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Pathogenesis of postoperative adhesion formation B. W. J. Hellebrekers! and T. Kooistra? "Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Haga Teaching Heapitl, The Hague, and TNO Prevention and Heath, Department of Biosciences, e Netherlands Gaubis Laboratory Leiden, Carspndence ts Dt ‘The Netherlands (e-mail: blellebrekers@hagariekenhuissal) Backorounc: Current views on the pathogenesis of adhesion formation are based on the ‘classical ‘concept of adhesion formation’, namely that a reduction in peritoneal fibrinolytic activity following peritoneal trauma is of key importance in adhesion development Methods: A non-systematic literature search (1960-2010) was performed in PubMed to identify all inal articles on the pathogenesis of adhesion formation. Information was sought on the role of the fibrinolytic, coagulatory and inflammatory systems in the disease process. osuits: One unifying concept emerged when assessing 50 years of studi the pathogenesis of adhesion formation. Peritoneal damage inglicted by surgical trauma or other insults evokes an inflammacory response, thereby promoting procoagulatory and antifibrinolytic reactions, and a subsequent significant increase in fibrin formation. Importantly, peritoneal inflammatory status seems in animals and humans on 'W. J Hellebrekers, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Haga Teaching Hospital PO Bo 60605, 2506 LP, The Hague, a crucial fuetor in determ and fibrin dissolution, and therefor adhesions develop. Conclusion: Suppression 1g the duration and extent of the imbalance beoween fibrin formation the persistence of fibrin deposits, dete ing whether or not F inflammation, manipulation of coagulation as well as direct augmentation of fibrinolytic activity may be promising antiadhesion treatment strategies. Paper accepted 14 June 2011 Published online 23 August 2011 in Wiley Online Library (www-bjsco.ak). DOT: 10,1022. Introduction Intra-abdominal adhesions are a major cause of human illness!. Triggers of adhesion formation include inflam- ‘mation, endometriosis, chemical peritonitis, radiotherapy, foreign body reaction and continuous ambulatory peri- toneal dialysis, but the majority of adhesions are induced by surgery!. Depending on the location and structure of an adhesion, it may remain ‘silent’ or cause pathological com- plications. These may be as serious as life-threatening intestinal occlusion, with an associated mortality rate ranging from 43 to 13 percent’. Pelvic adhesions may also cause chronie pelvic pain and are the leading cause of secondary infertility in women, being responsible for 22 per cent of cases", Furthermore, the presence of adhe- sions during surgery may result in longer operating times and an increase in complications, both immediately and for up to 10years later. Up to 34 percent of surg patients are readmitted to hospital for a condition directly or possibly related to adhesions" (© 2011 Beth Journal of Surgery Sect Lad Publish! by John Wiley & Sone Lad Despite the severe problems caused by adhesions, adequate preventive treatment strategies are lacking and studies on the pathogenesis of adhesions are relatively scarce, The main reason for this is the difficulty in assessing the extent of adhesion formation after surgery because a second surgical procedure is needed for adhesion went. A widely accepted concept is that adhesions are formed as a result of a postoperative reduction in peritoneal fibrinolytic activity. According to this theory, nown as the ‘classical concept of adhesion formation’”-”, reduction in fibrinolytic activity permits deposited fibrin to become organized into fibrous, permanent adhesions. In this review, halfa century of research on the pathogenesis of adhes ras evaluated, leading to the proposal that this classical concept may be too simplistic. Evidence is provided for an adapted concept postulating that adhesion formation is the result of both insufficient fibrinolytic capacity and increased fibrin formation in response to an enhanced inflammatory status of the peritoneus n formation British Jura of Surgery 2011; 98: 03-1516 1908 Methods A. non-systematic literature search was performed in the PubMed database to identify all original articles on the pathogenesis of adhesion formation, with particular reference to the role of the fibrinolytic, coagulatory and inflammatory systems in the disease process. Keywords included: ‘animals’, ‘humans’, ‘adhesions’, ‘aetiology’, ‘physiopathology’, ‘postoperative period’, ‘peritoneum’, ‘surgery’, ‘ischaemia’, fibrinolysis’, “fibrin, ‘plasminogen activators’, ‘inflammation’ and ‘coagulation’. Original articles from all relevant listings were sourced and hhand-searched for further relevant articles, without any restriction. The peritoneum A better understanding of the process of adhesion formation will allow the design of new preventive strategies. This requires a thorough understanding of peritoneal anatomy and peritoneal repair, and of aspects of the inflammatory, coagulatory and fibrinolytic systems. Therefore, the aim of this review was to provide a comprehensive overview of available knowledge on the anatomy ofthe peritoneum, processes underlying its repair after trauma, and a synopsis of the interactions between the inflammatory, coagulatory and fibrinolytic systems. In particular, the fibrinolytic activity of normal and diseased peritoneum following abdominal surgery is discussed. The peritoneum is, compared with pleura and peri- ‘ardium, the most extensive serous membrane inthe body It serves to minimize frietion between abdominal viscera, thereby enabling their free movement. It also stores fat, especially in the greater omentum'®, With a surface area that is generally equal to that of the skin, this mem- brane may be the largest organ in humans! ‘The visceral peritoneum accounts for about 80 percent of the total peritoneal surface area, and lines the gut and other viscera ‘The parietal peritoneum, accounting for 20 per cent of the surface area, lines the walls of the abdominal cavity. ‘The peritoneal membrane is lined by a monolayer of mesothe~ lial cells that have microvillae and produce a thin film of lubricating fluid. The layer of mesothelial cells resides on a basement membrane, which in turn overlies a bed of con- nective tissue that comprises a gel-like matrix containing a loose network of collagenous and elastic fibres, seattered fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells and a varying num ber of fat cells! This layer also contains the peritoneal capillaries and some Iymphaties, which give rise to a rich capillary network that functions as a ‘dialyser’ and barrier for peritoneal transport of water and solutes! © 201 Briss Journal of Surgery Society La PablnedyJoa Wiley Sons Lu B.W. J. Hellobrokers and T. Kooist A unique property of the peritoneum is its delicacy Because mesothelial cells are poorly. interconnected through very loose intercellular bridges, the peritoneal surface is highly susceptible 1 trauma! Minimal mobilization or damage to the peritoneum ean resule in denudation of peritoneal surfaces, which can trigger the formation of adhesions!*. Another unique property of the peritoneum isits uniform, relatively rapid rate of surface re- mesothelialization after trauma. Irrespective of the size of injury, peritoneal re-mesothelialization is complete within 5-7 days!®, Owing to migration of adjacent mesothelial cells, metaplasia of subperitoneal connective tissue cells and the transformation of peritoneal cells into mesothelial cells, the entire surface of a peritoneal defect becomes mesothelialized simultaneously, and not gradually from the borders as in epidermalization of skin wounds!45, ibrinolytic system Adhesions are formed when the peritoneum is damaged and the basal membrane of the mesothelial layer is exposed to the surrounding tissues. This injury to the peritoneum, due to surgery, infection or irritation, elicits local inflammatory response which leads to the formation of a serosanguineous, fibrin-rich exudate as part of the haemostatic process. The fibrinous exudate is an essential component of normal tissue repair, but timely resolution of the fibrin deposit is essential for proper restoration of preoperative, non-inflamed conditions. If the fibrin deposit persists for too long, the fibrin provides a matrix for invading fibroblasts and new blood vessels, and the deposited fibrin becomes organized into fibrous, permanent adhesions, characterized by deposition of collagen and vascular ingrowth. All peritoneal injuries cause local ischaemia, which has been proposed as the most important insult leading toadhesion development. Hypoxia induces the conversion of fibroblasts wit peritoneal phenotype into fibroblasts with an adhesion phenotype; such fibroblasts have a lower fibrinolytic activity, and a significant increase in basal mRNA levels for several cytokines, coagulatory factors and crucial proteolytic enzymes that play a role in the extracellular iatrix remodelling process of healing!” Fibrin formation is the result of activation of the coag- ulation cascade. Fibrin is formed during haemost inflammation and tissue repair. Activation of the coag~ ulation system ean occur via several pathways and results in the generation of thrombin (factor Ila) from prothrom= bin (factor ID. The formation of thrombin then triggers conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin monomers that inte act with one another and polymerize forming a fibrin wormscosk British Jornal of Surgery 2011 98 1503-1516 Pathogenesis of postoperative adhesion formation a system (ZEN Tse fact pata \ T Printammatory cytouines Tissue lacor Pretvombin (tector (tater) Fig. 1 Main in adhesions. tPA, issue plasminogen activ antithrombin clot. At the level of thrombin, activation of coagulation is inhibited by antithrombin IIL, whieh neutr ss throm= bin. Fibrin is meant to fulfil a temporary role in tissue repair and therefore must be resolved when normal tissue structure and function is restored, ‘The degradation of ib rin is regulated by the fibrinolytic system (Fig. 1). In this system, the inactive proenzyme plasminogen is converted into active plasmin by tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) or urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA). Plasmin is highly effective in degrading fibrin into fibrin degradation prod ucts (FbDPs)""2°. ‘The primary physiological inhibitor of plasmin is a2-antiplasmin, which has a high aflinity for plasmin and is fast acting?! Besides inhibition of plasmin, it also prevents premature lysis of the fibrin clot by bind= ing to plasminogen and cross-linking to fibrin, thereby {© 2011 Beh Journal of Surgery Susy Li Published ty John Wiley & Sone Lad Proton C system | nitions between the inflammatory, coagulatory and fibrinolyti systems that playa role inthe pathogenesis oF; PA, urokinase plasminogen activator; PAL, plasminogen activator inhibitor; 1508, Foie ston | PA uPA Pasmin + e2aanipiasmn Fsinogon “ — CCoaguaton system interfering with the binding of plasmin 1o fibrin during the coagulation process?” The principal activator of plasminogen is tPA of which endothelial cells are the principal physiological source; however, tPA has also been isolated from virtually all tissues, including mesothelial cells and macrophages*. Acute release of tPA from endothelial cells is assumed to be induced by various stimuli, such as exercise, vyentous occlusion, hypercoagulability, histamine and some vasoactive drugs. PA has a high affinity for fibrin, which strikingly enhances its activity, thereby strongly il pla 3 promoting the conversion of inactive plasminogen into active plasmin, In the absence of fibrin, tPA isa relatively poor activator of plasminogen’. Consequently, plasmin formation is greatest where itis requised, namely at the wwiscos Bri Tourl of Surgery 201; 98: 1503-1516 1506 fibrin clot, while systemic activation of plasminogen is prevented. First isolated from human urine’, uPA has since been isolated from a number of tissues including kidney, lung, placenta, bladder, epidermal cells, fibroblasts and macrophages?®27, Although uPA is equally effective in the degradation of fibrin, its properties differ from those of tPA in regard to the lack of high-affinity binding for fibrin and the lack of increased plasminogen activator activity in the presence of fibrin; uPA is thus limited in its capacity to activate plasminogen’*?. The main role of uPA appears to be in the induction of extracelfular proteolytic mechanisms, resulting in inereased vascular permeability, cellular migration, tumour invasion and tissue remodelling Besides a2-antiplasmin, inhibitors of plasminogen activator also play an important role in the regulation of fibrinolysis. Plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAD 1 is a powerful and the most important inhibitor of PA and uPA, Tris produced and released by a variety of eels, including endothelial cells, mesothelial cells, macrophages, platelets and fibroblasts. Produ id release of PAI-1 has been stimulated in endothelial cell culture by several agents, including thrombin, endotoxin, interleukin (IL) 1 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)'*~"", Produetion and release is also enhanced after surgery and inflammation, and PAI+ appears to be an acute-phase reactant protein™® Plasminogen activatorsare rapidly inactivated by PAI-1, by forming inactive tPA-PAI-1 and uPA~PAI-1 complexes”. PAL-2 was first isolated from human placenta" and has since been localized in the plasma of pregnant woman and in leucocytes. PAI-2 reacts with both plasminogen activators at a slower rate than PAI-I, and an important role in the normal regulation of the fibrinolytic system has not been established. Effect of peritoneal trauma on fibrinolysis in experimental studies ‘Phe idea that normal peritoneum possesses intrinsic fibrinolytic activity that prevents the formation of adhesions was firstly postulated by Hartwell in 1955 Evidence for such intrinsic fibrinolytic activity of the peritoncum was initially presented by Von Benzer and colleagues in 1963, and later confirmed by Myhre~ Jensen and co-workers and Gervin et al®, Evaluation of fibrinolytic activity and adhesion formation after peritoneal trauma has since been the subject of several studies, using various animal models and different forms of peritoneal trauma“-5*. Notably, in all of these studies peritoneal ‘trauma resulted in adhesion formation and a concomitant reduction of fibrinolytic activity in peritoneal biopsies, ©2011 Bish Journal of Surgery Say Ld Pehle iy Job Wiley & Sons Lal 1. W. J. Hollebrekers and T. Kooistra independent of the animal model used oF the trauma applied. ‘This led to what became generally accepted as the ‘classical concept of adhesion formation’, namely that a reduction in peritoneal fibrinolytic activity is of key importance in the formation of adhesions" Although attractive, the classical concept lacks a solid basis and seems too simplistic for several reasons. A first point of concern is that most studies were restricted to the measurement of fibrinolytic parameters at a single time point. Results from several studies that measured parameters at more than one time point challenged the classical concept“, In an evaluation of the peritoneal fibrinolytic activity and extent of adhesion formation in a rat model, Bakkum and co-workers demonstrated that fibrinolytic activity was slightly increased at day 1 after surgery and significantly increased on days 3 and 8, and after 1 month in peritoneal biopsies. Reijen and colleagues investigated the time course of peritoneal PA activity in rats, reporting normal levels on day 1 after colonic surgery and significantly increased levels on day 3, Similarly, two other animal studies that measured fibrinolytic activity in peritoneal fluid showed significantly higher levels of tPA activity during an interval of 8 days in rats with faecal peritonitis, and 3 weeks after surgery in rabbits compared with control animals% A second point of concern is that most studies mea- sured fibrinolytic parameters alone, without considering coagulation parameters. In a study by the authors’ research group, using the same rat model as described by Bakkum ctal.*, peritoneal plasminogen activator activity was anal- ysed immediately afer surgery, and 2, 4, 8, 16, 24and 72 h later®. In contrast to the classical concept, tPA activity remained unchanged or slightly increased after surgical trauma, The results pointed to increased fibrin forma- tion rather than diminished fibrinolytic activity as the iain cause of fibrin deposition and subsequent adhesion formation, A third point of concern is that measurements in peritoneal biopsies in most studies were not combined with measurements in peritoneal fluid. ‘There is, however, a major difference in results between studies that analysed peritoneal biopsies*?-** and those that performed measurements in peritoneal fuid™-*, In all studies that analysed peritoneal fluid, a significant rise in fibrinolytic activity was found, contrary to most results in peritoneal biopsies where a reduction was een. A possible explanation for this might be the occurrence of active release of plasminogen activators in the peritoneal cavity during abdominal surgery (see below). Only one study combined measurements in both peritoneal biopsies and peritoneal fluid’. In this stady, fibrinolytic parameters were analysed wwncbjscouk British Journal of Surgery 2011; 98: 1503-1516 Pathogenesis of postoperative adhesion formation immediately, and 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 72h after surgery in rats. In peritoneal fluid, tPA antigen concentrations were increased significantly at all postoperative time points; fibrinolytic activity steadily rose ater surgery, being increased significantly after 24h, Fibrinolytic activity also increased significantly in peritoneal biopsies with time after surgery. FbDPs were present at alltime intervals, pointing toongoing fibrinolysis, whereasadhesions were found from 2 honwards. Effect of inflammation on peritoneal fibrinolysis in humans Peritoneal fibrinolytic response during inflammation measured in peritoneal biopsies Plasminogen activator in the peritoneum was first ‘measured in humans in 1989, and reductionsin plaminogen activator activity during ischaemia and inflammation were described. Since then, several investigators have studied the peritoneal fibrinolytic response during inflammation (Table 1), Vipond and colleagues assessed the activators and inhibitors of fibrinolysis in peritoneal biopsies of, inflamed human peritoneum and in control subjects, concluding that tPA was the principal physiological plasminogen activator in peritoneal tissue and that the reduction in functional fibrinolytic activity seen during inflammation was mediated by PAI-I. These findings were later confirmed by others*?-#! Peritoneal fibrinolytic response during inflammation measured in peritoneal fluid Several investigators who measured fibrinolytic activity and concentrations of fibrinolytic parameters in peritoneal ‘Table + Studies on the peritoneal fibrinolytic response during inflammation in humans measured in uid 1807 fluid reached conclusions that differed from findings in peritoneal biopsies!-®. Darr eral: measured fibrino- Iytic parameters in the peritoneal fluid of women with pelvic inflammatory disease and found a highly signifi- cant rise in FbDPs compared with controls, concluding that fibrinolysis occurred at a higher rate, despite con- comitant production of PAL. Similarly, van Goor and colleagues reported that, despite markedly raised con- centrations of PAL, peritoneal fluid displayed fibrinolytic activity in patients with bacterial peritonitis, as demon- strated by significantly inereased concentrations of plas- ‘min=a2-antiplasmin complex and FbDPs, These authors also concluded that intra-abdominal coagulation and fibrinolysis were stimulated in the abdominal cavity of patients with bacterial peritonitis Effect of surgery on peritoneal fibrinolysis in humans Peritoneal fibrinolytic response to surgery measured in peritoneal biopsies Mainly because of the difficulty in obt ing the postoperative period, most studies in humans have been restricted to the perioperative sampling of biopsies or peritoneal fluid (Table 2). Scott-Coombes and colleagues! investigated the peritoneal fibrinolytic response to surgery by taking peritoneal biopsies at the beginning and end of surgery. lective surgery caused an immediate reduc~ tion in peritoneal plasminogen activator activity, which seemed to be secondary to a reduced concentration of tPA. Other investigators later confirmed the finding of reduced plasminogen activator in response to surgery47!, More recently, several investigators studied the difference in the fibrinolytic response to surgery between laparoscopy and ning samples dur- oneal biopsies and peritoneal Peritoneal biopsies ‘Thompson etal” 1980 = Vipondetai® 1900 tPA, uPA. PA, o2-antplasmin Whawoletal!® 1993. «PA, PAT, PAL2 Holmes etal! 19968 PAL Ince eat 2002 IPA. UPA PAI, PAL2,IPA-PAL complex Pertoneat mud Derrat al!@ 1902 SPA. UPA PAL, TDP, OOPS vanGooretal® 1996 tPA, uPA PAL, OOPS Edalstam etal 1008 tPA, UPA PAIL PAL2 PAR PAAL PRA PAL, PAT PAA ALT, PAl2 1, PAA | PAAPAK PAL HPAL. UPA 1, PAI 2, PAL p.$PA-PA compl (A PAT. UPA 1, PAL 17, TDPs 1, FODPS $1, 1PAA o» = PAT. UPA, Pat 11 FODPS 1 = AT UPA! Patt, Paz 4, Decrease; nerease; «+, no change: PAA pasminogen-aeivatng ative PA, sue plasminogen activator uPA, urokinase plasminogen atvaton PAI, plasminogen activator inhibitor (OPA, (iss) plsminagen-actvating activi; TDP, wal degradation pradic; FODP, lin degradation product. {© 2011 Bish Joual of Surgery Sci Lad Publ yf Wiley Sons Lad Britis Journal of Surgery 2015 98: 1503-1516 1. W. J. Hellebrokore and T. Kooistra Table 2 Studies on the fibrinolytic response to surgery in peritoneal biopsies in humans taken atthe beginning and end of surgery ‘Scot-Caombesetal!® 1995 tPA, PAN PAA Begining andend of surgery PAA |, {PA |, PAL + PAL2 not detectable Homa ta 1996 PAL PAA,PAL1 —Bogbning and end of surgery PAA L,PA-t not detoctabe Iason a 1908 PA, uPA, PAL, {PAA Begeingand end of surgery PAI-1 {PAA |, PAPA {PA-PAI complex compex t Bergstim ata" 2002 tPA, PA {PAA ——_Bagiring and ond ofsurgery tPA |, PAL. {PAA Laparoscopy versus Simi response laparotomy Neudockor a ls 2002 {PAPALT,(PALPAI —{PAA.PALT —Baghning and end ofurgery PAA |, PA, PAT <, complex {PA-PAI complex <- Laparoscopy versus Sime response laparotomy Brokeiman a a 2008 PA, UPA, PAL PAR ——_Baghningandendofshort APA =, UPA, PAL «=, Taparescopy, Pad o Brokelman o 2? 2009 PA, UPA, PAL {PAA Begining and ond of {PA 1, uPA, PAL >, ‘Prolonged laparescopic PAAL surgery |. Decrease , increase; «>, no change: tPA, tisue plasminogen activator PAL, plasminogen activator inhibitor: (QPAA, tissue) plasminogen activating sesvty uPA, urokinase plasminogen aetvator. laparotomy’"-, Perioperative tPA. act all types of surgery, except for the short: group (Table 2). Overall, however, there were no significant diferences in fibrinolytic responses, between laparoscopy and laparotomy” Peritoneal fibrinolytie response to surgery measured in peritoneal fluid Before the turn ofthe millennium, only two clinical studies were available that examined the fibrinolytic response to surgery in peritoneal fluid"? (Table 3). In one study, peritoneal Fluid was collected at several time points after surgery by use of an abdominal drain‘, significant reduction in plasminogen activator activity was found afer surgery, reaching undetectable levels at 24 h, which was sustained at 48h. Again, it was conchided that there ‘was a single pathophysiological mechanism of adhesion formation in the event of trauma to the peritoneum, due to either surgery or infection, which led to a reduction in fibrinolytic activity. It thus seemed that the ‘classical concept of adhesion formation’ as described in animals was also applicable to humans and the eoneept became more generally accepted. There also appeared to be a biphasie response to trauma by the peritoneum. twas postulated thatthe early reduction in plasminogen activator activity might be secondary to a reduction in tPA levels, whereas the subsequent abolition of functional fibrinolytic activity was probably caused by a dramatic inerease in PAI-1 and PAI-? concentrations. The (©2011 Bish Journal of Surgery Socey Lad Published Jo Wiley Som Lad ‘magnitude and duration of this abolition of plasminogen activator activity was related to the type and duration of the peritoneal trauma, and was the main factor that determined whether or not postoperative adhesions were formed, and to what extent”. In another study, Balestam and co-workers collected peritoneal fluid during a second-look laparoscopy I week after laparotomy with adhesiolysis, In contrast to the findings of Seott-Coombes and colleagues, the fibrinolytic system was stil fully active I week after surgery, presumably continuing to inhibit the further formation of adhesions. Furthermore, in two more recent studies, fibrinolytic activity in peritoneal fluid was significantly enhanced 1 week after surgery”*75 “The discrepancy between results for peritoneal biopsies and peritoneal fluid from several studies might be explained by the acate release of tPA from mesothelial cells into the peritoneal cavity during inflammation or trauma. ‘This idea was addressed by Ivarsson et al.7, who investigated whether tPA was released into the peritoneal cavity during surgery by collecting fluid released from the serosal surface of the small bowel in a plastic bag. Concentrations of tPA were increased significantly inthe collected peritoneal fluid compared with peripheral blood levels. The authors concluded that tPA was rapidly released by the peritoneum through an active process during abdominal surgery, Storage of tPA in an intracellular storage pool has been described” and inflammation or trauma might trigger the release of tPA from such stores, thus explaining the dliserepaney in results from several studies which differed in wwwbpcok Bet Journal of Stoyery 2011; 98: 1503-1516 Pathogenesis of postoperative adhesion formation 1508 Table 3 Studies on the fibrinolytic response to surgery in peritoneal fluid in humans Scott-Coombesetal"*” 1995 PA, PAL, PAL2, PAA Edetsam ota 1908 PAL UPA PAM, PAL arson eta 2001 PAL UPA PALI. PAR Newdecker et af 2002 {PAPAL IPAA PAT actly, PAPAL complex Hotobrars ot al 2005 PA. UPA, PAI, FLOPS, fnogen, plasminogen, \2-antiplasmin, PAP, TAT comple, tn Hetabrcare a > 2000 tPA, PALI, OPS Pend h PAR J tPA J, PAT PARQ ¢ 24h PAR not detectable, IA I PAL 1, PALO ¢ san PAA not detectable, IPA 1, PAl-t 4, PAK2 1 1 week {PA 1, uPA ¢, PALI 1,PAL2 > Begining and enc of surgery IPA 1, PAA 1, UPA =, PAL Laparoscopy versus Taparctomy’ an {A activty In laparescopy ‘rou: PALL 1, Pale actvty 1, PA activity | in both gous on No atferences between ‘roupe aan No oterences between groups: 1 week TAT complex and uPA «all ‘otto factor sigrifearty 1 1 week {A PAL 1, FoDPS t 1 Decrease; increase; no change. sPA, tise plasminogen activator; PA plasminogen actiator inhibitor (PAA, (ste) plasminogen-ateaing tivity PA, urokinase plasminogen acsator, FHDP, rin degradation product; PAP, plstin-antiplasmnin comple: TAT, chrombin-ancithrombin. the timing of biopsies (taken atthe beginning versus end of surgery). Notably, this also raises the question of whether perioperative lavage might wash aveay a substan of fibrinolytic activity, thereby promoting the formation and persistence of fibrin deposits Fibrinolytic and coagulatory response to surgery measured in plasma Studies on the pathogenesis of adhesions that concomi- tantly measured parameters in plasma are scarce. Two studies showed a significant rise in plasma concentrations of FbDPs during the postoperative period after abdominal surgery, pointing to ongoing fibrinolysis" (Tuble 4). In 1985, D'Angelo and colleagues" proposed the exist of a minimized fibrinolytic system in plasma immed after surgery asa resulcof an increase in PAT-L and a reduc~ tion in tPA levels (postoperative fibrinolytic shutdown’) Again, it took several years before new insights led to the perception that there is still ongoing despite reduced tPA and inereased PAI-1 concentrations. In this contest, a study by Siemens and co-workers" is of| special interest, They investigated the most vulnerable time of thrombus formation with regard to the role of plasma coagulatory and fibrinolytic systems in patients under- going total hip replacement, hemicolectomy, laparoscopic brinolysis in plasma (© 2011 Bes Journal of Surgery Society Lad Pblhed-Joba Wiley Sons Lad cholecystectomy or subtotal thyroid resection, Maximum activation of coagulation was not reached until 2h afer surgery and slowly decreased until normal values were reached around day 5. ‘The hip replacement and hemi- colectomy groups showed a similar outcome, with strong activation of the procoagulatory (and fibrinolytic) systems. ‘Much less pronounced were the changes during chole- cystectomy and thyroid reseetion (Table 4). Similar results were reported by Diamantis etal", who examined differ inactivation of coagulation and fibrinolytic pathways between open and laparoscopic surgery, and by Lépex and co-workers”, who studied postoperative differences between orthopaedic and abdominal surgery. Overall, in these sturlies surgery led to hypercoagulability, with open surgery leading to & stronger activation of the clotting system in plasma than laparoscopic procedures”? ™ Effect of surgery on peritoneal fibrinolysis in relation to extent of adhesion formation Among the diverse studies on the pathogenesis. of adhesion formation, only one retrospective study and two prospective trials"*7¥ investigated the effect of surgery on peritoneal fibrinolysis in relation to theseverity of adhesion formation. In the retrospective study, levels of PAI-L and. of PA-PAL-I complex were inereased in peritoneal tissue swowjssonuk Bite Journal of Su-gory 20115 98 1503-1516 B.W. J. Hellebrekers and T. Kooisea Table 4 Studies onthe fibrinolytic and coagulatory response to surgery in humans in plasma Lopez eat?" 1997 Orthopaedi versus {PA\PALI,FODPs,PAP, Preop. and 1,Sand7 loti markers» emia! surgery “TAT complex days postop. PAL {tPA 1, PAP Slomens.t a” 1909 Total hipreplacement, TAT complex, D-dimer, 1 day peop. ‘Altactors. Hip hemicalectomy, PAL, Rsinogen| Prsop.andintacp. and —-rplacament and laparoscopic 2hyand 1,2,3and homicolectomy showed ‘cholecytctomy, 5 days post. ‘similar strong activation subtotal thy ‘of procoaguiatery ane resection frnovtic systems versus other types of surgery Schictromaetal” 2004 Open versus arosconic TAT complex fin, Preop. and'th, and 1,2 Open surgery led to more ‘sugery DPS, Dimer, ‘and 3 days poston. ‘station of eeting| snttonoin ‘system than laparoscope surgery Hetebrkers etal 2005. Fertity surgery PA, UPA, PAL, FODPs, 1 week postop, PAL bin 7, FEOPS 1 ‘brinagen, plasminogen, zaps, PAP, “TAT complex tin Diamantistal®? 2007 Open versus lnproscopie Flin, FODPe, TAT Preop. and intacp. and Open surgery eto more ‘sugary ‘complex fixinogen, ‘and 3 days poston. ‘sclvaton of cloting Deaimee ‘system than laparoscopic sugery Hollebreker etal? 2008 Myomectomy APA, PALI, FOP 20min, 1,8ardCh,and1, IPAs, PALI + atal time 2,5.and 7 days postop. points, FOOP tat 0 minto 1 day 1, Decrease; increas; no change PA, issue plasminogen activator; PA, phsminogen activator inhibitor, FDDP, Fibrin degradation pra PAP, Plasmin~aneplasmin complet; TAT, trombin-antichrombins uP samples from patients with severe adhesions compared with those from patients with less severe adhesions®, In the first prospective study, investigators sought evidence of fibrinolyticinsufficieney asa cause of adhesion formation” Patients were studied prospectively after infertility surgery and during an early second-look laparoscopy (ESL) 8 days later. Fibrinolytic and coagulation parameters were ‘measured at both time pointsin peritoneal fluid and plasma, ‘which allowed evaluation of the postoperative course of the fibrinolytic and coagulation systems and correlation with the extent of adhesion formation. Adhesion improvement scores at the ESL correlated with initial peritoneal PAI- 1 concentrations, and it was concluded that insufficient peritoneal fibrinolytic capacity was the main factor in determining postoperative adhesion formation. In a second prospective study, investigators tried to substantiate the findings from the previous study in an experimental set-up directed at assessing cflicacy and safety of reteplase (recombinant plasminogen activator) administration after abdominal myomectomy”. Patients were randomized to intraperitoneal treatment with I mg. reteplase in Ringer's lactate or Ringer’s lactate alone. Adhesions were scored and peritoneal fluid and plasma were collected during myomectomy and an ESL. Again, © 2011 Br Jouna of Surgery Society Lad Pblhed iy Jobs Wiley & Sons Le roknseplaninogenaciator. there was a significant correlation between the extent of adhesion formation and the change in tPA concentration in peritoneal fluid from initial surgery to ESL. Similarly, a significant correlation was shown between preoperative plasma levels of PAI-I and the extent of adhesion formation. Notably, a highly significant correlation was demonstrated between preoperative plasma levels of C reactive protein (CRP) and the extent of adhesion formation at ESL, suggesting an important role of the inflammatory state in adhesion formation. Role of the inflammatory system Teis now well accepted that the inflammatory system has an important role in the regulation of both the coagulation and fibrinolytic systems", Acute inflammation, in response to trauma oF infection, can lead to systemic activation of the coagulation system and from that to fibrin deposition™, Fibrin deposition is part of a physiological. protective mechanism against invading microorganisms; it helps to enclose the microorganisms, and to contain the resulting inflammatory reaction. When the inflammatory response gets out of control and is accompanied by excessive activation of coagulation, fibrin formation in itself can British Journal of Surgery 2011; 98: 1503-1516 Pathogenesis of postoperative adhesion formation lead to pathological conditions and diseases such as diffuse intravascular coagulation in sepsis. Physical and chemical irritation of the peritoneum results in a non- bacterial inflammatory state with peritoneal serofibrinous, exudation****, In surgery, the formation of this fibrin exudate in the peritoneum is partof the haemostatic process in response to tissue injury, and an essential component of normal tissue repair. ‘Mesothelial cells have an important role in the prevention of adhesions and in local host defence. On the one hand, they synthesize tissue factor, a key pl in the onset of coagulatory processes; on the other, they have an important role in maintaining an adequate plasma-independent fibrinolytic system by proxducing tPA and uPA, and their inhibitor PAI-1. ‘The expression of procoagulatory tissue factor and antifibrinolytie PAI-1 is increased by inflammatory mediators such as IL-1 and INF-a, while the expression of tPA is concomitantly decreased, explaining an increased tendency to fibrin deposition™*”, ‘The main interactions between the three systems of inflammation, coagulation and fibrinolysis that play a role in postsurgical adhesion formation are depicted in Fig. 1. Factors influencing inflammation, coagulation, fibrinolysis and adhesion formation Despite large variations in experimental design, one unifying coneept em: over 50 years of studies in animals and humans on the pathogenesis of adhesion formation. Peritoneal damage inflicted by surgical ‘trauma oF other insults evokes an inflammatory response, thereby promoting procoagulatory and antifibrinolytic reactions, and a subsequent significant inerease in fibrin formation. When fibrin deposits persis, fibrinous adhesions can develop. Subsequently, these adhesions become organized (collagen deposition, vascular ingrowth) and are changed into permanent fibrous adhesions. The authors postulate that individual differences in peritoneal inflammatory status, procoagulant activity and fibrin- dissolving capacity determine whether fibrin deposits persist and thereby lead to permanent adhesions — or not. The new coneept not only reconciles apparently contradievory findings in the literature, but also provides a mechanistic context for, and the relationship between, the inflammatory state, coagulatory activity and fibrinolytic capacity; it provides a rationale for why numerous ‘presurgical, surgical and postsurgical factors can be of key importance in whether adhesions develop or not (Fig. 2) actors that reportedly influence inflammation, coag- ulation and fibrinolysis in. the presurgical setting are numerous. Age®*®, diurnal variations, sex and other when reassessi {©2011 Bish Journal of Surgery Sosity Lad Publish by John Wiley & Sone Ltd 1s netic factors®, obesity”, medication”?-°, ongoing ection", smoking and alcohol intake, diabetes”, phase of the menstrual cycle, hypercholesterolaemia”, benign versus malignant disease!™°!, stress!" and pregnancy'®® have all been found to influence one or more of the risk factors inflammation, coagulation and. fibrinolysis. In addition, numerous surgical factors con- wribute to fibrin persistence, including type and duration of surgery™"*", use of irrigation, anaesthetic used!®*, additional medication (such as antibiotics) and blood transfusion!®, OF special interest is the influence of the extent of peritoneal damage. Many surgeons assume that Japaroscopy induces fewer adhesions than laparotomy owing to less peritoneal trauma, Previous studies showed that open surgery led to a significantly greater activation fof the clotting system in plasma than laparoscopic procedures’”7*§, Adhesion formation, however, has not, been evaluated properly as primary endpointin prospective studies comparing laparoscopy and laparotomy. Only one id clinical trial compared adhesion formation between laparoscopy and laparotomy during second-look surgery. Significantly fewer adhesions were found on the ‘operated site in the laparoscopy geoup compared with the laparotomy group, and there was a trend towards ranclomiz adhesions overall! Future studies Despite considerable progress in insight into the factors determining peritoneal adhesion formation, it seems that preventive strategies are still guided by the five fundamental attacks against their formation as described by Boys!” in 1942. Limitation or prevention of initial peritoneal injury, prevention of coagulation of the serous exudate, removal or dissolution of deposited fibrin, prevention of adherence of adjacent structures by keeping them apart, and prevention of the organization of persisting fibrin by inhibiting fibroblastic proliferation still remain the basis of current research into adhesion prevention. However, notwithstanding numerous efforts to tackle adhesion formation along these lines, it remains a major problem in modern medicine and there is clearly @ need to ‘open new avenues. This review draws attention to the role of inflamma- tion as evoking factor, and anti-inflammatory treatment regimens deserve further investigation. It also highlights the perioperative period as an ideal and underutilized win dow of therapeutic opportunity in which the peritoneal environment and fibrinolytic eapacity could be modulated Britis Journal of Surgery 2011; 98: 1503-1516 1512 B.W. J. Hollebekers and T. Kooists Fig,2 Factors influencing the Ribrinolyic, coagulation and inflammatory systems, and thus the extent of adhesion formation to prevent postsurgical adhesion formation. Besides sup- pressing inflammation, direct augmentation of fibrinolytic activity with fibrinolytie agents might be an interesting alternative to use as an antiadhesion strategy", An impor- tant conclusion from this review is that there is special need for more prospective studies examining the extent of adhesion formation in relation to the inflammatory state and factors of eoagulation and fibrinolysis. For reasons of comparability between studies, specific attention should be paid to uniformity in measurement (what, where and when to measure, and in which patients). An attractive option that potentially combines ant-inflammatory, anti- coagulatory and profibrinolytie properties could be the use of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins)! Besides their cholesterol-lowering capacity, there is accumulating clinical evidence that they are effec tive in lowering plasma levels of CRP® "2, have potent anti-inflammatory properties", and are effective stimula tors of fibrinolytic activity by increasing tPA and lowering PAL-I!!2, The benefits of statin therapy in cardiovascular disease can be explained not only by their lipid-lowering potential but also by non-lipid-related mechanisms (so- called ‘pleiotropic effects). Besides their effects in plasma, {© 2011 Beis Joural of Surgery Sacer La Published by Jon Wiley & Sone Li statins have also been found to decrease cellular tis- sue factor expression!”?, to stimulate mesothelial ibri lytic activity by increasing tPA levels and lowering PAF-L levels in cultured mesothelial cells*""5, and to be effective in the prevention of postsurgical adhesions in experimental studies! #16, Te therefore seems that further research on these registered drugs in adhesion formation in a clinial setting is urgently needed. Inall, che peritoneal inflammatory status seems a crucial factor in determining the duration and extent of the imbalance between fibrin formation and fibrin dissolution, and thus in the persistence of fibrin deposits, determining whether or not adhesions will develop. 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