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1. All living organisms carry out certain activities, which make them different from inanimate objects.

Which of the
following lists shows three activities of all living organisms?
(a) growth, decay, movement
(b) nutrition, movement, synthesis
(c) exercise, metabolism, respiration
(d) reproduction, growth, irritability
2. Which of the following cell organelles makes proteins for the cell?
(a) nucleus
(b) ribosome
(c) mitochondria
(d) cytoplasm
3. This should be found at the beginning of every food chain to show the initial energy:
(a) water
(b) chlorophyll
(c) green plant
(d) Sun
4. Food chains show:
(a) the position of an organism in the environment
(b) dependence of animals on each other
(c) feeding relationships between living organisms
(d) feeding relationships between animals
5. Which of the following foods does not contribute to obesity even if eaten in large quantities?
(a) fibre
(b) protein
(c) fat
(d) carbohydrate
6. Which of the following formulae is used to calculate body mass index (BMI)?
(a) weight/height
(b) height × height × weight
(c) height/weight
(d) weight/height × height
7. Name the hard, smooth surface layer of teeth.
(a) dentine
(b) enamel
(c) pulp cavity
(d) cement
8. The bones of the lower arm are:
(a) femur and humerus
(b) tibia and fibula
(c) radius and ulna
(d) scapula and clavicle
9. Which of the following substances increases blood sugar concentration?
(a) insulin
(b) glycogen
(c) oxytocin
(d) glucagon
10. The short, branched extension of a nerve cell that receives impulses from other cells is called the:
(a) dendrite
(b) axon
(c) synapse
(d) neuron
11. Which of the following processes occur during meiosis?
I two cell divisions
II production of four diploid cells
III movement of chromosomes
IV creation of spindle
(a) I and II only
(b) II and III only
(c) I, III and IV only
(d) I, II, III and IV
12. If an albino offspring has two normally pigmented parents, what could be the genotype of the parents if ‘A’
represents the normal skin pigment and ‘a’ represents the albino condition?
(a) aa × aa
(b) AA × Aa
(c) AA × AA
(d) Aa × Aa
13. Different forms of the same gene are called:
(a) DNA
(b) allele
(c) heterozygous
(d) homozygous
14. This is an environmental trait:
(a) eye colour
(b) earlobe shape
(c) nose shape
(d) height
15. Which of the following traits could be environmental and/or inherited?
(a) eye colour
(b) earlobe shape
(c) nose shape
(d) height
16. Which of the following symptoms occur during an asthmatic attack?
(a) shortness of breath, wheezing, fainting
(b) sneezing, coughing, vomiting
(c) shock, coughing, shortness of breath
(d) too breathless to eat, sleep or speak
17. Which of the following vectors causes malaria?
(a) Anopheles mosquito
(b) bats
(c) rats
(d) Aedes aegypti mosquito
18. This is NOT a factor to define good health according to the World Health Organization:
(a) physical wellbeing
(b) mental wellbeing
(c) the absence of disease
(d) social wellbeing
19. Mosquitoes can be controlled using the following method:
(a) washing surfaces
(b) opening windows
(c) removing standing water
(d) personal hygiene
20. The definition for antigens is:
(a) substances that kill or prevent the growth of bacteria
(b) large molecules – often protein but some can be carbohydrate – that stimulate the lymphocytes to
make and release antibodies
(c) large protein molecules that destroy pathogens
(d) antibodies to control specific toxins that act as antigens.
21. Which of the following could lead to eutrophication?
(a) Releasing disinfectant into the water table
(b) Releasing pesticide into the water table
(c) Releasing fertiliser into the water table
(d) Releasing antiseptic into the water table
22. Which of the following statements is true about pit latrines?
(a) They should be placed 30 metres from the nearest water source
(b) They should be placed 10 metres from the nearest water source
(c) They should be placed 3 metres from the nearest water source
(d) They should be placed 1 metre from the nearest water source
23. Which of the following statements is TRUE about pit latrines?
(a) They should be placed 13 metres from the home
(b) They should be placed 16 metres from the home
(c) They should be placed 6 metres from the home
(d) They should be placed 3 metres from the home
24. Which of the following is NOT a result of inappropriate disposal of solid waste?
(a) greenhouse gases
(b) smog
(c) climate change
(d) flooding due to obstructed run-off
25. Water vapour is changed into water by the process of:
(a) condensation
(b) precipitation
(c) evaporation
(d) transpiration
26. A major advantage of sexual reproduction is that it:
(a) only requires one parent
(b) requires less energy
(c) produces useful clones of the parents
(d) produces genetically different offspring
27. An example of a genetically inherited disease is:
(a) AIDS
(b) measles
(c) sickle cell anaemia
(d) tuberculosis
28. In a food chain comprising grass, cows and humans, the grass is the:
(a) producer
(b) primary consumer
(c) secondary consumer
(d) tertiary consumer
29. The organelles within which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production take place are
known as the:
(a) chloroplasts
(b) nucleus
(c) cell membranes
(d) mitochondria
30. The movement of water from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated solution across a partially
permeable membrane is called:
(a) active transport
(b) osmosis
(c) diffusion
(d) transpiration
31. An enzyme that catalyses the breakdown of starch to maltose is called:
(a) pepsin
(b) amylase
(c) maltase
(d) lipase
32. Muscle pairs working together to move limbs are known as:
(a) heterozygous
(b) alleles
(c) antagonistic
(d) allotropic
33. The process of cell division that results in a halving of the chromosome number and the production of gametes
is known as:
(a) mitosis
(b) germination
(c) sex determination
(d) meiosis
34. Other than abstinence, the most effective protection against sexually transmitted disease is:
(a) the pill
(b) wear a condom
(c) rhythm method
(d) tubal ligation
35. It is important to locate a pit latrine:
(a) as near to the house as possible
(b) near a river so waste can wash away
(c) downhill from a water source
(d) uphill from a water source

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