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Module Review You have now completed the Malaria Overview module, which consisted of the following lessons: © Introduction te Malarie © Malaria Causes and Risks Here are some key points to remember fom this module: 1. Malaria is caused by a parasite known 2s Plasmodium and there are fe types of this parasite, 2. Children can suffer ftom diffrent forms of ‘malaria and can have gastro-enteritis symptoms, fever, nausea, vomiting, and diamhea. An immune-compromised person can ‘quickly develop serious symptoms. 3. Malaria is a danger to everyone who lives in, works in or visits a malaria zone. Nobody is fully immune to malaria. rF What is Malaria? Malaria is one of the worlds most common infectious diseases, as well as the leading killa: infectious disease amang humans. {tis estimated that more than 200 million people become severely ill with ralzria every year, and ‘over half a million people cie of the disease. According to the World Health Organization, there is currently no vaccine available for the malaria disease, and continues to be a global health concern. Malaria Presence Malaria 's a public heaith problem in more than 100 countries. It is most prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa, but the disease also afficts Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and even parts of Europe Melaria Presence What Causes Malaria? Malatia is caused by 2 parasite known as Plasmodium. The parasite is found inside red blood cells and can be transmitted to humans through the folowing: Mosquito Bite Blood transfusion Organ transplant ‘Shered use of contaminated needles or syringes Plasmodium Parasites The five types of Plasmodium parasites that cause malaria are listed in the following table. Five types of Plasmodium parasite cause human malaria: Parasite Injected info Bioodsteam Parasite Killer? Recurrences? Plasmodium falciparum YES NO Plasmodium vivax NO YES Plasmodium malaria NO YES Plasmodium ovale NO YES Plasmodium knowlesi YES No Plasmodium falciparum causes the most dangerous form of malaria in humans and it is the most widespread around the world, accounting for 96% of malaria deaths. Most cf the other types of malaria are nt fata, but they may make infected individuals very ill and some types could cause recurences ofthe disease. Signs and Symptoms ‘The intial signs and symptoms of matana are very similar to those of the common cold, flu, or other gastrointestinal infections. They include: Fever (generally high but sometimes low or absent) Moderate to severe shaking chills Profuse sweating Headaches Muscle aches and pains ‘An individual may also experience = Fi tiredness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, , c > ‘and a general feeling of unease and discomfort. All fever ar malaise must be considered as a malaria case until proven otherwise Signs and Symptoms of Malaria Children can suffer from different forms of malaria and present gastro-enteritis symptoms. fever. nausea, vomiting, and diarthea. A person with a weak or impaired immune system can quickly develop seriou symptoms, ithe symptoms are no treated quicly individuals may stat 0 feel contsed. suferffom conustons, apse into coma, ane mnay eventual de. Als, fthe disease not tested ina timely 40°C mnalaria will dvlop ino Severe nalara anc cause death within 49 hous Ieee ee ner treason = eee eerie eee! months, they chould seok medical attention immadiataly and inform tha doctor that thay have travelled to or stayed in a malaria zone. Symptoms Worsen (Increased Fever or confusion) Who is at Risk? ‘Malaria is a canger to everyone who lives in, works in or visits a malaria zone. Nobody ‘s fully immune to malaria. After many years of constant exposure to the paresit2, individuals who have grown up in an area where malatia is prevalent develop a ‘pre-immunity’ against malaria in that specific area. This reduces the risk of serious infection. This pre-immunity decreases when they leave the specific melaria- ‘endemic aree. Iniected mosquitos can: © Breed in stancing water near your accommodation or work site. As little as one spoonful of water is sufficient to hatch hundreds of mosquitoes every few days, @ Transport accidently through cars. planes, ships. containers, suitcases, and bags to a person's home or work site, © Enter an aircraft as passengers beard. The International Sanitary Regulations require airines to use an insocticide in the cabin bofore taking off to help reduce the rick of mosquitos being transferred between counties. Malaria Management and Control Documenta’ {tic mandatery to document ang roport any known iesues of malaria, to sol or others, and follow all Baker Hughes policies on such reporting. Information on malaria can be found on under the Travel department on the inside Baker Hughes intranet site It is imponart to make sure that’ © Asan employee traveling to one of these malarian prone zones, understand the Baker Hughes Management Contiol Program, and contact the HR Representative if any questions arise. © Employoes should take any prescribed anti malarial medication and rope this to their ‘supenisor/menager. © Employsos should soak medical attontion oven if unsure whether tho symptoms aro duo to ‘malaria or have any questions regarding their stay in the malerian zone. ABCD Rule Introduction ‘The Weld Health Orpanizabon (HO), which sth ogankzaton responsible fer octing and outing authorty fr heath wth theLntee Natons system, carmen Tala pretection. The WHO i responsible fr providing leadership on global the heath research agenda, seting noms and sandads,atcustng eicence-ased alc options. Proving loehnes! suppor fo cosines ané montorng apd aeeescng heath Wende ‘The World Heath Organization’ ABCD rule: ee A AWAREWESS roi B- BITE AVODANCE © -paanosis ‘cemorroriv.axs (icin) 1s equa to know Tvahes Wis regret know Tr equredto

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