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When recent Harvard grad Helen Zuman moved to Zendik Farm in 1999, she was thrilled

to discover that the Zendiks used go-betweens to arrange sexual assignations, or

�dates,� in cozy shacks just big enough for a double bed and a nightstand. Here, it
seemed, she could learn an honest version of the mating dance�and form a union free
of �Deathculture� lies

For thousands of years, Native American tradition has taught that we all carry
within us an ancient blessing, a spirit clan that connects us to the earth. Our
spirit clan may be an animal, or a plant, a stone, or some special object that has
taken on spiritual power. Your clan is a reservoir of powerful energy. It helps
carry you through troubled times and protects you from danger. The wisdom of their
teachings shows the way to true peace and prosperity and to live in harmony with
all that is.

Auteurs d'un remarquable Ma�tre Eckhart ou l'empreinte du d�sert, Gwendoline

Jarczyk et Pierre-Jean Labarri�re pr�sentent ici, apr�s celle des Trait�s, la
traduction des trente premiers sermons du ma�tre dominicain. Le grand mystique se
montre, dans ses pr�dications en moyen-haut allemand, plus accessible que dans son
oeuvre latine. �

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