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Chapter 9:Transport Layer

Transport Layer -- Responsible for establishing temporary comm session

>services:Connection-Oriented data stream support;Reliability;Flow Control;
Multiplexing (4)
>Responsibilities:Track Individual Conversations--convo. bet. sa&da
Segment Data and Reassemble Segments--divide data seg. MT
Identify d Applications--ensuring even mult. app are run. CD

Conversation Multiplexing--segmenting data into smaller chunck enab. diff. comms.

TCP/IP 2TLP: Transmission Control Protocol(TCP);User Datagram Protocol(UDP)

TCP--considered reliable. full featured transport layer protocol.

>reliable because it supports packet delivery confirmation
>3basic operations T.E.R:Numbering and tracking data segments trans. to a specific
host from a specific application.
Acknowledging received data
Retransmitting any unacknowledged data after a certain
period of time.
>Apps requiring TCP:Databases;Web browsers;Email Clients
>a stateful protocol

UDP--simple TLP that does not provide any reliability.

>provide basic functions for delivering data segments w/ little overhead & DC
>better for application that can tolerate data loss.
>Apps requiring UDP:Establishing a Session-ensures app is ready to rcv data
Reliable Delivery-lost segments are resent so data rcv compl.
Same-Order Delivery-seg. reassembled to proper order
Flow Control-ensures that receiver is able to process the
data received.
>UDP Features:No ordered Data reconstruction-data reconstructed in d order it's
Unreliable Delivery-any segments lost are not resent
No Flow Control-does not inform d sender abt resource availablity
Connectionless-no session establishment
>stateless protocol
>datagrams-pieces of communication in UDP

Port Numbers
>Source Port-dynamically chosen by d sending device.
>Destination Port-identify an app or sevice running in d server.

Socket-used to identify the server and service being requested by the two.
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) -standards body resp. for various
addressing standards including port numbers.
>Port #s: Well-known Ports: 0-1023
Registered Ports: 1024-49151
Private and/or Dynamic Ports: 49152-65535

Netstat--important network utility that can be used 2 ver. active conn. in a host
>used netstat to list protocols in use
>netstat command--will attempt to resolve IP addresses
>-n--this option can be used to display IP addresses

FIN TCP flag--used to terminate TCP connection

>ACK--to acknowledge

ISN (initial sequence number)--randomly chosen during the TCP session setup.
TCP--designed to confirm that each segment reached its destination
TCP session setup--ensures destination is not only reachable, ready to rcv data
TCP--handles all transport layer related task
Network Congestion--results in discarded packets

UDP--simple protocol;provides basic TLP;has much lower overhead

Registered Port Numbers--UDP based server apps are also assigned well known.
Client Application--UDP client-server comms is initiated by this.
>Apps for UDP: Live video and multimedia apps--can tolerate some data loss
Simple Request & Reply Apps--apps w/ simple transact. req+-reply
Applications that handle reliability themselves--unidirectional com.

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