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Find Joy Today

6 Steps to living in joy right now

Claire Newdigate
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 3

CHAPTER 1 – STEP 1 ........................................................................................ 7


CHAPTER 2 – STEP 2 ...................................................................................... 12

WANT. ...................................................................................................................... 12

CHAPTER 3 – STEP 3 ...................................................................................... 16

WANT AND KEEP IT THERE! ........................................................................................ 16

CHAPTER 4 – STEP 4 ...................................................................................... 20

DISTRACT YOURSELF .......................................................................................... 20

CHAPTER 5 – STEP 5 ...................................................................................... 25

BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE ..................................................................... 25

CHAPTER 6 – STEP 6 ...................................................................................... 28

REPROGRAM YOUR BRAIN ................................................................................... 28

CHAPTER 7 – IN SUMMARY ........................................................................... 31

DON’T PUT OFF FOR TOMORROW WHAT YOU CAN DO TODAY. ................................. 31

QUICK LINKS TO RECOMMENDED BRAIN UPGRADES: ............................. 33


Every person I have ever spoken to shares one thing

in common; they all want to live happy and fulfilled
lives. There comes a point in each person’s life where
we question where we are going and whether we are
living up to our true potential.

I’m not sure if you are currently in this place, or if

you have been here recently, but I do know that a great
many people feel there has to be more to life; more
happiness, more joy, more fulfillment. How can we
make this happen when we are stuck in a constant
struggle of merely existing instead of living in perpetual

Our lives are so rushed and pressured, we

constantly need to fit more into our days and

schedules, yet we seem to get less and less enjoyment
out of life. We are constantly bombarded by magazines
telling us that we should; be better, look better, and eat
better. We push ourselves at work, in the gym, at
home, to be the best versions of ourselves, yet we are
not happy with the person we see in the mirror each

We feel the need to push ourselves further and

further. We don’t judge others as harshly as we judge
ourselves; no matter how well we are coping with this
daily grind, we still are excruciatingly critical of
ourselves. Why is this? Why do we feel the need to
continually put ourselves down, or feel like lesser
beings, when we are in fact coping really well in a
world that has never before moved at this frenetic

I believe a lot of emotional upheaval can be

avoided if we were able to live in the moment and find
appreciation for everything we have right here and
now. I know it sounds clichéd, but it really is true. We
spend most of lives worrying about things that have not
yet happened, and may never happen, or about things
that have already happened and we have no way of
changing them. The only time frame we ever have any
control over, is the here and now - this very moment.

If you knew for a fact that you would not wake up

tomorrow, would you still have the same set of worries

that you have right now? Or would they be replaced
with sadness for the things you did not have a chance
to experience? Sadness for the people you would not
see, sadness for the things you have not said? I know
that if I knew for certain that today would be my last
day, I would live it very differently than I currently am.
For one, I would not be in front of my laptop right now, I
would be outside, going for a walk with my daughter, or
having a long video chat with my sons.

I am not for one minute suggesting that you stop

doing the things you need to do to keep your life going,
like paying the bills etc. I AM saying that you DO need
to stop worrying about the things that could go wrong.
Even if you don’t have the money to pay that bill right
now, anything can happen between now and

You may find money you forgot you had in a

handbag or envelope, you may get an unexpected
windfall, you may win the Lotto! Or, you may be able to
successfully negotiate a payment plan, or delayed
payment. The point is: if you keep focusing on what
can go wrong, you are going to miss everything that is
going right. You are going to miss the small wonders in
each moment; you are going to miss more than half
your life!

I want to help you live in joy and find happiness

and fulfillment in each day. Again I am not advocating

avoiding problems, but I am going to give you practical
ways to stop focusing on the ‘stuff’ that adds stressors
to your life, and help you get more enjoyment out of
every day.

I am going share 6 steps to follow to start living in

joy right away. There will be time to fix other problems
along the way, but there is no time to waste in
changing the way you feel while you getting there. I’m
sure we all have aspects relating to ourselves we
would like to change, things that would make our lives
easier or make us more efficient or proficient in what
we would like to achieve in our lifetime, but we do not
have to wait for these things to happen before we can
be happy. We can start being happy right now.

We can improve our limiting beliefs over a period

of time, we can add to our knowledge, become
healthier or fitter, work on healing past pain and
trauma, and YES, all of this is good and we still need to
do this...BUT ... We don’t need to wait for all these
things to be complete before we can be happy! We can
be happy starting from this moment.

Join me in taking your first steps to living a joyous,

fulfilled life, right NOW.

Chapter 1 – Step 1

Determine what it is you do not what in your life. You cannot know for certain
what you DO want, until you are clear on what you DON’T want.

This to me is always the most important place to

start; determine exactly what you don’t want in your
life. You will find once you know what this is, that it is
where your mind actually spends most of its time at the
moment. If you read or study the Law of Attraction, you
will know that according to Wikipedia, ‘The Law of
Attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or
negative thoughts, people can bring about positive or
negative experiences into their life”.

No matter how often you say your empowering
affirmations, or how positive you try to be about every
aspect of your life, if you mind is constantly dwelling on
the things you don’t want, you will never change the
situation you are currently in, or get out of the
difficulties you are currently facing. They say that focus
goes where energy flows. If you allow your mind to
spend time thinking about the things you don’t want,
you are just going to get a whole lot more of the things
you don’t want.

If you are constantly getting more of what you

don’t want, it is very hard to shift your focus and be
happy, and to live in joy. However, if you make a
detailed list of everything you DO NOT want in your
life, you are able to become conscious of your current
thought patterns, and then you will be able to actively
control where you place your focus.

It is important to examine all the areas of your life

that do not bring you joy. List as many things as you
like that cause you pain, discomfort, sadness or any
emotion other than joy or happiness. Areas to consider
are: your relationship with yourself, your health, your
spouse, your children, your family, your social circle,
your career, your finances and your environment.

Please don’t just think about them. You need to

write them down, preferable on a piece of paper, the

old fashioned way. The reason for this is, your brain is
able to better process something you had to physically
write down, as opposed to just typed. It goes back to
childhood and developmental processes. I could give
you the whole psychology behind it, but there is no
need to go into lengthy explanations, other than to say,
it works better this way.

You can add to your list as often as you like. But

at present, I want you to choose any items you don’t
want that possibly have a common thread. For
instance, you don’t want to worry about money. You
don’t like parts of your home; you wish you had the
money to fix them. You hate the way you feel about not
giving your kids what they want because you cannot
afford more. All these problems are separate, but they
all have a common thread, lack of money.

Or, you hate the fact that you and your husband
are fighting a lot. You hate that he does so many things
that annoy you. You hate yourself for thinking he is an
ass. You don’t like the person you see in the mirror.
You don’t feel loved. You don’t feel worthy. Your
children do not appreciate you. Your family takes you
for granted. These may seem like different issues, but
the common thread will be a destructive mirroring
pattern between your feelings towards yourself and
how your family is reflecting back at you. In one of my
other books, I call this the ‘arsehole factor’.

If you are not sure if something is connected or
not, think about how the problem makes you feel. Do
you experience the same type of emotion when
contemplating it? If so, there is a good chance that it is
related. This list of ‘common’ problems needs to be the
list to which you have the strongest feeling, the ones
that elicit the worst emotions of loss and lack, the ones
where you spend most of your mental energy each
day. This is the list of DON’T wants we will work on

You will get overwhelmed if you have to work on

everything you don’t want, all at once. If you start with
a list of related problems, ones that are stealing your
immediate joy, you can always come back to the other
areas later. Just having written them down, allows your
mind to focus on them a little less, so that you are free
to focus on the most pressing problems.

Now, rewrite (in ink on paper) your shortened

version of all the things you DON’T want in your life at
this moment in time. Be sure that you have the right
ones on this list. They need to be the ones you worry
about the most. If you are not sure about this, spend a
day being mindful of everything you think about. Make
notes through the day of how much time you spend
with these thoughts flitting through your

Be aware of how these thoughts are presenting
themselves to you. If you are worried about finance,
are you thinking about how to make more money, or
are you dreading not being able to pay for the things
you need? If you are worried about your relationship,
are you looking for things to love about your partner, or
are you constantly seeing reasons to be angry with

Chapter 2 – Step 2

Take your list of things you DON’T want and turn it into things you DO want.

Your list should be quite concise at this point and

you should have a clear picture of how much time you
have been spending focusing on the things you DON’T
want in your life. It is only once you are clear on this,
that you can truly turn your DON’T wants into DO

I want you to look at each point you have written

down very carefully, feel the emotion attached to each
point when you read or say it out aloud. Think about
situations where those feelings have been at their
strongest. Feel them. Now think of how you would like

to turn each one into a positive. Something you really
DO want in your life.

Please spend a little time on this step, because if

you are not clear on the emotion you would rather feel,
your result is going to be a half-baked version of what
you would like to achieve. The emotion I would like you
to try and achieve, when changing a don’t want into a
want, is going to be elation. What does elation feel
like? It feels similar to the feeling of excited anticipation
you felt when you were a teenager and you had a
crush on the most gorgeous gal or guy around. It is the
feeling of a bubbling excitement that makes you feel
exhilarated, happy, expanded and even a little nervous
all rolled into one glorious bubble of AWESOME. It is
the feeling that makes you weak at the knees and
gives you butterflies in the pit of your stomach. It is the
feeling that makes you feels truly alive.

UGH, I hear the groans! Come on, you CAN do

this! This is a technique I learnt from one of my most
revered mentors, Lynne Grabhorn, author of ‘Excuse
me, your life is waiting!’. She called this technique
buzzing. She said that if you are able to focus this
excited, focused energy (your buzz), towards any area
in your life you would like to change, for just 16
seconds at a time, you would get the outcome you

So what is the next step then? Changing the

vibrational frequency and pattern surrounding the
problems in your life. I am not going to go into great
depth here, I do that in my new book on the Law of
Distraction, but right here and now, I will give you the
tools to utilize this little piece of magic without having to
understand the how’s and why’s behind the physics
and psychology of it all.

Keeping the desired emotional outcome of the list

in mind, (elation), rephrase your list to voice a concise
version of things you DO want in your life right now.
Say each point out loud and try to feel the elation, joy,
excitement and anticipation as you say them. Good
job! At this point, if you are able to keep doing this ad
infinitum you will turn your whole world around. You
are done!

If only it were this easy. In theory it is, but it is so

very, very hard to do in practice. As soon as I tell you
to stop focusing on what you don’t want, to take your
mind off the problem, all you can do is focus on what
you don’t want. Our brains are programmed that way,
and in my latest book I do go into a lot of depth around
this point. The whole trick is to retrain your brain to only
focus on the things you actually do want, but it is
impossible to change a lifetime of incorrect thinking in
just one day.

If we can’t change it all right now, we can still take

the next step to living in joy today, by giving you the

next piece in the puzzle. Learning how to keep your
mind on the things you actually do want, and feeling
the wonderful emotions that go with that change in
focus, thus changing the vibrational pattern
surrounding your problem and ultimately changing the
outcome to one you truly desire.

Chapter 3 – Step 3

Take your mind off what you DON’T want, put it firmly on what you DO want
and keep it there!

As we have just seen, when I ask you to stop

thinking about something, your mind will find a way to
go back to the problem and try and solve it. The
downfall with this way of trying to solve big issues is
that you may not have the tools to change the situation;
otherwise, you would have done so already. Your mind
is using references from your past experiences to solve
a problem you may not have needed to face before, or
a culmination of problems that have been left unsolved,
and over a period of time have escalated into
something far bigger than initially anticipated.

Because you are not able to solve the problem
easily, your brain works harder and harder to find a
solution, but the solution may not be within your current
grasp, or you may be going around and around in
circles instead of finding a new way of approaching the
problem. The more you worry about the problem, the
bigger it becomes. Soon, other problems start cropping
up too, more and more goes wrong. Your life starts
spiraling out of control and all the joy is sucked from
your everyday life.

You forget how to be happy in the moment; you

live in regret of the past and in fear of the future. You
don’t stop to smell the roses, hell; you don’t even
notice the roses. What are roses?

You need to find a way to get your buzz going

and focus excited, happy energy towards the
rephrased item on your list. Remember that it started
out as something you don’t want, you then turned it into
something that excites you, that you do want, now you
need to keep your focus on that. Every time your mind
wanders off and tries to solve the problem, don’t let it.
Bring it back to the things you DO want and get that
excited feeling going for a minimum of 16 seconds.

Why do you need to do this? We are

electromagnetic beings. We are made up of tiny
energy particles. We attract and repel other particles in

our immediate surroundings. We attract or repel other
people, because they are also electromagnetic. We
attract or repel situations, opportunities and
experiences, all based on our frequencies. If you are
vibrating on a low, sluggish, unhappy frequency, you
are going to attract things of a similar frequency to you.
In the same way; if you vibrate on a higher, happy
excited frequency, you will attract similar frequencies
to yourself.

I know you are now saying to yourself: “Oh no!

Just when I thought she might be making sense, she
went all weirdo on me. This woo-woo stuff is really not
my cup of tea.” Before you actually go down that road,
all of this IS fact. It is physics, quantum physics and
chemistry and I do explain it more fully in my book. But
you don’t need to know, or understand it, to get it to
work for you today.

All you need to do is train your brain to stop

focusing on the wrong things. By rephrasing your don’t
wants into wants, you have taken the first step. You
have consciously made a shift in thought patterning.
The tricky part is to be mindful of your thoughts, and to
keep catching yourself before you indulge in the lower
vibrational thinking patterns, and rather focus on the
revised version of what you do want.

Soon you will see small changes start taking

place. Once you shift your focus, your brain

automatically is somehow able to take a birds-eye view
of the problem and solutions pop up as if by magic.
You will also notice that things slowly stop going
wrong, more and more things will start going right.
You won’t be bogged down by the burden of
worry and trying to control things you have no control
over. You will feel lighter, you will feel free, and you will
find it much easier to stop for a second in the day and
take the time to smell the roses.

This methodology has worked for centuries and

has been practiced all over the world. In 1931 Emmet
Fox published his book called ‘The Golden Key’, which
is virtually the same concept. He says when you have
a problem you cannot solve, or something that is
worrying you, hand it over to a Higher Power, and don’t
think of it at all. Soon it will be resolved. It is the same
principle of: Take your mind off what you don’t want,
focus it on what you do want, and keep it there.

I want to add a little something here, because I

am certainly not the first person to come up with this
line of thought. So many books and authors say the
same thing, possibly just from a slightly different
perspective. But I want to add the little trick, which is
step 4 in our plan, which will make this an absolute
snap for you to do. It means you will be able to follow
step 3 without too much effort, and this will make living
in joy so much easier for you to achieve.

Chapter 4 – Step 4

Distract yourself

This is something we all do very easily and naturally

when we are dealing with agitated toddlers and
animals, but somehow we have lost the ability to do it
for ourselves. We are told to focus at all times. Our
children get medicated in schools if they are distracted,
but I am telling you that this is the little piece you have
been missing in getting The Law of Attraction or any
kind of manifesting to work for you.

Remember in step 3, we needed to keep our

minds focused on the things we don’t want and not
even think of the things we don’t want? Well, this is

how you are going to make that step so much easier
for yourself. Each time you find your thoughts
wondering or dallying on the things you do not want in
your life, use a simple distraction technique to redirect
your thoughts to where you want them to be.

This type of thinking, or manifesting, or being,

takes discipline. It means you have to continually be
mindful of where your focus is. It can be tiring and hard
to do, but if you find a fun way to distract yourself, it
becomes a snap. The secret is to find something you
like, something that will firmly take your mind off the
problem, but then you need to raise your vibrational
frequency at the same time, so you can
electromagnetically attract the right things into your
immediate surroundings. That means you need to find
a tangible and fun thing that will make you happy at the
same time.

When I first figured this Law of Distraction out for

myself, I was going through a very bad time in my life.
Everything was going wrong all the time despite my
being very positive, saying numerous affirmations
daily, and having a multitude of colorful vision boards. I
tried envisioning the life I wanted, I tried all the usual
stuff one is told to do, but things kept going wrong all
the time.

It wasn’t until I the day grasped this concept fully,

that I understood; I needed to distract myself in order to

achieve the outcome I desired. I had been proud of
myself for being able to remain positive with all the bad
stuff continuously going wrong. I kept telling my friends
about my hardships, and how well I was coping. I
shared detail after detail with them, but always smiled
and said: “Hey, I’m positive, surely it can’t get much

Ha ha ha...don’t tempt fate, it could and it would

get a lot worse, that is, until I learnt to distract myself.
Instead of carefully keeping all my sorrows in a
proverbial box and taking them out to proudly show
them off to people and tell them how ‘well’ I was coping
despite this and that going wrong. I completely took my
mind off all problems. I stopped talking about them. I
stopped thinking how awesome I was for coping in the
face of adversity. I stopped thinking about them
altogether. How did I do this?

When you have been focusing on something for

so long, it becomes hard not to think about it. So,
instead of thinking about my problems and all that
could, and possibly would still go wrong, I started
collecting feathers. I would go for long walks along the
banks of the beautiful lake where I lived, and pick up
the loveliest feathers. I would take them home, and
each time a problem would pop into my head, I would
take a feather from the pile, and examine it. I would try
to imagine the bird that had gifted it to me; where it
lived, where it had flown in its life, what it was doing in

that moment. I would then put the feather in a vase.

It took a few weeks for my vase to be full, but an

amazing thing happened during that time. Initially I was
adding handfuls of feathers a day, but soon, it was
maybe one or two feathers a day, then one or two a
week. By the time my vase was full, I had successfully
broken my long negative cycle where everything was
going wrong, my life was back on track, and things
were actually going right. I was happy! My children
were happy too, because I was no longer so stressed
out and money was flowing again. I was able to enjoy
the small moments in my day, and even though the
change was not instantaneous, I was able to start
finding joy every single day.

I had successfully distracted myself from what I

didn’t want, found a fun way to add a higher, happier
vibration pattern towards the problem, and soon the
shift was made.

How can you implement this in your own life right

now? Find something that brings you joy to distract
yourself. You could find a fun project, something you
have been wanting or meaning to do for some time,
like restoring a piece of furniture, or making a mosaic
planter. It really doesn’t matter what it is, but it has to
be something you like, something that will force you to
think about anything else. Every time you find your
mind wandering over to the things you don’t want,

switch the don’t want to a do want and distract yourself
with your fun project.

I have used a variety of fun projects through the

years to distract myself from various issues, ranging
from painting my daughter’s room, to making jewelry,
writing a book, to doing Productions (these are super
fun distraction techniques for your relationship). Every
time I have used these distraction techniques in my
life, they have worked. I have successfully been able to
distract myself from financial hardship, losing a
business due to external factors beyond my control, to
navigating my way through personal loss.

This will work for you too, you just need to find the
one thing that will best distract you, something that
excites you and makes you happy, and make SURE
you keep your mind firmly off the things you don’t want!

Chapter 5 – Step 5

Be grateful for what you have

This brings us to the next step in living in joy. Once

you have been able to take your mind off the things
you don’t want, focus on what you do want, and keep it
there by distracting yourself, you need to start
remembering. I heard that thought! “Seriously chic?
You are telling me to forget, distract myself and now

Yes, exactly that! Now, you must remember that

we were not put here on earth to live a dull dreary, sad,
dilapidated existence of suffering and regret. We were
brought here to live wonderfully fulfilled lives that

infuse your every cell with vibrancy and life. We were
put here to have fabulous experiences and be happy
and joyous. No matter which way you look at it, if you
are religious or not, if you have beliefs of an after life or
not, none of that matters in this context. The only thing
that does matter is that living a life in any other manner
than in joy, is a wasted life.

If you could give your children the greatest gift,

what would it be? I know for me it would be for my
children to be happy and fulfilled in everything they do.
So why then, is it so very hard for you to give the same
gift you yourself?

Stop right now. Stop waiting for tomorrow to be

happy. Find something this instant, to fill you with joy.
In fact, stop reading, press pause, get up and do
something that makes you smile. Something that
allows a warm fuzzy feeling to bubble up and envelope
you. Something that makes you want to laugh and hug
the next person you see.

Count your blessings. Make lists of the things you

have for which you are grateful. Set your car’s speed
governor to beep when you go over a certain limit, and
each time it beeps, find something too say out loud that
you are grateful for. Find ways in each day to remind
yourself of everything you have. Stop thinking about
the things you don’t have. Being grateful will raise your
vibrational pattern, and you will attract many more

things to be grateful about. Thinking about what you
don’t have, will lower your vibrational pattern, and yes,
you will find more and more things you don’t have.

A wise woman once said to me, when you are

feeling sad, depressed or just down in the dumps, go
and do something for someone else. Not for yourself,
for someone else, because then you will remember the
things in your own life that require gratitude.

I use the findings of a Japanese scientist

frequently in my books. Dr Masaru Emoto did a study
on the effects of different vibrational frequencies on
water. He exposed water to various music, sounds and
frequencies, then froze the water and examined the ice
crystals that were subsequently formed under a

The most perfect crystals were the ones where

gratitude was present before freezing. Where someone
had told the water how grateful he or she was because
of it, and thanked it.

Gratitude has the highest vibrational frequency we

are able to achieve in our normal unaltered state. If you
practice gratitude at every available opportunity during
your day, you will find joy, and start living a joyous,
happy life right now.

Chapter 6 – Step 6

Reprogram your brain

This is the last step in living a life in joy right now.

Our brains are truly remarkable. They are super
computers that are capable of far more than we will
ever know. However, a computer is only able to do
what its software allows. You may have the best
hardware ever (your brain), but if you are only running
a few basic programs, you will only ever be able to
perform a limited number of tasks. Our brains have
been programmed with very old and limiting software.

Upgrades are available, but most people are too

lazy to upgrade. They have been running on outdated
software for so many years, some are still actually

stuck on DOS. You will be amazed what happens
when you upgrade your software. There are many
ways to do this, and I have found a few options that
work really quickly and effectively, which I will outline in
this chapter.

What can you expect once you upgrade your

software? You will stop believing all the limiting
thoughts about yourself and your lack of abundance in
this life. You will stop feeling insignificant and
worthless or unworthy. You will stop believing that you
need to suffer and that you don’t deserve more than
you currently have. You will stop believing that life is a
slog. You will start finding wonder and enjoyment in
everything you do. You will start finding joy in even the
smallest moment. You will start effortlessly living the
life you always dreamed of. You will feel a sense of
expansion, of being part of something much bigger
than you ever imagined. You will actively seek to make
a difference in the world.

Let’s have a look at a few ways of upgrading our

software. I have three different recommendations for
you to start off with, all three will help you change your
life, upgrade your software and live in joy. You can of
course find your own software upgrades, but I
personally found these highly beneficial to me.

Reading is always a good place to start. There

are many wonderful authors out there who will impart

knowledge and make you think outside of your current
box. My first thought is always Lynne Grabhorn, as she
was the person who really resonated best with me. I
know she says similar things to many other authors,
but somehow, she said those things in a very real,
down to earth and practical way. I include a link to her
book Excuse me, your life is waiting, here, there is also
an option for the audio version of her book in the link.

Another great author who’s books I love is Neale

Donald Walsch, he wrote the iconic Conversations with
God, but in the light of this short book, I recommend
When everything changes, Change everything here, it
will help you live in joy right now.

Something that works even better than reading a

book, are binaural beats accompanied by NLP
techniques. I just LOVE Eddie Sergey’s 15 Minute
Manifestations, since I found them, my clarity and
focus has improved 100%. You can get your copy here
I promise you won’t be sorry you did.

My new book will also be available for purchase

soon. To get an early bird special discount, please sign
up here. I will also be giving away 10 free copies to
lucky people who make use of this offer, so don’t wait,
get your name on the list right now!

Chapter 7 – In Summary

Don’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today.

The only person in your life, who is capable of

knowing exactly what you want, need and desire is
you. If you are not 100% happy with ANY area or
aspect of your life, the only person who can change it
is you. Stop procrastinating! Stop waiting for
circumstances to change for you to start living the life
you truly want.

Take control of your destiny: Decide what you

DON’T want, focus on what you DO want, keep your
mind firmly on those thoughts, and get excited about it
by means of distracting yourself. Be grateful for
everything you DO have and upgrade your software to

be able to effortlessly live in this new state of joy
without causing unnecessary stress factors by
constantly having to remind yourself to be mindful of
your thought processes.

When you break it down like this, you understand

how easy it actually is to live in joy the vast majority of
the time. Why then do we complicate our lives to the
extent that we live in fear and discontent most of the
time? I’m not saying that bad things, sad things and
mad things won’t happen to you. They will. But with
these tools, you will be able to work through them
without getting stuck in the mire for prolonged periods
of time.

It is inevitable that life will happen and we will

experience hardship. But it is how we react to these
obstacles in our lives that determine the quality of the
life we live. It is how we get through these obstacles
and tribulations that determines how we ultimately feel
on a daily basis, and how we impact the world around
us. If we choose to focus on everything that can go
wrong, believe me, we will find so much more that can
and will keep us down. If we choose to focus on what is
magical, amazing and wonderful, we will find an
abundance to be grateful for and our lives will become
a reflection of the very best version of ourselves.

I wish you a life filled with joy and happiness

starting right now. Don’t wait, be happy today, and then
pass it on to everyone you love.

Much love and light


Quick links to recommended brain upgrades:

Lynne Grabhorn - Excuse me, you life is waiting

Neale Donald Walsch - When everything

changes, Change everything

Eddie Sergey - 15 Minute Manifestation

Early bird special discount for Claire’s new book


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