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Scenário: In my mind, I view the world Critical thinking

What do you think and feel about school?

Is Education an act of normalisation?

Beatriz Viegas

Life is just a draft for a text that will

never be finished.
Filipe Teixeira

A written exam determines our future.

Filipe Palaio

The path to success is never a straight

Filipe Teixeira

Are we born only to learn how to work?

Filipe Palaio
Scenário: In my mind, I view the world Critical thinking

What do you think and feel about school?

Life is too short, so why do we spend

so much time studying?
Beatriz Viegas

How can an accurate assessment of two

or three years of knowledge be made in
two hours?
Beatriz Viegas

What if life is only a dream and it is

death that wakes us up?
Tiago Belles

At school we have to give it all!

Andra Armaneci

School is a prison.

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