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Should "The right to die" be considered a right?

Sara Pilar

The right to die Euthanasia is a contoversial topic that every contry ??has. the(new sentence:capital
letter!!) fear of death/……/ incomplete thought or a life full of paintltess(meaning?spelling?) suffering
is one of the most enormous (what is this???)problems,(space)but the process of dying has
become far more complicated(none sense at all)
 than it?????? once was because the decision to end one´s own life is hard.(what??)

“Every person shall have the right to die with dignity, this right shall include
 the right to choose the time of one´s death. One reason to choose euthanasia
 is because the patient is suffering. The right to die Euthanasia is a contoversial topic that every
contry ?????(are you sure?has.
the(new sentence:capital letter!!) fear of death/……/ incomplete thought or a life full of
paintltess(meaning?spelling?) suffering is one of the most enormous (what is this???)problems,
(space)but the process of dying has become far more complicated (none sense at all)
 than it?????? once was because the decision to end one´s own life is hard.(what??)

“Every person shall have the right to die with dignity, this right shall include
 the right to choose the time of one´s death. One reason to choose euthanasia
 is because the patient is suffering.” I Agree that I don´think ????????it is right to force
 a person Who is terminally suffering ??????and wants to die to continue their life.(completely out of
The most important reason to support Euthanasia is that family suffers/…../ incomplete thought
Another reason to support the right to die with dignity,/…………/ but the final reason to support the
legalization of euthanasia isthe medical costs are very high.

Fanilly,  Every person shall have the right to die wiyh??? dignity. I believe that we 
we always judge all the people to take a decision ??????but every person must make the 
decision for themself.(him/herself) Also I am Euthanasia(whay this mean??), not only for animals,
but for people too,(not only… but also)
when the end is near and to prolong life is to prolong suffering.(none sense)!!!!!!!

You have to organize your ideas, because I couldn’t understand what you tried to say. Be careful
when you write, the words are not well written.
” I Agree that I don´think ????????it is right to force
 a person Who is terminally suffering ??????and wants to die to continue their life.(completely out of
The most important reason to support Euthanasia is that family suffers/…../ incomplete thought
Another reason to support the right to die with dignity,/…………/ but the final reason to support the
legalization of euthanasia isthe medical costs are very high.

Fanilly,  Every person shall have the right to die wiyh??? dignity. I believe that we 
we always judge all the people to take a decision ??????but every person must make the 
decision for themself.(him/herself) Also I am Euthanasia(whay this mean??), not only for animals,
but for people too,(not only… but also)
when the end is near and to prolong life is to prolong suffering.(none sense)!!!!!!!
You have to organize your ideas, because I couldn’t understand what you tried to say. Be careful
when you write, the words are not well written.

Gioconda Camperos

Should "The right to die" be considered a right?

Sometimes we know about cases in which die is better than live, but It does not mean that die can
be considered a right.(incomplete thought) The right that could concern to the death is the right to
die in peace but that is just when we know about anybody who are  near to die, because according
to religion, a person who dies, passes to  a longer life in the eternity so, if somebody (is)going to
die, without exception, deserves to die in peace for living that longer live in calm.= merece morir en
paz para vivir que ya no viven en calma.(is this what you want to say?)

There are cases, for example illness cases, when we see people agonizing(meaning???)…./…/
because of their disease and definetly= definitely- the medical/?????/ can not do anything for
saving that life, in these circumstances people prefer see them death, and know that they are going
to be better in whatever the place they will take, than see them alive and suffering. So, this is the
only case when we can prefer die better than live, but, like I said at the beginning, the death is not a
right, even though nobody around the world have enteral live.????????

A right is something that people ask,??? What do you mean? that is necessary for a good life and I
do not know the first person who claim!!!!the right for being murdered, because   if that person
wants to die, simply kills himself and not claim for that.????  Finally die is not a right, die is a
decision that all of us can take at any moment of our life because we can decide when and where to
die when we do not want to continue with our life, but, if we consider life like a big present from
God, we have all the right for enyoing it.

but It does not mean that die can be considered a right.= to die it’s a right( You don’t specified about
what kinds of die)
if somebody going to die= if somebody is going to die
that longer live in calm(pease)= that longer life in calm(pease)
people prefer see them death= la gente prefiere verlos muerte!!!!= people would rather see them
they will take = and know they will be better anywhere



Currently, Right to die is so-called rational suicide due to it just is applicable for some people who
have a terminal illness and they are suffering painful treatment and applications of medical care to
cure a specific disease . People are autonomous and everyone can choose between livings and
dying; however, religious people think that right to die should be a prohibition because God just has
power to decide our time to die. =

Under current Dutch law, euthanasia by doctors is only legal in cases of "hopeless and unbearable"
suffering. In practice this means that it is limited to those suffering from serious medical conditions
and in considerable pain. Helping somebody to commit suicide without meeting the qualifications of
the current Dutch euthanasia law is illegal. =

As I see it,( that )euthanasia is a”good death” and should be legalized for people who have not
much life’s hopeless(????) for avoiding dangerous suicides(what do you mean?), because a person
who has an illness should not be forced to live a life with pain where their(should be third person
singular) life= it do not have meaning, also, families of these ill people suffer by seeing their love
person to die. (families of these patients suffer from seeing their loved ones die)
to suffer FROM sth

On the other hand, the right to die is not at all considered as a right, we do not have right to end
with our life if we have health. There are many people who end with your????? life by depression
because of economic and affective problems. Irrational suicides are common in depressive
teenagers, who do not know the meaning of life, and their better solution is to pass away, contrary
to other people who have a terminal illness and want to have a life’s hope; those people that desire
to die, should look for psychological help and try to improve their lives and be some better people.

To conclude, we can decide our own destiny; but we do not have to forget that life is a God’s gift.
We do not live forever and for that reason we should enjoy minute to minute our life. (we should live
our lives every minute)
“Life is beauty but suffering is unnecessary”.
Your essay suffers from a lack of clarity about just what you want to clarify. Write your own ideas
and try to not copy from internet.

“Life is beauty but suffering is unnecessary”.

Through the history , several conceptions have been proposed regarding the right to die. Many of
them have acquired a religious belief. GOD IS THE OWNER OF THE LIFE AND HUMAN BEINGS
ARE THE RESPONSIBLE TO ADMINISTRATE IT. However, different situations have arisen which
have changed this idea. But, which are these situations? Do people have the authority to kill?
You didn’t answer the questions! And need to support an idea to continue with “On the other hand”
On the one hand, life is a gift given by God which has a mission to achieve by each person. It is a
right but also it is a duty to respect it every day. Although, some individuals consider they have the
power to give up to their own lives and another’s ones. They have a lot of reasons to do it. I will
mention some of them:

“ Mary is a old woman who is 70 years old and she has a terminal illness. She is taken to the
hospital. Her vital signs are not encouraging . Her family is worried and they do not want to see her
suffering. Doctor say: Sorry, but there are not many hopes. She is going to stay connected by
artificial respirators. We do not know when she is going to die. The only solution is that you agree to
disconnect her. If you do this, she won’t suffer. And, her family accept although it was a difficult
decision to take. This example is usually practiced by many doctors around the world and it is
known as EUTHANASIA”. What do you think ???

Let`s change the setting . Human being ‘s heart is like a jewel case which keeps different types of
jewels such as: gold, silver. Ones are rings, others are earrings and others are chains. Likewise,
men keep a lot of feelings inside their hearts. Love, peace, joy, but also hate, revenge and envy
against others. And the only way that they find to express them is killing them. - SHE/ HE HAS TO
DIE. ???????

Other situation can be when a woman suffer sexual abuse and she became pregnant. She does
want to have this baby. And she decides to have an abortion.
Arguments???????with your own words???.........

Or, if a baby inside the womb of his mom is coming with a genetic alteration as Down ‘s syndrome,
mental delay or different illnesses, doctors and mothers practice aborts to avoid her suffering in the
earth….so? what’s your argument?????

On the other hand, experts defend the right to die, as they believe that is better to leave of living to
suffer and to do suffer to the families.
What do you believe????
If I was (were)in some of these situations, I would let that God decided what to do with my life: if(?)
to die or to live. Why?. Because he is the creator, our lord, the owner of the life, And to kill is a
mortal sin (killing is a mortal sin) which does not have his forgiveness.

Finally, dear reader, it is our job to promote the right to the live. Besides, we have to keep on
mind(in mind) that we are going to die, but the most important is to wish the spiritual things, to be
patient and to find the good side to the setback(What do you mean???) Anyway, who are we to not
respect (the) others`s lives ?
Your topic sentences do not express the meaning of the paragraph as they are supposed to, your
English still needs work.

Adriana Paola

A right to die?

It has been said that the right to die should apply for everyone who is going through
some specific situations such as terminal illness. Thus, some religions like
Hinduism accept the right to die for man who has no desire or ambition left and no
responsibilities remaining, which they called “prayopavesa”. This right to die we
name it Euthanasia. However the question is, should be this a right?


The term "right to die" refers to the idea that a person with a terminal illness and as put in serious
condition should be allowed to commit suicide before death would otherwise occur also the
concept is often referred to as dying without pain =;
but ?????at the present time, competent people(explain) have right to end their own lives for
different causes like: depression, recession, love´s problems and others.

The right to die should be considered a right only if it applies under certain circumstances such as
terminal illness when recovery is highly unlikely or impossible for several reasons.=

The first reason to..(first reason about what???)//:::::// is that we have right to enjoy a good
quality of life (being healthy, walking, playing, having a good relationship and the most important
having a decent life), but when people are suffering all the time, they don´t have any opportunity


Euthanasia makes reference to the practice of ending a life in a

manner to relieves pain??? of people who want to stop suffering.
This method is also called “ voluntary death” or “involuntary
murder”, and is used to end the life of people who want to stop
being sick and who know that their illness don’t(doesn’t) have a
possible or nearby cure.
Many opinions(opinions) and arguments about this topic surround
it, and people take side according to their ethical believes. The
most strong oponent(opponent) of the Euthanasia could be the
Catholic Church, who remains in a very conservative status,
because they say God is the only who can take our lives away and
reject any law that can possibly consider Euthanasia as a legal
way to die, even if is the patient who ask personally for this.
And we can find the opinion of more opened people, who believe
that anyone have the right to decide about its own life, but is
then when we find a more difficult desicion(decision) because if
it’s true we can decide about our own life, what should we do when
is other person who’s dying and not us? Should we “ kill them” or
should we let them suffer more?. In this cases is the family of
the sick person who have the solution in their hands,but for
conservatives families this becomes in a ethical issue. Some
membres of the family(family members) would like to use the
Euthanasia to end the suffering of their beloved one but some
others ( in some cases the parents or the oldest sons or dauthers)
(daughters) to end with her or his live using this method is like
killing him or her with their own hands.

To die is a natural right as to live is, but the controversy

begins when the live of other person is in our hands. We have the
decision (decision) on our shoulders and no matter what could be
the consecuences!!!!consequences, we have to face them as they
come because it’s suppoused!!!supposed that we acted the way we
did because we thougth!!!thought in this special person, who were
dying and suffering.

Monica Perez


In this moment the right to die is one of the most enourmous (enormous) problems that every
country has(Google translator). The right to die is called EUTHANASIA/…/ is a method of???causing
death painlessly?to end suffering. People who are in a coma because of accidents and elderly
people who are terminally ill because of incurable diseases are being kept alive by artificial means=

Adriana Manosalva’s Essay

Well, the essay was understandable and really short. In fat it wasn’t an essay, because I
didn’t see your point of view, I just saw terms that you used to explain what euthanasia is.
Be careful with that, an advice for you: read more about how to write an essay , you have
to write with your own words and give arguments and points of view .

Sonia Reyes’ Essay

Through the history (through history), several conceptions (concepts) have been proposed
regarding the right to die. Many of them have acquired a religious belief. GOD IS THE
ADMINISTRATE IT (it’s better if you use handle it). However, different situations have
arisen which have changed this idea. But, which are these situations? Do people have the
authority to kill?

On the one hand (on the other hand), life is a gift given by God which has a mission to achieve by
each person. It is a right but also it is a duty to respect it every day. Although, some individuals
(people) consider that they have the power to give up to their own lives and another’s ones (what
do you mean whit this sentence?). They have a lot of reasons to do it. I will mention some of them:

“Mary is a (an) old woman who is 70 years old and she has a terminal illness. She is taken
to the hospital. Her vital signs are not encouraging. Her family is worried and they do not
want to see her suffering. Doctor say (says): Sorry, but there are not many (any) hopes.
She is going to stay connected by (an) artificial respirators. We do not know when she is
going to die. The only solution is that you agree to disconnect her. If you do this, she won’t
suffer. And, her family accept (family accepts) although it was a difficult decision to take.
This example is usually practiced by many doctors around the world and it is known as

Let`s change the setting. Human being‘s heart is like a jewel case which keeps different
types of jewels such as: gold, silver. Ones are rings, others are earrings and others are
chains. Likewise, men keep a lot of feelings inside their hearts. Love, peace, joy, but also
hate, revenge and envy against others. And the only way that they find to express them is
killing them. - SHE/ HE HAS TO DIE.

Other (another) situation can be when a woman suffer (suffers) sexual abuse and she
became pregnant. She does want to have this baby. And she decides to have an abortion.

Or, if a baby inside the womb of his mom is coming with a genetic alteration as Down‘s
syndrome, mental delay or different illnesses, doctors and mothers practice aborts to
avoid her suffering in the earth.
On the other hand, experts defend the right to die, as they believe that is better to leave
of living to suffer and to do suffer to the families (is better let it go than living suffer and).

If I was in some of these situations, I would let that God decided what to do with my life: if
to die or to live. Why? Because he is the creator, our lord, the owner of the life (of life),
and to kill (murderer) is a mortal sin, which does not have his forgiveness.

Finally, dear reader (readers), it is our job to promote the right to the live (to live).
Besides, we have to keep on mind that we are going to die, but the most important is to
wish the spiritual things, to be patient and to find the good side to the setback. Anyway,
who are we to not respect the other’s lives?

 Miss Reyes, this essay has a lot of unnecessary information; you have to write with
your own words, be careful with grammar.

Noelia Villamizar’s Essay

Inside the contemporary society, important topics exist with their different conceptions
and ideas to generate a people’s critic thinking, because they have an interesting way to
see the life (life) and its relevant situations. Between these actual topics, world citizens
can find a controversial but at the same time unquestionable aspect, it refers to the right
to die. Actually, some people belief (believe) that the development and increase of this
situation must have a carefully treatment, due to the distinct circumstances that the right
to die can be considered like that, a right.

Around the world, the right to die has become recognized certainly because of its practice
that we know such as euthanasia. Euthanasia refers to the performance to give a death
without pain and a death with dignity to people who have a torturous illness that doesn’t
let enjoying their lives in a normal way, and that fact affects also their families and friends
because they feel themselves a high level of suffering what make that they take the
decision of practicing the euthanasia (euthanasia) to the person that suffers any terminal

Apart from the knowledge about the euthanasia (euthanasia), a pertinent aspect that has
a serious influence to think that we should or not consider legalizing the right to die, are
the various religious believes including the Catholic believes, Hinduism believes (Catholic
and Hinduism believe) and others; who in some cases give an approbation or a rejection
to execute the right to die, because the principal argument that they have refers to (is)
God is the only who has the power to remove the life (life) from someone of us. This
means that, our society continue keeping a high tendency toward the maintenance of the
human, religious and ethics values; and also that represents an important grade of respect
of the rules that all people have don’t matter the lifestyle of each one in the world.

Moreover, this significant topic not only has (doesn’t have) an acceptation or a rejection
of the different religious believes it has distinct points of view in all the countries around
the world. Namely, Netherlands become one of the few countries that legalized this right
taking the decision in 2001; but in most of the countries around the world the right to die
alludes to be a criminal homicide owing to the fact that one person die in hands of other.

To summarize, the reconnaissance such as a right to the fact to die making use of the
euthanasia (euthanasia), depends on the different aspects that involve our contemporary
society, the changes that the practice of that method cause inside the thinking of human
being about the importance to have a dignity death and also it depends on a reflection
that each person do about the difference between give to someone who suffers a terminal
illness the opportunity to die in a painless way or to take the decision that one person
continue living with that illness we know it doesn’t have a medical solution.

 This is a quite good essay, but it has a lot of information. Also, you have to bear in
mind that in an essay you have to write your point of view with your own words.
Avoid repetition.

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