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Only Theatrical on the Pacific Coast


Entered as Second Class Matter, April 29, 1927, at Post- Published Every Saturday at 800-801 Warner Bros. Down-
Vol. XII office, Los Angeles, Calif., under Act of March 3, 1879. Saturday, October 4, 1930 town Building, 401 West Seventh St., Los Angeles, Calif. No. 14

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Fanehon and Marco Denver Stand Dark For Three Weeks

HAULS BY MOTOR Occupy Time of
BY LINKING CHRISTIE LOT Motor transportation for
Ex-Stock Heavy
principals, extra players and

AND METROPOLITAN SOUND technicians to and from loca-

tion during the filming of
RKO Radio Pictures’ “Cimar- Arthur Belasco, who worked in
A new corporation has been formed by the Christie brothers ron,” cost the studio $47,000. stock as a heavy at the Morosco be-
An fore Henry Duffy took over tnc
in which they merged their two previous holdings, Christie
Film Co., Inc., and the Metropolitan Pictures, Inc. Both of
average of 10 motor
busses, with seating capaci- place and renamed it the Presi- DENVER, Oct. 2 —
ties of30 and 12 six-passenger dent, has gone in with Phil Whit- Tabor Grand, formerly un-
these corporations have been owned by the brothers, A1 and cars plied daily between the ing to put on outdoor shows for
der the management of Mark
Charles, for several years, the Metropolitan company being studio and various Southern country communities.
California a J. Bennett, has transferred its
acquired, along with the studios, when they were abandoned locations for Belasco looks after the business
by the old P. D. C. about three years ago. period of 8 weeks. and Whiting does the directing. ownership to Harry Huffman,
Location camps were estab- They occupy an office on Olivera owner of several neighborhood
As a picture production concern,' lished at the RKO
ranch in street, arty place, recently con- houses, and the Downtown
Metropolitan Pictures was inactive, San Fernando valley; Ingle- verted to resemble the old Mex America. Tabor will go dark
the studio being operated under the wood,
firm name of Metropolitan Sound
Catholic Quild’s Calif.,
near Venice,
and an
oil field days of Los Angeles.
on October, 1 for three weeks,
Studios, Inc.
Some of their recent activities while
extensive alterations are
have been Ramona Pageant, Hemet;
The new corporation recent-
ly formed under the laws of
Workers Named Moonridge Bowl, Big Bear Lake; being made.
This leaves a doubt as to
Desert Call, El Centro; Desert

F or Coming Year NINE HOUSES

Delaware will be known as the Play, Palm Springs, and a recent whether stage shows will again
Metropolitan-Christie Pictures be in, when the house reopens.
pageant at Long Beach.
Corp.. and is capitalized for The people here like Fanehon
$10,000,000, all common stock. Whiting also directed Pilgrimage
and Marco’s creations and have
Christy Film Co. and the Metro- James Ryan, president of the
politan Sound Studios were repre- Catholic Motion Picture Guild, an-
TRANSFERRED Play, Los Angeles, some years ago,
and the two of them handled the
shown in the past that they
want “in the flesh” entertain-
sented in the deal by George H. nounced the following Guild com- “Fiesta de Los Angeles,” i,n which
Bowles, who recently was elected mittee appointments: Nine changes of ownership in the Los Angeles got
C. of C. in- * * *
vice-president in charge of exploita- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: theatres have been reported by the terested when Olivera Street was
Broadway, Denver's class thea-
tion. opened to the public.
James Ryan, chairman; Johnny Film Board of Trade, in this dis- tre, has been taken over by Arthur
Bowles was recently associated Hines, John J. Gain, James Glea- trict during the past week. The pairready to take on any M. Oberfelder, under terms of a
with the Pan-American Film Com- son,, jiohn W. Considine, Jr., Jack Montrose Theatre, in MontrOse, similar shows, and hopes to build least signed last week, and will
pany, an organization which he Coogan, Sr., Winfield Sheehan, formerly owned by S. G. Carr, was up a clientele, which will enable open on October 11 with a New
endeavored to organize to make James sold to K. K. Marston. Fox West them to add enough assistants to York cast, presenting “The Crim-
J. Dunn, Joseph P. Kennedy
foreign pictures. and Edward Mannix. Coast has sold the Jewel and Crys- have one of these shows playing inal Code.”
They leased the old James Cruze ADVISORY BOARD: Wm. K. tal theatres in L. A. to Arnold somewhere every week or so. Coincident with signing of the
studio for the purpose, but the pro- Howard, chairman;
Neil Hamilton, Schaak and Mort Goldberg, who Apparently Southern California three-year lease, Oberfelder an-
ject fell through. Formerly he was
C. C. Burr, John McCormack, will operate them under the firm communities have the bug to put nounced a policy of popular prices
manager of the Moscow Inn, a Nancy Carroll, John Ford,
night club on Sunset Boulevard.
Sam name of Southern California The- on an annual show of some kind, for the theatre, which will be kept
It is the object of the new cor-
Taylor, Robert McGowan and atrical Enterprises, Ltd. to attract attention from other com- open throughout the winter, with
George Cooper. Garden Theatre, at South Gate, munities, to build a fund, or to give E. P. Lyons as assistant manager
poration to expand into a major
production company, and they have
ENTERTAINMENT COM- was sold by A. E. Swanson to E. the native a chance to act. and treasurer. Night prices will
a very elaborate production sched-
MITTEE: Robert Emmett O’Con- E. Heard. Valencia Theatre at Pla- range from $1.25 to 50 cents, mat-
nor, chairman; Eddie Albright, centia, was sold by William Gum inee $1.00 to 25 cents.
ule planned.
The Metropolitan Sound Studios Walter Wills Tierney, Pat O’Malley, to D. D. Wallace.
and Jose Bohr. Mission Theatre, at Monterey
WOMEN WHO TAKE According to Oberfelder,
son Morgan, in New York, will
will proceed as it has in the past,
Park, sold to W. J. Edwards, Jr., FIRST PRODUCTION Serve as general production mana-
leasing space to independent pro-
Erie Hampton, chairman; Frances formerly owned by the Consoli- ger, with a subdirector in Denver.
Scully, Bert Ennis and Joseph dated Theatres. Name will be RKO’s first production at the Morgan will select the players to
Shea. changed to Monterey Theatre. Mason theatre will be Jane Mur- appear in the Denver productions,
SCREEN WOMEN’S MEMBERSHIP COMMIT- Ojai Theatre, at Ojai, was sold fin’s “Women Who Take,” to be and will generally outline the pol-
PRESS CLUB MEETS TEE: Frankie Dolan, chairman; by Mrs. S. J. Hart to Oliver Prick- directed by Frederick C. Latham, icy to be followed in the produc-
Eric von Stroheim, Sarah Padden, ett and George A. Damon, Jr. open as per present sched- tions.
It will
FOR FALL SEASON Maureen O’Sullivan and Patsy Pricket also owns the Alcazar at ule on Oct. 26. The play is an orig- “Apron Strings,” the Torrance
O’Byrne. Carpenteria. inal comedy, and if successful dur- Davis success, and the widely dis-
The first regular meeting for the CORRESPONDINGSECRE- Lomita Theafre, at Lomita, a picture, then taken to Broadway cussed drama, “The Last Mile,” will
fall season of the Screen Women’s TARIES: June Collyer, Ina Mae which has been closed for the past ing its run here, will be made into follow “The Criminal Code,” a
Press club was held last Monday Merrill and Leo McCarey. six weeks, has been reopened by for stage presentation. week apart, according to present
evening at the Chateau Elysee, with its owners, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dou- The complete cast has not as yet Other plays under option
dinner followed by the business cet.
been selected. include “June Moon,” “The Great
session. QUESTION ISRIFE Brooklyn Theatre, L; A., was Necker,” “Skidding,” “Elmer the
by Fox W. C. to Nathan Hoff-
Future politics and standards of
the club and the program for winter
man. NEW SNAPPY BOOK Great,” and “Ada Beats the Drum.”
“Death Takes a Holiday” is under
activities were discussed as well as OF PAN’S SECONDS PLACED ON STANDS consideration.
plans for the first big guest dinner. Schedule will be arranged so
Present were the Misses Grace Rosi
there will be no conflict with road
Adair, Adeline Alvord, Frances Speculation is rife as to the rea- productions already contracted for
Deaner, Mary Bartol, Mabel Brun- son Fox West Coast has trans- A new book just off the press, the Broadway under the Erlanger
dige, Myra Conyers, Agnes Craw- ferred its second run of pictures to
ford, Fran Dillon, Myrtle Gebbart, the new Wilshire theatre, taking
By Lon Murray entitled
to be catching
Town Tales,” and Shubert franchises.
on in Holly-
Madeline Glass, Jessie Henderson, them from the Fox Pantages in wood.
Virginia Kellogg, Margaret Kim- Hollywood. Signor G. V. Rosi, celebrated This little volume gives promise FAWCETT IS ADDED
ball, Ida R. Koverman, Helen Lud- Considering that Pan admission ballet master,
lum, Peggy McCall, Jane McDon- is 65 cents top, and the Wilshire
now in charge of
that branch of the terpsichorean
of running into the best seller
class, without a great deal of strug-
ough, Daphne Marquette, Shirley 50 cents, the question is as to how
art at the Lon Murray School for gling. A checkup shows that well INSTRUCTOR STAFF
Moorman, Eleanor Packer, Edith the difference in prices will affect stage dancing and dramatics, over a thousand of these books
Ryan, Patricia Sprees, Rosalind Pan business, when the pictures go were grabbed during the first week
Shaffer, Carolyn Wagner, Charlotte there for third run.
just returned after a season of study Jimmy Fawcett, expert in the art
Pan and the in Italy and other European coun- of distribution. of acrobatics, has become affiliated
Wood, Carol Warren and Dorothy Boulevard have been running many tries, with some entirely new con- The book is smart in both cover with the Wills Hollywood Studio of
Wooldridge. Eleanor Packer is pictures, day and date. Boulevard and contents. It is written in verse stage dancing. Fawcett for several
ceits in ballet formation.
president. admission is 50 cents. and prose, and embraces familiar seasons was associated with the
While on the Continent, he also
studied, innovations in Grecian, haunts, with such titles as “Fight Fanehon and Marco units.
U GETS EVA ROSITA FILM GOES ZOO Oriental and Spanish. Night,” “Brown Derby,” “On a The augmented staff of teachers
Eva Rosita, singer and dancer, Set,” etc. at the Wills School, aside from
When it comes to unusual casts, theMr. “Crinoline
Rosi produced for Murray
Identity of the authors is con- Fawcett, will include George Boyce,
has been signed by Universal for how about Ballet,” which
this one: In “Hi Diddle cealed under the title of Two Icon- off-rhythm dancer, and Buddy Eson,
“Mardi Gras,” latest of the series, Diddle,” fourth created sensational comment in the
comedy of the Nick recent oclasts; so it may have been writ- master of ballet.
which brings “The Leather Push- and Tony series prologue for “The Birth of
being made by ten by Wheeler and Woolsey, William Ritchey will have charge
ers,” H. C. Witwer’s boxing yarns, a Nation,” and has already attained

to the screen. Albert Kelley is

Radio Pictures, will appear,
an enviable local reputation for Amos an’ Andy, or anyone else, of the tap and acrobatic dancing
besides Nick Basil and Henry with Hollywood, who with all classes under the supervis-
directing and Sam Freedman is originality in stage and screen familiar
Armetta, the featured players, Jules
supervising the series. dance artistry. He is the only local writes. ion of Mr. Wills.
Cowles, Marguerite Padula, Jack “Talkie Town Tales” sells at the
master employing the famous Cec-
Ackroyd, a seal, a flying fish and a
chetti technique. popular price of $1, with a de luxe
edition at $2.50. BURNS FILMS READY
Sigmund Moos, formerly with
Educational Pictures announces
Universal Studios, has returned to
that organization in the capacity of
a new series of detectives mysteries

manager of the leasing department.

POOR SOUND DUE TO ECONOMY, SAYS CELL based on the experiences in the
career of William J. Burns. Each
picture, which will be one-reel in
HARMSEN ADOPTS By P. E. CELL good, and it will be indeed surpris- recording that the writer has had
ing if, in most theatres, it does not the grief of projecting is “squeeze
unfold some major
crime that William
“BY ME” BY-LINE Sound Projectionist
Every day or so, either in a daily get worse. sound track.” Burns solved.
or a film paper, one comes across M.G.M. announces that with Two theatres in Los Angeles,
True Harmsen, who has
written a series of short stor-
some slurring remark in reference
to sound being ruined by the the-
“Squeeze Sound Track” the prob-
lem is solved, another misleading
Chinese and
good sound reproduction as it
ies that are being seriously
considered for picture produc-
ater projectionist. statement originating in the pub- is Reason for this
possible to get. FOR SPIRIT TALKS
In the September 20 issue of “In- licity department of a studio to is that there is acompetent pro-
tion, has adopted the unique _

side Facts,” under the heading of cover up the real facts of what is jectionist sitting in the audience
nom-de-plume of “By Me.” “Spiritual Demonstration” and
Stories are also being pre-
“New Sound Device Announced” is happening in theatres. with a fader (volume control instru-
“Life’s Magic Garden” are lec-
such a statement. It says, “the film At the last meeting of the Amer- ment) and is thereby enabled to ture topics of Frederick Bond,
pared for publication and will
is automatically leveled and adjust- ican Projection Society, merits of raise the volume, when the laugh-
afterwards be compiled into who is delivering Club talks in a
ed, so that no operator in a theatre this marvelous new invention of ter of the audience would otherwise
book form. neighboring small town. Bond
They are said to be strange can mar it by improper handling of M.G.M., which is supposed to light- drown out the speech from the flared up in Hollywood some
the fader.” en the projectionist’s labor, and screen, or vary the volume as dif-
tales of various phases of the time ago and directed “The
unusual in modern life, stories The writer, one of the few men make the projection of sound pic- ferent levels of recording appear,
Spirit ofMusic” pageant at Am-
of the dramatic in every day whose experience in projecting tures as simple as the old silent or acoustical conditions in the the-
bassador auditorium for the
have sound dates back to 1927, will read- movies, was voted on and was con- atres change. This, the idea meth-
occurances. Criticis Music Show held there in 1928.
spoken highly of them. ilyadmit that, in most theatres to- demned 100 percent by projection- od, is in use by but two theatres.
Music Show was a prize flop.
day, sound reproduction is far from ists present. The poorest piece of (Continued on Page 6)


5*- '

Legit Now In Doldrums; But Openings Are Forecast

In Old Mex Road In accord with the plan of
rotating producers, word was

TRADE ‘FAIR’ received here that Harry Gour-

fain will return to New York
Olivera street, recently restored
to stage productions for Pub-
to resemble Los Angeles in the old lix, while Jack Partington will Picture business at all the theatres fell below their usual
Legit business is once again in days of the dons, is attracting quite arrive here this week as next standards last week, the Jewish Holidays on Tuesday and
the doldrums, with but three houses a lot of picture folk, who like to producer of the local Publix
go arty at time, and wander around Wednesday being held somewhat responsible, although the
running. presentations.
El Capitan, now in its second among the keepsakes of a nearly Gourfain’s final show here offerings as a whole lacked appeal. One exception is “The
week of Charlotte. Greenwood in forgoten past. will open on Oct. 9, and will Office Wife” at Warner Brother’s Downtown, featuring
“Parlor Bedroom and Bath,” is re- Many Spanish and Mexican Hol- include Horace Haight, John- Dorothy Mackaill, which ran up the phenomenal gross of $32,-
peating the big business of last lywood folk frequent the placq, with ny Perkins and Rita Bell, to- 300, almost a record for this house. It will be kept over for a
week when it rang up the neat a reverence born of a love for the gether with Rubinoff, who is
gross of $7500, with indications that part their own people played in the already proving a sensation at
third week.
founding of a great American city.
Paramount with Ernest Lubitch’s
the run will be indefinitely. the Paramount.
Monte Carlo,” lacking big name
Belasco opened last Monday with Credit for the unique restoration Gourfain’s production in
draws, did $28,000. The picture is
Pauline Fredericks in “The Crim- goes to Christine Sterling, idealist,
son Hour” and, except the Mayan, who couldn’t tolerate the ruination
New York will open Oct. 30.
One City Editor being highly spoken of, but not pat-
ronized as heavily as it deserves:
all other houses are currently dark. of about the only claims to aristo-
Loew’s State, with Buster Kea-
The Biltmore is scheduled to open cratic ancestry that the city can From City Qoes ton in “Dough Boys,” registered
Friday with “The Devil Takes a boast.
Holiday.” First move was to restore an
CROOK FILM but $24,516, which is low for this
Hollywood Playhouse ended the
Bushman-Pringle spasm, “Thin
old dwelling, said to be the old- To Ventura Fete house.
United Artists, for the last 5 days
Ice,” with $4000, and left Wednes-
day for points north, it is said. The
est house in town. Originally
it was a ranch house; now it’s
a museum, with a 10 cent gate.
CRUSADE ON Ventura County Fair evidently
of “What a Widow,” got $8000.
“Heads Up” now
The Warner Brothers in

house will remain dark until the Since being opened, old timers was out for publicity, when the Hollywood, for the second week
nineteenth, when “Little Orchid have deluged Mrs. Sterling with cu- Action of the Ohio officials in committee decided to hold a press of “The Girl of the Golden
Annie” comes in, with Betty Bron- rios for exhibition. banning the showing of M-G-M’s party at the fair president’s ranch, West,” drew $16,000. A1 Jol-
son starred. “Big House,” because of its as- near Cabrillo.
Across the street, are tea houses, son, in “Big Boy,” opened Fri-
Dorothy Mackaye endejj her en- sumed reference to the prison fire Probably, the committee was
one of them run in an old wine day.
gagement at the Vine Street in “A of last spring, has brought about a afraid too many of the Los Angeles
cellar. Another tea joint has re- At the Criterion, the last five
Cup of Sugar,” which went to San stored some of the early day wall political crusade against crook pic- newspaper men would rush in, re-
days of “All’s Quiet on the West-
Francisco. George Middleton is tures about the country. gardless of the distance, if the in- ern Front” got
decorations, antiqued of course. $4153, while the
slated to revive“Congo,” which he, It is believed by motion picture vitation was
an open one.
Like a typical amusement seventeenth week of “Hell’s An-
Sidney Miller and Monte Carter, execs that political capital is being Anyway, invites were directed to gels” at Grauman’s Chinese grosed
produced at the Orange Grove three zone, street hawkers, all of mainly, and all of them
made at the expense of the indus- city editors,
them Mex, have pitched their $6471. The “Big Trail” opens Fri-
years ago for several weeks’ run. example didn’t read, “bring your staff with
stands on the tile paving. try in Ohio and that, the day.
The big musical revue, “Tempta- being followed in other states, you.”
Incidentally, rentals have jumped
is Carthay Circle, with Pathe’s
tions of 1930,” which opened last
where prison reform movements Party actually was attended by ‘Holiday,” is pulling very strong at
Thursday at the Mayan, is doing a from zero to a considerable sum, have been but one Los Angeles newspaper-
initiated. $10,826. and another week to go.
very nice business. Figures for since restoration was made. It’s man, and he was an assistant city
first four days $12,500. reported some of the structures had In a recent case, the M. P. P. D.
The Boulevard with “Man
A. (Hays organization) questioned Trouble,” garnered $3864, while the
The Macloons are preparing to been used for bums’ sleeping quar- Reports are this man was given a
a prisoner, who was given wide Egyptian, with “Anybody’s Wo-
put their. Yiennesse operetta into ters for years, while bootleggers reception royal. Plenty of the
publicity that he committed rob- were pres- man,” collected $7998.
rehearsal, and the Mason is slated had pre-emptied some of the others Ventura newspapermen
to open under the RKO regime in which to store their stuff when
beries and burglaries as a result of
ent, however, but they didn’t have
One of the surprises of the week
later in the month. a hide-out was needed. the influence of certain pictures he was the tremendous takings of Fox
miles to go to get to the affair.
had seen. Pantages, with “Let Us Be Gay,”
Civic Repertoire company will Adrienne, the designer, has one Fair committee didn’t sign the
After the police officials and pa- which ran surprising figures of $22,-
shortly begin its fall season at the of the shops. An inrush of other pers carried the stories, the prisoner
invitation. Odd
thing about it is
Hollywood Music Box. concerns, seeking to catch the that the invite, bore signature of a
confessed he had seen so few pic-
spending arty crowd, seem immi- Santa Paula nwspaperman, high up
tures during his life that he could
not recall the names of any of them.
in Ventura county political circles.
He may have been a member of
WEEK NOW STAGED That pictures had no effect upon
the fair committee, but he signed
BY GILMOR BROWN HOFFMAN THINKS his criminal tendencies, was the un-
deniable deduction.
as representative of a publishers’ NOW RUNNING HERE
HE HAS KID FIND Some of the comments upon the
Miss Adrienne Dore, who has
Pasadena Community Playhouse
is going after the whole community
IN “FLAME” FILM jail pictures by the censors that
ideas of the non-corrective influence MOVIE FOLK SEEK played in many feature talking pic-
during a “Go-To-Your-Playhouse” M. H. Hoffman claims to have tures, opened in the cast of “Temp-
of prisons is given, and the ease by
week, October 2 to 9. a find in Haggerty, a four-
Billy which jail breaks may be occa-
REALTY RECEIVER tations of 1930” after a three-months
A world premiere of Martin Fla- year-old youngster who appears in sioned is not a wholesome sugges- A group of movie people who course in tap and off-rhythm danc-
vin’s latest play, “Dancing Days,” Liberty’s recently made picture,
tion for the young. were induced to invest money in a ing with Bud Murray, principal of
opened the fourteenth season of the “Ex-Flame.” Hoffman states that Censorship of the M. P. D. A. lo- real estate development near San the Bud Murray school for stage
play house. the kir a prodegy with an act-
cally, in a survey, classed out of 26 Diego in 1926 awoke last week to at 3636 Beverly Boulevard.
Gilmor Brown, Dorothy Adams, ing instinct that is amazing. believe themselves stung, and asked
Miss Janet Eastman, Texas beauty
pictures previewed, that 16 of them
Addison Richards, Margarita Fisch- He practically wrote all his own for a receiver for the La Jolla contest
winner, and also a member
were desirable for adult eyes only,
er, Gerda Mann, Morris Ankrum, part in the picture, the director Shares Corporation from Judge C. of the
“Temptations” cast, is an-
and but 10 suitable for family
James Ellison, Herbert Rooksby throwing the script dialog away af- other Bud. Murray pupil besides sev-
patrons. N. Andrews of San Diego.
and Mr. and Mrs. James N. Hawks ter he gave Billy his first lines. The Trixie Friganza heads the list of
eral in the chorus including Anita
are among the cast. kid looked at him and said: “Naw,
Russo, Dorothy Fern, Dot Darling
“If,” by Lord Dunsany, with I wouldn’t say that, Gee.”
RITA LA ROY AT RKO notables, demanding protection for
the investment, others being Ala-
and Gogo Lee, who have all gradu-
Ralph Freud in the stellar role, will Rita La Roy has been assigned
rick Soderbury, Howard Grace, H.
ated from the Bud Murray school.
follow “Dancing Days,” closing on
The lines the child substituted a featured role in RKO’s “Hook, New classes are now forming for
were so natural that the boy was Line and Sinker,” co-featuring Bert V. Tischauer, J. E. McCormicly. professional work in Bud Murray’s
October 11. Mildred O’Brien, and Frank Lloyd.
permitted to set his own dialogue. Sunbeam” units and
Wheelev and Robert Woolsey. Ed- Charges are against the Union
Hoffman predicts the child will be wrad Cline will direct the film, stage presentations. Ballet depart-
a sensation when the picture is Trust Co., Hugh Evans, Evans
ment is under the direction of Miss
Harris Leaves As released.
goes into
Dorothy Lee
play the
Lee Co., Block No. 4 Syndicate Mary Frances Taylor, and tap and
and six other corporations, and al- acrobatic under Bud Murray and
leading feminine role.
leges violation of the state trustee
Lafe Page, off-rhythm expert.
Zella Takes Job SEEKS GHOST TOWNS appointment act and the corpora
Louis King, Columbia director, PAIR WITH CONKLIN tion securities act. Claim they in

Harris, for 25 years man- is driving by automobile over the Eddie Baker and Blanche Pay- vested $140,000 with these corpora- ST. IN JOHN “ALOHA”
C. S. tions and are about to be closed
desert country of Nevada and son have been added to the cast of A1 St. John has been added to
ager with the Ornheum circuit, and out.
Northwestern California seeking Phil Ryan’s production now being the cast of A1 Rogell’s forthcoming
for the last six years stationed in
abandoned ghost town locations, directed at Metropolitan Sound special, “Aloha,” along with Ben
Los Angeles as manager of the BACK IN BROOKLYN
suitable for exterior scenes of his Studios by Arvid Gillstrom. This Lyon, Raquel Torres, Alan Hale,
RKO theatre, resiened this week
Arthur Hurley Edeson, Thelmas Todd,
and left for a month’s vacation. It next picture, “Vengeance,” which is the second of a series of com- is directing Robert
stars Buck Jones for Columbia. edies Ryan is making for Para- “Straight and Narrow,” a W. B, Robert Ellis, T. Roy Barnes, Don-
is reported he has had several
King is the younger brother of mount, starring Chester Conklin. Vitaphone melodrama* at the ald Reed and Otis Harlan. Adele
offers, including Warner Bros, and
Henry King. Len Powers is cameraman. Brooklyn studios. Buffington is responsible for the
Fox West Coast, to act in a man-
agerial capacity.
screen play, while Randall Faye is
R. H. Zella replaced Harris as writing the dialogue.
manager of the
in -from
has been
theatre, com-

stationed for the last

which individual honors will be Baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
year. He has been connected with Five actresses, selected for the Parade” and “The Big Pond”; Stanley Bergerman, and grand-
the Orpheum circuit for several best performances in talking pic- Ronald Colman, in “Buldog Drum- credited after the final vote are:
daughter of Carl Laemmle, presi-
years, serving as manager in Kan- tures for the year ending July 31, mond” and “Condemned,” and Law- For writing, “The Big House,” dent of Universal, has been named
s-- City and Sioux City. .were announced in official ballots rence Tibbett in The Rogue Song” “Divorcee,” “All Quiet on the
Carol Laemmle Bergerman. Little
mailed to all members of the Acad- were chosen to represent the male Western Front,” “Disraeli,” and Carol was born September 12.
emy of Motion Picture Arts and roles. “Street of Chance.”
HIGH POWER ACT Sciences as follows: From the five actresses and male For cinematography, “The Love
PLAYS PLAYHOUSE Nancy Carroll, in “Devil’s Holi- actors so selected, the Academy Parade,” “Hell’s Angels,” “With THREE WOWS FOR
day”; Ruth Chatterton, in “Sarah will decide by vote October 10
Pasadena Community Play-
and Son”; Greta Garbo, in “Anna which actress and actors shall have
Byrd at the South Pole,” “All
Quiet on the Western Front,” and
Christie” and “Romance”; Norma the annual trophies. Six others “Anna Christie.”
house, where actors expe-
Shearer in “Divorcee,” and Gloria awards will be decided similarly. Fred Pymm, Los Angeles
rienced and otherwise, work
Five selected best directors of the For art direction, “Bulldog Drum-
Swanson in “The Trespasser.” Ac- mond,” “King of Jazz,” “The Love
stock actor, is now selling real
free for practice, boasts a
tor members of the Academy, who year are Lewis Milestone, Ernst estate in little suburb of Bell,
telephone lineman among
make these decisions were not per- Lubitsch, Robert Z. Leonard, Clar-
Parade,” “Sally” and “Vagabond
east of Huntington Park.
those enrolled. He’s striving King.”
for the higher arts.
mitted to vote for Ann Harding in ence Brown and King Vidor. Funny part about it, in this
“Holiday,” because the picture was The five outstanding productions For sound recording, “The Love season of purported h a r d
Quite a few movie scouts Parade,” “Raffles, “Case of Ser-
attend performances, looking not first publicly exhibited until are, ‘All Quiet on the Western times, Pymm really is selling
August 7. Front,” “The Love Parade,” “The geant Grischa,” “Big House” and something.
for new stuff for the pictures.
George Arliss, in “Disraeli”; Wal- Big House,” “Disraeli” and “Di- “Song of the Flame.” He has three deals in es-
Once in a while, somebody The scientific award will be de-
gets picked. lace Beery, in “The Big House”; vorcee.” crow this week.
Maurice Chevalier in “The Love Other selected achievements for cided by a committee.


“THE SEA WOLF” be depended upon to take care of been given in recent years. He “MADAM SATAN” the picture houses. It was difficult
FOX PICTURE themselves in the clinches. There was about the most sinister figure M-G-M PICTURE to show any new angles.
(Reviewed at Loew’s State) is much production value, meaning seen on the screen since talking
(Reviewed at Criterion Theatre) Then, too, the finale of the first
It indeed gives one a queer plenty of war stuff turned to laugh- pictures.
feel- While it has been customary for act went haywire, so we failed to
ing to see a man in the full pos- ter making. The songs of Harry Delmar Watson as the kid, is everybody to humbly say “Yes, Mr. witness this piece de resistence, and
session of his health and virility, Tierney were jingly. The three of something to look forward to. His De Mille”, we want
to go on record some of the costumes of the bull-
hear his voice and watch him die, them, “Kiss Me, Cherie,” “Whist- performance was given with an in- with an emphatic
ling the Blues Away” and “Nothing “No, Mr. De fight number got sidetracked on
all the while knowing him to be telligence way beyond his years.
Mille, farce is not your forte.” This their way home from San Diego,
dead. Its unnatural, and we did But Love,” should sell. Dialogue He appeared to be about four years scenario, credited as_ an original and so that had to be alibied. Also,
not intend to comment upon it of Ann Caldwell and Ralph Spence old in the character and easily gave
story to Jeanie MacPherson, has the lights on this opening night
were it not for a leader on the was good, with quite a few laughs. a performance, the peer of any kid’s been lifted
bodily from the old farce failed because of inadequate rehear-
screen, which brought attention to James Ashmore Creelman is cred- part since Davey Lee knocked them “Pink Dominoes.”
ited with the story, which is mostly
The story of a sals and consequently the effect, as
Milton Sills’ recent passing. over in “The Singing Fool.” wife whose husband has a penchant well as the tableau missed, but we
It would perhaps have been bet- an idea for the boys to cavort
Others, who played lesser roles, for another woman, stepping out in could see what was intended and
ter tact and more consideration for through. were Edwin Sturgis, John George, masquerade and making her hubby no doubt it has become the big hit
the feelings of the audience, if this CASTING DIRECTOR’S De Witte Jennings, Rockcliffe Fel- fall in love with her all over again of the show. If it tops the “En-
opening had been postposed a few VIEWPOINT: Lee is Dorothy lowes, Frank Burke and Sydney while in competition with the other chanted Forest” number and the
weeks. Postponements have been an ideal flapper type, with the in- Tracey. woman, is what caused the fuss. “Birth of the Golden West,” it is
occasioned for less impelling rea- soucience of youth sticking out all The film lumbers through an certainly something to get excited
sons. over. She is not pretty, but has
hour or so of its length with the over.
However, this picture is a fitting an ingratiating way that gets under “MONTE CARLO” exception of one bright scene, in a The show is sadly lacking in fe-
climax to the career of Milton Sills, your skin. Hugh Trevor and John PARAMOUNT PICTURE bedroom, in which the friend tries male voices. In fact, the only real
and truly a monument to his genius. Rutherford had parts, the principle (Reviewed at Paramount) to conceal the wife from her hus- voice in the revue is that of Fred
It is the fourth filming of this story, duty of which, were to keep the Here we have a type of musical band, which was made brilliant be- Scott, whose high baritone showed
and by far the greatest. Although boys harassed, which they did ade- comedy that can set a vogue in cause of the exceedingly excellent to advantage, but it seemed as
post-mortem recognition, it must quately. George MacFarlane was
talking pictures. It remained for acting of Roland Young who plays though he were singing for the
bring to Sills’ name the glory of the irate father-colonel, who not
the masterful touch of Ernest Lu- the friend. Other scenes dragged prima donna as well as for himself,
having been one of the screen’s only had to capture the deserters,
bitsch to solve the problem of the painfully. for Leota Lane helped in no wise.
greatest actors. but keep his own pecadillo from
singers in talkies, and while he has Then, for no reason at all, the She may have had something
His performance of Wolf Larsen becoming known to his wife. His done away with the stage chorus, masquerade ball was held in a pri- wrong with her voice,
is the most powerful ever given this daughter possessed his secret, which but her
he has shown the way to produce vately-owned zeppelin, an airship speaking voice was all right.
character of Jack London’s and the put the Colonel on a spot. George a musical that the public will buy so large that hundreds of people
production of the sea story is as was very good in the part. The music of Ted Snyder was
Leni Stengel, as the Colonel’s
and like. were taken on board while it was average, nothing outstanding, but
fine as any yet filmed. The story of
The musical setting of this is moored to its mast. While the ball good production tunes, smart
the girl, who went on a hell-ship to nemesis, was also prominently cast and
be near her lover whom she knew as a French vamp., and quite con-
perfect. For instance, a train is is in progress, a storm comes up lilting. The book by Billy K. Wells
to be aboard shanghaied, and how veyed the character. Edna May seen crossing in front of the screen and the ship is wrecked by light- and Paul Gerard Smith was a well
she handled the brutal Wolf Larsen, Oliver as the Mrs. Colonel, gave with the wheels close-uped and the ning, the guests, going over the side remembered collection and some
evidence of having much dramatic clicking rails fit into the melody in parachutes. camouflaged bits that have been
is too well known to need repeti-
talent. She speaks in a splendidly as though written in.. It was an The zep sequences were very seen by those who visit their New
ideal piece of synchronization and well done with the usual De Mille York frequently, but most of them
But along with the passing of modulated voice, and with a dis-
Sill, a new personality was given tinctness that shows fine training.
deserved the hand it drew. The flair for the dramatic but the thing were new out here. Then, too,
singing, too, was of a very high was preposterous. If anything is there wene some original
to the screen. Jane Keith, who We should like to see her in a blackouts.
played the lead, is a newcomer who dramatic role worthy of her evident order and fitted in just as if it be- an excuse for a spectacle, then our The Chicago burlesque was a pip.
springs in this picture into instant talent. longed to the plot. The songs were criticism of Madam Sata,n faf,ls, Here let us. hand a bouquet to

Eddie De Lange, Capt. E. H. tuneful and destined to be hits. but we are inclined to believe that Charles Judels. It is some trick
favor. She resembles Dorothy Mac- to
kaill inappearance and acting. Her Calvert and Alan Roscoe round out The story, an incident in the life when an attempt is made at a story, manipulate a company of about 75
emotional work was superb and the cast. of Booth Talkington’s and Evelyn the story should be paramount. people and keep things moving
Greenleaf Sutherland’s “Monsieur True, costuming of the masked smoothly and on its toes. This
well timed. She filled the bill per-
fectly, and is sure to be heard from. “OUTSIDE THE LAW” Beaucaire,” was adapted by Ernest ball was magnificent. One might show kept going without let-down
EXHIBITOR’S VIEWPOINT. UNIVERSAL PICTURE Vadja from .Hans Mueller’s “The use the word stupendous to advant- through its length, which was en-
This picture will do a tremendous (Reviewed at RKO Theatre)
Blue Coast.” Somewhat compli- age. Judged from the standpoint tirely too much so, the final curtain
of elaborateness, the picture is gi- not ringing down
business aside from the fact that it One might pass this picture over cated credit, but that’s the way it’s gantic, but so far as it fitting into this was first night.
until 11:40, but
is the last Sills. It is a well told given.
with the remark that it is just an- this story is concerned it’s a lot of
tale, and that’s the finest kind of It tells of a countess, who deserts If there is anyone who can be
other crook play, were it not for wasted effort.
picture you can book. selected as having scored a distinct
the fact that it possesses some her fiance on the moment of the EXHIBITOR’S VIEWPOINT: personal triumph it was
PRODUCER’S VIEWPOINT. features that make it different. wedding and runs off half-naked to Your customers will come to see Sillman. His Leonard
It took courage to make a fourth usher number scored
It’s basic idea is the rivalry be- Monte Carlo. Here she is seen by this thing because of its unusual the first
hit and his “Back to Har-
version of this classic, but it was a tween crooks over the exclusive a count who falls in love with her, production value, but will smile at lem” offering
worth while effort. The direction right to territorial privilege. and bribes her hair dresser to let floored them. As a
Mr. De Mille’s efforts to produce singer, dancer
of Alfred Santell showed that good A bank robber comes to the town him take his place. The countess and interpretative
comedy with tragedy’s tools. Also, comic, he’s
judgement was used in assigning of his rival and engages to loot a loses all she has at the gaming the best yet. He is
there are a lot of names in the cast youthful
him to this opus. The sea stuff was vault. He has, as his confederate, tables and the count manages to and of fine appearance and
that are well known although their seems
done splendidly, especially the shots to have a bookful of stuff.
a beautiful young girl. They rent offer valuable services and in the possessor’s will hardly be other- Next, a
aloft. It had kick and thrill aplenty
and the fights were excellently rou-
an apartment and are quite won end they live happily it is hoped. — wise recognized.
palm of achievement must
Here you have be handed to Lester
over by a neighbor’s kid, the son The picture is distinguished by Wallace MacDonald, Tyler Brooke, These boys, also and Garson.
tined and well handled. No little of a police captain. direction and acting of a high cal- Theodore Kosloff, Betty Francisco, ped into the
unheralded, step-
credit must be given to the photo- The robbery is committed and ibre. It is Lubitsch at his best and party and were the life
Tulanne Johnston, Martha Sleeper, of it.
graphy, which was uniformly of If any of these Broadway
they are laying-low waiting for a quite up to the quality of “The Doris McMahon, Vera Marsh, Al- revue scouts
high grade. chance to make a get-away when Love Parade.” The play is highly were in the house,
bert Conti, Earl Askam, Countess these
CASTING DIRECTOR’S the rival comes for the money. sophisticated and the humor de- boys would
De Ligouro and others, who are next season on ice. have a job for
VIEWPOINT. Raymond Hackett While peeking through the key- lightful. but little more than mere atmos-
was well cast as the boy. While he the policeman, coming home In passing 'around the reward
started out weakly, he wound up by
giving a very likable performance.
Christmas eve, sees him and a gun We have here a picture that will PRODUCER’S VIEWPOINT: medals, Bert Prival should be
Mitch Harris, as “Death Larsen,”
battle ensues, in which the cop is draw them and draw them. It is The scenes of the collapse on board awarded a blue ribbon for his dance
wounded. contributions. This lad’s feet are
flawless from any angle. The story the zeppelin and the panic of tak-
was very good also, and put up a Crooks have a scene, in which the is logical although fanciful, and, the made of the stuff they put in golf
ing to the parachutes was handled
fine, fight with his brother. The robber shoots the rival. For the entertainment value 100 percent in the usual De Mille extravagant
balls. Solly Ward is a comedian of
best performance, next to Sills how sake of the kid, he then undertakes plus. This picture could be adver- manner. the old school, the worried lan-
ever, must be accredited to John
No picture made by this guage sort made famous by the late
to get a doctor for the cop, rather tised director can be simple. The minia-
as “Treat Week.”
Rogers as the cockney cook. He than make his get-away. The rival Sam Bernard. He knows his stuff
had a wealth of comedy, and finds the money, and dies, while
PRODUCER’S VISWPOINT: ture zeppelin work was mechanical- thoroughly and never muffed a
showed viciousness and cowardice It’s regrettable that each studio ly excellent and the effects very giggle.
trying to make off with it. The does not possess a Lubitsch. Then powerful but the simple side of the
to fine effect. His work, after the cops, sensing something wrong, Robert Emmet Keane mastered
tale suffered by contrast.
shark bit off his leg, was- extremely come to see what is the matter there would be many more worth the
good. with the captain and arrest the
while pictures, and this is with all CASTING DIRECTOR’S many
ceremonies and appeared in
of the bits. He has an ease
Harold Kinney, Harry Tenbrook crooks.
VIEWPOINT: The picture was
They are convicted at the due respect to the other top-notch quite pilfered by Roland and grace
directors in the game. Young, of manner that made
and Sam Allen completed the cast. finish with the silent promise to
There are his every appearance welcome.
few pictures that so made so com- who gave a comedy performance fed
each other that they will reform the comics and did his wise
that was so well balanced as to be
and go straight after they complete pletely ideal by direction of this easily snapping with much charm. Billy
“HALF SHOT their stretch.
order. one of the best of the year.
Gilbert also ornamented the picture.
AT SUNRISE” EXHIBITOR’S VIEWPOINT: Imagine what any other director Reginald Denny as the lead was He is a laugh to view and can
quite alright although the part was
RKO PICTURE This picture has many points of might have done with this story unworthy of him. Kay Johnson
measure a giggle to the fraction.
(Reviewed at Orpheum) merit if your trade still goes for and you will get our point. was admirable in the lead. She was
In fact, there wasn’t a sour note
Wheeler and Woolsey cavorting underworld heroes. The picture is Or, rather, imagine what they
beautiful to look at and the transi-
among the entire line-up of men,
through a war, with Dorothy Lee, reedemed by the work of a kid, of would have failed to do with it, for tion from the placid wife to the which also included Clarence Nord-
the appealing type of Davey Lee. a clearer example. Then, too, we fiery French “Madam strom, Dick Stewart and others.
is the subject; the effort to capture Satin” was
the two, who are A-W-O-L, is the A sensational bank robbery, shown are not going to take a single thing very well done. Her accent was Coming to the femmes, slip the
verb, and giggle getting is the in detail, will keep the customers away from Jeanette MacDonald, perfect and her
dashing manner not
object. There are some modifiers on an edge for about ten minutes. nor Jack Buchanan, nor Claude overdone.
Lillian Roth, too, gave
of little consequence but funny is • PRODUCER’S VISWPOINT Allister, whose performances in a fine performance. She looked the
the adjective. That’s the analysis. Tod Browming’s direction is excel- this were little short of marvelous. vamp and had the class but it seems
Also, set up a big score for Victor
It’s impossible to give the plot lent, and. as he wrote the story with that this young lady is not always
of this electric light opera, which Garrett Fort, he knew exactly what Milner, whose photography was ex- photographed at her best. Some of
flickers from situation to situation, it required. The bank robbery cellent. her closeups are either lighted bad-
with Dorothy, the daughter of a scene, and the scene in the room CASTING DIRECTOR’S ly or shot from unflattering angles.
Colonel in Paris during the war. with the rival crook were excel- VIEWPOINT: Don’t allow Jean- Her performance, however, was
She accidentally meets Tommy, lently done. This film ranks with ette MacDonald to do anything ex- well up to par.
while they are trying to avoid cap- the best of the latter crop of crook cept comedy. She is a star as a
ture by the M. P.’s who are on the stories. comedienne, but just another ac-
lookout for them. They get into a CASTING DIRECTOR’S tress in the emotional roles. Jack “TEMPTATIONS OF
restaurant and act as waiters. They VIEWPOINT: Mary Nolan was Buchanan makes a fine appearance MAYAN THEATRE
volunteer to take a message to the given an ideal opportunity to show as a leading man. He knows his (Reviewed Sept. 25) Behrendt-Levy-Rosen
front, and get caught in a barrage, her stuff, and she handled the part comedy values as well as the in- Broadway, N. Y., in all its efful-
Co., Ltd.
in fact, they run into all sorts of admirably. It had everything in gratiating business of love making. gent glory is transplanted
to Hill
General Insurance
ludicrous situations, and sing songs it from the hard boiled chorus girl Claude Allister as the sap husband Street, Insurance Exchange Building
L. A. Franklin Warner has
as well. in a joint, to the emotional mother- was ideal. His performance stood brought us samples of
the Follies, VA 1261
EXHIBITOR’S VIEWPOINT: love of a love-starved woman. She out like a lighthouse on a cameo Vanities, Scandals, Artists and
If Wheeler and Woolsey have any was beautiful, and magnetic, and cut cliff, Models and others that we have
influence with your audience you at times her acting was powerful. Zazu Pitts, again as a maid, forgotten, all stirred into a melting
will not be disappointed in this. Owen Moore as the crook was called forth her share of the plati- pot and dished up as Temptations.
War comedies are the vogue, and splendid. He showed all subleties tudes deservedly, and Tyler Brooke, Nothing is lacking in the way of
while this one may not be as potent of the gentry and came through it too, earned rewards of merit. pretty girls and costumes, or should
as some of the others, it will give with he-man attributes that were Others, who contributed in no we say lack of it, for nudity
is ram- Proficient Pupils
satisfaction. convincing. mean measure, were Edgar Norton, pant, or so it seemed from where
PRODUCER’S VIEWPOINT: Perhaps the best performance John Roche, who by the way, is we sat. Placed In Paramount
LeRoy Prinz knows his Theatres
Paul Sloane had no difficulty in was given by Edward G. Robinson also possessed of a fine singing stuff, but suffered from the handi-
putting this one over, as it is en- as the menace. For a villain, no voice, Albert Conti, Helen Garden, cap of those pretentious presenta-
tirely built about the stars who can more polished performance Has Donald Novis and Erik Bey. tions that have been produced at

^Continued Masquers Qroup

In Hollywood—Now Film Row palm
(Continued from Page
to Bessie Hill. She was used
Will Hold Revel
By BUD MURRAY overtime in most of the black outs
Guttings and was a power of strength. Her
stage deportment was perfect and
Masquer’s Club announces its

Our old boss FRANKLIN WARNER told us personally the cos- By THE ROUNDER the manner in which she humors a
first revel for the fall season to
take place Sunday night, October 5.
tumes in his latest daring attempt to make Los Angeles like a Revue, comedian’s laughs is nothing short Mitchell Lewis, president of the

cost above $60,000’, and readers that’s close its a great costuming job. of artistry. Bessie should walk actor’s club will serve as “Jester”
We forgot to mention the revue is “Temptations of Colonel W. Early of the Akme from this show into a sweet picture for the affair.
1930” at Mayan Theatre, and if these young chorines J. contract. They need her. Harry Joe Brown and Edward
don’t tempt you in the way Le Roy Prinz h^s them Sound
Reproducer corporation, is a Evelyn Wilson, late of the Scan- !

Earle, in charge of the program,

spotted, especially in the “Birth of the West number, fighter.
Even if his name did not dals and “Montreal” fame, delivered
denote his military training, his
announce that among big acts that
then, go to the nearest “Old women’s home,” and a specialty in male evening attire.
will appear at the club house, on
give yourself up. square, determined chin and steely Her work was faultless but entirely North Sycamore street, will be
The entire show was expertly staged, although eyes would distinguish him as a too long. Doris McMahon had Walter C. Kelly, master of cere-
many of the sketches have been done, but not here. man of action. He was a Rough most to do, appearing in many bits, monies; Harry Langdon, in a mon-
So what difference does it make. Opening night Rider with Roosevelt, and many a as well as several numbers. Doris ologue; new musical compositions
crowd was very enthusiastic and liked the show, so Spaniard has the mark of his sabre, is pretty and well experienced and
by Irving Fisher; Bud Murray’s
it’s just a question, whether HOLLYWOOD
and his fist and his bullet, that is, those a decided asset to the show. Adri- “Meditations” ballet,
and sketches

Los Angeles, want to pay a Broadway price. A few of them who are still alive. enne Dore, Mona Ray and Myra by Addison Burkhardt, Joseph

weeks will tell. We mite add that Franklin Warner Well, reading the paper about the
daily automobile
Kinch also appeared in the skits Santley, Rogers Gray and many
deserves heaps of praises for his “Try and do it continual flux of and musical numbers. Eddie and others.
spirit.” —
Review of show elsewhere in this issue. accidents, the Colonel placed him- Johnnie Torrence did a waltz dance
Rite in our row Gus Shy, former star of “Good self on record as to what he would and Kirby and DeGage were effec-
News,” “Desert Song” and “New Moon,” now mak- do to any blinkety-blanked, ding- tive in the Spanish number as well MISS LIVINGTON,
Bud Murray ing pictures Tom Patricola, a hard shoe' dancer who danged auto driver that would
was a right
as other spots in the show. WALTON AND TEAD
could have been used in this revue, also here in pic- run him down. It The show is so fast and full of
tures Georgie Lerch, one of our “Scandals” Bunch in 1927 our pet —
round declaration of mahem, sui-
cide, wreck and disaster.
meat that it would be impossible
Production details of Mary Pick-
“Killildo” bird, Frankie Richardson, who just returned from a tour in to do it justice in one seeing, but
vaudeville Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerard Smith Paul wrote the “Black-— The other day it happened. yVhile
stepping off a sidewalk, a machine
it is certainly far and away the best
ford’s new United Artists starring
picture, “Kiki,” are practically
outs” in this “temptations.” attempt at a revue that any one

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Delf Harry Santley, the booker of Paramount
snapped around the corner and
the colonel, knocking
has tried out here. completed with the signing of ad-
ditional talent.
stage shows Macklin Megley, another one of our ex-bosses, whom we side-swiped Franklin Warner must be given
him off his feet. And here’s the Sam Taylor, producer-director,
workt with at RKO Theatre Larry Ceballos, a dance director who credit for a valiant attempt. He has placed Margaret Livingston,
never runs out of ideas and now staging ideas for Fanchon & Marco,
laugh, even if the colonel can’t see spared no expense and deserves,
(while taking a rest) —
Lou Anger Maurice —
Prival waxing enthusi- it. Everybody ran to help the
Rough Rider, including a policeman
success. If this show was on Fred Walton and Phil Tead in the
cast. Reginald Denny will play
astically over his brother stopping the show with his sailor dance. Broadway, N. Y., its success would
And we mite add that on the stage we liked Leonard Sillman —
and a couple of beautiful young be assured at $4.40 to $11, but
opposite Miss Pickford.
Nacio Herb Brown has been
Adrienne Dore (our pupil)— Clarence Nordstrom a very high class young ladies and an older one. The col- whether the localities will pungie
commissioned to write a musical

juVenile and two young roughnecks who are set Nat Carson and onel was quite able to get on his up the $3 in sufficient quantities to

Jimmy Lester the Chorines and costumes and the lighting and the feet, even though he thought the
leg broken, but meanwhile, during
make profitable, is a question in
Settings have been created bv
Mayan Theatre and the cute hat check girl who spoke very confidentially. the lap of the gods.
William Cameron Menzies, super-
To another kind of opening nite at the El Capitan, to see our dear the solicitations, the machine kept Jacobs.
vising art director at ’the United
friend, Charlotte Greenwood, in “Parlor Bedroom and Bath.” We on going, and the colonel failed to
Artists studios.
trouped with Charlotte in “Le Maires Affairs”— Sally Starr in the play get the number.
— After waiting years for his op-
and doing nicely, was in Le Maires Affairs too bally is getting thin Dolores Del Rio, film star, has
(not bad) —
The audience howled at this old play and when they give you portunity, it came, but the revenge
passed the crisis of an illness far
Charlotte Greenwood and Johnny Arthur in one play for $1.50 top, who is still found wanting.
more serious than had been di- Nat S. Jerome, formerly New
* * *
knows, maybe that’s what the “Hollywood Public” wants. vulged to the public. The United York agent and representative of
At intermission we had a very nice chat with Martin Broones, a George Naylor, of Universal, and
Artists star has been confined to many artists in moving pictures, is
music man, who writes real music, now at MGM —
Here’s the husband F. E.Benson, of United Artists
her bed for six weeks, and will now associated with the A1 Leigh-
of a star (Miss Greenwood) who cashes in on his own) and we no- — are still on the sick list, or wher-
ever it is they’re hanging out. Both need at least another month in ter Agency in Hollywood, in
ticed another of his type who, although married to Ruth Roland, is a charge of productions division.
star on his own —
we mean Ben Bard, our old boy friend who confided — went AWOL a week ago last Mon-
which to convalesce.
he is rehearsing a new partner and may go East soon on a vaudeville day, and are expected back some
time during the coming week. RKO SIGNS EMERY SHIP AMOS NEGS
tour Arthur Lake promising to come in for some more dancing lessons. Pandro Bermaft, assistant to Wil-
Our dear Chicago pal. Babe Kane, who came out with us two years Duck season opened Wednesday Gilbert Emery is the latest to be liam LeBaron, will arrive in New

ago to open in “Good News” Babe may go back East shortly for a fling No connection, just looks funny. signed for “The Queen’s Hus- York tomorrow with the negative
in Publix presentations —
Babe seems to be with Phil Lampkin very * * * .

band,” which Lowell Sherman will of “Check and Double Check,”

— —
much Maybe we are wrong A real old timer looking young, that old Then again, Lola Adams make for RKO Radio Pictures. 1 starring Amos ’n’ Andy.
meller-drammer king, Harry Clay Blaney— and they are all in HOLLY- Gentry, charming manager of
WOOD NOW. the Film Board of Trade, came
back from a vacation spent in
Weforgot to mention that after the “Temptation” opening, instead
of hitting the usual “Roosevelt” or “Olsen’s,” we sidled down to B. B. B.’s
dug-out, where a party was in progress, and at the table our boy friend,
Frankie Richardson seemed to be head man and Margaret Padula was
the hospital a couple of weeks
ago, when she scarcely gets re-
acquainted with her job before
Always Busy Developing Dancing Stars but Never Too Busy to
she starts traipsing off again.
the head lady and Jane Terry, (our pupil) who is unfinished( as B. B. B. Create and Produce

announced Abe Roth accompanied by Mushy Callahan.
This time, on a visit to Chicago
on business, and to Indianapo-
Original DANCE ROUTINES and REVUES That Sell
Earl Mastro, who is our pet fiter from Chicago, and Sid Gary, whom Belmont Theatre Bldg., First and Vermont
lis for a visit with her mother.
we like to think of from Chicago too Earl is resting now, but we per- * * *
Phone Exposition 1 1 96 Los Angeles, Calif.
sonally think they haven’t got the class for him to work on here,, so he
Abe Lyman strolls in late C. E. Buchanan, salesman from
will probably go back when men are men
First National, returned from a
for a quick snack Sammy Cohen sitting with his own wife, and very

dignified too Those two clever young kids, Carson and Lester drop in
swing over the Arizona territory,
after their hard nite at Mayan and then the—fun started, and we marvel and reported business sub-normal
due largely to the copper depres-
lat the way BBB cons these actors into breaking their necks on the
floor, even one of them taking the old pie in the face.
Nancy Kelly, a very cute Miss, sitting with our pet comedienne,
Frances McCoy, who just finished a picture called “Soup to Nuts” we

can hardly wait to see it A real visit to see Harlan Briggs whom we
did straight for, about 15 years ago in “Girl of My Dreams” Harland —

sion, which has put the state on
the Fritz. Exhibitors are not buy-
ing, on the whole, but using up the
holdovers, and most of them are
provided for until around the first
7377 Beverly
OR. 2688
is playing an old grouch in “Its a Wise Child” at the Belasco (last of the vear.
* * *

week) Again it is demonstrated that people will pay for real laughs.
Noticed Edmund Lowe and Lilyan Tashman and A1 Cohen in the

soda shop during intermission and it seems no matter where one goes Inside Facts desires to aid you in
they are all IN HOLLYWOOD —
for instance at a moments notice the your exploitation problems. If you
will write to us telling us of your
family decided to go to Goebel’s Lion farm to see a litter of 6 weeks old
lion cubs and our 7 year old daughter, Martha “wanted to pay with the
local business problems, either
lion cubs” (nice girl.)
questions of policy, manner of pre-
senting your shows, pepping up
There we met Pat Somerset who took us back to 1924 when we your advertising or stunting a pic-
were in Philadelphia with the “Dream Girl,” and Pat tried to make a
bone-fire with Ted Barter’s golf clubs at 4 a.m. and we are all in
ture, we will be glad to have your Associates —Gladys Murray, Lafe Page Ballet Dept. —Mary Frances Taylor
questions answered with sugges-
HOLLYWOOD NOW. tions by an expert show doctor.
And now for the best time we have had in years went up to Pop — You can help one another also Tap, Off-Rhythm, “Modernized Ballet” and Acrobatic
Soper’s Ranch, at Ojai, Cal. as the guest of Doctor Mace, state medical “MODERNIZED
— by sending in a short account of BALLET” by Mary Frances Taylor
examiner who officiates at the Olympic Club In the party was Harry the manner in which you have put (Premier Danseuse) "Oh Susanna," "Gone Hollywood," "Student Prince,"
Carr of the Times Hayden Wadhams, official Matchmaker of the Olym- shows over to better than average "Broadway Melody”
pic Lee Lewis, Sports Department of the Herald Charier Owens, car- business by tie-ups or novelty ex- “Tap and Off-Rhythm” by Bud Murray and Lafe Page
toonist of the Times Stub Nelson, sports writer of The Record. ploitation. “THE ORIGINAL MURRAY SCHOOL".
The occasion was to see Harvey Petit’s colored gentleman boxer, The information you send us will OF NEW YORK, CHICAGO AND LOS ANGELES,

Sammy Jackson who fites Young Corbett this week at Olympic, and by be gratefully read by other exhib-
the time you read this Sammy may have upset the dope Another one — itors and suggestions by our expert

of Harvey’s pet fiters and training there was Goldie Hess and we saw
Jimmy Hanna and several other leather maulers working out Then
Sammy took on 4 fast port-siders in a row and the kid got faster as he
— will materially help you. Letters
must reach this office by Tuesday
for publication in the current issue.

went along The “Pop” Soper put out a Steak Barbecue and that was 7016HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD GLADSTONE 9502
Pop sure has an ideal spot for anyone who really wants a rest

Cabins, streams, mountains and quiet and so after a day with nature
George O’Brien, Fox’s man of Enroll now —
New Autumn Classes for Adults Tap, acrobatic, —
the open spaces, has flown to New soft shoe, eccentric, waltz clog, musical comedy, ballet. Also
we cured our cold with the help of the doctor’s personal and ADVICE children’s classes.
rite —
back on the job of grinding out embryo stars While we are on the York
for a short
work upon his first
vacation prior
subject of fites must give Wad Wadhouse a bit of praise for “taking
the slap” on a closed shop last Tuesday and coming rite back with a
assignment under a new contract
sure-fire fite like “Corbett- Jackson.”
just signed. “The Seas Beneath”,
a submarine story of the World
And so with those few words we drift to FiteHOLLYWOOD
Club, run by our boy friend, Tom Gallery who puts good shows on too
We noticed that unheralded, our old ex-boss is back from the wilds of
War, by Dudley Nichols and Wil-
liam Collier,
Sr., will be his forth- GEORGE and FLORENCE
Noo Yawk, and no papers announced that SID is back GRAUMAN vehicle.
but he is rite there at the fites with his shadow Joe McCloskey Harry — Formerly 68 Successful Weeks Producing Weekly Changes
Green drops into the stadium in a dinner jacket (what’s that gag) on OFF FOR LONDON in Australia’s Largest Theatres
location, ? Mary Eaton has been signed to THE STATE, SYDNEY
Aflockof brother Masquers around us Ernie Hilliard — Harry new Paul Murray show in
join the
Producers Desiring Originality WRITE or WIRE
Gribbon — Pat Collins —Walter Weems— Allen Hale— Ray Hallor— Robert London and will leave next week
Woolsey— Walter Catlett and Skeets Gallagher both formerly with the for the east, sailing after a ten day -Permanent Address: INSIDE FACTS, Los Angeles
Shuberts our time and now
in Hollywood pictures— El Brendel
in in stopover in New York.
doing marvelously pictures — whom we watched nitely at the Century
Roof, Noo Yawk— Mervyn Le Roy, that youthful F. N. director, coach-
ing the fiters who don’t pay a bit of attention to him. —
crowd Henry’s where everyone eventually eats Sid Gary from Chi- FINISH WOLHEIM PIC
Edgar Allen Woolf, a real high class writer and with whom we

workt with on Le Maires Affairs -Edgar looks like Sid Grauman’s twin
cago with Marjorie White, that cute' comedienne and singer and her — Louis Wolheim has finished his
husband is always with her and his name is Tierney and how he can first job of directing while also

brother See another old timer, Artie Mehlinger who is one of the last —
“hoof” Our Pittsburg boy friend, Frank Moran, ex-heavyweight boxer acting. “Sheep’s Clothing” served
of those famous old-time “Rathskeller Trios” —
(Where are those Rath- now on the California State Boxinfi commission Ed Rowland, producer as his medium for making a debut
skellers)— A quiet unassuming little fiter, Earl Mastro sitting with — Bobby Vernon and Wm. Beaudine and Joe Head man seating the as a megaphonist. It’s an RKO
B. B. B. who is quiet in his way, but always in his way. customers with his usual tact which makes Henry’s a real home-like Radio Pictures special for the cur-
And so we hie ourselves to the Nite roost for the after the Fite place without the cover charge rite in NOW. HOLLYWOOD rent season.

Published Every Saturday
One Year $4.00 Foreign Club show presented last Wed-
nesday night by the RKO booking Hello, Clara Bow. Court has granted Alexander Pan-
Advertising Rates on Application office under auspices of Hollywood Hello, James Madison. tages a new rtial.
Post Drum and Bugle corps at the In heaven, a million dollars is like Thus it is that no EXPRESSED
Established 1924 Hollywood club house, was spec- a penny. man shall be RAILROADED.
As a weekly publication: Entered as Second Class Matter, April 29, tacular, diversified and entertain- Yes, and in Calneva, one hun-
1927, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of ing. dred dollars is but as fifty cents. Hello, Carmel Meyers.
March 3, 1879. Hello, James Madison.
Show was booked and presented
by Johnnie Beck, representative of Hello, Lew Cody. Some more shooting in the
RKO office.
Hello, James Madison. Windy City, I read.
Published by What do you think of the idea of No wonder that after Chicago,
Inside Facts Publishing Company, Inc. B. B. B., impressario of gathering contributions to buy Lip-
they always add “111.”
800-801 Warner Bros. Downtown Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Hollywood, presided as master of ton a cup?
activities, and was assisted by


Telephone TUcker 7832
President and Editor
Too much like giving a down-
Harry Golub, and Steve Juhase. and-outer a complimentary benefit.
Gertie Jacobs, at the piano, han- Don’t believe Sir Thomas
will ac-
Why is a man, whose wife di-
Moran and Mack.
James Madison.
- Vice Pres, and Counsel
General Manager
Associate Editor
dled the accompaniments, assisted cept it.
by Gladys Thomas and Frank Jag-
vorces him, like Germany at the
present moment?
Hello, Phil Goldstone. Because both are in line for new
Show started with a concert by Hello, James Madison. dictators.
Vol. XII Saturday, October 4, 1930 No. 14 the Union and Pacific Band. Why do you object to having
Decker and Van Epps, the Sailor Pepsodcnt in Tiffany studio? Plello, Aileen Pringle.
BILLBOARD BONER Four, Billie Weir, Lucinda and
Ricardo, Dotty Roberts, Lyon and
Because it removes the film. Hello,
In New York
James Madison.
I understand sev-
Some wisenheimer gave Fox West Coast a terrible exploi- Owen, Steven Juhase* Harry Galub,
Hello, Wil R.ogers. eral men have been arrested for
tation steer when he induced the circuit to discard billboard Burke and Durkin, Ates and Dar- selling ships.
Hello, James Madison.
advertising for “Madam Satan,” the LeMille picture at the
ling, Plawley Sisters and Bea Yeah; judgeships.
Thrift and her four Jesters, were
Are you in favor of prohibition?
Criterion. Instead of using the regular Foster and Kleiser tried Sure; bootleggers must live.
on the bill, as were Frank Yacka- Hello, Raoul Walsh.
and proven method of advertising, W. C. used its influence with nelli, Bill Borzage, Convoy Arkan- Hello, James Madison.
the city fathers to placard the street with streamers and ban- sas Horse Thieves, Valde Borbosi, Plello, Jerry Geisler. What do you call the Soviet’s
ners stretched from building to building, making the block on Lewis Sisters, Coyle and Weir, Vio- Hello, James Madison. raid of the Chicago wheat pit?

Grand between Sixth and Seventh look like a dusty spider’s

let Lunday, Sullivan Sisters, Lois I observe that the Appellate A Bulsheviktory.
Rogers, Gladys Hunt, Helen Sim-
web. monds, Helene Drennen, Jackie
This boner has built up considerable dissatisfaction among Shannon, Lois Rogers, Clarice Cat-
lett, Bubbles Levail, Irene St. Fran-
the business firms of the neighborhood, who object to having
their street decorated like a shabby Christmas tree. Result
has been that “Madam Satan” is doing a far less business than
it deserves, and it is predicted that before the run is over, the
cis, Jean Gerard, Dorothy and
Marjorie, Berdie Omar and Alyce
billboards will be discussed to their full capacity,' or the run
will be sadly curtailed.
Ann Christy and Roy Randolph dining and enjoying themselves
PROJECTIONIST ... at the Swagger Inn even if Ann did object to being introduced
Mrs. Randolph by Art Varian
. . .

as Billy Wiemann enter- . . .

COPYING NEVER SUCCEEDS taining at the same place ... after a day in the Holly-

might be merly co-incidental, but such coincidence

ON BAD SOUND wood picture studios putting over E. B. Marks Music Company’s 52
catalogs one little man’s head can hold so much music
. . . How
. . .

should be avoided. Two weeks ago, Irving Talbot’s orchestra

. . .

and so forth still worries me Betty Bartholomew keeping all . . . . . .

at the Paramount introduced a grand opera potpourri, which

(Continued from Page 2) of the pluggers satisfied with her order at Newberry’s orders for
was well received. . . .

Next approach to perfect sound music we mean Joe Cornbleth lining up more picture houses for . . .

The following week Rube Wolf offered the same selection, projection is reached by having the Lyons and Lyons Myra Kinch slapping on the grease paint for . . .

with the comment that such serious music would be a feature projectionist rehearse the picture, “Temptations of 1930” remember the school days Myra? Paul . . . . . .

of his offerings henceforth. and cue it to suit the acoustical Rechenmacher getting the score in shape for “Reaching

for the
.Another week, an act at RKO
showed the origin of the conditions of the particular theatre Moon” ... at United Artists Studio Paul is one of the unsung . . .

motif of a. number of popular songs, and last week Jules Buffano in which it is to be shown. heroes who gets too little recognition for the efforts he puts forth
did a similar stunt with his band.
Electrical Research required such maybe it’s because he parts his hair in the middle
. . .
Adolph -
. . .

rehearsals in their original con- Tandler preparring the scores for foreign versions of “Hell’s
Fanchon and Marco call their presentations “Ideas,” and tracts and knew what they were Angels” ... at Metropolitan Studios the for UFA . . .

last week Harry Gourfain called his Paramount stage show a doing when they included this re- Betty Hudson writing from Seattle and reminiscing with her . . .

production. quisite. But executives, who are old playmates Betty is one of the main factors in the success of . . .

supposed to know something about the Sterling Chain Theatres Dorothy Potts who could double
Originality is a virtue. It is far, far better to have it said . . . . . .

sound, saw where a few dollars for Norma Shearer meeting our old friend Dot Roble
that these shows are extremely different from one another than could be saved, and orders came who . . . . . .

also writes thanks Dot also in the mail from Seattle came a . . . . . .

to have it commented that they copy one another. Rivalry over one circuit, The Publix, “no mention from Syl Cross ... the hustling publisher who just . .

for popular favor will stimulate business but similarity will more rehearsals.” signed a recording contract with Wurlitzer for Rock-a-bye To Sleep
kill it for both of them. Now their projectionists see the in Dixie . . . Charles “Carter the Great” . . . getting a letter of intro-
the first time with their duction from one to another
picture for and hot-footing it to San Francisco
If they must see each other’s offerings, and they should—
. . .

audiences, and some door-boy or .... Les Klicksl and his two able assistants working on his electrical
what they see should be metriculously avoided or reversed, usher buzzes the projection room dolls getting ready for the big flash at Loew‘s Harry Wallen
. . . . . .

and if inadvertently they have a similar feature, it should be for more or less volumne as the back stage at the Colorado chatting with Gwen Evans while . . . . . .

withdrawn forthwith. Competition between the two stage case may be. she puts the boys and girls through a rehearsal ... the latter digging
shows should be highly developed in a strive for fine talent and The other evening at the Para- up receipts to show with the list still growing Zebe Mann on . . . . . .

mount theatre, when Wallace was the phone Zebe is a clever arranger Mack of La Salle and! . . . . . .

novelty, but imitation or repetition is unworthy of the clever-

playing with full organ, this “ex- Mack digging in his trunk and bringing forth a load of Australian
ness of both producers and leaders. pert on buzzed for more billing
sound” they’ll be at Loew’s this week with a pip of an acrobatic
. . .

volume. able to tell the offering

Not being Bebe Sherman ... a personable miss . miss
. will . . . . . .

difference between the music from be topping ’em some day with her “blues” asking for a copy of . . .

an organ and music from the “Poor Kid” the Bobby Gross’s together with the Greens at the . . .

screen, he is considered qualified U.S.C. game together with the columnist and Sig Bosley the . . .

. . .

at the NEWS to tell projectionists what the vol- •former and latter actually getting a couple of plugs apiece over the
ume should be. loud speaker system which is the heighth of something or the . . .

The writer attended the showing other when it comes to records (pun)
. . . . . .

of “Animal Crackers” at this the- Isabel Gillis wondering what to do with all the good looking
Equipment worth $500,000 was abandoned in the high Sierras atre and heard quite the poorest pluggers at Kress’s and playing the new tunes for us some . . . . . .

this week, when a snow storm broke over the Paramount “Fighting
sound projection that he has listen- day we’ll write a song entitled “Sweet Isabel” ... or “The Swetheart
Caravan” company. Among 160 actors and technicians, who were ed to in some time, and it was not of Tinpan Alley” her perpetual smile and cheerful word is one of . . .

brought to Dardanelle, safely, were Gary Cooper, Lily Damita, Ernest the fault of the boys in the projec- her many personality assets Gene Stone of the Hollywood Pub- . . .

Torrence, Tully Marshall and Eugene Pallette. tion room. Some of them at the lishing Company plugging his firm’s tunes here’s a rival for . . . . . .

* * * Paramount are the oldest men at A1 Burgess Jack Reed also on the job George Waggnei; . . . . . .

Attorney-General U. S. Webb announced he will oppose a new the game, yet they are told how to watching his tunes being sold . Claud Allister seeking advice on . .

trial of Alexander Pantages, convicted of crimnally attacking Eunice present their sound by some one encouraging a moustache to quick growth the comedian is rais- . . .

Pringle. Announcement stated Webb intends to join district attorney’s downstairs, who does not know the ing one like Douglas Fairbanks for his role in the Fairbanks’ pic-
office, seeking a rehearing of retrial order. difference between an organ and a ture “Reaching for the Moon” which starts soon Louise . . . . . .

* * * recording. Fazenda in traveling clothes leaving with her husband Hal . . . . .

S. Cherry Campbell, former actor, arrested and Ninety-five percent of union pro- Wallace for New York they will embark for London, Paris
. . . . . .
charged with lur-
iug girls to downtown office on pretense of hiring them as models. jectionists are conscientious men
and Berlin Louise’s first vacation in. many months. Lucile . . . . .

Stated in complaint Campbell forced girls to disrobe. the public a good show. Webster Gleason helping guests to enjoy themselves at the Dominos
No one Revel
* * * hates it quite so much as the pro- held Saturday night ... all acts were written and staged by

.Bing Crosby, member of Gus Arnheim’s orchestra, was married to jectionist when a picture with poor members with plenty of talent evident in the group . The . . . . .

recording comes into the theatre. Jameson Thomases finding a charming English cottage in a Holly-
Dixie Lee, film actress.
wood lane after hovering for weeks between it and a Spanish . . .

* * * Regardless that every theatre dwelling Thomas

. . . eagerly waiting for the release, of his first
Rita Kaufman, wife of Albert A. Kaufman, Paramount film ex- chain, with exception of Warner American “Extravagance.” Alfred Santel at Fox Hills
film . . .

ecutive, granted divorce from the latter on grounds of desertion. Bros., shows an enormous increase Studio deeply engrossed in piles of airplane literature
. . . he is . .

* * * in earnings for 1930 over 1929,

to be a purchaser long interested in flying and his new pic- . . . . . .

orders have come through that

Harold B. Franklin, former president of the Fox West Coast ture “Squadrons” ... an air film adds to the interest Pierre . . . .

economy must
. .

prevail, and to save

Theatre chain, will leave for Europe on vacation at end of month. de Ramey French actor who keens his title of count for formal
. . . . .

a few dollars in projection room

* * *
overtime, good pictures are ruined.
occasions in the French colony’s social calendar He has just . . .

Will of the late Lon Chaney was probated this week, terms under finished a part with Constance Bennett in “Sin Takes A Holiday” at
which the bulk of $5a0,000 estate is bequeathed to the widow. Former A certain executive head of the Pathe Alan Crosland returning from a hurried trip to New York
. . .

wife received $1, while Chaney’s personal servant, John Jeske, received largest and best known chain of .“Children, of Dreams” finished just before his departure
. . Under . . .

theatres in this part of the country, contract to Warners ... he will take a short holiday before going
not content with bullying the pro- into his next picture Natalie Moorhead finishing her scenes “Ex- . . .

jection wage scale committee into Mistress” at Warners late one afternoon and rushing over to . . .

cuts in projectionists’ salaries down United Artists for a test.

SET FOR DOUG’S PIC TELE GROUP MEETS to a lower level than they were in
Three more players were signed California Television Society, a 1927, in some cases amounting to
yesterday for Douglas Fairbanks’ limited group recruited from the twenty-eight percent, now wants by false publicity to believe that the houses, although worked
it excel-
film industry and the University of one man in the projection room in- projectionist is responsible, when
picture, “Reaching for the Moon,” lently in the larger ones. The dif-
California, held a formal opening stead of two. In a great many the reproduction is poor.
an Irving Berlin production for where ficulty seemed to be that
last week of their new clubhouse theatres he has succeeded in cutting
the crew to one man.
United Artists, which Edmund at A
the Warner-Kelton hotel. With reference to MGM’s the amplification was moderate the
Gouldir.g will direct. They are Wal- One man, no rehearsals, no over- squeeze film, it is reported by J. J. “squeeze” effect brought the volume
complete assortment of apparatus
ter Walker, Adrienne d’Ambricourt, : for experiments in television is
time to keep the equipment in con- Milstetn, exchange manager, that so low, as to be deemed unworthy
and Claud Allister. Elsie Janis com- being installed, with Dr. D. Moran- dition, volume controlled by some this has been discontinued, having and so the entire system has been
pleted the dialogue. 'dini of U. C. in charge of all work. door-boy, and then the public is led proven inadequate in the smaller discarded. Editor. —

Harold J.
935 Market St.,
Office Suite 504

DUFFY BACK Market St. Plaza Operated Oakland LOW GROSS

By Stage Hands
TO RE-OPEN Gleanings Pickups THIS WEEK
At Sacramento
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. OAKLAND, Oct. 2.—Vaudeville


— Unless puny golf operators SACRAMENTO, Oct. 2— Follow- reports say, will be put into the
inject a lot more showmanship ing a similar policy tried at Denver Vitaphone within a month or two,
into their business, theatre men a few months ago, local IATSE has with T. and D. Jr. enterprises mak-
won’t have a thing to worry taken over the Plaza, and opened a ing this their sole flesh entertain-
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2— A stock company there this week. ment. Management does not deny
about. new course opens, SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2—
Henry Duffy will re-enter the thea- draws business for a while, cuts House has the only orchestra in the rumor.
next week by opening as town, an eight piece concert group, Currently the Vitaphone, a non- Some woefully low grosses charac-
trical field prices and then folds. No ef-
a producer at the Alcazar and made to inject any sem- directed by Charlie Lear. union theatre, is on first runs using terized the week just passed for
fort is
President here, both of which blance of showmanship into the Stage crew is paid after the cast. the Warner product and doing a fair picture houses, “Good News” and ,

houses were formerly links in his with the result that min- If the house makes money the deck business.
“Scarlet Pages” being especially
hands are paid on a co-op basis. * *
chain of coast legit theatres. nie operators will soon be en- blue when check-up time came.
Duffy is under contract to the tering other fields. Walter Silva, a union exec, is Rod Sinclair, stage manager of MGM’s celluloid version of “Good
Alcazar Improvement Co. to pro- business manager of the company. the Fox Oakland, is vacationing
Rupert Drumm is producer and
in News” dropped sadly in its first
duce at the two theatres, just as he Los Angeles. and last week at Loew’s Warfield,
Bert Nauss in the California lob- character man. Wills Bass is house * * *
is producing for the Tobelman in-
by .. the x in Frank Galvin’s name manager. A romance between Mil-
effective" exploitation and publicity
terests at the El Capitan, Holly-
theatre even failing to bring it over the
means not the unknown quan- Cast is headed by Alice Holcomb
Winship estate owns the ton trumpet

. .
Barnes, player, and
tity but Xavier which is an and Cameron
Prud'homme, with .
Velma Ireland, head usher, both of
$15,000 mark. A
four reel educa-
property and directs the Alcazar
. . . . .

Irish monicker wonder if Jean- the remainder made up of Ray tional film, “Bottom of the Wdrld”
the Fox Oakland theatre, culmi- and
. . .

Improvement Co. MacDonald spends all her Lawrence, Rollon Parker, Edna Jan Rubini with his violin,
ette nated in marriage this week.
Instead of lowering his prices, as aided considerably.
movie pitcher working hours in bed Ellsmere, Arthur Wellington, Mil-
many believed Duffy would do, he about every flicker she’s been ton Owen and Irene Dennis.
* * *
“Madam Satan” opens today. Dick
has boosted them from a $1.25 to
. . .

in so far has had her in a. flock of

Fox Grand Lake
temporarily Spider is not confining
Plaza was last occupied by Jack advertising
$1.50 top.
boudoir scenes Joe Wright mid- Russell, with a musical tab com-
went first run this stanza, with on this one to the
As soon as Duffy wipes out all
. . . newspapers, as is
Fox’s “Wild Company.”
night lunching at Kelly’s Tavern pany, and prior to that, by Roy
. the case with “Satan” in Los An-
indebtedness to the Winship people,

* * *
Herman Kersken and Cliff Work Clair, who operated the Plaza for
geles, but is using the regular line-
he will resume personal control of and Tim Crawford Francis X. Bushman opens at the up of
6 and 24 sheets, changing it
also there . . .
some time as a stock company.
the Alcazar ad President.. Gene Fox inhal- Dufwin Sunday in “Thin Ice.” from _ the exchange paper, Foster
with his frau “Salt Water” was the opening
Associated with Duffy, is George
. . .
* * *
ing a bit of the backstage atmos- piece with “Dear Me” set to follow.
and Kleiser previously turned down.
T. Hood who will act as general Pearl Hickman opened a dance
phere the door opens and in First National’s “Scarlet Pages”
manager of the two houses. Hood . . .

studio in the Roseroom Academy

manage Alcaxar and pops Carl Lamont for a chin fest. played to a flock of empty seats at
will the this week with some 50 pupils re-
Wonder if Smoky Bill La Fay,
Josephs will handle, the
Herbert Mitchell is in squatting for 60
some days atop the Umpire Plugger gistered.
the Paramount. Picture is the
same as “The Crimson Hour,”
Golden Gate flagpole, will sit for a which Pauline Frederick played at
as treasurer. O’NEILL SISTERS
Alcazar opens on October 9 with
Duffy and his wife, Dale Winter, in
once he dismounts his high
Charlie Thall celebrated . . .
the Curran only a few weeks ago.
A stage show supported, with Allan
of his forty-
“Michael and Mary.” President the sixth anniversary SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2.— Kane bowing as master of ceremo-
ninth birthday this week Louis The intake was around $16,-
opens the following day with Bert
Flint holds a Bachelor of Music de-
Chalk one for Harry Bush, doctor SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2—The . . . nies.

Lytell ad his wife, Grace Menkin, 000, the lowest in weeks.

of melody and master of compro- O’Neill Sisters, Peggy and Helen,
in “Brothers,” which Lytle did be-
gree Jack Gross is getting well
. . .
have opened a dancing studio down- Par’s “Monte Carlo”
set in his new divisional mise. RKO bowed out
fore in New York. Scene: Recreation ball park. town in the Balconades Ballroom of Publix’s California after two
It was just six years ago that
chief’s job Angie Ward (Ward . . .
weeks with $12,000
Cast: Ball playing members of building, where they are specializ- to its credit for
Duffy came to San Francisco as a and
Van) has a 14-year-old son, ing in the teaching of stage routines. the final six days.
Eddie Cantor in
producer and opened at the Alca-
Harry Ward Jr., who is hotfooting Jesse Stafford’s and Val Valente’s Place will “Whoopee” opens today. St. Fran-
orchestras. be maintained in addition
it along the path of golf champiin-
zar with Dale Winter in “The Cat A Valente man poles a flier out to the present Frederick street cis, Publix, with “Spoilers” was
Since then he ship
Barney Poetz pronounces
. . .
healthy at $13,500, a sweet gross.
and the Canary.” into left field. He runs for second studio.
it “el Pash— ee-o” not “el pot- . . .
built up a chain of coast legit and slides into the bag. Sock! And Associated with the O’Neills, are “Love in the Rough,” Metro, and
ee-o” as most of us do and he
houses, including theatres in Los
. . .

the ball zooms into the baseman’s Bert Darrell and Alice- Sullivan, F. and M.’s “Southern Bells Idea”
Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, shuld know it’s his ballroom . .

Out?” yells Bush. “What?” who handle individual and class in-
. . .

glove. ad Hermie King as m.c. drew $51 -

Seattle, Vancouver and Portland,
can you imagine Tiny Epperson struction. 000 into the Fox boxoffice. “Those
only to lose them on June 30 when getting
caught between two of those yells Valente. “Safe!” yells Bush.
Bush is no chump. He’s a song Peggy O’Neill is the producer of Three French Girls,” heavily adver-
he went into bankruptcy and his
Market street trolleys? . . .

Val Valente and A1 Pinetti pay a plugger and Valente’s orchestra stage shows at the Fox El Capitan tised in advance, and with Jan
business was taken over by cerdi- uses tunes. here and the Fox Wilson, Fresno, Rubini conducting the concert or-
visit to Spotlights Nina Mitch-
tors. and Fox California, San Jose. . . .

chestra constitute the ensuing

ell also drops in ... so do Helen

ROB MARTINEZ McColl and Jack Archer and Rita

week’s show.
Orpheum had “A Lady Surren-
SAN FRANCISCO, let. 2.— T. ell and Joe Duggan Peggy
. . .

ders,” and did well at $10,000, hold-

and D. Jr.’s State Theatre in O’Neill on the phone Jack
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2— Bozo Fox, Fox and Ferris, has . . .

ing it for a second week.

Martinez, was robbed of aproxi- Souders on his* way * *
to Oakland.
Hyman Levin’s West Portal theatre joined Warren Irons’ stock burles-
mately $1000 on Sunday night. Warners’ “Matrimonial Bed” was
Thugs threatened John Shaw, as- LINES OFFAMOUS suffered approximately $ 1 5,0 0 0, que crew at the Capitol as comic. SHOW fair for Wagnon’s Embassy, $8000

sistant manager, and then bound

BUSINESS: It’s a shame; my get- when all seats and draperies were He was on the Columbia wheel for
burned in a fire that was discovered a number of years.
being the gross and in for only the
his hands and feet, fleeing with the
ting this big dough and not stop- week. “Old English,” with George
ping every show.”
by the janitor. Levin will recon-
Arliss, opens today. Wagnon’s
struct the house.

SHERWOOD’S BIZ Davies makes its final bow as a

TO DO SECOND RUNS ERICKSON TO MANAGE Babe and Gale Sherwood, of first run house next week, follow-

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2.— SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2. — KLEIG GOLF OPENING vaudeville, are running a tea room ing the current run of the sex pic-
Arvid Erickson, press agent at the in Pasadena. ture, “Primrose Path.”
After waging an uphill fight with
a mediocre run of pictures, Wag- RKO Golden Gate left this week SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2—
to take over the managership of This metropolis had its first Kleig
non’s Davies goes into a second
run policy this week, operating at the Orpheum, Tacoma. Change is light opening of a microbe golf
one of the few made by Cliff Work course, when Barney Poetz threw
40 cent admission for nights. Last DANCE ART SHOE COMPANY takes pleasure
“Primrose since his recent appointment as open his new 36 hole links in the
in announcing the exclusive presentation of the
of the first runs is world famous NAT LEWIS DANCE COS-
Path,” a sexie. western RKO chief. Temporarily. El Patio ballroom building. The TUMES and ACCESSORIES.
George Bole is alterating between pill chasing is being done entirely All of the models created by NAT LEWIS are
the manager’s and the p. a.’s desk separate from the ballroo activities. available at our shop.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2.— at claimed by the D.M.A. Inc.

Dancing Teachers, Producers Call, write, or
Peggy Tomson has joined the cast
of Sid Goldtree’s “Hot ’n’ Bother-
NEW MODEART send for complete new catalogue.
ed” at the Green Street. She fol- Permanent Wave
lowed Germaine De Neel, a walk- Ann Allison and Ginger Britten
leave Warren Irns’ burlesque show Best in the West
at the Capitol this week, going to Theatrical Footwear Headquarters
PLAN NEW THEATRE Hollywood. Jane Rhodes replaces Warfield Theatre Bldg.
EUREKA, Oct. 2. — Redwood Britten. Charlie Fritcher, comic, is
temporarily out of the show, Bobby
San Francisco
Theatres plan construction of a
2000 seat house, costing approxi- Fitzsimmons taking his place for
mately $500,000. Work to begin a while.
about January 1.
Shooting script for “The Queen’s Roberts’, beach night club, has created and costumed all dance numbers now en tour Fox Circuit with
Husband,” which will be Lowell opened a baby golf course, operat- F. & M.’s “Brunettes” Idea.
Sherman’s third picture as an actor- ing it apart from the night spot
director for RKO Radio Pictures, activities. Place features
is about ready and selection of the
beans and hot dogs, and soaks ’em
supporting cast will start within a only two bits, a dime less than the
few days. usual tariff.


Bill Wagnon has named Donald
Robinson manager of the Embassy, THE HOME OF ALL THEATRICAL PEOPLE
UNSIGHTLY HAIR succeeding John Victor, out. Other Ton cannot buy a better wave. ‘Indi-
Wagnon remain. vidual, distinctive, beautlfnl and last- SPECIAL RATES TO PROFESSIONALS
A few pleasant RAY-O treat- attaches will ing .
With or without ringlet ends.
ments removes superfluous RITA BELL MOVES YOURSELF.
Your choice of Modeart, Duart, Ring-
hair permanently. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2— Rita lette or other celebrated methods.
No sensation whatever in the treat-
ment and the hair will never return.
Bell leaves here this week to open
Oct. 9 for Publix at the Paramount,
Los Angeles.
Haircutting by Mr. Yon
Medicated Shampoo, Including finger
Dried in If! to 20 minutes by the ® O’ROURKE’S NEWEST and ORIGINAL
Write for booklet or come in for free Duart Chief
and confidential consultation. French paper curl $1
“A LITTLE SMILE” Marcels 75o Manicure BOc
Miniature Golf Tap Routine
Ray-O System Words and Music by
802 Anglo-Bank Bldg. GEO. B. L. BRAUN Permanent Wave Studio
(A Fox Trot Sensation) Studio, 226 Fillmore Street
830 Market Phone SUtter 4714 1007 Market St., at Sixth, Entire &nfl
Phone WEst 9343 San Francisco
Floor Telephone HEmlock 6873
SAN FRANCISCO CONCORD PUBLISHING CO. Qpen > to • with or without appt. Under personal direction of O’Rourke & Montal
1179 Market St. San Francisco

Pickups and Viewpoints FOR SIX MONTHS S. F. Radio Notes PHILHARMONIC
DOLBERG IN ADVERTISING After being off the air since the
of expiration
Sidelo Minstrels bowed Saturday
After five years activity in every department of radio
Hamp, S. and W. coffee has singed night over NBCwith a half hour
broadcasting and radio advertising Glenn R. Dolberg announces Charlie Wellman on a six month
opening of a new radio advertising agency in direct association optional contract. Wellman, on
program typical of minstrel enter-

tainment too typical, in fact. Mod- KHJ FEATURE
with the Dan B. Minor Company. Foundation for worthwhile Los Angeles either lanes for some ernization of this broadcast, includ-
time, begins activities over KFSD, ing the use of newer tunes, would
service to advertising using radio is based upon his knowledge
San Diego, a link in the NBC help a lot. It’s probably some-
Although meagerly publicized to
of music, radio station facilities and management, gained by chain. He will remain in the body’s idea that anything newer date, the outstanding musical event
observation of both successes and failures in radio advertising. southern city for several weeks and than “Floatin’ Down to Cotton of the season, in importance and
Dolberg says “failure” in radio advertising occurs because of then will travel to other NBC sta- Town” is too new. Mebbe so. interest, will be the weekly two-
Here’s who: Barry Hopkins,
“abuse” of radio as an advertising medium, and seldom, if ever, tions, putting on the “Chasin’ the in- hour concert given by the New
Blues” frolics he previously staged terlocutor; Charlie Marshall and York Philharmonic Symphony on
when used intelligently. He continues in Los Angeles When Charlie Harold 'Peary, end men; Mahlon 27 consecutive Sundays, beginning
“The cry of the listener is ‘less advertising.’ To grant this Hamp advertised S. and W. he was Merrick, musical director; Irving October 5. The concerts will reach
request we must turn scientific rather than follow experimental on the Columbia hookup. Kennedy and Ben Klassen, tenors; KHJ from New York at noon.
lines. The day of experimental radio advertising is past. Harold Dana, baritone; Harry Stan-
ton, bass; the What Four (clever
Of tremendous appeal to musi-
Knewledge, based upon years of observation and actual exper- eh?) novelty instrumental quartet; cians, will be the appearance of
ience, makes possible a scientific analyses of market conditions Clarence Hayes, singer. Consoli-
Arturo Toscanini. He will direct
the orchestra in eight concerts.
and radio facilities, which may be used as an authentic forecast
from merchandising via radio. Radio dated Cigar Co. sponsors.
* * *
Toscanini is considered the greatest
operatic conductor in the world
“During the past three years as manager of KHJ, I have Tommy Harris has been given a and, in many respects, is the most
supervised the expenditure of approximately one million dollars
in radio advertising,. This experience has taught me the ‘why’
of successful, as well as of unsuccessful advertising via radio,
R eviezvs half hour of songology over the
Coast network of the Don Lee
system. KPO
is billing Doug Rich-
interesting figure in the realm of
music today.
The famous Molinari will con-
ardson as “The Rudy Vallee of the duct from January 19 to February
and now that I shall represent the advertiser rather than the West.” What, no megaphone? 22.

station, I shall feel privileged to give this valuable information CROSS-SECTIONING * * *

Erich Kleiber, the young Ger-
to those advertisers using my service.” RADIOLAND Instead of Ben Broderick, the
man, takes the baton for the first
* * * SAN FRANCISCO Three Voices over KPO now has six weeks.
Charlie Lind as tenor. In addition
(Reviewed Sept. 24) Ernest Schelling is to direct the
NEW RADIO USE FOR FILMS to his chanting, Lind is adept at
Supper hour. What they won’t the gitter and banjo. Fred Lane 15 special Saturday morning con-
put on the air just as a man’s is announcing over KFRC. certs for children and young people.
Radio stations are shortly to be requested to cooperate
sitting down to a juicy tenderloin * * *
These broadcasts will reach Los
with film companies on location, if permission of governmental
Angeles and KHJ every Saturday
steak. Plugs for soap and restau-
authorities can be obtained. With a sparkling diamond soli- morning at eight o’clock.
rants, those jolly broadcasting get- Start-
taire in his vest pocket, and a sus-
Advantage of radio for a company far away from com- to-gethers augmented by bloated
picious look on his face, George
ing date will be released in a few
munication with the home studio will prove immeasurable. blurbs for tires, and egg shampoos, days.
Nickson hied himself off to the
When film is now taken at a distant point, it is rushed by air- and lyric sopranos working out on
great Northwest this week. There’s New York Philharmonic Sym-
“List to the Mocking Bird.” Bet harmonic Orchestra of 111 pieces
plane to the laboratory and rushes made. Then comes a loss romance the air. “Inside Facts,”
many a home is blessed with a without aindoubt, will have another
is one of the greatest organizations
of time in communicating defects to the company, which must silenced radio set at this time of Concerts will be
news item in a week or so when in the world.,
remain set until informed that takes are okeh. With co-opera-- the night.
Nickson returns to KRA and played at Carnegie Hall, the Met-
tion of radio, as soon as the rushes come through, the radio KGO (5:45 p. m.)— The Palm- Sir his staff tenor’s job. ropolitan Opera House and the
olive Hour over the NBC network, Brooklyn Academy of Music.
could be employed to announce that they are satisfactory or harkening back to the days of “You
* * *
otherwise with instructions to come home or make retakes. Eva Garcia has inaugurated a Unusually fortunate is the time at
Were Meant For Me,” done by a which these two magnificent sym-
If the government allows this service to be inaugurated, soprano and a tenor. Much too fine system, in more ways than one, phony series reach
Los Angeles,
it will either be with assistance of the now established stations, lengthy plug for the soap, much for her Pacific Serenaders over Sunday, noon to two
o’clock, has

too lengthy. Cut in for local an- NBC. If any one is late or for-
or amateur stations will be installed in the studios. Paramount always been a rather barren stretch
nouncement, and then long wait gets an instrument, bang, goes two for radio ears here. Eight o’clock,
and Warner Brothers will have a big drop on the other com- until Eastern studio is back on the bith. Miss Garcia was the first
offender, and she tagged herself
Saturday morning, would seem to
panies, having already their own radio stations operating, but air. Orchestra in a pop number. be an idea! time for a series of
it will open a fine basis of cooperation for both radio and pic- Echoes caught by the mike give a half dollar. * * concerts aimed at educating the
rise to the thought that the studio
tures, the radio to demonstrate its long arm of commercial
isn’t properly draped. Art Garbett, NBC educational youngest generation in what to
facilities, and the studio to obtain marvelous advance publicity director and occasional contributor avoid later in life.
KPI (5:50 p. m.)—“ there is . . .

on pictures in production. a slight increase of visas permitting to “Inside Facts,” has returned
from New York where he attended
Utilitarian benefit is such that one can hardly see how the entrance into the United States of
the radio educational conference.
privilege can be denied. It must eventuate, because it is com- Mexicans.” Current events. An- * » *
nouncer rustles papers breathes
mon sense business. Fox, prime mover in making the request, into the mike.
. . .

Nita Mitchell is doing some nice

must be given credit for the idea. . KFR.C (5:52 p. m.)— More cur- work over KFRC doubling from
rent events, but a bit more inter- the Silver Slipper Cafe, where she
known as “The Modernistic

Ghost Golf Links



KGGC (5*53 p. m.)— Records. Rhythm Girl.”

GRETA ASSIGNED one in French, then Frank * * *
Greta Garbo plays the exotic role Crumit. Austin Mosher, NBC baritone
Ifanyone wants to see of Mata Hari, daring German spy,
who became the toast of Paris, pos-
KYA (5:55 p. m.) —
Last eight will leave soon for New York on a
what happens to a minnie bars of a special Jewish holiday six months’ leave of absence.
link when it folds, they ought ing as an Oriental dancer until exe- program. Announcer enthuses about
to look at the one on Sixth cuted by a rifle squad. that marvelous 15th hole of the
and Catalina. If there Whitcomb indoor golf course. Then FOX WILL START 3517 Marathon St.
ever was a sadder, more
lapidated, sickly looking
ROXY BOOKS SERIALS Coffee Dan’s vocal directory of
local showshps. Plug for Tiny Ep-
ner than the
God-forsaken RoxyTheatre, New York, world’s
largest picture playhouse, has gone
person and Les Poe and Coffee NEXT FEW DAYS 2 Blocks East of Corner
aspect of this once happy Dan’s. Melrose and Hoover
in for serials, inaugurating this in-
golf course, it can only be a
novation with the showing of Uni-
KFWI (6:05 p. m.)— “Gus’ has Four big stories are about to
ghost city on the Nevada the best food in the city deli- start for Fox Half way between Broadway and
versal’s chapter-play, “The Indians during the next few
. . .

desert. cious coffee marvelous baked days. The first one that will prob-
. . .
Hollywood. Unobstructed pano-
Are Coming.” ham call and reserve a table” ramic view. Large singles and

. . .

and so on and on and on.

ably get into work is “East Lynn,”
record, starring Ann Harding A
supported by
doubles — Frigidaire, service and

RAMBEAU WITH BEERY “Little White Lies.”

KTAB m.)
Clive Brook, Conrad Nagel and J.

Brothe'r M. Kerrigan under direction of
extras. Individual entrance.
Attending a world premiere of Marjorie Rambeau has been cho- (6:10 p.
one of his new pictures on crutches, sen to play the heroine opposite Bob’s Happytime Frolic. Just a Frank Lloyd.
was the experience of Cecil B. De Wallace Beery, in “The Secret Six,” big family of merry makers. “The Man Came Back,” a Who
Mille. In disembarking from his Metro-Gold wyn-Mayer. (6:12 p. m.) —
Concentration on successful stage play that was also
yacht he fell, smashing bones in
his left foot.
that tenderloin steak.
made into a silent, will again start
on its journey through the talkies,
“The Cohens and Kellys in Af-
rica” marks Charlie Murray’s 250th
Andre Luget, French stage star,
time starring Charles Farrell
Janet Gaynor with Kenneth
featured. Book is by
June Walker, stage star, has left film appearance and his twentieth who made his screen debut starring Jules Eckert Goodman and Raoul
Los Angeles for New York. It is feature length picture. in French talking pictures, filmed ' Walsh will direct.
“Network,” by Ernest Pascal, is
rumored she will be back shortly, by M.G.M., will direct as well as
MORRIS IN DEBUT also due for an early start under
and signed to a long term talkie act, in the French version of “Let
William Morris, stage actor and Us Be Gay.” direction of Berthold Viertel with Typewriter
contract. Her work in “War author, makes his screen debut in Neil Hamilton, Kay Johnson and
Nurse” for MGM, her first talkie, Columbia’s “Brothers,” inder dir- John Halliday in the cast. Late models rented at lowest
is responsible for the talk. ection of Walter Lang.
HILL TAXES DRAMA “The Sea Beneath,” written by prices. Use a Woodstock in
“The Secret Six,” dramatic story William Collier, Sr., and Dudley your home or office.
of modern life and conditions in a Nichols, with cast comprising Geo.
CHURCHILL IS CAST large city, will be the next direc- O’Brien, Marguerite Churchill, John Ask us about ourspecial low
STOP and LISTEN to the Marguerite Churchill has been se- torial effort of George Hill, it is an- Loder, David Rollins, J. M. Kerri- rental rates to students.
lected by John Ford for leading nounced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. gan, Warren Hymer and Mona
WESTERNERS honors in “The Seas Beneath,” at
Fox. George O’Brien has the hero WITH
Harris, will be directed by John
Ford. sold
New and rebuilt
on easy payment plan.


Joe formerly of the
Cornbleth, At the present time, Fox has in
local Williams Morris Agency of-
fice, has become associated with
production “Lightnin’,” with Will
Rogers starred, directed by Henry Woodstock
“Daybreak,” from the popular Lyons and Lyons, in charge of pic- King from the play of Winchell
German novel by Dr. Arthur ture houses. Smith and Frank Bacon.
HAVE YOU HEARD Schnitzler, will be Ramon Novar- Typewriter
ro’s next starring vehicle.


manager of
S. Holman,
Ellis Levey has been named
Oct. 2.—
As result of several previews of Studios, who was recently rushed RKO booking agent, succeeding 117 West Ninth Street
“Africa Speaks,” Columbia has de- to the California Hospital for an Phil Frease. Levey was formerly Los Angeles, Calif.
On K. G. E. R? cided to release the sensational pro- appendicitis “operation, is reported associated with Frease in the
duction as an extended run giant. as effecting a speedy recovery. office.


SCORES HUGE American News Trade Jour-
nal, which carries the trade Facts
one on Douglas
Recently while
news of magazines nationally walking the streets of Mad-

CAMERA HIT distributed by the American

News Co. carries on its front
cover this month a collection RKOis giving lengthy routes to
rid, a stranger slapped him
on the back
Doug, hw
with “Hello
are you. I haven’t
of magazines and periodicals established RKO favorites. Two seen you in some time.
LOU JACOBS devoted to the Amusement interesting bookings of the week Douglas looked him over Not being satisfied with throwing
By world. were the Four Marx Brothers and coldly. “I beg pardon, I William Randolph Hearst out of
Showing an advanced develop- Prominently in the fore- don’t think I know you,” and France, the authorities Paris
recording, the Tanar
Moran and Mack. of
ment in sound ground is a cut of “Inside
* * * he started to walk on. have moved to limit activities of
Corporation Ltd., in Hollywood Facts,” the only nationally cir- “Just a moment Doug, have foreign orchestras, aiming the ob-
has created with a new
interest culated theatrical trade news- Morton Downey, Irish tenor, is

returning to RKO vaudeville this you forgotten me?” asked the jection particularly at American
portable system of sound film. paper published on the Pacific stranger. musicians playing in Paris.
The American News week, opening in New York. He is
This system, similar in principle Coast. ..“Yes,” says Doug.
justback from a trip to Europe. First orchestra, whose appear-
to Movietone, records from within Company reports that the sales * “I beg your pardon, my ance was forbidden, was that of
* *
an ordinary Bell and Howell or demand for “Inside Facts,” name is Marconi.” Hal Kemp, engaged to open at the
Mitchell camera, with only the throughout the country is leap- Marion Sunshine made her bow
ing in great bounds and scarce- at Keith’s Palace, New York, last new movie theatre, Les Ambassa-
change of silencing the action and
adapting the threading so as to ly a week goes by when orders week in the role of impressionist. JEANETTE WANTED deurs.

are not increased by many. * * * In one week, Universal received Pretence is that talking pictures
properly include the recording unit, reduced employment of musi-
which is inserted at the rear of the Ruth Etting is offers to give Jeanette Loff a have
to begin a twelve two
Vaudeville, leave of absence from talking pic- cians, playing in Parisian theatres
camera, the whole operating on a WHEELAN WRITING weeks’ tour in
starting at Cincinnati next week. tures that she might appear in
to about ten per cent of the usual.
single motor. Tim Whelan has started writing Kemp orchestra had a month’s
The amplification table, batteries a special original story for RKO * * * Broadway musical productions.
contract, and management ordered
and microphone are contained in Radio Pictures. Famous vaudeville family of them to continue, but police threat-
three small suitcases, and one man Mortons is again to be seen on ened a fine of 100,000 frans, about
can operate both the camera and the major circuit. Sam, the father, Roy Cooper, first in the title role $4000 if they continued.
sound with little difficulty. Alto- tern, which gives it an advantage, who has given vaudeville two edi- of “The Student Prince” is engaged
tions of the Four Mortons, is back for a limited tour in Vaude- This has stirred up a considerable
gether, it weighs but 90 pounds, is the Tanar lamp, made exclusive-
in American musical circles,
less camera, and can be transported
ly by Len Roos, president of the
on the job, appearing with Paul ville. He opens in Buffalo, Octo- row
and Martha. Opened this week at ber 11. where every consideration has been
in an ordinary automobile with corporation and designer of the given foreign musicians here, not-
incnvenience. Paterson, N. J., in an offering called * * *
Rae Samuels, still the “Blue withstanding the inroads into
This portable device is extremely “Skylarking.”
This lamp is not for sale, for use talkies have occasioned
simple, and seems almost fool * * * Streak of Vaudeville,” has re-en- jobs that the
in any other than the Tanar equip- RKO
ranks after quite an in this
proof. It uses dry cell, 90 volt
ment, and has many features that
Edna Covey, lately associated tered the
It is believed that, in retaliation,
and it is with Ziegfeld’s “Follies,” is another absence.

batteries to operate,
are new and unique in controling * * * passports of foreigners will be
claimed that the drag on the juice new arrival on RKO. Act called

photographic values on either nega- Vanessi, who has not toured in closely looked into here, and a si-
is so light as to make no appreci- “We’re Ready.” Miss Covey is as-
boycott may be instituted
sisted by Benny and Western, Ber- RKO for more than a year, is re-
tive or positive stock. lent
able effect on battery strength after
The principle of both the portable against French musicians playing in
a year of operation. nie Stevens and Boys and the turning next week at Trenton, of-
a new and sumptour presen- this country.
This set is especially adapted and double system
are similar in O’Connor Twins. fering
effect, registering a variable area, * * * tation.
for news, travel, advertising, educa-
tional and such other service, with fine definition, indicative of
Larry Rich is offering a new act,
* * *
where a light and highly portable excellent tonal quality. Gus Edwards introduces his Fashion Features Studio, delinea-
“Rich Moments,” asissted by six
machine is desirable. The portable set sells for $3850, who bears a
“Song Birds,” a offering in
tors of coming fashions in Techni-
singing steppers. Rich,
Paul which he
will put on display his
The firm also is showing a less camera, which includes the remarkable resemblance to color, will show Mona Marie, Belle
double set equipped in a Ford silencing of the camera, fitting new Whiteman, was last seen in major latest juvenile “finds.” Bennett, Pauline Garon, Lucille
* * *
truck. This set is designed for gate aperture, recording slit, rollers, vaudeville with a revue. Williams, Sally O’Neill, Vivien
studio or location work of exacting lightmotor drive, bat-
adapter, * * * Other newcomers to RKO Oakland and Martha Sleeper in
nature. It is compact and com- teries, microphone cables, fittings Vaudeville, orfavorites with
old this month’s release.
Kelso Brothers, also returning to
with generator and two Tanar lights. new acts, are: Sharp, Flat and
pletely contained RKO Vaudeville. This time they
The system has been highly ap- have a company of 14. Minor, attractive girls, called “The
and motor equipment in the walls
of the truck, which contain mixing proved by Dr. Lee De Forest, Singing Sinners;” Clifton and TIOMKIN REGRETS
* * *
board and switches, camera and who, it is said is personally inter- Brent, offering “The Unexpected;” Europe wishes to hear Dimitri
The “Jazz Lips” Richardson, colored Sam Linfield and his comedians, Tiomkin in concert again. For the
amplification panel, designed and ested in the Tanar project.
dancing comedian, is now an RKO in “Boot Villa;” Helene Beth and second time this month, the Russian
installed with neatness and finish. device is sold outright, and includes
feature, with three dusky feminine Lester New, in a skit entitled “The composer has cabled his regrets in
The principal of the Tanar Sys- all licenses and no royalty charge.
assistants. Boy and Girl”; Walter Nilsson, the response to an offer for a concert
Swedish- American comic; Wells, tour of the European capitals. He

GENE DAVE Mordecai and Taylor, “Three Kings is at LTniversal.

of Rhythm”; Edyth Karen and
Her Boy Friends, in “Songs and


Dances of the Moment”; Paul Sal-
varus and partner, equilibrists; Having gained ten pounds in
Charles Martin, the cowboy bari- weight during her seven weeks of
tone; Jean Hamilton and her Six complete rest, Mary Nolan is back
Co-Steppers, in Riadiant Rhythms, at Universal, and will soon be given
and Irving Rose, in “Crazy Steps,” her next starring assignment. Three
featuring Dorothy Norton and the stories, two of them originals, are
Rhythm Octette. now being considered.


Art Programs, Routing for Variety Artists
Miniature Grand Piano for Rent
Representing Jolly Jones of F and Club Dept. M
Affiliated with Screenland Select, Inc., ior Pictures


PHONE GLadstone 8264


AND OUR PHONE NUMBER Offering Sincere Thanks

WILL BE FItzroy 1241 Harry Gourfain, Harry Santley


mi, I nrr ..I 3-BLUE BLAZES—

4110-18 Sunset Boulevard


OL. 1101

Vaudeville and Presentations

RIVOLI THEATRE formance, and with a good picture dances and were prettily costumed makes change of costume, then go for it, production overtures with
DENVER and excellent stage show, nothing Jacobs. more talk and song for finish.
was lacking in the way of entertain- tableau effects would be a great
(Reviewed September 24) Billbrew Quartette, next, put bet for this theatre. Only trouble
This house, under the manage- ment.
The Denver Grand Orchestra, un- RKO
RKO VAUDEVILLE over a series of numbers in great is that the
pit isn’t entirely visible
ment of Frank “Rube” Milton, old THEATRE style. These fellows dress in over- from
the upper part of the house,
time J/aude performer, is rapidly der the direction of Fred Schmidt, (Revewed Sept. 25) alls and look like real colored folks
even from the last row of the loges.
coming back in public favor, due to presented a symposium of Victor Bert Walton acting as cere- from the south. Their cat number
Milton’s policy of giving the Herbert’s best melodies, at the for finish put them over very big.
There’s a swell drummer in La-
monies director opened the festiv-
people good clean entertainment of which Fred Schmidt pre Good act. raia’s orchestra. Every effect in
ities with a plethora of extra-tran-
and lots of it. He has done very sented his violin solo, playing “Kiss scendental verbiage, meaning an the silent Kinograms news was
Hollingsworth and Crawford, caught
good business throughout the sum Me Again.” There is little wonder excess of words of five syllables, next, with their skit in one put by him, and he made a
mer, despite the Baby Golf craze that this group is billed as “The but they glide from his tongue like over some very good cmedy re-
mediocre news reel an interesting
and strong competition from two Pride of the West.” They are gardoing part of the show.
water over a cascade. Bert has lady getting her hair
de luxe houses carrying stage fine bunch of musicians and always suave style of glee urgement bobed. Know how to act and Bock.
and talk,
shows. He offers two changes each give a nice concert. his repartee and flowing comments and all in all, it a very good act.
week, with a midnight ramble on This New York produced Publix
add no small measure to the merri- Jack Weston, next to closing,
Saturday night, and manages to unit is called “Coney Island,” and ment. offered some novel musical num-
have a full house at nearly every the stage settings are fitting for the The first act was The Berkoffs, bers and songs. His songs are new FANCHON AND MARCO
performance. two girl dancers, and a man in the and the way he puts his material (Reviewed at Loew’s' State)
Frank Milton has assembled Bill opens with Clyde Hager and
pit, who also warbles somewhat. over makes him one of the best This idea, staged by Larry Ce-
company, which at present, is up to band coming through house mak- The girls are backed up by 6 other acts ff its kind in the business. ballos, is one of the classiest novel-
a standard never before seen in this ing about all the noise possible. girls doing the The Perrys closed the show in
usual routine of
house. Fie also carries a hot eight- Then the Fred Evans Boys and Russian steps in a fast their novelty shooting act. Man
ties seen in many a day. A diving
snappy way
piece band, under the direction of Girls go through a snappy routine, that wins them opens with some rope spinning, bell was set in a tank and the girls,
holding stage, while Clyde Hager, the good act’s re-
Bill Franklin. then offers some very novel shoot- elaborately gowned, walked down a
The company is under the per- acting as m. c., introduces. Don Galvan, nice appearing ing in which he shoots at different flight of stairs,
Jim the Bear, in regular side disappear into the
sonal direction of Paul D’Matho- young man things in woman’s head and mouth.
in Spanish attire,
teoux, and for this bill offer “Hey show fashion. 1’his bear is well
twangs banjo. His guns are all new. Good act. water, to come back in bathing
His running fire of
Rube,” a laugh getting vehicle, if trained and goes through a dance goat getting with Walton had hon Picture was Sally O’Neil in
suits. Lottie Mayer is given credit
there ever was one. very cleverly. Two unbilled boys ors about even. Banjo work was “Girls of the Port. for originating and conceiving the
Buster Graves, featured comic, as then stage a wrestling match with neat and peppy. Bob.
“Toby” keeps the house in an up- the bear. Funny but rather rough water ballet.
The girls gave a
roar, which is “something” in this going.
A sketch on domesticity called splendid exhibition of fancy diving.
town. Bluey Morey portrays “Rob- Next is a very clever acrobatic “Any Family” had a lot of homely LOEW’S WARFIELD Barton and Young, a team of
humor and plenty of good laughs. SAN FRANCISCO
erto,” the Gypsy chieftain, in an ex- dancer, “Mariette,” late of George It told of a mother, wife of a car
comics, started the glee fest with a
cellent manner, as does Oney Lea, White’s “Scandals.” The Miss is (Reviewe d Se pt. 25)
conductor with a marriageable 19- barrage of good gags. They are a
as “Mary Lou.” graceful in her difficult routine, The opening day of MGM’s
year-old daughter, trying to put on unique pair and work together for
Margie and Eddie Page, Fanchon which the crowd responded to with the ritz for a young man with seri-“Good News,” musical talkie, Dick
Milton, Tony Yale and Paul D’Ma- a nice hand. Spier sold it as a collegiate comedy, excellent results of laughter.
Sonny O’Brien, sang the next ous intentions who called to take
thoteoux, in support, all give a per packed with laughs, making a play Frank Stever with his magnifi-
the girl on a picnic. The usual
formance that can draw nothing but number in a pleasing tenor, while blunders are made with the father for the students. Business no sen- cent baritone sang, with the chorus
praise. Each is a polished per- ensemble went through a pretty and and a younger brother adding to sation at this matinee. But better back of him, and received warm
former and take advantage of every out of the ordinary routine. than if it had opened as a song and commendation for his efforts. Here
Sammy Lewis and Patty Moore, the complication of embarrassment,
opportunity to keep things moving dance flicker. is a lad whose nice appearance and
next with a line of comedy chatter but all ends happily. It vras a
along at a fast pace. If Paul D’Ma Entertainment was not confined fine vocal attributes entitle him to
that brought the laughs, returning very good act.
thteoux continues to put on shows picture recognition.
for a hot tap dance on stairs. These Danny Russo is still guest con- to the screen. Jan Rubini and “his
such as this one, it won’t take long romantic violin” was there also, Jack and Bob Crosby open their
two are hard workers and drew ductor of the R-K-Olians, which
to bring this house back to the
adds materially to the pleasure of opening with “World Is Waiting part of the entertainment with ban-
popularity it enjoyed a few years heavy applause, which was well de- for the Sunrise.” Standard, popular jos but it is not until they start
served. the occasion.
semi-classic ...
a big favorite. stepping that they fall into their
The ten girls in line, beautifully George Dewey Washington, as Takes added luster under Rubni’s own.
costumed, execute some very pretty an added attraction, came on in his masterly violining. Lighting effects Ed Chaney, a classy hoofer whose
and difficult work and show careful familiar vagabond garb to render, MILLION DOLLAR always good here. Giv^ credit ot eccentric stuff has many
training. Credit Lillian Bergman, “The Vagabond Song.” Encored THEATRE Art Bartlett. twists, also mixes with the Crosbys
their producer, for their excellent with “What Did I Do To Be So LOS ANGELES Secnd number, “A Little Love for a trio of dancing that is little
work. Girls from the line handled Black And Blue,” and this number A Organ accompani-
Little Kiss.”
brought the heaviest returns heard (Reviewed Sept. 25) short of sensational.
the songs of this bill, a departure ment bv Alta Wadsworth. Sold Lottie Loder kids with Rubs
from the usual custom, and each here in some time. Called back and Walter Richardson and Co. everybody in the house.
was called back for several encores. gave them “The St. Louis Blues,” opened show in one, with man at Peter Paul Lyons and orchestra Wolf and sings a song in German,
Two were especially well received, in true George Dewey Washington piano. Richardson put over four in the trench. Always good music
followed by an English version
Billy Davis with “The. Vagabond style. good numbers in big time style. from this gang. Lyons knows or- that won her some applause.
Song,” and Betty
Keating with Lewis and Moore on for another Made a good opening act, but could chestra direction. Rube Wolf
orchestra and his
“Little White Lies.” This girl has dance, which drew heavily. have been down further on the bill. Four-reeler, ‘‘Bottom of the render a serious selection of oper-
a mighty sweet voice, lots of per- Voice and appearance is OK. World,” educational chronicle of atic hits for their part of the pro-
Finale with entire company, en-
sonality and puts her numbers over Morris And Towne, in duce spot, the North Pole, rounds out the bill. gram.
semble doing nice routine to “The The staging of the numbers was
in a manner that has made her a opened with comedy talk, then of- Highly interesting.
Man From The South,” getting a
big favorite here. hefty, hand from the audience.
fered some comedy business with Warfield has new seats. Mighty excellent. The girls were properly
Last, but not the least, were “The tie which went over good. Then comfortable. rehearsed and the colonial fountain
Feature was Ronald Colman in offered comedy song, in which Mor- setting beautiful.
Fearless Four,” a quartette under Bock.
Raffles.” ris did his famous crying bit, which Jacobs
the direction of Eddie Page. These
lads surely know their harmony, Dusty. went good for finish. CALIFORNIA
and the quartette is one of the best Santo, next in full stage. Entered
seen on a Denver stage. They run STAGE SHOW in clown makeup and offered comedy
with dog dressed as cow. Girl put (Reviewed Sept. 24) Meet me
a fast line of comedy along with HARRY GOURFAIN
their songs and have the people
crying with laughter. They stop
PRODUCTION over nice high kicking dance, and
some contortion tricks. This was
Publix management is not limit-
ing the California show to the or- Down Town
the show completely and finally beg
(Reviewed at Paramount theatre.) followed by many other different chestra pit. here’s as much going
off with a gesture number, neatly Rubihoff is the star of this pro-
done by Bluey Morey and Eddie duction. His violin has a character
tricks and changes by Santo and on in the mezzanine as there is in
and the last part could be cut down any picture house stage, a photo-
Page. Tony Yale sings the lead, and individuality that makes even a lot. However, it is a good act. grapher shooting the customer’s
Eddie Page, tenor; Buster Graves, an ordinary selection a classic. He
baritone, and Bluey Morey, bass. first played his own composition,
the girl. The act was too long,
Nile Marsh, next to closing, was
phizzes free. Willis Boardman
Zink passing out a lot of his knowl-
Swagger Inn
All have pleasing voices, Eddie “Dance of the Russian Peasants,” a repeat in this house, and put edge about bridge to the Friday formerly
Page using them to good advan- followed with a more popular num- over the same three songs that he matineers. A beauty parlor treat-
ment if you’re a woman and lucky,
tage', arranging their harmony num- ber, “I Can’t Give You Anything
bers to where he has a combination But Love,” presented in an inimita-
used before. Marsh is always good,
and it did not seem to hurt him sometimes a bit of music from Coffee Dans
that is hard to beat. ble manner that won a decided by being there before. Went very Attilio .Laraia’s house musickers,
good. bridge tables handy if you care to (Same Location)
The bill ends in nifty fashion, en- hand. -

tire company on in garden setting, The orchestra under the direction Movie Maniacs, closed this show indulge. All that’s missing is beer
with girls singing “Mary Lou,” of Irving Talbot played “Slavic with eight men and two girls in a and pretzels, and maybe that’s a
while wedding is being performed, Rhapsody” for fine effect as the

revue style, going from full to one suggestion. AFTER-THEATRE SHOW

Tony Yale, Fanchon Milton and raiser. Nelson and Knight, a man and back to full a couple of times. Oh, and then there’s the show
This picture was Para-
Every Nite Till 2 A. M.
Buster Graves doing a fast tap and woman, had a nice line of smile The boys offered dancing and sing- inside.
number for closing. provoking, which ended with a song mount’s “Monte Carlo.” Then there
All in all, this is the best seen on and the fem playing the fiddle. She
this stage in many a moon, and the is a fine appearing blonde and feeds
ing, and the one girl put over some
novelty dancing. Esther Campbell
then put over a couple of whistling
were Fitzpatrick’s “Travel Talks,”
a very funny Paramount Talkatoon
and an overture by Laraia, with
customers voiced their approval well, but her violining was drowned numbers in great style to ad much DINNER DeLUXE, 75c
with applause aplenty. by the orchestra. to act. Dr. Louis Flint at the console of TURKEY OR STEAK WITH
Dusty. Babe Morris is truly a sensational The other girl put over a good the mighty Wurlitzer. DINNER, $1.00
tap dancer. She is a diminutive hoop dance and looked very nice in “Faust” was the selection. Flint’s
with gobs of personality and she her costume. As a whole the act neat console -work built up the 50 CENTS
DENVER THEATRE clicks her taps with precision. was a flash and a good one. offering and Laraia’s capable crew
DENVER Nat Spector, -who is announced Picture was “Anybody’s of
Wo- style.musicians put it over in great Catering to the Theatrical
(Reviewed September 27) as a second A1 Jolson, suffers con- man,” with Ruth Chatterton. That electrician is a pip. He Profession
This big Publix house was filled siderably from the result had some classy lighting effects No Cover Charge
of this Bob.
to the rafters for this afternoon per- announcement. that
He dresses like A1 aided a lot. If the house would
and sings a “Mammy” song but HIPPODROME THEATRE
DO YOU KNOW YOUR he’s far from being an A1 Jolson.

His work is good and he has a (Reviewed
nice style and good voice. He does
not need to be rated as a poor the
Sept. 28)
Hubbard sisters, in two, opened
show, and offered some very
TALES imitator when he could go out on clever contortion tricks. These girls
By Two Iconoclasts
Talkietown’s theme song of high spots
and film personages.
It is an education in laughs.
his_ own and make them like it.
put over their tricks in great style,
This is an example of how an actor and know
can handicap himself unnecessarily. a much
how to sell same. It is
better act now, than with
Heras and Wallace, comedy acro- the other dancing that
they had in
Must be good-looking and have shapely forms. Write or phone.
A SMART BOOK FOR SMART bats, completed the bill while Jules the act before. Good
PEOPLE Buffano and his syncopators fur- Holliday and Willette, in deuce JOHN GOLDSMITH, Manager, Capitol Theatre
At your book shops. $1.00. nished the stage music. And, oh, spot, offered some comedy talk
yes, the girls had a fine routine of in DAvenport 7179 Sam Francisco
one. In middle of act, lady





_ •



walking, dancing and lots of com-

HIPPODROME THEATRE and then comedy talk was offered. With the change of wigs, had the
At that there
Scandals” served to introduce Allan
Kane as master of ceremonies, andedy, with Alice carrying off top
LOS ANGELES For finish double song and dance. audience in uproar.
were many in the audience that did honors with neat work on the wire
though that worthy did well enough
(Reviewed Sept. 24) The Charmers, three girls in nice and excellent tap and high kick
Preston and Isabel, man and costumes and nice to look at, of- not know for sure if it was a man in his various spots throughout
or woman. They play and sing in the show, he displayed too much stepping. Sonny put over a flock
woman in two, opened show. fered three different songs in great
of gags, working with his dad and
facility in antique gags and busi-
great style, and make a good next
Woman with violin and man with style. These girls put over clever
to closing act. es. contributed a tap number to cinch
uke played number, then man went harmony songs, and stopped show. the affair. And pop is no slouch
into some fast comedy, acrobatic Nice act. Don Arthur and Eddie, closed Picture house customers may be
tricks with chair and table. Man Arthur Terry, as the Mayor of this show in great style. dumb but not to the extent, where on that wire.
This is
then offered more comedy with Cardiff, put over clever talk while two men and a woman offering they relish such bits of business as Deuce spot held Fleurette Jeoff-
chair and table, after which he did playing around with rope. Now some very good adago tricks in full the wet coin on the floor and the rie, lyric soprano, who did a trio
stage. These people are clever, and fly speck on the sheet of music, of numbers including “Mocking
dive over chair and table. Lady in and then, he did some good tricks.
change then offered violin solo, Terry is clever in his line of work, look nice. A nice
clean act. particularly when one of these Bird.” Pretty weak for a single
Picture, “The Delightful Rogue.” outbreaks occurs during another and a piano accompanist would
and man with uke. While playing and is known about here as the
have added much to this turn. As
same, they did some novel tumbl- second Will Rogers. For finish he with Rod La Rocque
and Rita La act’s song.
ing for finish. Good act. put over some good dancing while Roy. After an introduction by Charlie a closer Miss Joeffrie did a Spanish
Bob. dance tune, singing the lyrics in
Sherlock and Clinton, next, jumping through rope. Good Act. Hill, Kane came on for a speech
Mason and Scott, next to clos- of thanks for the reception and
French and using Oriental finger
opened with both dressed in
Chinese, singing Chinese number. ing, in one with man at piano. Man PARAMOUNT then went into an uncredited imita-
Man then back in change to tux, offered couple of numbers. Then San Francisco tion of Ted Lewis, minus the silver Casa and Lehn, clever satiristic
and offered song and dance. This other came on, and lady put over (Reviewed Sept. 25) hat, doing “Just Around the Cor- offering, unfurled a lot of smart
was followed by lady in change, three or four songs in great style. Harry Gourfain’s “Barnyard ner.” As a followup he put the stuff. Man and the gal were sup-
stage band through a rube num- ported by four girls, emulators of
ber, featuring instrumental off key ane, Greenwood, Brice and Guinan,
humor, always a good bet. all of whom worked in a neat take-
off on moving pitchers, alsa and
Eddie Magill had one of his best
tunes in several weeks, “I’ll Be
Lehn scored heavily in an adagio
offering, not the usual type of thing
Blue Thinking of You,” which he
megaphoned to mighty neat results. n bum clothes and obvious stunts,

The long-run songster had to encore but neatly dressed. Sold heavily.
and he gave ’em another chorus, Entire act was produced in A-l

NOTICE! marred only by the antics of Kane style.

as previou=lv mentioned.
Charlie ll H
Ward and Van closed. Angie
drew the laughs of Ward, the golfing fool, still hits it

the show with his comedy stuff at in off key fashion and Joe Van
he pee wee piano, the ticket buyers continues to pluck some sweet
finding his expose of song writing music out of his harp. Boys had
I wishto announce to my
friends, both managers interesting as well as funny. Lassi- to take an encore.

and artists, that I am no way connected with

ter Brothers in a pair of acrobatic
clog dances, clicked heavily.
Claude Sweeten’s RKOlians did
Six “Go Home and Tell Your Mother”
Fanchon & Marco booking agency Fox or the Candrevas, all working on the as the overture. Art Newman,
trumpets, gave, a neat flash and back after a considerable absence,
Theaters entertainment department. My connec- punch to the show. chanted the lyrics, and did a sax
Main thing this unit lacked was solo while Walt, Sullivan presided
tion with above mentioned
the corporations ended fem appeal, Hill’s foil and the 16 over a hot piano.
rhorvnhees providing the only eye “Wild Company” (Fox) the
last January 4th, 930. I
ture. New and more comfortable
One of the neatest organ special- seats in the press box. Smoky Bill
yet offered at the Paramount La Fay still up on the
My Pacific Interstate Vaudeville Road Shows
was delivered bv Tim Crawford with
Benay Venuta. in a return engage-
play only independent theaters in the Northwest. ment. s'nging. Idea was titled
(Continued on Page 15)
Although I am pleased to say that many Fox “R^d’o Moments” and it had Craw-
ford plavirg a group of classic and
Theater managers in the Northwest have been non melod’es. while turning the RUDOLPH and CHIQUITA
greatly impressed with these shows, they are now
rii?ls in search of his ideal voice.
Lights up on a massive microphone
at the side of the house revealing
playing only Independent Theaters. Ronav Venuta, who sang “Little
4- Wh te :
Lies” in a sweet voice.
Heavv applause on this, which was
a swell idea.

Pacific Interstate Vaudeville Emil Sturmer and Paramounteers

-""re in the p t. First :
National’s Artistic Scenic Advertising
“Scarlet Pages” and a Paramount Curtains
Joe Daniels, Booking Manager short. Lulu McConnell in “Intro- By Far the Best in America
duction of Mrs. Gibbs” completed
Music Box Theater Bldg. Phone Atwater 0761 CURTAIN PRIVILEGES
Portland, Oregon
RKO GOLDEN GATE Chas. F. Thompson
(Reviewed Sept. 24).
Four acts, three of them nifties,
Scenic Co.
ffid nretfv well at this night frolic. 1215 Bates Avenue
Teed off with Al ce and Sonnv;
Phone OLympia 2914
Lemont, aided bv their mom a"d Hollywood,
NEW YORK LONDON CHICAGO PARIS RERUN HOLLYWOOD pop, in a varied turn of tight wire

New York Office Hollywood Office Chicago Office

Suite 903 325
Suite Suite 1020
Palace Theatre Bldg. 6912 Hollywood Blvd. State Lake Bldg. HEADQUARTERS FOR CLUB DATES

r . ,
Entertainment Service
Max Millard r™,
General Counsel (AGENCY)
Telephone: GLadstone 3404. Suite 325 Wants Standard Acts, Entertainers, Outdoor Attractions
for Theatres, Clubs, Fairs, Pageants, Carnivals.
Vaudeville Productions Talking Pictures
Scenarios - Special Shorts and Novelties 505 Kress Building 935 Market
Phone SUtter 7877 San Fancisco
Jack Henson
Assoc iates
Jane Richard Richard Dale PATRICK and MARSH (AGENCY)

Pearl Hickman's Darlings WANTED

607-8 Majestic Theatre Bldg., 845 South Broadway, Los Angeles
Phone TUcker 2140
Professional Teacher and Producer of Tap, Ballet, Off -Rhythm,
Acrobatic, Ensemble Routines, Singing and Dramatics

12th and Broadway
STUDIOS San Francisco
1268 Sutter Street
Walter Trask
Phone WAlnut 1102 Commercial Exchange Bldg.
416 West Eighth Street Los Angeles

Bands — ACCATO Edited by Jean



By Will Davis
Public taste is as varied as public opinion. We’ve had Leaders
our seige of “hot” tunes. Audiences showed an interest in
“low-down” melodies. Instrumental novelties held attention
WALTER HOLZHAUS, trumpet soloist of Gus Arn-
heim’s orchestra, put a sneak over on us. All of those beau-
for a time. At the present time the public is going after “Hill- Leading retailers and jobbers
report sales are holding up tiful solos and obligatos of Walter’s played in the Cocoanut
Billies” in a big way. Only last week at Loew’s State, the here Grove, evidently had an attentive listener.
firmly with a decided change in the Miss Genevieve
orchestra poured forth a light classical overture to great re- line-up. King is the pretty girl whom Walt persuated to listen to his
sults, and when Rube Wolf announced that he intended to “Moonlight on the Colorado,” words and music, and now she is Mrs. Walter Holzhaus. Mrs.
make it a weekly attraction, he got an ovation. That, my the Shapiro, Bernstein tune, stepped Holzhaus is a talented dancer and has been working with the
the fore, and is but a few sales
friends, tells the story. “Our public” again is becoming in- to from being firmly entrenched as Collier Sisters in Fox Studios. The happy couple will be at
terested in good music. ’Tis a beautiful sign. the ace sale hit all over town. home to friends_at 700 South Mariposa Street.
* * * Remick’s new tune, “If I Could
Harry Hume, new Pacific Coast man for Red Star Music Company, Be With You One Hour Tonight,” FLOYD ROBERTSON, saxo-
has a great catalog of tunes to spread. “Where Can You Be?” “Scamp made a sensational entry into the bers of this orchestra are: Vern
phonist, has been engaged by Lou
of the Campus,” “I’ll Find My Way to You Wherever You Are,” first ten, its sales in the past few Brown, piano; Pete Morris,
Traveller of the Casino Gardens at
“What’s the Use of Living Without Love?” and “The Hill Billy Bride” days being sufficient to warrant its Stuart Charles and Ed Laph,
Ocean Park. Floyd played the
are all bright prospects for “hit-dom.” hold on the trey spot. brass; George Hill, Art Oren,
* * * summer season with the Catalina
De Sylva, Zrown, Henderson’s and John Wright, reeds; Harry
Band. Traveller and his orchestra
Billy Wiemann, sales manager for Edw. B. Marks Music “Gee, But I’d Like to Make You McDaniel, bass; Fred Kintz,
Company, New York publishers, has been in Los Angeles nearly Happy,” also stepped up.
will broadcast over KTM
from 11
banjo; Bob Treaster, drums.
* * to 12 nightly. They are to start a
two weeks, and has lined up some nice plugs for his firm’s tunes. Harry McDaniel is the com-
Pacific broadcast Nov. 1.
“Song of the Islands” is the ace plug, and of course needs no Editorial Note: Inside Facts * * * poser of the song, “I’d Like to
introduction to local musicians. Following, in order, are “In Find the Guy Who Wrote the
a Different Way,” “When You Give Your Heart Away” and
set a precedent in the music ART MACE has signed a
Stein Song,” which is very pop-
publishing circles when it pub- contract for his orchestra at the
“Drink! Drink! Come Brother Drink,” a new continental drink- lished the ten best sellers as ular with Roosevelt patrons.
Goldberg-Bosley Dance Hall * *
ing song, which is said to be a sensation in Europe. Marks is given by leading jobbers and on Venice Boulevard and Flow-
also the publisher of Ernie Golden’s “Toy maker’s Dream.”
* * *
retailers in the various coast er Street. The contract is to RON PHILLIPS and his or-
cities. It is the sincerest flat- run one year. This
the chestra will close at the Million
Leonard Van Berg, of the local Sherman-Clay & Co. office, has a tery to Inside Facts, that this recognized home of old-fash- Dollar theatre to take up duties
new one called “Where Are You Now?” that looks like a good bet to idea has been utilized by many ioned dances and aged dancers,
get near the top. in the other Lazarus house, the
other journals as well as some and for fear of disturbing the
* * *
catalogs. solemnity of the old dance hall.
Strand, in Long Beach. AVith
Art Schwartz has received two new Witmark tunes called “Only a “Inside Facts” now sets the advent of the Jack Laugh-
Art and his youthful orchestra
Midnight Adventure” and “Laughing at Life.” Out of the standard another precedent by showing will probably be asked to wear lin regime at the Broadway
catalog comes a number that is moving ahead in rapid order, and bids a compilation from two differ- beard and Prince Albert coats.
fair to rival “Sweet Mystery of Life.” It is titled “In My Castle of
house, a new orchestra under
ent groups of Los Angeles re- * * *
Dreams With You.”
* * *
tailers, as a move for greater AL SHORT, musical director, the direction of S. W. Small-
fairness in the listing of songs. who took up his duties rather sud- field will be introduced.
Paul MacPherson and His band are already firmly en- These lists are exactly as denly with “Temptations of 1930,”
trenched as a popular attraction at the newly opened Swagger furnished this publication by now has the orchestra working har-
Inn. It is a small combination but they are pouring out mel- the retailers. In averaging the
first Los Angeles three, the
moniously. Owing to an error in
advertising, the midnight show was
odies in big league style. The orchestra consists of Paul Ni- :
jobber’s list has been con- postponed a week. Members of SEARCH FOR SPOT
gre, sax, clarinet and violin; Steve White, sax, clarinet and considered as an important the orchestra are: Hal Findlay,
flute; Gil Cowan, drums and voice; Paul MacPherson, piano factor. piano; Eddie Becker, piano; Cyril Paul Whiteman, rotund band
* * *
and leader. Goodwin, Marshall Chashoudian, leader is reported looking for a
* * * RETAILER A Fred Kiffe, violins; Bill McEwen, soft spot here to open a new nite
Walter Keppel is the business-like manager of the band and orches- 1. Could Be With You One
“If I Bunny Burson, Harry Gehrand, club. >—
tra department at Preeman Music Company. Walter is a regular walk- Hour Tonight, Remick. reeds;^Bert Veale and Hal Peppie,
Waltz,” Witmark. trumpets; Norman Hendriskson,
ing dictionary for that classification of music.
* * *
2. “Kiss
(a) “Moonlight on the Colo- trombone; Claude Kent, drums; BOBBY VOGEL DEAD
Leona M. Walters, local musician and teacher, has returned rado,” Shapiro, Bernstein. Jake Garcia, bass.
to Los Angeles after a summer at her cabin home in the Santa 3. “Little White Lies,” Donald-
* * * SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2—
BUDDY YALENTINE, com- Bobby Vogel, former professional
Monica mountains. Mrs. Walters is composer and publisher of son.
manager for the now defunct
“California Rose.” She is now busily putting on paper the lyri- 4. “Gee But I’d Like To Make poser of “Bye Bye Sweetheart” and
“Tune In On My Heart,” recently American Music Co., and prior to
cal ideas she gained in the mountains, and plans to shortly take You Happy,” De Sylva, Brown, that a juvenile in Northwest stock,
up her new studies. Henderson. returned from New York, where he
* * * was killed Monday night in a five
5. “What’s The Use,” Fiest. went to place some of his new
story fall from an apartment win-
Earl Burtnett’s orchestra has just recorded “Just a Little Dance, 6. “I’m Yours,” Famous. songs wjth Broadway publishers.
dow. Police say suicide.
Mam’selle,” the new Berlin hit, while his trio recently finished the new (a) “Don’t Tell Her What Two of the most promising num-
Berlin waltz, “Just a Little While.” The present one and two Berlin Happened To Me,” De bers are: “Shadows in the Moon-
songs, “Confessin’ ” and “Swinging in a Hammock,” are still in their Sylva Brown Henderson. light” and “The Moon of Spain.” OFF FOR TRIP
seventh popular “ten best” week. Jack and Mrs. Stern are entitled to a (b) “Down the River of Gold- Buddy has secured good backing
great deal of the credit, as the genial pair are untiring in their efforts in en Dreams,” Feist. and will form his own publishing SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2—
keeping both large and small plugs “hot.” (c) “Confessin’,” Berlin. company. The first number under Earl Williams, manager, and Guy- _

* * * (d) “My Bluebird Was Caught the new banner will be “A Hole in ula Ormay, musical director both
Ocasionally we run across stage songs published by firms in The Rain,” Berlin. the Wall,” tuneful melody with of the New Fillmore theatre, are on
Jacobs. pleasing lyrics. a four week’s vacation, gone to Salt
which have no local representation, which move ahead on
nothing but their own merits. Such seems to be the case with
* * *
and Lake, Colorado Springs and Den-
RETAILER B his orchestra are proving very ver.
three of George Waggner’s tunes from Gloria Swanson’s pic- 1. “Moonlight On The Colorado,” popular in the Blossom Room
ture, “What a Widow.” The titles are, “Say Oui, Cherie,” Shapiro, Bernstein. of the Roosevelt hotel. Mem- ETTING W. B. WITH
2. “Little White Lies,” Donald- Ruth Etting, Ziegfeld star, has
“Love Is Like a Song” and “You’re the One,” published by
son. been signed by Murray Roth to
Vincent Youmans. 3. “Kiss Waltz,” Witmark. 5. “Song Without a Name,” appear in a special two-reel W. B.
4. “If I Could Be With You Feist. Vitaphone musical drama.
One Hour Tonight,” Remick. 6 “Dancing With Tears,” Wit-

THREE TUNES OUT 5. “Go Home And Tell Your mark. BERT ROACH WORKS
Synchro Service BY HOLLYWOOD CO.
Mother,” Robbins.
6. “Just A Little Closer,” Rob-
“Around the Corner,” Feist. Bert Roach has started work on
‘Swinging in a Hammock,” his first Educational-Christie com-

bins. Berlin. edy at Metropolitan Sound Studios.

Increases Staff The Hollywood Music Publish-
ing Co., with R. L. Rust, general
7. “Confessin’, ” Berlin. 9. “Confessin’,” Berlin He is being directed by William
8. “Swingin’ In a Hammock,” 10. “Tonight,” Cross. Watson.
manager, has released their first Berlin.
For Fall Season three tunes, “Tired of Love,” “At 9. “Bloom
the End of the Lane,” and “White Preeman.
Is On The Sage,”
AND ROOM, fully equipped, including lights, music
Abe Meyer, head of the Meyer River Road.”
Synchronizing Service, with head-
10. “Gee How I’d Like To Make
Biltmore Trio has already re- You Happy,” De Slyva, Brown.
quarters at the Metropolitan and corded the frst named tune, and Henderson.
stands, use of bass drum, tuba and piano, now available
for private rehearsals, at all hours. Capacity 80 men.
Tec-Art studios, is lining up addi- with Gene Stone setting the plugs,
tional composers, conductors, musi- sales are. mounting.
cians and arrangers, in preparation SAN FRANCISCO
Bickett’s Military Band School
for productions emanating from
N. Y.
New Location 76 Turk Street, San Francisco —
companies now using his service. Out of leadership last week. Phone PRospect 0201
Christie Brothers have in produc- Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby. “Little White Lies” again grabbed ALSO AVAILABLE FOR ACTS OF ALL DESCRIPTION
tion at this time, “Charlie’s Aunt;” RKO
Radio Pictures’ lyricists and off one position. Leaders are:
also the “Vanity,” “Gaiety” and composers, will leave Hollywood 1. “Little White Lies,” Donaldson
“Ideal’ series of comedies. for New York next week for con- 2. “Go Home and Tell Your

Majestic Productions, Ltd., are ferences with Broadway producers Mother,” Robbins.
ready to start the second feature of regarding a play they have just 3. “Seems To Be Spring,” Famous
a series for the independent market. completed. 4. “Confessin’.” Berlin. i

Rogell Productions have started 5. “Tust a Little Closer,” Robbins

shooting on “Aloha,” and are pre-
paring another picture, title unan- MGM
SIGNS FEJOS 6. “Betty Co-ed.” Feist.
7. “Kiss Waltz.” Witmark.
nounced. Paul Fejos, European director, AT THE
8. “Swinging In a Hammock,”
“Ex-Flame,” initial effort of Lib- who recently screened “Broadway” Berlin. TRIANON BALLROOM
erty Production schedule, is com- and “Marsellaise,” has been signed
pleted, and others are slated to fol- by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer to film
9. “What’s the Use,” Fiest. SEATTLE
10. “When the Bloom Is on thp
low. Phil Ryan Productions, Edu- “The Great Lover.” Sage,” Preeman.
Knows what’s right in dance music. That’s why this discriminating
cational, Robert C. Bruce Outdoor leader invariably features those Robbins Hits
Talking Pictures and many others
are now engaged in preparation,
with production slated EMIL 1.
“If I Could be With You,”
STARS” . . .
Demetrios Alexis,
to start soon.

who wa.s seen

2. “Go Home and
Mother.” Robb'ns.
3. “Little White

Lies,” Donal-
. . .

“The Subway Express,”

has been signed by Universal for SAN FRANCISCO
4. “Just a Little Closer,” Rob-
“The Cohens and Kellys in Africa.”


Hollywood Band INSTRUMENT
BY MARKS MUSIC Heroes Capture
AS CONTRACTED BY MUSIC Probably the largest catalog
of instrumental, vocal and or-
chestral music in the world is Chicago Bandits
CORPORATION OF AMERICA controlled by the Edward B.
Marks Music Company of IN PICTURES
New York City. Three members of the Hollywood
New Chicago booking of Music Corporation bands was announced This firm holds the world’s Collegians Band aided by one’s
this week by Taft Schreiber, Los Angeles representative for the corpo- rights to the music of 52 pub- wife, proved themselves heroes last
ration. Coon-Sanders and his Nighthawk Orchestra opened at the Strange musical instruments
lishers from all point of the week in Chicago when their auto- which date back a thousand years,
Black- Hawk Cafe October 1. Paul Whiteman will inaugurate the pre- globe. mobile was held up by bandits.
mier fall opening of the Granada Cafe, Oct. 10. Jan Garber and his and more, will be heard in the
Billy Wiemann, general sales The robbers demanded of the photoplay, “The Cohens and Kellys
Columbia recording orchestra opens with a Hollywood revue at the manager, is in Los Angeles at actors their money and their auto-
in Africa,” now in production at
New Winter Lincoln Tavern Club, formerly the Green Mill, Oct. IS. the present time to discuss mobile, thrusting a gun at them.
Ben Bernie and his Brunswick recording orchestra opened at the New Universal.
this large assemblage of music The gun accidentally went off, and
College Inn, Sept. 30. with the synchronization heads an actor grappled with the burglar, These instruments are played by
Among foremost broadcast-
the 1
of the local studios. others of the party taking on a four Arabians for an orchestral
ing and recording orchestras now second thug. A
lady with the party selection in one of the sequences
under contract by the M. C. A. are of the picture.
numbered the following: Super -Salesman ran to a hotel and phoned for the
police. When the cops arrived, The
“ood,” an oriental mandolin,
Maynard Baird and his South- they found the desperados dates back to the year 940 A.D., as

land Serenaders, Phil Baxter and
Qets ‘Into Soup
f S. F. Music Notes thoroughly beaten, and the thugs does the “bazouk,” a stringed in-
his orchestra, Ralph Bennett and were led off to jaji without diffi- strument which oddly resembles
his orchestra, Don Bestor and his culty. Arabian rifle more than a musical
The “zamar,” a bamboo
Leon Bloom and his Columbia With Heap Chief SAN FRANCISCO,
With A1 Greenbaum, union secre-
Oct. 2.— Heros were Russell Erickson piece.
and his wife Catherine and Calvin flute, dates back to the time of
Broadcasting Orchestra, Sunny tary, back from a vacation in the Earl and Bud Carlton of the Holly- Biblical David. The fourth piece
Books and his Hollywood orches- wood Collegians Band. is the “aurbakee,” an ancient Ara-
A “super salesman” is sitting Northwest, settlement of theatre
tra, Coon-Sanders’ Original Night
with his head buried in his hands, contracts may possibly take place Chicago papers carried accounts bian drum.
Hawks Orchestra, Pat Callahan
wondering where he can find fit- this week or next. The local situa- of the affair in headlines. The stringed instruments are
and his orchestar, Joe Cappo and played with “picks” made of an
ting language to hurl at his sales tion is by no means acute, all
his Egyptian Serenaders, Earl Car-
manager’s head for giving him the houses continuing their orchestras MARTIN WITH VIDOR eagle’s wing.
penter and his orchestra, Opie
“hot tip-off” that turned out to be as before, but labor officials, and Chris Martin, Mexican character
Cates and his orchestra, Zez Con-
colder than a manager’s heart on theatres as well, are anxious to comedian, has an excellent charac- BEERY AGAIN CAST
frey and his orchestra, Francis
opening day. clear up the matter. The entire de- terization in King Vidor’s “Billy, Noah Beery has been given heavy
Craig and his orchestra.
Jack Crawford and his orches- appears said high pressure boy
It bate has hinged around the min- the Kid,” MUM. role in Columbia’s “Tol’able David.”
got the tip that Chief Shunatona, imization demands.
tra, Emry Daugherty and his or-
chestra, Jack Denny and his or- director of the U. S. Indian Band, * * *
chestra, Chas. Dornberger and his recently booked by Marco, “was It might be interesting to know
orchestra, Doc Fentem and his interested in oil.” that Oscar N. Preston, be-mus-
Sooners, Ted Fiorito and his or- He was. But the salesman didn’t tached orchestra director of the
chestra, Buddy Fisher and his or- know how much, until he tried to Oakland Orpheum, has one of the
chestra, Gene Fosdick and his Mu- sell the Chief “some heap good oil most consistent fan mails in the
sic, Jan Garber and his orchestra. land in Oklahoma.” country. Not large, ya uunasstand,
Tom Gerun and his orchestra, “Heap good Indians there, Chief. but persistent. Every week for a
Emerson Gill and his orchestra, You make plenty money.” number of months he has received
Herb Gordon and his Whispering a letter from an anonymous ad-
The salesman is still recovering mirer.
Orchestra, Paul Graham and his
from the Chief’s answer,* delivered * * *

orchestra, Jimmie Green and his
with perfect diction: “I’m awfully
orchestra, Paolo Grosso and his Preston’s orchestra personnel in-
sorry, old chap, but you see, I hap-
Concert orchestra, “Sleepy” Hall cludes Mike Rachman, fiddle; Jean
pen to own those 14 wells, and the
and his orchestra, Henry Halstead Sewell, bass; Ed LaVere, piano;
property, but I' most certainly ap-
and his orchestra. Mickey Lazarus and Herb Thomp-
Freddy Hamm and his orches-
preciate your interest in my com-
son, saxes; BertDering and Charlie MUSICAL PRESENTATION
pany and will inform your supe-
tra, Johnny Hamp and his orches- Weiner, trumpets, and Eddie
tra, Hogan Hancock and his or-
riors of your ability.”
Burke, trombone. Walter Baker
chestra, Marion Hardy and his Ala-
bamians, Earl Hoffman and his or- man
Latest reports have the
still in a daze.
h.p. sales- joined the troupe
drummer, succeeding Frank Peck-
this week as
chestra; Lloyd Huntley and his ham.
Isle o’ Blues Orchestra, Johnny * * * Auckland, New Zealand
Johnson and his orchestra, Jimmie
PERRONG HERE While bidding friends goodbye
Joy and his rochestra, Art Kazzel Nick Perrong, for several years Pit Orchestra of 30 Stage Band of 20
on the Yale the other day, I
and his “Castles in the Air” Ir- manager of the Pantages Theatre glimpsed Ernest Camp’s group of
chestra, A1 Katz and his orchestra. in Spokane, and now connected in musickers playing “Aloha” on the
i Herbie Kay and his orchestra, commercial lines in the Washing- upper deck. In addition to Camp
Wayne King and his orchestra, ton metropolis, is spending a few

Phil Levant and his Royal Rev-
ellers, Guy Lombardo and his Royal
Canadians, Johnny Maitland and his
orchestra, Bobby Meker and his or-
days in Los Angeles on a combined
pleasure and business trip, and con-
ferring with his
ander Pantages.
old boss, Alex-
puffing away at a bassoon or what-

Hotel Greeter

munching on
and Alfred Woody
there was
friend, Clarence Fos-
a sax. Art Tynan

completed the
chestra, Vic Meyers and his or- musical quartet. On the Yale’s sis-
ML chestra, A1 Morey and his orches-
ter ship, the Harvard, Jack Ger- R-K-O ORPHEUM SAN FRANCISCO
gen’s gang features the pop music.
Eddie Neibaur and his Seattle Gustav von Seyffertitz, who gave * * *
Harmony Kings, Bob Nolan, Slatz a memorable performance in “The Listening to Jesse Stafford’s band
Randall and his orchestra, Dusty Case of Sergeant Grischa,” returns
Roads, Dan Russo and his Orioles, to the
Maurie Sherman and his orchestra, in “Hook, Line and Sinker.”
Charley Straight and his orchestra.
Radio Pictures’ studio
the other night, the sweetness and
melody of those two old favorites,
“Who” and “Whispering,” were
highly impressive.
Lyle Thayer and his orchestra,
“Lauder’, Please * * *
Marshall Van Pool and his orches- RETURNING TO THE
tra, Anson Weeks and his orches- Unconfirmed reports have the Jack Archer left for the North- U. S. A. IN OCTOBER
tra, Ted Weems and his orchestra, Caledonian Club and the Thistle west for a week or two, where he
and Lawrence Welk and his or- Twisters lining up at music will work
a flock of tieups for the
chestra. counters to purchase copies of Donaldson tunes in Paramount’s
the new Robbins hit “Just A “Whoopee.”
4 -
George Marshall has started di-
This is not a Scotch gag, not-
withstanding nationality of Sig
Carl Eamont, trumpeter for the PAID ATTENDANCE IN LOS ANGELES
dio Pictures’ studio.
recting his first talkie at Ra- Bosley.
Shapiro, Bernstein catalog, is ex-
tolling virtues of “Moonlight on
the Colorado,” “Loving You the
Way I Do,” “By Xll the Stars
Above You” and “Shadows in the
Peter Paul Lyons

* *
Prager, sales manager
for Robbins, made San Francisco
LOEW’S WARFIELD SAN FRANCISCO the center of his activities last
week, while en route from Broad-
way to Hollywood.
* * *


Leitch as sax and voice in the
Presents Laughner-Harris band at the St.

Los Angeles.
hotel. Leitch joined Gus
at the Cocoanut Grove,

* * *
After an absence of several
weeks, during which he underwent
complete physical overhauling, Art
Newman, sax, is back in Claude
Sweeten’s RKOlian group at the
Golden Gate.
His San Francisco
Featuring His and Gene Rose's Song Hit, “Tonight”
Cinderella Ballroom

Featuring a Versatile and Novelty Aggregation

Long Beach, Calif.
By a well-known writer WILSON’S BALL ROOM
Address Box 101 —Inside Facts, L. A.



A. K. MacMartin 1
Roy Oxman

1 630 People Bank Bldg.

618 Homer Street
Main 0799

Clash Between
MUSICIANS Vancouver Motes Along BOX OFFICE
By A. K. MacMARTIN Symphony Heads
WOULD BE and Music Union
Fifth Avem&e BOOM HITS
VANCOUyER, Oct. 2.— “Cana-
dian Prosperity Week” commenc-
Ken Stuart out banking. .with a
ing October 1, during which time
—A .

special programs will be -directed to
bringing to the notice of patrons
the advantages of thinking' defi-
brewing for a week between Seattle
Musicians union and Seattle Sym-
2. battle, new black derby .. ..Elva Parker
coming out of the Fischer studios
...and looking good, too!...Syl
phony orchestra, came to a head Cross listening to a would-be song
nitely in terms of prosperity.
VANCOUVER. Oct. 2.—A num- Tuesday, with an ultimatum served composer. .Tiny Burnett talking to — With
ber of musicians belonging to Van-
Idea has been strongly endorsed on the union by Leo T. Black, presi-

the head usher. .Joe Cooper at .

SEATTLE, Oct. 2. col-
by the Vancouver Council ot tne dent of the Seattle .Symphony or- leges opening and various fraterni-
couver local of the A.F. of L., un- Rippes Owen Sweeten and a
. . .

ties getting into action with their

employed since the talkies folded Board of Trade, and other bodies. chestra, Inc. horse getting front page pub for
Local theatres, in addition to spe- Union had decided Conductor prospects, Seattle witnessed a busy
the bands in class houses, long ago the coming horse show...Ray
cial programs and advertising, are Krueger of the orchestra, could not night life. If there ever was a
formed a class to learn motion pic- Watkins funny with .the drums... must have
offering to co-operate by giving import a solo cellist from Chicago. business depression it
ture operating under a qualified in- Frank Allen impersonating a Flora-
space in entrances and lobbies for Although the first concert of the been miles away.
structor. The class first was held dora girl... Dave Blumenthal going
in the screen room of the film build-
the display of “Made-in-Canada” season is scheduled for next Mon- to work at 7 bells ... Betty Shilton Avenue with a well known
goods. day, the battle has so muddled the picture, “The Sea Wolf,” and an
local operators union, which
.... * * * water that no rehearsal had yet
being talked about... and compli-
mentary, too... Sammy Seigel and excellent stage show walked away
closed corporation, Jean Hersholt recently spent four been held. Joe Daniels holding a conference. with honors of the week and sound-
is atight . .

The first or five days vacation in Vancouver. Tuesday morning, Black sent a Gus Renstrom going to work in a ed the gong for $18,000.
camped on their trail.
move was to have the managers oi
Before leaving for Hollywood he letterto H. A. Pelletier, president hurry...very surprising. .. P a u 1 The big Publix Paramount played
the local film exchanges have the
stated the attractions here, scenic and W. Douglas, secretary of the
J. Spor writing from Toledo ... hello second fiddle in grosses, but doing

classes discontinued in the film

and otherwise, would bring him union, talking war talk. Black Paul... Milt Franklyn dunking good biz. Sumall told was $16,500.

exchanges have the classes discon- back shortly for another stay of a hinted at withdrawal of future con- doughnuts forgetting stage ap- Picture was “The Spoilers,” with
. . .

tinued in the film building, on pen-

few days. certs. pearance. .Joe Pinard catching the Milt Franklyn doing his stuff on

* * * All of the 80 odd members of the Fox. .Archie Andedson modeling the stage.
alty ofhaving the operator conduct- .

Vancouver Symphony Society, an symphony orchestra belong to the in a fashion show. .. Francis Perry continues excellent
ing them pulled out and the screen
room closed. orchestra of 60 professional musi-
union, but officials rule that solo ar- plugging. .and what a plug. .Mar- stride and does biz to tune of $15,-
. .

were then moved to a cians, under leadership of Allard de

aists can be brought in from out- garet Johnston helping her... Cliff 000, not bad for average picture and
suburban house. After several Ridder, is putting on a series of
side cities. Olsby wondering what the next mediocre vaude bill.
three Sunday concerts at the R.K.O.
Ifthe season is called off, officials big plug tune is going to be... Fox with Owen Sweeten, pre-
months instruction, the boys at-
Orpheum, the opening performance of the symphony concert say, the Frank Sargent at lunch... back in senting novel production of his own
tempted the examination, but all musician members stand to lose ap-
being given October. 5. five minutes. .Myrtle Strong out every week, plus pictures, such as
were turned down as failing to

* * *
proximately $60,000. golfing J. ad shooting a nice game. “Holiday,” did good work to figure

qualify. Musicians’ union has called a of $12,000.

One of them, to prove they were Rowland’s band and orchestra meeting of its members for Wed- Mouse, with “Maybe
efficient, went across to Seattle, and have opened their winter season of LANDMARK HOUSE
nesday to consider the matter.
Love,” did fair week, getting $7,-

passed the state test for operators Sunday evening concerts at the BEING TORN DOWN 000 .

with a standing of 93 for a first Strand. No admission fee, but a Music Box, presenting last week
class certificate. silver collection pays the freight. OLDER IS PLACED PORTLAND, Oct. —This week 2 of “Moby Dick,” handled $6,000 for
Musicians in question are now * * *
IN SEATTLE POST marked the passing the old of its part in the shekel parade.
suing the operators’ union in local Junior Service Club of Vancou- Casino theatre, which was built in Local dance biz is booming.
courts. ver is sponsoring a light opera sea- 1905, World’s Fair days. Here Night clubs more active and all’s
It is stated that there is a short- son for this city. Empire Opera SEATTLE? Oct. 2—
R. B. Older,
many notables, including Fatty Ar- well on the Northwestern front.
age of operators here, many of Co. of New' York, will open at the well known Southern theatrical
quins from Paris were brought to
them working double shifts to pull Vancouver theatre for a season of circles, arrived in
this city to as-
buckle, got their start. The house
down big dough, which they get four weeks on October 20, provid- sume the post of director of pub-
licity at the Seattle Paramount, suc-
is being dismantled, owing to the NON-UNION GROUP
away with, owing to the “closed ing sufficient advance sale, has made
.shop” conditions existing here. their appearance worth while. ceeding Robert Armstrong, who has
widening of Burnside street. ON BUTLER HOTEL
Newspaper space is being utilized been transferred to Paramount
THEATRE COMBINE to sell the proposition to the public.
advertised are “Merry
Mr. Older came to Seattle from Margaret Clarke, former Ziegfeld Adams and his non-union band
Widow,” “Sally,” “Mile. Modiste,” Salt Lake City, where he served as beauty, makes her screen debut in were set into the Butler Hotel Rose
assistant district director of pub- Ford Sterling’s recent Educational- Room the latter part of the past
PUT UNDER PROBE and “Naughty Marietta.”
the sale is
So far
encouraging. licity and advertising for the Para- Christie comedy, yet untitled. week replacing another, such outfit
mount interests. Prior to that time that failed to click in its three-day
VANCOUVER, 2.— Allega- Oct. he was on the staff of the United BOARDMAN GETS ROLE stay in this night spot.
Artists theatre in Los Angeles,
tions of a the motion
picture industry in Canada will be
STYLE SHOW GIVEN Eleanor Boardman has won the
“Dulcy Hall” in “The Great
role of
Whether the installation of a non-
union unit in the Rose Room, con-
investigated under the combines in- AS ORPHEUM ‘GAG’ GAMBLE
IN SEATTLE Meadow,” which Charles Brabin is trolled by John Savage who also
vestigation act. SEATTLE, Oct. 2—-Ted and about to start for Metro-Goldwyn- heads the corporation operating the
Peter White, of Toronto, has —
SEATTLE, Oct. 2 Orpheum Mrs. Gamble were in Seattle this Mayer. Trianon Ballroom, where Tex
been appointed a commissioner to had the scoop of the week week, Ted attending a meeting of Howard and his band are appearing,
conduct the investigation, empow- with a fall pageant of fash- the RKO
Orpheum managers. BERT BACK WHEELER will have any effect on the dance
ered to inquire into operations of ion. Mile Chanier and her manne-
Bert Wheeler, miniature RKO hall remains a matter for conjecture.
Unions, as yet, have not expressed
the Famous Players Canadian Cor- quins fro mParis were brought to comedy star, has returned from his
poration and its subsidiaries. The Seattle for the event and large Nance O’Neil, comedienne and vacation in New York, and immed- themselves, but they are known to
business of various film exchanges crowds attested to the fact that featured character actress, will play iately plunged into rehearsals upon be pretty hot in this town against
operating in Canada will also come Seattle is still fond of keeping the queen, in the talking screen “Hook, Line and Sinker”, in which just such a thing.
under his scrutiny, as well as that abreast of the times in Milady’s version of Robert E. Sherwood's vehicle he will be co-starred with
of any person believed to be a party .atest creations. comedy, “The Queen’s Husband.” Robert Woolsey, under the direc- “DRACULA” CAST, UP
to the alleged -combine. A large amount of newspaper tion of Eddie Cantor. With signing of Eduardo Aroza-
Provisions of the combines inves- publicity was accorded to the page- HEADS RKO WARDROBE mena, Manuel Arbo, and Carmen
tigation act make it an offense to ant weeks before presentation, and Frank Richardson, for many DE SANO AT U. Gerro, Carl Laemmle, Jr., has com-
operate a combine if it works or is :he retail merchants of the city, years in charge of the wardrobe de- Universal has signed Marcel De pleted the cast for the Spanish ver-
likely to work against the interests jnder whose auspices the style show partment at the Paramount studio, Sano, European dramatist, to direct sion of “Dracula,” in which Lupita
of the public. was given, co-operated immensely has been engaged by RKO
Radio the French reproduction of “The Tovar and Carlos Villar are feat-
to successful five-day review. Pictures in a similar capacity. Boudoir Diplomat.” ured.
A. P. Younger, scenario editor
of Tiffany Productions, has resign-
ed after one year’s service with the


studio, and will return to
He has signed a contract with Irv-
ing Thalberg, and will have, as his
first assignment, the preparation of
Fannie Hurst’s “Five and Ten.”


A showman by instinct and an
author by training, writes to order
every manner of comedy material
for stage, screen and radio.

465 South Detroit St., Los Angeles

Los Angeles Scenic Stvdios Inc affiliated wim ChA5.f Thompson Scenic Co.
(Phone ORegon 9407)


James Madison Phone 0Lympiae2914
also publishes monthly a four-
page comedy service called THE
COMEDIAN at $ a copy or $10
per year.

Do not confound this

is a lot for a little, whereas THE
DROP CURTAINS [Vnic^ue Effects^* settings ™ the modern stage
is a little for a lot, PICTURE SCREENS
but every laugh in the latter is
intended for high-salaried fun
salesmen who are willing to pay
for that sort of thing.
now ready; price $1.
No. 4 is
Or for $3,
will send the first 4 issues. CYCLORAMAS OPEQATED BY
Money back
orders to
if requested. Send
465 South Detroit
Los Angeles

Vaudeville and Presentations Fanchon and Marco

(Coptinued from Page 11)
tap, toe and acrobatic dances. They
costumed neatly and show the
SELLS VOICE DENNY Route List of ‘Ideas/
of good training.
results Charles Reginald Denny, who has sung
San Francisco 17 leads with the Banmann Opera
(Reviewed Sept. 28) Layton the new producer here. the Fanchon and Marco LOUIS
Benny Rubin in “Sunny Skies” Company in England and India, as
Following is ST. (3-9
With Jay Brower taking a rest well as the Prince Danilo role in
Ideas route schedule, with the opening Fox Theatre
after a nervous breakdown, Jackie headed the film fare.
dates, all of the current month, in paren- “Idea in Blue”
Oxman. “The Merry Widow',” last week theses beside the name of the town: Renoff & Renova co-featured with
Souders was brought in to handle signed to appear opposite Jeannette PASADENA (2-9) Mitzi Mayfair Bob Brandies
this Peggy O’Neill stage show. MacDonald in the Fox-Movietone Colorado Theatre
Webster & Marino
Souders handled the opera in LOS ANGELES (2-9)
film, “Stolen Thunder,” Hamilton Loew’s State Theatre CHICAGO (3-9)
showman style and even though MacFadden directing. SAN DIEGO (2-9) Capitol Theatre
this was the fifth show of the day, Fox Theatre “Cadets” Idea
he did mighty well, mighty well.
And if you think there was no
“Fountain of Youth” Idea
(Staged by Larry Ceballos)
Frank Stever
& Lawrence
& Trigger Mabel
Miles Sisters
& Marcia
Lottie Mayer
Johnny Dunn
business on “The Big House”, Bob and Jack Crosby Ed Cheney
Marie Rush, ukelele and hula, has Barton and Young MILWAUKEE
you’re all wrong, because approx- (3-9)
just arrived here from the East to The Sunkist Beauties
imately 11,000 bought tickets to CAPITOL join Alma Hall’s “Royal Hawaiian HOLLYWOOD (2-9)
Wisconsin Theatre
“Country Club” Idea
get a load of this show. SAN FRANCISCO Trio,” playing clubs and vaude.
Pantages Theatre
“On the Set” Idea Leonora Cori Masters & Grayce
In addition to his m.c. work, (Reviewed Sept. 24) Ray Samuels Louise & Mitchell
(Staged by Gae Foster)
Souders did a difficult trombone Since Johnnie Goldsmith has Rose Valyda ROCKFORD (3-5)
solo, “Liebesfreud,” following latei
gone Hollywood by displaying a Dorothy Sebastian has been se- Marion’ Bellett Gil Lamb Coronado Theatre
with a pop tune, “Anchors Aweigh” battery of kleigs and arcs in front Delara & Lolita Brown & Willa “Hollywood Collegians” Idea
lected to play feminine lead op- Carla Torney Girls Miss Tut Mace Dorothy Crooker
with Henry Buettner, Harry Cohen of the Capitol, business has taken LONG BEACH (2-5) Guy Buck Ted Leford
and Jackie dancing, and the band a big boom. The house is always posite Bert Lytell in Columbia Pic- West Coast Theatre
supporting. “New Yorker” Idea TOLIET (6-8)
filled with men, and the first ten tures’ vizulization of “Brothers.” (Staged by Le Roy Prinz) Rialto Theatre
Burt and Hazel Skatelle copped rows have their share of the bald [ackson. & Callahan Muriel Stryker “Hollywood Collegians”
a lot of honors with
rapid fire heads. Marjorie Burke Same cast as above.
dancing on skates. Hazel Skatelle This week’s show had a very nice
worked this show with a fever of
100, and yet put over the stuff so
well an encore was necessary. A
opening, using full stage with all
the girls on. There is a noticeable
improvement in the line, and the
great display of grit, if you ask us.
Anderson, dusky song and
dance purve 3'or, was another show
stopper, her chanting of “Ro-Ro-
Rollin’ Along” and “Wah Wah
wardrobe looks much fresher. The
principals make their entrance in
this sequence, dressed in white and
using lyrics from an old standby
Wilson Theatre
“American Beauty” Idea
Fanchon and Marco’s “On the Set” Idea

Fox Theatre
“Seeing Double” Idea

Girl”, registering with the custo-

mers. Bob and Eula Buroff con-
tributed a nice bit of adagio work
musical number.
The blackouts have better mate-
rial, although in some spots are a
George Murray and Bob
little blue.
-n- Featuring Miss Universe and the
8 Beauty Winners from the
Galveston Beauty Pageant
Eddie Hanley & Co.
Toots Novelle
Huff & Huff
Sunkist Beauties
Stroud Twins, Connor Twins co-featured
with Miller Twins, Elea Twins, Clute, Falls,
Nolay, Holly, Maltby, St. Johns and
Parker Twins
in the finale.
Ann and Elinor, featured dancers
in a third week, put over a fast
nautch number and clicked solidly.
Fitzsimmons are the comics and
are more than popular with
crowd. Fitzsimmons is temporarily
California Theatre
“American Beauty” Idea
Same cast as above.
Strand Theatre
“Romance” idea
Castleton & Mack, Myrtle Gordon, Flo &
Ollie Walters, Robert Cloy, Mary Price,
replacing Charlie Fritcher, ill. Three Bricktops
There were several neat line
numbers with Helen Oslin and
Velma Berry leading them. Frank
O’Leary Sang.
Harry Kelly stands out particu-
larly, in a straight sketch that car-
ries eP moral and gets a big hand.
ANNUAL Tarry Kah*ne
Fox Theatre
“Rhythm-A-Tic” Idea
Jean McDonald
Palace Theatre
“Rose Garden” Idea
Red Donahue & Uno
Hall & Essley
Harold Stanton
3 Jacks & One Queen

Little Ginger Britten and Ann Al-

Mel Hertz continued his rep as
an ace community sing man.
lison work all through the show do-
ing bits, and each singing several NUMBER Lloyd & Brice Margaret McNeil
Georgia Lane Dancers
Oakland Theatre
Helen Petch
Palace Theatre
“Smiles” Idea

hot songs, showing plenty of abil-
Millie Pedro holds her own as an
ace high blues warbler, and nets a
— of :
Hatt & Herman
Helen Warner
“Southern” Idea

Jimmy Lyons
Sixteen Tinies
McGarth & Deeds
Seymour & Corncob
Dave Le Winter
Eva Mandell
Dorothy Neville

tremendous entrance hand, prov-

(Reviewed September 28)
If this former Pantages stand can
ing that she is a big fav here. Bob
keep up the calibre of entertainment Fitzsimmons has also made himself Inside TOOTS NOVELLE
Featured In Fanchon and Marco’s “American Beauty” Idea
it presents this week to introduce
popular with the customers, and
its combination policy of vaude, his singing of one straight number, SALEM (4-5) HARTFORD (3-9)
pictures and revue, it will continue “Mexicali Rose” stopped the show
to keep ’em standing out on the
sidewalk in long waiting lines as
were evident during this matinee.
at a matinee.
George Grafe, the new straight
man, does well with “Chloe” and
Facts Elsinore Theatre
“Gobs of Joy” Idea
Featuring Pat West with Three Jolly Tars
Scotty Weston, Dolly Kramer, Mary Treen,
Capitol Theatre
“City Service” Idea
Shapiro & O’Malley co-featured
Seb Meza Laddie LaMonte George Jage
Wanda Allen, Moore & Moore, Curtis Frank Sterling
works in the blackouts. He has NEW HAVEN
_xGuido Deiro, piano accordionist,
lives up to his billing in the top appearance and his voice is pleas- .
Out December 25th Cooley, Johnny Jones, Rena & Rathburn,
Ken Gatewood, Doyle Quadruplets Palace Theatre

ing. James Yoman is still popular “Box O’ Candy” Idea

spot by stealing majority of hon-
ors. This lad knows his
ment, and plays it like nobody’s
business. The verve and technique
instru- as straight man, and is responsible
for the production.
Of the three big scenes, “Pale
- A- cr

Liana Galen, Cooper

Terry Green
Broadway Theatre
“Busy Bee” Idea

Orren, Paul Howard

Lynn Cowan
Reeves & Leu
Jones & Hull

Palace Theatre
“Good Fellows” Idea

Marie. Irene, and Lucy


exhibited on both the classics and Hands” was perhaps the best. Phil
Lucille Page Bud Averill
pops was a revelation. He begged These big numbers are what those TACOMA, WASH. (2-8)
Seben & Eliven Helen Burke
Broadway Theatre BROOKLYN
off after playing a half dozen or first ten rows wait for, and they REPRESENTATIVES AT “Modes of Hollywood” Idea
Fox Theatre
more requests. Lots of showman- invariably clamor for more. The LOS ANGELES Haline Frances, Sylvia Shore and Helen “Milky Way” Idea
ship and ability here. only strip number in the show was Moore, Danny Joy, Harry Smirl, Jerry Noree Stone & Lee Bert Faye
Wranglers share second honors done by Peggy Hill, a very stun- SAN FRANCISCO Lester, Sunkist Ensemble, Hollywood Geo. Warde and Reggy Montgomery
Models Steve Moroni Joe Clifford
with Warren and Inman. The for- ning red head, and she took numer-
ous encores. It was done in a non-
mer is the male harmony quartet
seen in “Montana Moon” and other offensive style and the best seen DENVER DOROTHY IPSWITCH LEONA SANDERS
work in
unit offers some neat
the four numbers they do.
Lillian Hunt works as straight ELECTRIC DUO
Kemper injects some comedy that woman through the show and
all Acrobatic Dancers Featured in F. & M. “Victor Herbert” Idea
slays ’em. Nice appearance, with also produces the chorus numbers.
the lads garbed as cowboys, and a Jessie Brown, one of the chorines,
wealth of personality much in evi- does nicety with a song and dance B.B. B. Says: SEATTLE, WASH.
5th Ave. Theatre
Fox Theatre

dence. and receives a big reception. “Wild and Woolly” Idea “Bells & Belles” Idea
Warren and Inman, a comedy The whole show is neatly put Kirk & Lawrence Harts Krazy Kats Eddie Hill Eva Thornton
Bus Carlell Aussie & Czeck Dunbar Bell Ringers Tommy Harris
duo, closes the bill with a fast rou- together, and all principals show Davis & La Rue Ray Angwin Frances, Ted & Byron Loretta
tine of comedy chatter, songs and that their lengthy stav has made Didja getta load of Milton Bud Murrav Girls
Berle at Arkay Oh. The stor- YAKIMA, WASH. (4-5)
dances that has patrons doubling up them big favorites with the cus- age number is priceless. Watta Fox Theatre
Capitol Theatre
from laughter. The girl is a nice tomers. performer. Tough week for me “Gems & Jams” Idea “Gyp Gyp Gypsy” Idea
looker and does some fast hoofing. doubling with Barbara Stan- International Comedians, Frank Evers &
Ben. Joe and Jane McKenna Will Cowan
wyck and Lionel Barrymore at Wong Jim Penman
Greta, Jeanne Alexandrea, George Prize,
The gent displays genuine show- the Columbia. Sent my brother
Nee Maxine Evelyn
Jack Vlaskin, Ruth Leavitt
Beatrice Franklin and Florence Astell
manship in getting his laughs. Henry at New Orleans a
Cleo Lam'bert and Co., standard
AIR FILM OUT Schnauzer puppy. Sid Garry, DENVER, COLO.
Tabor Grand Theatre
(2-8) ATLANTA (4-10)
Happy Fox Theatre
vaude strong man and woman, open A smaller edition of “Hell’s guest.
Friday nite.
Year. — B. B. B.
* “Green Devil” Idea “Changes” Idea
the bill in one, doing four minutes Angels” and “The Dawn Patrol” Peg Leg Bates Doc Baker & Art Hadley Co-featured
of weight and body lifting. Charles has been produced by Larry Dar-
P. S. — The CELLAR is at Miles Kover co-featured' with
Harvev Karels
Walzer & Dyer Muriel Gardner
Cosmo Street and Hollywood 0
Bobby Gilbert
Leland is in the deuce spot, and mour in the Louise Fazenda two- Boulevard . . . between Vine Rita Lane Mel Elwood OKLAHOMA CITY (7-9)
gets plenty of laughs with his wise reel talker, “A Fall to Arms.” and Cahuenga the phone
. . .
KANSAS CITY (3-9) Orpheum Theatre
numbers are GRanite 3382 and Pantages Theatre “Broadway Venuses” Tdea
cracks. And when the boy hoofs, Lewis R. Foster directed the pic- HOllywood 9159 Parking “Victor Herbert” Idea Mel Klee 16 New York Beauty Winners
a gag ture, with a cast that included Max
he knocks ’em over. It’s is Pee at the lot
. .

across from Buddy Howe Walter Powell Aerial Bartletts Wells & Winthrop
wherebv he dances to various tunes Davidson, Harry Bowen, Irving the CELLAR ... The CHRYS- Electric Duo Victor Herbert Quartette Freda Sullivan
in rapid order, and it also is good Bacon and Mary Foy. LER and SAMSON are there.
for laughs.
Girls, eight of ’em, styled as “The FAY WRAY IN LEAD Thank You. SYLVIA SHORE and HELEN MOORE
Youth and Beautv Revue,’’ go Fay Wray has feminine lead in FEATURED IN THE “MODES” IDEA
through a well-drilled routine of Columbia’s “Dirigible.”

# THE £
PHONES: UNderhill 7463— UNderhill 6792 SAN FRANCISCO


Entering the 15th Successful
Week at the

JAMES New Capitol Theatre LILLIAN

Producer Under the management of Chorus
Straight Man JOHNNIE GOLDSMITH Producer
Asst Mgr.








Scenic Artist
Scanned from the collection of

Karl Thiede

Coordinated by the
Media History Digital Library

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