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Revision past simple –present progressive- past perfect

8th grade

If you see a big red button on a big square of a big town . What would you do ? Would you push
the button or not? …………….

1. Choose the the correct answer.

1) A cyclist (LOOK) at the red button while he (RIDE) his bike.

a. looked; was riding
b. was looking; was riding
c. looked; rode
d. was looking; rode
2) When the lady (PUSH) the button, an ambulance (SHOW UP).
a. pushed, showed up
b. pushed, had shown up
c. pushed, was showing up
d. was pushing the button, showed up
3) When the ambulance (START), the stretcher (ROLL) out.
a. was starting, had rolled
b. started, was rolling out
c. started, had rolled out
d. started, rolled
4) While the ambulance man (WALK) to the man on the stretcher, the cyclist (ATTACK) him.
a. was walking, attacked
b. walked, attacked
c. was walking, was attacking
d. walked, had attacked
5) While the police and the gangsters (SHOOT) at each other, one of the gangsters (GET) shot.
a. shot, got
b. were shooting, was getting
c. shot, was getting
d. were shooting, got
6) When the football players (RUN) out of the building, the gangsters and the police (LEAVE).
a. were running, left
b. ran, left
c. had run, left
d. ran, had left

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