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Ozone Generation by Indoor, Electrostatic Air


Kimberly J. Boelter & Jane H. Davidson

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Indoor, Electrostatic Air Cleaners, Aerosol Science and Technology, 27:6, 689-708, DOI:

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Ozone Generation by Indoor, Electrostatic
Air Cleaners
Kimberly J. Boelter and Jane H. Dauidson*

ABSTRACT. This experimental study extends prior studies to consider the influ-
ences of discharge polarity, current, relative humidity, air temperature, and wire
diameter and material on ozone generation rate in two-stage, wire-plate indoor air
cleaners. Promising methods of decreasing the quantity of ozone released into living
and work spaces are identified. Use of positive corona discharge is imperative since
ozone generation rates are nearly an order of magnitude higher with negative
discharge. For a specific precipitator design, the most important parameter in
predicting ozone generation rate is current level. Changes in temperature and
relative humidity of the inlet air stream over the range of ambient conditions
expected in typical homes have less impact. In the commercial air cleaner studied, a
40% reduction in current from 1.08 to 0.60 mA, reduces ozone generation rate by
nearly 50% from 0.005 to 0.0025 mg s-'. This reduction in current reduces particle
collection efficiency by 20%. An increase in relative humidity from 17 to 55%
decreases ozone generation rate 17%. An increase in air temperature from 293 to
301K decreases ozone generation rate by 6%. Ozone production can be controlled
by the selection of wire diameter and material. At a fixed voltage, use of 0.10 mm
rather than 0.20 mm tungsten discharge wires reduces ozone generation rate by
40%. The accompanying reduction in current does not cause a reduction in
collection efficiency as long as the voltage in the collection stage is held constant.
The benefit of controlling ozone generation rate by selection of wire material is that
the electrical characteristics of the air cleaner are not affected. With a positive
corona discharge, ozone generation rate is decreased by 30% with copper wires and
by 50% with silver wires as compared to the rate with standard tungsten wires.
AEROSOLSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 27:689-708 (1997) O 1997 American Associ-
ation for Aerosol Research

INTRODUCTION also used for control of light, industrial

Indoor electrostatic precipitators are com- pollutants such as welding smoke, oil, and
monly used in homes as well as in restau- cooling mists. Designed as either stand-
rants to remove allergens and tobacco alone units for use in single rooms or as
smoke from the ambient air, protect heat- whole house units installed in the heating
ing and cooling coils, and reduce soiling of and air conditioning ductwork, indoor air
interior surfaces and furnishings. They are cleaners are typically two-stage devices with
an ionizing wire-plate section followed by a
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. plate-to-plate collection section. Normally
Aerosol Science and Technology 27:689-708 (1997)
0 1997 American Association for Aerosol Research
Published by Elsevicr Science Inc.
690 K J. Boelter and J. H. Davidson Aerosol Science and Technology
27:6 December 1997

the wires in the ionizing section are oper- principal mechanism of ozone (0,)forma-
ated with a positive corona discharge to tion is a two-step process (Yagi and Tanaka,
limit production of ozone. 1979),
Ozone is a powerful oxidant that, when
inhaled, reacts with the body's internal tis-
sues. The American Lung Association
(1996) reports that short-term exposure to
ozone may cause shortness of breath, chest An electron must possess an internal 'en-
pain, and coughing. hng-term exposure ergy of approximately 6 eV for the dissocia-
may lead to severe respiratory discomfort. tion of molecular oxygen to occur (Kirk and
Exposure to ozone may also result in lung Othmer, 1996). Atomic oxygen combines
cancer (Reiser et al. 1987; and Witschi, with an oxygen molecule according to reac-
1988). tion 2 to form ozone. In indoor air clean-
For an electrostatic precipitator to be ers, ozone is continuously swept from the
used as an indoor air cleaner in the United reaction zone.
States, it must adhere to the Food and Ozone dissociates according to
Drug Administration specification 21 CFR
(1985) which states that ozone concentra-
tion in occupied areas may not exceed 0.050
parts-per-million (ppm) by volume of air
circulating through the device. There are
also restrictions on the amount of ozone in Yagi and Tanaka (1979) demonstrated that
industrial settings as well as on the concen- the rate of reaction 1 is greater than that of
tration of ozone outdoors. The Occupa- reaction (4). Thus, for a given electric field
tional Safety and Hazards Administration strength, more ozone is created than de-
(OSHA) restricts ozone concentration to stroyed by the electron bombardment
0.100 ppm per 8-h work day (29 Code of mechanism. As the temperature of the gas
Federal Regulations (CFR) OSHA, 1996) in the corona discharge increases, the reac-
and the U.S. Environmental Protection tion rate of reaction 3 increases while the
Agency limits outdoor ozone concentration rate of reaction 2 decreases. Taking advan-
to 0.120 ppm (Clean Air Act Amendment, tage of this fact, several attempts were made
42 United States Code 85, 1990). to reduce ozone generation rates by heat-
Although there are prior studies on ozone ing ionizer wires. In a wire-cylinder geome-
generation in corona discharges, none pro- try, Makin and Inculet (1973) and Awad
vides sufficient information to characterize and Castle (1975) found that heating the
the effects of various design and operating wires could reduce ozone concentration, but
parameters suspected to affect ozone gen- it was necessary to heat the wires to 500°C.
eration rate by two-stage air cleaners. Pa- Ohkubo et al. (1990) heated a Ni-Cr wire in
rameters identified as most likely to affect a wire-plate arrangement to 200°C and ob-
ozone generation rate are discharge polar- tained an 80% reduction in ozone concen-
ity (Awad and Castle, 1975; Nashimoto, tration. Unfortunately, operation at such
1988; Ohkubo et al., 1990; Viner et al., high temperatures raises safety and flam-
19921, current level (Castle et al., 1969; mability issues that preclude this method of
Nashimoto, 1988, Viner et al., 19921, ion- ozone reduction from commercial use.
izer wire diameter (Castle et al., 1969; Another possible dissociation mechanism
Nashimoto, 19881, ionizer wire material is due to water vapor in the inlet air stream,
(Nashimoto, 1988) and relative humidity of
the air stream (Benson and Axworthy,
1965). OH* + 0, -,HO, +0 , (6)
Although ozone generation in an air-fed
corona discharge is extremely complex, the H 0 2 + O3 -+ OH* + 202 (7)
Aerosol Science and Technology Ozone Generation by Air Cleaners 691
27:6 December 1997

where OH* is a highly unstable intermedi- determine a value for k , . For positive po-
ate species (Benson and Axworthy, 1965). larity, their experimental results with vary-
It is well established that negative-polar- ing humidity levels conflicted with the ex-
ity corona discharges produce more ozone pected destructive mechanism described by
than do positive-polarity coronas. Experi- Eqs. 5-7 and for negative polarity, the data
mental studies in wire-cylinder and wire- are scattered.
plate geometries found a five- to nine-fold Castle et al. (1969) and Nashimoto (1988)
increase of ozone concentration (ppm) us- studied the effect of wire diameter on ozone
ing negative polarity as opposed to positive concentration in wire-cylinder electrode ge-
polarity (Awad and Castle, 1975; Nashimo- ometries. Castle et al. experimented with
to, 1988; Ohkubo et al., 1990; Viner et al., six positive-polarity copper wires with diam-
1992). Little information is provided in the eters ranging from 0.13 to 0.81 mm. They
literature to explain this phenomenon. Two found that for a given ionizer current, ozone
plausible explanations are there are more concentration is linearly proportional to di-
electrons present in the corona discharge ameter for wire diameters up to 0.50 mm.
to form atomic oxygen and/or the elec- Ozone concentration for the largest wire
trons in the negative discharge possess more diameter falls below a linear projection.
energy than in a positive discharge. Nashi- Nashimoto tested eight tungsten wires
moto (1988) suggests that the corona dis- ranging in diameter from 0.01 to 0.13 mm.
charge surrounding the discharge electrode With smaller wires, he found a linear rela-
is larger for negative polarity than it is for tionship between ozone generation rate
positive polarity. normalized with respect to current and wire
Based on reaction 1, it is not surprising diameter for both positive and negative-
that several studies showed ozone genera- polarity coronas. Although Viner et al.
tion rate to be linearly proportional to cur- (1992) also tested various wire sizes, the
rent when all other parameters are held study confounded the effects of wire diam-
constant (Castle et al., 1969; Nashimoto, eter and wire material.
1988, Viner et al., 1992). Castle et al. used Castle and co-workers (1969) also looked
a positive-polarity, wire-cylinder electro- at the effect of wire material, but the data
static precipitator to demonstrate the ef- were limited. With positive polarity, they
fects of ionizer current and wire diameter found little difference in ozone concentra-
on ozone concentration. Nashimoto's work tion with copper, tungsten, platinum, and
was aimed at characterizing ozone genera- stainless steel wires. Castle (1969) sug-
tion for the copier industry but also was gested that ozone production increased with
applied to electrostatic precipitators. Viner the growth of a porous oxide film on the
and co-workers tested a single-stage, wire- wires. A more recent study by Dorsey and
plate precipitator. Davidson (1994) indicates that surface oxi-
Viner et al. (1992) suggested a simple, dation is not a good indicator of ozone
empirical model of ozone generation that generation rate.
combines the influence of constructive ele- Nashimoto (1988) experimented with
ments and destructive elements, gold, silver, palladium, copper, nickel,
molybdenum, tungsten, and tantalum wire
electrodes and found that for positive dis-
charges, ozone generation rate is linked to
where k , and k , are empirically derived electrode material by the rate of formation
constants representing, respectively, the of a metal oxide film quantified by the
production per unit current, and the de- maximum standard heat (or enthalpy) of
struction due to water vapor in the inlet air formation of an oxide per oxygen atom for
stream. The unipolar model neglects the exothermic reactions (I - A Hal). However,
possible effects of wire diameter and mate- for a negative-polarity corona, ozone gener-
rial. Viner and co-workers were unable to ation rate was not found to depend on wire
692 K J. Boelter and J. H. Dauidson Aerosol Science and Technology
27:6 December 1997

material. Gold, which oxidizes in an en- uration, the charging section consists of
dothermic reaction, did not produce ozone nine positive-polarity, tungsten wire elec-
at a rate that correlated with lAHo 1. Ozone trodes that are 0.20 mm in diameter and
production with gold wires was higher than 470 mm in length placed midway between
with silver wires. electrically grounded, aluminum plates. The
Although indoor electrostatic air clean- plates are 25 mm long in the air stream
ers are almost exclusively two-stage, wire- direction and are spaced 40 mm apart. Op-
plate devices, prior studies have not ad- erated with the manufacturer's direct-cur-
dressed the effects of various design rent power supply, the nominal operating
parameters on ozone generation by these voltage in the charging section is +8.2 kV.
devices. In this paper, we present measure-
ment of ozone generation rates in a com- The collecting section consists of alter-
mercially available, electronic air cleaner. nately polarized, parallel plates spaced at
Experiments were performed to evaluate 4.5 mm increments and 76 mm long. Nomi-
the effects of discharge polarity, current, nal voltage in the collection section is 4.3
relative humidity, air temperature, and ion- kV.
izer wire diameter and material on ozone During testing, the original power supply
generation rate. was replaced with a 1-kW, reversible-polar-
ity, direct-current power supply (HWS)
with 2% maximum root mean square rip-
ple. Using this power supply, it was possible
EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT to measure the voltage-current (V-I) char-
AND METHODOLOGY acteristics of the charging section of the air
Facility cleaner operated with both positive and
A schematic of the air cleaner is shown in negative polarity and to operate at any point
Fig. 1. Common to most indoor, electronic along the V-I curves. Voltage and current
air cleaners, the unit is divided into two were measured with a Fluke, Model 80K-40,
stages: a charging (ionizing) stage and a high voltage probe (+ 2%) connected to a
collecting stage. Particle laden air entering Fluke, Model 85 multimeter and a Triplett
the air cleaner first flows through the ammeter placed in-line with the high side
charging section. In its commercial config- of the charging stage (+ 0.01 mA).

Ionizer Wire
Discharge 7 , ,


Laden I

Air , Clean Air FIGURE 1. Schematic of a commer-

cia1 air cleaner (not to scale).

Charging Collector
Aerosol Science and Technology Ozone Generation by Air Cleaners 693
27:6 December 1997

Experiments to determine ozone genera- of the pipe to confirm thorough mixing of

tion rate were conducted in the horizontal, the air stream. Air velocity is measured just
single-pass wind tunnel shown in Fig. 2. To downstream of the ozone sampling port.
remove background ozone, room air is Air flow rate is controlled with a manual
drawn through an agglomerated carbon fil- damper. Ozonated air is exhausted out-
ter sandwiched between two activated char- doors through a 1.5 hp blower.
coal filters (30 pores per inch). The effec- Measured values include ozone concen-
tiveness of the carbon filters was tested at tration, operating current and voltage, air
the beginning and conclusion of each test. stream velocity, ambient room tempera-
Filter efficiency was always greater than ture, and relative humidity. Ozone concen-
90% and was factored into the test uncer- tration was measured with a Dasibi, Model
tainty. Filtered air passes through the com- 1003-AH, ozone analyzer which functions
mercial air cleaner and then through a 30" on an ultraviolet light absorption principle.
stainless steel transition to a 15.24 cm inner The unit has a range of zero to 3.000 ppm
diameter glass pipe. Ozone is sampled but the analog output restricts the maxi-
through a single port located 170 cm down- mum measurement to 0.999 ppm. Accuracy
stream of the air cleaner exit. At the sam- of the analyzer is k0.001 ppm. Ozone con-
pling location, the ozonated air stream is centration, in units of ppm, is converted to
thoroughly mixed so that the single air mass concentration by
sample accurately represents the ozone
generated by the air cleaner. During initial
experiments, ozone concentration was mea- assuming standard temperature and pres-
sured at 2 cm intervals along the diameter sure. Maximum error due to this assump-

1 Pitot Tube & 1

1 Pressure Transducer / I I
dl Exhaust

TOP VIEW /Manuall





FIGURE Air cleaner wind tunnel facility.

694 K J. Boelter and J. H. Davidson Aerosol Science and Technology
27:6 December 1997

tion is 2%. Ozone generation rate (mg s-l) sessed in 68 tests. Table 1 summarizes the
defined as the product of ozone concentra- experimental variables and ranges of the
tion (mg m-3) and volumetric flow rate (m3 tests. To assure a valid mean value for
s-'1, ozone generation rate at a specified operat-
ing condition, tests were conducted for a
'ozone = [ 0 3IQ. (10) minimum of 4 h.
Voltage and current were determined An initial set of tests was conducted to
from 0 to 10 V signals at the power supply determine the effects of discharge polar-
calibrated to the voltage and current in the ity, ionizer current, relative humidity, and
ionizing section of the air cleaner. Room temperature on ozone generation rate.
temperature ( rfr 0.2%) and relative humid- Throughout this test series, the standard
ity ( rt 2%) were measured with an Omega, 0.20 mm diameter tungsten wires were used.
Model RH70, digital hygrometer/ther- Air temperature and relative humidity var-
mometer. The device uses a thin-film sen- ied with ambient conditions.
sor to measure relative humidity and a In a second test series, the effect of wire
platinum, 100 R resistance temperature diameter on ozone generation rate was
detector (RTD) to measure temperature. evaluated by replacing the original 0.20 mm
Air velocity was determined with a Pitot- diameter wires with 0.10 and 0.25 mm di-
static tube and electronic pressure trans- ameter, tungsten wires. During these tests,
ducer ( rtr 1.12 X Pa). relative humidity and air temperature were
A computer aided data-acquisition pro- controlled with a room air-conditioning
gram was used with a Keithley, Model unit. Tests were conducted for both polari-
DAS-8PGA, software selectable range, 12- ties at current levels of 0.30. 0.60, and 1.20
bit analog-to-digital converter and a per- mA. These values are considered reason-
sonal computer to gather data at 5 min able for commercial air cleaner operation.
sampling intervals. Resolution for the ozone In a third test series, the effect of wire
measurement is 0.0002 ppm, for voltage, 4 material on ozone generation rate was eval-
mV, for current, 0.001 mA, for tempera- uated for both polarities at the same three
ture, 0.5"C, for relative humidity, 0.1%, and current levels with 0.25 mm diameter tung-
for velocity, 0.08 m s-' at 298 K. Each data sten, silver, copper, and titanium ionizer
point is an average of 600 sample conver- wires. Once again relative humidity and air
sions. temperature were stable throughout test-
Methodology Over the range of conditions encoun-
tered, it was necessary to vary air speed to
The effects of discharge polarity, ionizer remain within the range of the ozone ana-
current, relative humidity, air temperature, lyzer. Viner et al. (1992) previously inves-
wire diameter, and wire material were as- tigated the effect of air flow rate on gen-

TABLE 1. Range of Experimental Parameters

Variable Ionizer Polarity Range

Wind tunnel velocity Positive 0.2-1.10 m s-'

Negative 0.7-6.2 m s-'
Relative humidity Positive 17-55%
Negativc 7-720/0
Air temperature Positive and negative 19.3-28.2"C
Current Positive 0.30-1.15 mA
Negative 0.30-1.40 mA
Ionizer wire diameter Positive and negative 0.10,0.20, and 0.25 mm diameter tungsten
Ionizer wire material Positive and negative Silver, copper, tungsten, titanium 0.25 mm diameter
Aerosol Science and Technology Ozone Generation by Air Cleaners 695
27:6 December 1997

eration rate and found r,,,,, to be corona onset occurs at approximately 6.7
independent of air flow rate. We conducted kV while, for negative polarity, corona on-
a similar investigation to verify that ozone set occurs at approximately 5.6 kV. Once
generation rate was not influenced by the voltage is increased beyond 7.2 kV,
changes in air speed. Just as shown in Fig. current increases linearly with voltage. The
3, ozone concentration (mg m-3) normal- voltage at which sparkover occurs was not
ized with respect to ionizer current is linear measured. The normal, air-cleaner operat-
with respect to the inverse of average veloc- ing point is defined by the intersection of
ity for positive and negative coronas. Thus, the commercial dc power supply curve and
for the range of air speeds considered, the positive-polarity V-I curve, 8.2 kV and
ozone generation rate is independent of air 1.08 mA.
flow rate.

Effect of Current, Relative Humidity, and

Room Temperature on Ozone Generation Rate
Electrical Characteristics of the Commercial A multivariable, linear regression analysis
Air Cleaner between the response ozone generation rate
( r ) and the independent variables current
Measured V-I curves are plotted in Fig. 4 (I),temperature ( T ) , and relative humidity
along with the electrical characteristics of (RH) was conducted on the data collected
the commercial, positive-polarity power from 34 initial ozone tests; 17 of these tests
supply. The commercial power supply was used a positive-polarity power source while
evaluated by connecting a variable resistive the other 17 tests used a negative-polarity
"dummy" load across the charging section power source. The environmental condi-
of the air cleaner. For positive polarity, tions encountered during testing represent

48 Hour Tests

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
11Average Velocity (dm)

FIGURE 3. Ozone concentration per unit current versus the inverse of average velocity. The air cleaner is in its
commercially available configuration. The average ambient temperature varied between 19 and 28°C. The ambient
relative humidity varied between 17 and 55%.
696 K J. Boelter and J. H. Dauidson Aerosol Science and Technology
27:6 December 1997

Ff I -Commercial Power Supply 1 \

V.. I +Positive
Polarity I \
5 Data Symbol Encompasses Measurement Error

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

Current (mA)

FIGURE 4. Electrical characteristics of the commercial electronic air cleaner. The ambient room temperature and
relative humidity were 24°C and 51%, respectively.

the extremes expected in most homes. The adequacy of the fit of the regression model
results of the regression analysis are pre- to the data. Each parameter in the model is
sented, for positive polarity, in Table 2 and, statistically significant.
for negative polarity, in Table 3. The coef- First consider the positive-polarity model
ficient of determination, R', signifies the presented in Table 2. For nominal operat-
ing conditions of 35% relative humidity and
TABLE 2. Multivariable Linear Regression Analysis
air temperature of 292K, the model sug-
for Positive Polarity Operation of the Two-Stage Air
Cleaner with Nine 0.20 mm Diameter Tungsten Ion-
izer Wiresa
TABLE 3. Multivariable Linear Regression Analysis
Positive Polarity Regression Model R~
for Negative Polarity Operation of the Two-Stage Air
0.947 Cleaner with Nine 0.20 mm Diameter Tungsten Ion-
~ozo,,(mg s ' ) izer Wiresa
- (0.29 + 0.04) - (0.25 & 0.04)* I Negative Polarity Regression Model R~
- (0.009 I f - 0.001)* RH
rouone(mg S- ) 0.929
- (0.00097 + 0.00001)* T = (-1.3 & 0.1) + (1.2 k O.l)*I

+ (0.00085 + 0.0001)* I* T +
+ (0.033 0.002)* RH
+ (0.0045 0.0003)* T
+ (0.008 + 0.001)* I* RH - (0.0040 If- O.OOO3)*I* T
- (0.027 + 0.002)* I* RH
+ (0.00003 0.00003)* T* RH - (0.000110 + 0.000006)* T* RH
- (0.00028 &0.00003)* I* T* RH +
+ (0.000090 O.OOOOO6)*I* T* RH
where I is in mA, T in Kelvin, RH in %. where I is in mA, T in Kelvin, RN in %.
Uncertainties of the regression coefficients Uncertainties of the regression coefficients
are reported at the 95% confidence level. are reported at the 95% confidence level.
Ionizer current ranged from 0.29 to 1.15 mA. The ambient tem- lonizer current ranged from 0.27 to 1.37 mA. The ambient tem-
perature ranged from 19 to 26°C and the relative humidity ranged perature ranged from 19 to 26°C and the relative humidity ranged
from 17 to 55%. from 7 to 72%.
Aerosol Science and Technology Ozone Generation by Air Cleaners 697
27:6 December 1997

gests that a reduction in current from the significance for fixed current level. How-
nominal current of 1.08 to 0.6 mA halves ever, the electrical characteristics of a neg-
ozone generation rate from 0.0049 to 0.0023 ative-polarity air cleaner are affected by
mg s-l. Changes in room temperature and relative humidity. The V-I curves for the
relative humidity have less impact on ozone air cleaner with negative polarity at relative
generation rate. At 1.08 mA, an increase in humidities of 27, 55, and 76% are shown in
relative humidity from 17 to 55% reduces Fig. 5. In addition to a decrease in corona
generation rate by 17%. With a positive onset voltage, ionizer current increases with
corona discharge, the V-I curve was insen- increasing relative humidity up to a voltage
sitive to changes in relative humidity over of approximately 8.5 kV. Thus, for operat-
the range considered. An increase in tem- ing voltages less than 8.5 kV, an increase in
perature from 292 to 301K reduces gener- relative humidity would create more ozone.
ation rate by 6%. The experimental un- The V-I curves, with positive polarity, are
certainty for the measured value of ozone not shown because at relative humidities of
27, 55, and 76%, the electrical characteris-
generation rate ranges from 5 to 15%.
tics of the air cleaner are nearly identical.
The negative polarity regression model
indicates similar trends. For nominal oper-
ating conditions of 35% relative humidity
and air temperature of 292K, a reduction in Effect of Discharge Polarity on Ozone
current from 1.08 to 0.6 mA reduces ozone Generation Rate
generation rate 36% from 0.0342 to 0.0219 To demonstrate the dominant effect of dis-
mg s p l . A rise in air temperature from 292 charge polarity, data were reduced to an
to 301K, decreases ozone production by average value for each test. Ozone genera-
6.6%. An increase in relative humidity from tion rate is plotted with respect to ionizer
7 to 72% reduces ozone generation rate by current for positive polarity in Fig. 6 and
9%. These changes in temperature and rel- for negative polarity in Fig. 7. The rela-
ative humidity are of minor engineering tively large uncertainties in ozone genera-

Relative Humidity

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Ionizer Current (m.4)

FIGURE 5. Effect of relative humidity on electrical characteristics of the commercial air cleaner operated with a
negative polarity corona discharge. The ambient room temperature was 20°C.
698 K J. Boelter and J. H. Davidson Aerosol Science and Technology
27:6 December 1997

1 .48
Hour Tests
4 Hour Tests

Ionizer Current (mA)

FIGURE 6. Ozone generation rate versus current for the commercial air cleaner with positive polarity. The
average ambient room temperature varied from 19 to 28°C. The average ambient relative humidity varied between
17 and 55%.

tion rate for the 48-h tests are attributed to almost six-fold greater than that generated
using a single measurement of velocity to with positive polarity.
calculate r,,,,,, for the entire data set. This
error was significantly reduced in the 4-h
tests by continuous monitoring of air veloc- Effect of Wire Diameter on Ozone
ity. The data are fit with a linear regression Generation Rate
line that compares well to the (more accu-
rate) regression models listed in Tables 2 The effect of wire diameter on ozone gen-
and 3. Comparing the slope of the line in eration rate was determined for 0.10, 0.20,
Fig. 6 to that in Fig. 7, the ozone generated and 0.25 mm diameter tungsten wires. As
by the air cleaner with negative polarity is shown in Figs. 8 and 9, electrical character-

0.040 1.48 Hour Tests I

FIGURE 7. Ozone generation versus

current for the commercial air cleaner
with negative polarity. The average
ambient room temperature varied
from 19 to 27°C. The average ambient
relative humivity varied between 7
and 72%.

Ionizer Current (mA)

Aerosol Science and Technology Ozone Generation by Air Cleaners 699
27:6 December 1997

Ionizer Current (mA)

FIGURE 8. Effect of wire diameter on the electrical characteristics with positive polarity. Wires were tungsten.
The room temperature was 25'C and ambient relative humidity ranged from 45 to 55%.

istics are affected by wire diameter for both Just as shown in Figs. 10 and 11, for fixed
polarities. With decreasing wire diameter, wire diameter, ozone generation rate is lin-
corona onset voltage decreases and the V-I early proportional to current. For both po-
curve shifts to higher current for a given larities, the data indicate reduced ozone
voltage. These results agree with data pre- generation with smaller wires. This trend
sented by White (1963). agrees with prior studies (Castle et al., 1969;


8.5 easwemen

9 7.5
& 7
5.5 +0.25 mm wire diameter

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Ionizer Current (mA)

FIGURE 9. Effect of wire diameter on the electrical characteristics with negative polarity. Wires were tungsten.
The room temperature was 25°C and ambient relative humidity ranged from 45 to 58%.
700 K J. Boelter and J. H. Dauidson Aerosol Science and Technology
27:6 December 1997

0.0000~ , ; , ; , , ; , : ; , I
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Ionizer Current (mA)

FIGURE 10. Ozone generation rate versus ionizer current with a positive-polarity discharge for three tungsten
wires 0.10, 0.20, and 0.25 mm in diameter. The average ambient room temperature ranged from 21 to 24°C. The
average ambient relative humidity ranged from 42 to 52%.

Nashimoto, 1988). With positive polarity, The 0.10 mm diameter ionizer wires pro-
there is virtually no difference in the ozone duce approximately 40% less ozone than
produced by the 0.20 mm diameter wires the 0.20 and 0.25 mm diameter wires. With
and that produced by the 0.25 mm diameter negative polarity, the 0.25 mm diameter
wires, and thus a single linear regression wires produce 1-12% more ozone that the
line was calculated using both data series. original 0.20 mm diameter wires. The 0.10

Ionizer Current (mA)

FIGURE 11. Ozone generation rate versus ionizer current wivh a negative-polarity discharge for three tungsten
wires 0.10, 0.20, and 0.25 mm in diameter. The average ambient room temperature was 23°C. The average ambient
relative humidity ranged from 44 to 56%.
Aerosol Science and Technology Ozone Generation by Air Cleaners 701
27:6 December 1997

mm diameter wires produce 23-32% less that ozone production is proportional to

ozone than the original wires. I - Ai\H,l applies to the wire-plate geome-
To assess the effect of wire diameter on try, ozone generation rates of four wire
the overall performance of the air cleaner, materials are compared. Silver and copper
the change in electrical characteristics must wires were selected because of their low
also be considered. For example, if the values of 1 - A Hal and thus, potential to
standard 0.20 mm diameter tungsten wires reduce ozone generation. Although, the I -
are operated at 8.2 kV and 1.08 mA, the AH,I of titanium is higher than that of
ozone generation rate is 0.0043 mg s-' tungsten, it was selected for testing because
with positive polarity and 0.0343 mg s-' of its high tensile strength and good resis-
with negative polarity. When 0.10 mm di- tance to corrosion. All wires were 0.25 mm
ameter tungsten wires are substituted, the in diameter.
operating point shifts to 6.95 kV and 1.16 The V-I curves for the four wires are not
mA with positive polarity and 6.62 kV and shown since they are nearly identical. Not
1.18 mA with negative polarity. In this case, surprisingly, as shown in Figs. 12 and 13,
the ozone generation rate, with positive ozone generation rate is linearly propor-
polarity, is 0.0027 mg s-'; an overall de- tional to ionizer current for all materials.
crease of 37% as compared to ozone gener- The order of increasing ozone generation
ation rate with the larger wires. The ozone rate with respect to material is independent
generation rate with negative polarity, is of polarity. The air cleaner produced the
0.0266 mg s-'; an overall decrease of 23%. least amount of ozone with silver wires,
followed in increasing order by copper,
tungsten, and titanium wires. For positive
Eflect of Wire Material on Ozone
polarity, the air cleaner produced 22% more
Generation Rate
ozone with titanium wires as compared to
One potentially promising method of con- that produced with tungsten wires while the
trolling ozone generation is the use of al- air cleaner produced 32 and 56% less ozone
ternative metals for the ionizer wires. with copper and silver wires, respectively.
To determine if Nashimoto's hypothesis For negative polarity, titanium wires pro-

Ionizer Current (mA)

FIGURE 12. Ozone generation rate versus ionizer current for four ionizer materials with positive polarity. Wire
diameter is 0.25 mm. The average ambient room temperature varied from 21 to 2 4 T . The average ambient relative
humidity varied from 41 to 52%.
702 K J. Boelter and J. H. Dauidson Aerosol Science and Technology
27:6 December 1997

Ionizer Current (mA)

FIGURE 13. Ozone generation rate versus ionizer current for four ionizer materials with negative polarity. Wire
diameter is 0.25 mm. The average ambient room temperature was 23°C. The average ambient relative humidity
varied from 43 to 52%.

duced approximately 18% more ozone than terial on ozone generation rate per unit
the tungsten wires while copper and silver current for both polarities. In Fig. 14, the
produced 6 and 9% less ozone, respectively. positive-polarity data shown in Fig. 12 were
The enthalpy of formation of an oxide normalized with respect to current and the
coating per oxygen atom, - A Ho, is a good average value plotted versus - A Ho. The
predictor of the relative effect of wire ma- same technique was used to reduce the

I .
Boelter and Davidson
Nashimoto (1988)

-AH, (kcal/mol-0 atom)

FIGURE 14. Correlation, for positive polarity, of ozone generation rate with -AHo with four ionizer wire
materials. Wire diameter is 0.25 mm. Data for a wire cylinder with 0.03 mm diameter wires are shown for
comparison (Nashimoto, 1988).
Aerosol Science and Technology Ozone Generation by Air Cleaners 703
27:6 December 1997

negative-polarity data shown in Fig. 13 and polarity,

create Fig. 15. The data for a wire cylinder,
read from graphs presented by Nashimoto
r,,,,, x= (3.2+ 1x l o p 2 )
(1988), are also included in these figures. A x(IEAHo)
difference in ionizer wire diameters be-
tween the two studies is the most likely
+ (8.4 X +5X
explanation for the difference in ozone x (I)(d)
generation rates for positive polarity. For 4 3 x 10-4 + I x 1 0 - ~ ) ( 1 )
negative polarity, there is a variance in the with R2 = 0.944, (11)
slope of ozone generation rate per - AHo and for negative polarity,
between the two studies that cannot be
explained by this difference. Ozone genera- r,,,,,, = (6.1 x 10-5 +4 x
tion rates for the Nashimoto data are fairly x ( I ) ( - AHo)
flat, leading to his conclusion that wire
material has little affect on ozone genera- +(9.2 X l o p 2+ 3 X
tion. In this study, ozone generation de- x (I)(d)
pends on wire material for both positive +(9.i x 1 0 - 3 rt 7 x 10-4)(1)
and negative corona discharges.
Models of ozone generation rate, for pos- + (1.3 x lop3 + 2 x
itive and negative polarity, were formulated with R2 = 0.980. (12)
from the data collected during the wire These models show that, for each polarity,
diameter and wire material ozone tests. A the most important parameter affecting
multivariable linear regression analysis, us- ozone generation rate is ionizer current.
ing approximately 1000 data points yields Generation rate may be reduced without
the models of Eqs. L1 and 12. For positive reducing current, by using smaller diameter

II .Boelter and Davidson I

Nashimoto (1988)

-AH0 (kcaVmol-0 atom)

FIGURE 15. Correlation, for negative polarity, of ozone generation rate with -AHo with four ionizer wire
materials. Wire diameter is 0.25 mm. Data for a wire cylinder with 0.03 mm diameter wires are shown for
comparison (Nashimoto, 1988).
704 K J. Boelter and J. H. Dauidson Aerosol Science and Technology
27:6 December 1997

wires and materials with lower values of cles from 2 to 10 p m are assumed equal to
I - AHo]. the measured concentration of 2 p m parti-
cles. The corona discharge is assumed to be
positive and uniformly distributed on the
Eflect of Parameters on Particle wires. It is clear from this study as well as
Collection Eficiency from prior work, that use of a negative
corona discharge cannot be justified be-
Modification of operating or design speci- cause of the substantial increase in ozone
fications of any electronic air cleaner must generation. Only the electric field in the
be appraised in terms of particle collection charging section of the two-stage precipita-
efficiency as well as ozone production. For tor was modified; the average electric field
the following analysis, values of ozone pro- in the collection section was held at 9.85
duction are measured and particle collec- kV cm-'.
tion efficiency is predicted by a numerical Any reduction in current reduces ozone
simulation of particle charging and collec- generation rate, but may adversely affect
tion developed by the manufacturer of the particle charging. The competing effects are
commercial air cleaner (McKinney, 1996). considered for reductions in ionizer current
Particle collection efficiency is the fraction from the nominal value of 1.08 to 0.6 and
of particles of a given diameter removed 0.3 mA. With the standard 0.20 mm diame-
from the air stream. The inlet air stream ter tungsten wires, the lower current levels
particle distribution is assumed equal to must be achieved by lowering voltage in the
the measured ambient air distribution ob- charging section from 8.2 to 7.8 and 7.4 kV,
tained by Clark and Whitby (1967) in Min- respectively. The new operating points are
neapolis for particles ranging from 0.01 to 2 well within the linear range of the V-I
pm. Their measured distribution is plotted curves and are high enough to maintain a
in Fig. 16. Number concentrations of parti- uniform corona discharge along the wires.

Particle Diameter (pin)

FIGURE 16. Assumed particle distribution at the inlet of the air cleaner. This ambient-air particle distribution was
measured in Minneapolis by Clark and Wbitby (1967). Measured particle diameter ranged from 0.005 to 2 pm. For
particle diameters ranging from 2 to 10 pm, a number count of 1 number cm-3 p m was assumed.
Aerosol Science and Technology Ozone Generation by Air Cleaners 705
27:6 December 1997

FIGURE 17. Simulated fractional

particle removal efficiency as a func-
tion of particle diameter (McKinney,

0.01 0.1 1
Particle Diameter (pm)

Simulated particle collection efficiency is as well as overall particle collection effi-

plotted in Fig. 17 as a function of particle ciency are shown in the bar graph of Fig.
diameter for current levels of 0.30, 0.60, 18. Results are normalized with respect to
and 1.08 mA. As expected, reducing cur- the values at the nominal operating current
rent reduces particle collection efficiency. of 1.08 mA. With a 40% reduction in cur-
Efficiency of collection of particles smaller rent to 0.6 mA, ozone generation rate would
than 0.3 pm is affected slightly more than be reduced by nearly 50% with only a 20%
efficiency of collection of larger particles. reduction in particle collection efficiency. A
The effects of changing the operating cur- more extreme reduction in current, to 0.3
rent on measured on ozone generation rate mA, would have the benefit of reducing

Fii Efficiency

FIGURE 18. The effect of reduced current on air cleaner efficiency and ozone generation rate with positive
polarity, 0.20 mm diameter, tungsten ionizer wires.
706 K J. Boelter and J. H. Dauidson Aerosol Science and Technology
27:6 December 1997

ozone 75% but the detrimental effect of One of the benefits of controlling ozone
reducing particle collection efficiency by generation rate by selection of wire mate-
40%. rial is that the electrical characteristics of
A reduction in wire diameter lowers op- the air cleaner are not affected. Thus, wire
erating current at a fixed voltage level in material may be chosen to reduce ozone
addition to lowering ozone generation rate. without regard to its effect on particle col-
In this analysis, nominal operating current lection. Ozone generation rate decreased
was held at 1.08 mA and voltage adjusted by 30% with copper wires and 50% with
in accordance with the measured V-I curves silver wires as compared to that generated
shown in Fig. 8 for 0.10, 0.20, and 0.25 mm by the standard tungsten wires.
diameter tungsten ionizer wires. Ozone
generation rate was determined from the
linear curve fits shown in Fig. 10. The ef- CONCLUSION
fects of reducing wire diameter are illus- This experimental study of ozone genera-
trated in Fig. 19. Since collection efficiency tion rate in an electrostatic precipitator
is not affected by lowering operating volt- extends previous studies to consider the
age in the charging section from 8.7 to 6.9 influences of discharge polarity, current,
kV, there is no detrimental effect of reduc- relative humidity, air temperature, dis-
ing wire diameter assuming current and the charge electrode diameter, and material for
operating voltage in the collection section the two-stage, wire-plate geometry. A com-
are unchanged. Use of 0.10 mm diameter mercial air cleaner, intended for use in a
wires results in a 40% reduction in ozone heating/air-conditioning duct, was used
generation. The slight increase in collec- throughout the study. The amount of ozone
tion efficiency with the 0.10 mm wires as released into living and work spaces are
compared to the standard 0.20 mm wires reduced if:
is a consequence of increases in simulated
efficiency for fine particles from 0.01 to a positive-polarity discharge is used in-
stead of negative polarity,


0.98 '.OO

FIGURE 19. The effect of wire diameter on air cleaner efficiencyand ozone generation rate with positive polarity,
tungsten ionizer wires.
Aerosol Science and Technology Ozone Generation by Air Cleaners 707
27:6 December 1997

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