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Crisis Communication Plan

Hennes & Mauritz AB

2018 - 2019

Prepared by: Shaida Prodhan

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Crisis Inventory 4

Acknowledgements 5

Rehearsal Procedure 6

Purpose and Objectives 7

Key Publics 8

Procedures for Notifying Publics 10

Crisis Communications Team 15

Crisis Directory 17

Media Spokespersons 18

Emergency Personnel and Local Officials 19

List of Key Media 20

Key Messages 22

Emergency Operations Center (EOC) 23

Equipment 24

Social Media 25

Evaluation Form 26

Closing Remarks 27

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 2


Dear H&M Faculty,

We are pleased to present you with Hennes & Mauritz’s updated crisis communication plan for
2018. The information in this booklet is essential to all H&M employees in that it contains
instructions on how to best conduct yourselves in the possible event of a crisis.

Having been founded in 1947, we are committed to the sustainable production of unique and
contemporary fashion. In addition to this, we also bear great responsibility towards all who are
involved with our company and brand.

With our recent rapid expansion in several parts of the world and creation of independent
brands within our organization, we are dedicated to maintaining excellence. However, given
that some crises are unavoidable, we urge all employees to read this manual and use it as a
reference in the light of an organizational crisis.


Karl-Johan Persson
CEO of Hennes & Mauritz

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 3

Crisis Inventory

There are several crises H&M may encounter. In addition, some crises will prove more difficult
to overcome than others. It is important to understand the many different types of crises that
may occur within and outside of the organization.

It is highly recommended that all H&M employees are prepared for specific crises that are not
outlined in this plan and remain vigilant of their actions.

Below, you will find a list of possible crises the company may encounter that are ranked on a
scale ranging from 0 to 5: 0 being nearly unlikely, 1 highly unlikely, 2 unlikely, 3 somewhat
likely, 4 likely, and 5 highly likely.

• Natural Disasters
o Environmental disasters – 4
o Outbreak of infectious disease – 3

• Corporate Issues
o Data leaks – 4
o Supply chain difficulties – 3
o Unforeseen death of C-suite officials – 3
o Loss of brand collaborators – 4
o Social media backlash – 4
o Excessive competition from online retailers – 3
o Mergers and acquisitions – 4
o Libel and/or slander – 3

• Labor Issues
o Union strike – 5
o Shooting incident – 4

• Political and Economic Issues
o Tariffs and quotas – 3
o Boycotting of products – 4
o Recession – 3
o Alcohol-related disturbances – 3

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 4


My name is __________ __________ (first name, last name) and I am an employee at H&M. I
hold the official job title of __________ and I work at the company branch based in __________

(location of office).

By signing this document on __________ (date of signature), I am acknowledging that I have
thoroughly read this document and am prepared to facilitate the actions as outlined in this
booklet and in accordance with H&M protocol.

Subscribed and sworn before me on this _____ day of _____ _____, 20__.

My contract expires on: __________

Signature: ______________________________.

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 5

Rehearsal Procedures

H&M is a globally reputed company that values employee safety. In order to ensure effective
crisis handling, it is of utmost importance that every member of our company operates as a
cohesive unit. With over 123,178 employees in 4,739 branches worldwide, our corporation
must maintain its high standards through effective coordination with Hennes & Mauritz

It is expected that all H&M employees prepare accordingly for a crisis and rehearse the
procedures as detailed in this booklet. Due to the unpredictability of crises, rehearsal dates will
be unannounced to reflect the true nature of crises and better ensure the preparedness of the
crisis management team. Kristina Stenvinkel, Director of Communications, will announce
rehearsal dates for the four crisis drills that will be dispersed throughout the year.

By the end of each year, the crisis communications team will be prepared to effectively tackle a
number of crises ranging from libel to supply chain difficulties, as each rehearsal will comprise
of one major crisis as articulated in this document. The table below lists definitive timeframes
of the crisis simulations that will commence.

Crisis Simulations Timeframes
Simulation 1 January 1st - March 31st, 2019
Simulation 2 April 1st - June 30th, 2019
Simulation 3 July 1st - September 30th, 2019
Simulation 4 October 1st - December 31st, 2019

All public relations crisis directors must submit an evaluation of each crisis simulation upon
completion, which will be forwarded to H&M’s headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. The
deadline for public relations crisis managers to submit these documents is December 31st 2019
in ensure that employees are prepared should an actual crisis arise.

The evaluation should contain details of which employees were present during the simulation
and the content covered in each simulation. In addition, the evaluation will also comprise of
any questions asked by employees or possible difficulties incurred throughout the duration of
the simulation. This feedback will aid in optimizing future crisis management plans and reduce
the likelihood of these issues occurring in the events of a real crisis.

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 6

Purpose and Objectives

The intent of this crisis communication plan is to serve as a reference for employees on how to
conduct themselves and represent the H&M brand in the event of a crisis. This guide aims to
ensure consistency in company responses throughout all areas of H&M headquarters. Having
several branches throughout the world, it is necessary to design company messages with
regards to the customs and cultures of respective countries due to communication methods
varying amongst these cultures.

The goal is to provide a complete guide that can assist company employees and management in
communicating with key publics, the government, and media, in order to ensure that all
communication throughout the duration of a crisis is controlled and accurate.

In the event of a major and/or minor crisis, it is of utmost importance that company
communications effectively accumulate and utilize facts, information, and similar data in a
manner as quickly as possible. Communication is essential both before and after a crisis in order
to inform employees, media, and key publics of possible issues and address any questions or
concerns they may have.

"Loyalty is
not won
by being
first. It is
won by
Stefan Persson
Chairman of Hennes & Mauritz AB

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 7

Key Publics

This section is compiled of a list of stakeholders, both individuals and organizations that have a
vested interest in the success of our company. Our stakeholders are identified as either internal
or external as this distinction can aid the public relations team in terms of who should be
contacted in the event of a crisis. The following comprises of the two categories that include
our key publics.


• Stakeholders: Possess a significant share of the company and require utmost
transparency of information throughout every step of crisis operations.

• Board of Directors: The following accomplished individuals make up our board of
directors: Mr. Stefan Persson, Ms. Stina Bergfors, Mr. Anders Dahlvig, Ms. Lena
Patriksson Keller, Mr. Christian Sievert, Ms. Erica Wiking Häger, Mr. Niklas Zennström,
Ms. Margareta Welinder, Ms. Ingrid Godin, Ms. Rita Hansson, Ms. Alexandra Rosenquist.

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 8

• Employees: Essential in terms of conducting daily operations and must be informed

throughout the duration of a crisis.

• Retirees: This comprises of H&M employees who have worked at the organization for at
least four months.

• Suppliers: This is applicable towards all suppliers to H&M and ranges from raw materials
suppliers to manufacturing plants. All organizations that provide H&M with raw
materials, equipment, and electricity are recognized as suppliers.

• Distributors: Corporations and individuals who are responsible for distributing our
products to a number of destinations.

• Unions: Groups that consist of employees in the same occupational fields who represent
the best interests of themselves and their colleagues. Should working conditions be
deemed unfair, a crisis in the form of a strike may arise.


• Customers: Individuals who purchase our products must be regularly kept up-to-date
regarding product information

• Union Officials: Communication with union officials is vital in the event of possible
disagreements with unions, several employees being members of labor unions

• Government Officials: Depending on the severity of the crisis, government intervention
may be necessary should the crisis jeopardize the well-being of citizens

• Local Communities: Factories and offices that reside in these locations should a crisis
affect the surrounding area and/or community



© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 9

Procedures for Notifying Publics

The H&M Public Relations Team will be responsible for notifying certain key publics in the event
of a crisis. The nature of the crisis will determine which publics will be contacted. The following
information contains further instructions detailing on how relevant publics should be reached
out to in the event of a crisis.

Step 1: Report Crisis to Company’s Public Relations Department

Should an employee hear about a crisis happening within the company, the incident should be
immediately reported to a Public Relations team member. Despite the Public Relations
Department constantly monitoring major news networks, website content, and social media
sites, all employees are still responsible for notifying the department in the event they receive
any news and/or are contacted by media.

Should a member of media personnel reach out to and question an employee regarding an
event, the employee should refrain from providing him/her with any information. Instead, the
employee should state to the reporter that all communications with the media must be pre-
approved and scheduled with the public relations office of H&M. The employee should then
provide the reporter with the contact information of the public relations department. Finally,
the employee should contact the public relations department via email or phone regarding the
media inquiry and details of the conversation that initiated the report.

Step 2: The Crisis Event is Analyzed by the Public Relations Department

Upon receiving notice of the crisis event or media inquiry, the public relations office must then
assess and compile information regarding the occurrence. In order to ensure swiftness and
efficiency, each member of the Public Relations team will be responsible for a different role.

Media Inquiry Response and Monitoring: One member will be tasked to monitor and respond to
phone calls from reporters and/or other media sources. It is imperative for this member to
comprehend that should we have no information we can pass onto the media, we are working
to understand the nature of the crisis that is unfolding. Ideally, this individual must remain
level-headed and confident that our company is aware of the crisis at hand and actively
assessing the situation. An appropriate response will consist of the following statement: “H&M
is aware of the _____ crisis. We are actively reviewing available knowledge regarding the
situation, and upon thoroughly assessing the event, will have a spokesperson reach out to you
with more information.”

Assess and Monitor News Outlets: One member will monitor whether news of the event has
begun circulating among major news outlets, both in print and online. In addition, social media

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 10

sites will also be heavily supervised, with any controversial news and/or claims brought to our
attention and placed into a portfolio. Upon formulation of a response, this information will then
be relayed to a representative who will contact the source at a later time.

Conduct an Internal Investigation: One member of the Public Relations team should approach
all internal personnel who possess information regarding the event. The personnel to be
contacted will depend on the nature of the crisis at hand and affected parties. The team
member who is responsible for these operations should consult with the crisis directory
regarding contact information of the appropriate department head.

In the event of an acquisition/merger crisis, the public relations officer should immediately
contact Katja Ahola, the Head of Global Expansion. Should a libel/slander crisis take place, then
the public relations officer should examine the department that is related to the circulating
content. Should any environmental crises arise relating to the production of textiles and similar
materials, the public relations officer should contact both Helena Helmersson, VP of Production
and Anna Gedda, VP of Sustainability.

Upon compilation of this report, please forward all information to Katarina Kempe, Head of
Media Relations. Following the validation and examination of all materials, the Head will meet
with the Public Relations Team and Marketing Team to compile a response and advance with
the crisis communications plan.

Step 3: Find Out Which Publics are Impacted by the Crisis

Once all information relating to the crisis has been compiled, and a response has been planned,
the public relations team should then notify the pertinent publics of the incident taking place.
This would involve the Public Relations Team examining which Internal and/or External publics
should be contacted, as well as specific individuals within these groups. While this decision lies
in the hands of the Public Relations Team, it is important to take into account the specific
publics who are especially burdened by the crisis and notify them prior to informing other

The list provided below details which publics are impacted by the crises as outlined in the crisis
inventory section. Should a crisis occur that is not explicitly stated below, then the Public
Relations Team must critically assess the event as well as affected publics. Should a crisis in the
nature of an acquisition or merger, the environment, or an occurrence of slander or libel arise,
the following publics should be contacted in the order listed in terms of priority:

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 11


Internal External
Board of Directors Customers
Stakeholders Union Officials
Employees Government Officials
Unions Local Communities

Environmental Hazards

Internal External
Board of Directors Government Officials
Stakeholders Customers
Employees Local Communities
Suppliers Union Officials


Internal External
Board of Directors Customers
Stakeholders Local Communities
Employees Government Officials
Suppliers Union Officials

Step 4: Notify Publics

Once the crisis and audience are identified, the Public Relations Team should proceed to notify
the appropriate publics according to the instructions detailed below.

It is necessary to initially notify all internal publics via email. The intercom system should be
utilized to immediately notify employees and staff in the event of a crisis occurring during work

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 12

hours. The following list contains more detailed methods of communication that should be
used to notify internal publics regarding crisis scenarios:

Internal Publics Mode of Communication
Stakeholders Email
Board of Directors Email
Employees Email, Phone, and Intercom
Retirees Email
Suppliers Email, Phone, and Fax
Distributors Email, Phone, and Fax
Retailers Email and Phone
Unions Email

External publics can be contacted via media and press coverage. Crisis-related information can
be conveyed to the media through conducting press releases and/or press conferences. Social
media is also an effective means to reach out to the public more quickly.

External Publics Mode of Communication
Government Officials Phone and Email
Board of Directors Email, Social Media, and Website Updates
Local Communities Local Press
Union Officials Phone

For both types of publics, it is necessary to remain aware of the possibility of crisis-related
information circulating or being seen by outside parties who were not originally intended to
receive these messages.

It is imperative for public relations officers to adhere to our media policy when notifying
publics. Public relations officers should ensure that they communicate H&M key messages
clearly to both internal and external publics.

In the event of a crisis, public relations officers should convey all known information regarding
the event and emphasize our commitment to uphold our mission statement

“H&M exists to drive long-lasting positive change and improve living

conditions by investing in people, communities and innovative ideas.”

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 13

Please refer to the email template (provided below) when informing internal and external
publics of the crisis that is unfolding. While this template is a general guideline, please ensure
that it be adjusted to reflect elements of the crisis at hand and tailored to the audience you are
addressing. Official messages should only be released once if required and with the vigilance of
Katarina Kempe, the current Head of Media Relations.

Step 5: Monitor Public Response

Following the events of the crisis, it is necessary to continuously monitor press and social
media. Monitoring these elements ensures the continued effectiveness of our brand image
repair and post-crisis management.

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 14

Crisis Communications Team

In the event of a crisis concerning H&M, the Crisis Communication Team
will manage the supervision of internal and external communication. Once
the team recognizes that a crisis exists, it will proceed to identify, confirm,
then further investigate the crisis. Strategies and protocol will then be
implemented to quell the crisis and aid in post-crisis recovery. Regardless
of the varying types of crisis that could potentially occur, each team
member will retain the roles and responsibilities as outlined below:

Ms. Katarina Kempe | Head of Media Relations
Ms. Kempe being the current Director of Public Relations will lead the
Crisis Communications Team in executing this Crisis Communication Plan.
• Receive notification of crisis event
• Notify Crisis Communications Team and occupy EOC (see p. 23)
• Brief and reiterate the roles of team members in tackling the crisis
• Affirm all press releases to the media
• Brief spokesperson on crisis details

Ms. Kristina Stenvinkel | Director of Communications
Being the Director of Communications, Ms. Stenvinkel will research the
crisis and work alongside several departments to collect related
• Collaborate with related H&M departments in addition to external
governmental organizations to gather intel on the crisis at hand
• Collect and record facts as they come to be known
• Collaborate with Ms. Jenifer Golden, Director of Integrated
Communications, in drafting and publishing a written report
addressed to members of the Crisis Communications Team – this
report should elaborate on all known information regarding the
crisis and notify members of any false information being circulated
by the media

Mr. Nils Vinge | Head of Investor Relations
As the Head of Investor Relations, Mr. Vinge is highly competent in
managing account and client databases. He will communicate with
Internal Publics while also working with our Control Center.
• Receive crisis-related information
• Collaborate with Ms. Jenifer Golden, Director of Integrated
Communications in drafting and publishing a press release for
Internal Publics such as clients, distributors and suppliers

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 15

Ms. Jenifer Golden | Director of Integrated Communications

As the Director of Integrated Communications, Ms. Golden will ensure
that all internal publics are notified of the crisis.
• Collaborate with Mr. Nils Vinge in drafting and publishing a press
release for Internal Publics such as clients, distributors and
• Collaborate with Ms. Kristina Stenvinkel in drafting and publishing
a written report addressed to members of the Crisis
Communications Team
• Maintain communications with all H&M departments and respond
to any questions they may present

Mr. Patrick Berntsson | Head of Media Logistics
As the Head of Media Logistics, Mr. Berntsson will bear the responsibility
of responding to all media inquiries and act as the main liaison between
H&M and our publics.
• Monitor and respond to media inquiries over phone lines
• Respond to emails received from publics
• Compile a draft of a media press release – this document should
provide the media with updated information of the situation so far
and should emphasize that the company is aware of the issue and
is working to resolve it
• Provide Ms. Katarina Kempe with press release for approval
• In the post-crisis recovery stage, regularly observe all media

Sanna Lindberg | Communications Executive Assistant

As the Executive Communications Assistant, Ms. Lindberg is tasked with
assisting the Crisis Communications Team in their endeavors to quell the
• Prepare the EOC room and ensure that all supplies and materials
are accounted for
• Set up media conference room when required
• Aid Mr. Patrick Berntsson in addressing media inquiries via phone
and email
• Provide assistance in the event that any other team member
needs help in accomplishing a task

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 16

Crisis Directory

Name Title Work Phone Email
Stefan Erling Chairman +46 8 846 49 98
Karl-Johan Chief Executive Officer & +46 8 359 67 08
Persson President
Katarina Head of Media Relations +46 8 497 41 63
Kjell-Olof VP of Business +46 8 853 49 29
Nilsson Development
Jyrki Chief Financial Officer +46 8 102 03 11
Katja Ahola Head of Global Expansion +46 8 927 19 17
Helena Chief Controlling Officer +46 8 237 28 78
Anna Gedda VP of Sustainability +46 8 394 01 43
Nils Vinge Head of Investor Relations +46 8 923 16 81
Morten Information Technology +46 8 219 04 75
Fredrik Legal Services +46 8 673 51 39
Kristina Director of +46 8 109 26 85
Stenvinkel Communications
Patrik Head of Media Logistics +46 8 472 12 42
Helena VP of Production +46 8 294 34 56
Anders VP of Accounting +46 8 916 47 12
Lena Public Information Officer +46 8 169 38 72
Liv Asarnoj Corporate Governance +46 8 484 13 19
Cenneth Director of Security +46 8 395 91 66

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 17

Media Spokespersons

Should a crisis take place, it is necessary for representatives to communicate H&M’s objectives
and values to our key publics. The following spokespersons are responsible for representing our

It is advised that all spokespersons prepare before the interview by thoroughly reviewing crisis-
related information. These representatives should also consult Mr. Fredrik Björkstedt of Legal
Services and his associates prior to engaging with the media.

Primary Spokespersons
Tips for Spokespersons

ü Ensure that you do not speculate – just
Karl-Johan Persson, Chief Executive Officer
present facts only

ü Speak in a clear tone and adopt a
confident posture whilst taking
+46 8 359 67 08

ü Maintain eye contact with reporter
Jyrki Tervonen, Chief Financial Officer
ü Present information in a simplified
manner as reporters may not be familiar
+46 8 102 03 11
with specialized/technical terminology

ü Remember to calmly ask a reporter to
Primary Back-up Spokesperson
repeat the question if it was not initially
Lena Enocson Almroth, Public Information Officer
ü Do not fall prey to “off-the-record”
+46 8 169 38 72

ü Ensure the embodiment of H&M values
Secondary Back-up Spokesperson
and reiterate our key messages
Kristina Stenvinkel, Director of Communications
+46 8 109 26 85

Potential Media Questions
• Off-the-record, did you anticipate the possibility of a situation like this occurring?
• Have you ever at times felt like a number while working for H&M, a large, global
• How long do you speculate H&M was aware of the existence of the crisis before it was
publically announced?
• Are you aware of the recalls issued by companies that receive products from your

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 18

Emergency Personnel and Local Officials

Should a crisis arise that poses risk to local communities and/or the surrounding environment,
the appropriate local officials should be contacted from the directory provided below:

Stockholm, Sweden

Organization Phone Number Address Email Address
Police Department Non-emergency: Norra Agnegatan
+46 77 114 14 00 33-37, 112 29

Emergency: 112
Fire Department Directory: 540 Södra Huset, A3
4600 37 121 63

Electrical and Directory: 222 Bloms Hus B7
Telephone 0700 37 628 41

Hospital Directory Directory: 171 000 Södermanland A8
37 497 32

Industrial Health Directory: 222 Västerbotten A9
Service Directory 3280 37 932 53

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 19

List of Key Media

Outlet Address Phone Email
BBC America 747 Third Avenue, (212) 705-9300
6th Floor, New York,
NY 10017
CNN One CNN Center, Box (404) 827-1500
105366, Atlanta, GA

The Los 202 West First (213) 237-5000

Angeles Times Street, Los Angeles,
CA 90012
NBC/MSNBC 30 Rockefeller Plaza, (212) 664-3720
New York, NY

NPR 635 Massachusetts (202) 513-2000

Ave. NW,
Washington, DC
PBS 2100 Crystal Drive, (703) 739 - 5000
Arlington, VA 22202-
Time Time & Life Building, (212) 522-1212
Rockefeller Center,
1271 Avenue of the
New York, NY 10020-
U.S. News & 1050 Thomas (202) 955-2000
World Report Jefferson St., NW,
Washington, DC
Newsweek 7 Hanover Square, (212) 445-4000
New York, NY 10004

Fox News 1211 Ave. of the (212) 301-3000

Channel Americas, New York,

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 20

Outlet Address Phone Email

The Wall Street 1211 Avenue of the (212) 416-2000
Journal Americas, New York,
NY 10036
The Washington Post The Washington (202) 334-6000
Post, 1301 K Street
NW, Washington DC
USA Today 7950 Jones Branch (703) 854-3400
Dr., McLean, VA

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 21

Key Messages

In the event of a crisis, there are a series of core messages that must be met by H&M personnel
and that align with the company’s values, as well as mission and vision statements. It is vital
that this core philosophy is communicated to all key publics.

Our Mission
To drive long-lasting positive change and improve
living conditions by investing in people,
communities and innovative ideas

Our Vision
To provide sustainable fashion choices that are
attractive and affordable to as many people as

Our Values
A fundamental respect for each individual,
teamwork, simplicity, entrepreneurial spirit, cost
consciousness, straightforwardness and openness,
as well as striving for constant improvements

Core Messages

1. H&M’s actions during a crisis will reflect the contents of its mission and vision statements, as well as its values

2. H&M’s mission is to be receptive to the needs of the public and environment – during the event of a crisis, H&M will work to ensure the
safety of its key publics as well as all other parties affected by the crisis

3. Throughout the duration of the crisis, H&M will regularly be communicating updates regarding the situation to internal and external

4. Proceeding the events of a crisis, H&M will draft a public report detailing the cause and effect of the crisis as well as preventative
measures and safe guards for future occurrences
5. m

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 22

Emergency Operations Center (EOC)

The EOC is the designated meeting location for the crisis management team in the event of a
crisis. The primary EOC will be based at our headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. All members
of the crisis management team will meet on the 8th floor in Room 814. The address of our
headquarters is Årstaängsvägen 13, 117 75 Stockholm, Sweden.

Our EOC is only accessible by our
crisis management team, public
relations team, and other specific

Should our public relations
officers be unable to physically
present at our Stockholm office,
then those members should
attend the meeting through
accessing our videoconferencing
software, Cisco WebEx™.
Conference calls can be joined by
and selecting the appropriate,
active video conference from the
drop-down menu. This service
utilizes the same details as one’s
company email login for access.

The Head of Media Relations,
Katarina Kempe, will alert the
crisis communications team
should the need arise to meet at
the EOC. Should a team member
be unable to attend the meeting,
he/she should contact Ms.
Kempe and inform her of his/her

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 23


The following list comprises of inventory and equipment that will aid in tackling a crisis. These
supplies are situated in the EOC meeting room, Room 814. While this room can accommodate
the needs of 10 people, our current crisis communications team consists of 5 members.

• 10 Chairs

• 10 Desks

• 4 Flat Screen Televisions

• 10 Writing Note Pads

• 40 Pencils and Pens

• 5 Staplers

• 10 Laptops

• 2 Printers

• 2 Copy Machine

• 2 Fax Machine

• 10 Company Cellular Phones

• 10 Landline Telephones

• 2 Radios

• 10 Crisis Communications Plan

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 24

Social Media







Google +


© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 25

Evaluation Form

In this section is a sample evaluation form that will be adjusted to include crisis-specific queries.
This form will be emailed to certain groups. Please refer to the section on Procedures for
Notifying Publics [page 10] to learn more information regarding form dispersal.

On a scale of one to five, where one is strongly disagree, three is neutral, four is agree, and five is
strongly disagree, please proceed to evaluate the following statements:

1. The notification system during the crisis was well-functioning and effective.

1 2 3 4 5

2. I was fully aware of my roles and responsibilities during the crisis.

1 2 3 4 5

3. Finding information and updates during the crisis was a quick and simple experience.

1 2 3 4 5

4. H&M’s response to the crisis can be deemed as timely and responsible.

1 2 3 4 5

5. The crisis communications plan was a useful reference during the crisis.

1 2 3 4 5

Open-ended Responses
In the section below, please include any additional information such as comments, opinions,
remarks, and suggestions, that you think would be helpful in improving H&M’s crisis response.

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 26

Closing Remarks

While it is not anticipated as to whether H&M will incur a crisis in the near possible future, this
plan was formulated if such were the case. This plan was constructed for the purpose of
optimizing response efficiency and alleviating confusion should a crisis arise. On behalf of H&M,
we thank you for taking the time to examine this document.

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 27

I have read and understand the academic integrity policy of Rutgers
University and I am submitting this assignment in full compliance with
this policy.
Name: Shaida Prodhan
Signature: Shaida Prodhan
RU ID: 159009585

© 2018 Hennes & Mauritz AB Group. All rights reserved. 28

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