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Meat Science 73 (2006) 295–303

Quality characteristics of ostrich (Struthio camelus) burgers

J. Fernández-López ¤, S. Jiménez, E. Sayas-Barberá, E. Sendra, J.A. Pérez-Alvarez
Departamento de Tecnología Agroalimentaria, Escuela Politécnica Superior de Orihuela, Universidad Miguel Hernández,
Ctra. a Beniel Km 3,2, 03312 Orihuela, Alicante, Spain

Received 12 July 2005; received in revised form 17 November 2005; accepted 21 December 2005


Quality characteristics and storage stability of three types of burgers prepared with ostrich meat (alone or mixed with pork or beef
meat) were evaluated. Burger evaluation was based on chemical, microbiological, textural, colour, sensory and oxidation characteristics.
All of the assayed formulas showed acceptable general quality scores in the sensory evaluation, but the burgers formulated with 100%
ostrich meat or mixing ostrich and beef meat had the highest scores. Only TBA values and redness were inXuenced by storage time. Bur-
gers formulated with ostrich and pork meat had a faster oxidation rate and became more oxidized than the others. Microbial counts indi-
cated that, at the end of the refrigerated storage (9 days), all of the preparations were spoiled.
© 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Burger; Quality characteristics; Ostrich meat; Shelf life

1. Introduction Class, First Class, Second Class (or steak) and Third Class
(or cook). Ostrich meat from the Extra, First and Second
Many eVorts have been made to improve the quality and categories are usually commercialised as fresh meat (vac-
stability of burgers because consumer demand for healthy uum-packed and refrigerated or frozen) and served
fast food has rapidly increased in the recent years (Papa- cooked, grilled or dried (biltong) in restaurants. Ostrich
dina & Bloukas, 1999). meat is highly perishable due to its high pH and the need
Ostrich meat is perceived and marketed as a healthy for more research on the use of ostrich meat in value-
alternative to other red meats (Fisher, HoVman, & Mellet, added products is evident. Some authors have reported
2000). Relative to beef, ostrich meat is characterized by a that ostrich meat can be used successfully in cooked sau-
higher ultimate pH (>6.2), lower collagen and higher pig- sages (Fernández-López, Sayas-Barberá, Navarro, Serra,
ment content, similar cooking loss, darker visual appear- & Pérez-Alvarez, 2003; Fisher et al., 2000) and in Italian
ance, similar sensory tenderness, higher polyunsaturated style fermented sausages with the use of speciWc starter
fatty acid content and similar cholesterol content (Jones, cultures (Böhme, Mellet, Dicks, & Basson, 1996), but as
Robertson, & Bereton, 1995; Sales, 1996, 1998; Walter, far as we could determine, the use of ostrich meat as an
Soliah, & Dorsett, 2000). In Spain, ostrich meat produc- ingredient in fresh meat products has not been reported.
tion reached 1000 tons last year (ACADE, 2004) and had Walter et al. (2000) found cooked ground ostrich meat to
an important annual growth rate, principally due to the be dry and recommended the use of additional ingredients
perception of its’ healthy properties, which increased or mixing with other types of meat in order to increase
ostrich meat consumption (25–30% higher in 2004 com- acceptability.
pared to 2003). Ostrich meat can be classiWed (non-com- The objective of our study was to evaluate the use of
pulsory) into four main categories in Spain, namely Extra ostrich meat (alone or mixed with pork or beef meat) in
order to produce a quality comminuted meat product, such
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 966749656; fax: +34 966749677. as a meat burger, and to evaluate its stability during 9 days
E-mail address: (J. Fernández-López). of storage at 4 °C.

0309-1740/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
296 J. Fernández-López et al. / Meat Science 73 (2006) 295–303

2. Materials and methods ods (AOAC, 1995). Moisture (g water/100 g sample) was
determined by drying 3 g of sample at 100 °C to constant
Ostrich meat was obtained from 12 to 14 months old weight. Ashing was performed at 500 °C for 5 h (g ash/
birds, beef meat from 1 year old animals and pork meat 100 g sample). Protein (g protein/100 g sample) was
from 8 months old animals, which were slaughtered at a analyzed according to the Kjeldahl method. Factor 6.25
local abattoir approved by the European Union using was used for conversion of nitrogen to crude protein. Fat
industrial slaughtering techniques (as described in Fisher (g fat/100 g sample) was calculated by weight loss after a
et al., 2000). All meat batches were vacuum packed and fro- 6-cycle extraction with petroleum ether in a Sohxlet
zen at ¡20 °C until processed. apparatus.

2.1. Burger manufacture 2.2.2. Lipid oxidation (thiobarbituric acid test)

Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were
2.1.1. Burger formulation determined as described by Rosmini et al. (1996). Sample
A simple traditional formulation was used (percentages extracts (sample + TBA solution + trichloroacetic solution)
of non-meat ingredients are related to meat): 70% lean were heated for 10 min in a boiling water bath (95–100 °C)
ostrich meat (oV-cuts derived from Extra, First and Sec- to develop a pink color, cooled under running water, and
ond Classes) and 30% fat meat, 18% (w/w) water (ice), the supernatant was obtained at 5500 rpm for 25 min in a
1.5% (w/w) sodium chloride, 500 mg/kg sodium ascorbate, centrifuge (Alresa HZ50, Orto Alresa, Aljavit, Madrid).
10% (w/w) potato starch and spices (0.01% black pepper Supernatant absorbance was measured at 532 nm using a
and 0.005% nut-meg). UV spectrophotometer (Unicam Limited, Cambridge,
Three formulations of burger were prepared, only diVering UK). TBARS (mg malonaldehyde/kg sample) were calcu-
in the fat meat used: Formula 1 – ostrich meat from Second lated using a 1,1,3,3-tetraethoxypropane standard curve.
Class (it has the highest fat content; Aznar et al., 2000); For- Triplicate samples were analyzed for each batch.
mula 2 – meat from beef ribs; and Formula 3 – pork backfat.
2.2.3. Physicochemical analysis
2.1.2. Burger processing pH. The pH was measured with a pH meter (Crison
Three independent replicates of each burger formula were Instruments, S.A., Alella, Barcelona, Spain) on a suspension
processed on the same day. Products were prepared in a pilot resulting from blending 15 g sample with 150 mL deionized
plant according to commercial processing. After thawing water for 2 min.
overnight in a cooler (§4 °C), the meat was ground through a
5-mm plate (Olotinox, Olox, Spain) in a mincer attached to a Color determinations. Color was evaluated using a
mixer (CATO 114, Sabadell, Spain). Afterwards water, addi- colorimeter (Mod. CR-200, Minolta Camera Co., Osaka,
tives and spices were added into the bowl and mixed with the Japan) with illuminant D65, 2° observer, DiVuse/O mode,
spiral dough hook at medium speed (80 rpm) during 5 min. 8 mm aperture of the instrument for illumination and 8 mm
This mixture was shaped using a commercial burger maker for measurement. The colorimeter was standardized with a
(9 cm internal diam) to obtain patties of approximately 70 g white tile (L¤ D 98.14, a¤ D ¡0.23 and b¤ D 1.89). Color was
and 1 cm thickness. Plastic packaging Wlm was used to help described by coordinates: lightness (L¤), redness (a¤, §red-
maintaining the shape of the patties prior to storage. green) and yellowness (b¤, §yellow-blue). Nine replicate
measurements were taken for each sample, following the
2.1.3. Storage conditions guidelines for color measurements of the American Meat
After reaching the packing temperature (7 § 1 °C), the Science Association (Hunt et al., 1991).
burgers (4) were placed in plastic containers, sealed with
one layer of a semi-permeable Wlm of water vapor perme- Texture analysis. Texture proWle analysis (TPA)
ability 3.2 g/m2/24 h at 23 °C/90%RH, carbon dioxide was performed on raw samples at 4 § 1 °C with a Texture
permeability 23 cm3/m2/24 h at 23 °C/50%RH and oxygen Analyser TA-XT2 (Stable Micro Systems, Surrey, UK)
permeability 50 cm3/m2/24 h at 23 °C/50%RH (Polyvinyl following AMSA (1995) procedures. Cubic samples
chloride, Freshcling, Murcia, Spain), and stored in (1 £ 1 £ 1 cm) were cut from patties and subjected to a
darkness at 4 § 1 °C for 9 days in a commercial refrigera- two-cycle compression test. Samples were compressed to
tor. Sampling and storage condition records from each 70% of their original height with a cylindrical probe of
formula took place at 1, 3, 6 and 9 days (storage time) and 10 cm diameter at a compression load of 25 kg, and a
every sample was analysed promptly as follows. cross-head speed of 20 cm/min. Texture proWle parameters
were determined following descriptions by Bourne (1978)
2.2. Burger analysis and interpreted as follows. Hardness (kg) is the maximum
force required to compress the sample; cohesiveness is the
2.2.1. Chemical analysis extent to which sample could be deformed prior to rup-
All parameters were tested in triplicate. Moisture, ash, ture (A2/A1), A1 being the total energy required for the
protein and fat content were determined by AOAC meth- Wrst compression and A2 the total energy required for the
J. Fernández-López et al. / Meat Science 73 (2006) 295–303 297

second compression; springiness (cm) is the ability of the 2.3. Statistical analysis
sample to recover its original shape after the deforming
force is removed; gumminess (kg) is the force to disinte- Each parameter was tested in triplicate. Conventional
grate a semisolid meat sample for swallowing (hardness statistical methods were used to calculate means and stan-
£ cohesiveness) and chewiness (kg £ cm) is the work dard deviations. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to
needed to masticate the sample for swallowing determine signiWcant diVerences (P < 0.05) between treat-
(springiness £ gumminess). ments. To assess diVerences between the levels of the main
factor, contrasts between means (Tukey test) were used
2.2.4. Microbiological analysis (AWW & Azen, 1979). For burger characterization, ANOVAs
Samples (25 g) were homogeneized with 225 mL sterile with two factors: formulation (three levels: Formula 1, For-
1.5% peptone water in a Stomacher 400 (Colworth, Lon- mula 2, and Formula 3) and replicate (three levels), were
don, UK) for 1.5 min. Total viable counts and psychro- applied for each parameter. For burger shelf life, ANOVAs
trophic microbiota were determined on Plate Count Agar. with three factors: formulation (three levels: Formula 1,
Plates were incubated at 35 °C for 48 h for total viable Formula 2, Formula 3), storage time (four levels: 0, 3, 6 and
counts and at 7 °C for 10 days for determination of psy- 9 days) and replicate (three levels) were applied for each
chrotrophs. Culture media were from Oxoid (Oxoid Uni- parameter The Statistical analyses were done using STAT-
path Ltd. Basingtoke, Hampshire, UK). ISTICA for Windows Release 5.0A (STATISTICA, 1989).

2.2.5. Sensory evaluation 3. Results and discussion

Six burgers from each formulation were cooked at
150 °C in a forced draught oven A23RES (Alphatec, 3.1. Burger characterization
Munich, Germany) to a core 72 °C, and maintained warm
in an oven until testing within 3–8 min. Experienced pan- Results of chemical composition of burgers are presented
elists (30) were recruited from the staV and students of the in Table 1. DiVerences in composition of the diVerent for-
Miguel Hernández University, Alicante, Spain. Protocols mulas are attributed to the type of fat meat used as it was
for sensory analysis were approved by the local Ethics the only variable.
Committee for Clinical Research (ECCR Vega Baja Hos- There were no diVerences between Formulas 1 and 2 in
pital, Orihuela, Alicante). Panelists were chosen on the any chemical parameters; so, the nutritional value of both
basis of previous experience in consuming traditional bur- types of burger was the same. Most of the diVerences have
gers. Furthermore, a preparatory session was held prior to been found for burgers made with pork backfat (Formula
testing, so that each panel could thoroughly discuss and 3) which showed the highest fat content and the lowest
clarify each attribute to be evaluated. Testing was initi- moisture content. It could be due to the diVerent fat content
ated after the panelist agreed on the descriptors. A quanti- of each commercial retail cut used as fat meat, because
tative descriptive analysis was carried out (IFT, 1981). All pork backfat usually presents an 85–90% fat. No diVerences
sensory work was carried out in the sensory laboratory at (P > 0.05) have been found for ash content between the
the University, which fulWls the requirements according to three burger formulations. Sales and Hayes (1996) reported
the international standards (ASTM, 1986). During evalu- that total ash content did not diVer between muscles or spe-
ation the panelists were situated in private booths under cies, but the mineral composition may be diVerent. They
TL 5 Xuorescent light (Philips-Ibérica, Madrid, Spain), reported that phosphorus, manganese and iron were higher
with an intensity of approximately 350 lux. Rectangular and sodium lower in ostrich meat than in pork and poultry.
pieces approximately 1.5-cm £ 2-cm were cut from the This last characteristic is an advantage for people who need
center of burgers, and were served at room temperature a low sodium diet. The high ash content of ostrich burgers,
(ASTM, 1988). Each panelist evaluated three replicates of compared to fresh ostrich meat (Sales & Hayes, 1996) sug-
all formulas; the sample presentation order was random- gested that the increase was due to the addition of salt and
ized for each panelist. Tap water was provided between spices.
samples to cleanse the palate. The attributes measured
and their descriptors were as follows: for “external evalu-
Table 1
ation”: colour intensity (from extremely light to extremely Chemical composition and TBARS values (mg/kg sample) of diVerent
dark), hue (from pale pink to brown) and shine (from dull types of ostrich burgers
to bright): For “taste”: saltiness, fatiness, rancid Xavour Formulation Moisture (%) Fat (%) Protein (%) Ash (%) TBARS (mg/kg)
and residual taste (from imperceptible to extremely
Formula 1A 68.67a 8.58b 22.43a 1.95a 1.21c
intense): For “texture”: Wrmness (from extremely soft to
Formula 2 69.11a 7.16b 21.81a 1.90a 1.11b
extremely tough) and juiciness (from extremely dry to Formula 3 64.45b 12.40a 19.78b 1.86a 1.69a
extremely moist). a–c
Values in the same column bearing diVerent letters are signiWcantly
At the end of the test, panelists were asked to give a diVerent (P < 0.05).
score for overall acceptability of the product from 0 to A
Formula 1, 30% second class ostrich meat; Formula 2, 30% beef; For-
10. mula 3, 30% pig backfat.
298 J. Fernández-López et al. / Meat Science 73 (2006) 295–303

pH was diVerent (P < 0.05) between Formula 1 and the Formulas 1 and 2 were found, showing lower values
other formulas (Table 2). The high pH value obtained for (P < 0.05) than Formula 3.
Formula 1 could be due to the special characteristics of Table 3 shows the results of the textural properties of
ostrich meat, which has an ultimate pH of 6.0. The pres- diVerent ostrich burgers. Cavestanty, Colmenero, Solas,
ence of 30% beef and pork meat in the other two formula- and Carballo (1994) reported that the variations in meat
tions (Formulas 2 and 3) decreased the pH of both products textural properties may be inXuenced by a variety
products. of factors such as diVerences in formulation and ionic
The TBA test has been widely used to measure lipid oxi- strength, functionality of meat proteins, concentration and
dation in meat and meat products (Fernández-López, characteristics of fat, and others. Springness was the only
Pérez-Alvarez, & Fernández-López, 1997). The lowest textural parameter that showed no signiWcant diVerences
TBARS values were obtained in Formula 1, and the highest (P > 0.05) among its formulations. Hardness, cohesiveness,
in Fsormula 3 (P < 0.05). These diVerences could be attrib- gumminess and chewiness (Table 3) showed signiWcant
uted to the higher fat content of the burgers made with diVerences (P < 0.05) between formulations. For all of them,
pork fat (Formula 3), which could speed up lipid oxidation. the lowest values were obtained for Formula 3, and the
Color parameters of diVerent burgers are shown in Table highest for Formula 1. The lowest hardness observed in
2. Lightness was the only color parameter that was not Formula 3 could be related to the highest fat content.
aVected by burger type (P > 0.05). Some authors reported Changes in fat content signiWcantly aVected the textural
that lightness in meat and meat products depends on sev- characteristics of meat products (Cofrades, Guerra, Carb-
eral factors such as water holding capacity (Fernández- allo, Fernández-Mart´n, & Jiménez-Colmenero, 2000;
López, Pérez-Alvarez, & Aranda-Catalá, 2000; KauVman, Pietrasik, 1999).
Joo, Schultz, Warner, & Faustman, 1991), fat content Results of the sensory evaluation are presented in Fig. 1.
(Fisher et al., 2000), free water (Judge, Aberle, Forrest, Appearance and colour are among the most important
Hedrich, & Merkel, 1989), etc. In our study, although For- attributes inXuencing customer choice, and texture also
mula 3 had the highest fat content, it did not diVer in L¤ plays a relevant role on the perception of quality of meat
values with the other formulas, which could be due to the products. From the attributes selected for external evalua-
higher moisture contents in Formulas 1 and 2. Some tion only “shine” showed no diVerences (P > 0.05) between
authors have reported that an increase in fat and/or water formulas, which could be related with lightness results
in meat products results in lighter products (Littinandana, obtained by instrumental analysis (Table 2). “Color inten-
Kenney, & Slider, 2005). The higher a¤ values (P < 0.05) of sity” and “hue” showed the highest scores in Formula 1
ostrich burgers (Formula 1) suggested a redder color com- and the lowest in Formula 3 (P < 0.05) which is in agree-
pared to burgers with beef or pork fat (Formulas 2 and 3), ment with redness result. About the attributes used for taste
as was expected since ostrich meat does appear redder com- evaluation, none of them showed diVerences between for-
pared to beef or pork (Paleari et al., 1998). The lowest a¤ mulas (P > 0.05) (saltiness: 4.02 § 0.52; fatiness: 3.10 § 0.22;
value (P < 0.05) of Formula 3 could be due to the greater fat rancid Xavour: 2.08 § 0.34; residual taste: 2.11 § 0.36). It is
content, which dilutes the myoglobin in the products. important to observe that although Formula 3 had the
Johanson, Tornberg, and Lundström (1991) suggested that highest fat content and TBA values (Table 1), increased
the a¤ coordinate is related to the myoglobin content. Sev- “fatiness” or “rancid Xavour” was not detected by the pan-
eral authors have related the evolution of redness with lipid elists. From the attributes selected for texture evaluation,
oxidation in meat products (Fernández-López et al., 2003; both of them showed diVerences between the formulas
Yu, Scalin, Wilson, & Schmidt, 2002), while others report (P < 0.05). Formula 3 had the highest scores for “juiciness”
that the development of lipid oxidation provokes a which could be related with its higher fat content since
decrease in redness. Burgers of Formula 1 which showed reduction of fat content in frankfurters has been reported
the lowest values of TBA, also showed the highest to decrease juiciness (Park, Rhee, Kccton, & Rhee, 1989).
(P < 0.05) redness values, on the contrary, Formula 3 bur- Formula 1 showed the highest hardness (P < 0.05) by
gers had the highest TBA values and the lowest (P < 0.05) instrumental analysis, and it was detected and scored as
a¤ values. No diVerences (P > 0.05) for b¤ values among “Wrmness” by the 30 member panel.
Table 3
Table 2 Textural parameters of diVerent types of ostrich burgers
Color parameters and pH values of diVerent types of ostrich burgers Formulation Hardness Springness Cohesiveness Gumminess Chewiness
Formulation L¤ a¤ b¤ pH (g) (mm) (g) (g mm)
Formula 1A 36.11a 11.40a 10.15b 6.07a Formula 1A 11364.49a 3.33a 7374.87a 83.81a 2794.65a
Formula 2 36.23a 9.32b 9.96b 5.89b Formula 2 5838.79b 3.33a 3612.37b 21.09b 703.29b
Formula 3 35.51a 7.50c 12.69a 5.87b Formula 3 3207.46c 3.65a 2662.46c 8.53c 311.72c
a–c a–c
Values in the same column bearing diVerent letters are signiWcantly Values in the same column bearing diVerent letters are signiWcantly
diVerent (P < 0.05). diVerent (P < 0.05).
Formula 1, 30% second class ostrich meat; Formula 2, 30% beef; For- Formula 1, 30% second class ostrich meat; Formula 2, 30% beef; For-
mula 3, 30% pig backfat. mula 3, 30% pig backfat.
J. Fernández-López et al. / Meat Science 73 (2006) 295–303 299

a a
7 a
b b
b b
6 a
c a a a b
Sensorial scores

color intensity hue juiciness shine firmness

Formula 1 Formula 2 Formula 3

Fig. 1. Results of sensory evaluation carried out in diVerent types of ostrich burgers (Formula 1, 30% second class ostrich meat; Formula 2, 30% beef; For-
mula 3, 30% pig backfat). Color intensity: 0 (extremely light) – 7 (extremely dark); Hue: 0 (pale pink) – 7 (brown); Shine: 0 (dull) – 7 (bright); Juiciness: 0
(extremely dry) – 7 (extremely moist); Firmness: 0 (extremely soft) – 7 (extremely tough). a–c Values in the same attribute bearing diVerent letters are signiW-
cantly diVerent (P < 0.05).

a* 12
a, x

b, x a, y

c, x b, y
a, z
a, z

6 b, z
c, y b, z

c, z
c, z

1 3 6 9
Storage time (days)

Formula 1 Formula 2 Formula 3

Fig. 2. Redness (a¤) during storage time in diVerent types of ostrich burgers (Formula 1, 30% second class ostrich meat; Formula 2, 30% beef; Formula 3,
30% pig backfat). a–c Values in the same storage time bearing diVerent letters are signiWcantly diVerent (P < 0.05). x–z Values in the same formula bearing
diVerent letters are signiWcantly diVerent (P < 0.05).
300 J. Fernández-López et al. / Meat Science 73 (2006) 295–303



Log10 cfu/g


4 y

1 3 6 9
Storage time (days)



Log10 cfu/g


4 y

1 3 6 9
Storage time (days)

Formula 1 Formula 2 Formula 3

Fig. 3. Counts of aerobic bacteria (A) and pshycrotrophyc microbiota (B) on diVerent types of ostrich burgers (Formula 1, 30% second class ostrich meat;
Formula 2, 30% beef; Formula 3, 30% pig backfat) during storage time. There were no diVerences (P > 0.05) between formulas for A and B. w–z Values
bearing diVerent letters are signiWcantly diVerent (P < 0.05).

Consumer acceptance is a complex process in which (P < 0.05) scores (6.99 § 0.35), even though they still repre-
perceived information from foods is integrated during sent good acceptability.
tasting. While instrumental testing provides useful infor-
mation, the complexity of the changes due to new raw 3.2. Burgers shelf-life
meats application in meat products in relation to accep-
tance could only be perceived by discrimination and con- pH levels increased during storage time for all formulas,
sumer tasting (Kennedy, Stewart-Knox, Mitchell, & reaching similar values (6.20 § 0.05) at the end of the stor-
Thurnham, 2004; Lawless & Heymann, 1999). “Overall age. This increase has been observed in other comminuted
acceptability” was similar (P > 0.05) for Formulas 1 and 2 meat products and it has been attributed to proteolysis
(8.05 § 0.22), with showing Formula 3 the lowest (Bond, Marchello, & Slanger, 2001).
J. Fernández-López et al. / Meat Science 73 (2006) 295–303 301

In all formulas, Lightness and yellowness showed no than Formulas 1 and 2, at all sampling times (Fig. 4). These
diVerences (P < 0.05) during storage time, but redness diVerences are in accordance with the high fat content of
decreased as storage time progressed (P < 0.05; Fig. 2). a¤ samples from Formula 3. The rate of TBARS evolution
values faded very rapidly during the Wrst 6 days. Phillips, during storage time was faster than that reported for
Mancini, Sun, Lynch, and Faustman (2001) reported a ostrich meat stored under refrigeration conditions. It could
decrease in a¤ values of ground beef linked to longer stor- be due to the mincing process (which favours the oxygen
age time. This is not surprising as meat which has been access) and to the prooxidant eVect attributed to some
stored longer would be expected to have predominantly additives used in burger formulation, especially salt. In all
either oxymyoglobin (OMb) or (metmyoglobin) MMb, as batches, TBARS values increased more quickly after three
opposed to deoxymyoglobin (DMb), which in turn would days of storage.
predispose the meat to a faster browning rate (Hunt, Sor- From the 10 sensory attributes evaluated, only two
heim, & Slinde, 1995, 1999). (rancid Xavour and overall acceptability) provided useful
No textural properties of burgers showed diVerences due information on the changes due to formulation and stor-
to storage time (P > 0.05). DiVerences in texture have been age time, whereas for colour intensity, hue, shine, salti-
only found for type of meat (formulas) and have been pre- ness, fatiness, residual parameters, Wrmness and juiciness
viously discussed. no diVerences (P > 0.05) were detected for any of the fac-
The growth of aerobic and psychrotrophic microbiota was tors (data not shown). The products were fairly stable for
similar (P > 0.05) for all burger formulas (Fig. 3). Initial the Wrst three days, with some diVerences becoming appar-
counts in ostrich burgers were higher than those reported ent between day 3 and 6. Fig. 5 shows at day 6 of storage,
for minced beef (<3 Log10ufc/g) which could be due to the the diVerences in rancid Xavour between treatments
higher pH of ostrich meat that favours bacterial growth (P < 0.05) were consistent with diVerences measured as
(Jackson, AcuV, & Dickson, 1997). In all samples, counts of TBARS values (Fig. 4). This correlation between sensory
aerobic and psychrotrophic microbiota reached at the end and chemical methods was less evident at days 1 and 3,
of the experiment (9 d) were higher (P < 0.05) than 7 because at these points, changes in TBARS seem to show
Log10cfu/g which is considered spoilage level for this type diVerences before panelist could perceive the increased
of product (Jackson et al., 1997). rancidity. Whereas these results suggest that panelists may
TBARS values of all batches increased during storage not be sensitive enough to detect diVerences in TBARS
time, Formula 3 showing higher (P < 0.05) TBARS values values below a threshold, sensory scores provided better

a, w

3 a, x
TBARS (mg MA/Kg sample)

b, w

b, w
b, x
a, y
a, z b, x
b, y
b, z
b, y
1 b, z

1 3 6 9
Storage time (days)

Formula 1 Formula 2 Formula 3

Fig. 4. Lipid oxidation (TBARS) evolution during storage time in diVerent types of ostrich burgers (Formula 1, 30% second class ostrich meat; Formula 2,
30% beef; Formula 3, 30% pig backfat). a–b Values in the same storage time bearing diVerent letters are signiWcantly diVerent (P < 0.05). w–z Values in the
same formula bearing diVerent letters are signiWcantly diVerent (P < 0.05).
302 J. Fernández-López et al. / Meat Science 73 (2006) 295–303


8 a, x 6 a, x a, x
7 a, x a, x
Sensor ial scores

a, x
6 b, x a, x
b, x
5 b, y
b, x
4 a, y a, y b, x
a, y 14
3 a, y
a, y a, y

0 3 6
Storage time (days)
F1-Rancid flavor F2-Rancid flavor F3-Rancid flavor
F2-Overall acceptability F3-Overall acceptability F1-Overall acceptability

Fig. 5. Evolution of sensory scores for perception of “rancid Xavor” and “overall acceptability” of ostrich burgers (Formula 1, 30% second class ostrich
meat; Formula 2, 30% beef; Formula 3, 30% pig backfat) during storage time. a–b Values in the same storage time bearing diVerent letters are signiWcantly
diVerent (P < 0.05), for each attribute. x–y Values in the same formula bearing diVerent letters are signiWcantly diVerent (P < 0.05), for each attribute.

discrimination at day 6 in comparison to TBARS. Overall References

acceptability scores (Fig. 5) showed an inverse relation
with TBARS and rancid Xavour perception (Figs. 4 and 5, ACADE. (2004). Informe anual de la Asociación de Criadores de Avestruces
respectively). de España. Madrid, Spain.
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The results from this study indicate that the manufac- can Meat Science Association in cooperation with National Livestock
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ture of burgers from ostrich meat is a viable option for an
AOAC (1995). OYcial methods of analysis (15th ed.). Washington, DC:
industry that has largely released its products to the fresh Association of OYcial Analytical Chemist.
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Incorporation of sardine surimi in bologna sausage containing diVer-
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The authors express their gratitude to “Avestruces El
Cofrades, S., Guerra, M. A., Carballo, J., Fernández-Mart´n, F., & Jimé-
Rincón” for meat samples. The Wnancial support of BAN- nez-Colmenero, F. (2000). Plasma protein and soy Wber content eVect
CAJA and Miguel Hernández University through the on bologna sausage properties as inXuenced by fat level. Journal of
Research Project IPLP-01 is greatly acknowledged. Food Science, 65, 281–287.
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