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DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY HOMELAND SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS REPORT OF INVESTIGATION CERCA HEE SHAH ENESHOEHENT GENS 3107/2018 13:06 EST CASE NUMBER Darter CASE OPENED 1/2/2018 CURRENT CASE TITLE PXONONTROD Alion ‘Smuggling REPORT TITLE srw. Alien ‘Smuggling REPORTED BY EXOHONTRCD SPECIAL AGENT APPROVED BY pewrne) SUPERVISORY SPECIAL AGENT DATE APPROVED 2/6/2018 Page 1 of « SYNOPSIS On December 23, 2017, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) a) RTE received a duty call advising the fo Police Department (SAPD) ha ered 12 undocunented alie aled w ctor + along a passenger near lashtoxn water park inity of 1-36 and the ATST exit in San The report of investigation details the arrest of the truck paem Current Case Title (HOES Alien ‘Smuggling ROI Number Pe Date Approved 2/6/2018 EHC ESE OHA EHFOREEMERE SENSES ins Une. ttDeanen of Hamalar Sect D» DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY } le; HOMELAND SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS y REPORT OF INVESTIGATION = OFFIGH-USEONDHLAWENFOREEMENT-SENGHE sao7:2018 1306 EST Page 2 of ¢ DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION on December 23, 2017, at approximately 1331 hours, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Special Agent (say PXO@KNCT received notification from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ick) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Officer PPNEMENICT that the San Antonio Police Department (SAPD) encountered twelve (12) suspected undocumented aliens (UDAs) in the rear of a tractor trailer to include the driver and a passenger near the Splash Town water park located in the vicinity of I-35 and the ATéT Center exit in San Antonio, Texas. ERO Officer PITMIMNT]a1so provided SAPXVOMNO}ith the nano and telephone nunber cor SAPD office: [OORT] TOT) Jac the scene. SAPFOWNT)was also contacted by Sector Communications concerning the ame information. Inmediately after receiving the aforementioned details sAfOMCballed the number given to him by ERO and was able to contact SAPD officer [PKOOTK) Jon scene, Sa fPNOONTIC was given a brief telephonically by SAPD Officer[PO@NNKO) Jas to the latest details of the incident, SAfPROVOMC]aiso explained to SAPD OfficerfOVOWHNG) |that he was the HSI duty agent and that his approximate response time would be approximately 1.5 hours from his residence in Bulw D Of FicerfPHOENNC) Juas also advised by sAPROVOMIC hat he would arrange with ERO for transportation as goon aS possible, in the event all 12 subjects were in fact de, Texas. SA undocumented. After talking with the sap officer, saPXOWMMC]inmediately contacted the duty ERO Officer requesting assistance with the transportation of the 12 suspected UDA's to include a driver and advised by the ERO Duty Officer that they would respond to the a passenger. SAfPIENOTNC)|wa: spol the TZ subjects to the HSI office at Jackson-Keller in San Antonio, The Duty FRO Officer also stated that they would only be able to provide transp and were unable to FRB Joorcacces ene making the arzangement for transport, saWIPMI eparted his residence in Bulverde and headed to the scene. while enroute, safPXOWORXC}contTnuously updated the SAPD Officer _o ERO transport estimated time of arrival. The SAPD Officer on scene advised sa [EXGHONH assist any further on ce the suspected UDA's were turned over to him. Pe PD Officer on scene once again to advise him that ERO was enroute. had not yet arrived. The SAPD Officer on scene then advised sa POPHAC] nat SAPD woul transport the suspected UDAs to the SAPD Headquarter Office located at 315 Santa Rosa Avenue in s onio Texas. sAP@ONWchen stated that he would meet the SAPD Officer at SAPD HO. SA POHOHMG)arrived at SAPD Headquarters at approximately 1500 hours and learned that the suspected “WDRS had not yet arrived. safOX@PKNC]|rnen contacted the SAPD Officer to determine his location ne scene. saPOOM-nen requested from the SAPD Officer if he could transport the suspected UDAs to the fickson Keller Office. The SAPD cted UDAs to the HSI Office Ant and was advised that they were strIT at cer agreed to transr Current Case Title ROI Number Date Approved peer Jalen _— ae ‘Smuggling ie documents anata you foro aa nl an remain maronmn anew veh ot Hxnland Security Any further raqust for case of Ae DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY a Ie HOMELAND SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS x fs) Sar REPORT OF INVESTIGATION OFFICIAL USE ONLY | LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 072018 19:06 EST Page 3 of ¢ Since the susi sa PROPKH Jrccided to respond to the scene from ‘APD HQ, Upon arrival to the scene at approximately 3720 pm, SAPPEHPMNCLas approached by a plain clothes SAPD officer who advised him that the San Antonio FoITce Chiet EXERC) | wanted to speak with nim. Chief(XOPKKC pproached sa PYOONK chen asked him to speak in private, safOBMOMIC enon walked @ SROTE distance with Chie® PHOOWIC]anay Exon other officers, and conveyed to SAPXOPMR]ehat SAPD would take the case under The state smuggling statute. SA POPC nen responded to enter PRIMO: his wiiLingness to respond to SAPD Headquarters and asst to which Chief PNOOMEC] stated "No". SA Boon cted UDAs were still on scene, Detectives with the INVESTTgation, an effort to affirm chiet{MOONC] response asked "102" chierPRVENTC|:nen proceeded to explain to SAPP] nat he aignTe want Saf.) Jappoarance to SeaFS People. sa [BVBIWWK responded that NP EoUTT net scare anyone, pointing out his short stature, chiet PORNO rated that he did not want PNEKONNC) |iist badge to be seen at SAPD Headquarters by the suspected UDA's. SA POG sora chictfPHUN]enat he would wear a jacket to cover his Homeland Security badge, s0 Ta GS one would BEECAFEd. At that point no further exchange of information vas made and coset PROMI waked away At approximately 1526 hours SA[MOPNK Jreturned to his government vehicle and contacted Sector communications requesting to be pub in contact with ASAC [ORK | After briefing ASAC WBPRE Ja plain clothes SAPD officer approached SA PION) Tyenicte. sa fMOONK] then stated to clothes officer that he was available if they needed anything further then provided thes officer with the contact number for ERO. SAfPKONTK |rurther stated to the plain cloths officer that if at some point the SAPD needed to release the suspected UDA's to contact ERO. SAPX@NNC)icparted the scene and returned to SAPD HQ as the suspected UDAs wore SAPD HQ. ed back being transpo At saPD Headquarters, SAPO ]reported to the special Victims Unit located on the third floor, untered Chief [PXOMPXTKC) speaking with SAPD Sergeant (SGT) —& TOOT] sa fPRONONTCY approached and overheard ScTPAOOX]reizing chic PRIM lenat ne only had ong Geesetive with che ability to interview the suspected UoAs in spanish, SPIO ME Jcnen advised cries [BTOWK Jenar he was able to interview in Spanish and offered his assistance. Chief [PROPIT |did not _connent and ignored SAfPXTONNO] offer for assistance and departed the area soon after, — sGTfEGPK] then directed safYORNKTES-a room equipped with several monitors where the interviews of the ner SAPD detectives REWHSFe being conducted sim suspected aneously. sAPOOMK]car with ot aneousty. sa h in the monitor room and conveyed to the detectives that tMey Teed to ascertain what the knew about the driver’s involvement, i.e. how mu for their smuggling land who opened the doors to the sa PROC) was able to € the interview of the truck driver and learned he was cooperating with suspected jem in the teuc! fees, who observe pa: fessed to his part in the alien smuggling scheme. After learning the truck sed, SAPFORMH received a call from ASAC[PXEOXHC)]and departed the non: detectives, a take the phone call. “EXIOOW] prieted asxcPUOWNK Jor che Tatest snvestigative devaiis and Current Case Title ROI Number Date Approved ETETENTICT a a PRO 2/6/2018 ‘Smuggling SSFREHCUSE- CHEN DAY ENFORCEMENT SENSHINE ‘nis acumen aaned ovo fr fl ue ony an remains taramoretetheDeanatnent of Homeland Secuny. Any utes reaver lsu ot DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY re HOMELAND SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION 3107/2018 13:06 EST Page 4 of « wes told if there is no further request to assist from SAPD to depart the area. After ASAC BWR) Jcali and prior to departing SAPD HQ, SAPMVOMEneaded to scrPYOPMocrice to mim know he was departing n_sa PHOTO arrival to sor [ROTI Office, he was notified by SGT SHOX] SRO e where ne displayed a text message TMT] chat. Chie! ease of all the suspected UDAs. sczf™@OiWhen proceeded to show from Chief PMOPNK Tordering the of the su ed UDAs sa PPCLON " ]eben advised sc7| transport the suspected UDAS Eo an HSI Office to interview and to determine the immigration status of all the suspected UDA: POMIeracea ener ne elease lo please contact ERO and have then ad to follow Chie t{OOiOKTNG) upon learning the aforementioned, SA[DO:OC| contacted ASac fOrOTeNTIC) jana briefed him on what he learned. asacPIOMMO]enen directed SA FROM ]eo [POM acparted fron SAPD Weadquarters at 3:50 pa eter SA art SAPD Headquarters. SA Approximately forty UDA! swere PIB HONTR parted, ScTPIOEK contacted sa fPOOKX (40) minutes later, jto advise him that the suspected is closed. TAGE released from SAPD custody and did not elaborate on their whereabouts Current Case Title THETORTICT Alien ‘smuggling ROI Number pe Date Approved 2/6/2018 CF FIEHHUSE-CHEH LAW-ENFORCEMENT SENSHIVE.

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