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Cue CeO po Boxat7 COOPERATIVE St Matthews, SC 29195-0217 NEW BYLAWS Vote YES for transparency and integrity Enclosed please find a copy of proposed Bylaws for Tri-County Electric Cooperative. Your ‘Trustees and Management havo been working for you to develop these new Bylaws to make Tri-County the leader in Cooperative Govemance [Now the Cooperative needs your YES vote to accept these updated Bylaws and guarantee the highest standards of ethical conduct and good governance. Here are some ofthe highlights: ‘© Committee of Members to supervise and ensure the integrity of elections (Section 4.12) {© Open procedures to allow any Member 10 run forthe Board (Section 5.05(2)) © Strictest rules in the State of limiting Trustee total compensation and saving members’ money (Section 5.10) (© Ethical rules for Conflict-of-Imerest (Section 5.02) and Trustee Standard of Conduet (Section 5.11) ‘© Capital Credit rules to follow the latest legal developments and provide the maximum Member protection (Section 8.04) Make sure you attend the Annual Member Meeting on ‘Thursday, May 17, 2018 where YOUR VOTE COUNTS. These new Bylaws will absolutely guarantee honest, ethical and Member-focused management of your Cooperative. Your Cooperative needs you and needs your YES vote. Ifyou have any questions or concerns, please call me at 803-874-1215. THANK YOU and see you on Thursday, May 17, 2018! (Chad T. Lowder, CEO Poser 27-8 ate, S6 21647“ POSTADS Foc SOUR “Westenapdnacae

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