear as dark s'fof bj /;he L. M,
=> G,A, beComes inPrClnu.c.(~r(la.asaL). , .
_.Cffie b3S€menC rnernb. tS absent- so(cefls· become In Cdnracte' J.G.ceHs.
OSw,t:"rt! mot1i~~ rhe
,- eeve,l of WaTin the "JJeT.
3..E"?(tra lomerul,r Mu 'l (ens: '.
[l,atiS celb, 'foli(l'ssen ce ls in'Polat Ctl.shion J
pale. cells t'nbetweeh the a@Pefent I ePPerenr rrtac.ula
arter-I'O{al ~
Futlcfion: supportive r(ma~'tro1llSmil sisnoals ~roll1 rnac.lA.!lI~a to
~Jincfi~ns 01 d. G.Aepsta~~s!, ,. .

t-egu.lates b/.F~·l:Jwo'tJh t?enin. A()8;ol-~ris;n

.a~ sasle,.,. I{fbf o~ hI. f,l&s. oc vol . Cas /;., hemorrt.afje)--r l.t vol, of glom. Pi/~j
2. ..Ll N~+~ c I iOil CcS'Il C (J in 'D CJ. ..
3. MaCM.-la clensa monit~n- the chcmge& II sb·mu(a/;e (f.GC-?,,~h'(l
LI. An~iotensin~~en reo. n"I -.B c ~ >A;,niGRAsi.rtl
Ir: bt,..:formeJi:fi\Jef) . (J .:?'
sc E' :: an.>liotensin ~ verf,nj enB·}ecJ bJ encllJfh .olul1j cars
s.An3iot'1fi'Sirt:D: r"W..s~ bi~~·b.\l; ow :;j.

- ,,;so~on$trid'16Il'te'l' su», p,it. C!I .

~ ..
A\dosterone.. AD tH1e.1e.C\s e,
...••• kT
_II .f b I.
1 l'Vaare.a sorp~t6n In vel
· 'i"'\ - +,
ttH20 re~bs~rp.t~m
1(eb.l{"rI o~ -\Ie ~c.\.ba~ inhibi~ D' col\e.cllrl~ lU.bu.l~
s eu..··er.eri ~ s ren\n
b~ ~.G. A.
IBloodSupjdi of /(Jn~)
-, tUnal M'tef!J: ••I: the hilurn 3\ves: .
It'I~tdC!Laf atruies : Hoe PSf61l'nids, lib the eorticCI-mec!qllafl::\
ou.nd-'oY\ it Cj{\Jes . ArCW1~e arreries. @t th~ base, o~ the p!-}rE3W1ids.
It ~illes tnl:erJoblth"'4rl'u-i$~ : !hat- rermil'lOlte as CBrS«.~r capiUaries
Inter.\oblA.l.Jr c.rrei'Wfeiil ; give rna0..'lJhnn~ o.rf&""iJlu ~ gfoll1ender
cCL(ilillarles -- lib!: ~ten'ol~ J:~,it ~ive fllritubuw ~~n'r''es .
(-S£l.pp~ tpCT~ DC: I ) . ~ p~r, tub~\a'f venule.s ~ inter lobutsflfM!
•....• ara.&.ate vein ~ ,tlfer~lobQrvein ~ .ftna\ at ~he h' {-~W\.
•lit,,"" -m~,Mli~ e,leftM Cl.r~n:ote.s_ sb-aiS ht arterritla! I"e(bu.
~ e.1t-rend in the. medu.{{8~ p~r~wllcls ~ vert.u.lae recl:ae .s drain
.into mter \cb!.ttelr or a'(C,u.ate. veIn -+ nm~J v,
:'. Vasa rectCl.e .;;
, fUdnalJ ('Pass;~e~I .., ,
I'l'lInol' b< m~Jer Cilfyc€s - remill filv,s _ Ureb;:r •.• UnnCll:Jbl._
IA.rel-hrGl .. ~, ... ~'iTl-,
·.1 ~ . I liJ.Nnarsb~
! [~'s w~\1 is Permed Df : Irs w~H ~s ~orm~
I.Mu.CoSa !_. . . I-Mt\~;
~\ds ®c:rr~nsi[;-icm~l~F-i!bg1iu.!'J.:
:, S~i~;I'\:l1
- $ te.ll~ ~e. , sh a.p e. .I.um11.11•
.::(.i) I[ 01IIi I}.LO~L ~r!~
rn -e.m tM b
[add €;I'" 5_b Is Ijen f:/
~Llp er ~'c.t'oll ICe tis OJre eu.bC1l'G{ Q I ~ h uI§f-
@ 14.~de r ~I.)l.~ c.!::~i!oiT'0 • ItI th e. tt4.m-en Celom tr(llll brn«, cell!)
Sol:h\ ~{ tlcIs ~ ~e epi It. a.lIow In flAil 61~dder: 3-4 UJ(jers b'S'ferfi~
distenl;ion o~ the urerer to Bllo".! c.elil bec<!lme s9u.-.mous.
'fCW!lS€ o~ sm.llll stene! In u.rine® .YnderJ~~t._"or/y~ .
:n:- MUSc.u10Sd : .. MILS~:a :.n:.
~.r -0/3 ; iriner ~~. bf.. for,me.cj "f, inner)l !'lute( (k.g. bC
'. outer cAn.c.. qne fou.Je('V3 h~g' YYllddle Ctn~( ,
Oi.ddit;OIt~ 1 0 uler
%€.t:t contr.aeJion -')0
L. M I-he neck:' ::0 V ~e bladder, bhdn.'l
1~9' beComes CUlc, to fnr~ tne.
w~ve so r'Chpe\ u.r\oe.~ Ur.bL~cld~. Lnte.~·\'lal urethral sR~cnde.n.".
'Jlr - Ad\lentai~ '. ~Lvs- ::m- .AJ\Jenl;t~:
fiblb- el.s !;; c e ,1-. I'i c.~ ;Y) t n ef1!.etl
L. VS' #
. ¥r 61(b • eks Ii t: c. r-. e.;xCQ.p t
rhe. sup. p.e..tt1GtllJefed e' ~

i! .

····1 .
'~r .
. 1·, .

~~ It'\tq,r ..
~CtZa tJ.cto.e:; ttrtrerio(o,.t f(tto&
, - .' -t Venl>.,\ ~t fJ
" 'O,' • 'II .:

ri" Urethit;9 :
~-"= ~
;to em £~ tllLbe that ~rn'es. 60th Urine ~ semen .'Dh/l~edinr(l
1_~",static.Ure.thg r .
-=fG.S5e~ thrbLljh the r(bsbt·~
.. \ \'nQ,el e\ t(~nSiriOYth11 ~rit-h .
... su.rrot\.nde.d b~ the. into u,ret{,r~l Sfh,hctiU

280 M!mbranous UreJhra ,:

ceo p~es bhrbtttJh the U{b~enjbed r1:Olphrogn1.
- line.d e1 p.rtu.J.a..sffrtMjed cJ epifh . or S/;.ttJl.
- surround ec/ b:J ske[er,;)! ms . o~ pelvis ~ e~~.sfblnctw.
0..fini~ Urtfltra:
- fll~Se.s ;nl'·.~:o7us "!f,CJnalO~iLm 0 ¥ ~he penis.
~ \!I ned e' stf~ti~ie'd co{umn~( e.pi f-h . w ch~Yl9~ Into st. s q ~
at- itj t-er'l)1in.Q1 p:Jrt- ( #OSSQ YlBvlwiarisj
- G IQtuis 01 Ltiire open ini» it .
;a shore lin~d el tr.;lf'lsi fl'Oi1;;J!, pssuJ er sf.cuP. fhe tl
sr. so;. ~t t rermLn.~1 end ,
. . ..' '. .."'-'.'- - -.. _. .. -..... . . . --.~ ..• --'_ ..•. _.' '-' ..••.. _-,

1.U('k!r~_~l'\con~in~o:::: loss ~~ ~dolt!l!ta~osnUfQe 611 the ~?Ct. i

1u(eJhr~r sphinct~("ms. ~sp. U1 o er women . :i
__ """•...t<O"-
••_~_._ __ •.•_,__ .,~•._ __ ~•..• 'l'.. ,.._L
_r' •••
••.•••••,·__ .~._w_..~.__ ._P •• _.M ••• .·." •• ---"~r.~~"~_'1 "''-'''''~

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