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The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for the facts and
the accuracy of the information presented herein. This document is disseminated under the
sponsorship of the Department of Transportation, University Transportation Centers Program, in
the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the contents
or use thereof.

Submitted to

National Center for Intermodal Transportation, Mississippi State University

Submitted by

Albert J. Allen and Warren C. Couvillion

Department of Agricultural Economics
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, Mississippi

March 2001

The authors wish to thank port officials, managers and owners of agribusiness and non-
agribusiness firms for their valued contributions to this report. Also, the authors wish to thank
Virginia Mapp, Fen Qui, National Center for Intermodal Transportation (NCIT), and others who
supported the completion of this report.

Table of Contents


Acknowledgments........................................................................................................................... ii


Objectives ........................................................................................................................................1

Procedures, Data, and Methods .......................................................................................................2


Familiarity Level of Intermodal Information Technologies.....................................................6

Sources of Intermodal Information Technologies Knowledge ................................................6
Reasons for Implementing or Continuing to IIT ....................................................................10
Types of Company/Port Activities Affected by IIT...............................................................13
Satisfaction with IIT...............................................................................................................13
Obstacles Preventing or Retarding the Implementation of IIT ..............................................13
Familiarity Level of IIT Systems ...........................................................................................21

Summary and Conclusions ............................................................................................................33



Letters ............................................................................................................................................36

Questionnaires ...............................................................................................................................41

List of Tables


Table 1. Intermodal information technologies (IIT) familiarity.................................................7

Table 2. Sources of intermodal information technologies (IIT) knowledge ..............................9

Table 3. Reasons for implementing or continuing to use intermodal information


Table 4. Company/port activities being affected by intermodal information


Table 5. Satisfaction with intermodal information technologies ............................................16

Table 6. Users: Obstacles preventing or retarding the implementation of intermodal

information technologies at my firm/port ..................................................................19

Table 7. Non-Users: Obstacles preventing or retarding the implementation of

intermodal information technologies at my firm/port ................................................22

Table 8. Intermodal information technologies systems used for the study ..............................24

Table 9. Familiarity of intermodal information technologies systems.....................................28

Appendix Table 1. Budget for the study...................................................................................62

The Use of Intermodal Information Technologies by Intermodal Ports and Terminals Serving
Agriculture in Mississippi

Albert J. Allen and Warren C. Couvillion

Department of Agricultural Economics
Mississippi State University


Intermodal information technologies can be defined as those technologies involved in

acquiring, storing, processing, and distributing data and information by electronic means

(including radio, television, telephone, and computers) between two or more different modes of

transportation in such a way that all parts of the freight-transportation process are efficiently

connected, seamless, coordinated, and continuous. This definition is a modification of the two

definitions found in Collin 1997 and Muller1999.

Results from this study should help firms and ports improve their operational efficiencies,

reduce information delays and errors, speed up cargo transfers, improve customer service, and

improve overall productivity for the firm and port. Using intermodal information technologies

also should help intermodal ports and terminals in maintaining or attracting additional traffic,

since the competition for business is as fierce among ports and terminals as it is among carriers

and agribusiness enterprises.


This study=s general objective is to assess the use, adoption, benefits, and impacts of

intermodal information technologies on intermodal ports and terminals serving agribusiness

firms in Mississippi. The specific objectives are to (1) identify Mississippi=s intermodal ports


and terminals that handle agricultural and food products at their facilities; (2) identify the various

types of information technologies systems available for use and adoption by intermodal ports and

terminals in Mississippi; (3) determine the reasons intermodal ports and terminals implement do

or do not implement information technologies at their facilities; and (4) examine how well

intermodal port and terminal operators feel that information technologies are helping them to

better manage their facilities.

Procedures, Data, and Methods

To accomplish the objectives of this study, data and information were gathered from

literature, secondary sources, and surveys that were developed and sent to port and terminal

operators in the state. This research is concentrated on those intermodal ports and terminals that

primarily serve agricultural and food product firms.

To accomplish objective one of the study, data and information were gathered from port

officials, terminal operations, and the publication AComprehensive Assessment of the Ports of

Mississippi@ (Parsons et al., 2000). Sources were reviewed and contacted to determine the extent

of the handling of agricultural and food products at the terminals and ports in Mississippi.

Objective two was accomplished by using the publication AChallenges and Opportunities

for an ITS Intermodal Freight Program@ (Cambridge Systematics, Inc, in association with

VZM/TranSystems (1999).

This report was prepared for the U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary-

Office of Intermodalism Federal Highway Administration-ITS Joint Program Office. This report

describes how a national Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) program for intermodal freight

can promote the application of ITS technology to intermodal freight transportation. The

intermodal information systems identified in this study were obtained from this publication.

Existing intermodal ports and terminal information technologies systems were characterized

and compared in terms of quality and efficiency of service. Major emphasis was placed on the

technical and functional potential of recent intermodal information technologies to help

transform the handling and shipping phase of the intermodal ports and terminal system in

Mississippi into a more seamless and integrated system in its linkage to the agribusiness sector.

The Internet also was used to identify manufacturers of intermodal information technology

systems for intermodal ports and terminals. Many manufacturers had used the World Wide Web

to post literature describing their technologies and products. One of the Web sites the authors

used was Cargo Systems (, which provided information on

some of the most recent developments in information technologies for intermodal ports and

terminals on a worldwide basis.

In objectives three and four, information on the reasons intermodal ports and terminals

implement do or do not implement advanced information technologies at their facilities and how

well intermodal port and terminal operators feel advanced intermodal information technologies

at their facilities have impacted them and their customers were obtained through surveys. This

information will provide valuable feedback to manufacturers, distributors, users, and potential

users of the various types of systems. The questionnaires and letters to various port and terminal

officials are found in the appendix.

As previously mentioned, a survey instrument was used to provide information to

accomplish objectives three and four of this study. The questionnaire was developed following a

comprehensive review of information technology literature, which included similar surveys used

in other information technology studies (Berry et al., undated and Bigras and Roy, 2000). The

target population for the study was made up of ports and terminals serving agriculture in

Mississippi. A list of all firms with offices physically located at port facilities was obtained from

port officials in Mississippi. It should be noted that while a number of companies ship cargo

through the ports and a number of transportation companies call at ports, not all of them maintain

physical offices at the port sites; therefore, this study was limited to the firms that had physical

facilities at port sites in Mississippi.

A list of 84 firms was obtained from the port respondents. Of that total, 21 firms could be

identified as agribusiness firms. Because there were 84 firms identified by port respondents, a

decision was made to send these firms the questionnaire. Also, all port respondents with physical

facilities of firms located at their sites were sent questionnaires; this group totaled 11. In the first

request for facilities physically located at their port sites, 14 ports (about 88 percent of the ports

in the state) responded to the request.

Eight ports (about 73 percent of those who had responded earlier to the request for firms

physically located at port sites) filled out the questionnaire. Seven agribusiness firms, or 33

percent, and eight non-agribusiness firms responded to the questionnaire. Overall, the response

rate to the questionnaire was 27 percent. In addition, there were 10 nondeliverables that were

included in the non-agribusiness sector. Results from the surveys are reported as mean values of

the respondents.

The survey consisted of eight sections, with the first section designed to obtain general

information about the profile of the port firm. The second section contained 21 types of

intermodal information technology. Respondents were asked to indicate their familiarity with

various types of intermodal information technologies by placing the letter of one of the nine

AChoice Types@ in each of the blank spaces on the questionnaire. The third section contained 10

selected sources of intermodal information technologies. Respondents were asked where they

learned about current or new intermodal information technologies; responses were marked by

putting the letter of one of the five AChoice Types@ in each of the blank spaces found on the


The fourth section of the survey contained 16 selected reasons for implementing or

continuing to use intermodal information technologies. Respondents were asked to indicate their

opinions on the importance they placed on each of 16 selected reasons for which they might have

implemented or continue to use intermodal information technologies. The fifth section contained

information port/firm activities that were being affected by the respondents. Respondents were

asked to indicate which activities were mostly affected by the use of intermodal information

technologies by selecting one of the five AChoice Types@ on the survey.

Section six was designed to obtain from the respondents information on how well they were

satisfied with the use of intermodal information technologies. The seventh section of the survey

was designed to detect the obstacles or factors that were preventing or retarding the

implementation of intermodal information technologies. The eighth section was designed to

determine how familiar the respondents were with the seven selected categories of intermodal

information technologies systems.


This section of the study is designed to provide information obtained from the respondents.

This section of the report is divided into seven sections.

Familiarity Level of Intermodal Information Technologies

To access agribusiness, nonagribusiness, and ports= familiarity with certain types of

intermodal information technologies, a nine-point scale was used ( Table 1). Berry, D=Onofrio,

Hall, and Jones (undated) used a similar scaling procedure to provide an assessment of

multinational management perceptions of information technology.

Results reveal that agribusiness, nonagribusiness, and ports used several types of

information technologies on a daily basis (indicated by an average response of nine).

Respondents were most familiar with PCs, Windows, and fax machines. Also, respondents were

very familiar with electronic mail, the Internet, and cellular phones. The respondents were least

familiar with satellite positioning, personal communication systems, and automatic equipment

identification tags.

Sources of Intermodal Information Technologies Knowledge

Using a five-point Likert scaling ranging from Astrongly agree@ to Astrongly disagree,@

respondents were asked to indicate where they heard about new intermodal information

technologies (Table 2). As shown in Table 2, respondents received their information about new
Table 1. Intermodal Information Technologies (IIT) Familiarity

Type of Respondents_________________
Means of
Means of Non- Means
Types of Agribusiness Agribusiness of Grand
IIT Firms Firms Ports Means

1. PC 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00

2. Windows 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00
3. Fax Machines 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00
4. Electronic Mail 9.00 8.50 9.00 8.83
5. Internet 9.00 9.00 8.67 8.92
6. Electronic Data Interchange 6.00 7.75 6.00 6.58
7. Satellite Positioning 4.33 4.30 2.00 3.56
8. Bar Coding 5.75 4.30 4.00 4.80
9. Electronic Imaging 5.00 4.30 2.67 4.10
10. Pagers 6.60 5.75 7.00 6.42
11. Voice Mail 7.80 7.25 6.00 7.17
12. Cellular Telephones 9.00 8.50 6.67 8.25
Table 1. Intermodal Information Technologies (IIT) Familiarity (Continued)

Type of Respondents________________________
Means of
Means of Non- Means
Types of Agribusiness Agribusiness of Grand
IIT Firms Firms Ports Means

13. Spreadsheets 8.20 7.75 6.67 7.67

14. Search Engines 7.80 8.00 7.33 7.75
15. Databases 8.60 7.75 6.33 7.75
16. Word Processors 7.50 8.50 6.67 7.64
17. Local Area Networks 7.80 9.00 5.33 7.45
18. Electronic Funds Transfer 7.00 6.50 6.00 6.58
19. Automatic Equipment Identification Tags 1.67 4.30 2.00 2.67
20. Personal Communication Systems 4.00 4.30 2.00 3.44
21. Onboard Computers 3.75 6.67 2.00 4.10
Choice Types
1 = I have never head of 6 = I use about once a month
2 = I have heard of, but have not used 7 = I use about 2 or 3 times a week
3 = I have used a little 8 = I use once a week
4 = I use a few times a year 9 = I use daily
5 = I use about 2 or 3 times a month
Table 2. Sources of Intermodal Information Technologies (IIT) Knowledge

Type of Respondents__________________________
Means of
Means of Non- Means
Agribusiness Agribusiness of Grand
Sources Firms Firms Ports Means

1. Newspapers 3.00 3.00 2.33 2.77

2. Magazines 2.50 1.30 2.00 2.00
3. Work 2.00 1.67 1.67 1.80
4. News on T.V. 3.00 2.33 1.33 2.30
5. Friends 2.50 3.00 2.00 2.50
6. Colleagues 1.25 2.00 3.00 2.00
7. Textbooks 2.75 3.50 2.33 2.78
8. Classes 2.75 3.00 3.67 3.11
9. TV shows/movies 3.75 3.00 3.37 3.50
10. Internet 2.00 1.30 2.67 2.00
Choice Types
1 = Strongly Agree 4 = Disagree
2 = Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
3 = Undecided
intermodal information technologies most often from work, magazines, colleagues, and the

Internet. These results should not be that surprising considering the large number of people at

work who are familiar with computers, telephones, the Internet and magazines. The two items

that were reported as sources of knowledge with the highest mean scores were classes and t.v.


Reasons for Implementing or Continuing to Use IIT

The most common reason given by respondents for implementing or continuing to use

intermodal information technologies was to reduce paperwork (Table 3) This allows the

respondents to reduce the space required for storage and to reduce errors because they are using

less personnel to manage their facilities. The second most common reason for implementing

intermodal information technologies is to improve operations planning. The respondents were

equally concerned with maintaining competitive advantages and increasing office/clerical


The least common reasons for implementing or continuing to use intermodal information

technologies were examining the sequence of intermodal operations at companies, improving

security, and planning the routing of intermodal equipment and cargoes. These results reveal

that the respondents were not overly concerned about improving safety, examining the sequence

of the operations at their companies and the routing of equipment and cargoes for the

implementation, or the continual use of intermodal information technologies.

Table 3. Reasons for implementing or continuing to use intermodal information technologies (IIT)

Type of Respondents___________________________
Means of
Means of Non- Means
Agribusiness Agribusiness of Grand
Reasons Firms Firms Ports Means

1. Customer service enhancement 1.40 1.50 1.67 1.50

2. Improve operations planning 1.20 1.25 1.33 1.25
3. Improve communications with customers 1.60 1.50 1.67 1.58
4. Maintain a competitive advantage 1.40 1.25 1.67 1.42
5. Meet customer requirements 1.60 1.50 1.67 1.58
6. Reduce costs 1.60 1.00 2.33 1.58
7. Improve profits 2.00 1.00 3.00 1.92
8. Reduce paperwork 1.40 1.00 1.00 1.17
9. Increase office/clerical efficiency 1.60 1.00 1.67 1.42
10. Improve security 2.80 1.50 3.33 2.50
11. Improve monitoring of company equipment and 2.20 1.50 -- 1.88

Table 3. Reasons for implementing or continuing to use intermodal information technologies (IIT) (Continued)
Type of Respondents_____________________________
Means of
Means of Non- Means
Agribusiness Agribusiness of Grand
Reasons Firms Firms Ports Means

12. Manage documentation better 1.80 1.00 2.33 1.67

13. Improve integration of information 1.70 1.00 2.33 1.67
14. Measure the performance of carriers and facilitators 2.40 1.75 2.67 2.25
15. Improve communication with company drivers 2.80 1.50 B 2.22
16. Identify the best rates and levels of service available 2.60 1.25 300 2.25
from carriers and facilitators
17. Book, issue, account for, and generate reports of 1.80 1.25 1.67 1.58
freight shipments
18. Plan the routing of intermodal equipment and cargoes 2.80 2.00 B 2.44
19. Examine the sequence of intermodal operations at my 3.00 2.00 B 2.55
20. Respond quickly to emergencies or change of 1.60 1.75 2.00 1.75
operational orders
Choice Types 3 = Undecided
1 = Strongly Agree 4 = Disagree
2 = Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
Types of Company/Port Activities Affected by IIT

The respondents were asked to reveal the types of activities being impacted at their facilities.

Results reveal that the most common activities affected were gate activity (port only), costing, and

billing (Table 4). These results suggest the respondents were using intermodal information

technologies to bill clients and to improve the costing activity to reduce errors in expenses so clients

could be billed much more efficiently and timely than without the use of intermodal information

technologies. The activities least affected by intermodal information activities were dispatching,

cargo delivery, freight manifest, vehicle routing, vehicle tracing, and load preparation.

Satisfaction with IIT

Ports were mostly satisfied with the use of intermodal information technologies because of top

management, employees, and benefits in general (Table 5). Results also reveal that agribusiness

firms were mostly satisfied because their customers were being satisfied, and the agribusiness

respondents have benefited from the use of intermodal information technologies. In the non-

agribusiness-respondent sector, the firms felt that the overall firm benefited from the use of

intermodal information technologies.

Obstacles Preventing or Retarding the Implementation of IIT

Under the category Obstacles Preventing or Retarding the Implementation of IIT, the greatest

concerns of users of intermodal information technologies were difficulty in obtaining technical

assistance, rapid evolution of technology, and the lack of awareness of the benefits of IIT (Table 6).

These results suggest that manufacturers/distributors need to provide the technical

Table 4. Company/port activities being affected by intermodal information technologies

Type of Respondents_______________________________________
Means of
Means of Non- Means
Agribusiness Agribusiness of Grand
Types of Activities Firms Firms Ports Means
1. Billing 1.80 1.50 1.33 1.58
2. Costing 2.00 1.75 2.00 1.42
3. Dispatching 2.60 2.00 -- 2.33
4. Gate Activity -- -- 1.33 1.33
5. Shipment Tracing 2.40 1.75 -- 2.11
6. Cargo Delivery -- -- 2.67 2.67
7. Vehicle Tracing 3.00 1.75 -- 2.44
8. Freight Manifest -- -- 2.67 2.67
9. Loading/Unloading 2.20 2.00 2.33 2.17
10. Vehicle Routing 2.60 2.00 -- 2.33
11. Demurrage Notification -- -- 2.00 2.00
Table 4. Company/Port activities being affected by intermodal information technologies (Continued)

Type of Respondents_________________________________
Means of
Means of Non- Means
Agribusiness Agribusiness of Grand
Types of Activities Firms Firms Ports Means

12. Load Preparation 2.40 1.75 2.67 2.25

13. Answering Customer Calls 2.20 1.75 2.00 2.00

Choice Types

1 = Strongly Agree
2 = Agree
3 = Undecided
4 = Disagree
5 = Strongly Disagree
Table 5. Satisfaction with intermodal information technologies

Types of Respondents_______________________________________
Means of
Means of Non- Means
Agribusiness Agribusiness of Grand Grand Grand
1 2
Statements Firms Firms Port Means Means Means3
1. Top management at my firm is satisfied 2.60 1.75 -- 2.22 -- --
with our use of intermodal information
2. Top management at my port is satisfied -- -- 1.67 -- 1.67 --
with our use of intermodal information
3. Our employees are satisfied with our use 2.60 1.75 1.67 2.22 1.67 2.08
of intermodal information technologies
4. Our customers are satisfied with our use 2.40 1.75 2.00 2.11 2.00 2.08
of intermodal information technologies
5. My firm has benefited greatly from the 2.40 1.50 -- 2.00 -- --
use of intermodal information
Includes agribusiness and non-agribusiness means
Includes means of ports only
Includes means of all respondents
Table 5. Satisfaction with intermodal information technologies (Continued)
Type of Respondents____________________
Means of
Means of Non- Means
Agribusiness Agribusiness of Grand Grand Grand
1 2
Statements Firms Firms Port Means Means Means3
6. My port has benefited greatly from the -- -- 1.67 -- 1.67 --
use of intermodal information
7. My firm sales volume increased after the 3.40 2.50 -- 3.00 -- --
implementation of intermodal
information technologies
8. My port sales volume increased after the -- -- 3.33 -- 3.33 --
implementation of intermodal
information technologies
Includes agribusiness and non-agribusiness means
Includes means of ports only
Includes means of all respondents
Table 5. Satisfaction with intermodal information technologies (Continued)

Type of Respondents___________________________
Means of
Means of Non- Means
Agribusiness Agribusiness of Grand Grand Grand
1 2
Statements Firms Firms Port Means Means Means3

9. Implementation of intermodal 2.66 1.50 -- 2.11 -- --

information technologies has allowed
my company to handle increased
business more efficiently
10. Implementation of intermodal -- -- 2.00 -- 2.00 --
information technologies has allowed
my port to handle increased business
more efficiently

Includes agribusiness and non-agribusiness means
Includes means of ports only
Includes means of all respondents

Choice Types
1 = Strongly Agree 4 = Disagree
2 = Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
3 = Undecided
Table 6. Users: Obstacles preventing or retarding the implementation of intermodal information technologies at my firm/port.

Types of Respondents___________________________________
Means of
Means of Non- Means
Agribusiness Agribusiness of Grand
Obstacles Firms Firms Ports Means
1. High investment cost 2.50 3.67 2.00 2.77
2. Lack of financial resources 2.50 3.67 4.50 3.33
3. Rapid evolution of technology 2.75 2.33 1.50 2.33
4. Lack of awareness of the benefits of intermodal 3.00 2.67 1.50 2.56
information technologies
5. Difficulty in obtaining technical assistance 2.33 2.33 2.00 2.25
6. Lack of compatibility with technology in use 2.67 2.67 3.50 2.88
7. Lack of firm personnel training/education 3.33 2.67 -- 3.00
8. Lack of port personnel training/education -- -- 3.50 3.50
Table 6. Users: Obstacles preventing or retarding the implementation of intermodal information technologies at my firm/port
Type of Respondents____________________________
Means of
Means of Non- Means
Agribusiness Agribusiness of Grand
Obstacles Firms Firms Ports Means

9. Lack of information on intermodal information 2.67 3.67 2.00 2.88

10. High operating cost 2.33 3.33 3.50 3.00
11. Users= resistance 2.00 3.33 3.00 2.75
12. Lack of product features offered by single 3.00 2.67 3.50 3.00
13. Lack of cooperation on the part of customers or 2.67 3.33 3.50 3.13

14. High installation cost 2.67 3.67 3.50 3.25

Choice Types

1 = Strongly Agree 4 = Disagree

2 = Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
3 = Undecided
assistance necessary for firms using IIT. Also, the manufacturers/distributors need to continue to

educate their clients about the benefits if IIT, relative to the cost of implementing IIT at firms.

Firms that do not use intermodal information technologies in their operation reveal that

information on intermodal information technologies, lack of financial resources, and lack of

personnel training/education were the most common obstacles preventing their using IIT (Table

7). These results suggests that marketers need to train/educate management and employees so

they can become familiar with the operations of intermodal information technologies. Also, the

sellers will be provided with potential users with information on the different funding sources

available for those who want to implement intermodal information technologies.

Familiarity Level of IIT Systems

The purpose of this section is to provide information on the familiarity level of different

types of IIT systems by users and nonusers of IIT systems. The functions, purposes,

technologies and examples of the IIT systems used for this analysis are found in Table 8.

Results reveal that respondents were mostly familiar with UPS On-Line Tracking System (Table

9). Results also reveal that respondents were equally most familiar with Federal Express

interNetship and Global Positioning Systems (GPS). These systems ranked second to the UPS

system. The systems the respondents were least familiar with were OASIS and the Soni Wide

TRAKJ. These systems belong to the terminal inventory-management systems and asset

location and management systems, respectively.

Table 7. Non-Users: Obstacles preventing or retarding the implementation of intermodal information technologies at firm/port

Type of Respondents______________________
Means of
Means of Non- Means
Agribusiness Agribusiness of Grand
Obstacles Firms Firms Ports Means

1. High investment cost 3.50 3.33 1.75 2.67

2. Lack of financial resources 2.50 3.33 1.75 2.44
3. Rapid evolution of technology 3.50 2.67 2.50 2.77
4. Lack of awareness of the benefits of intermodal 2.50 2.33 3.00 2.67
information technologies
5. Difficulty in obtaining technical assistance 4.50 3.00 3.25 3.44
6. Lack of compatibility with technology in use 3.50 3.67 2.67 3.22
7. Lack of firm personnel training/education 3.00 2.33 -- 2.60
8. Lack of port personnel training/education -- -- 3.00 3.00
Table 7. Non-Users: Obstacles preventing or retarding the implementation of intermodal information technologies at firm/port

Type of Respondents___________________________
Means of
Means of Non- Means
Agribusiness Agribusiness of Grand
Obstacles Firms Firms Ports Means

9. Lack of information on intermodal information 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.11

10. High operating cost 3.50 3.33 2.50 3.00
11. Users= resistance 3.50 3.00 2.75 3.00
12. Lack of product features offered by single 3.50 3.33 2.50 3.00
13. Lack of cooperation on the part of customers or 3.50 3.33 2.50 3.00
14. High installation cost 3.50 2.67 2.50 2.77

Choice Types

1 = Strongly Agree 4 = Disagree

2 = Agree 5 = Strongly Disagree
3 = Undecided

Table 8. Intermodal information technologies systems used for the study.

1. Shipment Information Systems

Function: Manage the flow of materials and products from source to user.
Purpose: The systems are used to optimize the visibility and control of goods (and
their conveyances - containers, trucks, ships, etc.) Through a logistics
system. Integrated or extended supply chain systems may link suppliers,
manufacturers, carriers, distributors, retailers/customers, and
consumers/end users.
Technology: The systems use information management and communications
Examples: Ryder Integrated/Logistics i2 Technologies; Federal Express interNetShip;
UPS on-line tracking system; Tie Logistics COMAND7; ALK Associates
E-trackerJ; DHL Worldwide Package Tracking; Manna Freight=s Freight

2. Security Systems

Function: Monitor the condition of vehicles, containers, and goods during shipment
or in storage at terminals.
Purpose: The systems are used to prevent theft and vandalism of trucks, chassis,
containers, and freight.
Technology: Most systems use sensors coupled to radio frequency transponders,
onboard vehicle communication systems, or video surveillance systems.
Systems typically are linked to vehicle location and management systems
or terminal inventory management systems.
Examples: Qualcomm TrailerTRACS7; Savi Inside TRAKJ; Maher Terminals
Logistics System, Inc. (MTLS) Electronic Security Processing System.

3. Customs Clearance Systems

Function: Automate the filing, processing, review, and issuance of documents for
import and export of goods.
Purpose: The systems are used to automate transactions, improve customs control,
and minimize delays for shippers and receivers.
Technology: The systems use transaction processing software and communications
Examples: U.S. Customs Automated Commercial System, Automated Manifest
System, Automated Export Reporting System, Automated Export System,
and International Trade Data System; Syntra Global Logistics System.

Table 8. Intermodal information technologies systems used for the study (Continued)

4. Ship Stowage Management Systems

Function: Plan and track the location of containers abroad ships.
Purpose: The systems are used to maximize stability, minimize handling during
loading and off-loading, position refrigerated containers, and isolate
hazardous cargo.
Technology: The systems use computer models and optimization or expert systems
software. Systems typically are linked to booking and terminal inventory
management systems.
Examples: NAVIS; MTLS Vessel Planning System; Realtime Business Solutions
TopX (Terminal Operation Package - Xwindow); August Design GRAIL
robotic container-handling facility for Sea-Land Service, Inc.

5. Terminal Inventory Management Systems

Function: Track and manage the movement of containers and trailers within port,
rail, and truck terminals.
Purpose: The systems are used to optimize the use of space in terminals, manage the
stacking of containers of different lengths, make efficient use of labor and
equipment, and schedule equipment repair and maintenance.
Technology: The systems use computer models and optimization or export systems
software, RFID devices, GPS receivers for position identification, and
mobile inventory vehicles for integrated inventory and equipment location
identification. Systems typically are linked to booking and gate clearance
Examples: NAVIS; OASIS; APL Seattle Terminal System; Matson Hawaii Terminal
System; August Design GRAIL robotic container-handling facility for
Sea-Land Service, Inc.; MTLS Container Terminal Management System;
Maher Terminals Marine Terminal Automated Management System; APL
integrated Port Management and Vessel Planning System at the Port of
Los Angeles.

6. Gate Clearance Systems

Function: Automate the verification and inspection of drivers, truck tractors, trailers,
containers, and chassis moving into and out of marine, rail, air, and truck
Purpose: The systems are used to verify bookings, maintain security, and establish
liability for damage.
Technology: The systems use automatic vehicle identification (AVI) technology, e.g.,
GPS, RFID transponders, optical character recognition (OCR) linked to

Table 8. Intermodal information technologies systems used for the study (Continued)

computerized databases. Systems typically are linked to booking and

terminal management systems.
Examples: Maher Terminals OCR Gate System; Southern Pacific/Santa Fe Los
Angeles Terminal OCR System; Port Authority of New York and New
Jersey (PANYNJ) Sea-Link card system; APL automated gate clearance
system in Los Angeles; Port of Portland electronic shipyard planning
system; LA King gate systems.

7. Asset Location and Management Systems (LMS)

Function: Locate and track a vehicle or container.

Purpose: The systems are used to estimate time of arrival, minimize out-of-route
travel, optimize equipment use, and improve safety and security.
Technology: Satellite LMS utilize the GPS, geostationary satellites, or low earth orbit
(LEO) satellites. Ground-based LMS utilize loran and wireless radio
transmitters, dead-reckoning/map-matching computers, or automated
equipment identification (AEI) transponders. Some systems are coupled
with onboard computers and sensors that monitor vehicle or cargo
Examples: Ship LMS: GPS; U.S. Coast Guard Vessel Traffic System (VTS);
Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS); Portable
Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance System (PCNS)
Railcar LMS: Locomotive Automatic Train Control System (ATCS),
Amtech railcar AEI tags
Truck LMS: Qualcomm OmniTracs, Highway Master
Container/Trailer LMS: Orbcomm (untethered trailer system), Qualcomm
Trailer TRANS7, Savi WideTRAKJ
Chassis LMS: Amtech, Hughes, Mark IV, etc., AEI tags

Sources: Cambridge Systematics Inc., Challenges and Opportunities for an ITS/Intermodal

Freight Program, Final Report, in association with VZM/TranSystems, February
Table 9. Familiarity of intermodal information technologies systems

Types of Systems Means of IIT Means of Means of Means of IIT Means of

Agribusiness IIT Non IIT Non-Agri Non IIT Non
Firms Ports Ports Business Agribusiness Grand
Firms Firms Means

A. Shipment Information Systems

1. Ryder Integrated/Logistics 3.25 2.50 2.50 3.00 4.00 3.08
2. Federal Express interNetShip 2.20 3.00 2.50 1.50 2.00 2.13
3. UPS on-line tacking system 1.60 2.00 2.50 1.75 1.50 1.80
4. Tie Logistics Command7 3.40 3.50 2.50 3.25 4.00 3.33

5. ALK Associates E-tackerJ 4.00 3.50 2.50 3.50 4.00 3.57

6. DHL Worldwide Package Tracking 3.00 2.50 2.50 2.75 2.00 2.47
7. Manna Freight=s Freight Tracker 4.00 2.50 2.50 3.50 4.00 3.43

8. Other -- -- -- 3.00 -- 3.00

B. Security Systems
1. Qualcomm Trailer TRACS7 3.00 3.50 2.50 2.25 4.50 2.80

Table 9. Familiarity of intermodal information technologies systems (Continued)

Types of Systems Means of IIT Means of Means of Means of IIT Means of
Agribusiness IIT Non IIT Non-Agri Non IIT Non
Firms Ports Ports Business Agribusiness Grand
Firms Firms Means
Types of Respondents

2. Savi Inside TRAKJ 4.00 3.50 2.50 3.69 4.50 3.69

3. Maher Terminals Logistics Systems, Inc. 3.50 2.00 2.50 3.67 4.50 3.31
(MTLS) Electronic Security Processing System
C. Customs Clearance Systems
1. U.S. Customs Automated Commercial 3.50 2.00 2.50 3.25 4.50 3.21
2. U.S. Customs Manifest System 3.50 2.00 2.50 2.75 4.50 3.07
3. U.S. Customs Automated Export Reporting 3.50 2.00 2.50 3.25 4.50 3.21
4. U.S. Customs Automated Export System 3.50 2.00 .50 3.67 4.50 3.31
5. U.S. Customs International Trade Data 3.50 2.00 2.50 3.67 4.50 3.31
6. Syntra Global Logistics System 3.50 2.50 2.50 4.00 4.50 3.46
D. Ship Storage Management Systems

1. NAVIS 2.275 2.50 2.50 4.50 3.00 3.00

2. MTLS Vessel Planning System 2.50 3.50 2.50 4.50 4.50 3.33
3. Realtime Business Solutions Top X 2.50 3.50 2.50 4.50 4.50 3.33
(Terminal Operation Package - X Window)
Table 9. Familiarity of intermodal information technologies systems (Continued)
Types of Systems Means of IIT Means of Means of Means of IIT Means of
Agribusiness IIT Non IIT Non-Agri Non IIT Non
Firms Ports Ports Business Agribusiness Grand
Firms Firms Means
Types of Respondents
4. Other 1.00 -- -- -- -- 1.00

1. NAVIS 2.40 2.50 2.50 4.50 3.00 2.85

2. OASIS 4.00 3.50 2.50 4.50 4.50 3.85
3. Container Terminal Management System 3.25 2.50 2.50 4.50 4.50 2.42
Advanced Management
4. Maher Terminals Marina Terminal Automated 2.80 2.00 2.50 4.50 4.50 3.15
Management System
5. Other 1.00 -- -- -- -- 1.00
F. Gate Clearance Systems
1. Maher Terminals OCR Gate System 3.25 2.00 2.50 4.50 4.50 3.33
2. Cosmos General Cargo System 3.25 3.50 2.50 4.50 4.50 3.58
3. Mainsail Management SystemJ 4.00 3.50 2.50 4.50 4.50 3.67

G. Asset Location and Management Systems

a. Ship LMS
1. GPS 1.20 1.50 4.00 1.50 4.50 2.13

Table 9. Familiarity of intermodal information technologies systems (Continued)

Types of Systems Means of IIT Means of Means of
Means of IIT Means of
Agribusiness IIT Non IIT
Non-Agri Non IIT Non
Firms Ports Ports
Business Agribusiness Grand
Firms Firms Means

2. U.S. Coast Guard Vessel Traffic 3.20 1.50 2.50 2.33 4.50 2.86
System (VTS)

3. Electronic Chart Display and 4.00 3.00 2.50 2.33 4.50 3.31
Information Systems (ECDIS)
4. Portable Communication, Navigation 4.00 3.50 2.50 2.67 4.50 3.46
and Surveillance Systems (PCNS)
b. Railcar LMS
1. Locomotive Automatic Train Control 3.40 3.00 2.50 3.67 4.50 3.69
Systems (CATCS)
2. Amtech Railcar AEI tags 3.25 3.50 2.50 3.00 4.50 3.58
3. Other 4.00 -- -- -- -- 4.00
c. Truck LMS
1. Qualcomm OmniTracs 3.40 2.50 2.50 2.50 4.50 3.54
2. Highway Master 4.00 2.50 2.50 3.00 4.50 3.67

3. Other -- 3.00 -- -- -- 3.00

d. Container/Trailer LMS
1. Orbcomm Trailer System 3.50 3.50 2.50 3.50 4.50 3.50
Table 9. Familiarity of intermodal information technologies systems (Continued)
Types of Systems Means of IIT Means of Means ofMeans of IIT Means of
Agribusiness IIT Non IIT Non-Agri Non IIT Non
Firms Ports Ports Business Agribusiness Grand
Firms Firms Means
Type of Respondents
2. Qualcomm Trailer TRANS7 3.50 3.50 2.50 2.50 4.50 3.07

3. Sarri Wide TRAKJ 4.00 3.50 2.50 4.50 4.50 3.83

e. Chassis LMS
1. Amtech Chassis AEI tags 3.50 2.50 2.50 3.33 4.50 3.31
2. Hughes Chassis AEI tags 3.50 3.50 2.50 3.33 4.50 3.46
3. Mark IV Chassis AEI tags 3.50 3.50 2.50 3.33 4.50 3.46
4. Other -- 3.00 -- -- -- 3.00

Choice Types

1 = Strongly Agree
2 = Agree
3 = Undecided
4 = Disagree
5 = Strongly Disagree

Summary and Conclusions

The general objective of this study was to assess the use, adoption, benefits, and impact of

intermodal information technologies on intermodal ports and terminals serving agribusiness

firms physically located at port sites in Mississippi. To accomplish the objective, secondary and

primary data and information were used. Although this study has a small sample size, its results

do provide insight into the use, satisfaction, and obstacles preventing the increased use of

intermodal information technologies. Also, findings from this analysis can prove useful in

continued analyses of these data and in the development of future research projects.

Results from this study reveal that agribusiness firms and ports are most familiar with PCs,

Windows applications, and fax machines. Information on new information technologies was

obtained from work, colleagues, and magazine articles. These finds suggest that the work place,

colleagues at work, and magazines with data and information on intermodal information

technologies are the key sources of knowledge about technologies.

The most common activities affected by ports and firms responding to the survey reveal are

gate activity (port only) and costing and billing. These results may suggest that firms use

intermodal information technologies to improve the billing and costing activities of their



Berry, Ronald L., Marianne D=Onofrio, Patricia Hall, and Mary C. Jones. Undated.
AInformation Technology: An Assessment of Multinational Management Perceptions,@
Journal of Information Technology <>

Bigras, Yvon, and Jacques Roy. 2000. AThe Use of New Information Technologies: The Case of
the Quebec Trucking Industry,@ Transportation Quarterly/Journal of the Transportation
Research Forum, Volume 54, Number 3, Summer 2000.

Cambridge Systematics, Inc. 1999. Challenges and Opportunities for an ITS/Intermodal Freight
Program, Final Report, in association with VZM/TranSystems, prepared for U.S.
Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary-Office of Intermodalism Federal
Highway Administration-ITS Joint Program Office.

Cargo Systems. 2000. < contents.html>

Collin, S.M.H. 1997. Dictionary of Information Technology. Second Edition. Peter Collin
Publishing, Ltd., 1 Cambridge Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW118DT, Great Britain.

Muller, Gerbardt. 1999. Intermodal Freight Transportation. Fourth Edition. ENO

Transportation Foundation, Inc., and Intermodal Association of North America,
Washington, D.C.

Parson, Brinckerhalf, Quade, and Douglas, Inc. 2000. Comprehensive Assessment of the Ports
in Mississippi. Submitted to Mississippi Department of Transportation, Jackson, MS.



Dear :

I am working on a project titled AThe Use of Intermodal Information Technologies by

Intermodal Ports and Terminals Serving Agriculture in Mississippi.@ The purpose of this study
is to assess the use, adoption, benefits, and impacts of information technologies on intermodal
ports and terminals serving agribusiness firms in Mississippi. To help in the completion of the
project I need the following information on each of the industry/firm that is physically located on
your port site:

1. Name of Industry/Firm
2. Physical Address
3. Name of Chief Executive Officer
4. Telephone Number
5. Fax Number
6. Line of Business

Also, please send me a copy of your most recent published Port Handbook.

I am thanking you in advance for your time and effort with my request and continued


Albert J. Allen
Professor/Agricultural Economist



Dear :

Recently I faxed you a letter asking you to provide selected information attributes on the
firms that are physically located on your port site but I have not received that information from
you. I would appreciate your agreeing to take a few moments from your busy schedule and
provide the information to me as soon as possible, if you have not already done so. I am faxing
the original letter I sent you just in case yours has been misplaced. Again thanks for your help
and continued support.


Albert J. Allen
Professor/Agricultural Economist



Dear :

The Department of Agricultural Economics at Mississippi State University is conducting a

survey on the use of intermodal information technologies in the intermodal movement of freight
by Mississippi ports. The purpose of this study is to provide information on the profile and
general characteristics of Mississippi ports which are either using or not using intermodal
information technologies to gain better control of operational costs, identify new and emerging
markets, and manage more efficiently personnel, time, and assets such as equipment.

We are seeking to identify what encourages ports to implement or continue to use

intermodal information based technologies and whether or not it has proven worthwhile to invest
in these types of technologies. We seek your help in obtaining accurate information on your
port=s profile, your reasons for implementing intermodal information based technologies, your
satisfaction with intermodal information based technologies, and general features of intermodal
information based technologies. You have been identified as a potential contributor to this
research project.

The research will provide a better understanding of how intermodal information

technologies relate to the port industry in Mississippi as a whole and will provide insight to their
relevance and application to your port and industry. With the information obtained from the
survey, you can compare your port business with the state averages of intermodal information
based technologies. The evaluation of the reasons for implementing intermodal information
based technologies should prove useful to your firm in the context of today=s increasingly
competitive global economy. Your answers will also help ports that are considering
implementing intermodal information technologies at their ports.

Your reply will be held in strict confidence and all information you provide will be kept
strictly confidential. The answers you provide will be added in with other responses into a
combined database so that no individual port=s response can be identified. Therefore, no one
will be able to extract individual business information from the combined published data.

You will not receive any unsolicited promotional inquiries based directly on your
participation in this study, nor will you or your port be directly associated with your response.
As might be expected, your participation in this study is fully voluntary. Also, you may refuse to
answer any specific question that we have asked of you or your port. If you are unable to

Page 2

complete the questionnaire by the stated deadline, we will send you a follow-up letter asking you
to complete the survey for us.

To help us analyze the data, we would appreciate your agreeing to complete and return the
enclosed survey to us on or before October 20, 2000. A stamped, self-addressed envelope is
included for your use in returning the completed survey. If you are unable to personally fill out
the questionnaire, would you forward it to someone within your port who could complete it?
The questionnaire should take approximately 30 to 35 minutes to complete. We are thanking
you in advance for taking time to participate in this research project. If you should have any
questions about this research project, please feel free to contact Allen or Couvillion at the
address below. For additional information regarding human participation in research, please feel
free to contact the MSU Regulatory Compliance Office at 662-325-0994.

Albert J. Allen or Warren C. Couvillion

Department of Agricultural Economics
P.O. Box 5187
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Phone: 662-325-2883 or 662-325-2886
FAX: 662-325-6614
E-mail: or
Tracy Smart Arwood
Regulatory Compliance Administrator
Mississippi State University
PO. Box 6156
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Phone: 662-325-3994
FAX: 662-325-3803


Albert J. Allen

Warren C. Couvillion
Professors/Agricultural Economics
Enclosures (2)


Dear :

Recently we sent you a survey asking your opinions about the impact of intermodal information technologies
on your firm but we have not received your response. We would appreciate your agreeing to take a few moments
from your busy schedule to complete and return the survey to us on or before November 30, 2000, if you have not
already done so. We have enclosed a copy of the survey and a stamped, self-addressed envelope just in case yours
has been misplaced. Your response is very important for an accurate analysis of the impact of intermodal
information technologies on firms in Mississippi. Let me reassure you that your reply will be kept strictly
confidential and your participation in this study is fully voluntary.

Again, thanks for your cooperation. We sincerely appreciate your assistance and continued support in our

If you have any difficulty or questions with the survey, please contact:

Albert J. Allen or Warren C. Couvillion

Department of Agricultural Economics
P.O. Box 5187
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Phone: (662) 325-2883 or (662) 325-2886
FAX: (662) 325-6614
E-mail: or


Albert J. Allen
Professor/Agricultural Economist
Enclosures (2)

Intermodal Information Systems Based Technologies Survey

Please note: For the purpose of this survey, intermodal information technologies are defined as
technologies involved in acquiring, storing, processing, and distributing data and information by
electronic means (including radio, television, telephone, and computers) between two or more different
modes of transportation in such a way that all parts of the freight transportation process are efficiently
connected, seamless, coordinated, flexible, and continuous.

Section A. Port Profile

1. Name of Port ___________________________________________________________

2. Mailing Address _________________________________________________________
3. Name of Person Filling in Questionnaire ______________________________________
4. E-mail Address __________________________________________________________
5. Title of Person Filling in Questionnaire _______________________________________
6. How long have you been in current business?__________Year(s)
In Mississippi__________ Year(s) Other __________________________________
(Please specify years and location(s)
7. What was your port=s gross revenues in 1999? (Please check the appropriate category).
a. Less than $3 million _____
b. $4 - 10 million _____
c. $11 - 30 million _____
d. $31 - 50 million _____
e. $51 - 100 million _____
f. $101 - 500 million _____
g. Greater than $500 million _____
8. What was your port=s total tonnage handled in 1999? (Please check the appropriate category).
Short tons (000's)
a. Less than 2,500 _____
b. 2,500 - 4,999 _____
c. 5,000 - 9,999 _____
d. Greater than 10,000 _____
9. What is the approximate total number of employees at your port?
Office/Clerical ________ Management Team ________ Marketing/Sales ________ Computer Analysts
________ Others (please specify)_________
10. What are the three major products that your port handles?
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________
11.Do you use Intermodal Information Systems based technologies at your port?
Yes _____, No _____
If yes, please continue to sections B, C, D, E, F, and H of the questionnaire. If no, please fill out
Section G of the questionnaire. (Yellow Page)

Section B. Intermodal Information Technologies Familiarity

Please indicate how familiar you are with the following types of intermodal information technologies by placing
the letter of one of the nine AChoice Types@ in each of the blank spaces below.
1. PC _____ 12. Cellular Telephones _____
2. Windows _____ 13. Spreadsheets _____
3. Fax Machines _____ 14. Search Engines _____
4. Electronic Mail _____ 15. Databases _____
5. Internet _____ 16. Word Processors _____
6. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI _____ 17. Local Area Networks _____
7. Satellite Positioning _____ 18. Electronic Funds Transfer _____
8. Bar Coding _____ 19. Automatic Equipment Identification (AEI) Tags _____
9. Electronic Imaging _____ 20. Personal Communication Systems _____
10. Pagers _____ 21. Onboard Computers _____
11. Voice Mail _____ 22. Other(s) (please specify) _____

Choice Types
A = I have never heard of F= I use about once a month
B = I have heard of, but have not used G= I use about 2 or 3 times a week
C = I have used a little H= I use once a week
D = I use a few times a year I= I use daily
E = I use about 2 or 3 times a month J= Other (please specify) ____________________

On the following pages are listed some statements concerning Intermodal Information Systems based
technologies. The choices you make in answering are:

Strongly Agree - Means you feel strongly in favor of this statement

Agree - Means you are in favor of this statement
Undecided - Means you are not sure or do not know about this statement
Disagree - Means you are not in favor of this statement
Strongly Disagree - Means you feel strongly against this statement

Please read each statement carefully and then place the letter of one of the five choices given. Do not spend too
much time on any one statement. Use the last page for any comments you may wish to make.

Section C. Sources of Intermodal Information Technologies Knowledge. Please indicate below where you
hear about current or new intermodal information technologies by putting the letter of one of the
five AChoice Types@ in each of the blank spaces below.

1. Newspapers _____ 7. Textbooks _____

2. Magazines _____ 8. Classes _____
3. Work _____ 9. TV shows/movies _____
4. News on TV _____ 10. Internet _____
5. Friends _____ 11. Other(s) (please specify) ____________
6. Colleagues _____
Choice Types
A = Strongly Agree D = Disagree
B = Agree E = Strongly Disagree
C = Undecided

Section D. Reasons for Implementing or Continuing To Use Intermodal Information Technologies.

Please place the letter of one of the five AChoice Types@ in each of the blank spaces below.

1. Customer service enhancement _____

2. Improve operations planning _____
3. Improve communications with customers _____
4. Maintain a competitive advantage _____
5. Meet customer requirements _____
6. Reduce costs _____
7. Improve profits _____
8.Reduce paperwork _____
9. Increase office/clerical efficiency _____
10.Improve security _____
11.Manage documentation better _____
12.Improve integration of information _____
13.Measure the performance of carriers and facilitators _____
14.Identify the best rates and levels of service available from carriers and facilitators _____
15.Book, issue, account for, and generate reports of freight shipments _____
16.Respond quickly to emergencies or change of operational orders _____
17.Other(s) (please specify) __________________________________________________

Choice Types
A = Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B = Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C = Undecided

Section E. Port Activities Being Affected By Intermodal Information Technologies. Please place the letter
of one of the five AChoice Types@ in each of the blank spaces below.

1. Billing ______ 6. Loading/Unloading ______

2. Costing ______ 7. Demurrage Notification ______
3. Gate Activity ______ 8. Load Preparation ______
4. Cargo Delivery ______ 9. Answering Customer Calls ______
5. Freight Manifest ______ 10. Other(s) (please specify)______________

Choice Types
A = Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B = Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C = Undecided

Section F. Satisfaction With Intermodal Information Technologies. Please place the letter of one of the
five AChoice Types@ in each of the blank spaces below.

1. Top management at my port is satisfied with our use of intermodal information technologies _____.
2. Our employees are satisfied with our use of intermodal information technologies _____.
3. Our customers are satisfied with our use of intermodal information technologies _____.
4. My port has benefitted greatly from the use of intermodal information technologies _____.
5. My port sales volume increased after the implementation of intermodal information technologies _____.
6. Implementation of intermodal information technologies has allowed my port to handle increased business
more efficiently _____.

Choice Types
A = Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B = Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C = Undecided

Section G. Obstacles Preventing or Retarding the Implementation of Intermodal Information

Technologies At My Port. Please put the letter of one of the five AChoice Types@ in each of the blank spaces

1. High investment cost _____.

2. Lack of financial resources _____.
3. Rapid evolution of technology _____.
4. Lack of awareness of the benefits of intermodal information technologies _____.
5. Difficulty in obtaining technical assistance _____.
6. Lack of compatibility with technology in use _____.
7. Lack of port personnel training/education _____.
8. Lack of information on intermodal information technologies _____.
9. High operating cost _____.
10. Users= Resistance _____.
11. Lack of product features offered by single manufacturer/vendor _____.
12. Lack of cooperation on the part of customers or partners _____.
13. High installation cost _____.
14. Other(s) (please specify) ___________________________________________________

Choice Types
A = Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B = Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C = Undecided

Section H. Familiarity of Intermodal Information Technologies System. The following systems are
divided in several categories, we would like for you to answer them by putting letter of one of the five AChoice
Types@ in each of the blank spaces below.

A. Shipment Information Systems: Manage the flow of materials and products from source to user.
These systems use information management and communications technologies.

I am familiar with the following types of shipment information systems:

1. Ryder Integrated/Logistics Technologies _____
2 .Federal Express interNetShip _____
3. UPS on-line tracking system _____
4. Tie Logistics COMMAND7 _____
5. ALK Associates E-trackerJ _____
6. DHL Worldwide Package Tracking _____
7. Manna Freight=s Freight Tracker _____
8. Other(s) (please specify) __________________________________________________
Choice Types
A = Strongly Agree D = Disagree
B= Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C = Undecided

B. Security Systems: Monitor the conditions of vehicles, containers, and goods during shipment or in

storage at terminals. These systems are used to prevent theft and vandalism of trucks, chassis,
containers and freight.

I am familiar with the following types of security systems:

1. Qualcomm TrailerTRACS7 _____
2. Savi InsideTRAKJ _____
3. Maher Terminals Logistics Systems, Inc. (MTLS) Electronic Security Processing System
4. Other(s) (please specify) ___________________________________________________

Choice Types
A = Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B= Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C = Undecided

C. Customs Clearance Systems: Automate the filing, processing, review, and issuance of documents
for import and export of goods. The systems are used to automate transactions,
improve customs control, and minimize delays for shippers and receivers. These systems use
transaction processing software and communications technology.

I am familiar with the following types of customs clearance systems:

1. U.S. Customs Automated Commercial System _____

2. U.S. Customs Manifest System _____

3. U.S. Customs Automated Export Reporting System _____
4. U.S. Customs Automated Export System _____
5. U.S. Customs International Trade Data System _____
6. Syntra Global Logistics System _____
7. Other(s) (please specify) ___________________________________________________

Choice Types
A= Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B= Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C= Undecided

D. Ship Storage Management Systems: Plan and track the location of containers aboard ships. The
systems are used to maximize stability, minimize handling during loading and off-loading, position
refrigerated containers, and isolate hazardous cargo.

I am familiar with the following types of ship storage management systems:

1. NAVIS _____
2. MTLS Vessel Planning System _____
3. Realtime Business Solutions Top X (Terminal Operation Package - Xwindow) _____
4. Other (please specify) ___________________________________________________

Choice Types
A= Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B= Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C= Undecided

E. Terminal Inventory Management Systems: Track and manage the movement of containers and
trailers within port, rail, and truck terminals. The systems are used to optimize the use of space in
terminals, manage the stocking of containers of different lengths, make efficient use of labor and
equipment, and schedule equipment repair and maintenance.

I am familiar with the following types of terminal inventory management systems:

1. NAVIS _____
2. OASIS _____
3. MTLS Container Terminal Management System _____
4. Maher Terminals Marine Terminal Automated Management System _____
5. Other(s) (please specify) ___________________________________________________

Choice Types
A= Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B= Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C= Undecided

F. Gate Clearance Systems: Automate the verification and inspection of drivers, truck tractors,
trailers, containers, and chassis moving into and out of marine, rail, air, and truck terminals. The
systems are used to verify booking, maintain security, and establish liability for damage.

I am familiar with the following types of gate clearance systems:

1. Maher Terminals OCR Gate System _____

2. Cosmos General Cargo System _____
3. Mainsail Terminal Management SystemJ _____
4. Other (please specify) _____________________________________________________

Choice Types
A= Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B= Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C= Undecided

G. Asset Location and Management Systems (LMS): Locate and track a vehicle or container. The
systems are used to estimate time of arrival, minimize out-of-route travel, optimize equipment use,
and improve safety and security.

I am familiar with the following types of asset location and management systems:

a. Ship LMS
1. GPS _____
2. U.S. Coast Guard Vessel Traffic System (VTS) _____
3. Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) _____
4. Portable Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Systems (PCNS) _____
5. Other(s) (please specify) _____________________________________________

b. Railcar LMS
1. Locomotive Automatic Train Control Systems (CATCS) _____
2. Amtech railcar AEI tags _____
3. Other(s) (please specify) _____

c. Truck LMS
1. Qualcomm OmniTracs
4. Highway Master
3. Other(s) (please specify) _____________________________________________

d. Container/Trailer LMS
1. Orbcomm Trailer System _____
2. Qualcomm Trailer TRANS7 _____
3. Savi WideTRAKJ _____
4. Other(s) (please specify) _____________________________________________
e. Chassis LMS
1. Amtech Chassis AEI tags _____

2. Hughes Chassis AEI tags _____

3. Mark IV Chassis AEI tags _____
4. Other(s) (please specify) _____________________________________________

Choice Types
A= Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B= Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C= Undecided

8. Other System(s) (Please Specify) _____


Intermodal Information Systems Based Technologies Survey
Please note: For the purpose of this survey, intermodal information technologies are defined as
technologies involved in acquiring, storing, processing, and distributing data and information by
electronic means (including radio, television, telephone, and computers) between two or more different
modes of transportation in such a way that all parts of the freight transportation process are efficiently
connected, seamless, coordinated, flexible, and continuous.

Section A. Company Profile

1. Name of Firm ___________________________________________________________

2. Mailing Address _________________________________________________________
3. Name of Person Filling in Questionnaire ______________________________________
4. E-mail Address __________________________________________________________
5. Title of Person Filling in Questionnaire _______________________________________
6. How long has your firm been in current business?__________Year(s)
In Mississippi__________ Year(s) Other ______________________________________
(Please specify years and location(s)
7. What was your company=s current sales volume in 1999? (Please check the appropriate category)
a. Mississippi Sales Volume
1. $0 - 3 million ________
2. $4 - 10 million ________
3. $11 - 30 million ________
4. $31 - 50 million ________
5. $51 - 100 million ________
6. $101 - 500 million ________
7. Greater than $500 million ________
b. Out-of-Mississippi Sales Volume
1. $0 - 3 million ________
2. $4 - 10 million ________
3. $11 - 30 million ________
4. $31 - 50 million ________
5. $51 - 100 million ________
6. $101 - 500 million ________
7. Greater than $500 million ________
8. What is the approximate total number of employees at your company?
Office/Clerical ________ Management Team ________ Marketing/Sales ________ Computer Analysts
________ Others (please specify)_________
9. Is your business primarily manufacturing, wholesaling, retailing, warehousing, or some other type?
(Please check the appropriate blank space below).
Manufacturing ___ Wholesaling ___ Retailing ___ Warehousing ___ Other (please specify) ___

10. What are the three major products that your company manufactures or distributes?
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________
11.Do you use Intermodal Information Systems based technologies at your company?
Yes _____, No _____
If yes, please continue to sections B, C, D, E, F, and H of the questionnaire. If no, please fill out
Section G of the questionnaire (Yellow Page)

Section B. Intermodal Information Technologies Familiarity

Please indicate how familiar you are with the following types of intermodal information technologies by placing
the letter of one of the nine AChoice Types@ in each of the blank spaces below.

1. PC _____ 12. Cellular Telephones _____

2. Windows _____ 13. Spreadsheets _____
3. Fax Machines _____ 14. Search Engines _____
4. Electronic Mail _____ 15. Databases _____
5. Internet _____ 16. Word Processors _____
6. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI _____ 17. Local Area Networks _____
7. Satellite Positioning _____ 18. Electronic Funds Transfer _____
8. Bar Coding _____ 19. Automatic Equipment Identification (AEI) Tags _____
9. Electronic Imaging _____ 20. Personal Communication Systems _____
10. Pagers _____ 21. Onboard Computers _____
11. Voice Mail _____ 22. Other(s) (please specify) _____
Choice Types
A = I have never heard of F= I use about once a month
B = I have heard of, but have not used G= I use about 2 or 3 times a week
C = I have used a little H= I use once a week
D = I use a few times a year I= I use daily
E = I use about 2 or 3 times a month J= Other (please specify) ____________________

On the following pages are listed some statements concerning Intermodal Information Systems based
technologies. The choices you make in answering are:

Strongly Agree - Means you feel strongly in favor of this statement

Agree - Means you are in favor of this statement
Undecided - Means you are not sure or do not know about this statement
Disagree - Means you are not in favor of this statement
Strongly Disagree - Means you feel strongly against this statement

Please read each statement carefully and then place the letter of one of the five choices given. Do not spend too
much time on any one statement. Use the last page for any comments you may wish to make.

Section C. Sources of Intermodal Information Technologies Knowledge. Please indicate below where you
hear about new intermodal information technologies by putting the letter of one of the five AChoice
Types@ in each of the blank spaces below.

1. Newspapers _____ 7. Textbooks _____

2. Magazines _____ 8. Classes _____
3. Work _____ 9. TV shows/movies _____
4. News on TV _____ 10. Internet _____
5. Friends _____ 11. Other(s) (please specify) ____________
6. Colleagues _____

Choice Types
A = Strongly Agree D = Disagree
B = Agree E = Strongly Disagree
C = Undecided

Section D. Reasons for Implementing or Continuing To Use Intermodal Information Technologies.

Please place the letter of one of the five AChoice Types@ in each of the blank spaces below.

1.Customer service enhancement _____

2. Improve operations planning _____
3. Improve communications with customers _____
4. Maintain a competitive advantage _____
5. Meet customer requirements _____
6. Reduce costs _____
7. Improve profits _____
8. Reduce paperwork _____
9. Increase office/clerical efficiency _____
10.Improve security _____
11.Improve monitoring of company equipment and drivers _____
12.Manage documentation better _____
13.Improve integration of information _____
14.Measure the performance of carriers and facilitators _____
15.Improve communication with company drivers _____
16.Identify the best rates and levels of service available from carriers and facilitators _____
17.Book, issue, account for, and generate reports of freight shipments _____
18.Plan the routing of intermodal equipment and cargoes _____
19.Examine the sequence of intermodal operations at my company _____

20.Respond quickly to emergencies or change of operational orders _____

21.Other(s) (please specify) __________________________________________________

Choice Types
A = Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B = Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C = Undecided

Section E. Company Activities Being Affected By Intermodal Information Technologies. Please place the
letter of one of the five AChoice Types@ in each of the blank spaces below.

1. Billing ______ 6. Loading/Unloading ______

2. Costing ______ 7. Vehicle Routing ______
3. Dispatching ______ 8. Load Preparation ______
4. Shipment Tracing ______ 9. Answering Customer Calls ______
5. Vehicle Tracing ______ 10. Other(s) (please specify)______________

Choice Types
A = Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B = Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C = Undecided

Section F. Satisfaction With Intermodal Information Technologies. Please place the letter of one of the
five AChoice Types@ in each of the blank spaces below.

1. Top management at my firm is satisfied with our use of intermodal information technologies
2. Our employees are satisfied with our use of intermodal information technologies _____.
3. Our customers are satisfied with our use of intermodal information technologies _____.
4. My firm has benefited greatly from the use of intermodal information technologies _____.
5. My firm sales volume increased after the implementation of intermodal information technologies
6. Implementation of intermodal information technologies has allowed my company to handle
increased business more efficiently _____.

Choice Types
A = Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B = Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C = Undecided

Section G. Obstacles Preventing or Retarding the Implementation of Intermodal Information

Technologies At My Firm. Please put the letter of one of the five AChoice Types@ in each of the blank spaces

15. High investment cost _____.

16. Lack of financial resources _____.
17. Rapid evolution of technology _____.
18. Lack of awareness of the benefits of intermodal information technologies _____.
19. Difficulty in obtaining technical assistance _____.
20. Lack of compatibility with technology in use _____.
21. Lack of firm personnel training/education _____.
22. Lack of information on intermodal information technologies _____.
23. High operating cost _____.
24. Users= Resistance _____.
25. Lack of product features offered by single manufacturer/vendor _____.
26. Lack of cooperation on the part of customers or partners _____.
27. High installation cost _____.
28. Other(s) (please specify) ___________________________________________________

Choice Types
A = Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B = Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C = Undecided

Section H. Familiarity of Intermodal Information Technologies System. The following systems are
divided in several categories, we would like for you to answer them by putting letter of one of the five AChoice
Types@ in each of the blank spaces below.

A. Shipment Information Systems: Manage the flow of materials and products from source to user. These
systems use information management and communications technologies.

I am familiar with the following types of shipment information systems:

2. Ryder Integrated/Logistics i2 Technologies _____
2 Federal Express interNetShip _____
4. UPS on-line tracking system _____
4. Tie Logistics COMMAND7 _____
6. ALK Associates E-trackerJ _____
6. DHL Worldwide Package Tracking _____
8. Manna Freight=s Freight Tracker _____
9. Other(s) (please specify) __________________________________________________

Choice Types
A = Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B= Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C = Undecided

B. Security Systems: Monitor the conditions of vehicles, containers, and goods during shipment or in
storage at terminals. These systems are used to prevent theft and vandalism of trucks, chassis,
containers and freight.

I am familiar with the following types of security systems:

5. Qualcomm TrailerTRACS7 _____
6. Savi InsideTRAKJ _____
7. Maher Terminals Logistics Systems, Inc. (MTLS) Electronic Security Processing System
8. Other(s) (please specify) ___________________________________________________

Choice Types
A = Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B= Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C = Undecided

C. Customs Clearance Systems: Automate the filing, processing, review, and issuance of documents for
import and export of goods. The systems are used to automate transactions,
improve customs control, and minimize delays for shippers and receivers. These systems use
transaction processing software and communications technology.

I am familiar with the following types of customs clearance systems:


8. U.S. Customs Automated Commercial System _____

9. U.S. Customs Manifest System _____
10. U.S. Customs Automated Export Reporting System _____
11. U.S. Customs Automated Export System _____
12. U.S. Customs International Trade Data System _____
13. Syntra Global Logistics System _____
14. Other(s) (please specify) ___________________________________________________

Choice Types
A = Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B= Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C = Undecided

D. Ship Storage Management Systems: Plan and track the location of containers aboard ships. The
systems are used to maximize stability, minimize handling during loading and off-loading, position
refrigerated containers, and isolate hazardous cargo.

I am familiar with the following types of ship storage management systems:

5. NAVIS _____
6. MTLS Vessel Planning System _____
7. Realtime Business Solutions Top X (Terminal Operation Package - Xwindow) _____
8. Other (please specify) ___________________________________________________

Choice Types
A = Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B= Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C = Undecided

E.Terminal Inventory Management Systems: Track and manage the movement of containers and trailers
within port, rail, and truck terminals. The systems are used to optimize the use of space in terminals,
manage the stocking of containers of different lengths, make efficient use of labor and equipment, and
schedule equipment repair and maintenance.

I am familiar with the following types of terminal inventory management systems:

6. NAVIS _____
7. OASIS _____
8. MTLS Container Terminal Management System _____
9. Maher Terminals Marine Terminal Automated Management System _____
10. Other(s) (please specify) ___________________________________________________
Choice Types
A = Strongly Agree D = Disagree
B= Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C = Undecided

F. Gate Clearance Systems: Automate the verification and inspection of drivers, truck tractors,
trailers, containers, and chassis moving into and out of marine, rail, air, and truck terminals. The
systems are used to verify booking, maintain security, and establish liability for damage.

I am familiar with the following types of gate clearance systems:

5. Maher Terminals OCR Gate System _____

6. Cosmos General Cargo System _____
7. Mainsail Terminal Management SystemJ _____
8. Other (please specify) _____________________________________________________

Choice Types
A = Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B= Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C = Undecided

G. Asset Location and Management Systems (LMS): Locate and track a vehicle or container. The systems
are used to estimate time of arrival, minimize out-of-route travel, optimize equipment use, and improve
safety and security.

I am familiar with the following types of asset location and management systems:

a. Ship LMS
1. GPS _____
2. U.S. Coast Guard Vessel Traffic System (VTS) _____
3. Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) _____
4. Portable Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Systems (PCNS) _____
5. Other(s) (please specify) _____________________________________________

b. Railcar LMS
1. Locomotive Automatic Train Control Systems (CATCS) _____
2. Amtech railcar AEI tags _____
3. Other(s) (please specify) _____

c. Truck LMS
1. Qualcomm OmniTracs
2. Highway Master
3. Other(s) (please specify) _____________________________________________

d. Container/Trailer LMS
1. Orbcomm Trailer System _____
2. Qualcomm Trailer TRANS7 _____
3. Savi WideTRAKJ _____
4. Other(s) (please specify) _____________________________________________

e. Chassis LMS
1. Amtech Chassis AEI tags _____
2. Hughes Chassis AEI tags _____
3. Mark IV Chassis AEI tags _____
4. Other(s) (please specify) _____________________________________________

Choice Types
A= Strongly Agree D= Disagree
B= Agree E= Strongly Disagree
C= Undecided

H. Other System(s) (Please Specify) _____


General Comments:

Appendix Table 1. Budget for the study


Faculty Salaries 5,532.00 5,061.64
Administrative Staff Salaries -- --
Other Staff Salaries -- --
Student Salaries 4,000.00 4,000.00
Staff Benefits 2,637.00 2,897.59
Total Salaries and Benefits 12,169.00 11,959.23
Scholarships -- --
Permanent Equipment -- --
Expendable Property & 470.00 172.00
Domestic Travel 1,500.00 1,659.92
Foreign Travel -- --
Other Direct Costs (Specify) 50.00 360.00
B Registration

Total Direct Costs 14,189.00 14,151.13

Facilities & Administrative 3,753.00 2,298.77
(Indirect) Costs
TOTAL COSTS 17,942.00 16,449.90
Federal Share 14,450.00
Matching Share 3,492.00

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